How to put plastic slopes correctly. Slopes for plastic windows - how to make and install it yourself

Installation of slopes is not included in the scope of services of most companies that install plastic double-glazed windows. And if it does, then often for their arrangement they expose an exorbitantly high payment. However, with the appropriate materials and equipment, as well as basic knowledge, this task can be completed without the involvement of specialists. How to make the slopes of plastic windows with your own hands will be discussed in this article. There are 3 main ways to install slopes: installation of PVC or gypsum sheets, plastering. Thanks to the slopes, hydro and thermal insulation is provided.

Plastering the slopes will take time. This method of trimming slopes is usually performed during major renovations. At the same time, in the process of in-line cosmetic repairs, as a rule, other methods of finishing the slopes are chosen. This is due to the fact that in the process of plastering and puttying, the wallpaper around the opening will certainly be damaged, which will lead to the need to replace them. If, when dismantling the old surface of the slope, its edge crumbled, then it is necessary to install a metal corner.

The first beacon should be installed at the window block in such a way that the plaster lies on the frame by at least 50 mm. Moreover, it is installed strictly horizontally. The second beacon should be installed at the corners of the slope. Along the entire perimeter, the distance between the beacons should be the same.

Dry gypsum plaster is quite suitable for finishing window slopes from the inside of the room. The easiest way is to mix it with a construction mixer. If you need to cover deep potholes in old slopes, then this type of plaster is just better for you than a sand-cement mixture.

So, add sand to the mixture at the rate of ½. This is if you have to make a layer of more than 3 cm. In this case, the sand must be sifted. As for the external window slopes, they need to be treated with a cement mixture or a starting facade putty. Moreover, it must contain a water-repellent composition.

To prevent the glass of plastic windows from sweating during the cold season, the slopes should be insulated before plastering. It is worth considering that single-chamber double-glazed windows will definitely "sweat", and if you do not insulate the slopes, then condensation will also collect on them and then bloom will appear.

The plaster should be applied in several layers. Moreover, each of them requires preliminary drying. First, sprinkle, then in 1–2 layers of soil and a finishing layer. For the final leveling of the surface, the slopes should be putty. In this case, the layer of putty should be small. After drying, the fine putty is sanded with fine-grained emery paper or a sander. The cracks at the joints of the putty and the door block should be covered with a sealant, which can later be painted. The joint should be cut with a clerical knife by 2–3 mm at an angle of 45º. Then the recess is primed. The resulting groove should be sealed. In this case, the strip should be as flat as possible, which will help you with masking tape. The sealant is leveled with a rubber trowel. Then you can remove the tape.

Before painting the slope, it must be primed. The paint is applied to the slope in two layers. The next layer is applied after the previous one has dried. It will take you about a week to complete all stages of the slope plastering work.

Drywall slopes are more practical than their plastic counterparts. If such a slope from gypsum plasterboard (drywall) is damaged, then it can be repaired. To do this, you will need to putty the plasterboard slope, sand it and paint it. Installing slopes from gypsum plasterboard does not require special skills, but it will take a lot of time to install them.

All work consists of several sequential stages:

  • installation of the frame;
  • laying plasterboard;
  • primer before putty;
  • putty;
  • primer before painting;
  • painting.

A significant drawback of such slopes is that they absorb moisture. Therefore, they cannot be installed in rooms with high humidity and for outdoor decoration.

High-quality metal-plastic windows are equipped with a profile for mounting slopes made of moisture-resistant gypsum plasterboard. The presence / absence of a profile can be checked with the manufacturer before purchasing windows.

Immediately before starting the installation of the window, the profile is installed in a specially prepared groove. If there is no groove, then use a galvanized L-profile. This profile is screwed to the edge of the frame. You can insert the cut strips of plasterboard into it. Drywall should be as accurate as possible. Apply acrylic sealant to the profile, and then insert drywall into it. Fill in the distance from the window side to the slope with mineral wool. At the end of the drywall, gently and evenly press it against the wall.

If you have to install the slopes of expensive wooden double-glazed windows, then the algorithm of actions will be slightly different:

  • Plasterboard is installed on the edge of the window profile. To have the same gap around the perimeter of the window, you can make a template.
  • The fragment that is adjacent to the window must be filled with foam. For a tight adhesion to the wall, glue is used.
  • On the window profile, which is located closer to the edge, adjacent to the plasterboard, tape should be glued in such a way that the indent along the entire perimeter is 2–3 mm.
  • Then the acrylic sealant should be applied with a gun. Smooth the sealant with a damp finger, and then remove its excess from the window surface. After that, you should remove the masking tape.

Plasterboard installation without a frame is usually used when finishing old slopes. At the beginning of work, the surface is completely cleaned of the old finish. Primer the prepared surface.

The drywall is attached to the profile with self-tapping screws and apply the Perfilix adhesive mixture in a dotted manner. Given that this mixture hardens very quickly, drywall should be measured and cut off in advance.

So that the gypsum board is fixed, and the glue is evenly distributed, it should be pressed with a bar and gently tapped with a rubber hammer. To fix the upper slope, install a spacer to the windowsill. The upper slope is fixed with spacers to the window sill. In order for the surface to be fixed, it must be kept in this position for at least an hour. For the glue to dry completely, it is enough to wait up to three days.

During this time, the junction of the drywall and the wall should not be repaired, due to this, the adhesive mixture will dry faster. As for the edges of the slope, they can be covered with a sealant. At the end, the surface is putty with a finishing putty, sanded and painted.

Plastic slopes are the easiest to install. Their advantage is their durability and resistance to moisture, and they do not need to be looked after in any special way. The tone of the plastic can be selected depending on the color of the window, as well as the style of the room. To carry out heat and sound insulation, you need to purchase penoizol / mineral wool in advance. Plastic slopes can also be installed on an old base or installed from scratch.

The peculiarity of plastic slopes is that they can be used for finishing window openings inside and outside. They can be installed even on the day the glass unit is installed. So, there are several types of them:

  • Made of foamed plastic.
  • Made of plasterboard with plastic coating.

Increasingly, sandwich panels have begun to be used to finish the slopes. This is due to the low cost of the material, with high moisture resistance. So, sandwich panels can be glossy, matte or with a relief imitating wood. Their structure is similar to that of a sponge. This, in turn, improves the thermal insulation properties of the slopes. In this case, panels with a thickness of 1 cm are used.

Along the outer edge of the opening, a wooden rail is fixed strictly according to the level with self-tapping screws. In this case, the load of the slope will be taken over by the rail, which means that it must be fixed thoroughly.

The starting profile is installed in the groove. A slope is subsequently fixed to it, and then insulated. In this case, the insulation is placed under the plastic. The outer edge of the slopes should be fixed to the wall with self-tapping screws or dowels.

If the slopes are installed on brackets, then the algorithm of actions will be as follows:

  • The first bracket is attached to the wall. Double-sided mounting tape will help you with this, and the second - to the slope.
  • The brackets must be connected together with self-tapping screws.
  • The side slopes must be fixed to the windowsill with glue, and then connected to the neighboring ones.
  • Then the seams are sealed.

Foamed PVC slopes have a relatively smooth surface. They can be cut with a grinder. If you need to fold the PVC, make cuts at the folds. The shape of a semicircle for finishing a slope is easiest to make from foamed PVC. In this case, the furrows should not exceed one third of the slope thickness.

The cuts must be processed with an adhesive.

Glue is applied to the grooves in the polyurethane foam, and then the panel is installed. As described above, in the subsection on the installation of plasterboard slopes, you need to install a metal profile in the box. Then you can attach the PVC foam to it. The space between the wall and the plastic should be filled with foam, leaving small gaps as the foam will swell.

Then you need to fix the profile to the outer corner. Treat the joints with silicone. In this case, it is important to smooth its surface. This can be done with a damp cloth / rubber spatula. Installation of plastic-coated plasterboard slopes is carried out in a similar way.

Self-installation of slopes is an opportunity to acquire new useful skills and at the same time save good money. In addition, with proper installation of slopes, you can hide defects in construction and repair work and some shortcomings that were made during the installation of PVC windows.


To better understand the progress of this work, we suggest you watch the video.

When cladding a house internally or externally, it is sometimes necessary to remove old slopes and replace them with new ones. You can clad window openings with plaster, drywall, wood and even ceramic tiles. But most often plastic is used as cladding: a material with high resistance to ultraviolet radiation and good decorative properties. You will learn how to make slopes on windows with your own hands after reading this article.

Preliminary work

1. Leaving window openings without cladding for a long time is not worth it, since the foam, laid between the window and the wall for insulation, very quickly collapses under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. If she already changed color and began to crumble, it should be carefully removed.

Important! When working in cold seasons, use only "winter" foam that can harden even at low temperatures.

3. In order for the foam to harden more evenly, too large gaps (from 6 cm) are foamed in several steps... You should wait about 10 minutes between each entry. Excess foam cut off.

Foaming the joint between the wall and the window frame

Excess foam is cut off with a sharp knife.

4. If at the joints of the window frame with the wall appears fungus, plaster with places of damage is removed completely. Then the slope is carefully processed with any antifungal drug... An antiseptic should also be added to the solution when applying a new layer of plaster.

Fungus-covered window

5. Avoid the reappearance of the fungus will help thorough warming places of joints of a window and a frame with polyurethane foam.

Cladding of internal slopes

1. If the windows are covered protective film, it should not be removed before the completion of the work. It will not only help to avoid contamination of the frame, but also protect it from mechanical damage. If the protective film is no longer there, the window frame can be glued with construction tape. To protect against contamination, a plastic film is attached to the glass.

To protect the glass from contamination, it is better to cover it with a film.

2. First, the frame of the slope is formed. To do this, lay along the perimeter of the window opening wooden lath 10-20 mm. It is secured with 51mm self-tapping screws.

Wooden batten along the perimeter of the window

3. Very often, to prevent the accumulation of condensate, the windows are installed by installers with a slight slope, so the alignment of the battens should be done not with a level, but visually... Otherwise, they will only emphasize the curvature of the window. You can align the slats using wooden linings.

Checking the horizontal slopes

4. If the design of the opening allows this, a 10 mm deep groove is prepared in the mounting foam on the sides of the frame and in its upper part (its location is checked with a level), into which it will be inserted U-shaped plastic starting profile on which the slopes are attached. If this is not possible, it is allowed to fasten it with screws directly to the window frame.

Fastening the starter profile to the frame

5. Further, into the grooves of the starting profile are inserted side slope elements... They are used PVC sheet plastic... It is cut to the size of the window opening and attached to polyurethane foam or liquid nails.

Measuring side slope elements before cutting

6. If necessary, lay between the side elements of the slopes and the window opening mineral wool layer.

7. The last to be installed C-profiles with a snap... To form an angle of 45 °, both profiles are cut out with a hacksaw at their intersection. Instead of C-profiles for finishing, you can use conventional plastic corners or metal corners.

Sawing the corner of C-profiles

8. All joints between the parts are coated silicone sealant... Since it absorbs the finest dust quickly enough, you should work with it only after thoroughly cleaning the room and washing the windows.

Sealing joints

9. For reliable fixing of the slopes during the drying of the polyurethane foam, they are attached to the jamb masking tape... They take it off in a day.

Fixation with masking tape

10. Finishing slopes drywall similar to the plastic finish. Instead of polyurethane foam, gypsum glue or wooden lathing can be used to fix the side parts of the slope.

Finishing slopes with plasterboard

11. Facing of street slopes is no different from their interior decoration. They can be finished not only with plastic, but also with cement mortar, followed by painting with acrylic paint.

How to plaster the slopes?

1. For finishing street slopes it is better to use cement mortar or facade plaster... For facing the slopes inside the house, you can use a gypsum or lime-gypsum solution.

2. To form the frame of the slope from its outer side, they are fastened with self-tapping screws. wooden slats.

3. Plastering is done by lighthouses... To do this, a straight line is drawn parallel to the window frame, along which a solution is applied every 25-30 cm with slaps ("marks"). It is pressed into Lighthouse- a small metal strip in width. As it, you can use drywall blanks with a width of 20 mm. The force of indentation into the solution is controlled using a level.

Beacon alignment

Advice. Finishing should start from the uppermost slope - in this case, the side ones will press it.

4. After the lighthouses have dried, a solution is applied between them, which is leveled with a wide spatula.

5. Along the perimeter of the windows are glued with a solution or screwed on painting corners made of plastic or metal.

Installation of painting corners

Advice. When applying too large a layer of mortar to prevent it from cracking, it is better to use painting net... It is pressed into the solution, and then the excess is removed with a spatula.

Plastering on a paint grid

Video: How to make slopes on windows with your own hands

Today, many construction companies are switching to the use of new technologies and new standards. In all new buildings, only plastic windows are installed; in all houses, windows are also changed. It is worth knowing that after the windows are installed, you have to make slopes. They can be made from any material, but the most commonly used materials are drywall and plastic.

Foam is not thermal insulation, it is also necessary to use additional materials for it, they can protect the windows from cooling.

Types of slopes for windows

The most commonly used plaster slopes, plasterboard and plastic.

Plastering slopes were popular in the olden days. In fact, they have more disadvantages than advantages. First of all, they can lose their color, if the house sags, then the plaster will surely move away from the wall. These slopes are quite labor intensive because they take several days to install.

The plaster is applied in several layers, and each layer dries for a long time. Then the layers are primed and painted. In addition, such slopes do not provide protection against temperature changes, the windows will sweat.

Slopes drywall are more durable, they have excellent thermal insulation, but at the same time they are afraid of moisture, that is, they are best installed in rooms where thermal insulation is provided. However, installing such an option requires a good specialist, besides, then it still requires a primer and painting.

The most universal is considered to be plastic slopes. They are very practical, do not fade and care is quite easy. The plastic is durable and can last for over fifteen years. Such plastic will be in perfect harmony with the window, if you choose the right shade. Plastic is quite easy to mount, if you study the technology itself, then there is always the opportunity to do this work yourself.

Plastic sandwich panels are often used as an option. They fit under the frame and can be matte or glossy.

Installation of slopes from sandwich panels

The profile for fixing the slopes is made of sandwich panels, the thickness of which is not more than 1 cm. The profile is attached to the opening, and any options can be used, most often the fastening is carried out using self-tapping screws and dowels. In some versions, fastening with brackets made of galvanized iron is used, the thickness is not more than 1 mm. The bracket is attached to the wall and to the slope using foam. The brackets are connected to each other by means of self-tapping screws.

If the window is supposed to be decorated with integral PVC or plasterboard, then you can give it any shape. Integral PVC is able to bend at any angle, while special cuts are made. The incisions are fixed with a special adhesive. In fact, the installation is done according to the same scheme as the installation of sandwich panels, using self-tapping screws, dowels and a profile.

The sandwich panels are fastened in a certain sequence:

  • along the perimeter of the entire opening, guides are attached using self-tapping screws of the appropriate size,
  • holes in the wall for the guides are made with a drill or puncher. Make sure that they are attached perfectly evenly, it is better to control the process with a level,
  • the plastic panel should be adjusted in size so that it fits clearly into the guides,
  • the surplus of the panel is cut along the depth of the slope and the free spaces are filled with sealant and sealed with a special masking tape until completely dry,
  • after the sealant has dried, decorative plastic corners are installed.
  • Useful. Which blinds are best for home? Let's try to disassemble together:

    Tools and materials

    To install conventional plastic slopes, the following materials and tools are required:

    • a six-meter strip of plastic with a thickness of 8 mm,
    • starting strip,
    • strip F, that is, a strip of plastic of a special shape,
    • rail 15 mm thick,
    • level,
    • staples and stapler,
    • white silicone,
    • puncher,
    • mineral wool,
    • metal scissors,
    • self-tapping screws.
    • Useful. During the operation of plastic windows, their adjustment may be required - more about this.

      Steps for installing slopes

      Installation is carried out in several stages. Initially, wooden slats are recruited, the main thing is that the lights do not protrude. The slats are attached to the wall using a puncher. You can use wooden blocks for leveling. At the same time, ideality at the joints is not so necessary.

      A starting strip is nailed along the edge of the plastic window. It is important that a strip of plastic will be attached to the groove of the starting strip. If you did not have wallpaper pasted over, then you can tear off the film and glue them, because the dirty work will be finished. Before stuffing the F-ki, it is important to cut it correctly.

      After the strip is filled, there will be an overlap, which is removed with metal scissors. It is attached with a stapler to a wooden rail. At the last stage, the plastic is attached and the wall is immediately insulated.

      The plastic is attached, and cotton wool is put in front of it, everything will turn out tightly and beautifully. If you do not get even and beautiful corners, then they can always be wiped with white silicone.

It often happens that after the installation of windows, the opening does not look the best way and needs to be repaired. And the best option to get rid of protruding foam, pieces of plaster and other flaws is to install slopes on plastic windows with your own hands. Correctly designed slopes will give the windows a complete aesthetic look.

Reasons to install

Plastic windows can be considered correctly installed only if the slopes are installed correctly, in compliance with the rules. They carry a certain part of the thermal insulation load, thus preventing the installation seams from fogging up. With improper finishing or due to temperature changes, the structure of building materials can collapse. Therefore, it is important to install slopes in compliance with the technology.

Plaster finishing

This option is now considered quite obsolete because it has more disadvantages than advantages. But you can still consider this possibility.

There are two main advantages of this type of finish:

  • Low installation costs.
  • If the windows were installed close to the walls, then this is the only possible option.

Unfortunately, there are much more disadvantages in this method, so you should think about the negative consequences of its use.

Among the disadvantages are the following:

If, after weighing all the pros and cons, you come to the conclusion that you cannot do without plaster, feel free to get down to business.

Using drywall

This material has been very popular lately. A lot of structures are made from it, including slopes for walls. When installing it, you can face difficulties, but there are much fewer of them than when finishing with plaster.

The indisputable advantages of using this material are:

But, like any other material, drywall also has its drawbacks:

  • During the installation, a large number of tools and materials are used.
  • It is very sensitive to high humidity, so it is best not to use it in an aggressive environment.
  • Insulation is required.

Now you can go directly to the installation of slopes. Tools and materials required for installation:

Now that the necessary tools are near, you can get to work. First, we fix wooden blocks along the entire perimeter of the window flush with the wall. The bars are fastened with dowels. Then, using a clerical knife, a sheet of foam and drywall is cut. Insulation is laid between the bars and pressed using a ready-made slope segment. Drywall is screwed into wooden blocks with a step of about 20 cm around the perimeter.

After all the slopes are fixed, we proceed to puttying. The putty mixture is applied to the sheet in a thin layer and covers the irregularities and caps of the screws.

The next stage is painting. You can paint in the usual way, the task is not to stain the windows. When the paint is dry, you can start decorating the corners. For this, plastic corners are cut to the required length and attached with glue to the surface.

Plastic materials

Plastic slopes have huge advantages over plaster:

When replacing old windows, the window opening can be severely damaged, therefore it is important to fill the resulting voids. In some cases, the gaps are not visible, but it still comes through from the window. This suggests that there was a depressurization of the seams after installation work.

Thermal insulation methods

If you carry out the installation of slopes according to all the rules, then they need to be insulated with high quality. Thermal insulation is achieved simply: it is necessary to install insulation under the plastic layer.

Warming can be done in 2 ways:

  1. Insulate the space with foam or mineral wool from the inside of the window.
  2. Fill the cracks at the junction of the window opening and the PVC frame with foam.

It is advisable to insulate the gap within 50 mm on a smooth surface with Isover, sheet polystyrene or expanded polystyrene. If the wall is uneven, it is better to use mineral wool. From the outside, the gaps can be filled with polyurethane foam.

Well-insulated multilayer walls in themselves perfectly protect the window opening from external factors, therefore it is not necessary to insulate the slopes, it is enough to walk with the mounting foam through all the gaps outside.

Installation of plastic slopes

Now let's look at how to make slopes on windows out of plastic. Required tools:

  • Sheet plastic 8 mm, enough 6 meters.
  • The starting strip is U-shaped and F-shaped.
  • Hammer drill or drill.
  • Building level.
  • Metal scissors.
  • Square.
  • Pencil.
  • Sealant and self-tapping screws.

As in the case of drywall, do-it-yourself plastic slopes should be mounted from bars and foam. Then we attach the starting profile to the window frame with glue, you can fix the profile to the bar on construction brackets for greater reliability.

The next step is to attach the F-profile to the bar that goes along the wall.

Now comes the most difficult stage - the installation of the panels. Since the profiles that were previously fixed are made of plastic - they bend easily, this will help to bring them into the F-profile. But before that, you need to insert one edge of the slope into the starting element and push it all the way.

Then you need gently wring out the inner edges F - profile and bring the panel inside. If the work is done correctly, the profile should return to its original position and securely fix the panel.

Installation of external slopes

There are several options for installing and preparing external slopes. The most common methods for installing slopes are:

  1. Made of plasterboard covered with plastic.
  2. From sandwich panels.
  3. Made of foamed plastic.

Sandwich panels or plastic panels are cut using an electric saw or metal scissors. Then the starter profile is mounted with dowels in the window opening during the installation of the window. Next, slopes are attached to this base. For installation work, galvanized brackets and mounting tape are used. The brackets are fastened with self-tapping screws, and on their basis the slopes are fixed tightly against the window sill. The corners are lubricated with sealant.

Plasterboard slopes with PVC sheet cladding are mounted with "liquid nails". It is necessary to ensure that no traces of deformation remain on the surface of the plastic.

One of the options - is the use of foamed PVC. By cutting, it can be bent to the desired shape. For the rest, PVC has a common installation technology with sandwich panels.

The window installation process is coming to an end and you are already in anticipation of the new appearance of the room? However, do not forget about the slopes, without which an aesthetic picture clearly cannot be obtained. How to make slopes on plastic windows? How difficult is it to do it yourself? You can get answers to these questions by reading the article.

As a result of reading our article, you will have the same beautiful window.

Why plastic slopes

Nowadays, plastic slopes are becoming more and more popular. A one-piece design that fits into any interior quite harmoniously, low cost and ease of installation, allowing you to do all the work yourself - these are the main competitive advantages of panels made of plastic.

There are two ways to make plastic slopes with your own hands:

  1. by using start profiles;
  2. without using a start profile.

Method using the start profile

Method without a start profile

The starting profile allows you to install the slopes as smoothly as possible, which, in turn, will affect the correct shape of the window as a whole. In addition, its use in the construction of slopes allows you to obtain a strong sealed connection. However, there are times when using a start profile is difficult or impossible. For example, if the distance from the wall to the frame is too small.


The advantages of plastic slopes include the following factors:

  • low cost;
  • rather long service life;
  • a wide range of colors and, as a result, the ability to decorate any room;
  • ease of care, because dirt is perfectly removed from the plastic with a damp cloth;
  • quick and easy installation;
  • the possibility of using both indoors and outdoors.


The disadvantages of plastic slopes include exposure to high temperatures. In addition, if for some reason a crack or hole appears on the plastic, you will have to completely change the panel.

Choosing the thickness of the panels for the slopes

For clarity of the process, we have prepared for you a scheme for finishing the slope in the "section"

If you have made your choice in favor of plastic slopes, let's figure out how to make them yourself. The first thing you come across is buying the panels themselves. Do not choose them with a thickness of less than 8 mm. Based on the dimensions of your window opening, take panels with a small margin, especially if this is your first slope.

In addition, you will also need the following materials:

  • polyurethane foam;
  • wooden blocks that will be attached to the side and top sides of the window opening;
  • self-tapping screws and dowels for fixing the starting profile and wooden blocks;
  • the starting profile itself and the F-shaped bar;
  • silicone in the color of plastic panels;
  • decorative corners;
  • liquid Nails.

Do not forget that slopes can be made only 36 hours after the installation of the window is completed. It is during this period that the polyurethane foam finally solidifies.

Installation of slopes using a starter profile

Procedure (photos can be enlarged by clicking on them):

What to do if the distance from the panel to the wall is too great

If the distance from the wall to the future slope is quite large, it is reasonable to make another frame of wooden blocks along the outer perimeter of the window opening:

  1. An F-shaped bar was creped to it, also with the help of construction brackets.
  2. We insulate the space between the wall and the future slope, and then insert the panel with one edge into the starting profile, and the other into the F-shaped bar.
  3. After that, we fix each panel to the F-shaped strip using brackets with a step of 20-30 cm at an angle of 45 degrees, install decorative corners and seal all joints with silicone.

When working with polyurethane foam, you should be aware of several features. If the surface is smooth, the adhesion level will not be very good. In order to avoid this, the surface that will later face the wall should be treated with sandpaper and a primer. In addition, for the foam to fully cure, the surface must be slightly damp. For this reason, we spray the wall of the slope with water as little as possible.

Installation without using a starter profile

The procedure, the first steps are the same as for the first method:

1. We completely clean the walls of debris and foam that interferes with the work.

2. Also, do not forget to protect the glass and frame from possible damage, for example, with mounting tape.

3. We measure the size of all external window openings and cut out wooden blocks of the required size.

The slats are fixed around the perimeter

4. Bars are evenly fastened on each side using self-tapping screws. We recessed the caps of the self-tapping screws a few mm into the wood.

Cut in the foam across the width of the panels

5. We measure the width of the plastic panel and exactly the same amount of foam is cut around the entire perimeter of the frame.

6. We carefully mark the panels (taking into account 1 cm, which will go into the foam and should take a little as a reserve) and cut out. For more convenience, you can use cardboard or old wallpaper as a stencil. If the cut edge is uneven, it should be processed with a file or sandpaper.

Insert the top panel

7. Insert the panel with one edge 1 cm into the cut-out prepared in the foam, and with the other we fix it to the wooden block. The easiest way is to use a construction stapler, driving the staples every 20-30 cm at a 45-degree angle.

Something like this it should turn out

8. The cavity between the wall and the slope is insulated with mineral wool or polyurethane foam.

We fix the joints with masking tape until the foam sets.

9. The points of contact between the wall and the slope are covered with decorative corners fixed on liquid nails.

10. All joints are sealed with silicone.

Final view

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in making plastic slopes on your own, even if you have not worked with such material before. It all depends on the availability of the right tool and, most importantly, good preparation before work and the accuracy of the marking.


1. Video method of mounting slopes on plastic windows with a starting profile:

2. Installation method without starting profile: