Mayakovsky needs all sorts of professions. Mayakovsky V

Vladimir Mayakovsky poems
Anthology of Russian poetry


My years are growing
will be seventeen.
Where should I work then?
what to do?
Required employees -
joiners and carpenters!
Work furniture tricky:
take a log
and sawing boards
long and flat.
These boards
like this
From work
blazed hot.
From under the saw
sawdust falls.
in hand -
other work:
knots, squiggles
we plan with a planer.
Good shavings -
yellow toys.
And if
we need a ball
very round,
on a lathe
round sharpen.
Cooking a little
then the box
then a leg.
Have done so much
chairs and tables..............

Chit. Z. Bokareva

Bokareva Zinaida Alekseevna
1916, Moscow - 1993, Moscow
Radio, theater and TV artist, director. Honored Artist of the RSFSR.

The intonations of Bokareva the actress in the tales of P. P. Bazhov, broadcast on the radio since the 1940s, were firmly imprinted in the memory of the listeners. The actress showed deep penetration into the images of literary heroes in a number of roles performed in dramatizations of works of Western literature. Listeners listened with sympathy to the stories about the girl Cosette in a radio show based on the work of V. Hugo, the adventures of the heroes of fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm, etc. The spirituality of the actress, her “inner glow” allowed her to work in fruitful creative contact with recognized masters of theater, cinema and radio. On All-Union Radio, almost all of its labor activity. Over a long period of directorial work, she created dozens of solo concert programs, in which priority attention was paid to foreign poetry, the works of Russian poets (the performer was her husband, the artist V. V. Somov). How the director was awarded the title of laureate All-Russian competition reciters (1969).

Mayakovsky Vladimir Vladimirovich (1893 - 1930)
Russian Soviet poet. Born in Georgia, in the village of Baghdadi, in the family of a forester.
From 1902 he studied at the gymnasium in Kutaisi, then in Moscow, where after the death of his father he moved with his family. In 1908 he left the gymnasium, devoting himself to underground revolutionary work. At the age of fifteen he joined the RSDLP (b), carried out propaganda tasks. He was arrested three times, in 1909 he was imprisoned in Butyrskaya prison in solitary confinement. There he began to write poetry. From 1911 he studied at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. Having joined the Cubo-Futurists, in 1912 he published his first poem - "Night" - in the futuristic collection "A Slap in the Face of Public Taste".
The theme of the tragedy of human existence under capitalism permeates Mayakovsky's largest works of the pre-revolutionary years - the poems "A Cloud in Pants", "Flute-Spine", "War and Peace". Even then, Mayakovsky sought to create the poetry of "squares and streets", addressed to the broad masses. He believed in the nearness of the coming revolution.
Epos and lyrics, smashing satire and ROSTA propaganda posters - all this diversity of Mayakovsky's genres bears the stamp of his originality. In the lyric-epic poems "Vladimir Ilyich Lenin" and "Good!" the poet embodied the thoughts and feelings of a man of socialist society, the features of the era. Mayakovsky powerfully influenced the progressive poetry of the world - Johannes Becher and Louis Aragon, Nazim Hikmet and Pablo Neruda studied under him. In the later works "Klop" and "Banya" there is a powerful satire with elements of dystopia on Soviet reality.
In 1930 he committed suicide, unable to bear the internal conflict with the "bronze" Soviet age, in 1930, he was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery.

I think that the time has come to finish Mayakovsky's poem "Who to be":

For those who do not know this poem or have forgotten, I hide it under the cat.

Your options for lines about an official that begin with the words

"Sailor is good,
and the official is better,
I would go to the officials
let them teach me."

throw in the comments. The best ones will be published in a separate post.

Vladimir Mayakovsky WHO TO BE?

My years are growing
will be seventeen.
Where should I work then?
what to do?
Required employees -
joiners and carpenters!
Work furniture tricky:
take a log
and sawing boards
long and flat.
These boards
like this
From work
blazed hot.
From under the saw
sawdust falls.
in hand -
other work:
knots, squiggles
we plan with a planer.
Good shavings -
yellow toys.
And if
we need a ball
very round,
on a lathe
round sharpen.
Cooking a little
then the box
then a leg.
Have done so much
chairs and tables!

The carpenter is good
and the engineer
it is better,
I would go build a house,
let me teach.
I'll draw
which one I want.
The most important thing,
to be drawn
like alive.
It will be
called a façade.
everyone will understand
this is a bath
this is a garden.
The plan is ready
and around
one hundred works
for a thousand hands.
Forests abut
to the very heavens.
Where the work is hard
the winch screeches;
raises the beams
like sticks.
Drag the bricks
hardened in a furnace.
Tin was laid on the roof.
And the house is ready
and there is a roof.
Good house,
big house
on all four sides
and the guys will live in it
comfortable and spacious.

good engineer,
and the doctor
it is better,
I would go to treat children,
let me teach.
I will come to Petya,
I will come to Paul.
- Hello children!
Who is sick with you?
How do you live
how is the tummy? -
I'll take a look
from glasses
tongue ends.
- Put this thermometer
under the arm, kids.-
And put the children joyfully
thermometer under the arm.
- Would you
very good
swallow the powder
and potion
drink a little.
To you
go to bed
to sleep
to you -
compress on the stomach
and then
before the wedding
everything, of course, will heal.

The doctors are good
and the workers
it is better,
I would go to work
let me teach.
Get up!
The beep is calling
and we come to the factory.
The people - a whole lot,
one thousand two hundred.
What one won't do
let's do it together
cut with scissors,
hanging crane
we drag gravity;
steam hammer
oppression and rails with grass.
melting tin,
we rule by machines.
Everyone's work
needed equally.
I make nuts
and you
for nut
making screws.
And goes
everyone's work
straight to the assembly shop.
into even holes
There -
here -
the whole
And so
steam locomotive comes out
so that you
and U.S
and carried
and drove.

The factory is good
and on the tram
it is better,
I would go as a conductor
let me teach.
riding everywhere.
With a big leather bag
him always
him all day
trams can be used.
- Large and children,
take a ticket
different tickets,
take any
and blue.-
We ride rails.
The rail has ended
and we climbed down by the forest,
sit down
and warm up.

Good for the conductor
and the driver
it is better,
I would become a driver
let me teach.
Snorting ambulance,
flying, gliding
I am a good driver
can't be restrained.
Just say
where do you need -
without rail
I will deliver to the house.
"With pu-

It's good to be a driver
and the pilot
it is better,
I would go to the pilots
let me teach.
I pour gasoline into the tank,
I turn on the propeller.
"To heaven, motor, take,
for the birds to sing."
No need to be afraid
no rain
no hail.
I'm flying around a cloud
Soaring like a white seagull
flew over the sea.
without talking
I circle the mountain.
"Take it, motor,
to take us
up to the stars
and to the moon
although the moon
and mass of stars
quite distant."

The pilot is good
and the sailor
it is better,
I would go to sailors
let me teach.
I have a ribbon on my hat
on a sailor suit
I sailed this summer
conquer the oceans.
In vain, waves, jump -
sea ​​path
on the yards and on the mast
I'm climbing with a cat.
Give up, blizzard wind
give up, bad storm,
and the North

Turning over the book
wind yourself on your mustache -
all work is good
to taste!

"Who to be?" Vladimir Mayakovsky

My years are growing
will be seventeen.
Where should I work then?
what to do?
Required employees -
joiners and carpenters!
Work furniture tricky:
take a log
and sawing boards
long and flat.
These boards
like this
From work
blazed hot.
From under the saw
sawdust is falling.
in hand -
other work:
knots, squiggles
we plan with a planer.
Good shavings -
yellow toys.
And if
we need a ball
very round,
on a lathe
round sharpen.
Cooking a little
then the box
then a leg.
Have done so much
chairs and tables!

The carpenter is good
and the engineer
it is better,
I would go build a house,
let me teach.
I'll draw
which one I want.
The most important thing,
to be drawn
like alive.
It will be
called a façade.
everyone understands -
this is a bath
this is a garden.
The plan is ready
and around
one hundred works
for a thousand hands.
Forests abut
to the very heavens.
Where the work is hard
the winch screeches;
raises the beams
like sticks.
Drag the bricks
hardened in a furnace.
Tin was laid on the roof.
And the house is ready
and there is a roof.
Good house,
big house
on all four sides
and the guys will live in it
comfortable and spacious.

good engineer,
and the doctor
it is better,
I would go to treat children,
let me teach.
I will come to Petya,
I will come to Paul.
- Hello children!
Who is sick with you?
How do you live
how is the tummy? —
I'll take a look
from glasses
tongue ends.
- Put this thermometer
under the arm, kids.-
And put the children joyfully
thermometer under the arm.
- Would you
very good
swallow the powder
and potion
drink a little.
To you
go to bed
to sleep
to you -
compress on the stomach
and then
before the wedding
everything, of course, will heal.

The doctors are good
and the workers
it is better,
I would go to work
let me teach.
Get up!
The beep is calling
and we come to the factory.
The people - a whole lot,
one thousand two hundred.
What one won't do
let's do it together
cut with scissors,
hanging crane
we drag gravity;
steam hammer
oppression and rails with grass.
melting tin,
we rule by machines.
Everyone's work
needed equally.
I make nuts
and you
for nut
making screws.
And goes
everyone's work
straight to the assembly shop.
into even holes
There -
here -
the whole
And so
steam locomotive comes out
so that you
and U.S
and carried
and drove.

The factory is good
and on the tram
it is better,
I would go as a conductor
let me teach.
riding everywhere.
With a big leather bag
him always
him all day
trams can be used.
- Large and children,
take a ticket
different tickets,
take any
and blue.-
We ride rails.
The rail has ended
and we climbed down by the forest,
sit down
and warm up.

Good for the conductor
and the driver
it is better,
I would become a driver
let me teach.
Snorting ambulance,
flying, gliding
I am a good driver
can't be restrained.
Just say
where do you need -
without rail
I will deliver to the house.
"With pu-

It's good to be a driver
and the pilot
it is better,
I would go to the pilots
let me teach.
I pour gasoline into the tank,
I turn on the propeller.
"To heaven, motor, take,
for the birds to sing."
No need to be afraid
no rain
no hail.
I'm flying around a cloud
Soaring like a white seagull
flew over the sea.
without talking
I circle the mountain.
"Take it, motor,
to take us
up to the stars
and to the moon
although the moon
and mass of stars
quite distant."

The pilot is good
and the sailor
it is better,
I would go to sailors
let me teach.
I have a ribbon on my hat
on a sailor suit
I sailed this summer
conquer the oceans.
In vain, waves, jump -
sea ​​path
on the yards and on the mast
I'm climbing with a cat.
Give up, blizzard wind
give up, bad storm,
and the North

Turning over the book
wind yourself up -
all work is good
to taste!

Analysis of Mayakovsky's poem "Who to be?"

The positive images of adults created in Mayakovsky's children's poetry are busy with creative work for the benefit of the new society. Each of the characters has a certain profession, acts as a specialist in his field, confidently owning a particular craft. The poet considers it necessary and useful to tell children how this or that product appears. In the work "Horse-Fire", a children's toy becomes the result of the well-coordinated work of energetic and benevolent people of different professions.

In the poetic text of 1928, which has become a classic of Soviet literature, the author continues a sincere emotional conversation that determines the moral life guidelines of small citizens. The question that made up the title of the work indicates the topic of the conversation - the choice of profession. It sounds from the lips of the younger reader Mayakovsky. Like the responsible father from "", lyrical hero patiently, intelligibly, with gentle humor informs the child about the features of the vast world of professions. The author is convinced that the new republic needs independent, dedicated people, and the education of such qualities is a priority pedagogical goal.

The driving force behind the composition of the poem is the principle of the game. Young listeners take turns trying on different images, like carnival costumes. Having played enough and having felt the external specifics of the profession, they turn to the next lesson. The refrain serves as a signal to change the topic.

Interestingly, the image of everyday work is given from a point of view that combines adult and child perception. The manipulations of the doctor, his questions and appointments, or the advantages of the work of the conductor, who enjoys riding the tram - these and other details testify to the special position of the subject of speech, which models the original artistic space of the text. It is she who determines the specifics of specific paths: wood shavings seem like "yellow toys", and the car "snorts" like mounts.

The expression of the game is conveyed by numerous means of sound writing and rhythm, which the poet masterfully masters. Most expressive examples- in episodes that convey the speed of the car and the noise in the assembly shop.

The central place in the enumeration of thumbnail pictures belongs to the images of workers employed in the field of transport engineering. Here the theme of joyful unity, close-knit creative work, which is significant for Mayakovsky's poetics, reaches its climax.

The linnet sings on the pine tree The snow has melted in the clearing to be spring But the whole forest is a little chilly in the morning The songbird's paws are freezing

The forelock from the cold is disheveled, it is more difficult to sing

Boole the sun, warm it up well

write down the words that have

1) unstressed vowels in the root of the word checked by stress

2) checked consonants at the end and in the middle of a word

3) separators b and b signs

Underline the words that have the suffix -k-. mink weed old woman cleaning lesson Underline the words whose root matches the base. table hawk berry

prick tape
Underline the name of the part of the word that changes the form of the word. root suffix ending prefix
Without which part the word cannot exist, underline. root suffix ending prefix
Underline the words in which the first letter O is a prefix.
Underline the words that correspond to the pattern of copse find aspen
Underline the words with the same root.
Underline the words that have the prefix POD-.
Find and underline the words-synonyms.beautiful terrible charming beautiful good red
Underline the antonym for the word STRONG important weak strong powerful
Choose a sentence in which the word WAKE UP is used in its direct meaning. A) Tanya woke up very early. B) Spring came and nature slowly woke up. C) The dog shuddered and woke up.
Underline the word that corresponds to the interpretation of "a dish of cooked cereals" porridge soup compote
Underline the word that the words WHITE - BLACK are called synonyms antonyms polysemantic words immutable words
Underline the word close in meaning to the word RUN crawl move fly Underline the prefix that will give the word drive the opposite meaning.


1.Indicate the word that matches the following phonetic characteristics: one syllable, one vowel; 4 consonants - voiced, paired, solid paired; deaf steam room, soft steam room; deaf double, soft double
1) six 2) a handful 3) a day 4) will eat

2. Indicate a word that has the same composition as the word "night".
1) herbs 2) transitions 3) droop 4) bones
3. Specify the verb of the 2nd conjugation.
1) eat 2) serve 3) accumulate 4) use
4. Choose an eternal affirmation. In a sentence
The camel is well adapted to life (n.) in the desert
in the underlined (LIFE) noun ending - AND, BECAUSE
1) noun 3 declension prepositional
2) existent 3 skon. dative case
3) existing 3rd slope. genitive
4) existing 1 scone. genitive

My years are growing
will be seventeen.
Where should I work then?
what to do?
Required employees -
joiners and carpenters!
Work furniture tricky:
take a log
and sawing boards
long and flat.
These boards
like this
From work
blazed hot.
From under the saw
sawdust falls.
in hand -
other work:
knots, squiggles
we plan with a planer.
Good shavings -
yellow toys.
And if
we need a ball
very round,
on a lathe
round sharpen.
Cooking a little
then the box
then a leg.
Have done so much
chairs and tables!

The carpenter is good
and the engineer
it is better,
I would go build a house,
let me teach.
I'll draw
which one I want.
The most important thing,
to be drawn
like alive.
It will be
called a façade.
everyone understands -
this is a bath
this is a garden.
The plan is ready
and around
one hundred works
for a thousand hands.
Forests abut
to the very heavens.
Where the work is hard
the winch screeches;
raises the beams
like sticks.
Drag the bricks
hardened in a furnace.
Tin was laid on the roof.
And the house is ready
and there is a roof.
Good house,
big house
on all four sides
and the guys will live in it
comfortable and spacious.

good engineer,
and the doctor
it is better,
I would go to treat children,
let me teach.
I will come to Petya,
I will come to Paul.
- Hello children!
Who is sick with you?
How do you live
how is the tummy? —
I'll take a look
from glasses
tongue ends.
- Put this thermometer
under the arm, kids.-
And put the children joyfully
thermometer under the arm.
- Would you
very good
swallow the powder
and potion
drink a little.
To you
go to bed
to sleep
to you -
compress on the stomach
and then
before the wedding
everything, of course, will heal.

The doctors are good
and the workers
it is better,
I would go to work
let me teach.
Get up!
The beep is calling
and we come to the factory.
The people - a whole lot,
one thousand two hundred.
What one won't do
let's do it together
cut with scissors,
hanging crane
we drag gravity;
steam hammer
oppression and rails with grass.
melting tin,
we rule by machines.
Everyone's work
needed equally.
I make nuts
and you
for nut
making screws.
And goes
everyone's work
straight to the assembly shop.
into even holes
There -
here -
the whole
And so
steam locomotive comes out
so that you
and U.S
and carried
and drove.

The factory is good
and on the tram
it is better,
I would go as a conductor
let me teach.
riding everywhere.
With a big leather bag
him always
him all day
trams can be used.
- Large and children,
take a ticket
different tickets,
take any
and blue.-
We ride rails.
The rail has ended
and we climbed down by the forest,
sit down
and warm up.

Good for the conductor
and the driver
it is better,
I would become a driver
let me teach.
Snorting ambulance,
flying, gliding
I am a good driver
can't be restrained.
Just say
where do you need -
without rail
I will deliver to the house.
"From the way

It's good to be a driver
and the pilot
it is better,
I would go to the pilots
let me teach.
I pour gasoline into the tank,
I turn on the propeller.
"To heaven, motor, take,
for the birds to sing."
No need to be afraid
no rain
no hail.
I'm flying around a cloud
Soaring like a white seagull
flew over the sea.
without talking
I circle the mountain.
"Take it, motor,
to take us
up to the stars
and to the moon
although the moon
and mass of stars
quite distant."

The pilot is good
and the sailor
it is better,
I would go to sailors
let me teach.
I have a ribbon on my hat
on a sailor suit
I sailed this summer
conquer the oceans.
In vain, waves, jump -
sea ​​path
on the yards and on the mast
I'm climbing with a cat.
Give up, blizzard wind
give up, bad storm,
and the North

Turning over the book
wind yourself up -
all work is good
to taste!

Analysis of the poem "Who to be?" Mayakovsky

Main part literary works Vladimir Mayakovsky was aimed at an adult audience, but he also had children's poems in his arsenal. One of the most striking and popular examples is the poem "Whom to be?", Written in the summer of 1928.

A little about the creation of the work and its first editions

Mayakovsky presented this work at a children's book festival in Moscow. In 1929, a year after the first edition of What to Be? it was republished in another copy, supplemented with pictures drawn by N. Shifrin. In the 20th century, the book became one of the most popular on the shelves of bookstores, it could be seen in the hands of almost every child. In the next 4 years after the publication, the book was reissued annually, in large numbers.

Theme and idea of ​​the poem

Turning the pages of the book "Who to be?", The reader can see a lot of working professions, from which the child in the future will have to choose one that he likes best. On each page, the writer gives the main character "overalls", and talks about the principle of work and the intricacies of a particular profession. In a playful way, Mayakovsky helps young readers feel like doctors, sailors, carpenters, and other workers.

Of course, such a plot of the poem and its presentation were accessible and understandable even to the smallest readers, which is the reason for such popularity of the work.

Vladimir Mayakovsky in the poem "Who to be?" tried to create positive images of adult professions, successfully combining both adult and children's worldview and perception. The poet believed that a child from an early age should begin to think about who he will become in the future, and what level of life he would like to achieve.

Mayakovsky's masterful style and acquaintance with working professions

Children's poem by Vladimir Mayakovsky "Who to be?" written with childlike kindness and sincerity, there is also a small amount of gentle humor, with the help of which the reader learns the essence of professions.

In his work, Mayakovsky skillfully and quickly introduces readers to future professions. Like a carnival costume, a child can change occupations in the adult world.

The doctors in the poem willingly take up the treatment of young children, prescribing them treatment and bed rest, in the end saying that if all the doctor's recommendations are followed, everything will definitely heal before the wedding. The conductors are glad that they have chosen just such a profession, and they go to work with joy and pleasure. Even simple sawdust and shavings seem like “yellow toys” in the poem, and vehicles “snort” like real horses. In each new line of the children's book, the reader clearly sees how the poet relates to children and how important it is for him right choice professions.

The most striking examples of successfully conveyed rhythm and sounds can be seen in the first half of the poem, where the working noise in the workshop for assembling parts, as well as the fast speed of the car, are described in colors.

In his works, Vladimir Mayakovsky always touched on topics important to people. The poem "Who to be?" was no exception, rather, on the contrary, once again showed a masterful style and a successful presentation of ideas. With the help of this work, the poet offers a choice of many different working professions, describing their importance and advantages for young readers with the help of rhyme, sense of humor and children's cartoon illustrations.