If a person dies at home signs. Signs and beliefs about the dead

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Funeral traditions are very ancient history. Our ancestors knew very well what could and could not be done at a funeral, how the newly deceased should be treated before and after the funeral. For example, someone should always be in the apartment with the deceased. Under no circumstances should you leave him alone. There are several explanations for this tradition.

What the church says

The ministers explain this tradition most rationally. Orthodox Church. The soul of the deceased is very hard in the first days after death. A person still feels his lifetime emotions and cannot get used to his new status. There are still 40 days left before the final transition to the world of the dead. What will the stay in eternity be like? To a large extent, this depends on the prayerful support of the living. To read prayers and psalms over the dead, believing old women were usually hired, who read Holy Scripture over the dead day and night. Today, they often bury immediately from the morgue, without even ordering a funeral service from the priest. This is a big mistake.

traditional beliefs

The tradition of being with the deceased all the time has a slightly different explanation that came to us from paganism. A dead man without supervision can “rise up” and scare his relatives with this. Perhaps this explanation has something to do with cases of lethargic sleep, when doctors mistakenly took the living for the dead.

Or another option. Our ancestors feared and respected the dead, because some of the dead became undead - vampires and werewolves. If such a dead man suddenly runs away, it will be bad for all the living.

It was also believed that if the dead man accidentally opens his eyes and “looks” at the living, then this person will soon go after the deceased. Like it or not, it is not known for certain. But hardly anyone dares to check.

The dead and black magic

The dead cannot be left alone in the apartment, so that things that were in contact with him do not become the property of black magicians. Magic is nonsense, you will say, and you will be wrong. Physicists have long proved that a person has his own biofield. Other people or even household items can influence the biofield. Accordingly, such an impact can be both positive and negative.

The measure used to measure the dead, the soap used to wash him, the icon from the coffin and many other similar things carry the dead energy of destruction. And there is no doubt that it has a negative effect on the living.

Items that have been in contact with a dead body are used for necro bindings, damage, love spells, etc. If you do not believe in black magic, this will not save you, because it still works.

So it's better to play it safe and not let the evil sorcerer or witch steal something from the house.

Other funeral traditions

At the end of the article, we will tell about other funeral traditions. Why is it customary to carry the deceased forward with their feet? There is an opinion that this is necessary in order to show the soul its path and “close” the possibility of returning to the world of the living. For other reasons, the other world is opposite to ours. When a baby is born, it usually comes out head first. So it is only natural to leave this world in the opposite direction.

Why is it customary to hang mirrors in the house where a person died? This is also a long tradition associated with the idea of ​​a mirror as a portal between two worlds. The soul of the deceased can easily get lost in the mirror maze and not find the way back. Only a qualified magician can help in this case. Therefore, mirrors must be hung from the moment of death until the 40th day, when, according to legend, the soul of the deceased goes to heaven.

Funeral traditions and rituals can be treated differently. But it is better to observe them at least formally than to get problems for yourself and your family because of your negligence.

Signs and rituals are present not only in a person's life, but also at the time of his burial. If they are not observed, this can lead to a number of serious consequences, ranging from illness to death, so it is important to know what to do after the funeral and during the ceremony.

What does it mean if a funeral procession met along the way?

There are several signs and rules that must be observed when meeting a procession on your way:

What to do before the funeral?

The most important belief that must be strictly observed is that the deceased cannot be left alone in the house or even just in the room. There are many explanations for this:

There are other signs that can portend bad events, and you need to pay attention to them. For example, if the legs of the deceased remain warm all the time, this may be a harbinger of the imminent death of another family member. To prevent this from happening, the dead man must be appeased - put a pinch of salt and bread in his coffin.

You can’t clean the house when there is a coffin with a dead person in it - this way you can attract another death. And vice versa - after sending to the cemetery, one person should remain in the housing, who will restore order there and “sweep” it.

While the coffin with the deceased is in the house, it is recommended to remove all animals. The barking of a dog can frighten the soul of the deceased, and a cat jumping into a coffin will attract misfortune.

When buying attributes for a funeral, it is not recommended to take change from the seller if they give it in change, because. coins symbolize tears. There is also a way to avoid other deaths for the coming year - just put a piece of bread sprinkled with salt under the table.

When laying a dead man in a coffin, one should tie his hands and feet with ropes, and untie them before lowering them into the grave. It is believed that thanks to the connected limbs, he will not be able to scare living people and move around the room.

After burial, the ropes should be burned. If you just throw them away and catch the eye of a black witch, she can use them to conduct magical rituals, and obviously not good.

What not to do before a funeral

What else not to do at a funeral:

It is not recommended to postpone the date of the funeral, as well as to hold them before noon, go around the coffin from the side of the feet of the deceased, visit the graves of other deceased relatives on the day of burial, cry too much for the deceased. Within a day after the event, you should not go on a visit, and all 40 days his close relatives need to observe mourning for the deceased.

Signs at a funeral

There are several rules that must be observed before and during the funeral:

It is important to remember that it is highly undesirable for pregnant girls and children under 3 years old to attend the funeral. The fact is that their aura is too weak, and they will be vulnerable to the spirits of deceased people, which can cause misfortune and poor health.

When saying goodbye to the deceased, you should kiss him on the forehead, and not on the lips, and after the funeral, only your personal belongings are allowed to be taken away. Heading to the cemetery gate, you do not need to look back.

Weather on the day of the funeral - superstition

Particular attention should be paid to the weather on the day of the funeral. It characterizes not only personal qualities the deceased during his lifetime, but also what will happen to his soul after entering the afterlife:

A bad omen is the situation when one of the mourners fell at the funeral. For this person, the current year will be difficult and you need to pay attention to your health.

If the coffin fell, this does not bode well, but it is not worth scolding those who did not hold it or accidentally knocked it over. Instead, it is better to come home and thoroughly wash your hands from the hands to the very elbows, and after that or the next day go to church and light a candle for the repose of the soul of the deceased.

Raven in the cemetery: why?

Ravens are considered a symbol of evil and afterlife, so they usually inhabit every graveyard. Some people do not attach any importance to this, while others are still guided by some signs:

  • The crow sits on the roof of the church and croaks - reports the imminent appearance of the deceased. It is impossible to understand to whom exactly this refers, therefore, to address Special attention not worth the situation.
  • The raven sat on the tombstone - reports the sudden death of the priest of this parish.
  • The bird sat on the cross and clearly points with its tail to a specific house, which means that soon death will happen in this house.
  • The crow perched on the coffin. Perhaps the soul of another relative is present in the body of the bird, who thus came to say goodbye to the deceased.

Compliance with certain rules at the funeral allows you to adequately repose the body and soul of the deceased, and special signs on this day can tell you what events to expect and how to protect yourself from misfortune and troubles.

If everything is carried out in accordance with the established canons, this will allow the soul of the deceased to rest and more favorably experience the Day of Judgment for him, as well as provide himself with protection from the evil spirits of the afterlife.

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The funeral rite is one of the key moments of existence, important both for the soul of the deceased and for the relatives of the deceased. Signs at funerals have long been known, which allow you to know in advance about some future events.

The main folk signs at the funeral

Tradition strictly regulated the course of the funeral rite. The main signs at the funeral, which our ancestors believed in and followed:
Always looked at the weather. If the sun is shining, then the deceased was a good person. Rain at the funeral speaks of no best qualities dead man.
Take care of pregnant women. Women in position should avoid any hassle associated with burial. They were not allowed to look at the deceased and attend the funeral and burial. If the pregnant woman nevertheless decided to come to the funeral, she had to leave the house before they began to take out the coffin. These superstitions are associated with the desire to preserve the fetus: it was believed that the deceased could take the soul of an unborn child.
They protected the children. They were treated with the same trepidation as pregnant women. The little ones were not allowed to attend the funeral and were watched closely until the completion of all the rites. Children could, while playing, drink water intended for the deceased, put something in his coffin, or take some thing of the deceased for themselves. Any of these actions can provoke a serious illness or death, therefore, the behavior of younger relatives was controlled very carefully.
They were in mourning. The traditional term is a year. At this time, close relatives of the deceased were not allowed to marry. The funeral before the wedding is one of the the worst signs. Its authenticity was confirmed to some extent by the last Russian tsar: Nicholas II married Alexandra Feodorovna a week after his father's funeral. sad and bloody history Everyone knows this family.
believed in strength church holidays. One of the few good omens says: a person who dies or is buried on the day of a religious holiday automatically goes to heaven.
Superstitions and omens at funerals are common today. In many ways, they are justified, as they are associated with long-term observations of people.

What signs at the funeral speak of new deaths

Grieving relatives may be faced with the need to organize a funeral again: often another rushes to the next world after one dead person. They say about this such signs of imminent death:
Someone accidentally crossed the path of the funeral procession. This person is waiting for death for the same reason as the current dead man. As a "lightweight" version of a negative prediction, the development of a cancerous tumor is called.
Relatives forgot to put an ax under the coffin. A similar custom is associated with the desire to cut off death from the house, to scare it. If this is not done, then very soon she will again “visit” and take another person with her.
Relatives forgot to untie the ropes that bind the limbs of the deceased.
A dead man can drag the whole family to the next world.
The ordered coffin or dug grave was too wide for the deceased. This means that the dead person leaves room for the "new".
The eyes of the dead man open: he looks after himself a mate. The legs of the deceased remain warm until the very funeral. The sign portends a new death.
The coffin fell. The incident points to deaths in the family within three years.
The dead man fell out of the coffin. Someone else will die soon.
The coffin lid fell (or was forgotten at home in the confusion). One should expect a quick death of one of the relatives.
The grave has collapsed. If the earth crumbled from the south side, death will come for a man, from the north - for a woman, from the east - for an old man, from the west - for a child.
Someone tripped or fell during the funeral. To his imminent death. In a short period of time, two died in one house. Death loves a trinity and will soon take someone third. The funeral fell on New Year. December 31 is an unfavorable date for such an undertaking: next year, at least one person per month will be sent to the next world.
Buried on Sunday. The sign says that over the next week it will be necessary to carry out the funeral ritual three more times.
The funeral was postponed, no matter the reason. Within a month, another death will occur in the family or in close circle (and according to some sources, even two or three). According to legend, the dead man, delaying the funeral, is simply waiting for the next dead person.
Folk omens at funerals, people are warned against putting their photograph or personal item “as a keepsake” in the coffin. Thus, a person runs the risk of going to the world of the dead much earlier than expected.
The same applies to dressing the deceased in his clothes. After saying goodbye to the deceased, it is advisable to touch his shoes and say: “Farewell! When the time comes, we will come to you, but you don’t follow us.” You need to leave the coffin without looking back. Signs at a funeral in magic: what ordinary people don’t know about
If the average person perceives farewell to the deceased as a sad event, then sorcerers rejoice at the opportunity to “get rich”. Many signs about funerals are based on fear of magicians and witches: relatives tried to do everything to prevent such people from stealing funeral paraphernalia.

Of particular value are:

a rope that tied the hands and feet of the deceased;
water and soap used to wash the deceased;
coins for the eyes;
measure from the coffin;
candle stub left over from the funeral service.
All this is used to induce the strongest damage. Therefore, it is recommended to pour water into a specially dug hole away from the house, and soap should also be thrown there. The comb and measure are usually placed in the coffin. The dead cannot be left alone in the house. This is partly due to the desire of witches and sorcerers to put a personal item, biomaterial or photograph of their victim in the coffin: in this way damage to death is done. For the same reason, strangers should not be allowed near the coffin in the cemetery, especially if it seems that they are plotting something.

Suspicious behavior indicative of magical work being done includes:

Please lie down on the bed of the deceased.
The desire to go behind the coffin backwards.
Tying knots on a cord or rag during the removal of the deceased.
Throwing fresh flowers at the feet of people walking behind the coffin.
Placement on the lips of the deceased needles crosswise.
Folk omens are closely connected with the idea of ​​magic.
Many modern people they do not believe that a sorcerer can do harm by manipulating any object. But there are a lot of cases confirming the effectiveness of black spells. For example, a popular way to permanently get rid of an unwanted person is to put his photograph in the mouth of the deceased. It is necessary to carefully observe what is happening, not letting grief cover your eyes and hide someone's negative activity. Basically, bad omens are common at funerals. This is connected not only with the natural fear of death, but also with the fear of the dead: the one who was nearby recently has now become a representative of another world. Following traditions allows a person to survive parting with a loved one as comfortably as possible.

Exists whole line will accept at a funeral, which should not be neglected, this can damage the soul of the deceased, and call trouble on a living person.

Signs foreshadowing death
In the house, someone can die if a bird flies there. It is commonly believed among the people that the souls of the dead are embodied in birds, hence the belief: the soul of a relative flew in to warn that misfortune would soon occur in the house.
If a dying man shudders for no reason, it means that he will soon die: death looked into his eyes.
If the patient's nose becomes sharp and cold, then his days are numbered. People say that his death holds him by the nose.
If the patient collects the sheets in a fist, this is also a bad sign, portending an imminent death.
You can’t put a pillow on the table - to the sudden death of someone living in the house.
A man who has been crippled by a fatal illness lies in bed, turning away from the sunlight. If the patient suddenly becomes much better and he asks to turn him on his right side, this also means that he will soon depart to another world;

Signs before the funeral

If someone dies in the house, then all the mirrors and other reflective surfaces are hung there. It is recommended to strictly observe this rule, since, as you know, mirrors are the doors to the other world. They are closed so that the rushing soul does not accidentally land there, because. getting out of there would be impossible. Mirrors are kept curtained for 40 days.
When a person has died, he must be transferred from bed to table as soon as possible, because. to his soul, every feather that is in the pillow delivers great torment.
In the room where the deceased is located, doors, windows, vents are closed. You have to make sure that pets don't go there. It is very bad if a cat jumps on a dead person; a dog with its barking or howling can frighten a rushing soul.
As long as the deceased is in the house, a cup of water is placed on the window “for washing the soul”, and a towel is hung outside, for 40 days the soul, wandering on the ground, bathes and wipes itself.
It must be ensured that the deceased does not open his eyes or eyes. Old people say that if the deceased has an open eye, it means that he is looking for a fellow traveler, and whoever falls under this look will soon die.
So that there is no harm from the deceased, a lamp is lit in the room for the whole night, and they put it on the threshold fir branches so that those who go out, stepping on it, shake death from their feet.

Signs associated with the coffin and things of the deceased

After the coffin is taken out, the house must be swept and washed, thereby washing death out of the corners. After this procedure, the broom and rag are thrown away. By the way, while the deceased is in the house, you can neither sweep the floors nor wash.
As soon as the coffin was taken out of the house, the doors should be immediately tightly closed, otherwise someone else in this family may die soon. The same result can be if the coffin is large for the deceased.
You can’t clog the coffin lid in the house: this portends another funeral soon.
Do not purchase extra supplies, and if this happens, then do not leave them at home, put everything in the coffin.
And one more thing (rather not a sign at a funeral, but a warning): during cremation, neither a cross nor an icon should remain in the coffin; it is believed that by burning them, we burn Jesus Christ.
What to do if you happen to meet or hear a funeral
You can not cross the road of the funeral procession, as well as overtake the hearse. Crossing the road of the procession means taking on the disease from which the person died.
You can not look at the funeral procession through the window. If a coffin with a dead person is carried past the windows, it is necessary to wake up all those sleeping. This sign at the funeral is explained by the fact that the soul of the deceased can take with him the one who sleeps.

Funeral signs associated with the grave

If the coffin does not fit into the dug grave, this means that either the earth does not accept the deceased, or soon there will be another death in the house.
It is also bad if it (the grave) collapses. This means that another death is to be expected. If a collapse occurred on the south side, a man would die, on the north, a woman, on the west, a child, and on the east, the oldest person in the family.
Before the coffin is lowered into the grave, a coin is thrown into it to buy a place in the next world for the deceased.
On the grave good man hawthorn and roses grow, and thistles and nettles grow on the graves of evil people.
What to do when you return from the cemetery. The final block will take at the funeral
Returning from a funeral, do not call on anyone, so as not to bring death there.
Upon returning from the funeral, you should put your hands on the stove or light a candle and hold your hands above it as low as possible. After that, the candle is gently extinguished with your fingers. This is done in order not to drag death onto yourself, not to get sick and not to bring death into your home.
At the commemoration, the deceased must be given a treat: the first funeral pancake and the first cup of uzvar or funeral jelly. Under no circumstances should this food be eaten or drunk.

Mirrors and funerals

Slavs and other peoples always consider mirrors as a kind of line between the worlds: ours and the other world. Almost everyone knows that if a person has died in the house, all the mirrors must be hung. What is the purpose of doing this, how do they cover the reflective surface, how long should it be closed? In this article we will analyze the topic “Mirrors and Funerals”, we will give answers to many questions.
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Many people still try to follow the old village signs, especially if they are associated with death. When a person dies in a house, mirrors and other reflective surfaces, including TV screens and monitors, are immediately hung with a towel, tablecloth, sheet or any other cloth.

According to other signs, they are turned to the wall or taken out of the room in which the deceased is located; all the water in the house is also poured out.

These actions are explained quite logically: the reflection of the deceased visually looks like a “doubling”; the illusion created can be embodied in the imminent death of someone else from the household.

Some Slavic signs (in particular, among the Serbs) say that the one who first looks in the mirror after the funeral will also die. To prevent this from happening, after the funeral, they are the first to bring the cat to the mirror.
How not to get lost in the "mirror" corridors

The sign of hanging mirrors during a funeral is not a church custom, but rather a superstitious custom based on observations and many years of experience. The soul of the newly deceased, leaving the body, rushes up and can accidentally fall into the mirror corridor, which becomes a kind of trap for it: it is impossible to find a way out from there. Once in the “mirror captivity”, the soul will not be able to ascend to the Kingdom of God and will frighten the people living in the house; in addition, it can adversely affect their health, up to the appearance of deadly diseases.

According to another version - demons, evil spirits can "use" the reflection of the deceased, because it is not for nothing that mirrors are attributes of black magicians and sorcerers. There is also an opinion, according to which the simultaneous reflection of the deceased and the living in one mirror surface leads to another death.
Other signs associated with mirrors

Superstitious people do not recommend looking in the mirror after midnight, and even more so not to stand between two mirrors that are reflected in each other and form an endless corridor connecting our reality with other world. It is believed that people who perform this ritual on Good Friday can see their death or the devil himself in the twilight of mirror reflections.

In the villages, to this day, babies are not brought to the mirror until they are baptized, in some places - up to a year. Some say that if this is done, the child, when he sees his reflection, may be very frightened, or he will begin to speak very late, more frightening explanations: a halt in development or even death.

According to Christian beliefs, the soul stays on Earth for 40 days, in the house, near its relatives and friends, therefore it is recommended not to open the mirrors before the end of this period.

Modern people very often do not stand up and remove the covers from the mirrors after the 9th day.

The sign can not be observed in cases where a person was sick, was treated in a hospital and died there.

There are a whole host of other superstitions; to believe in them or not - everyone decides for himself, but joking with signs associated with death, mirrors and funerals is still not worth it.

Funerals in many people cause feelings of fear and anxiety. And this is not surprising. Indeed, in this rite of farewell to the dead there is not only sad, but also something mysterious, and even mystical. Knowledgeable people argue that one awkward movement during the ritual can doom the soul of the deceased to eternal suffering, as well as bring trouble to the living. Whether this is actually the case is unknown. But in any case, everyone should know what to do at the funeral. And, most importantly, how to do it right, so that in the future you don’t write off your problems and failures as mistakes made at that moment.

Why are funerals held?

The rite of farewell to the dead has long been held all over the world. It is intended to express tribute and reverence to the people who were comprehended by death. Despite significant differences between funeral rituals different cultures and religions, all of them are considered sacred and retain the main principle: relatives, friends and acquaintances of the deceased gather all together to say goodbye to him forever and take him on his last journey.

Funerals also carry a powerful informational message. They remind those present that their existence on earth is short-lived, and sooner or later death will come for everyone. This makes many seriously think about their lives and reconsider their views.

Thus, this rite is an important part of our culture and a real parting word to the right life.

Orthodox funeral

The Orthodox Church looks at death as a transition from earthly life to eternal life. And to get to heaven, a person must undergo special training. This preparation consists of several stages:

  1. Unction. Before death, the priest must conduct the sacrament of unction.
  2. Absolution. A dying person must confess his sins to a clergyman and ask for forgiveness from God and loved ones.
  3. Participle. The priest must commune the dying before death.
  4. Canon reading. The clergyman must read a prayer parting word to the dying before death. It can also be done by relatives or friends.
  5. Washing and dressing. After the dying person has given up his spirit, he must be washed clean water and wipe it dry so that it appears clean before God. Also, the deceased is dressed in elegant clothes and covered with a shroud.
  6. Deadly lithium. 1-1.5 hours before the removal of the coffin from the house, the clergyman sprinkles the coffin and body with holy water and conducts a funeral service with censing.
  7. Funeral. Before burial, the priest reads a series of prayers and hymns. Only after completing all these stages, it is believed that the deceased will be able to gain eternal life in another world.

Funeral rules

During the preparation of the body, burial, and in a certain period after the funeral, a number of rules apply, the violation of which, according to the Orthodox Church, is fraught with serious consequences. Here are some of them:

  1. The funeral is best done on the third day after the death of a person.
  2. You can not bury the dead on Sunday and New Year.
  3. Immediately after death, all the mirrors in the house must be curtained, and the clock must be stopped. In this state, they must be 40 days.
  4. Never leave the deceased alone in the room for a minute.
  5. It is forbidden to take the deceased out of the house before noon and after sunset.
  6. Pregnant women and children are not advised to participate in the ceremony.
  7. From the moment of death until the burial, the relatives of the deceased must continuously read the Psalter.
  8. You can wash the body of the deceased only during daylight hours.
  9. Pregnant women and those who are menstruating may not bathe the deceased.
  10. Funeral clothes should be elegant and light, shroud - white. If died unmarried girl She is dressed in a wedding dress.
  11. In the house where the person died, a candle or lamp should be lit until the end of the funeral. It is better to use a glass of wheat as a candlestick.
  12. You can not wash, sweep and sweep dust if there is a dead person in the house.
  13. It is not recommended to keep animals in the same room as the coffin.
  14. In the presence of the deceased, they greet not with a voice, but with a nod of the head.
  15. The eyes and mouth of the deceased must be closed. For this purpose, the lower jaw is tied with a handkerchief, and coins are placed on the eyes.
  16. A chaplet, a long paper or fabric strip with prayers and images of saints, is placed on the forehead of the deceased.
  17. Be sure to wear a pectoral cross on the deceased.
  18. Together with the body, all his personal belongings are placed in the coffin: prostheses, glasses, watches, etc.
  19. The hands of the deceased must be folded on the chest with a cross. And put the right one on top of the left.
  20. The feet and hands of the deceased must be bound. Before burial, the strings are removed and placed in the coffin.
  21. Cotton pads should be placed under the head, shoulders and legs of the deceased in the coffin.
  22. The heads of dead women should be covered with a scarf. Also, all women present at the funeral must have a headdress.
  23. It is forbidden to put fresh flowers in the coffin, only artificial or dried ones.
  24. The coffin with the dead is taken out of the house feet first and accompanied by church hymns.
  25. When taking the coffin out of the house, it is necessary to say: “The deceased is one of the houses out” and close the people in the house or apartment for a few minutes.
  26. After the removal of the coffin, all floors must be washed.
  27. Blood relatives cannot carry the coffin and lid.
  28. From the beginning of the ritual until the moment of burial, the left hand of the deceased should have a cross, and on the chest - an icon laid face to face with the body. For women, the image of the Mother of God is placed on the chest, for men - the image of Christ the Savior.
  29. You can go around the coffin with the deceased only at the head, bowing to him at the same time.
  30. During the funeral, 4 lighted candles should stand around the coffin: at the head, at the feet and on the hands.
  31. The funeral procession should go in strict sequence: a cross, an icon of Christ the Savior, a priest with a candle and a censer, a coffin with the deceased, relatives, other participants with flowers and wreaths.
  32. Everyone who meets the funeral procession must cross himself. Men are additionally required to remove their headgear.
  33. Saying goodbye to the deceased, it is necessary to kiss the halo on his forehead and the icon on his chest. If the coffin is closed, they are applied to the cross on the lid.
  34. All those participating in the funeral procession must throw a handful of earth into the grave.
  35. On the day of burial, one should not visit the graves of other relatives or acquaintances.
  36. It is not recommended to look at the coffin with the deceased from the windows of a house or apartment.
  37. After the funeral, the relatives of the deceased should present cakes, sweets and handkerchiefs to those present.
  38. The chairs on which the coffin stood should be placed upside down during the day.
  39. At the commemoration, only vodka is served from alcohol. You need to drink it without clinking glasses.
  40. During the commemoration, a glass of vodka is poured for the deceased and covered with a slice of bread. After the commemoration, a glass of bread costs another 40 days.
  41. Kutya must be present on the memorial table. This is where the memorial service begins.
  42. Before entering your home after a funeral, you must clean your shoes and hold your hands over the flame of a candle.
  43. After the funeral, guests cannot be visited during the day.
  44. The next morning after the burial, relatives and friends should take breakfast to the grave.
  45. Within a week from the date of death, nothing should be taken out of the house of the deceased. Things of the deceased can be distributed no earlier than 40 days after burial.
  46. 6 weeks after the funeral in the house where the deceased lived, there should be a glass of water and a plate of food on the windowsill.
  47. On the graves of young men and women near the head, it is recommended to plant viburnum.
  48. One can only speak well of a dead person.
  49. For the dead, you can’t cry and kill yourself a lot.

Signs and superstitions

There are many signs and superstitions associated with funerals. All of them are designed to protect relatives, friends and acquaintances who came to say goodbye to the deceased, and to explain to them how to behave correctly during the ceremony, so as not to damage themselves. The most common of these are the following beliefs:

  • If during the funeral the eyes of the deceased open, then the one on whom his gaze falls will follow him into the next world.
  • If you hold on to the legs of the deceased, the fear of him will go away.
  • If you put a willow under the deceased, consecrated in the church in Palm Sunday, she will drive away evil spirits.
  • If wheat, which was used with a glass as a candlestick at a funeral, is fed to a bird, it will die.
  • If you cross the road to the funeral procession, you can get seriously ill.
  • If you move over the tumor with all your fingers right hand the deceased, while reading "Our Father" 3 times and spitting after each time over the left shoulder, you can completely recover from it.
  • If, having seen the deceased in the coffin, touch yourself, then a tumor may develop at the place of contact.
  • If other people's things get into the coffin and are buried with the body, then trouble will happen to the owners of these things.
  • If you bury a photograph of a living person along with the deceased, this person may get sick and die.
  • If a pregnant woman attends a funeral, she will give birth to a sick child.
  • If you step on a towel that priests place near the coffin during the ritual, you can get sick.
  • If you drink water from a glass for the deceased or eat his food, a significant deterioration in health will follow.
  • If someone dies along the street and a vegetable garden is planted before his funeral, there will be no harvest.
  • If the funeral is postponed for a week or more, the deceased will take one of his relatives with him.
  • If someone died in the neighborhood, you need to replace drinking water, which stood in dishes or in bottles, so as not to get sick.
  • If the water used to wash the deceased is spilled in the house, the inhabitants of this house may die.
  • If, during the removal of the coffin with the deceased from the house, the threshold or jamb is touched, his soul can return to the house and bring trouble.
  • If on the 40th day after death a commemoration is not arranged, the soul of the deceased will suffer.
  • If you sleep when a coffin is being carried along the street, you can go to the next world for the deceased.
  • If the legs of the deceased are warm, he calls someone to follow him.

Magic rituals with the dead

Despite the fact that the time of witches and sorcerers is far behind, some still practice black rituals. And funerals are still a favorite event for them. They will certainly take the opportunity to fulfill magical rite or get the necessary details for it.

During the rite of farewell and burial, these people can do the following actions:

  • lie down on the place where the person died;
  • ask for the sheet on which the deceased lay;
  • steal the strings from the arms and legs of the deceased;
  • prick the lips of the deceased with needles and then quietly pick them up;
  • change the personal belongings of the deceased;
  • pour yourself grain from a candlestick;
  • take away the water or soap with which the deceased was washed;
  • go out behind the coffin with your back forward;
  • standing near the coffin with the deceased, tying knots on rags;
  • take the earth from the grave and put it in your bosom;
  • sprinkle some of those present with salt;
  • put other people's things in the coffin;
  • to bury things or objects in the grave;
  • pick up a glass of vodka of the deceased or water from the windowsill, etc.

All these actions are aimed at connecting living people with the dead and dooming them to illness and death. Therefore, you need to be attentive to strangers at the funeral, not allow strangers to the coffin and root out suspicious manipulations and theft.

It is also necessary to know that if buried objects were found during the care of the grave, they must be burned. While touching them with bare hands forbidden!

How to behave at a funeral

Today funeral agents are in charge. They know exactly all the rules of the ceremony and always tell those present in time how to behave and what to do.

As for the rest: signs and magical rites, everything here depends on you. You decide whether or not to follow the advice, avoid suspicious people at the funeral, or pay no attention to anyone. But in any case, during the funeral, it is necessary to behave with restraint and caution, and to have only positive feelings for the deceased.

Let such events bypass you and do not give rise to fears and doubts. Be healthy!