When to charge a new iPhone. Charging iPhone Properly

iPhone needs to be properly charged if you want the device to work long and stable. The thing is that the battery is an important part of the smartphone. When it begins to wear out, the smartphone will not only discharge faster, but generally work more slowly and less consistently. If you properly charge your iPhone, then you can extend the life of its battery, and therefore the phone itself.

iPhone Charging Rules

Apple has repeatedly received complaints from users that over time using a smartphone, its performance and battery life are falling dramatically. Later it turned out that most of the problems described are caused by problems in the battery. However, if you follow certain rules, then all these problems can be, if not completely avoided, then certainly minimize their impact on the smartphone.

Rule 1: Don't drain your phone completely

When using your phone, make sure that the battery runs out of battery as little as possible. Ideally, the charge should not fall below 5%. Otherwise, the battery will wear out quickly and in about a year or two the phone will work and hold a charge much worse.
The thing is that modern batteries that are used in technology are designed for only a limited number of charge cycles. It is impossible to extend the maximum number of recharge cycles, so you need to prevent the phone from completely discharging, as this will be counted as one full cycle.

If you find that the charge level tends to zero, then activate the power saving mode. It will disable some services that can consume battery power, and also lower the screen brightness. This will make the battery last longer. Activation occurs through a special menu, which is called up with a gesture from the bottom up. A special control menu will open, where you will need to click on the marked (see screenshot) icon.

Rule 2: Charge your phone no more than once a day

Apple and some enthusiasts performed an experiment where they put one iPhone on charge overnight and charged another several times a day. As a result, it turned out that the device that was charged only once worked longer than the one that was connected to the network several times a day. From this we can conclude that it is best to charge a smartphone only once a day, for example, put it at night for several hours of charging.

Rule 3: Observe the temperature regime when charging

According to the manufacturer, comfortable temperatures for charging the iPhone are temperatures from 16 to 22 degrees Celsius (an error of + -2 degrees is allowed). Temperatures that are above or below the specified range will adversely affect battery performance over time. Try to charge your phone at room temperature.

Rule 4: Avoid overheating

This rule is related to the previous one. Try not to let your device overheat, especially while charging. If possible, take your iPhone out of hard cases, at least while the battery is charging. If you need to put the phone to charge at night, then do not cover it with anything, especially with a pillow or blanket. During charging, the battery already heats up, and if the phone is also covered with something, then the temperatures become even higher. When the case temperature reaches a critical point, a corresponding message will appear on the smartphone screen.

Rule 5: Don't keep your iPhone constantly on charge

Despite the fact that the second rule says that it is not recommended to charge the phone very often, it also does not need to be constantly connected to the network, especially if you are working on it while charging. For a lithium-ion battery to function properly, the particles inside it must be in constant motion. This can be achieved if you do not constantly keep the phone on charge. The best option is to put the phone on charge at night for about 7-8 hours.

Rule 6: Use airplane mode

You can put your iPhone into Airplane Mode while charging. This will not have a strong effect on battery performance, but the phone will charge many times faster. However, if you are expecting an important call or you need a stable Internet connection while charging, then this rule can be ignored.

You can turn on the flight mode by calling a special menu with a gesture from top to bottom, where you need to click on the aircraft icon.

In order to significantly extend the normal life of the iPhone, it is recommended to follow at least the first three points from this article. If you have questions or suggestions, then write them in the comments.

Chaotic. Usually they do it "on the go", as much as possible. Often put at night, more than 7 hours. Let's take a look at how to properly charge your iPhone.

Although charging an iPhone is a simple process, there are still some details to consider.

It is important to charge the newly bought iPhone correctly, only then it will serve properly, for a long time. If you want to know how to properly charge an iPhone, follow the first cycle according to the instructions below.

  1. After taking out a brand new iPhone, connect it to the charger for 3 hours.
  2. After 100 percent disconnect, use it until the battery is completely dead. Be sure to charge it fully.
  3. When the smartphone turns off, leave it for 2 hours, do not use it.
  4. Next, you need to charge again to 100%, do not use the device during the process.

Night charging

Let's take a look at what happens to a smartphone when you connect it to a power adapter. The process of all modern gadgets is controlled by a module built into them - a charging controller. It helps to charge the smartphone for the maximum possible, moreover, a reasonable time. It doesn't let the battery recharge. Here it is necessary to take into account that 80% is charged quickly, using the maximum possible current strength; the remaining 20% ​​at a slow pace, reducing the amperage to extend battery life.

When the process is completed, the controller turns off the power supply. The battery does not transfer charge, remaining inactive, and does not lose it. They say: after 100%, the cyclic recharging / discharging mode sets in, but this is not true, because then wear would be faster.

It is also known that all batteries are subject to a self-discharge process when not connected to power sources. The self-discharge rate for lithium-polymer batteries is 5% per month. The controller checks the remaining stock, when the loss is significant, the process starts again. It resumes at a loss of 2%, that is, about once every two weeks. When you leave the gadget connected to a power source, it will be recharged 1-2 times a month.

Therefore, leaving the phone plugged in overnight does not harm it.

Power adapters

All Apple adapters give a voltage of 5 V, differ in current strength, power.

A standard power supply of 1 A (amps), 5 W (watts) fully charges the phone in about an hour and a half.

Let's consider the question: is it allowed for the iPhone to use the power adapter designed for the iPad? Apple's official website claims that the iPad adapter can charge iPod and iPhone models. The power controller regulates how much current will be taken by the gadget's battery. Therefore, contrary to popular belief, iPad devices do not harm the iPhone.

It is also incorrect to say that charging the iPad speeds up the process of charging the smartphone. Only the 6th generation of gadgets has been taught an accelerated process, previous generations do not have this ability.

Chinese made adapters

When considering how to charge an iPhone, do not forget to take into account the country of manufacture of the adapter.

Automotive Devices

It is also not recommended to use car adapters to charge iPhone. They will not protect the phone from power surges. The power controller will be damaged due to the instability of the current strength, voltage of automotive electrical networks.

When the phone stops charging even from the original cable, the process takes too long, not completely, which means that the power controller is damaged, which is more often the fault of automotive devices.

Long term storage

When you need to leave your iPhone for a long time, be sure to follow these steps.

  • Charge your device to 50%. Fully charging the battery will cause the battery to lose some of its capacity. Fully discharged, it will go into a state of deep discharge.
  • By all means

Each owner of a brand new one is firmly convinced that he knows almost everything about him. After all, having become the owner of such an expensive branded gadget, you want to fully enjoy all its fancy gadgets. But such a banal question: how to properly charge the iPhone, many users can be a little surprised and even bewildered. Well, what could be simpler and clearer than this procedure - you insert a charger into your iPhone and connect it to the network. At first glance, there is nothing complicated in this process. Can ordinary charging harm an electronic gadget? But in fact, there are a huge number of different nuances that affect the quality and speed of charging, as well as being responsible for the durability and condition of the battery.

iPhone battery charging

The battery is the heart of any mobile electronic device. And in order for it to last as long as possible, and not only from recharging to recharging, but also until its resource is completely exhausted, you need to know how many times and how it is recommended to charge the iPhone correctly. Neglecting all these tips and rules, gadget owners may find themselves having to change branded batteries that have failed too often. Moreover, to change to new, and not always of good quality, analogues. And to be honest, this is not a cheap pleasure.

One part of users charges their electronic devices almost every day. Others, on the contrary, resort to this procedure only after the battery is completely discharged. One way or another, all gadget owners want only one thing - that their device is always active and does not fail at the most crucial moment. But how to find that golden mean, so that the battery lasts a long time, and the user saves himself from having to constantly resort to recharging it. Experts recommend: in order for the battery to last as long as possible, it can neither be charged to 100% of the maximum, nor discharged to zero. The most optimal charge level is considered to be from 40% to 80%.

The impact of chargers on battery health

The correct charging of the iPhone 7 is affected not only by the competent and orderly actions of the user, but also by the quality of the power supply, AC adapter and USB cable. Every owner of an apple gadget should know that only original equipment from the manufacturer should be used to recharge the battery. The thing is that branded chargers are equipped with special microcontrollers that monitor the process of receiving current. And if the charging conditions go beyond the permissible values, for example, the temperature rises, the voltage jumps or the current drops, then the battery simply stops charging.

Last week, a story became popular on the Web, the heroes of which were an unknown Internet user and Apple's senior vice president of software Craig Federighi. The first sent a letter to the head of the corporation, Tim Cook, in which he asked if it was necessary to remove tasks from the list of running applications in order to save battery power. "No and no again," Federighi answered for his boss in his own "Twitter".

Soon after that, foreign and domestic media began to publish a link to a special section on the Apple website, which talks about how to increase the operating time of an iOS device without recharging and extend the overall life of the built-in battery.

The page that gained new popularity notes that the term "life" in relation to the battery means exactly the period that passes between two charges, and the definition of "life expectancy" refers to the time after which the battery needs to be replaced with a new one. How exactly to extend both of them - in the translation of RG Digital.

1. Apple is advised to update software in a timely manner, since updates often include new energy-saving technologies.

2. It is worth avoiding too high and too low temperatures when using gadgets - this applies to tablets, smartphones, and laptops. The range of comfortable temperatures is from 16 to 22 degrees Celsius, the upper limit is 35 degrees Celsius. Charging at higher temperatures can permanently damage the battery. Use in cold environments may reduce battery life, but this is only temporary.

3. Remove cases from devices while charging. This will keep them from overheating as charging can cause excess heat.

4. Keep your gadgets half charged if you leave them for a long time. A fully discharged battery may not be able to charge at all in the future. In turn, a battery charged to 100 percent for a long time may lose some of its capacity. It is recommended to store devices at a temperature not exceeding 32 degrees.

5. For iPhone and iPad, there are additional ways to improve battery life. The first is to set automatic brightness, at which the device adjusts to the lighting conditions. The second is to keep Wi-Fi turned on all the time, as this access method consumes less power.

6. iOS 9 introduced a power saving mode that warns the user of a low battery, and also reduces power consumption by disabling iCloud synchronization, AirDrop data transfer. At the same time, the ability to make calls, send SMS and access the Internet will remain. When the device is charged, the power saving mode is automatically turned off.

7. According to Apple, iOS 9 has become the most energy efficient operating system, because it has the ability to find out which applications are the most active battery drainers. If desired, the user can limit the background activity of the most "gluttonous" programs.

The owners of a fashionable gadget know that you need to charge your iPhone every day. It becomes a habit - I put it on charge in the evening, a full battery in the morning. And some believe that you can only charge your iPhone after it is completely discharged. Whose opinion is correct?

According to experts, lithium-ion batteries need to be charged every day. This also applies to charging iPhones. If you want the battery to last a long time, you need to charge it not to the eyeballs.

How to properly charge iPhone

Experts have the following opinions on this matter:

  • You need to charge your phone often. That is, if the charge level has not yet reached 100%, then there is no need to wait for this. And allowing the battery to completely discharge every day until the device is turned off is also useless. This mode is detrimental to the phone, so it’s better to recharge the iPhone several times a day a little bit than from 0 to 100%.
  • The charge level must be kept above the average mark. That is, these figures can range from 40% to 80, and you can connect even when the battery shows a charge of 50%. But it is best to turn off charging when the battery has not yet recharged to the maximum. A 90% charge is enough.
  • Full discharge and 100% charge - 1 time per month. Discharged the battery until the device is completely turned off, you can charge it to the maximum mark - 100%.
  • Many Apple product users find it convenient to charge their phone at night. In the morning the battery shows a full charge. But in this way you can quickly land the battery, because it does not charge throughout the night, and then stays in standby mode, but on recharge. Thus, the battery wears out faster.

How to properly charge iPhone - tricks or how to extend battery life

In order for the battery to last longer, consider the following:

  • if you constantly charge the battery to 100%, then such a device will last for a maximum of 500 cycles, while the battery is only 70% charged, the battery life increases and then the battery will last for 2000 charge cycles;
  • Do not expose the device to hypothermia or overheating. The extreme temperature range is: from +15 degrees to +40 degrees. If there is a record high mark on the street in the summer, then the iPhone battery may lose 35% of its capacity;
  • The battery tolerates overheating worse than hypothermia. Therefore, it is better to abandon the wireless charger or use it in case of emergency, when it is not possible to connect to the network. All wireless charging creates excess heat and wears out battery life;
  • You can extend the life of your iPhone battery in this way: reduce the brightness of the screen, turn off those applications that use GPS navigation. If the signal is poor and the phone is in standby mode, then it is better to turn on the Airplane mode;
  • turn on the "Power Saving" mode. To do this, go to "Settings" - "Battery", make the appropriate mark "On".

Actively used laptops (Macbook Pro, Macbook Air), smartphones (iPhone) and tablets (iPad 4, iPad mini) constantly need to be recharged. However, not everyone knows how to properly charge in order to extend the life of the battery. So you can hear two different opinions, one of which says that the battery of any mobile device, be it a Macbook Air or iPhone 5, should be completely discharged, and then put it on charge up to 100%, and the second advises maintaining the device’s charge level by about 40- 80% by regularly recharging devices.

These tips are not without meaning and have a very real background. In the recent past, nickel batteries were common, which had the so-called "memory effect". So they had to be discharged to the end. Now laptops, smartphones and tablets (especially when it comes to Apple mobile technology) are mainly equipped with lithium-ion batteries, for which this problem is not so acute. However, in order to extend their uninterrupted operation as much as possible, because the service life is measured in years, it is necessary to adhere to some rules of use.

1. Devices need regular recharging.

The device should not be completely discharged, it needs regular recharging. It will be optimal to recharge after the battery is already discharged by 10-20%, without lowering the degree of charge even to a level of 50%.

2. It is unacceptable to keep devices on charge for a long time.

Lithium-ion batteries do not need to be fully charged all the time. The recommended charge level should be between 40 and 80%, so it is advisable to stick to this framework. After charging the device to 100%, it is unacceptable to leave it further on charging.

This may seem very convenient at times, but keep in mind that this is what can shorten the life of the battery. Even if the device is charged overnight, care should be taken to ensure that this is done using special energy-saving outlets that will allow charging to be turned off after a certain number of hours.

High-quality phones and laptops have a built-in charge controller, which allows them to report a full charge with a signal and even turn off charging after that. Devices with a similar function can be kept permanently connected to the network.

3. Once a month it is necessary to discharge to zero and fully charge the battery.

Occasionally, a complete discharge of the iPhone or iPad is still necessary. Once a month, it is recommended to perform a full cycle of discharging to zero and charging to 100%, which allows you to calibrate the device. Indeed, on a smartphone or tablet, the remaining charge is most often indicated either as a percentage or in hours and minutes, after which a complete discharge will occur. But the frequent use of small charges leads to incorrect operation of this function, and therefore it is necessary to perform a calibration to return the accuracy of these readings.

4. It is unacceptable to overheat the device.

The battery life of an iPhone device, for example, can also be reduced due to overheating, so you should not allow the influence of high temperatures.

If you follow these recommendations, you can significantly increase battery life. However, you should not panic too much if it is not always possible to perform optimal charging. Even if the device is discharged once again to zero or it becomes necessary to charge it to the full before a long journey, then this should not be a cause for unnecessary worries.

Did you ask if you can charge your iPhone with an iPad charger? Which adapter to choose, is it possible to use the phone while it is connected to a power outlet? Now I'll tell you everything.

How to charge iPhone

You can’t charge your iPhone incorrectly, you can charge it quickly or slowly. What does it depend on? From a specific smartphone and power supply.

iPad charger helps. But not always.

A moment of statistics: iPhone 5s consumes 1A, iPhone 5 takes the same amount. Connecting them to the power supply for the iPad is useless. But the iPhone 6+ and 6s+ eat up 2.1A, here it makes sense to connect the block from the iPad. Let's check it out.

We take two iPhone 6+, connect a standard 1A charger to one, connect a 2.1A iPad block to the second. In 10 minutes, the first was charged by 4%, and the second by 10%, profit! To speed up charging, use airplane mode, the difference is small, but the method still helps.

Charging the battery while in use

You can use the device while charging, it just takes a little longer to charge.

The strength of the current decides

When buying yourself a multiport charger, pay attention not only to the current strength, but also to Quick Charge support, this will greatly speed up the process. For iPhone, this cool theme does not work, but if you have a Galaxy S6, then feel like a king.

The same principle applies to the Power Bank: it is better to take a charge that delivers a current of 2A. You won’t kill a smartphone from it, but you can always charge a tablet. Whereas with an external 1A battery, such a situation is in principle not possible.

iPhone not charging? Check your Lightning cable

I bought a Chinese Lightning for 100 rubles in a stall, but the iPhone refused to charge? Before buying, be sure to look at the packaging, if you take proven Belkin or Griffin certified products, then everything is ok. But when it doesn't say "made for iPod, iPhone, iPad" on the box, then you can fly with the cable.

Battery replacement is not required

A modern battery has a resource of about 1000 cycles, which is about 3 years of operation. So you would rather change your old phone for a new one, because you just got tired of it, than start to really suffer because of a dead battery. Unless, of course, you killed her with Chinese wires and rootless power bank.

To prevent the iPhone from burning

Achtung! Don't charge your iPhone while lying in bed. Just imagine: you stare at the screen, fall asleep, the phone falls on the bed or under the pillow, under the blanket, overheats and FIRE. Do not do that.

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As you know, owners of iOS devices charge their devices in different ways. Some believe that you need to resort to this procedure daily. Others are sure that the charge should end completely, and only then you need to connect the gadget to the outlet.

How this procedure should be done - probably no one can say 100%. The only thing you can trust is Apple's recommendations on this matter, posted on the company's online resource.

How to properly charge the new iPhone 5S is another difficult question. They are asked by many newly minted owners of the gadget of this model or the iPhone 6, as well as any other version of the "apple" phone.

A number of users are surprised by such a recommendation that charging the device to the maximum value, that is, up to 100%, is harmful. I must say that many experts also believe that it is necessary to keep the battery level within 50-80%. According to the results of some tests, it was determined that a device charged up to 100% can safely work out at least 500 cycles. While the battery, the charge value of which stopped at a rate of 70%, withstood more than 1000 cycles. Thus, with repeated procedures, everything is clear. But what about the very first charge?

Everything is a little more complicated here. There are still discussions about this, and no consensus has been reached.

In this article, we will try to figure out how to charge a new iPhone 5S or 6 for the first time. Here are some tips, including: provided by the manufacturer. By following all the recommendations exactly, you will significantly extend the battery life of your iOS device.

How to properly charge an iPhone 5S or 6

Of course, the battery of the new iPhone 6 (or another version of Apple's gadget) is already equipped with some amount of energy, it needs to be recharged. Moreover, the duration of this process should be at least 12 hours, and preferably a day.

The charging operation itself looks like this:

  • Connecting the USB cable from the charger to iPhone.
  • Connecting the charger to the mains.
  • Leaving the gadget for 12-24 hours.

Thus, the device will go through the first charge cycle, after which it will be necessary to completely discharge the battery. And exactly 100%. To do this, you need to use the device as actively as possible. After that, you need to proceed to the second cycle, namely, you should completely repeat the steps of the first.

At the end of the second cycle, it again discharges the device with subsequent charging. And the more repetitions of such a procedure will be performed - the longer the iPhone, equipped with a large amount of energy, will work.

Note that after 1-2 cycles, the gadget is discharged in a natural mode. But it is recommended to make it faster. For this purpose, you can download bulk software using Wi-Fi or turn on a long video clip.

After 2 years of operation of the device, it is better to replace the battery in it with a new one.

During the charging process, do not leave the phone in the sun. Avoid direct sunlight on the device. Therefore, do not leave the gadget in a heated car or on the windowsill. If the apparatus overheats, liquid will flow from it, and of course, it will soon fail.

Is it right to leave the device on charge overnight?

To give a competent answer to this question, you need to understand the essence of the processes that take place inside the device after it is connected to the power adapter. We note right away that the built-in controller (or module) is in charge of charging the battery. By the way, this element controls this process not only in gadgets from Apple, but also in almost all modern mobile devices.

What is the controller for? To keep the battery from overcharging. But at the same time, the element helps to ensure that the phone charges as quickly as possible. At the same time, up to 80%, the battery is recharged very quickly, and to the remaining 20 - in slow motion.

After the end of the process, the power supply to the controller is turned off. The system seems to leave the battery alone - and does not allow energy to flow into it, but does not take away the charge from the cell. The device itself is being charged at this time from a device designed for this purpose. In other words, at this moment absolutely nothing happens to the battery. Thus, the existing popular myth that after a 100% charge the battery starts to work in a cyclic mode has no basis. If this were true, the element would wear out very quickly. And, of course, no one needs it.

Let's look at one more fact. It is known that every battery can self-discharge. And this process is quite natural. Of course, if the battery is not connected anywhere. For lithium-polymer cells, this value is only 5% per month, which is very low, especially compared to other types of batteries.

A new charge cycle is initiated by the controllers if it detects a significant level of charge loss. Regularly this element checks the battery for this item. But this process will start only after the loss of at least 2% of energy. And the latter can happen no more than 2 times a month. So, if a user leaves his gadget on charge for 30 days, then the battery will probably go through 2 repeated cycles.

Thus, how to properly approach the issue of charging an iOS device? Probably, many have already understood from the article that there is no single “recipe”. Apple gadgets include a controller to protect the device in case of critical situations. On the forums, some users note that they have been using smartphones for 3-4 years, charging them haphazardly, that is, at random. Most often, the device charges 100% overnight. But especially active users have to recharge during the daytime. And with this approach, nothing bad happens to the battery. After 4 years of use, it holds a charge well (on average, 1 day - no problems). So you don't have to worry too much about this issue. Run the process whenever you see fit. Most importantly, use only original accessories from the manufacturer. And it's not just about charging. Otherwise, you can cause irreparable harm to your gadget.

There is no perfect scheme, but still follow the generally accepted rules and recommendations of the manufacturer.

The iPhone is an expensive device that we usually buy for at least 2 years. At the same time, we hope that after the planned service life, it will still work properly and we will be able to sell it for “good” money.

One of the first, buyers, ask a question about the state of the device’s power source, for example: “How long does the battery hold?”. So it makes sense to take care of the proper operation of the iPhone battery now.

As a power source in iPhones, iPads and other portable equipment, Apple (other manufacturers too) uses lithium-ion batteries, which:

  1. Charge faster.
  2. Work longer.
  3. They have a high specific capacity.
  4. Not subject to memory effect.

The battery memory effect is understood as a reversible loss of capacity that occurs in some types of electric batteries when the recommended charging mode is violated, in particular, when recharging an incompletely discharged battery.

As an experienced iPhone and iPad owner (since 2008), I declare with all responsibility that Apple uses high-quality power sources in its products.

1. Do not operate or charge the device in extreme temperatures (at -40°C and +50°C).

Apple considers the ideal temperature range to be between 16°C and 22°C and does not recommend "using the device in temperatures above 35°C as this may permanently reduce battery capacity." Overheating is critical!

From personal experience: I do not look at the thermometer when I pick up my iPhone 5s, which I do not advise you to do either. It is enough that:

  1. The device is not exposed to direct sunlight.
  2. Don't leave it in a car when it's hot.
  3. Do not charge under the pillow.

3. To charge your iPhone, use the original charger and at least a certified USB cable.

For example, if you increase the charge voltage of a lithium-ion battery by only 4%, then it will lose capacity twice as fast from cycle to cycle. To prevent this, special PMIC controllers (in batteries, this is the Battery management System) are built into the original AC adapter and directly into the iPhone, which ensure that the conditions for recharging the device do not go beyond the permissible range: temperature, current and voltage.

In network adapters without clan and tribe, the so-called "nonames", there may not be such a controller. Therefore, the voltage at the output of such an adapter may exceed the allowable values ​​and may burn out the power controller in the iPhone, and then damage the battery.

From personal experience: Charge your iPhone from original chargers with a certified cable and forget about battery problems.

4. Don't drain your iPhone completely (down to 0%).

The life of a lithium-ion battery is usually expressed in terms of the number of full discharge cycles when you consume 100% of the battery capacity. For high-quality power supplies, this is 400-600 cycles. Apple claims an iPhone battery life of 500 cycles, and an iPad, Apple Watch, and MacBook battery life of 1,000 cycles.

Whenever you completely drain your device, its lifespan is shortened. This is due to the depth of the discharge.

It turns out that the more you discharge a lithium-ion battery, the faster it “dies”. To prolong battery life, avoid deep discharge.

For clarity, I will give the dependence of the number of battery discharge cycles on the depth of discharge.

Not many people know that Apple batteries are charged in 2 stages:

  1. Up to 80% - in fast mode.
  2. From 80 to 100% - compensation charging.

Such a charging system allows, firstly, to quickly charge the device, and, secondly, to extend its service life.

Remember, fully discharging a Lithium-Ion battery will shorten its life and reduce its capacity.

From personal experience: Connect your iPhone and iPad to a power source at 10-20% charge and disconnect after 80%.

5. Don't charge your iPhone to 100%.

Fully charging a lithium-ion battery isn't as bad as a deep discharge, but it's still not desirable. Of course, the controller will not allow the battery of your device to overheat and overcharge, but, as practice shows, the constant inclusion of a 100% charged iPhone in the network reduces its battery life.

From personal experience: Leave your iPhone on charge overnight. For a while, a 100% charged device will be connected to the network, but nothing will happen to it - not the storage time to worry about it. With such a charge, your iPhone will “keep” for more than two years.

It is difficult to control the chemical processes occurring in the battery. And since the dependence of the output voltage on the battery capacity is non-linear and the lithium-ion battery is subject to natural aging, accompanied by a decrease in capacity, and also because we charge devices at random, over time, the iPhone's power controller cannot accurately determine the battery charge level. Diagnosis: iPhone turns off even when the charge is more than 1%.

In order to calibrate the controller and bring the charge level indicator to life, the iPhone must be completely discharged. Apple advises doing this no more than once a month.


In conclusion, I would like to note that each of us charges our devices in our own way. If there is an ideal scheme, then it cannot satisfy everyone, since we live in a different rhythm and in different conditions. Remember, your iPhone battery will age even if you don't use the device. Stick to the rules above (you don't have to follow them rigorously) and even if your iPhone's battery fails, you can always replace it.

Users of even the most modern gadgets sometimes blindly follow the rule that was common in the early days of mobile communications: Before use, the device must be completely discharged, then fully charged.. The most fanatical users have developed this rule to the point of absurdity, offering to fully charge and discharge the iPhone. thrice. Is there any sense in this at all - we will consider in the article.

Someone did practical research on the issue of charging mobile devices Eric Leamer - experiments led him to unexpected conclusions. Charge iPhone up to 100%, as it turned out, in general harmful– The optimal charge level should be between 50% and 70%. When charged to 100%, the battery can withstand only 500 cycles, while when charged to 70% - over a thousand.

Where did the prejudice about the importance of a full charge come from? The first cell phones were equipped with nickel-based batteries, subject to the so-called memory effect. memory effect lies in the fact that if the recommendation for operation is violated, the active substance of the nickel battery crystallizes - as a result, the maximum amount of energy that the battery can store decreases. The battery "remembers" that it was not fully used before, and therefore gives energy only up to a fixed limit - hence the name of the effect.

Modern gadgets are equipped with lithium-ion batteries, which no memory effect. Almost everyone who talks about the need before use drain the phone completely, belong to the older generation and started with black-and-white dialers, for which this rule was valid. Now the buyer will not hear such a recommendation from a competent consultant in the salon.

How long does it take to charge an iPhone?

iPhone charging time depends on a number of conditions:

Battery capacity. The latest modifications 6 and 6S have more capacious batteries, so they take longer to recharge.

  • Power Supply. There is one secret: if you use the power supply from the iPad, the recharging time will be reduced to a minimum. You should not be afraid that this method will negatively affect the battery: this is not forbidden by Apple itself.
  • Parallel use. If the owner of the gadget uses the gadget during recharging (for example, plays), the time, of course, will take more.

A "healthy" battery does not need more than 3 hours to charge from 0 to 100%.

If the iPhone does not have enough night to recharge fully, it is better to contact the service or sales office for warranty.

Don't let your gadget overheat. Pay attention to such a scale, which is posted on the official Apple website:

The ideal temperature for using the iPhone is between 16 and 22 degrees. Using at a different temperature will not degrade the quality of the battery, however, the device itself will hold a charge for less time.

Recharging is another matter: if it is carried out in conditions of high temperatures, destructive consequences for the battery cannot be avoided. Statistics say that constant recharging at a temperature of 10 degrees above normal leads to the fact that in a year the battery sits down by 20% - in three years your iPhone will need expensive repairs.

Therefore, in any case, do not leave your smartphone “on recharge” on the windowsill, in the car, do not cover it with a pillow and a blanket, remove the cover from it while it is charging!

Use only certified accessories. Please note that we are not talking about original, but about certified USB cables and power supplies. The latter can be produced not only by Apple, but also by another company, which means they have a lower price. You can determine which accessory is certified by the inscription "Made For iPhone" on the package.

Certified accessories (like the iPhone itself) have special PMIC controllers that “monitor” that the current, voltage, and temperature do not go beyond the permissible limits. If, for example, the iPhone overheats, charging will stop and a message like this will appear on the screen:

There are no controllers on Chinese “no-name” accessories, so the user uses them at his own peril and risk. Note the statistics: an increase in voltage when charging by only 4% above the norm will cause the gadget's battery to wear out twice as fast.

Completely drain your iPhone, but don't do it more than once a month. Monthly full discharge is needed to calibrate the power controllers. Many Apple users notice that their devices turn off when the charge is 2-3% - this is a sign of uncalibrated controllers. However, you can’t constantly “wear down” the iPhone to zero - this is extremely detrimental to the battery. Try not to bring the gadget to a forced shutdown more than once a month.


Sooner or later, you will have to spend money on replacing the iPhone battery - this is a given. Regarding the timing, the opinions of many experts and the author of the article differ: you can often find recommendations to change the battery every 2 years of intensive use of the gadget, however, the author’s iPhone battery is constantly in business and has not raised any complaints for 3 years now. It is important to monitor the quality of accessories and recharging conditions, and then you will not have to enrich the masters of service centers.