“Sexual perversions, incredible in their sadism” - torture protocols in “Tornado”. Genital torture Ladies torture the genitals of bound men

In September 2018, the Presidential Council for Human Rights (HRC) recommended that the government consider including a new article "Torture" in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, under which only officials would be punished. The HRC formulated this recommendation to the authorities after scandals with torture of prisoners in the colonies of the Yaroslavl region who were caught on video cameras. On January 28 this year, the HRC made public the responses from the FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. They say that such a measure is excessive, the security forces are already being held accountable for torture.

Member of the HRC, chairman of the human rights organization "Committee against Torture", laureate of the Moscow Helsinki Group prize Igor Kalyapin explains why torture requires a special article in the Criminal Code:

The head of the HRC Mikhail Fedotov has already commented on the responses of the FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He acted as a theoretical scientist. He said that the criminalization of torture is needed, since the legislation must be put in order so that it is logical. Today in our legislation the term "torture" is used as a synonym for the word "torment". There is Art. 302 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - coercion to testify with the use of torture. There is Art. 117 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (torture), in the note to which it is indicated that this is coercion to do something against the will of a person if he is inflicted with mental or moral suffering. But there is an international definition of the legal term "torture" - in the UN Convention against Torture. It says that torture is suffering inflicted by an official - a representative of the government for a specific purpose - either to coerce, or to punish, or on the basis of discrimination. And all participating States have taken the obligation that they will criminalize this composition - they will introduce responsibility for such torture into their criminal codes. And Russia also made this commitment.

Here, I repeat, the concept of torture is deciphered in Art. 117 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, according to which anyone can be involved, but not officials. For them, there is a separate section in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - malfeasance. And not a single security official will be held accountable for torture under Art. 117 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

They will be attracted under Art. 286 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (abuse of office). And that link in the comments of the FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs that we can be prosecuted for torture under Art. 117, is not just a misunderstanding, it is a completely deliberate lie. I do not think that illiterate lawyers work in the legal departments of the FSB or the Ministry of Internal Affairs. They all know perfectly well what we have under Art. 117, only a private person - a citizen can be involved. If a neighbor pokes a neighbor with a soldering iron, then this is Art. 117 - torture. If a police officer did the same, then this is Art. 286: he did it as a representative of the authorities. And all lawyers understand that there is a completely different corpus delicti: the policeman used his official powers. But Art. 286 of the Criminal Code about any malfeasance. If the policeman illegally knocked down the door to the apartment and broke in, and if the policeman tortured a helpless man in handcuffs with electric current, then all this now qualifies as abuse of power. And the FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs pretend that they do not understand what is the difference between knocking down a door and an encroachment on human life and dignity. For them it is all the same, it is in one article of the Criminal Code.

So, when the FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs say that today they can be prosecuted for torture, they are right. But let me remind you that Russia has ratified the UN Convention against Torture. By doing this, we acknowledge that we understand the difference between simply illegal actions and the deliberate infliction of suffering by a government official. Our legislators pretend not to understand this difference. It is this lack of logic in legislation that legal scholars pay attention to.

As a practitioner, I consider it important to say about one more aspect. We have a bureaucratic country, and all actions of police officers, investigators, prosecutors are prescribed by instructions.

We have instructions for investigating thefts, robberies, robberies. But we do not have any regulations on the investigation of complaints of torture by the security forces.

And we are faced with the fact that investigators may not carry out urgent actions for months: examination of the scene of the incident, interviewing witnesses, searching for recordings from video cameras. And we believe that this is done deliberately, since in a month or two the videos will be erased, and it will be impossible to establish the time of the injury. And formally, the investigator does not violate anything, since he does not have a training manual. And this is due to the absence of such a phenomenon as torture in the bureaucratic space.

You also need to determine who will investigate the torture by law enforcement agencies.

Now investigators are unable to investigate the crimes of local police officers, as they open the door to them with their feet. It is necessary that such cases be transferred to the top.

For 15 years of practice, we in the Committee against Torture have checked more than 2 thousand complaints, we found evidence of torture in 200 cases, and this does not mean that the rest of the complaints are far-fetched. We brought 68 cases to trial, and 130 police officers were convicted. But these figures do not say anything except the quality of our work. On the other hand, in almost every of the 68 cases, we encountered resistance from investigators who refused to initiate criminal cases. We sought through the court the cancellation of the investigator's decision, they waited for a month or two and again made a refusal, and we again went to court. This could last for years, but it still ended in a guilty verdict.

When a normal corpus delicti - torture committed by officials - appears in the Criminal Code, we will have statistics on these crimes, separate indicators on the detection rate. We will see how many applications are received, how many charges are brought, how many cases go to trial and how many convictions. Now statistics are only for articles: of all crimes under Art. 286 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation no one will isolate torture. But the state needs to know what is happening in this area. Take theft - there are several types of them. Secret theft is theft (Article 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), theft by deception is fraud (Article 159), open theft is robbery (Article 161), open theft with the use of weapons is robbery (Article 162). And according to the statistics of each of these crimes, the state understands how they are fighting this.

And therefore we will insist on our position on the new article in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. I promise: I will live, I will talk about it with the President of Russia. We will talk with the deputies, the prosecutor's office, the Investigative Committee, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, the Federal Penitentiary Service. I can guess that the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB believe that they cannot do without torture. But this runs counter to the line of the state: this is not a fight against crime, but finishing off indicators. This means that the security officials have no proof of the guilt of the suspects. When there is evidence, torture is unnecessary.

Hardy Haberman

What starts out as light, enjoyable entertainment can, with a little imagination and sex toys, add a touch of vibrant sex play. I'm talking about a practice commonly called Male Genital Torture, or CBT. Don't let the word "torture" stop you. Most of the time, what we call CBT is actually fun and enjoyable and can be both violent and super cute - it all depends on your wishes and your partner's preferences.

Male genitalia are very sensitive and very flexible. This means that they can withstand considerable stress and be admirably responsive to various influences, both intense and weak. Add to that the emotional component that men usually associate with what is between their legs, and you have the perfect playground for creativity in the field of unusual sex.

Before starting any kind of CBT, it is important to establish good contact with your partner. If you are a man who has entered into a game with another man, you can use your own experiences to gauge how your partner is feeling, but remember that each person's feelings are very individual. You cannot argue that your partner's penis will always respond the same way as yours just because you have a penis yourself. Therefore, it is important to discuss what works and what doesn't.

It is even more important to maintain communication during the entire scene if a woman is playing with a man. This may not fit your fantasy of what is going to happen, but it is best to have a good deal of discussion about what happens during the scene during the first few games. This will greatly facilitate future dates and allow you and your partner to have more trust in each other. Once you gain the necessary experience, you can add more complex elements - fantasies will be realized more easily and bring more pleasure.

You need to grow up to scenes with torture of male genitals, they cannot be dealt with without proper preparation. And don't let this seem like an unnecessary precaution to you. I never liked to play roughly with my partner's genitals, as I always wanted to keep the possibility of future dates. Therefore, I prefer to play it safe, even when I'm sure of what I'm doing. Since I am the person who is entrusted with the management of the stage, it will be my responsibility to be responsible for the safety and well-being of my partner. If you break your toys, you will never have the opportunity to play them again.

Torture of male genitals (in my opinion, the more accurate name is “playing with male genitals”) does not require anything except a pair of hands and a developed imagination, but for this kind of fun, many different toys have been created. Since you might not want to invest a lot of money in items that you might not like after a single use, I suggest the following beginner's kit: a spool of braided nylon cord, some wooden clothespins, an elastic band (such as ACE), and a toothbrush. With just a few objects and imagination, you and your partner can experience almost all of the sensations that come with CBT.


Nora has planned a special evening for Bob. They had been dating for several months and spent a lot of time talking about their fantasies, both sexual and beyond sex. Bob invited Nora to become the "top" in their bedroom game and told her some pretty vivid stories about how he imagines what should be happening there. Nora not only listened carefully to Bob, but was delighted with his proposal. She relished the thought of assuming the role of Dominant in a relationship with Bob during their sex play, so she began to prepare herself to fulfill at least some of his fantasies.

“Lock the door,” she told him in a husky voice. She stood like a drill sergeant, her hands clasped behind her back, waiting for him to do her bidding.

Bob froze for a second, and then rushed to obey Nora's orders. He realized what was about to happen and was ready to obey.

"Now I want you to be naked before we go further inside my house!"

Bob was unable to undress quickly enough. He frantically tore off his clothes and threw them anywhere right in the hallway. And finally, he took off his last piece of clothing - his underwear - and stood in front of her, feeling extremely excited and feeling very vulnerable.

“You shouldn't leave your clothes scattered all over the house. Fold it neatly and take it with you. "

Nora turned and walked through the door. Bob tried to collect his things as quickly as possible. He managed to quickly crumple the clothes into one pile. Then he, like an obedient puppy, followed Nora into the bedroom.

"Where should I put all this?"

Nora looked at him. He was naked and his penis was almost completely hard.

"What did you say, my boy?" - she put special emphasis on the last word.

It took Bob a few seconds to comprehend her question, and then he jumped into the game:

"Where do you want me to put them, Lady?"

Nora smiled and, trying to suppress a grin, pointed to the wardrobe. She had never seen Bob so naked and vulnerable. Now she was worried almost as much as he was.

"Now kneel on the bed facing me," Nora pointed to the bed.

Bob climbed onto the bed and knelt down, face to face with his partner. Expecting what would happen next, he spread his legs a little and brought his hands together behind his back, providing

Nora has full access to his now fully erect penis.

After talking a little more with Bob, Nora was pleased to know that he was ready to start the game. She made sure that Bob understood how he needed to address her and how he should communicate his condition to her as the game progressed.

“I will satisfy my desires,” Nora said, entering the image. - If at some point you feel that you can no longer obey them, ask for mercy. You understood me?"

"Yes, Madam, I will ask you for mercy."

CBT can be very impressive fun when combined with a Dominant / Slave stage. You can include tutorials in the game. For example, during a scene, the dominant partner may demand responses from the slave partner, "Do you like this, kid?" or "Does this turn you on, my boy?" This dialogue not only creates in both partners an understanding of who is leading the development of the script, but also allows the slave to create simple feedback.

I only warn against one thing: damage to the male genitals can be serious. The “bottom” should have the decisive word in the question of the measure of pain and sensations. Even a horny man who can't wait to please his partner understands perfectly when something is wrong with his genitals. In other words, you need a signal indicating that events are out of range. It is imperative to agree on a stop word. In addition, I like to use the following communication method: I tell my partner that as long as he is satisfied with everything, he should call me "Master", but if we need to discuss something, he should call me by my real name. This allows you to communicate during the action and not scream in pain.

Once you and your partner have established a certain method of communication, it's time to start playing.

Tying with rope

First, Nora took a piece of rope and made several turns around the base of Bob's penis, twisting it after each turn behind the testicles. As she wound the rope, she made sure that the turns were tight enough, but not so painful. After three or four loops, Bob's cock hardened more than ever. Nora then took the ends of the rope and tied them in a knot. She inserted the remaining piece of rope between Bob's teeth.

"Hold them tight, do you hear?"

Bob answered indistinctly, "Yes, Madam."

Tying your partner's penis is much more fun than you might imagine. The feeling of power over a partner by fixing his genitals is cool, but for him the feeling of a rope tightly tightened around his penis and testicles is very erotic. I suggest using a roll of nylon cord about 3m long. Take the rope about 30cm from the end, wrap it around the base of the penis several times, passing it behind the testicles with each loop. The turns of the rope should lie tight and close to one another, as if you were winding it around a bobbin, pulling the skin of the genitals somewhat away from the torso. Be careful not to pinch the skin between the turns of the rope - this sensation has nothing to do with eroticism. After you have completed five or six turns, tie the ends of the rope. You should have about a meter of rope remaining. It also allows your partner to tighten or loosen the tension on the rope and provides an additional opportunity to make a difference if the sensation gets too strong.

Additional actions

Now that Bob's penis was fixed, Nora was able to get down to business properly. She pulled out a hidden toothbrush from a drawer. Holding it in front of Bob's face, she saw his puzzled look.

"You know what that is, right, kid?"

Bob nodded. The confusion gradually disappeared as he realized what was about to happen.

"You know I'm not going to brush my teeth."

Bob knew exactly what she was going to do with his rock-hard penis, and shivered with anticipation of what was soon to come.

Nora took a toothbrush and slowly ran its bristles over the head of Bob's penis. It was a very light touch, but in an erect man, the head of the penis is very, very, very sensitive.

Bob groaned, providing Nora with a sense of perverse pleasure - she knew that not only did she have all the power, but she was able to excite him with little or no effort. She brushed the brush over the head of his cock again, this time even more slowly and pressing a little harder.

“Oooooooooooooo,” Bob muttered, still meekly holding the rope between his teeth.

"Sensitive, kid?" Nora nudged Bob.

“Yes, Mistress,” Bob muttered, informing Nora that he sensed her actions, but was still enjoying the game. Then Nora ran the brush around the underside of the head of his penis. Bob froze and twitched: it was both annoying, but still enjoyable.

The sensation created by a light scratching touch of a toothbrush can be very intense, especially when it is brushed over the head of the penis. If you use a soft-bristled brush, you can almost always ensure that you don't injure your partner. However, if desired, you can use a stiffer bristle. Although the skin on the penis appears to be very thin, it is actually quite elastic and if you handle it carefully, it will lead to significant stimulation. Be careful not to cause scuffs or cuts in your actions. Although your partner will recover, there is always the possibility of infection if the skin is broken, so be very careful. Other fun toys used in these games are brushes, nylon dish sponges, powder brushes, feathers, and anything else that can create a variety of sensations. Take inventory of your kitchen drawers - that's a bonanza for CBT toys!


Nora then took a roll of elastic tape from the drawer and wrapped it around Bob's scrotum. Starting at the base of his penis, she gradually pulled out the tape and wound it over the pliable skin of the testicles. As she wrapped them, Bob's testicles naturally moved away from the torso, pulling on the usually wrinkled skin. When Nora finished, it was interesting to see the result of her work. Now the taut skin of Bob's scrotum seemed to glow. The testicles were pulled from the torso by almost five centimeters.

As a finishing touch, Nora decided to use the clasp that came with the elastic band. Nora tried to fasten it, making sure that the hooks of the fastener did not pierce the layers of the wound tape.

"We made good packaging, didn't we, kid?"

Bob tried to see what she was doing, but he was hampered by a hardened member. "Yes Milady".

Now Nora brushed the shiny skin of Bob's tied testicles. Bob was twitching due to the extremely strong sensations. Nora was afraid to press too hard, but her movements still made Bob flinch and twitch with every touch.

Looking around at her work, Nora noticed that a few drops of precum had escaped from the head of Bob's penis.

Learning to use the elastic band is pretty simple, and if you've ever wrapped elastic bandages around your wrist or ankle, know that it's pretty much the same thing. But, as has been said more than once, do not forget to communicate with your partner and do not tighten the tape too tight. You want to compress the scrotum a little, not block the blood flow. You should also be careful with the metal paper clip used to secure the tape. It is important to ensure that there are sufficient layers of material between the teeth of the fastener and the skin of the scrotum. When everything is connected correctly, the skin of the scrotum will stretch and the testicles will sway in this neatly wrapped cradle, like an inverted cone with two scoops of ice cream.

Paper clips, clips, clasps and other items for pinching

“Well, since you behaved very well, I want to surprise you again,” Nora said. She opened the drawer and pulled out a handful of clothespins. As soon as Bob saw them, he tensed and froze, but his penis was even harder than before.

Nora stroked his erect penis and felt some exposed skin on the underside. For most men, even when the penis is upright, there is little skin left that can be used for CBT, and Bob was no exception. Nora gently squeezed the skin on the underside of Bob's penis, being careful not to pinch the urethra, the tube that carries urine and semen inside his penis. She pulled a small patch of skin away from the penis and gently slipped the clothespin on at the base of the testicles.

Bob sobbed again, but didn't say a word. Nora took this as a signal that he was still in the game, and continued to fasten clothespin after clothespin along the penis until she reached the head.

"Don't worry, kid, that's all we'll be using today." She moved closer to him and kissed his chest, running her tongue over his nipples and tracing them around his navel. She took her time, letting Bob feel the pressure of the clothespins for a while.

You can use clothespins, as well as bag clips, hair clips - anything that can create a vibrant, unique experience. However, before putting these items into play, I suggest you test them out by pinching your skin between your thumb and forefinger. If you can't stand it, then your partner, of course, will not be able to endure the pain when these objects pinch the genitals.

Different types of clamps can produce different sensations. In general, when you pinch a piece of flesh on the penis, the body reacts physically and chemically. Nerve receptors in the skin react to pain from clothespins and send a signal. The brain responds by sending impulses that lead to the production of adrenaline. This speeds up the heart rate, preparing the body for possible danger, even if you know for sure that there is no danger. You may feel that your breathing has quickened and your voice is trembling.

In addition to adrenaline, the brain tells the body to make some natural opiates to relieve pain. It usually takes longer for this reaction to occur, so the painful sensations persist for some time.

Clothespins also turn off the reactions of the nerve receptors in the skin, so after a few minutes, numbness occurs and the sensation of pain decreases. The shaking may remain, but the sensation from the clothespins becomes bearable. The "top" must constantly contact his partner to make sure that the sensations are not only painful, but also erotic. Experience dictates that beginners should not leave clothespins on for more than 10 minutes. Longer periods of squeezing can cause nerve damage. While this rarely happens, it's best to play it safe. Surprisingly: as soon as the sensation of pain subsides, it makes no sense to leave the clothespins further - the effect of them will be rather weak.

Nora looked at the row of clothespins and could not resist playing with them. These actions made Bob jump as the sensations sent new messages to his brain.

Nora caressed Bob's hard penis and bent down to lick the head. She looked up at Bob, who was shivering more than before. The sight of her luscious lips nibbling his penis, and new sensations of pain and pleasure should have made this night unforgettable.

Nora carefully took the head of Bob's cock into her mouth so as not to hit the clothespins. With her tongue, she stimulated the underside of the head of his penis, just where she had recently been brushing with a toothbrush. Nora thought Bob deserved a small reward for being so obedient, and she also loved the feel of his penis in her mouth.

While she lovingly sucked the head of his penis into her mouth, she took off one clothespin with her fingers. Her long fingernails ran over a row of clothespins, sending flashes of pain down Bob's penis. She waited a little, and then did it again, each time making Bob twitch and writhe. His moans intoxicated her, and she knew that she gave him an incredible sensation of pain and pleasure at the same time.

Taking Bob's penis out of her mouth, she lifted it almost to her belly, and the clothespins were right in front of her face. Now that she looked at Bob, a slightly wicked grin wandered across her face. She opened her mouth and gracefully gripped the top clothespin with her teeth. It seemed to Bob that molten lead had spilled on his flesh. His face was twisted into a grimace. "Bastard," he said, almost missing the rope.

"Bastard??? Who?!" Nora demanded.

"Bastard, Mistress."

“Much better this way, kid,” she said with a grin, moving on to the next clothespin. Nora very carefully removed each clothespin, trying not to damage the delicate skin of Bob's cock. Her next action was accompanied by a new curse from Bob and the polite "Mistress". This continued until the last clothespin.

"Have mercy, Lady." Bob gasped, feeling that he could no longer tolerate this.

“Unfortunately,” Nora said, “this clothespin needs to be removed. It will be very painful. Why don't you take it off yourself? "

Bob thought for a moment, then closed his eyes tightly. "No, Madam, go on."

“Continue what? She asked. “Have you forgotten about decency?”

"Please, Lady, take it off."

Nora smiled and bent down, grabbing the last clothespin in her teeth. She slowly squeezed the clothespin, releasing the last piece of squeezed skin.

Bob did not make a sound for a while. Then he began to laugh uncontrollably: thanks to the combination of adrenaline and natural opiates, he felt like he was flying into the heavens.

"Thank you, Lady."

When the clamps or clothespins are removed, blood rushes to the skin, and the action of nerve receptors is renewed with renewed vigor. They immediately send a powerful signal to the brain, so the "bottom" one usually experiences severe pain.

Nora slowly unwound the testicles, freeing them from the elastic band, and reached up, removing the rope from Bob's mouth. She untied the knot and began to gently twist the rope, being careful not to hit the hairs.

After the release, Bob's penis was still erect and Nora intended to use it at night. Now the time has come for his reward. Both Nora and Bob knew this was going to be a scene that would please them again, but now it was a time of simple passion.

In the Middle Ages, the church played a key role in politics and public life. Against the background of the flourishing of architecture and scientific technology, the Inquisition and church courts persecuted dissidents and used torture. Denunciations and executions were massive. Women were especially helpless and powerless. Therefore, today we will tell you about the most terrible medieval torture for girls.

Their life was not like the fairy-tale world of knightly romances. Girls were more often accused of witchcraft and, under torture, confessed to acts that they did not commit. Sophisticated corporal punishment is striking in savagery, cruelty and inhumanity. A woman has always been guilty: for infertility and a large number of children, for an illegitimate child and various bodily defects, for healing and violating biblical rules. Public corporal punishment was used to gain information and intimidate the public.

The worst torture of women in human history

Most of the instruments of torture were mechanized. The victim suffered tremendous pain and died from his injuries. The authors of all the creepy instruments knew well the structure of the human body, each method brought unbearable suffering. Although, of course, these tools were applied not only to women, but they suffered more than others.

Pear of Suffering

The mechanism was a metal pear divided into several segments. There was a screw in the middle of the pear. The device was inserted into the guilty woman's mouth, vaginal or anal opening. The screw mechanism opened the pear segments. As a result, the internal organs were damaged: the vagina, cervix, intestines, pharynx. A very terrible death.

The trauma caused by the device was incompatible with life. Usually, the torture was applied to girls accused of being associated with the devil. At the sight of such a weapon, the defendants confessed to cohabitation with the devil, the use of the blood of babies in magical rituals. But confessions did not save the poor girls. They died in the fire anyway.

Witch chair (spanish chair)

Applied to girls convicted of witchcraft. The suspect was fixed with belts and handcuffs on an iron chair, in which the seat, back, side parts were covered with thorns. The person did not die immediately from blood loss, the thorns slowly pierced the body. The cruel suffering did not end there, they put hot coals under the chair.

History has preserved the fact that at the end of the 17th century, a woman from Austria, accused of witchcraft, spent eleven days in agony in such an armchair, but she died without confessing to the crime.


A special device for prolonged torture. The "throne" was a wooden chair with holes in the back. The woman's legs were fixed in the holes, and her head was lowered down. The uncomfortable position caused suffering: the blood rushed to the head, the muscles of the neck and back were stretched. But no traces of torture remained on the suspect's body.

A fairly harmless tool, reminiscent of a modern vise, delivered pain, broke bones, but did not lead to the death of the person being interrogated.


The woman was placed in an iron device that allowed her to be fixed in a position with her legs drawn to her stomach. This position caused muscle spasms. Prolonged pain, convulsions, slowly drove me crazy. Additionally, the victim could be tortured with a red-hot iron.

Spiked heel shoes

The torture shoes were fixed on the leg with shackles. With the help of a special device, spikes were screwed into the heel. For some time, the victim could stand on his fingers to relieve pain and prevent deep penetration of the thorns. But in such a position it is impossible to stand for a long time. The poor sinner faced severe pain, blood loss, sepsis.

"Vigil" (torture with insomnia)

For this purpose, a special chair was created with a pyramid-shaped seat. The girl was seated on a seat, she could not sleep or relax. But the inquisitors found a more efficient way to gain recognition. The tied suspect was seated in such a position that the tip of the pyramid penetrated the vagina.

The torture lasted for hours, the unconscious woman was revived and returned to the pyramid, which tore apart her body and injured her genitals. To increase the pain, heavy objects were tied to the victim's legs, and a hot iron was applied.

Goats for witches (Spanish donkey)

The naked sinner was seated on a pyramidal wooden block; to enhance the effect, a weight was tied to her legs. The torture caused pain, but unlike the previous one, it did not tear the woman's genitals.

Water torture

This method of inquiry was considered humane, although it often led to the death of the suspect. A funnel was inserted into the girl's mouth, and a large amount of water was poured. Then they jumped on the unfortunate woman, which could cause rupture of the stomach and intestines. Boiling water and molten metal could be poured through the funnel. Often ants and other insects were launched into the mouth or vagina of the victim. Even an innocent girl confessed to any sins in order to avoid a terrible fate.


The torture device looks like a chest piece. Hot metal was placed on the girl's chest. After interrogation, if the suspect did not die of painful shock and did not confess to a crime against the faith, charred flesh remained instead of a breast.

The device, made in the form of metal hooks, was often used to interrogate girls convicted of witchcraft or manifestations of lust. Such a tool could punish a woman who cheated on her husband and gave birth out of wedlock. A very tough measure.

Bathing witch

The inquiry was carried out in the cold season. The sinner was seated in a special chair and tied tightly. If the woman did not repent, the dipping was carried out until she suffocated under water or froze.

Was there torture of women in the Middle Ages in Russia?

In medieval Russia there was no persecution of witches and heretics. Such sophisticated tortures were not applied to women, but for murder and state crimes they could bury them up to their necks in the ground, punish them with a whip so that their skin was torn to shreds.

Well, that's probably enough for today. We think that now you understand how terrible medieval torture was for girls, and it is unlikely that now any of the fair sex would want to travel back to the Middle Ages to the valiant knights.

There is no doubt that the genitals are the most sensitive parts of the human body, their rich innervation is due to the need to produce orgasm, which enhances the procreation reflex. All this was provided by nature even in animals. In humans, all these reflexes were supported by a feeling of love. Isn't it strange that those parts of the body that were supposed to give joy from intimacy with a loved one, in someone's perverted brain, began to be used for savage torture. Most likely, the first step on this terrible path was the invention of torture of this kind for men. We can be convinced of this by the drawings of Ancient Egypt and Assyria, where we see incisions on the penis, squeezing the scrotum, burning with a torch. However, the sources of those times did not tell us about such torture of women. Therefore, let's start the story with the torture of men. The simplest and most effective method was simple beating. It is widespread throughout the world and in our time. So in Ancient Greece, the introduction of a prickly branch into the urethra of the interrogated is described. Telling about the emperor Domitian, Suetonius in "The Life of the 12 Caesars", writes - "to the many tortures that existed until now, he added one more - he burned people with fire their shameful members." His predecessor, Tiberius, whose fierce suspicion became legendary, was no better, "having deliberately made people drunk with pure wine, then their limbs were unexpectedly bandaged and they were exhausted from urinary retention and cutting bandaging."

We have already talked about the press for the breasts, with which the unfortunate captives were tortured. For men, a similar device was made with which the testes were slowly crushed. Rarely has a person been able to withstand this torture. In one of the manuals to the inquisitors, it was said that "with the help of the press in the genital area, you can force a man to confess to any crime." There was a more sophisticated device called the "goat", it was a wedge-hewn log with a perpendicular post attached to it. The accused was seated astride this projectile, pulled to the upright, so that he leaned groin on the sloping seat. The latter was done in the form of a vice, its halves were pushed apart, so that the intimate parts of the interrogated were lowered there, and then began to slowly move.

I was talking about the "Witch's Chair", the executioners invented a special version of it for men, when they were seated on a seat, where the thorns were fixed in such a way that they pierced the scrotum and penis. Often during interrogation, the executioner simply pressed on the intimate organs of the tortured, stringing them on thorns, trying to achieve confession.

Just like women, men were crushed and burned on their nipples, and weights were hung from them. I will not talk about such devices as a "crocodile" and a toothed crusher, specially invented by the executioners of the Inquisition to torture men.

In Stalin's torture chambers, the torture of "pushing the balls" was popular. The man was undressed below the waist, the guards pressed his arms and legs to the floor, spreading them apart, and the investigator with the toe of his boot (or an elegant shoe) pressed on the scrotum, increasing the pressure until the man confessed everything. Former Minister of State Security A. Abakumov, giving testimony, said "no one could stand this, it was only necessary not to overdo it, otherwise it would be difficult to bring him to trial later."

The German Gestapo liked to inject acid through a catheter into the bladder of the accused, causing wild pain. In our time, this method has been adopted by the Italian mafia and Arab terrorists.

It was popular and remains to this day hanging the interrogated by the intimate organs or jerking by the rope attached to them. As one of the witnesses against South Africa, heard by the International Tribunal in 1980, described: “... once Major Gaaz and Lieutenant Stevens tied copper wire to my genitals, the other end was tied to the doorknob. Stevens lit a blowtorch and held it to my face , I moved away, the wire pulled tight and I lost consciousness. They poured water over me and everything was repeated several times. Gaaz said something to me, but I screamed so much in pain that I could not hear anything. "

Knowing perfectly the most tender places of a woman - her breasts and crotch, the executioners invented more and more new ways to inflict as much suffering on their victim as possible. So there was torture by the phallus or "member of Satan." It was rough, often deliberately seated with sharp edges, thorns or petals that made it look like a bump. The name "member of Satan" comes from the medieval superstition of priests that the devil has a scaly member and causes severe pain during an act of love. So the executioners with force drove this object into the vagina of the interrogated, roughly jerked it back and forth, twisted, this atrocious instrument, especially if it was covered with scales that did not allow it to be easily pulled back, tore the walls of the unfortunate woman's vagina to shreds. The genitals of the accused were burned with fire, poured over with boiling water, as it was said in "exposure to heat and cold." At all times they liked to burn the nipples of the interrogated with a red-hot iron or fire. The terrible pain made most people confess. In the 1456 Code of Laws it was said, "to whip a wife without work, her tits need to be baked hot, then he will say everything." Like men, women were beaten in the groin, and in Latin American countries, the favorite method of the police is to kick a woman's lower abdomen.

Hardy Haberman

What starts out as light, enjoyable entertainment can, with a little imagination and sex toys, add a touch of vibrant sex play. I'm talking about a practice commonly called Male Genital Torture, or CBT. Don't let the word "torture" stop you. Most of the time, what we call CBT is actually fun and enjoyable and can be both violent and super cute - it all depends on your wishes and your partner's preferences.

Male genitalia are very sensitive and very flexible. This means that they can withstand considerable stress and be admirably responsive to various influences, both intense and weak. Add to that the emotional component that men usually associate with what is between their legs, and you have the perfect playground for creativity in the field of unusual sex.

Before starting any kind of CBT, it is important to establish good contact with your partner. If you are a man who has entered into a game with another man, you can use your own experiences to gauge how your partner is feeling, but remember that each person's feelings are very individual. You cannot argue that your partner's penis will always respond the same way as yours just because you have a penis yourself. Therefore, it is important to discuss what works and what doesn't.

It is even more important to maintain communication during the entire scene if a woman is playing with a man. This may not fit your fantasy of what is going to happen, but it is best to have a good deal of discussion about what happens during the scene during the first few games. This will greatly facilitate future dates and allow you and your partner to have more trust in each other. Once you gain the necessary experience, you can add more complex elements - fantasies will be realized more easily and bring more pleasure.

You need to grow up to scenes with torture of male genitals, they cannot be dealt with without proper preparation. And don't let this seem like an unnecessary precaution to you. I never liked to play roughly with my partner's genitals, as I always wanted to keep the possibility of future dates. Therefore, I prefer to play it safe, even when I'm sure of what I'm doing. Since I am the person who is entrusted with the management of the stage, it will be my responsibility to be responsible for the safety and well-being of my partner. If you break your toys, you will never have the opportunity to play them again.

Torture of male genitals (in my opinion, the more accurate name is “playing with male genitals”) does not require anything except a pair of hands and a developed imagination, but for this kind of fun, many different toys have been created. Since you might not want to invest a lot of money in items that you might not like after a single use, I suggest the following beginner's kit: a spool of braided nylon cord, some wooden clothespins, an elastic band (such as ACE), and a toothbrush. With just a few objects and imagination, you and your partner can experience almost all of the sensations that come with CBT.