The position of the moon in the zodiac signs for all years. Moon in the natal chart (horoscope)

The Moon, being in Aries, gives a person quickness of mind, self-confidence, an adventurous spirit, openness and reluctance to obey demands. The confrontation between the active, hot sign Aries and the cold, passive Moon gives rise to nervousness. Therefore, lunar Aries are easily excited, quickly react to changes and never doubt the correctness of their opinion, while ignoring any objections.
Such people are impatient, their time is always valuable, and they do not want to waste it on a thorough analysis of trifles. Many of them are characterized by the desire to rush forward without thinking in advance about the consequences.
Being in the sign of Aries, the Moon gives its wards charm, mental alertness, and the ability to achieve from others what they need. These people have enthusiasm and energy, but at the same time they are able to give up their goal if it requires hard and long work to achieve it. Striving for something new, they can quickly change their focus, abandoning the old project. However, if the lunar Aries is really interested in something and completely captures his soul, he will give it all his strength.

Owners of the Moon in Aries do not tolerate any kind of restrictions. They strive to act according to their desires, rarely listening to the advice and opinions of others. This character trait can get in the way in some cases, but in situations where quick decision-making is required, no one compares to lunar Aries.
Lunar Aries resist other people's power in the sphere of personal relationships - it is they, and not their partner, who should dominate. Needing freedom, they do not always like to give it to others. These people want to be loved faithfully, to have an exciting relationship, and if life with a partner becomes routine, they quickly become disillusioned and often start looking for a new relationship.

Many astrologers believe that the position of the Moon in a woman’s horoscope better reveals the subtleties of their character than the position of the Sun. Read our article about what exactly the Moon indicates in the horoscope.

This women's practice helps improve and harmonize one of the three most important areas in the lives of each of us. Improve your relationships, improve your well-being and simply become a successful person with the help of this practice.

500 rub People in whose horoscope the Moon is at the lowest point (Nadir) are usually quite secretive, withdrawn and do not like to “shine”. Their interests are often connected only with their immediate environment and do not go beyond their family and caring for their home. They are distinguished by family and love for children. People in whose horoscope the Moon is at the Sunset point (Descendant) are very emotionally dependent on the world around them and in particular on their marriage or business partners. They are distinguished by a feeling of dissatisfaction with relationships and for this reason, many of them, in search of a suitable person for themselves, marry more than once. If you want to learn in more detail about all the meanings of the Moon specifically in your horoscope, contact the experienced experts of the Astro7 service.

We already know that the position of the Moon in the horoscope is an important factor. In fact, this horoscope is called a lunar horoscope conditionally, since in fact a person’s lunar horoscope is still the same Western horoscope, only now we are considering the position not of the Sun, but of the Moon in the horoscope.

What is the Moon responsible for in the natal chart?

The Moon is the antipode of the Sun. Moon - feeling, sensation, variability of the soul, subconscious. The moon does not radiate, does not create, but only reflects and collects. Oona means reflective reflective thinking.

In the horoscope, the Moon is very important, it personifies the personality of women, it means a passive principle, perceiving, being impressed. This has to do with the subconscious.

The moon is a symbol of moods, whims, changes of views, plans, goals. This change corresponds to the changes in the phases of the Moon (high tide, low tide) and the rhythm of reproductive functions.

The moon is a mother, wife, sister - the feminine principle. The moon in the body has its own organ: stomach, digestive tract, lymph, appearance.

Breasts, mammary glands, uterus, conception and all the fluids of our body are ruled by the Moon.

In external life, the Moon means popularity, fame (for example, among artists). The moon is childhood and early adolescence.

In the horoscope, the Moon symbolizes our subconscious, intuitive beginning, shows the type of emotionality, our unconscious inclinations.

That is, it is rather not what “actively” characterizes us, but what we are internally tuned to, what we are subconsciously drawn to, this is our “reverse” side.

If you want, the Moon is our “dark”, instinctive principle, in contrast to the conscious, rational, “solar” one.

This is our first unconscious reaction to environmental irritations. If the Sun is the spirit of man, then the Moon is the soul.

The symbolism of the Moon is the mirror of life. The sphere of influence of the Moon is mood.

The Moon in a person’s horoscope is associated with emotions, devotion, and the educational instinct; the Moon’s place on the map reflects your mood.

The moon is your inner world. Intuition. Feminine. Mother. Yin. Along with the Sun and the Ascendant, the Moon is one of the main components of the natal chart.

It characterizes our emotional response to what is happening, how our feelings motivate and stimulate or limit and hold us back.

The Moon in the horoscope is a symbol of motherhood and the relationship between mother and child, and in a man’s horoscope the Moon symbolizes his wife, and in a woman’s horoscope it characterizes pregnancy, childbirth and intuition.

Moon in the houses of the horoscope

Moon in the 1st house

A sensitive nature, highly impressive when moods change, generally sociable and adaptable, but slightly prone to depression. Fate changes with ebbs and flows. Tension of the soul, susceptibility to neuroses.

Moon in the 2nd house

Instability and variability of financial and property status due to the fluctuating life line, as well as due to one’s own negligence. Happiness is only possible with very good aspects of the Moon. Social activities, contacts with the public, and transactions play a big role.

Moon in the 3rd house

Often a thirst for travel and many small trips, often related to work. Restless spirit, changing plans and goals. Often social activities, journalism and publications play a big role. With bad aspects - loss of a brother or sister.

Moon in the 4th house

A hectic home and sometimes frequent moving. With good aspects, there is a strong and harmonious relationship with the parental home and homeland. But even in this case, moving, because The moon does not provide stability and constancy. The attitude towards father or mother, depending on the aspects, is good or fatal.

Moon in the 5th house

In the female horoscope: often strong attachment to the child; in the male horoscope: interests in the field of pedagogy. Change of love contacts and multiple adventures. Sociability, love of pleasure, popularity.

Moon in the VI house

Unstable health. The mental aspect is emphasized. The environment is pressing. You should strive for a secure professional position, since autonomy and independence are very difficult. Frequent turnover of subordinates and employees. The nervous system is weak.

Moon in the 7th house

If the aspects are good, then a successful position in society. The attitude towards a partner is unstable and often depends on the latter’s behavior. When choosing a partner. Multiple social contacts with the outside world, which do not always last. With this position of the Moon, everything depends on the aspects.

Moon in the VIII house

Bad aspects of the Moon with planets bring fatal separations and difficulties, in particular with inheritance, financial disputes through the courts. The mental aspect is strongly emphasized. Often depression and mental burden.

Moon in the 9th house

Strong imagination and intuition. Travel, especially abroad, is of great importance for fate. But permanent residence abroad is not guaranteed. Tendency to study and expand horizons. Social status. In general, a desire for change.

Moon in the X house

Transactions with fast turnover. Forced trips, restlessness. Communication with the public and clientele. Mediation, multiple contacts with partners. Often work is just for the sake of earning money, and interests lie in a completely different area. Multiple contacts with women. Work is often intertwined with love.

Moon in the 11th house

A change of friends, which can be beneficial and necessary if the aspects are good. In a man's horoscope: multiple contacts with women! With bad aspects: bad reputation and intrigue. In general, there is a multiplicity of contacts with the outside world.

Moon in the XII house

Depression, sensitivity, touchiness. Restlessness of the soul. A tendency toward isolation, often neuroses, in any case, nervousness and a desire to be alone. Delayed personality development since childhood.

Strong and weak Moon in the birth horoscope

You can tell how confident a person feels by looking at the position of the Moon in the horoscope.

Taking into account not only how comfortable and free she feels in her sign, but also her tense or harmonious relationships with other planets.

Harmonious Moon

If the Moon in the horoscope is sufficiently compatible with its sign and other planets, then subconscious automatic and instinctive reactions can harmonize and interact positively with many aspects of life and types of self-expression.

In this ideal case, the individual has a relatively accurate and realistic view of himself, is reasonably confident and responds to external challenges with innate inner strength, adapting to life circumstances with relative ease.

"Harmful" or weak Moon

If the position of the Moon in the horoscope is associated with significant tension or conflict, then there is a possibility of an overly negative or distorted self-perception, lack of confidence, inability to present oneself (including the inability to dress with taste) and great internal tension.

A person with this Moon will need to work on achieving inner harmony and a positive self-image, perhaps starting by looking at the childhood patterns that influenced his self-image.

It is also important to learn to overcome your touchiness and tendency to take criticism too personally.

In other words, people with such a tense or conflicting Moon in the horoscope are often unable to see what is really happening; They lack objectivity about themselves, so they react to things in unpredictable ways, based on their own emotional habits rather than the realities of the situation.

In short, taking into account the position of the Moon in the horoscope is critical to understanding the emotional needs of each person and understanding what he needs to feel confident and build healthy relationships.

Moon and love compatibility

When comparing natal charts for compatibility, the position of the Moon says a lot about everyday interpersonal mood, how harmonious or discordant the habits of two people are, and whether these two individuals are ready to provide constant support to each other for a sufficiently long time.

It must be borne in mind that, despite the importance of mutual attraction between people (Mars and Venus), in the absence of support (the Moon), it may turn out to be short-lived.

If the Moon is the lord of birth

If the lord of birth is the Moon, life is not stable in any case. There will be many small events that follow one after another in a string. Man himself is changeable.

This is a difficult position for a man.

The main background of life is the problems of one’s own home, family, and most often the mother’s great influence on fate.

If the lord of birth, the Moon, is good, it creates a person who is exceptionally intuitive, emotional, understanding and benevolent.

Such a person feels his own Soul and is constantly in contact with it. Ancestors play a big role in life; they support, guide, and give advice in dreams.

The main quality of such a person is the ability to hear his inner voice and do his job well, without unnecessary words.

If the ruler of birth, the Moon, is evil, it creates a person with inadequate emotionality. Amorphous reaction in tense situations and emotional outbursts over trifles.

In the life of such a person, unnecessary dependence and restlessness arise. There may be a forced separation from the family, a break with the mother, or absence from home.

The problem of the Moon is a problem of personal stability, a problem of mastering one’s own emotions.

The problem disappears when a person stops being suggestible and develops his own view of the world.

When is the Moon dominant in the birth horoscope?

People with a predominance of the Moon experience mood swings and can only fight them with difficulty.

Already in the face one can see the influence of the Moon (full round face, swollen, puffy, soft features, pale).

They are very receptive to all impressions, which they quickly grasp (the Moon is a collection, a reflector.)

Their emotional experiences are stronger than their mind or will. Moon types seek protection (especially children) and depend on the environment.

The moon opens all areas of the subconscious, the world of dreams, hence premonition, intuition.

Positive character traits:

  • Susceptibility
  • Sensitivity
  • Vulnerability
  • Impressionability
  • Domovity
  • Caring
  • Forethought
  • Observation
  • Softness
  • Flexibility
  • Tenderness
  • Obedience
  • Innocence
  • Frivolity
  • Ordinariness
  • Childishness
  • Shyness
  • Embarrassment
  • Innocence
  • Gullibility
  • Smoothness
  • Slowness
  • Caution

Negative character traits:

  • Passivity
  • Weakness
  • Helplessness
  • Infancy
  • Touchiness
  • Conservatism
  • Relaxation
  • Absent-mindedness
  • Detachment
  • Daydreaming
  • Stealth
  • Closedness
  • Mystery
  • Weirdness
  • Taciturnity
  • Reflexivity
  • Uncertainty
  • thoughtfulness
  • Incompleteness
  • Understatement
  • Moodiness
  • Variability
  • Getting personal
  • Nonsense
  • Insanity
  • Anxiety
  • Timidity
  • Melancholy
  • Depression
  • Tearfulness
  • Selfishness
  • Drowsiness
  • Carefree
  • Lightness

Spheres of influence: what the position of the Moon will tell you

Characteristics: cold, wet, nocturnal, feminine, phlegmatic.

Earth triplicate at night (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo).

Decades: Cancer 1-10°, Scorpio 21-30°, Pisces 11-20°.

Faces: Taurus 11-20°, Cancer 21-30°, Libra 1-10°, Sagittarius 11-20°, Aquarius 21-30°. Metal - silver.

Taste: salty.

Years of life: from birth to 7 years.

Anatomy: The left eye of a man, the right eye of a woman. Epithelium of mucous membranes. Subcortical layer of the cerebral hemispheres. Autonomic nervous system.

Fluid systems of the body (tissue fluid, blood serum, lymph). Water metabolism in the body. Water-salt balance (edema, dropsy). Stomach.

Secretion of bile and gastric juice. Digestion. Digestion. Metabolism. Homeostasis. The activity of the endocrine glands is the thymus gland, the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland.

Hormonal processes. The ability to bear children, fertility. Female genital organs. Uterus. Mammary gland. Lactation. Procreation instincts.

Maternal instinct. The body's ability to grow and develop. Regular cyclical processes in the body. Reflexes. Hypoprocesses (hypotension, hypoglycemia).

Defense mechanisms of the psyche (repression, regression - return to childhood behavior patterns). Psychosomatics.

Everyone knows very well their zodiac sign, which is determined by the position of the Sun relative to the zodiac constellations at the moment of our birth. We are accustomed to reading horoscopes based on this calculation; hundreds of books have been published describing the common traits inherent in people born in a certain period. But few people know that there is also a so-called Lunar horoscope, which is compiled based on the position in the sky of this Earth satellite at the moment of our birth.

The Moon stays in the signs of the zodiac for no longer than 2 - 3 days in each of them. A sidereal lunar month is the time interval during which a planet passes through all 12 zodiac constellations. Its length is 27.3 Earth days. Being in each sign, the Moon changes its characteristics and, accordingly, its influence on various processes occurring on Earth, including on people, their behavior, habits, emotions, character, changes.

If the Sun is responsible for the formation of “visible” human qualities (such as character, willpower, perseverance in achieving a goal), then the Moon in the zodiac influences our unconscious: sensitivity, intuition, emotions, impressionability, reflexes, instincts, habits. In other words, it determines a person’s reactions to the world, those processes that happen to us faster than our thoughts are formed. It also has a strong influence on changes in our mood and on the formation of a person’s type of behavior.

Whether a person will be endowed with extraordinary abilities (for example, clairvoyance) depends on what zodiac the Moon was in at the time of our birth. Often it is the location of the Moon that determines how sensitive a person is to the energies of the cosmos, how much he perceives their changes, how strong his intuition is and the ability to positively or negatively influence others.

The moon is a symbol of the soul, a conductor between the material world and the spiritual world. By itself, this planet does not create or radiate anything. It would be more correct to say that it is a connecting link, a conductor and a reflector of energies.

It is also interesting that the Moon affects men and women differently. She is often associated specifically with the feminine principle, with a woman-mother. It has a greater influence on the feelings of men and on the rational principle of women. For men's horoscopes, this planet is very important at the beginning of life, for women - in its second half.

If the Sun for men corresponds to the right side of the body and organism, and for women - to the left, then with the Moon everything is absolutely the opposite: for men it affects the left side, while for women it affects the right.

Since the Moon is our emotions, it most directly affects our relationships with others, how easily and quickly we can find contacts with people, how strong and trusting our relationships with loved ones are. It is not surprising that the Moon in the zodiac plays an extremely important role in love. A remarkable fact: the strongest and most long-term relationships between people are possible when in a woman’s horoscope the Moon is in the same zodiac sign as the man’s Sun. For example, if he has the Sun in Virgo, and she has the Moon in Virgo, this couple has an excellent chance of living a long and happy life together, since their couple will have complete harmony, trust and mutual understanding.

The influence of the Moon on a person depends on its position in the zodiac sign. If you feel that you are constantly in conflict with yourself, you are worried about internal contradictions - study the position of the Moon in the zodiac at the time of your birth and the current position of the Moon in the zodiac.

A person’s abilities, successes, health and destiny are largely determined by the position of the Moon in one of the zodiac constellations at the moment of his birth. By knowing your lunar Zodiac Sign, you can identify your hidden talents and understand in which areas of life you are able to achieve the greatest success.

Belonging to one of the twelve Zodiac Signs is traditionally determined by the location of the sun in the sectors of the zodiac belt. At birth, each baby receives its own “sun sign,” which can say a lot about its individual characteristics. The position of the Sun at the moment of birth of a person affects his conscious, volitional sphere, determines the most striking character traits and behavioral features.

In addition to the solar Zodiac sign, a person is endowed with a lunar sign, and astrologers consider it the most significant. If the Sun travels through all twelve constellations during the year, then the Moon manages to visit each of them in a month. The Moon Zodiac Sign is determined by the location of the night luminary on the celestial map on a person’s birthday. Thus, according to your solar sign you can be Scorpio, and according to the lunar calendar you can be Leo. Therefore, many people, reading the description of the individual characteristics of the solar Zodiac Signs, often cannot find the traits characteristic of them. As a rule, the characteristics are most consistent with those whose Moon and Sun Signs coincide.

The Zodiac sign according to the lunar calendar determines the area of ​​the subconscious in a person: intuition, emotional background, natural inclinations and hobbies, instincts. The moon affects the structure of the body and its vulnerabilities, causing a predisposition to chronic diseases. It must be taken into account that every year the time of stay of the night luminary in the constellations changes, therefore the Moon Sign is calculated individually, taking into account the day, month, year and place of birth.

The moon gave Scorpios heightened intuitive sense and endowed with good imagination. Representatives of the Scorpio sign feel other people well, are able to calculate the situation several steps ahead and... For self-realization, people often choose the field of creative activity.

Sagittarius active and unpredictable. They have good analytical skills. They are prone to shocking behavior and strive to gain recognition in the eyes of others. In stressful situations, they can succumb to impulse and commit a rash act. They successfully realize themselves in public professions.

Representatives of the Sign Capricorn purposeful and focused. They know how to plan time and foresee the results of their actions, so they easily achieve their goals. They are fixated on pragmatism and rarely show strong emotions. They don't pay attention to what doesn't concern them. In relationships, we tend to limit the initiative of other people.

Aquarius pay great attention to the world around them. They have a desire to understand the mysteries of nature and human nature, so they carefully analyze the personality of each person with whom they enter into a relationship. Sometimes they can tell you more about people than they know about themselves. Aquarians are born psychologists.

People born when the Moon is in Pisces, are distinguished by a high level of empathy and love for everything around them. Always ready to provide material and moral assistance to others. They often suffer because people use their kindness for their own purposes. They need a “guiding hand” and protection.

Zodiac signs according to the lunar calendar will indicate which area of ​​life should be given special attention, will help you discover hidden qualities and benefit from them. We wish you success and don't forget to click on the buttons and