I forgot my email how to recover. How to recover Yandex mail if you forgot your username and password

Sometimes not very experienced users have a situation where, after registering their own email, they rarely use it, as a result of which it is easy to forget your own Email address. But in this case, you can still find out your email address with several different ways... In this article I will tell you about these methods. The more actively you used your own email address, and not only to receive earn money on the internet , the easier it will be to do so.

How to find out your email address if you forgot it

So let's start in order. Perhaps the most in a simple way to find out the address e-mail if you forgot it is to ask your own acquaintances to whom you sent letters from your email earlier. If so, then in their history of letters they should easily find your letters, and inform you of it.

But what should you do if you did not write to your friends from your email address? Or did your friends delete your letters over time?

Consider several ways to find out your email address:

1. The easiest way. There is a chance that you still have access to e-mail, since you did not exit it. All that is required of you in this case is to go to Email or another mail service on which you started your own mailbox... Your email address will be displayed there:

2. Also a fairly simple way. Various Internet browsers provide a function to automatically fill out forms. In the event that the automatic filling function is not disabled for you, then hints are displayed when you navigate through different sites. Try to click on the Email entry line and you may get the hint you need:

By the way, it was this method that helped me remember my own Email when I just started trying earnings on games ... To register in great games with real money withdrawal and I had to remember my own Email in this way.

3. If you use GoogleChrome as an Internet browser, then look at the saved passwords in its settings. The whole point here is that when you save any passwords in this browser, your email address is also added. Open GoogleChrome and in command line type in: chrome://settings/password ds. In the window that opens, see if your mail is there, which you could save for some site:

4. If you have registered on any site, Internet project, for example, on , etc., then almost everywhere an e-mail address is required for registration, which will then be registered in your profile. And it can help you a lot if you forgot your email address. Just go to these sites, of course, if you remember your login and password from them, then go to the settings and look for your own email address there. For example, your email address is also stored in the popular social network Odnoklassniki. Go to the settings under your avatar and look at your Email there:

5.Any mail service has a password recovery function. You can use this function and remind your own email address. Very good way to find out your email address by your phone number:

6. Your email address may be available in Google search. Go to the Google search engine and enter your data in it. Enter all the data so that the search query is more accurate. You can also add the word mail to this information:

7. If you are using a modern Android smartphone and have been authorized in it, then your Google account must be connected in its settings. Open it so you can see your Gmail email address:

How to remember an email address

It seems that at least one of the considered methods will help you remember your own e-mail address. If none of the above methods can help you, then write to the technical support of the mailbox on which you registered your mail. Technical support staff should help you solve your mail problem as soon as possible. If suddenly this doesn’t help for any reason, then you always have the opportunity to get yourself a new email address, only in this case try not to forget it in the future. Now you know exactly how to find out your email address or remember your own email address if you forgot it.

When you rarely use e-mail, the address is lost, especially when you have multiple accounts. And if you needed to go into the old mailbox, you will need to remember it, find out the e-mail with the help of friends, support services. How to find out the email address if I forgot? There are several ways, depending on the type of mail service, whether you remember your login, whether your account is linked to the phone. Read below how to act in different cases, choose for yourself suitable way how to know your email address... For those who have forgotten it, we have compiled detailed instructions.

How to regain access to your e-mail - we will tell below

Email Recovery Instructions

  1. The easiest way is to ask friends, acquaintances to whom you wrote from a lost account. They will copy the sender data from the email received from you.
  2. If automatic login is saved, but the owner forgot exactly the address itself, you can go to the "Sent" letters and see the information about the sender yourself there.
  3. If you remember your login from the e-mail under which you registered, then you just need to add @ to it, and then the domain of the mail service, for example, mail.ru. Write down everything without spaces, together. Some services offer several domains, just check each of them if you don't remember which one you chose during registration. Again, provided that you can log into your account, try sending an email to yourself for verification. How to find out your email address if you forgot the domain, read below.
  4. If the box was tied to the phone or to another box, you can use the reminder functions available from the service. Unfortunately, mail.ru does not provide such a hint. There is no separate reminder in Yandex either, however, a hint appears in the Access Recovery window if you previously logged in from the same media (computer). But, for example, in Google this is done quite quickly and without unnecessary difficulties:

      • you go to start page mail.google.com
      • click on the link "Need help";
      • then select "I don't remember my username";
      • restore the name using the linked phone or other mail, fill in information about yourself. If you specify a mobile alert, you are prompted to select SMS or call;

    • enter the received verification code in a special field; Google, after verification, will show you your address attached to the named phone number or mailbox.
  5. You can contact technical support, they may be able to help you restore mail. For example, they can help with changing the phone number associated with the box. You will need to provide some information to confirm that you are the owner of this mail.

What to do if you forgot your password e-mail Mail.ru, of course. But what if the mail login is lost? Such cases happen often and many do not know what to do. After all, there is no special button, as in the case of the password. Let's look at how you can regain access to forgotten mail.

Unfortunately, Mail.ru did not provide for the possibility of recovery forgotten login... And even the fact that during registration you linked your account to a phone number will not help you regain access to your mail. Therefore, if you are faced with such a situation, then try to do the following.

Method 1: Contact your friends

Register a new mailbox, no matter what. Then remember who you are in Lately wrote messages. Write to these people and ask them to send you the address from which you sent the letters.

Method 2: Check the sites you registered on

You can also try to remember which services you registered with using this address and look in personal account... Most likely, the questionnaire will indicate which mail you used when registering.

Method 3: Saved password in the browser

The last option is to check if you have saved your email password in the browser. Since in such a situation not only it is always saved, but also the login, you can see both of them. Detailed instructions to view the password and, accordingly, the login, in all popular web browsers you will find in the articles on the links below - just click on the name of the browser that you use and where you save the data to enter the sites.

Read more: View saved passwords in .

If you wondered how to restore mail on Yandex, then you forgot the credentials that you need to enter for authorization, or you haven’t visited your account for a long time. We will tell in this article how to be in both cases.

How to restore mail on Yandex?

In a situation where you have forgotten your login or password from your email account, a special site service will come to your aid, which will help you remember your data. What needs to be done to take advantage of it?

First you need to find out which particular identifier you cannot restore in memory, namely: login or password. How to restore mail on Yandex? Login can be found in the following ways:

  1. Use the autocomplete function (if you have it activated in your browser). To do this, simply go to the main page of the Yandex website and double-click on the empty field called "login".
  2. Ask acquaintances, friends with whom you have exchanged electronic messages earlier from this mail, so that they send you your address or a link to an account on the Ya. RU".

In extreme cases, to restore the login, you can contact the technical service of the site. Through the feedback form, you need to specify all the data that you could register when registering e-mail. After writing the appeal, you will approximately have to wait 1-2 days until it is reviewed by specialists.


If you have lost the second identifier required for authorization, then you also have several options for how to remember it. How to restore mail on Yandex? We go to the main page of the site. In the upper right corner, under the data entry fields, there is a link "Forgot your password?". We click on it and get hints from the Yandex system. She will offer you several options for solving the problem:

Is it possible to recover Yandex mail?

Pay attention to the fact that is spelled out in the terms of the site's agreement, which states that if no actions are recorded on the email within six months, then the account will be deleted. That is, if you do not send messages yourself, but receive them regularly, then the profile is saved for you.

It's bad when stranger gets access to personal correspondence. Moreover, it can harm you. Users often face the problem of hacking mailboxes, but do not solve it, but create a new one. In vain. In addition to losing access to information, you run the risk of becoming a “correspondence” spammer or fraudster, because it is not known what purpose the hacker pursued your account... The vast majority of Runet users use Mail.ru services, which are tied to creating a mailbox. In this case, consider how to recover the password from Mail.ru mail.

Recovery in the standard way

For this type of recovery, you need to know the login.

  1. On the main page of Mail.ru, click on the "Forgot password" button.
  2. Enter your mailbox address and click Continue.
  3. Attention! If you haven't used your mailbox for 5 years, it could be permanently deleted.

  4. If the mail exists, you will be taken to the recovery page, where you enter the necessary information about the data during registration.
  5. After filling in all the fields and entering the captcha, click the "Continue" button.
  6. Attention! Account recovery is possible only by submitting the form. The method with the key question was found to be ineffective.

  7. Next, a second page will open with empty fields.
  8. After filling them out, click the "Submit" button, thereby your application will go to the support service for consideration.

Advice! Do not fill in all the fields if you do not know some. With clear answers to 2-3 questions, the answer will be yes and access will be restored.

Alternative option

If nothing happened and you received a refusal - do not be upset, try writing directly to technical specialists. Explain to them simple language the reason for the loss of the password (hacking, prolonged non-use) and the circumstances why it is important to restore access to this particular account. Send a letter to: [email protected] Subject: password recovery. It remains only to wait for an answer.

Recovery using a mobile phone

If you provided your phone number during registration - more than easy way and you can't imagine. You will receive a confirmation code in the form of an SMS message, with the help of which the password will be restored in two mouse clicks. You just need to come up with a new combination.

Attention! If you have changed your number since registration, use the standard recovery method.

How I got hacked or preventive measures

There are viruses that create an exact copy home page any Internet resource. You, suspecting nothing, enter your username and password. But instead of opening the inbox, either nothing happens, or a pop-up window appears with content of a different nature: an error, an incorrect password, or even extortion of money under a far-fetched pretext. In this case, you need to check the system for viruses and urgently change the password for the mailbox.

Attention! If accounts were linked to the hacked mail in in social networks and bank accounts - urgently change your home mailbox on the appropriate resources!

In another case, the password could be learned by deception. If you replied to the "tech support" message with a letter with account information, the mail is no longer yours.

Attention! Technical support never asks for personal user data. Posts like this are fake!

So, we got acquainted with the types of hacking and methods for recovering a password from Mail.ru mail. If you do not believe in the conspiracy theory, please indicate your phone number when registering. This will make your life easier and minimize the risk of losing your account.