How to help your family heal. These practices can be done by people of any religion! Auspicious days for childbirth

Was held master class on Rod.
With the help of the method of Reincarnation, the participants studied their Genus,
communicated with ancestors, learned to work out their past incarnations in their own Family.

Parents, relatives, relatives, family... For some, behind these words there is a huge power, but for someone - a huge pain.

Sometimes this is a very tangible story related to dad and mom, grandparents, children. And sometimes it is difficult to understand the mystery when it comes to situations that repeat from generation to generation or about hereditary diseases.

  • Where and how to look for the roots of such deep violations in the generic system?
  • How to change the situation that you stumble over all your life?
  • How to find the origins of problems that go deep into the past, into your family?
  • How to purify the karma of the family and change the life of future generations?

What do we know about the genus?

Ways to solve so challenging tasks seems to be a lot now. And this gives hope that it is possible to break the vicious circle, which sometimes takes years to walk.

Reincarnation provides A New Look to solve generic problems, offers unique opportunities for solving generic problems and deep study of energy failures in the generic system.

How? With what resources? These questions were explored by the participants of the master class.

To begin with, it is worth understanding what a genus is and who such relatives are. Reincarnation answers this question on a large scale and multidimensionally.

After all, if you think about the fact that the family is tens, hundreds of generations, and in each generation there are sisters and brothers, it turns out that almost We are all related to one degree or another. But that's not all.

Maris Dreshmanis, head of the Institute of Reincarnation:

“Remember that your soul was embodied not only in this physical body, and in many others many, many times. And every time you had your blood relatives behind you, for many generations.

But in other incarnations you were in different countries, of different nationalities, and therefore it is not surprising when, traveling through past incarnations, we can find a relationship with almost every person that we meet on our way.

If we look through the catalog of our incarnations, then one way or another we have come across almost every person on the planet.

Such an understanding of tribal relations gives an awareness of the deep interconnection and unity of all processes on Earth.

He proves once again that, unwinding his own tangles of relationships and untying the knots of his fate, we affect the lives of so many people.

Galina, participant of the master class:

“It was just cool - the whole earth seemed to be shrouded in some kind of streams. They are all relatives."

Victoria, participant of the master class:

“It feels like my family is such a grandiose, huge community ... And this little bit that I am here, I am responsible for them, and they are for me, and there is some very interesting connection.”

Kind of energies

A universal tool for working with family and family energies is the skill of immersion, which is actively used in Reincarnation.

So, in meditation-immersion, you can see how the energy of the mother's kind differs from the energy of the father's kind, how this energy flows, where its flow is disturbed and why.

Ekaterina, participant of the master class:

“I looked at the lineage of my father and mother. Everything is fine with his mother, with his father’s family – two generations ago, his father and mother failed the program they were following, so they asked me to help them correct the situation.

By the kind of stepfather, I saw that they all really lack love, which is why in many generations they have a rejection of their fathers and mothers. I.e bad relationship due to the fact that someone beat someone, raised someone incorrectly, or something like that.

Natalia, participant of the master class:

“I didn’t feel so much parental energy, but my grandparents ... It was very strong on the part of my mother and not very strong on the part of my father.

And then, when people began to line up, people, people, the flow changed, and if at first for 3-4 generations it seemed that the feminine gender was very strong, then later, when a lot of people had already gone, the masculine gender turned out to be stronger.

There, 3-4 generations ago, something happened, and the energy stopped flowing from there. That's it, very strange."

Victoria, participant of the master class:

“Mother flow is lighter. And he went up and down. The father has a heavier kind of energy, from top to bottom. And here's what's interesting, somewhere before the 3-4th generation it was stronger, but along the line of the father, the call of the ancestors, as it were, pulls it, drags it there.

Then I turned around and looked - mine both on my father's side and on my mother's.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of family relations. After all, this is a relationship with the closest people - parents, children. It is by birth that the ability to build these relationships is transmitted to us. From our ancestors we receive

The state of tribal energy largely determines the health and emotional stability of members of the clan.

If energy by nature goes smoothly, without failures this kind is a source of great power, stability and support for all its members for many generations to come.

Mila, participant of the master class:

“Most of all I liked that the energy came from both sides: with my father and with my mother. And it was calm enough. There was a very good and such a calm acceptance, and the power was felt.”

Conversation with family

But there is another side: it is our responsibility for what happens to our family. Oddly enough, his health and well-being depend to a large extent on our actions, our mood and condition.

Therefore, some problems can be corrected simply by talking with your kind during absorption meditation by performing an intuitive act of purification of generic energies.

And this unique opportunity to communicate with our ancestors helps to realize the full power of the support that we receive from the clan, to understand the deep relationship with each of its members.

Ludmila, participant of the master class:

“When I gathered all the relatives, I asked their forgiveness and thanked them for being with me. Then I asked Jesus Christ to cleanse my family, and then my whole family was covered with a powerful golden stream of energy.

After that, all my relatives began to throw flowers. It was so joyful, beautiful. Everyone thanked me for asking Jesus to cleanse our race. Today I realized that

I am grateful for this session, because I saw the world with completely different eyes. I have such a feeling of joy now!”.

Victoria, participant of the master class:

“While working with the family, I invited the oldest of my father’s family, and an old man appeared with a staff from the desert, and I ask him: “What do you want from me, what do I have from you now?” And he answers me: Keep the traditions and memory of the family».

Galina, participant of the master class:

“I turned to my relatives, knelt down, asked their forgiveness and said that I love them very much. And she asked me to tell me what I need to do.

And they answered me: “You are well done that you do not forget us, that you remember and do everything so that your children and grandchildren remember, and continue.

But we still need to work with the family in order to correct those lives in which you were and in which you influenced the family, so that children and grandchildren and future generations live well.

And when the children had already arrived, and I invited my grandchildren, then it just became so great and good! I have never felt like this...

When I asked for forgiveness dark spots there were those that were visible, and when I was already looking around, they began to be lightened by a wave - the light went from me back, further there. It's bright and sunny!

It was a great event for our family. I don't even know how to describe it. I thank you."

Family karma and past incarnations

However, as a rule, only communication with the family is not enough. In most cases, a deeper study is required.

Maris Dreshmanis, head of the Institute of Reincarnation

“Very often we are worried about our karmic situations. Sometimes it seems to us that some situations in our lives happen only because someone from our relatives smoked in the past.”

Thanks to Reincarnation, you can look at this situation a little differently. It is enough to take a closer look at your family to see that some characters are ourselves in past incarnations.

And viewing these lives can help, which led to the failure of generic programs and created serious problems for future generations.

Galina, masterclass participant:

“When all my relatives began to get up, then the left side - along my mother's line - was on fire all over, and along my father's line I felt heaviness. When I looked back, I saw that I was a seventh generation male.

And I was told that it is necessary to work out this life. From my mother’s side, 2 lives were highlighted, which also need to be worked out. ”

The study of one's own incarnations in the family is a very powerful resource for changing life scenarios.

Such work allows you to remove the causes of recurring negative situations by nature and change better life not only present, but also future generations of the family, and make them happier.

Galina, masterclass participant:

“According to our female gender, women divorce their husbands, live alone, raise children alone. And this has been going on for more than one generation. And now, after working through the last incarnation, this will stop.

It is necessary to work on these tasks for the happiness of children and grandchildren.”

And how can one determine that changes in such a powerful system as a family one really took place during the processing of past incarnations? And this is not fiction and not the imagination of the master class participants?

Usually, the most sensitive instrument in this case is our body. It gives the most true and tangible signals about the results of the work done.

Galina, participant of the master class:

“The heaviness that was on my shoulder disappeared from the right side. And on the left side it stopped burning left cheek, and somehow I sighed very freely.

soul lessons

But that's not all. For a more exhaustive and in-depth study of past incarnations, it is not enough just to look at them. It is necessary to go through one more level - this is the level of solving spiritual problems, both one's own and family ones.

Reincarnation allows you to look at all these situations from the point of view of the Soul, to understand what lessons it went through in the “wrong” life. And usually the history of our past incarnation, and hence the history of our kind, teaches us love.

And every energy failure in the family is an unlearned lesson of love. For example, one such lesson might be

Galina, participant of the master class:

“Love is love, and you can’t be strongly attached to anyone, because it hurts a lot later. When you become attached, it is selfish, it means that you say: "He is mine." When you say that, you lose him. And you just need to love.

And if your loved one feels good with someone, or he has some obligations to others, then you just need to love and be happy topics that he is here, that he lives, that he is happy.”

No less important are the lessons of parent-child love, which the participant of the master class had to realize while working on another "

Galina, participant of the master class:

“On the one hand, the lesson for parents is that it is possible, even sometimes necessary, to pamper a child, but there must be limits so that the child does not forget about his parents.

This child, when he grew up, wanted to run away from home from very strong attention and very strong love for him. He wanted to get out of there and just be independent.

And on the part of the child, it is important not to forget about their parents and respect them. Because my parents gave everything to me, everything last for me. Maybe this is also a lesson for them that they shouldn’t do this.”

Working with generic energies is a very reverent, deep and sometimes difficult process, because you have to work with very difficult situations from the distant past. However, the results of such work are extremely important and very significant.

They provide direct impact not only on our lives, but also on the lives of our children for many generations.

The uniqueness of the work of Maris Dreshmanis lies in the fact that he teaches to work through all these seemingly difficult stories in the game mode, on a positive note, which creates the basis for a more comfortable living of situations.

Victoria, participant of the master class:

“When this is a game, everything is easier, simpler and more understandable, and we come to a different point of view, and we see everything differently than when we are in this emotional experience and, apart from this narrow horizon, we are not aware of anything. It's a salvation that it's all a game."

Let's live easy and playfully deal with all the difficult life lessons that we need to go through in life. Let's love our family. And I would like to finish the article with the words of one of the participants of the master class, or rather, her Spiritual Mentors.

Galina, participant of the master class:

“Happiness does not happen without the memory of what was. Feeling kinda should always be present, and the joy of life - in the sensations of loved ones. After all, if I had not worked through my past lives, it could have affected my children and my grandchildren. Rod is everything."

Love yourself and your loved ones. Thank your loved ones for the lessons they help you learn by being by your side throughout your life. Appreciate your parents, children and your entire family. Because your family is you!

Absolutely every person belongs to his own clan, to be more precise, to two genera. The clan of the mother and the clan of the father play an important role in tribal karma. We are influenced by generic energies from the very moment of our birth. And they can have both positive and negative effects.

A positive impact is to support a person in any of his undertakings, while a negative one imposes negative patterns of behavior, various diseases, curses and even death.

Kind energy

There is no need to throw off the influence of the energy of the genus from the scales. Its influence exists, although we may not notice or attach importance to it. If there were excellent and pure relationships in the family, then the support of the family will be strong. All generic energies will flow without any obstacles. And every member of the family, living at the present time, will be filled with this energy.

Of course, such a variant of the positive influence of generic energies is a utopia. You may not believe that the ideal does not exist, but it is a fact. The attitudes of our ancestors influence our lives, reactions. Even the way our ancestors were, imposes a certain shade on the current life. If there were black magicians in the clan who sent curses, or the members of the clan themselves did not get along with each other and in any case cursed each other, then the entire negative burden of relations creates negative tribal karma. And it negatively affects every member of the genus, without exception, with varying degrees impact.

Naturally, such an influence cannot but affect various areas of life - physical and mental health, finances, relationships. Certain areas of life may be affected - difficulties in creating a family, financial collapse, severe hereditary diseases, and so on. In our sessions, we work specifically with a person’s personal and ancestral karma and help to cleanse themselves of negative influences and accept positive experiences.

Naturally, until a certain life situation happens to a person, he may not think about tribal karma and its impact. But as soon as some kind of hereditary disease is discovered, the repetition of a certain moment in several generations, you will inevitably think about something mystical.

A negative generic program can be transmitted by diseases of the inert system, various female ailments, endocrine diseases, chronic addiction to alcohol, games, and so on. After all, this whole program is written down at the gene level, and is inherited in the same way as character traits and external similarities. As soon as you discover this hereditary disease, addiction or something else, then it is necessary to heal and cleanse the whole family!

The power of the family

Naturally, for a person who is looking for spiritual development, the primary task is the purification and healing of a kind. If you think about it, then, most likely, only you among all members of your family have sufficient power to purify the family and awareness.

Take into account the fact that your clan entrusted you with the work of working with tribal karma. You need not only to cleanse the clan from negative programs, but also to unleash karmic knots. If you have not yet realized your mission, the negative impact of the generic energy will affect your life until you understand that you need to start working with your family.

The most important thing is not to exclude the impact of negative qualities, but to strengthen the influence of positive ones. If you start clearing destructive moments, then positive traits will intensify. This will help not only the departed members of the family, but also everyone living now - you and your children, relatives. Naturally, when purifying the negative influence, we receive a stream of pure energies from the family, which favorably influence and support in difficult situations. This is a very big force that helps not only to be successful in all endeavors, but also helps social realization.

You may not know or understand how and which programs affect you. You can contact us and after the diagnostics you will see which birth programs have a negative effect on you and which ones help you. Diagnostics can be carried out both in person and remotely. You will see Current state your his energy field and get advice on further work with ancestral karma.

Family history

If you have ever turned to the older generation for help and heard their stories about your fate, you can understand how interesting the stories of a whole family are. They can teach us a lot. After all, it was all - both good and bad. Our ancestors led ordinary life- loved, suffered, created, died, and all this is recorded in our ancestral memory. Of course, we cannot give up our history, because it is part of ourselves. And sooner or later we will be faced with the fact that something will need to be corrected in the ancestral karma, maybe improved, but most often - healed.

With the proper use of tribal karma, we can ask the family for help, and take what is needed right now - strength, creativity, courage and all those features that our ancestors had. If you begin to feel serious problems with money, then in the family line you will still find that ancestor who had everything: wealth, success, recognition. You can borrow his energy and fix your financial problems.

Incarnation in the family

Strange as it may seem, it is no coincidence that you were incarnated in this kind, in this family. You are an extension of your family. It is important to feel that these are your native energies. Feel like a part of the history of the family. It is with your life that you will write its continuation. And it depends only on you how it will be - light or dark. The choice is always yours.

If you feel that you need to ask forgiveness from the family for some negative thoughts, negative actions, then mentally do it right now. Your family will feel your love and respect and will forgive you. Thanks to this, you yourself will be cleansed of possible insults that bring negative vibrations and misunderstandings into our lives.

Don't forget to build relationships with all your relatives who are living now. Forgive them for everything and ask for forgiveness yourself. Forgive those who are no longer around. This is very important point after which you will feel relief. Nobody will do this for you.

Remember that your family is protection, support and help in the most difficult times. Respect your family, you are its continuation.

After forgiveness, you will feel how much easier life has become for you. If you have made the decision to work on your ancestral karma, clean it up and improve it, then you can completely change your life. And help transform their living relatives. You will build what you have always desired.

We are so capable of improving our lives, helping ourselves and our family, that the energy of the family will not be the cause of various failures. You will feel that the energy of the family has become reliable support in all areas of our life.

Sessions for the purification and healing of the family can be done both in person and remotely. It is enough to write a message in and you will receive all the necessary information. In addition, you can take training in healing and purification. But in this case, the readiness of energy and psyche is necessary. Unfortunately, we do not teach everyone. We determine the time and date of diagnostics, the number of sessions already when communicating with a person, after receiving a message about readiness to undergo diagnostics.

Write your comments on this information, I will be glad to hear your feedback!
Don't forget to subscribe for new articles on my blog!

With Love to you, Aloriya Sobinova.

These practices can be done by people of any religion!

Remembering our ancestors on Saturdays, we can get rid of karmic debts that are passed down from generation to generation, cleanse the karma of our Family, free ourselves from generic scenarios and help the Souls of departed ancestors find peace!

Sign up:

A list of what you may need during ancestor days (so you have time to buy and prepare everything properly):

    • thin church candles (at least 15 pieces) or candles made from natural materials, for example, bee candles, or lamps with ghee!

    • 2-3 thick large church candles (who will perform the grind);

    • rice, two packs;

    two new plates (for offering food to God and the Family), who already have, you can leave the existing ones; If you pray for the Clan of your spouse (s), or your children (born in another marriage), then you need to purchase plates for their ancestors. You can use disposable tableware. And yet I propose to buy different saucers (fortunately today you can buy dishes in one copy), for each Genus its own.

  • food for street birds (seeds, bread, nuts), the more you feed, the better;

  • free time to perform rituals;

  • rosary for reading mantras or prayers (who still does not have one);

  • drawing paper and drawing supplies: pencils, felt-tip pens, paints (for those who will draw their Family Tree, who already have an image, you can leave the existing one);

  • money (plan in advance how much you can spend on donations, it must be a significant amount for you, otherwise the meaning of the donation will not be respected);

  • products for making pancakes;

  • icons, images of deities or figurines of deities (in the tradition that is closer to you);

  • a set of clean (preferably light) clothes in which you will perform rituals;

  • flowers (if you plan to visit the cemetery these days);

  • a separate notebook or album where you can write recognizable stories about relatives (each clan has its own notebook);

  • The practice of cleansing the karma of the Family with the offer of food.

    To carry out this practice, you will need: two new plates from which no one ate, a church candle, a new pack of rice.

    It is advisable to perform this practice in the morning, because in the morning the energy is the most blissful. Usually the ritual takes 40-50 minutes.

    So, get up in the morning, bathe and put on clean clothes. The kitchen should also be clean.

    METHOD #1:

  • Put the rice to boil, and while it is cooking, read prayers over it. Rice is not to be tasted. When it's cooked, you put it on a clean plate and place it in front of the image of God. Offer food to God. Here are the prayer options:

  • Prayer for offering food in the Christian tradition:

    (For the blessing of food and drink for the laity)
    « Lord Jesus Christ our God, bless our food and drink with prayers.
    Your Most Pure Mother and all Your Saints, as if blessed be you forever.
    Amen" . (And cross food and drink).

Offering food in the Slavic tradition

Heavenly Family, Progenitor!
You are the Patron of all Clans!
Remember my ancestors! Koi in Your Light Svarga!
Now and ever and from Circle to Circle!
Taco be, taco be, taco be!

  • Muslim prayer for the consecration of food:

    Raise your hands palms up over food and say the prayer " Bismillahi-rrahmani-rrahim ". Meaning: asking Allah for blessings

    then " Allahhumma barik lyana fima razaktana va kina azaba-nnar ". Meaning: “O my Allah, put grace in what You have given us as a blessing, and protect us from the fire of hell!”.

    Lower your hands, as if covering the food received with the blessing.

    At the end of the meal, one should praise Allah with the words " al-hamdu li-llah (Praise be to Allah)

  • Vedic mantra for offering food:

    Namo Om Vishnu padaya
    krishna prestaya bhutale
    Shrimate bhaktivedanta
    Swamin ichi namine
    Namaste sarasvati deve
    Gaura Vani Pracharine
    Pashchatya desha tarine
    Nama maha vadanyayya
    Krishna prema pradaya te
    Krishnaya Krishna Chaitanya
    Namne gaura-tvishe namah
    Namo brahmanya-devaya
    Go-brahmanya-hitaya cha
    Jagad-dhitaya krishnaya
    Govindaya namo namah

  • Wait 10-15 minutes for the Lord to bless your food.

  • Then you spread this rice on another new plate.

  • Put it in another place, light a candle and say: "I invite members of my kind to come and take this food."

  • Invitation of ancestors in the Slavic tradition:

    “Holy Grandfathers, we call you! Holy Grandfathers, fly to us!”

  • At the same time, it is advisable for you to stay in the room and just sit and pray for 20-30 minutes.

  • Then thank your kind: "I thank you for taking this food." Make a bow.

  • In the Slavic tradition:

    "Holy Grandfathers, you flew here
    They drank and ate
    Fly now to yourself!” Make a bow.

  • This completes the ritual.

    METHOD #2

    • Get up in the morning, take a bath and put on clean clothes. The kitchen should also be clean.

    • Put the rice to boil and while it is cooking, read prayers over it. Rice is not to be tasted. When it is cooked, add ghee, black sesame seeds (you can use poppy seeds, caraway seeds or other black spices), a little salt and sugar. Let the rice cool down.

    • Then shape the rice into balls the size of a walnut and put them on a clean plate, which must be placed for 15-20 minutes in front of the image of God.

    • Offer food to God.

    Variants of prayers, REGULATED ABOVE ...

  • Wait 15-20 minutes for the Lord to bless your food.

    • Then put the rice balls on another new plate to offer to the Ancestors. Put it in another place, light a candle and say: "I invite members of my kind to come and take this food". At the same time, it is advisable for you to stay in the room and just sit and pray in your spiritual tradition for 20-30 minutes.

    • Thank your family "I thank you for taking this food. I want to thank you for my life! I am a part of you! I want to show you respect and reverence by asking your blessings and asking for help (tell me what you are asking for). May these prayers express our gratitude and reverence!"

    • Make a bow. Let your appeal to the ancestors express your gratitude and respect!

  • ATTENTION!!! This food must not be eaten by living people, nor should it be thrown away.

  • Before the sun goes down you need to give it to the animals or take it out and put it on the ground. (I poured food into bags and took it out into the yard, we have places in the yard for feeding birds. I think you can find such places in your city).

    These plates are not to be eaten. Mark the one for God and the one for the Ancestors, and it's better to put them separately.

    After practice, rest, lie down, you can take a nap.

This is a very powerful practice and it is advisable to do it daily between September 16-30.

You can write about the changes in your life in the comments.

P.S. Then you can do the practice of offering food to your Ancestors every Saturday and on the week of veneration of the Family (i.e. Shrovetide Week).

And remember in your hands the opportunity to create a strong strong family, which will be a reliable rear for you, your children and grandchildren!

Answers to common questions:

Question: Is it possible to do this ritual for a spouse (s)?

Answer: Yes, it's very well. Just for the Clan of the husband (wife) take another plate, and slightly change the wording of the words "I invite members of the Clan of the Husband (wife) to come and eat"

What to do with leftover rice in a bag?

Answer: This rice can be cooked for households, or left for further offering to the ancestors.

How much rice should be cooked?

Answer: Ideally, you can cook a lot, the more animals you feed, the better. But if there are no very hungry animals near you, and you doubt that you can feed a lot of rice on the street, then cook a little, for one or two servings.

Often we do not think about why we get depression, fears, different tasks and problems. In fact, the answers are within us - in each of our cells, in each DNA, the energies of our tasks and the lessons of our soul are imprinted. And that is why we choose this genus.

If for some this sounds mystical or seems like a miracle, then it's time to realize that the world and its discoveries are moving forward, as well as the fact that we are part of the big Universe and all non-random relationships in it and an important cog in the mechanism of everything that exists.

Well, now about the main thing. We think that everything we have is the merit of our own life. But in fact, our creative, intellectual, communication abilities, and even uncontrollable fears, feelings of guilt, etc. - this is the property of seven generations, which we inherited and now our choice is to find, see, accept and work through the programs, or “carefully” rush with them all our lives and pass this “treasure” to our children and grandchildren.

I suggest less philosophizing and immediately get down to business. The main task is to unpack the energy that is stored in our negative programs of the kind. It is these programs that are the lessons of the soul that hold back our life potential.

The first thing to do, read the table below and note, feel the response, what you want to improve, where you feel bottlenecks, weakness, misunderstanding, maybe even some kind of aggression and resistance.

The first column will not state your exact task, but it will indicate the direction in which you should move. I propose right now in an empty circle to mark what is being responded to. And next to note for themselves the generation of relatives, which is responsible for these lessons and tasks. This is preparation for the next step.

Each generation is under the auspices of the planets. That is why they bring us their lessons through the power of the planets.

Related video:

As you can see, everything is dual and we will learn lessons from duality. Our task is to find harmony in this. It is duality that helps to structure information, however, as it does chemical processes in the body and determines the harmony in nature and the universe. That is, if there are “negative” programs in some area of ​​your life, we find them, accept them and translate them into positive ones. Thus we receive the true lesson of the soul. First step to reboot– find and see a positive lesson. It's like a crossword puzzle in which you need to find a word. For example, let's look at:

  1. Thank you for the abilities you already have. I hope that in the process of work, you not only learned negative lessons, but also thanked for the skills and talents you already acquired! If you haven't done it yet, be sure to do it!
  2. Rejection acceptance. If suddenly, you crossed out someone from your kind of your own free will, return him back, thank you, send love. If this person is still alive, be sure to make contact. After all, even if he is wrong and you hated him, in fact you hated a part of yourself (remember the experiments of Fritz-Albert Popp?) And then what? Then the Law of Substitution enters, the Universe independently replaces the empty space with the youngest member of the family ...

Formatting completed!

As you can see, it is very important to know about ancestors, even because it is just a part of ourselves, and not yellowed photographs in albums, crosses in cemeteries and abandoned shacks of old houses in the villages...

And the most important thing to remember is that now you are the first generation, and you will also become the second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth and finally the seventh generation! And right now, you can have your rightful thousand quadrillion photons to Co-Create your own life!

Each of us belongs , even to two - the family of the father and the family of the mother. From the moment we are born, we are accompanied by generic energies. They can affect us both positively and negatively. This influence exists independently of us, on the level of our consciousness, on whether we know about it or not. In a positive way, they can work as a great support, and in a negative way, as birth curses, illnesses and other serious problems.

Support of a kind we often do not notice, but it exists. She is more than better relationship among the living members of the genus and the purer were the relations among those who no longer exist. Then the tribal energies flow freely, and each of the living now receives them in full. But this is not always the case. We may not be aware of this, but the attitudes of our ancestors still affect us, as well as what these ancestors were like: if there were many black magicians in the family, ancestral curses, which the members of the clan themselves sent to each other, or others sent to them, then all this negativity now creates the karma of the clan and affects the living. And such an impact can take different forms- from diseases, even fatal ones, and accidents to life failures, difficulties in creating a family, problems of consciousness and much more.

often on individual lessons I have to work with people specifically on tribal problems. And quite serious problems can be in the family of each person, either in one, maternal or paternal, or both. In all generations there are soul-publicans, and special work is needed with them.

Until a person realizes how affect generic energies he may not care about it. But in one beautiful moment something happens that gives such awareness. It could be a disease or something difficult situation. For example, bone diseases - arthrosis, osteoporosis, etc. - are generic diseases. And it's not just what is called hereditary diseases. of the skeletal system are karmic generic diseases. Mental illnesses, infertility, endocrine diseases, chronic alcoholism, etc. can also be attributed to birth diseases. A disease such as cancer is often a combination of personal and tribal karma. Negative information is transmitted by writing to every cell of the body, just as facial features and body shape are inherited. And it affects all the living, as well as their children and future generations. Often given for the purpose healing kind.

I once heard this opinion: but if we change our consciousness, doesn't it all go away? No, it doesn't. From the fact that we change our consciousness, we change, our vibration changes, but negative records, unfortunately, are not deleted just because we want to. This requires special work.

AND for a spiritually developing person, one of the tasks is often to work with one's kind, to purify and heal it. Most likely, among the living members of your kind, there is no one else who would have sufficient awareness for this. And your family hopes for you, that thanks to your work, many problems that have been created over the centuries can finally be resolved.

If your task is to purify your kind, and you don’t know about it, then negative generic energies will enter your energy system from the birth canals and prevent you from living until you pay attention to them and take care of their healing.

It often happens that we ourselves have previously incarnated in our kind, and more than once, and we ourselves have messed up in those incarnations so that now all this needs to be corrected. And this is our job.

It is important to learn how to strengthen the positive qualities of generic energies and purify the negative ones. This will help not only yourself, but also your children, and all your relatives, both the living and the souls of the departed. When we purify the negative energies of the kind, we are able to receive nourishment from it in its purest form, which strengthens and supports us. Strength of the Family- a very big force that helps to exist in society and be successful at all levels.

If you are intuitive, you can request information about what problems exist in your family and how they can be healed.

Our birth stories are very interesting, often dramatic, and have a lot to teach us. Everything was in our birth - both good and bad. Our ancestors lived, loved, created, suffered, died, and our tribal memory keeps all this. We cannot disown our ancestral history, it is part of us, and sooner or later everyone will have to deal with what needs to be healed and cleansed. And we can also take a lot from our kind - the strength, beauty, courage of those ordinary people who were our ancestors.

Sometimes people who consider themselves very advanced look down on their ancestors. But this only worsens the relationship with the clan as an integral structure, of which we are a continuation. And complicates the life of such people in the present, although they do not know about it. And also complicates the lives of their children and future generations.

It is very good if photos of ancestors are kept in your house and they know their pedigree. Look into their eyes - joyful or sad, benevolent or stern. They look at you with hope and love. They say you can! You can do anything and we are proud of you!

You didn't incarnate in this family for nothing. This is YOUR Family. You are its continuation. Feel this kinship, feel that these are your native energies. You love and honor your ancestors. Feel part of the family history. Now you are writing it with your whole life, and may the pages of the family history you write be bright and clean!

If you feel that you need to apologize to your kind for any negative thoughts or actions, do it. May your family feel your love. More supportive generic energies will come to you. You will feel more confident and strong. In this way, you yourself will be cleansed of unforgiveness and those negative energies that it creates, and help your kind. And this must be done with both genera - both on the father and on the mother. You will feel relieved, and your family will be grateful to you.

Try to build relationships with all living relatives as well. If necessary, forgive them and ask for forgiveness. Forgive also those who have left and ask for forgiveness from their souls. This important work which no one will do for us. Our family tree is Our protection and nourishment, it is Our support, it is Our support in difficult times. Treat your family with respect and you will make your life easier. And if you seriously work on cleansing and healing kind, you can become one of the guardians of the family, which is honorable and important for yourself, for your development.

This article is only a general overview, it does not claim to fully cover the large and complex topic of the family and the influence of generic energies on us. Unfortunately, there are not many materials on this topic, and most people do not realize the seriousness of this topic.

You are able to help yourself, your descendants and your ancestors, and make sure that generic energies became not a brake and the cause of illnesses and difficult situations, but a help in many areas of life.

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