What is the dream of the late mother and grandmother. In Hasse's dream book, the meaning of the night vision plot depends on the actions of the sleeping person himself

Quite often in our life there are cases when a person wakes up in fear of a dream. This is especially true of people to whom the kingdom of Morpheus provided an eerie dream with a long-dead grandmother. Many in this case are trying to forget the insane vision, while the rest are prowling in search of an answer. So what does the deceased relative want to say by her appearance, what she wants to warn about, let's try to figure it out in our article.

Why does a deceased grandmother dream of a dying

Do you dream that the poor old woman is tormented and suffering? Expect imminent confrontation with dire injustice. In this case, the dream book advises not to take risks, not to take part in dubious projects and not to invest money in the affairs of people you do not know. Such a rash act can harm not only you, but also other innocent people.

If you are interested in the question: “What is the dream of a deceased grandmother dying or sick?”, Keep in mind that your entire career and future will depend only on your decision. Remember this dream and do not jump to conclusions, otherwise it may end badly.

Pay attention to whether your deceased relative has anything to say. If she is trying to take a promise from you, be sure that they are waiting for you in the near future. big problems and trouble, and your relative is trying to warn you and warn you against trouble. Therefore, be patient, because there is still so much to go through.

What is the dream of a dying grandmother lying in a coffin? Such a dream does not bode well. Bad news, betrayal by loved ones, failure in business, career failure - all this the progenitor is trying to warn you about.

Try to listen to what your deceased relative is saying. After all, a grandmother is a symbol of wisdom and maturity, so her words can be very important. This is especially true for those who already long time trying to find an answer to a tormenting question.

Why does the deceased grandmother dream? dying person who expects any life changes in the near future? Here you should pay attention to the emotions emanating from the sleeper. If you feel pity, compassion, love, change will be beneficial. If you are scared, you want to leave immediately - know that it will not end well.

Why the deceased grandmother dreams of dying, we figured out, and what it means when the old woman recovers sharply and gets out of bed. This suggests that all your problems and adversities will soon end, and you will finally be able to breathe in deeply.

Emotions of the progenitor

A friendly and cheerful grandmother talks about good news and a pleasant pastime with relatives or close friends. It also portends a new successful stage in your life.

If the old woman is sad and looks at the floor, bad changes are coming in your life.

Why is the dead grandmother dreaming of angry and angry? This suggests that you are doing something wrong in life.

If you see an old woman crying, expect serious quarrels with relatives. As a rule, disagreements will occur due to a ridiculous situation. Also, this dream can portend the illness of children.

Seeing a dead old woman: trouble or happiness?

Seeing a grandmother with the face of a stranger promises an unpleasant acquaintance. Do not trust the first person you meet and do not let him in on your plans for the future.

What if you saw a young grandmother? This is a sign of longing and despondency. It is very bad if the old woman beckons or calls you along. It speaks of an impending accident, terrible disease or death. If you saw such a dream, go to church or visit your grandmother's grave.

If you saw in a dream that your grandmother is powerless, and you cannot help her in any way, be sure that soon you will find powerlessness and weakness.

If in a dream you walk and see a dead old woman passing by, this is a symbol of deception. Do not trust an unverified employer, otherwise your work will not be appreciated.

What if the deceased grandmother constantly dreams in a fuzzy and vague form? This means help from relatives.

If you follow the old woman, death is near.

Talking to a deceased grandmother: what does it mean?

Otherwise, these words can become life-changing, so try to listen and remember them.

If you sit and talk with a long-dead grandmother, soon a black streak will come in your destiny. Everything that you have feared for so long can come true.

What does such a dream mean for the lonely

If a deceased grandmother dreamed of a man, he regrets the missed opportunities and relationships. Unfortunately, nothing can be returned.

Why does a dead grandmother dream of a girl? It says feminine... Such a dream can mean lack of confidence in yourself, your sexuality and attractiveness, as well as fear of being left without a life partner.

If grandma dreamed unmarried woman- she is afraid that she will soon lose her beauty and be left alone forever.

The old woman worries in a dream young guy? This speaks of his fear of work and relationships with girls. A relative who has arrived warns that this fear is absolutely in vain.

What a dream with a deceased grandmother portends for people in a relationship

Dreaming of a dead grandmother who is running away from you? This means that soon you will part with your loved one.

If an old woman dreamed of a pregnant woman, expect a difficult birth.

Grandmother appeared in a dream to a married man? This speaks of the betrayal of a loved one.

For a girl in a relationship, this means constancy and stability.

Demanding and begging old woman: what does such a dream mean?

If your grandmother constantly demands and asks, you have a lot of unfinished business that can lead to irreversible consequences. Actually, this is why the old woman worries you. Therefore, think and try to bring things to an end.

If the deceased asks for money, you will live happily and richly. Just try not to waste your funds simply.

The old woman asks for clothes and says that she is cold - there is good news ahead.

Grandma asks for food - your conscience is clear before the deceased. Be calm, this dream does not bode well.

If the progenitor asks you for someone's photo, this person will soon die.

What if the old woman tries to give or give something

It is often a dream that a deceased grandmother wants to give something away - this is a very bad sign. Such a vision means an early illness or even the death of the dreamer.

If the old woman gives you money - loss of property and all savings.

Does Grandma give you all of her things? There is a possibility that you can repeat her fate.

Kissing and hugging a deceased old woman: to death or well-being?

How will the dream book explain this unusual dream? The deceased grandmother is dreaming, who herself reaches out to you to kiss - expect big troubles and failures both in work and in love.

Do you kiss your grandmother on the forehead yourself? Expect to break up with a loved one.

Kissing an old woman on the lips - soon you will have to know unrequited love.

Why dream dying grandmother, which the dreamer kisses before the burial itself? This dream means cleansing the conscience before the progenitor.

If you hug deceased grandmother- expect illness. Otherwise, this dream can be interpreted in the opposite direction.

If the old woman herself hugs you, soon you will make a mistake that will play a cruel joke with you.

And how to interpret a dream in which a deceased grandmother lies in a coffin

If you are talking with an old woman lying in a coffin, you will soon be in for misfortune and failure.

If the grandmother has risen and has been in a sitting position for a long time, expect serious trouble.

If the deceased old woman came to life and rose from the coffin, expect relatives whom you have not seen for a long time.

The deceased grandmother looks out of the coffin, calls you, and you follow her? This is a very bad sign. Perhaps there is a serious illness or death ahead.

If an old woman is crying while lying in a coffin, you will soon quarrel with your family.

If you are talking with a deceased progenitor, and at this time her body disintegrates and smolders - an early illness or death.

It is very bad if a grandmother bears the seal of death in a dream. After that, hurry to the church and put a candle for the old woman to rest.


Why does the deceased grandmother often dream? This question worries many dreamers. Perhaps you have not visited the grave of your beloved grandmother in the cemetery for a long time or have not gone to church to pray for her repose? Think, this is probably the answer.

After waking up. If a deceased grandmother dreamed, then in most cases such a dream predicts positive changes in life. In some cases, a ghostly grandmother tries to warn of a danger or an important event. For more detailed interpretation you need to consider all the details of the dream and refer to several sources.

The late grandmother: interpretation

Why is the death of a still living granny dreaming?

Seeing the death of a living grandmother in a dream portends her for many years in reality, and indicates that she knows important information that must be communicated to the dreamer. It is worth visiting a relative in the near future and taking her to a conversation.

To see the deceased smiling in a dream, speaks of a bad influence on the sleeping person in reality... Another interpretation of this dream is that someone is trying to send damage or evil eye to the dreamer.

For an unmarried girl to dream about the death of her beloved grandmother portends her early marriage or acquaintance with a noble man... But if a relative is sick in a dream, then such a dream can warn of her death.

To see how a grandmother in a dream dies a terrible, painful death, promises to receive unpleasant news... The dream also reflects the concern of the sleeping person for his loved ones and relatives.

House of a deceased relative

The dreamed house of a deceased relative, in which the dreamer spent the happy years of his childhood, reflects a person's aspirations to escape from real problems into the past, into a carefree childhood. This is how the psyche is saved from the piled up stresses and worries.

The dwelling of the deceased grandmother seen as a sign of changes taking place in the dreamer's soul and head... One period of life ends and another begins. See the deceased in her own home, hearing her voice portends a crisis period in life, a certain danger c. It is very important to hear what the grandmother says - perhaps in her words there is a solution to the dreamer's pressing problems.

See the old, rickety house of the deceased promises financial difficulties and unnecessary spending... To inherit a house in a dream indicates impending problems at work and the collapse of a career.

Why did you dream about the funeral?

The funeral of the already deceased grandmother in clear, sunny weather talks about getting rid of a painful past... If the funeral took place in inclement weather, then difficulties and trials await the dreamer.

To see a dead grandmother in a coffin - this is a sign that there is not a single person around the dreamer who could be trusted... The calm, soulful face of the deceased indicates that the sleeping person needs changes. If her face is sad and filled with tears, then the dream portends quarrels and scandals c.

What was she doing in the dream?

Hugging a dead grandmother in a dream - means needing care and love... In some cases, such a dream indicates a strong feeling of nostalgia, the fact that the dreamer greatly misses the old days and wants to escape from problems in the past.

If in a dream the grandmother hugs the dreamer, then in reality he made some mistake, a rash act that he regrets.

Talking in a dream with a deceased grandmother portends the onset of a difficult, black streak in a person's life... It is very important to hear what exactly the grandmother will say - her words can be the inner voice of the dreamer himself, the voice of the subconscious, which is difficult to hear in a conscious state.

To see how the deceased grandmother gives the dreamer cash, promises a person prosperity and success in the professional field. But if in reality the dreamer desperately needs, then the meaning of sleep changes dramatically - a person risks becoming dependent on unreliable, insidious people who can take advantage of his desperate situation for their own purposes.

If the grandmother gives the dreamer paper money in small bills, then in the near future a person will win the lottery or receive a valuable prize... To receive information about closed treasures from a grandmother predicts the receipt of an inheritance in reality or the discovery of lost family relics.

Receive from a deceased grandmother small coins indicates the likelihood of monetary fraud on the part of a familiar person.

Great grandmother in a dream

Great-grandmother in a dream is a symbol of recuperation and achievement desired results... The deceased great-grandmother comes into a dream as a harbinger of the fact that soon all the problems and troubles of the dreamer will be resolved in the best way for him. For married people, a dream portends a replenishment in the family.

For free people, the deceased great-grandmother dreams of improving personal life, to a meeting with your soul mate.

Dreams about deceased relatives carry positive symbolism. If you see your ancestor in a dream, this does not mean something bad, but is a warning about possible negativity. Why is the late grandmother dreaming of her granddaughter? Let's consider in detail the interpretation of various dream books.

The grandmother is the guardian of the family, support and support. Esotericists claim that after death physical body the soul remains alive. If a deceased grandmother comes in a dream, it means that she is trying to inform or warn about something - always for the good.

However, a real relative is not always in a dream, sometimes in the form of a grandmother it can come devilry... Therefore, if the grandmother just came to talk about anything or offer some gifts, the dream is not considered good. You cannot take gifts from the dead, but you can give.

If you just saw the image of a deceased grandmother, interpreters determine the following:

  • unmarried girl a dream prophesies a wedding;
  • businessmen - a good profit from the deal, a successful contract.

It is considered a good omen to see two grandmothers at once - this is a sign of patronage, a reliable guardian from the vicissitudes of fate. If the grandmother came to sleep with the grandfather, there will be a crucial fateful stage in life - an important family ceremony.

If your grandmother comes to sleep all the time, then you should pay attention to your life path... What are you doing wrong? As the head of the clan, the grandmother tries to prevent unreasonable actions and keep them out of trouble. As soon as you correct yourself, the grandmother will stop dreaming.

Different plots of dreams

Sometimes in a dream we see different pictures, as if they are happening in reality. What does it mean to see grandma's house? Psychologists believe that the dreamer lacks home warmth and support from relatives. The grandmother's house embodies comfort and peace, confidence in the future and the inviolability of family traditions.

If you saw that the grandmother went into her house, prosperity and wealth will soon await. Seeing a relative's funeral - the interpretation of a dream depends on the weather. If the sun was shining during the mourning ceremony, happy changes await. If the sky was overcast during the ceremony, expect trouble.

If you see how granny bakes pies and sets the table, then expect guests to come to the house. That being said, try to stick to the traditions of hospitality that your grandma taught you during her lifetime.

The crying grandmother asks to visit her grave and commemorate her in a Christian way. If the grave is far from you, visit the church and light candles for the repose. You can order a magpie. If this is not done, someone in the family will become seriously ill.

If you saw a relative in the image of another person, the dream warns not to deal with dubious people. Be discreet and careful. Hugging a revived grandmother - to good luck in life, well-being and health. It's bad if your grandmother kisses you - this promises illness, trouble in your personal life and at work.

Conversation with grandmother

Esotericists associate conversations with the dead in a dream with troubles and danger in reality. However, sometimes you can get through a conversation valuable advice and danger warning. If you hear a voice, but do not understand the words, a dream warns of trouble.

There are many testimonies of dreamers who were saved from disaster by the voice of a deceased grandmother. Psychologists believe that our subconscious mind speaks in the voice of a deceased relative, which we simply do not hear in the usual hustle and bustle of life. It is in a dream that we will be able to listen to the voice of the subconscious in the form of a grandmother, whom we trusted during her lifetime.

It is considered a good sign if the grandmother asks for money or clothes. In reality, wealth and a lot of new things await you. If a relative asks for food, then she is going to patronize you in everything.

If a relative gives money, many dream books consider such a plot a harbinger of bankruptcy - you will be left without everything. If you accepted clothes from your grandmother, in reality repeat her karma (fate).

It is considered a bad sign if a deceased relative calls with her and promises some kind of wealth. This plot may herald an unexpected demise. If you managed to refuse the offer, in reality you will cope with any difficulties, heal from ailment and defeat your enemies.

Follow your grandmother - the same death awaits you as she had. Giving someone's photo to granny - this person will die.

A conversation with a grandmother, on whose body traces of decay are visible, is considered a bad omen - this is a serious illness of the dreamer. Also, a dream can portend a collapse in life - life will go downhill.

Grandma in a coffin

What does the dream mean in which you saw the progenitor in the coffin? It depends on the plot of the dream picture:

  • if the grandmother gets out of the coffin, the arrival of relatives awaits you;
  • talking to a grandma lying in a coffin - unfortunately;
  • if the grandmother is crying, expect a family quarrel and trouble;
  • kissing a grandmother in a coffin - to separation from a loved one;
  • grandmother lies in a coffin in your house - to illness through her own fault.

Some dream books give negative interpretation dreaming with the body of a grandmother in a coffin. This warns of misfortunes: divorce from her husband, family troubles. However, other dream books see in this plot a portent of financial well-being.

Dream interpretation of Wangi

Why is the dead grandmother dreaming alive? If 40 days have not passed since the day of death, the dream is an echo of experiences. The interpretation of the dream after the anniversary of the funeral depends on the circumstances of the dream:

  • for unmarried girls, a dream predicts a wedding;
  • chatting and hugging grandma - you did not fulfill your promise to her;
  • if you hug an old woman, this is a sign of good health;
  • if the old woman hugs you - correct the mistake made in life;
  • two grandmothers - a warning not to make mistakes in life.

Always after visiting the dead in a dream, light candles for the repose and visit the graves of your relatives.

This dream has several different meanings... If a deceased grandmother dreams, this means that the connection with her granddaughter is not lost and in reality the girl needs support, advice and love, which she received before.

But often the deceased wants to warn about something in a dream, say something, maybe he needs to be remembered in the temple. To understand what the late grandmother sees to her granddaughter, pay attention to when and how often such stories began to dream and what happened next.

Was the girl frightened by dreams about the deceased, or was she glad to meet with a deceased relative. This is what most often dreams of seeing in a vision your deceased grandmother alive under different circumstances.

After the funeral

If the old woman died suddenly, although she could still live, then it is normal to see her in a dream. Especially if during her lifetime the grandmother was very active, took part in everything, all family members loved her.

Usually she dreams the same as in reality, and dreams reproduce events that have occurred recently, not associated with death.

If a granddaughter has such dreams for some time, there is nothing wrong with that. The dream interpretation writes that such a dream predicts you good health, but does not dream of fatal events, since it is associated with the dreamer's psyche.

If the grandmother suddenly died and took an active part in the life of the family, then dreams with her will come to all family members during the year.

If the night pictures do not scare you, do not cause negative emotions, and there is no warning or danger in them, there is nothing wrong with that.

The dream interpretation does not interpret dreams that reproduce events before the death of the grandmother. It's just that the granddaughter's psyche does not accept the loss and wants the old woman to be still alive, advising, accepting and prompting.

Usually, this kind of nighttime pictures disappear without a trace 40 days after the funeral or after the first six months.

If the grandmother was angry and aggressive, then the Islamic dream book writes that after her appearance in a dream, the relationship between family members predicts strife in the house and constant quarrels.

Possible legal proceedings due to inheritance, troubles and scandals. If you dreamed that your grandmother came to life, began to row, then you will soon quarrel with your relatives.

If a little granddaughter saw her in a dream, talked to an old woman, or was afraid to wake up, then in reality she will be able to overcome her own fears without outside help.

If you dreamed that the deceased was interfering with your work, not letting you into the house, some trouble would soon happen.

Notice how she behaved in her sleep. If the grandmother had a row, cursed, shouted at someone, expect a skirmish with family members.

To kick her out of the house and not let her in - you can prevent a difficult situation.

If the granddaughter several times dreamed about the death of her grandmother as she really was, then this event negatively affected the psyche of the child.

A girl needs time to come to terms with the loss, especially if she was with her grandmother during his lifetime good contact... When she dreamed that the granddaughter began to say goodbye to her grandmother, and after that she stopped dreaming about her, then the child's psyche will accept the loss, and the girl will again be the same as before.

G Talking to a deceased grandmother, getting advice and tips from her is a good sign. The dream book writes that this dream predicts joy, happiness and good luck in various desires.

It is bad if the deceased took someone with her. When this dream was dreamed within forty days after death, then the person whom the grandmother took away is in mortal danger.

Seeing an empty coffin is a surprise. If the grandmother got out of it and left, and you do not understand who was buried, this is a good sign.

The modern dream book writes that gradually your affairs will improve, and you will be able to complete all your ideas and undertakings.

Dreams of a little granddaughter

If the baby dreamed that she was talking in a dream with her late grandmother, then in reality everything will be fine with her. Especially if the conversation was pleasant, cheerful, light and colorful, you are happy with your life.

It's okay if a little granddaughter starts hugging her grandmother and playing. But if the grandmother began to scold the child and even beat him, he was in danger of trouble or illness. Especially if there is redness or a wound in the place of the slap.

When I dreamed that the grandmother was sitting in the basement and calling her granddaughter after her, this is a sign of the girl's illness. If the baby did not go to the call, changed her mind or got scared, the illness or injury will not be fatal.

When the girl began to follow her granny or fell into the ground, she was in great danger. Try to prevent your child from getting into trouble, it is better to save him for a while and not take him to school.

If a grandmother began to baptize a teenage girl, then in reality she may commit some stupidity, which will turn into big trouble for her. For a child, such a dream is good and predicts unexpected joy and a favorable combination of circumstances.

Running away from her grandmother means that the girl will not heed her advice. If the old woman said something important and necessary, and the granddaughter did not want to listen to her, then in life she would commit an extravagant act and do a great stupidity, which she would regret more than once.

If a girl dreamed that there was a grandmother on her bed, the baby was in danger or illness. Especially if the little granddaughter began to lie next to the deceased.

In other situations, a date with a deceased grandmother, if the dream is not a nightmare, does not bode well.

On the contrary, the meeting of a grandmother and a beloved granddaughter predicts happiness for the child, good news, and often warns against bad or stupid actions, since children are more receptive to other people's advice.

Therefore, you should not worry if the deceased grandmother began to dream of her granddaughter. When the girl wakes up in a cold sweat after nightmares in which the old woman is resurrected from the coffin, takes on an eerie appearance and begins to persecute, scandalize, then you need to remember her in the temple.

Then the nightmarish phenomena will not torment the child. If this measure does not help, then you need to consecrate the apartment or adults think well what they are doing wrong.

It is possible that the reason is related to negative magical effect or damage done at a funeral or at the grave of the deceased.

Dreams of adolescents

For a girl to see her grandmother kind, cheerful and joyful is a sign of her spiritual support from above. If the hand of the deceased grandmother has blessed you on an important event, then expect success in business.

Especially if in life a girl listens to the advice of her late grandmother and does not lose her spiritual connection with her.

Seeing her dead in a dream is an alarming event. You may lose expected outside support. Watch the body decompose - bad sign.

After such a dream, you yourself can suffer and get into trouble. Then, be extra careful to avoid suspicious food.

If you dreamed that grandma was resurrected, wait for the inheritance. Sometimes this is a sign of spiritual help from above, if you had good relationship... When you dreamed that the deceased hit on the cheek, think about your actions.

This dream is seen not only for your illness, but also for trouble, which can generally lead to irreversible or unpredictable consequences.

Treating grandmother with delicious drinks, inviting to sit down at the table - for an unexpected holiday. A girl may dream of this dream before meeting with relatives.

But if the grandma gets sick and does not eat anything, the reason for the meeting will be sad. To see that the old woman vomited after the meal is a difficult circumstance. Especially if the grandma was sick and then died again.

For a woman in a state of pregnancy, a dream predicts a slight malaise and complication. Try to avoid suspicious food, especially homemade food.

To see a pregnant grandmother is a surprise. Sometimes for the granddaughter herself, a dream predicts the birth of a child who will outwardly look like a grandma.

If a kind grandmother dreamed of you angry and angry, wait for the deterioration of your affairs. When she was very beautiful and young in a dream, then wait for good news. Perhaps you will learn something interesting about her youth and adolescence from the family archive.

Giving money to the deceased is a big loss. After such a dream, your affairs will decline. Seeing a grandmother crying - to grief in family, trouble and big trouble. Crying with her and seeing her off on her last journey again is a sign of relief.

Such a dream is a dream for joy and a favorable coincidence of circumstances. If your grandmother gave you a ring, this is a sign of marriage. Try not to miss out on your happiness. Kissing and hugging the deceased is a good sign. You will be happy and contented.

Other meanings of dreams

Feeding grandmother with dishes, treating with pleasant drinks - for a commemoration and a nice meeting with relatives. To give the deceased her clothes is a vain effort. If the deceased grandmother accepted her, beware of illness.

Accepting gifts from the deceased dreams of success or surprise. If she decided to give you a valuable acquisition, then expect joy. When the deceased began to beg for alms on the porch, commemorate her in the church.

I dreamed that my grandmother was smiling - to her approval, support, even if she was a good man... When the deceased is silent, beware of misfortune.

Grandma decided to come to life, take a frightening look or bite - be careful. After this dream, trouble is possible.

If the grandmother was resurrected and then decided to die again, a person of the same age, position, or with the same name may soon die. Sometimes a dream portends a change in the weather.

Miller's dream book

Why is the deceased grandmother dreaming - a symbol of wisdom, family (blood) connection, protector or guardian.

Why is the deceased grandmother dreaming

Freud's dream book

The late grandmother, with whom you had a good relationship during your life, subconsciously try to return her image to the world of the living. This is a sign that you cannot come to terms with the death of your grandmother and let her go. Also, the deceased grandmother can dream before important event... In this case, to see a deceased relative in a dream means to make sure that you are on the right way and are ready to succeed on their own, without anyone's help.

Why is the deceased grandmother dreaming

Dream interpretation of Wangi

Interpretation of a dream: What is the dream of the late grandmother. A pretty old woman with a kind look is a harbinger happy events and changes for the better.

To dream of a terrible grandmother, with a stranger's face or an angry, sick, screaming old woman - to face deceit on the part of an unfamiliar woman, betrayal and gossip.

Why is the deceased grandmother dreaming

Psychological dream book

Why dream that the deceased grandmother is crying. Seeing a crying deceased grandmother in a dream is a bad sign according to most dream books. Such a dream symbolizes a difficult emotional condition and financial situation in the coming days.

The grandmother, the deceased is crying - losses, illness of one of the female relatives, troubles through an old man.

Why is the deceased grandmother dreaming

Dream interpretation of Nancy Wagayman

To see a dead grandmother in a dream means that in the near future you will be able to find that paradise, in which you will be able to find peace and rest from the hustle and bustle. For a married person, a dream about a grandmother can mean replenishment of the family. And for unmarried people, such a dream promises the acquisition of a family. If you dreamed about Grandma, who in reality is still alive, this is a good sign. Such a dream can be safely called a good one. But if the grandmother collects things or leaves somewhere, then the sign of such a dream is very bad. Predicts sleep deterioration of her well-being. When in a dream she advises you something, then you should be ready for cardinal changes in real life... The more pleasant the dream about your grandmother is for you, the easier it will be for you to get out of the most difficult situations.

Why is the deceased grandmother dreaming

Dream interpretation of Stuart Robinson

When in a dream you see your grandmother, in reality you have to overcome all obstacles and minor difficulties, but it will not be easy to do this. But if in such a dream you are dreaming not only of your grandmother, but of your other relatives, then in this case, outsiders will help you to deal with the difficulties. To see a helpless sick grandmother in a dream means that soon you will have a period of powerlessness and weakness. If in your dream your grandmother stands in the way, then you should know this dream promises you a pay cut. Grandmother in your dream is joyful and contented - a great joy in everyday affairs.

Why is the deceased grandmother dreaming

Female dream book

Why is the late grandmother dreaming? A harbinger of illness in the family, a warning that all residents of the house should take serious care of their health. The late grandmother may also dream before the wedding - in this case, this is a good sign. The deceased grandmother who comes to the young in a dream, as it were, blesses their union, warning against troubles and misfortune.

It says in a dream that hugging a deceased grandmother in a dream is a sign that everything will work out in your life soon.

Why is the deceased grandmother dreaming

Gypsy dream book

The deceased grandmother? If you dreamed about the late grandmother, and you remembered her advice, or simple words- this is a good sign. It is advisable to use advice - it is through dreams that our deceased relatives can inform us of upcoming troubles, warn us against making wrong decisions, or, on the contrary, bless, approve decisions made. Listen carefully and try to remember all the details of the dream - the environment, facial expressions, emotional state.