How to distinguish an original iPhone from a fake? How to distinguish a real iPhone from a fake.

A person who prefers Apple products to other brands can easily distinguish an original smartphone from a Chinese fake. But if you decide to buy an iPhone for the first time, you need to know how to distinguish the Chinese "iPhone" from the original in order to avoid problems in the future. Such ignorance is usually costly, as the cost of a fake in this case is equal to the cost of a real phone. By the way, the price is the first criterion that you should pay attention to when buying. it doesn’t happen, remember this, so if you are offered to buy the latest Apple phone for a nominal amount, do not rush to make a “bargain” purchase. Make sure you don't get your hands on a Chinese copy of the iPhone.

Where to buy?

If you want to own an iPhone, we advise you to consider only well-known stores as places to buy. They should specialize in the sale of such equipment, and ideally be an official dealer of Apple products. Even if you are well aware of the characteristics of the "iPhone 5S", the original from hand to get a minimal chance. Of course, now you can find ads for the sale of used "iPhones" from their former owners, but latest models it is almost impossible to buy in this way. Suspicious street stalls, as well as dubious personalities offering here and now to buy a new original phone “for only 10 thousand rubles” are ways with a high degree of probability to give your money for a cheap fake. Dishonest sellers and use your ignorance on the question of how to distinguish the Chinese "iPhone" from the original. Have you ever compared these devices? We will tell you how to distinguish an iPhone from a fake, and we hope this information will help you avoid mistakes.

Apple has become a global brand for a reason. The company's specialists produce their products of deliberately emphasized high quality, and this favorably distinguishes any "apple" products on store shelves. Moreover, this feature is visible in everything, and the packaging of the smartphone is no exception. Firstly, the box should not have any flaws (dents, torn corners, uneven seams, scratches, signs of opening, etc.). Secondly, take it in your hands and appreciate the sensations. The original packaging gives the impression of plastic, it is so neat and pleasantly made, although, of course, ordinary material was used as its material. And thirdly, pay attention to such details as stickers and inscriptions on the box in which the IPhone 5S is located. How to distinguish a fake with their help? All names of the device, as well as the manufacturer's logo, must be embossed according to the rules, and they must be located on the sides of the box. In addition, check the availability of additional vacuum transparent plastic packaging.

Now turn the box upside down and see if there is a sticker with the name of the model. If you have an original iPhone in your hands, this part will contain, in addition to this, information about the amount of memory of the device, IMEI number, batch numbers and product series. And even a bitten apple - the traditional Apple logo - should be carefully examined. A Chinese cheap copy may give out an apple with a notch on the left, which is wrong.

How to distinguish the Chinese "iPhone" from the original: external differences

The next step in recognizing a copy is to inspect the smartphone itself and work with it. Also, first of all, we will evaluate it. We have already mentioned the highest build quality of the original Apple technology. If you keep this in mind, then all sorts of defects on the phone case, even subtle ones, will indicate to you that this is a Chinese fake. The original is distinguished by the impeccable quality of the fit of all panels, the absence of backlash, gaps, chips, squeaks or sinking. The front panel should have a factory one. As a rule, the original one has a perforated tongue at the bottom. It is needed for quick and easy removal of protection from the display.

And the most main feature, which the original Apple phone cannot have - a detachable back panel! The real iPhone is monolithic device, which cannot be parsed manually. If you have a obviously original iPhone, you can advise to put two devices side by side and compare them visually. "Chinese" will be distinguished by a more elongated body format.

First impression: take a look at the menu

Next, for testing purposes, turn on the phone. When you first turn on the original iPhone, a logo will appear on the display, and then an invitation will appear to activate the device. True, this item does not always help to correctly determine the originality of the device, the fact is that many real iPhones go through the activation procedure in the store before they hit the counter. The premature opening of the package is also connected with this - at some points they are necessarily checked for serviceability. If you still have doubts, inspect the display, listen to the system sounds and music - the colors should be bright, the sound should be clear. We hope it is clear that a high-quality "iPhone" is distinguished only by a menu in Russian and a high-quality built-in camera. Here I would like to tell you how to distinguish the Chinese "iPhone" from the original most fast way. The secret is that the original device only supports a certain operating system- iOS, updates of which are available through the iTunes service. So, if you connect the device to a computer, this application will automatically recognize the original device and send a notification to its owner! Unfortunately, such a quick and high-quality check is possible only after buying a phone.

Differences in menu items and features of work

So, we turned on the phone and think about how to distinguish an "iPhone" from a fake. It should be remembered that there are differences between them in the "Settings" menu. For a non-original version, it will be incomplete, or rather, it will not be possible to see the “Phone model” and “Serial number” items there.


Do you doubt that you have an iPhone 5S in front of you? How to distinguish a fake? Go from the settings, for example, to the "Messages" menu and try to type any text. The appearance of the visual keyboard that appears is another way to recognize Chinese production. The latter has a keypad design similar to the keypad design of series phones samsung galaxy, consists of separate touch buttons with letters and the ability to switch characters. Often, these keyboards also support the Swype function.

Slow work as a clear sign of "Chinese"

But, probably, the first thing that catches your eye when you turn on the Chinese copy is braking. Sometimes it comes to such an extent that the phone manages to unlock the keys only from the fifth time! A high-quality iPhone instantly responds to the touch of your fingers (and only fingers!), And unlocking it will not take even two seconds.

Package contents of the original Apple device

The list of additional devices included in the phone kit has not changed since the first day of iPhone production. Thanks to this, the equipment of the original device, which we will present below, has become a kind of standard. If you don’t know other ways to understand if you are offered to buy an iPhone 5 for real, how to distinguish a fake, it will be enough to remember this list and compare the availability of all the details. In addition to the device in the box, you will also always find:

  • Envelope with colored instructions inside. It, in turn, is made in the printing industry and has a high-quality appearance, it will not have any tears, cuts, dents, stains, crumpled corners and blurry text, indicating a low level of printing, and other defects. There are two Apple logos on the cover.
  • Soft flexible earmuffs.
  • Data cable.
  • Original charger (its standard weight is 60 grams).

All these things are done in white color scheme. Cables should be folded as neatly as possible, have wide transparent ties (to prevent unwinding) and placed in additional polyethylene packaging. Headphones from the original "iPhone" are always pleasant to hold in your hands, they have a soft flexible rubberized wire. Their plastic parts must not have defects (chips, scratches, sharp corners, protruding sections of material, burrs, etc.).

How to distinguish "iPhone" from a fake the first time?

The following signs, which we list, are characteristic only of non-original products! If you, when buying an iPhone, find at least one of them, be sure that you have a Chinese handicraft product in front of you:


Chinese engineers, of course, are becoming more creative from year to year, and one can only envy their diligence. Therefore, fakes are increasingly adopting features original products and flood the technology market. How to distinguish "iPhone" from the Chinese counterpart, we told, and the conclusions suggest themselves. Alas, a similar Chinese design does not at all mean the fullness of functions that is inherent in quality goods. Therefore, before deciding to buy a phone from Apple, remember this material and pass by suspiciously “profitable” offers from unverified sellers. Forewarned is forearmed!

Good day to you, dear readers. Ruslan Miftakhov welcomes you, and today we will analyze how to distinguish an iPhone 6 original from a fake.

The fact that any successful and popular product is always trying to be faked by someone is a well-known fact. The same fate overtook Apple products.

Moreover, if quite recently we could easily determine the fake of any product by not quite high-quality external characteristics, now in China copies of “apple” smartphones are stamped so high quality that even a person who is already familiar with Apple products cannot always distinguish a fake, And let's not even talk about newbies.

Therefore, for those who want to buy the original after all, I will tell you how to recognize a fake, and for those who want to save money and buy a good copy, I will advise one proven site.

Still, a copy of a copy is different, and if a copy is already a verified one, it is better. And I advise you this site because several of my friends have already bought a phone there, and so far they have not complained about its work.

Before we start discussing ways to identify fakes, I would like to say that original products must be bought from official representatives in specialized stores, or ordered with delivery on the Apple website.

But if for some reason you are interested in an ad on the Internet (maybe the accumulative system of discounts on this site is good), or you decide to buy a phone "by hand" (through friends cheaper), then you need to know the basic distinctive features and ways to identify fakes.

Price too low

Wanting to buy an iPhone, the buyer will certainly compare prices in different stores and on different sites. So, the too low cost of a smartphone should immediately alert.

For what reasons Apple company can allow this store to sell products at a price much cheaper than in the App Store? It is unlikely that such reasons can be.

Box and equipment

When buying an iPhone 6s, be sure to consider the packaging. The white box must have an "apple" logo and an embossing in the form of a phone, without any drawings depicting the phone's menu, as well as hieroglyphs. The inscription on the side of the box should simply be "iPhone", without the number 6.

Having dealt with the look of the box, check the package contents, which, in addition to the phone, should include headphones, a Lightning cable, a special clip to open the slot with a SIM card, charging, documents for the phone, and two stickers with the Apple logo.

The appearance of the smartphone

After making sure that everything is in order with the box and its contents, pay attention to external characteristics phone. By appearance differences can be seen even with the naked eye.

The original features:

  • the presence of the following inscription at the bottom of the back cover of the smartphone: iPhone, Designed by Apple in California, Assembled in China (original iPhones are assembled in China at specialized Apple factories), as well as model numbers and certification marks;
  • To remove the back panel, you need to unscrew all the fixing screws (so if you see that the seller easily removes the cover to show you the battery, even if there are the right records on the cover, this will indicate a copy).

The iPhone 6s should not have:

  • hieroglyphs, errors in words, an apple that is “bitten off” from the other side;
  • several slots for a SIM card and a retractable external antenna, as well as a stylus;
  • built-in memory card, usb charging (the iPhone has only a Lightning connector);
  • TV and radio.

Serial Number Check

One of milestones checking an iPhone for originality is checking it serial number. This will require any other device with an internet connection.

On new iPhone 6s, you need to go to "Settings", select "General", then "About this device" and find the item "Serial number".

Then from another device you need to go to the official Apple website in the section on serial number verification and enter the number of the purchased device.

After that, you need to click on the "Continue" button, and if you have an original smartphone in your hands, you will receive all the information about it (up to the time it was assembled).

If you see an inscription that the number is not correct, then this is a fake. Of course, you should remember that you also need to rewrite the serial number correctly, otherwise you will accuse the seller of cheating in vain.

You can also check the phone by IMEI (using which, in addition to information about quality characteristics phone, you can track and block the stolen device) on the site

iPhone not charging enough?

Everyone knows that iPhones have a weak point - a weak battery, which barely lasts a day. It’s good if the outlet is nearby and you can put your smartphone on charge at any moment.

And if you are on a trip or on a journey and there is no way to recharge your favorite iPhone. What to do if you urgently need the Internet or navigation? There is a solution if you have an external battery for 10,000 - 20,000 mAh with you.

You can put it on charge and not be tied to an outlet, which is very convenient. You can order this item by clicking the button below.

Checking the operating system of the device

You can distinguish an iPhone even from a high-quality fake by checking the operating system: all Apple products have iOS installed, while Chinese copies work on the Android system (where the graphical shell has been modified).

To do this, you just need to go to the App Store, and if you are transferred to the application Play market, then it will indicate a fake. Also in the Play Market you will not find such branded applications as iMovie, Numbers, Pages and so on.

The last way to check

There is another way to check if the iPhone is original in front of you: install iTunes on your laptop in advance (which can be downloaded using the official Apple website) and take it with you to check your smartphone.

The check will be as follows: when you connect your iPhone to your laptop and turn on iTunes, this program should automatically detect the phone and try to start synchronization with it. If iTunes does not work, this will indicate that you have a Chinese copy in front of you.

Thus, we have considered many ways in which you can identify even the highest quality Chinese fakes.

The video shows the exact replica iphone 6s, and now put all the knowledge gained in this article into practice and find those differences from the original.

If you like this model, then here you can cheap order iphone6s.

This concludes today's article, and tomorrow we will continue the topic on the iPhone. See you all tomorrow!

Sincerely, Ruslan Miftakhov

In today's article, I would like to tell how to distinguish iphone 8 original from fake. Hopefully, if you read this article before buying an iPhone, you can avoid buying a fake phone or getting a refund for a fake phone. But let's hope that never happens.

How to distinguish an iPhone 8 from a fake? To do this, always pay attention to the following:

1. Carefully inspect the box: its design and appearance. This box is well made and has several unique design features.

2. Accessories must look like Apple accessories and be in the company's shape and design.

3. During startup, if you see any Chinese language or android logos, it is definitely a fake. Don't be fooled by the Apple logos as well during download, as fakes usually add those for effect.

4. There should not be any pre-installed third party apps like Twitter, Facebook or whatsapp out of the box. Also, if your device skips the installation process, then it is fake.

5. Fingerprint Scanner - This is usually a fake, also you can register with your finger and then try using another finger to unlock. Fakes will open with any finger and only pretend to scan fingerprints.

6. The display quality is poor compared to the real iPhone 8.

7. In fakes, everything moves slowly and sluggishly, especially in transitional animation and performance. The real iPhone 8 has no such problems.

8. Remove and examine the charger. There must not be any hieroglyphs, and its weight must be at least 60 grams.

9. Carefully inspect the headphones. distinguish them from fakes the most difficult, because outwardly they almost do not match. But there is one caveat: the original iPhone has a soft headphone wire.

10. Pay attention to the appearance of the device. As a rule, a fake is lighter and does not have any sound channels, so low level volume.

11. Open the back cover of your phone. In fact, the original is a one-piece candy bar, a non-specialist cannot remove the back cover or somehow disassemble the phone.

12. Study the software part of the device. Differences forgeries from the original to the face, due to the lack of many features, it offers a TV tuner that the original iPhone does not have.

How to distinguish iPhone 8? Check operating system version

This is the easiest way to find out if you are dealing with a fake iPhone 8 or not. Out of the box, the phone runs iOS 11, and the Chinese copies run Android 5.0 lollipop or 6.0 Marshmallow in most cases, along with a skin that makes them look like iOS.

On the home screen, tap Settings > General > About. The iOS version of your device should appear on the screen. Unless it's iOS 11.

Another sign that may mean that the phone is working under Android control is the color of the percentage charge. A real iPhone 8 should show it in white, while a fake Android running it should show it in blue.

How to distinguish iPhone 8? Register 3D Touch Display

How to distinguish iPhone 8? Check Screen

The screen of the original iPhone should be clear. iPhone 8's screen uses an OLED display that has a higher pixel density, making the screen more contrasty, vibrant, and full of color. Fake iPhones have dull color screens due to the low cost of their parts.

How to distinguish iPhone 8? Check welcome screen

This is also necessary, especially if you cannot distinguish a fake from the original by looking at physical characteristics. Try turning off then turning on your iPhone. The fake iPhone will have a welcome screen like the words "Welcome" while the original will show you the logo on the iPhone. On the home screen, you will see the iPhone Store icon. Try clicking on it. If it takes you to the Google store, then you know what to do...

How to distinguish iPhone 8? Check Siri

The Siri app can only be run on the original iPhone. Siri doesn't work on fake iPhone.

How to distinguish iPhone 8? Try checking your operating system

If you see any other apps that don't look like iOS apps, it's 100 percent fake. Apple only uses iOS as it's official operating system.

How to distinguish iPhone 8? Connect it to iTunes

Another simple step that can easily help you spot a fake iPhone 8. If you plug it into iTunes and it doesn't show anything, or you get an error message, it's clear you've got a cheap fake on your hands.

How to distinguish iPhone 8? Check the serial number on the Apple website

Go to your phone Settings menu, then General > about, which will show the serial number. Go to the site and enter it in the specified field. This should tell you if this phone is genuine or fake.

How to distinguish iPhone 8? Can you add to the home screen on iPhone?

Most iPhone clones on the market run on Android. Although iPhone clones are designed to mimic the real iPhone, thereby preventing additional home screens, you can download launcher apps that will allow you to change your phone's default interface. Download launchers to your phone and use them as your default launcher.

Final Thoughts

I hope the above tips were helpful. And you have learned how to distinguish an iPhone 8 original from a fake! If so, please share on social media. networks and write a comment.

Of course, every person, when buying an iPhone, wants it to be original. How to determine that the phone is not a fake?


Often, when buying a used or new iPhone, the question arises - how to understand whether it is original or not? There are several signs of how to distinguish a Chinese iPhone from the original.

Packaging of the original iPhone and fakes: comparison

Pick up the box and inspect it. If it is original, then the cardboard will be coated, and the seams and corners are even and smooth. At the bottom there is a sticker with information about the name, free space, IMEI and serial number. The inscriptions on the sides are made using embossing.

Also look at the execution of the logo. The original apple should be bitten on the right. Boxes with devices are packed in transparent polyethylene, which creates a vacuum inside. If it is not there, then ask the seller if it was at all or why it was removed.

Some people check the gadgets for operability when delivering orders. This is a normal procedure and there is nothing unusual about it. Accordingly, the vacuum packaging is opened.

But at the same time, its untouched part is not removed anywhere, and the courier will definitely inform you about the inspection.

Complete set of the original iPhone and fakes: comparison

Since the release of the very first iPhone, the package remains the same as it was:

  • Headphones in white
  • PC cable
  • Charger

Making copies of such things is quite simple, but you can make a mistake in the little things:

  • All cables should be neatly rolled up and covered with wide colorless films.
  • The wires should be soft and slightly rubberized. The Chinese models are hard.
  • The plastic parts have smooth curves, there are no burrs on them.

The appearance of the device of the original iPhone and fakes: comparison

iPhone - how to understand if it's a fake or an original?

Now directly print out the phone and pick it up. The display must have a protective film with a perforated tab at the bottom. The package includes a small instruction sheet made of printing paper and bearing two Apple logos. And everything is done in high quality: the colors are saturated, the edges are clear, and the folds are sharp.

The original models are different high quality. The case is not disassembled, that is, the back cover cannot be removed. The first time you launch, you will see an Apple icon, and then an offer to go through activation. Still not sure? Then open iTunes and connect your phone to the PC. iTunes will recognize it and display an appropriate message.

The original device has bright colors on the display, excellent sound, clear pictures and a Russified menu. Also, Genuine iPhone only works with iOS system. The system is updated using iTunes.

How else to determine the originality of the iPhone?

Most common mistakes Chinese manufacturers are identified quickly:

  • An iPhone cannot have two SIM cards, a built-in stylus, a memory card slot, or an antenna for watching TV.
  • The original model has a concave Home button, and versions 5s, 6 and 6+ have an active touch id.
  • The device should not have “brakes”, that is, the screen should respond to touch instantly.

What signs of iPhones should not be taken into account?

Chinese or original iPhone - how to understand?

  • The presence of hieroglyphs and the signature Made in China on the box should not alarm you. Such marking is put on gadgets assembled at factories in China, or they were produced for the Asian market. The Russian interface is in any original assembly, so it will not bring problems to the Russian user.
  • If the iPhone does not ask you to activate it at startup, then most likely the seller made it himself before selling it to you so as not to waste a lot of time. When buying, an iPhone without activation cannot be checked, since it will not let you call. Of course, the procedure is not long, but you must be connected to the Internet, and this is not always possible. To get rid of all doubts, you can connect your phone to a PC with iTunes enabled on it and active Internet. It will find your smartphone, which will be a guarantee of its quality for you.

Video: How to distinguish an original Iphone from a Chinese fake?

The popularity of the iPhone all over the world has led to the fact that more and more fakes began to appear on the market. And if a couple of years ago it was not difficult to determine whether it was a real iPhone or not - by a faded screen, a poorly assembled case and other external signs, then today a fake iPhone from certified The device can be very difficult to distinguish. How to distinguish the original iPhone from the Chinese, we will analyze in this article.

do not run into a Chinese iPhone: sure ways

The simplest, but the right decision is to purchase a gadget from certified seller - hardware store. But if you are short on money, and you really want to buy a long-awaited new smartphone from Apple, you have to resort to buying a dubious device or a used device.
However, if the phone is not urgently needed, it’s better to wait a month or two and start choosing a real iPhone in certified shop . And even better - place an order for the device directly on the official resource of the Apple company. In this case, you will be sure of the originality of the smartphone, and you will not have to think about how to distinguish an iPhone from a fake.
However, there are situations when a gadget is bought by hand or in a dubious online store (for example, ordered on a Chinese site). How to check the quality of the device in this case, and how to distinguish a real iPhone from a fake one?

How to distinguish a Chinese iPhone: checking the serial number

Going to a deal to purchase an iPhone, no matter where it will take place - in a store or in a personal meeting with the seller, be sure to take a device with Internet access with you. It could be a netbook, etc. Internet access will be needed to recognize a fake.
What exactly needs to be done before buying?
1 . Go to the main settings of the smartphone menu, select the section that contains information about the device, and then the serial number.
2. Connect to the network on the device that you took with you, and go to the official Apple resource in the section on checking serial numbers.
3 . In a special window, enter the number of the purchased device and agree with the checkby clicking on the button " Continue».
4 . If the iPhone is original, the system will display detailed data about it - model description, technical support conditions, etc. If the device is fake, made in China, you will receive a message that the number is incorrect and a request to enter another number again.
Punching the serial number is the easiest way to distinguish a Chinese iPhone from the original and how to find out when buying a gadget who its real manufacturer is Apple, a world-renowned company whose products are of high quality, or a little-known company from China. The quality of smartphones in these two cases will be different. By purchasing certified goods , you will receive the possibility of warranty support and repair of the device in the future . And buying a fake for 100-200 dollars cheaper, you can add a lot of unnecessary problems with it, because often such devices fail after 2-3 months after the start of operation. Therefore, the question of how to distinguish an iPhone released by Apple from a fake is extremely important for all lovers of the company's devices.

How to distinguish the original iPhone in appearance

Careful consideration of the appearance of the device is another sure way to distinguish an iPhone from a fake. Even today, when a Chinese fake often differs little from the original, it is still possible to detect it.

Ways how to distinguish a fake smartphone from Apple by the appearance of the device:
The presence of this or that error, hieroglyphs, etc. is categorically not allowed in the system.
The back panel of the smartphone must contain the inscription iPhone , Designed by Apple in California , Assembled in China , as well as the specific model number and certification signs.
If the device has an antenna, then this is a fake phone.
A real gadget also does not have compartments for 2 SIM cards, a USB charger, a built-in memory card.
To remove the back cover of the original device, you need to unscrew the screws - just like that, it will not be removed.

How to distinguish a real iPhone using the App Store

This is one of the easiest methods to detect a Chinese counterfeit of a popular smartphone. In order for them take advantage, you need to enter the App Store application from the iPhone model that you are going to purchase . After that, even a fake gadget will transfer you to Google Play. And now we need to look more closely.
This is what it looks like on the App Store screen:

And like this - Google Play:

Next, in the Google Play search, you need to try to find such popular applications as iMovie, Pages, Numbers, etc. If there are none, it’s definitely a fake in front of you, and not the original apple gadget model.

The most reliable way to expose a fake : iTunes

The iTunes utility, or rather, checking the iPhone with it, will help to bring even the highest quality fake to clean water. In order to take advantage In this way, you will need a laptop or computer with iTunes installed. As a rule, experienced users of gadgets from Apple always have this utility.
Further, everything is simple. When you connect your device to your computer, it should immediately recognize it. If the program does not react in any way to the connected device - be careful and do not rush to buy, most likely, you have a fake device in front of you.

Tips from experienced users

Experienced iPhone users have long learned to identify fakes from the original. A few reasonable tips on how to easily and quickly bring the fraudulent seller to clean water:
The box in which the device is delivered must be durable and of high quality. The inscriptions on it should be clear and bright, no blurry letters and numbers should be present.
The presence of external damage on the new device is not allowed. Any visible scratch on the case or inside the device should alert.
The serial number must be the same both in the smartphone settings and on the box. If at least one number is different, you have a "gray" gadget.
When installing a SIM card, the device should automatically detect the local network, and a test call made from the device should be successful. Just note that the sound during a conversation may not be loud, i.e. The seller did not have time to remove the protective film from the device.