How not to get better during pregnancy. Balanced and proper nutrition for pregnant women, so as not to get better

Pregnancy is a unique time for a woman. The ability of the female body to endure, grow and feed the little man inside can be considered a real miracle. From the very first weeks of a desired pregnancy, a woman tries to protect her baby from external negative factors, monitors her health, and passes all the necessary tests. But at the same time, a woman relaxes, can afford any gastronomic delights, justifying herself by the fact that these are the wishes of the baby in the womb. Unfortunately, a few months after giving birth, the young mother comes to her senses and realizes with annoyance that the accumulated kilograms need to be somehow shed. Excess weight is not only a cosmetic problem. Excess pounds during pregnancy create real problems for its course. In this article, we will talk about excess weight during pregnancy - is it acceptable, how to deal with it with proper nutrition and sparing sports.

Risk of being overweight during pregnancy

Of course, during the period of bearing a child, all women gain excess weight, and not always it is only the mass of the child. On average, if you add up the weight of the baby, amniotic fluid, placenta, increased amount of blood, allowable body fat, about 10 kg comes out. That is, a woman’s weight is normally allowed to increase by no more than 10-15 kilograms from the initial weight that you had before pregnancy. If your weight exceeds the allowable values, then this is fraught with dangerous complications.

Excess weight plus pregnancy is a colossal burden on the cardiovascular system of a woman. That is why during the period of bearing a baby, such patients may develop varicose veins and disturbances in the work of the heart.

Pregnancy, weighed down by excess weight, is a serious burden on the spine. As a result, a woman may experience hernias, disc displacements, etc.

Excess weight creates a risk of developing preeclampsia, diabetes, hypertension.

If a woman gains weight during pregnancy, not only her weight increases, but also the weight of the baby in the womb. Giving birth to a large baby is more difficult, it is fraught with ruptures of the birth canal.

An overweight woman is always at risk of miscarriage or premature birth. But in the later stages, on the contrary, excess weight is fraught with overbearing the baby.

Postpartum rehabilitation in obese patients is longer and more difficult.

With a large weight, there is a risk of premature discharge of water.

Excess weight during pregnancy is dangerous not only for the mother, but also for the baby. A sharp change in body weight often leads to disproportion of the head and torso of the child. A large amount of body fat leads to hypoxia of the baby. A well-fed baby is more difficult to examine after birth, the assessment of the condition may be biased.

In addition, gaining excess weight, even before the birth of the baby, you program his tendency to extra pounds. Why do you need it? Especially if there is a girl in the womb. Do you want her to diet all her life and suffer from endless complexes? If you want a happy and healthy life for your child, you need to monitor his nutrition today. In addition, you will not interfere with taking care of your own figure.

The opinion that with the onset of pregnancy you should start eating for two is very dangerous and insidious. If you double your diet, your weight will quickly increase to dangerous levels. Yes, the diet should change, that's for sure. But the quality must change, not the quantity. Here are some helpful tips to help you establish a healthy and balanced diet during pregnancy.

Women during pregnancy are often overtaken by a crazy feeling of hunger, when the expectant mother is ready to demolish everything in her path. It's hormones, there's nothing you can do about it. So the body protects the baby from starvation. To avoid such impulses, you need to follow a diet. You need to eat every 3 hours, even if you do not feel like it. However, the serving size should be minimal - no more than the volume of one glass. This will protect you from overeating.

It is necessary to abandon harmful fast carbohydrates. If you cannot refuse cakes and sweets, at least limit their consumption - no more than one candy per day, cakes only on weekends.

When choosing between healthy and unhealthy snacks, give preference to healthy foods, they can also be delicious. Yogurt, curd cheese with different fillings, good cheese, fruits, vegetables - how can it be tasteless? Recently, various healthy and tasty products have appeared in the diet food departments. Why are apple chips alone worth it - they are so crispy and appetizing, and absolutely safe. In addition, you can snack on a variety of whole grain bars - they are high in fiber, which will protect you from constipation. You can treat yourself to homemade jelly - based on berry and fruit juices. The calorie content of such a product is negligible.

Surround yourself with benefits. Keep apples, bananas, nuts and dried fruits in a vase on the kitchen table, not sweets.

Try not to eat at night, at least do not eat to satiety.

If you are tormented by an acute desire to eat something, know when to stop! Chocolate, citrus fruits, honey, eggs, strawberries - all this is acceptable during pregnancy, but in small quantities. If you eat more than normal, you will harm your child, he can get allergies for life.

Be sure to include lean meat, fish, and poultry in your diet. This will give the body nutritional value and plenty of protein.

If you feel that you have gained too much excess weight, then make yourself a fasting day on buckwheat or kefir. In this case, you need to drink plenty of water or green tea. During pregnancy, a fasting day can be done no more than once a week. Psychologically, it is easier for a woman to withstand the restriction for 24 hours than to diet all the time.

Be sure to add different types of greens to dishes - vegetation is very useful during pregnancy.
If your doctor does not limit you in the amount of fluid you drink, try to drink as much as possible. This will help cleanse your body of toxins and toxins. Drink compotes, fruit drinks, teas, freshly squeezed juices in a diluted form. For now, herbal decoctions should be abandoned - some of them can cause uterine tone.

There should be a lot of vegetables in the diet - they are very useful, do not cause allergies and absolutely do not harm the body. In the morning, try to eat cereals - oatmeal and buckwheat are especially useful. Lunch - vegetable and meat soups, salads. Dinner is best done with protein - meat, fish, poultry with vegetable salad. Snacks can be in the form of dairy products, fruits, cookies, nuts, etc.

Excess weight is a consequence of two main factors - overeating and a sedentary lifestyle. And if we have already dealt with nutrition, we need to decide how to play sports during pregnancy, because intense exercise can be dangerous for the fetus. Indeed, activities such as running, weightlifting, playing and contact sports should be banned. But you can find an alternative that will allow you to warm up without risking your health. During pregnancy, swimming is very useful - in the water, the load on the spine is significantly reduced, the woman moves much more freely. Swimming stretches all the muscles of the body, water soothes mom and baby. Be careful when visiting public pools during pregnancy - use a tampon to protect the vagina from infection. In addition, be sure to wear special corrugated slippers so as not to slip on the wet paths of the pool.

In the fitness centers you can choose the best sport for you. As a rule, yoga, Pilates, bodyflex, and special gymnastics for pregnant women are recommended for pregnant women. All exercises in these sports are aimed at stretching the muscles - no strength training. Stretching makes the muscles more elastic and supple, which perfectly prepares the body for childbirth. If you work during pregnancy, and you absolutely do not have the strength and time to go to workouts, then just walk. Hiking has a positive effect on the body of a pregnant woman, the body is saturated with oxygen, you get rid of excess calories. It will be much more useful if you walk in nature - in a grove, forest, near a reservoir, etc.

Pregnancy is a great time for any woman, so why overshadow it with dangling folds and health problems against the backdrop of obesity? In order not to gain excess weight, you need to carefully monitor it. Be sure to buy a scale and note how it changes every week. Get enough sleep - this will protect you from overeating, emotional outbursts and negativity.

Sometimes a woman gains weight very much, even if she watches her diet and does not overeat. Be sure to talk about your experiences with your doctor. A sharp weight gain may indicate preeclampsia, polyhydramnios, and even multiple pregnancies. Proper and balanced nutrition, good doctors and a positive attitude will help you bear the baby without excessive weight gain. Remember, food is not the only pleasure in life, try to please yourself with something else.

Video: how not to gain weight during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a special time for a woman. In the first months, nausea, a decrease or perversion of appetite haunts. At this time, weight gain either does not occur, or it is insignificant. Starting from the 13th week of pregnancy, the level of estrogen, an appetite stimulant, increases in the blood. There are also a number of other hormonal and metabolic changes, thanks to which many mothers begin to eat for two, and sometimes even for three. Is it reasonable? And how not to gain weight during pregnancy?

Using the table, determine what weight gain during the period of bearing a baby will be acceptable for you. With a different initial weight (or rather, body mass index or BMI), the increase will also be different. BMI is easy to calculate. Divide your pre-pregnancy weight in kg by your height in meters squared.

What is weight gain during pregnancy?

> Child: 3.5 - 4 kg

> Placenta: 0.5 - 1 kg

> Amniotic fluid: 1 kg

> Chest: 0.5 - 2 kg

> Uterus: 1 kg

> Increase in blood volume: 1.5 kg

> Fat mass: 2.5 kg or more

> Muscle tissue and fluid: 2 - 3.5 kg

The body does not store anything extra. Even 2.5 or more (up to 4-5 kg) of adipose tissue will be needed by a woman for lactation in order to expend the stored energy on the formation of milk. For a healthy pregnancy, you need to monitor the quality of your diet. Your motto for this time should not be “eat twice as much”, but “eat twice as good”! But is diet and pregnancy compatible? And is it possible to lose weight during pregnancy?

If your BMI before pregnancy was above 26, then with the help of a balanced and proper diet, you can lose 5-6 kg in the first trimester and then gain weight in accordance with the growth rates. If you just want to keep your figure and recover quickly after childbirth, the same balanced diet will help you. Pregnant women should not overeat. Excess weight is bad for pregnancy, childbirth and the health of your child. Only in the third trimester, when the weight of the fetus increases by an average of 30 grams every day, you need to add about 300 kcal to the average energy expenditure (2200 kcal). Women who wish to lose weight during pregnancy do not need to add these calories.

What amount of food contains an additional 300 kcal

> 1 cup (200g) low-fat yogurt mixed with 1/2 cup fruit and 30g muesli.

> 2 cups milk (1.5%) and 60 grams of lean meat, poultry, seafood.

> 2 slices of whole grain bread and 70 grams of tuna or turkey.

> ½ cup of cooked oatmeal with a teaspoon of raisins and honey and one apple.

> 100 gr trout with grilled vegetables: pepper, zucchini, eggplant (200 gr).

A few important nutritional principles to safely lose weight during pregnancy or not gain excess weight:

1. Follow the diet: breakfast (25% calories) - lunch (35%) - dinner (15%) - every 4.5-5 hours. And two snacks (15% and 10%) in between.

2. Include a variety of foods in your diet:

> M yaso and poultry, fish and seafood, as well as cottage cheese, cheese and eggs, a variety of legumes.

> About waxes of different colors, berries and fruits.

> P vegetable oils in prepared meals and nuts.

> M milk and sour milk drinks.

> K ashi and cereal side dishes.

> W cornbread, healthy crispbread, durum pasta.

Refined confectionery and various "tasty hazards" stand out in a separate group, pregnant women can use them infrequently and little by little. Products from the main groups need to learn how to combine. To find out your norms and understand the rules for compiling a diet, you should consult with a nutritionist.

3. It is important for a pregnant woman to eat a day:

> About about 200 g of meat products, poultry or fish and, additionally, 200 g of cottage cheese;

> F do not eat too much rukta, usually two medium fruits a day and a handful with a hill of berries are enough;

> P Eat fresh milk or sour-milk drinks (2-3 cups);

> D For a side dish 2-3 times a day, use 80-100 grams of finished cereals, potatoes, pasta.

> B Snacks include a slice of healthy bread or a few loaves of bread.

4. Always "eat up". They speed up metabolism, give full satiety and build the body of the baby.

5. Add fiber (1 tablespoon each morning and evening with water or meals).

6. Drink water (average 6-7 glasses a day).

7. Do not forget about vitamin complexes and supplements: they will help compensate for possible vitamin and microelement deficiencies during pregnancy.

Thus, pregnancy and diet are compatible, and it is possible to lose weight during pregnancy! The main thing is to choose the right tools for this.

Every woman is happy to look after her appearance, especially her figure. However, during pregnancy, things are different. Appearing fat deposits are an essential condition for the normal development of the baby. Some women lament: “I gain a lot during pregnancy.” How to deal with this situation? And in general, is there a norm of weight gain for expectant mothers?

How to weigh yourself correctly?

To track changes in the weight of a pregnant woman, it is necessary to properly organize weighing. So experts recommend following a few tips:

  • it is necessary to measure body weight once a week;
  • the best time to weigh yourself is in the morning before breakfast;
  • for accurate results, the bladder and large intestine must be empty;
  • it is necessary to use the same floor scales;
  • the expectant mother needs to be weighed in certain clothes or without it at all;
  • the data obtained must be recorded in a special notebook or notepad.

These recommendations will only be needed for those women who are constantly weighed at home. But pregnant women who undergo this procedure at the gynecologist should visit the antenatal clinic exclusively at the same time. Before weighing, a woman must empty her bladder.

Calculation of body mass index

To determine how much you can get better during pregnancy, you need to calculate the body mass index. This indicator will help determine whether a woman was overweight before and how much she should gain during pregnancy.

There are special calculators for determining changes in weight in pregnant women. They indicate the following values ​​​​of indicators:

  • weight before pregnancy (in kg);
  • height (in cm);
  • start date of the last critical days or gestational age in weeks;
  • weight at the last weighing (in kg);
  • single or multiple pregnancy.

Thus, the allowable rate of weight gain is determined and how it will increase after a while.

What is the weight of the expectant mother?

In the case of pregnancy, a woman's weight is made up of not only the mass of internal organs, body fluids and body fat reserves. In addition to them, a new person develops in the body of the expectant mother. It has its own mass, which increases every week.

The expectant mother begins to fill the mammary glands, which also have a certain weight. When does the breast stop growing during pregnancy? Its growth stops 10 weeks after conception. However, this is not a final process. A few weeks before giving birth, the breasts begin to increase in size again. This is due to the preparation of the mammary glands for feeding the baby.

The weight gain of a pregnant woman is due to growth:

  • blood volumes (1-2 kg weight gain);
  • amniotic fluid (1 kg);
  • placenta (0.5-1 kg);
  • uterus (0.9-1.5 kg);
  • mammary glands (0.5-1 kg);
  • fluids in tissues (2.5-3 kg);
  • fat reserves (3-4 kg);
  • and the weight of the child before childbirth (3-4 kg).

Therefore, a woman’s statement “I’m gaining a lot during pregnancy” may be the result of changes taking place in the body, and not poor nutrition.

What affects weight gain?

Many women are interested in the question: "How can you not get better during pregnancy?". Experts unequivocally answer that in any way. The ongoing processes in the body suggest weight gain, but a number of factors affect what it will be.

  • The weight of the expectant mother is affected by the presence and level of toxicosis in the first trimester. Since women lose a large amount of fluid due to vomiting. Therefore, dehydration may appear and weight loss will be observed.
  • Pathologies associated with the course of pregnancy. Such as polyhydramnios or the presence of edematous syndrome. They lead to weight gain.
  • The age of the woman. Experts say that the older the expectant mother, the higher the likelihood that she will gain more kilograms: the body in adulthood is prone to becoming overweight.
  • Carrying twins or triplets leads to a more significant increase in body weight.
  • Baby weight. Sometimes weight gain depends on the child being born. So, when expecting a large child, the mass of the placenta increases and the total weight of the woman becomes larger.

The diet and the amount of fluid consumed directly affects the metabolism of a woman, as well as changes in the mass of the placenta, amniotic fluid, uterus and the child itself. Women whose legs improved during pregnancy note that during this period they loved to lie in bed longer and eat sweets.

Normal weight gain in pregnancy

How many pounds do women gain during pregnancy? If the expectant mother had a normal physique and the correct build, then weight gain, according to the average body mass index, should not exceed 10-15 kg. If the body weight was reduced, then an increase of 12-18 kg is considered normal. In case of overweight, a woman should not add more than 4-9 kg. For better clarity, we present in the table.

week of pregnancy

Increase per week

Total increase

How much can you gain during pregnancy? If a woman is expected to have twins or even triplets, then weight gain occurs in other proportions. For expectant mothers with normal body weight, an increase of 15-25 kg is typical. If they were observed obesity, then body weight can increase to 10-21 kg.

If a woman is interested in the question: “How fast does the breast grow during pregnancy?”, Then the answer cannot be unambiguous. In girls of normal build, breasts fill faster and gain more weight than those who have extra pounds.

Thus, women who are thin before pregnancy can gain more kilograms than women who are overweight.

Weekly weight gain during pregnancy: table

To evaluate the results and analyze the increase in body weight of a pregnant woman, experts developed indicators of the norm of weight gain.

week of pregnancy

BMI<19,8 (прибавка в кг)

BMI \u003d 19.8-26.0 (increase in kg)

BMI>26 (increase in kg)

Each of these indicators still depends on the body constitution of the expectant mother and her body mass index. The rates reflect weight gain for all weeks of pregnancy. Such a table helps not only the gynecologist, but also enables the woman to understand what to expect during the childbearing period.

The main changes in the body weight of a pregnant woman directly depend on the metabolism, nutritional characteristics and needs of the child. This only confirms the individual nature of this indicator.

Diet during pregnancy

In order for a woman not to justify herself to everyone: “I became fat during pregnancy,” it is necessary to give preference to a balanced diet.

The expectant mother needs to think carefully about her diet and make a menu for every day. In this case, the calorie content of dishes should be taken into account. To do this, experts recommend using special tables that indicate the number of calories in a particular product. When shopping in a supermarket, a pregnant woman is advised to study the composition and calorie content of the product.

Products with high nutritional value include sunflower and butter, confectionery and pastries. During pregnancy, it is not necessary to exclude them from the diet. The best option would be to use such products in smaller volumes.

But carbonated drinks, fast food, chips and crackers should be excluded from the daily menu altogether. They not only negatively affect the figure of the expectant mother, but also harm the health of the child.

If a woman does not want to say a phrase like "I'm gaining a lot during pregnancy", then she needs to eat several times a day, in small portions. Overeating in no case can not be, it can cause indigestion.

The danger of being overweight

It is quite difficult for many women during pregnancy to overcome themselves and stop eating sweets and other harmful products. Often they do not want to follow the rules: do physical exercises daily, adjust their daily routine and nutrition. To pull yourself together, you need a good incentive. For many of them, this motive is being overweight.

Excess body weight leads to malfunctions in the body of a pregnant woman:

  • metabolism worsens;
  • shortness of breath appears;
  • varicose veins develop;
  • there are pains in the back;
  • blood pressure rises;
  • hemorrhoids develop.

Being overweight can cause complications during childbirth. Since the muscles lose their elasticity, they are filled with a large amount of fat and water. In addition, the baby also gains weight disproportionately and can be very large, making it difficult for him to move through the birth canal.


So that later the young mother does not claim: “I am getting better during pregnancy,” she needs to monitor her diet from an early date. She must understand that her healthy body is the key to the well-being of her unborn baby. And the satisfaction of all your desires in junk food will not lead to the desired results, but will only add to the experience after childbirth.

The waiting period for a baby is always associated with a lot of anxieties, worries and fears. Pregnancy is a serious test for the female body, accompanied by hormonal changes, an enlarged belly, and the presence of excess weight. Not all women who have given birth manage to lose the kilograms gained during the period of bearing a baby, but if you take care of this in advance and take measures so as not to get better during pregnancy, then the problem is solved by itself. We will talk about how to maintain a beautiful figure during the period of expectation of a child in our today's publication.

To begin with, a large increase in extra pounds during pregnancy is fraught not only with aesthetic problems, but also with the development of many diseases. Excess weight leads to hypertension, pyelonephritis, and can also cause a large fetus, which significantly complicates the course of pregnancy and childbirth. That is why every expectant mother should take care of her figure and follow the rules of rational nutrition.

The rate of weight gain during the period of expectation of a child

At the appointment with a gynecologist, you will probably hear how many extra pounds in your case is normal. The average weight gain during pregnancy is 8-12 kg. With a lack of body weight in a pregnant woman, an increase in the redistribution of 10-15 kg is considered the norm, with excess weight - 5-8 kg. Therefore, the indicator of weight gain depends on how much the woman weighed before pregnancy. If you notice that in the first months of waiting for the baby they began to recover greatly, then the doctor may recommend that helps to lose weight.

Secrets of maintaining a figure during pregnancy:

  1. Frequent small meals. If you do not overload the stomach with a large amount of food, then not only will you avoid the formation of excess fat on the sides and feeding the fetus, but you will also forget about heartburn. Buy yourself beautiful small dishes and eat with pleasure.
  2. Walks in the open air. The intake of oxygen in the body of a pregnant woman helps to speed up metabolic processes, and also promotes fat burning and improves blood circulation. Make it a rule to walk in the park every day for an hour, and the problem of excess weight will become irrelevant for you.
  3. Moderate physical activity in the form of prenatal exercise, yoga, swimming, and even housework can help turn excess calories into energy and be a great prevention of weight gain.
  4. The mode of sleep and wakefulness is also important in an effort to maintain a beautiful figure during pregnancy. A full night's rest and additional daytime sleep ensure the normal flow of metabolic processes for the processing of calories. But lack of sleep provokes nervous tension and even causes disruptions in the hormonal and digestive systems.
  5. Of course, in order not to gain excess weight during pregnancy, it is necessary to exclude forbidden foods from the diet. Refrain from eating hamburgers, soda, canned, spicy and oversalted foods. Diversify your diet with plenty of vegetables, cereals and dairy products.
  6. Do not forget about the drinking regime, which will ensure the normal functioning of the digestive tract and allow you to forget about being overweight forever. Try to drink at least 8 glasses of pure water a day.
  7. Regular weighing will allow you to control the state of your weight. An increase of 250-350 g per week is considered normal.

In conclusion of our conversation today, I would like to note that with a strong weight gain during pregnancy, you can use kefir or apples. However, before deciding on a diet while expecting a baby, you should consult with your doctor. Despite the fact that excess weight is not welcomed by any specialist, it must be corrected correctly, taking into account the individual characteristics of each pregnant woman.

Good luck to you!

Especially for- Ira Romaniy

Probably, there is no woman who would not be afraid to gain weight during pregnancy. And no wonder: in this difficult period, you have to eat more, and move less. And if you do not control yourself, you can easily gain a few extra pounds. And sometimes there are several dozen.

But if you are reading this article, then this will not happen to you. Because in it we have collected for you all the most relevant tips on how not to gain a lot of weight during pregnancy. We guarantee: if you follow these recommendations, after giving birth you will definitely return to your previous forms. So, to business!

Do not believe those who say that pregnant women need to eat "for themselves and for that guy." It is a myth.

In the first three months of pregnancy, when all the organs of the unborn baby are formed, extra calories are not needed at all. But proteins and vitamins are necessary for the child to develop properly. Therefore, during this period, not the quantity of food, but its quality is more important.

For the next three months, no additional calories are required either. They will be needed only in the last three months, when the child grows most intensively. But even during this period, you do not need to absorb double portions - it is enough to consume “on top” of only 200 calories per day. For example, add 2 toasts with butter or a whole potato baked with cheese, a couple of small bananas or a handful of dried apricots to the diet.

Rule two: harmful - fight!

If there is one important nuance in order not to get better - proper nutrition during pregnancy. Of course, during this period you can’t deny yourself goodies if you really want to - a little extra calories is better than a bad mood. But still around the clock there are cakes and chocolates better not worth it.

So, how to eat a pregnant woman so as not to get better:

  • Replace bad things with good things. For example, fatty fried pork - stewed turkey or rabbit, sweets - dried and fresh fruits, white buns - black bread.
  • Load up on dairy products. Cottage cheese, milk, cheese - it is not only nutritious, but also very tasty. If you want something sweet - prepare yourself a cheese dessert: both the body and the figure will thank you.
  • Add fish to your diet. If you still do not eat sea and red fish - then we are coming to you! Calcium and phosphorus, which it contains, are necessary for pregnant women. And it's also very, very tasty.

Rule Three: Get Your Appetite under Control

It happens that during pregnancy a woman suddenly feels very hungry. Those who follow the figure are trying to fight the desire to eat, those who are not - pounce on sweets. Both that, and other model of behavior - wrong.

In no case should you starve during pregnancy, especially in the third trimester. There is everything in a row, to which the hands reach, - too. The only sure way is to eat often, but in small portions. Approximately 5-6 times a day.

Another great tip on how to eat during pregnancy so you don't gain weight is to eat from the same small plate. Get yourself one and use all 9 months. See - the result will be obvious!

If after eating a small portion you still feel hungry - wait 20 minutes. Nutritionists believe that this is how long it takes for the stomach to send a signal to the brain about satiety. Didn't help - eat some more.

Rule four: weigh yourself

For everyone who is concerned about the question of how not to get fat during pregnancy, we recommend getting the scales from the mezzanine. And yes, every week or two, be sure to weigh yourself and draw the appropriate conclusions. Do not forget to write down your results - once a month in the early stages and once every two weeks - in the later ones.

Compare the numbers you get with the average. On average, a pregnant woman should gain 4-5 kilograms until the 20th week, and then half a kilo every week. If your results are much higher - tell your gynecologist about this and, guided by the advice of a doctor, make changes to your daily diet.

If you keep track of weight throughout the entire period, the question of how much not to gain weight during pregnancy will be removed from the agenda by itself.

Rule five: every day - walks!

Firstly, fresh air will benefit both mother and baby. And secondly, long walks are another answer to the question of how a pregnant woman does not gain weight. Walk as much as possible and you will be happy. And if possible, add gymnastics for pregnant women, yoga, simple fitball exercises or something similar to your daily routine.

Rule six: drink healthy drinks

We will make a reservation right away: this item is not relevant for everyone. If your doctor has restricted your fluid intake, follow his recommendations. If not, feel free to follow ours.

In order not to get better, the menu for a pregnant woman must necessarily include healthy drinks. It can be fresh juices, fruit drinks, compotes, teas - green or herbal, mineral water without gas. Such healthy (and in some cases tasty) drinks will help to overcome a strong feeling of hunger at least for a while and saturate the body with useful substances.

Rule seven: get enough sleep

In the question of how not to get better during pregnancy, reviews of young mothers are unlikely to help. But the opinions of nutritionists - quite. And they all unanimously believe that one of the main rules in this case is how to get enough sleep.

If the body does not have enough sleep, it “gets” this lack of snacks. Without sleep, you feel a strong hunger and begin to satisfy it with everything that comes to hand. As a result, a well-established nutrition system for pregnant women, in order not to get better, flies into the pipe. Have pity on yourself and the baby, try to get enough sleep, and the figure will definitely thank you. 8 hours a day will be enough.

Nutrition during pregnancy, so as not to get better: menu for the week

Recommendations are recommendations, but without a specific menu - nothing. Let's talk more specifically about what to eat for pregnant women so as not to get better. We have compiled a sample menu for you for 7 days. Each meal provides several options for a meal. Mix them up as you wish.

Proper nutrition for pregnant women, so as not to get better, is as follows:

Breakfast- Definitely hot. It is best to eat porridge - any, except for semolina. You can add lean cookies or toast with cheese to it, drink green tea. As an alternative to porridge - oatmeal pancakes with cottage cheese or mashed banana.

Lunch: cottage cheese with fruits / fruits separately / natural sweets - marmalade, marshmallows.

Dinner: fresh vegetable salad plus a main course - soup with vegetable or meat broth / potatoes, rice, buckwheat or a little pasta / meat or fish without a side dish.

afternoon tea: fruit, fresh or baked in the oven / scrambled eggs with vegetables / low-fat cottage cheese cheesecakes / vegetable salad with olive oil. It is recommended to drink water, compote or juice diluted with water.

The nutrition system of a pregnant woman, in order not to gain excess weight, must necessarily include dinner. Yes, yes, without him, nowhere, no matter how surprising it may sound. And - in two steps!

Dinner: rice porridge with apples and raisins / lazy dumplings / fish with vegetables and rice / cottage cheese casserole.

Second dinner- a very tiny portion, no more than 120 grams. For example, a little ryazhenka, cottage cheese or a couple of loaves.

Do not forget to season the dishes with herbs - it is very useful for pregnant women.

What to eat for a pregnant woman so as not to get better, we figured it out. Let's now clarify when exactly to eat. It is better if the breaks between meals are about three hours. The last meal - the second dinner - no later than two hours before bedtime.

We told you what to eat while pregnant so as not to gain weight. Then everything depends on you. Health to you and the baby!