A gem for a girl born on January 10th. Zodiac stones - Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces (January, February, March)

It is believed that depending on the time of birth of a person, different objects, phenomena and factors have a different impact on him. Jewelry stones occupy a special place among them.

Pictured: Gem Lovers for different signs of the zodiac

We have done a great job and provide material that has no analogues anywhere else. This publication opens a series of articles that will become your guide to the world of precious stones to form your personal unique collection.

Minerals and rocks accompany mankind from the very beginning of its existence and are always close to man. The roots of knowledge and ideas about the influence of stones on the fate of a person and about the connections of minerals and zodiacal constellations go back to ancient times. These ideas were formed in various cultures, transformed and structured over time, wandered by word of mouth for millennia, underwent changes in the arrangement of stars, improved mineralogical knowledge. The names of the minerals changed.

It is important to note that mineralogy as a science was formed about 200 years ago. Before that, stones of the same color, as a rule, had one name, for example, all known red stones (rubies, spinels, garnets) were called the word "lal". Therefore, it is important to take into account the possibility of errors in interpreting gems by mineralogical varieties. In addition, since the lists of stones for various astrological interpretations were compiled, a huge number of new varieties and deposits have been discovered. For example, kunzites, tanzanites, new varieties of pomegranate and many others.

We have analyzed the rich material on this issue and bring to your attention several approaches to the selection of gems based on astrological views on the time of a person's birth:

  • semi-precious stones and gemstones according to the signs of the zodiac in the classification of J. Stone;

Astrology data helps you navigate among the many jewelry stones, taking into account the time of birth, and make a wonderful gift for yourself and to a loved one, pick up what is right for him.

Putting together a collection for yourself, you create an individual selection of stones that are right for you, according to various astrological schools. Remember that zodiac stones are a range of recommended gems that have a beneficial effect on the wearer. It is generally accepted that the larger the stone, the more significant its effect on a person. The best collection is the one that contains stones by month of birth, by your birth planet and by zodiac sign.

The connection of planets and gems

An interesting classification of the correspondence of gems to your patron planet. You can determine your planet in accordance with the zodiac sign according to the horoscope. In the Middle Ages, alchemical ideas were formed about the connection between heavenly bodies, planets and constellations included in the zodiacal circle.

Star patronizing the sign Leo... Gemstones of the Sun - colorless (diamond), with yellow tint, chrysolite, chrysoberyl, chrysoprase. Zircon, hyacinth and ruby ​​are mentioned separately.

Changeable and beautiful, therefore the jewelry stones of the zodiac sign Cancer ruled by the Moon, these are primarily iridescent opals and moonstones. Also associated with this star are pearls, coral, beryls, aquamarine.

In astrology, a male planet named after the god of war Ares in Greek mythology(Mars from the Roman pantheon of gods). Signs of the zodiac are influenced by Mars Aries and Scorpio... She symbolizes determination, courage and physical strength... Mars is credited with red gemstones, such as ruby, red garnets.

Venus, the patroness of love, romance and passion, corresponds to the signs of the zodiac Taurus and Libra... The gems of the planet Venus are green, purple-red, blue: emerald, turquoise, blue, pink sapphires, padparadscha sapphire, zircon - hyacinth.

Symbolizes wealth, luxury, status, access to secret knowledge. The Roman god Jupiter is considered the supreme deity and corresponds to Zeus in Greek culture.
If a person was born under the planet Jupiter (signs Sagittarius and Pisces), blue and purple stones, blue sapphire, blue spinel, amethyst, turquoise, blue and blue-violet tanzanites, blue tourmalines are suitable for him.

(embodiment ancient greek god Chronos), and also rules the signs Capricorn and Aquarius... Dark and black stones are suitable for Saturn, and blue, gray-blue, stones with an asterism effect, spinel, aquamarine are suitable for Uranus. They also include blue lapis lazuli, blue zircon and blue tourmaline.

Ornamental and jewelry stones in the classification of J. Stone

There are many lists of gems by zodiac sign, they came from different sources. The most widely used classification by amateurs is the one highlighted by Jasper Stone. This classification includes both semi-precious stones and precious stones. Ornamental ones are more often used to make pyramids, bowls, figurines, balls and figurines.

  • Aquarius - aquamarine, garnet, amethyst, ametrine, pink and black quartz, zircon, obsidian, chrysoprase.
  • Fish - demantoid, tsavorite, aquamarine, moonstone, coral, opals, chrysolite.
  • Aries - diamond, zircon, rock crystal, kyanite.
  • Taurus - alexandrite, amazonite, agate, turquoise, cacholong white opal, malachite, chrysocolla.
  • Gemini - methyst, ametrines, beryl group, morganite, cat's and tiger's eyes, obsidian, agate, rhodonite, rhodochrosite, citrine, charoite.
  • Cancer - emerald, pearl, chrysoberyl, aquamarine, tsavorite, moonstone, hematite.
  • Lion - ruby, tourmalines, uvarovite, spinel, amber, verdelite, rock crystal, obsidian.
  • Virgo - rock crystal, jadeite, cat's eye, jade, carnelian.
  • scales- aquamarine, malachite, amethyst, jade, rhodochrosite, rubellite.
  • Scorpio - alexandrite, apatite, garnet, topaz, kunzite, morganite.
  • Sagittarius - alexandrite, sapphire, tourmalines, uvarovite, chalcedony, chrysocolla, topaz, verdelite, turquoise, lapis lazuli, red garnets.
  • Capricorn is a group of tourmalines, garnet, chrysocolla, smoky quartz.

Gem by month of birth

It is also popularly believed that when choosing a talisman, one should focus on the month of birth. Aristotle wrote about this. There are many options for matching gems by month of birth, depending on the traditions and characteristics of different cultures.

The International Colored Stones Association (ICA) has published on its website a list of gems recommended for those born in different months, and they separately mention talismans that bring good luck. This list includes modern and traditional options.

January, both according to modern and traditional classification, corresponds to a group of pomegranates, it combines a significant number of varieties that differ in chemical composition and structural features: from bright orange spessartine garnet to emerald green demantoid garnet.

Amethyst is the talisman of those born in February, its cold purple from very light to saturated, with a reddish sheen, really matches the frosty February as best as possible. Amethyst is considered the most valuable type of the quartz group.

Those born in March are advised to wear aquamarine, a noble variety of blue and greenish shades from the beryl group. According to the traditional system of stones by months of birth, March corresponds to a heliotrope, and the talisman of the month is


Stones of Mercury are: agate, golden topaz, carnelian, eurud.

The stones of Venus are: sapphire, as well as agate, pearls.

Stones of Mars are: ruby ​​as well hematite , jasper , Garnet, diamond.

Stoned Saturn but are: onyx, and amethyst, dark topaz.

Stones of Neptune are: amethyst as well crystal, moonstone (adularia).

Zodiac stones

Stones associated with the zodiac signs that dominate the sky at the time of a person's birth are considered favorable for wearing.

Aries March 21 - April 22- gemstones sardonyx, amethyst, red stones.

Taurus April 21 - May 21- agate, carnelian, carnelian, white coral, white and translucent stones.

Leo July 23 - August 22- jasper, pomegranate, hyacinth, ruby, amber, sunny yellow stones.

Virgo August 23 - September 23- jasper, emerald, crystal, chalcedony, garnet, sapphire, stones of any color except gray.

Libra September 24 - October 23- tiger's eye, crystal, opal, tourmaline, diamond, beryl, light colored stones.

Scorpio October 24 - November 22- amethyst, hematite, topaz, stones of deep bright color.

Sagittarius November 23 - December 21- turquoise, hyacinth, emerald, stones of red, green and mixed colors or with red-green specks.

For the first time, the connection of precious stones with the signs of the zodiac was established in the Middle Ages, but these tables have changed several times. In the seventies of the XX century, the International Association of Jewelers approved and corrected all available information and tables, bringing them into one scale. According to this scale, for those born in January, pomegranate and alexandrite are favorable for wearing, in February - amethyst, in March - aquamarine, in April - diamond and zirconium, in May - emerald and jade, in June - pearls and agate, in July - ruby , in August - adularia (moonstone) and chrysolite, in September - sapphire, in October - opal and cat's eye, in November - topaz, in December - turquoise, blue zircon.

Generalized horoscope of gems

There is also a generalized horoscope of gemstones, compiled according to various sources:

For Capricorn December 22 - January 20 the main stones are onyx, ruby, chrysoprase, malachite, emerald, cat's eye, opal, agate, amethyst, jet, obsidian, jasper, charoite, all black transparent and red stones.

For Aquarius January 21 - February 19 the main stones are lapis lazuli, obsidian, sapphire, hyacinth (zircon), turquoise, garnet, hawk's eye, rock crystal, opal, topaz, jasper, charoite.

For Pisces February 20 - March 20 the main stones are amethyst, alexandrite, pearls, chrysolite (olivine, peridot), jasper, lapis lazuli, moonstone, carnelian (carnelian), chrysoprase, charoite.

For Aries March 21 - April 20 the main stones are jasper, amethyst, carnelian (carnelian), ruby, diamond, rhodonite, sardonic, chalcedony, as well as all red stones.

For Taurus April 21 - May 21 the main stones are agate, carnelian (carnelian), rose quartz, turquoise, coral, hyacinth (zircon), jade, onyx, all white and transparent stones. A ring with one of these stones must be in the box of this sign.

Gemini May 22 - June 21 the main stones are beryl, agate, tiger's eye, rock crystal, sardonyx, amethyst, jade, rhodonite, chrysolite, citrine, charoite, all variegated stones.

For Cancer June 22 - July 22 the main stones are chalcedony, moonstone, selenite, pearls, chrysolite, chrysoprase, carnelian (carnelian), aventurine, agate, amethyst, jade, onyx, chrysoberyl, all white opaque stones.

For Leo July 23 - August 22 the main stones are ruby, chrysolite, jasper, amber, beryl, topaz, sardonyx, zircon, rock crystal, garnet, obsidian, opal, citrine, all yellow and golden stones.

For Virgo August 23 - September 23 the main stones are jasper, emerald, sapphire, jade, carnelian (carnelian), rock crystal, chalcedony, chrysolite, citrine, diamond, agate, beryl, sardonyx. Virgo will love agate beads.

For Libra September 24 - October 23 the main stones are diamond, opal, beryl, rock crystal, lapis lazuli, rauchtopaz, jade, jasper, emerald, moonstone, carnelian (carnelian), topaz, citrine, chrysolite, all pink stones.

For Scorpio October 24 - November 22 the main stones are topaz, hematite (bloodstone), aquamarine, garnet, carnelian (carnelian), ruby, sapphire, coral, malachite, chrysoprase, agate, rauchtopaz.

For Sagittarius November 23 - December 21 the main stones are turquoise, hyacinth (zircon), emerald, amethyst, topaz, chalcedony, chrysolite, charoite, amazonite, garnet, lapis lazuli, onyx, rhodonite, all red and green stones. A Sagittarius will appreciate a bracelet or brooch made of any of his gems.

The inconsistency of the horoscopes of stones

There are many horoscopes of stones. Compiled by different astrological schools, they are somewhat contradictory. The symbolism and mystery of gemstones is still full of mystery and charm for people of all countries and continents, and its psychotherapeutic effect is well known and tested for centuries.

When dealing with gemstones, you need to trust your feelings, and select what you instinctively like, what "pulls", what your hand wants to touch. There are jewelry that you just don't want to take off. This means that they are yours, regardless of what the horoscope says (whether it suits you or not).

If you like the stone, it means that its vibrations help a person, give "energy" that corresponds to what is happening in his life at the moment.

But everything changes, and the internal vibration of the body's cells also changes depending on the state, so it is possible that in a month you may need something completely different from what you need today, and you want to change the ring, for example. If it is now drawn to a green stone, then the body needs peace and balance, but time will pass and stones of a revitalizing red color will become like. Changed internal state and with it the choice changed. You need to trust your intuition and be able to hear it, because it is a manifestation of the human bioenergy information field.

There are doubts about yourself, or you need to make a gift, but there is no way to ask a person what he is attracted to, you need to turn to the old, known method, which the choice and time of wearing stones puts in a definite connection with the planets and signs of the Zodiac - to the horoscope.

Gems on different days of the week

In the old days, it was believed that wearing a gem on a certain day of the week brings success in the affairs and plans outlined for that day:

on Monday recommended wearing pearls, moonstone or pearls
on Tuesday- ruby, jasper, sardonyx, carnelian
on Wednesday- amazonite, turquoise, blue zircon, porphyry or topaz
on Thursday- sapphire, lapis lazuli, aquamarine
On Friday- emerald, chrysoprase, olivine, chrysolite, diamond, ruby
on Saturday- agate, chalcedony
on Sunday zircon, yellow water diamond, topaz, rock crystal, cubic zirconia

So, as you can see, you need a lot of decorations - for different moods, days of the week, months ...

Stones by month

According to the calendar of the lucky stone of the month earlier - in the old days - they considered:

for January- hyacinth and pomegranate
for february- amethyst and hyacinth
for march- jasper and amethyst
for april- sapphire, jasper
for may- sapphire, emerald, agate

for June
- agate, emerald
for july- emerald, onyx
for august- carnelian, sardonyx
for september- sapphire, chrysolite
for october aquamarine, beryl
for November- beryl, topaz
for December - topaz, ruby

According to modern jewelry data, the stone of the happy month is:

January- amethyst, garnet, alexandrite
February- amethyst
March- aquamarine
April zircon, diamond
May- agate, emerald, jade, pearls
June- agate, pearls
July- ruby
August- chrysolite, moonstone
September- sapphire
October cat's eye, opal
November- topaz

- blue zircon, turquoise

Astrology and stones

The magical effect of gemstones, their extraordinary beauty and mystery attracted and attract and ordinary people, and astrologers. Some of the astrologers believed that if a person was born under the Sun in the constellation Leo, he should wear a diamond or chrysoberyl; if he was born under the Moon in the constellation Cancer, he must wear an emerald, pearl or moonstone; if he was born under Mars in the constellation Aries - a ruby, and in the constellation Scorpio - a pomegranate; if a person was born under Mercury in the constellation Gemini, he must wear opal; if in the constellation Virgo there is a yellow sapphire; if under Jupiter in the constellation Sagittarius - sapphire or lapis lazuli; if in the constellation Pisces - amethyst; if under Venus in the constellation Taurus - hyacinth; if under Saturn in the constellation Aquarius - aquamarine, in the constellation Capricorn - blue spinel.

Your birth month stone

However, there is an opinion that it is better to choose a lucky stone according to the month of birth:

for those born in January recommend gems such as rose quartz and garnet
for those born in February amethyst and onyx
for those born in March- jasper and tourmaline
for those born in April- diamond, rhinestone and sapphire
for those born in May- chrysoprase and emerald
for those born in June- moonstone, pearls
for those born in July carnelian and ruby
for those born in August- chrysolite, moonstone
for those born in September- peridot

for those born in October
- opal and aquamarine
for those born in November- tiger's eye and topaz
for those born in December- turquoise and zircon

Talisman stones for the signs of the zodiac

Nowadays, among many astrologers there is a belief that happiness and success will only contribute if a person owns a talisman stone corresponding to his zodiac sign.

for Aries(March 21 - April 19) - red jasper or red carnelian
for Taurus(April 20 May 20) - orange carnelian or rose quartz
for Gemini c - (May 21 - June 21) - citrine or tiger's eye
for Cancer(June 22 - July 22) - chrysoprase or gray aventurine
for Leo(July 23 - August 23) - rock crystal or golden quartz
for Virgo- (August 23 - September 23) - citrine or yellow agate
for Libra(September 24 - December 23) - orange citrine or smoky agate
for Scorpio(October 24 - November 22) - red carnelian or sarder
for Sagittarius(November 23 - December 21) - sapphire or chalcedony
for Capricorn(December 22 - January 20) - onyx or cat's eye
for Aquarius(January 21 February 19) - turquoise or hawkeye
for Pisces(February 20 - March 20) Amethyst or Amethyst Quartz

There is no complete unanimity among astrologers about the distribution of stones according to the signs of the Zodiac, since in all eras of the formation of philosophical views and thoughts
had their own ideas about the elements, their color and the belonging of stones to the signs of the zodiac. Therefore, modern and ancient recommendations are often different or even contradictory.

In addition, there has always been knowledge available, for example, only to oracles dedicated to priests, Chaldean magicians, and therefore there are so many opinions about the stones of the planets and the sign of the Zodiac.

The formation of a natural crystal, its development takes place over hundreds of thousands of years, changing under the influence of the planets, passing through different periods of their evolution, and therefore the stones bear the imprint and qualities of the planet that was the last in its fate at the time of its finding. For example, blue, bright turquoise, young turquoise is Jupiter's stone. But its development, formation, but not death, as many say, is determined by Saturn.

Therefore, it is not yet known (and it is not clear whether it will be known for certain at least once) which planets were in the person's chart at the time of birth and which of them was the kindest, it is not necessary to wear jewelry with a stone, which is determined only by the sign of the Zodiac associated with the number birth, however, it must be borne in mind that the influence of the energy of the stone on a person is enormous, and this energy exchange is two-way. Stones have an energy-informational field, and how suitable a mineral is for a person, for example, can be found out by the method of biolocation. However, it is best to trust your feelings.

for Aries red jasper and ruby ​​are best
for Taurus- emerald and topaz
for Gemini- alexandrite and onyx
for Cancer- turquoise, emerald

for Leo
- zircon, opal
for Virgo- chrysolite, diamond
for Libra- jade, chrysolite
for Scorpio- malachite, carnelian
for Sagittarius- carbuncle, sapphire
for Capricorn- tourmaline, morion
for Aquarius lapis lazuli, aquamarine
for Pisces- amethyst, pearls

In general, you should not blindly trust the horoscope - choose what you like!

Astrologers (ancient and modern) claim that the influence of stones on human health and fate is predetermined by the position of the planets and constellations of the zodiac. The most favorable for a person are those stones that are associated with the sign under which he was born.

In 1912, a convention of the National Association of Jewelers unified the List of Birth Month Stones according to the zodiac sign. This list is presented below.

Aries (21.03 - 19.04)

Aries is associated with a diamond - the most expensive and beautiful of the precious minerals. The belief has come down to our days that he brought his owner good luck in business, protected him from diseases, injuries and wounds, and gave courage in battle. Astrologers advised wearing the diamond as a talisman on the left hand or neck, and the frame should not have prevented the stone from touching the skin. There was a belief that the stone brings happiness only if it got the owner-Aries in an honest way. However, the beauty of diamonds awakened greed in a person. The story of the famous diamonds is often a detective story with murders, kidnappings, tragedies, unsolved mysteries.
The red garnet stone also brings happiness and good luck to Aries.

List of all stones, corresponding to the sign zodiac Aries: diamond (diamond), amazonite, amethyst, beryl, turquoise, garnet, pearl, coral, quartz, flint, hematite, Labrador, lapis lazuli, jade, onyx, obsidian, rhodonite, ruby, sardonyx, selenite, carnelian, serpentine, hawkeye, chrysoprase, chrysolite, crystal, amber, green and red jasper.

Taurus (20.04 - 20.05)

For Taurus, the most suitable stone is sapphire, one of the most beautiful stones, the talisman of lovers and newlyweds, protecting from slander, strengthening memory, promoting prudence. Sapphire is believed to help with heart disease, asthma and neuralgia.

Blue turquoise is also suitable for Taurus. It has long been considered a talisman that helps in love affairs. Turquoise rings should be presented to a Taurus woman as a sign of heart attraction. In the East, there was a custom to put turquoise in the cradle of a newborn girl.

List of all stones corresponding to the Taurus zodiac sign: agate, aventurine, amazonite, beryl, turquoise, bull's eye, jet, emerald, rose quartz, cacholong, white coral, flint, lapis lazuli, malachite, jade, onyx, rhodonite, ruby, sapphire, selenite, carnelian, tiger's eye, topaz, chrysoprase, zircon, blue spar, jasper.

Gemini (05.21 - 06.20)

Semiprecious agate of various colors, green chrysoprase and bluish beryl are the best stones for Gemini.

Green chrysoprase was a talisman of business people, protecting them from deception and material losses. Its medicinal properties have been associated with nervous diseases.

Bluish beryl should bring happiness to Gemini in love.

And agate in ancient times was considered a stone dedicated to the goddess of gardens, vegetable gardens and crops. This stone was widely used for making jewelry, figurines, buckles. In the Middle Ages, doctors advised wearing agate beads for sore throats.

A list of all stones corresponding to the zodiac sign Gemini: agate, alexandrite, amethyst, beryl, turquoise, hyacinth, pearls, emerald, flint, coral, jade, rhodonite, sardonyx, sapphire, selenite, carnelian, tiger's eye, topaz, uvarovite, fluorite, chrysoprase, chrysolite, crystal, citrine, jasper.

Cancer (21.06 - 22.07)

The happiest stones for Cancer are emerald, moonstone and chrysoberyl, more commonly called "cat's eye."

Moonstone, or Selenite symbolized magic power moon rays. Moonstone rings helped lovers overcome obstacles on the way to happiness.

Emerald in Ancient egypt was precious stone goddess Isis, from here comes the belief that he helps women and protects the hearth. The emerald was also considered a talisman of fishermen and sailors.

Chrysoberyl, called Cat's Eye, was worn in past centuries during mourning. It was considered an amulet for gambling, helped children with diphtheria.

List of all stones corresponding to the zodiac sign Cancer: agate, aventurine, adularia, aquamarine, amazonite, amethyst, belomorite, beryl, turquoise, jet, heliotrope, hematite, pearl, emerald, coral, cat's eye, moonstones, morion, jade, obsidian , onyx, opal, rhodonite, ruby, rosterite, carnelian, hawkeye, topaz, chrysoberyl, chrysolite, euclase.

Leo (23.07 - 22.08)

Leo is best suited for stones yellow color: amber, chrysolite, olivine, topaz.
Amber, used since ancient times as a decoration and amulet, was credited with miraculous properties to cure skin diseases and rheumatism, protect from enchantment and anger.

Semiprecious yellowish-green chrysolite, set in gold, was believed to provide an opportunity to foresee the future. Rings with chrysolite were worn by astrologers and soothsayers.

Olivine, according to our ancestors, provided its owner with the sympathy of others and good luck in business.
Topaz was an amulet for people who set off on a long journey, was considered good remedy with insomnia, asthma and gout.

List of all stones corresponding to the zodiac sign Leo: aventurine, beryl, bull's eye, heliodor, heliotrope, hyacinth, garnet, demantoid, emerald, gold quartz, flint, jade, onyx, olivine, rhodonite, ruby, sardonyx, carnelian, topaz, chrysoprase , chrysolite, crystal, zircon, citrine, amber, jasper.

Virgo (08.23 - 09.22)

For those born under the sign of Virgo, jade and carnelian bring happiness. For these talisman stones to have great power, they must be set in gold. In ancient times, jade was considered a stone of leaders, emperors, monarchs, and then acquired the symbolic name of the stone of life. In the Middle Ages, jade beads were worn by people suffering from migraines, kidney diseases, and visual impairments.

Carnelian - an opaque semi-precious stone of red, reddish-brown, greenish or white color - was a favorite stone of Greek women. They believed that it imparts shine and freshness to the skin. In the Middle Ages, carnelian jewelry was very popular, as people believed that it defeats black magic and helps keep secrets.

List of all stones corresponding to the sign of the zodiac Virgo: agate, diamond, beryl, turquoise, garnet, emerald, flint, coral, cat's eye, jade, onyx, opal, rhodonite, sapphire, selenite, carnelian, tiger's eye, chrysolite, chrysoprase, crystal , citrine, jasper.

Libra (23.09 - 22.10)

For Libra, astrologers have long recommended opal and lapis lazuli. Iridescent, with an iridescent shine, opal guarantees success in business for people with noble aspirations. The ancients believed that this stone would protect even from the plague.

Gems were once made from blue lapis lazuli - oval plates with drawings engraved on them. Roman art lovers took pride in their collections of gems. This stone was also considered to have medicinal properties... Medieval doctors recommended wearing lapis lazuli necklaces for people who were anemic, suffering from skin diseases, epilepsy and rheumatism.

List of all stones corresponding to the zodiac sign Libra: agate, diamond, amethyst, beryl, turquoise, jet, demantoid, emerald, smoky and rose quartz, cacholong, coral, flint, lapis lazuli, malachite, morion, jade, opal, olivine, rhodonite, selenite, carnelian, hawkeye, tourmaline, phenactite, fluorite, chrysolite, chrysoprase, chrysoberyl, crystal, zircon, citrine, jasper.

Scorpio (23.10 -21.11)

The main stones of Scorpio are aquamarine and carbuncle. They are used as amulets in rings or bracelets made in the shape of a snake.

Aquamarine is a transparent greenish-blue stone. Lovers exchanged jewelry from it before the forced separation, because he was considered the amulet of happy marital unions. The sea-colored stone was supposed to heal diseases of the throat and teeth.

Carbuncle is the old name for a deep red ruby. Its mysterious power was legendary. In ancient Rome, the carbuncle was the talisman of pregnant women, as it was thought to provide a happy birth. In the Middle Ages, it was believed that the carbuncle protects from injury, so soldiers loved to wear it.

Another purpose of the carbuncle is to awaken friendly feelings in people, drive away black thoughts.
Red garnet is also suitable for Scorpio.

List of all stones corresponding to the sign of the zodiac Scorpio: adularia, aquamarine, alexandrite, amazonite, amethyst, belomorite, beryl, turquoise, jet, hematite, garnet, smoky and dark opaque quartz, coral, cat's eye, malachite, morion, opal, ruby, sapphire, selenite, carnelian, serpentine, topaz, tourmaline, chrysoprase, jasper.

Sagittarius (11.22-21.12)

The main stone of Sagittarius is considered amethyst, otherwise the stone of love. They say that he is able to arouse love for the giver, even if the person who received it is in love with the other. “Amethyst - the stone of love - turns old love into indifference. Beware of his betrothed or married women ... ”These words were written by a Sumerian priest on a clay tablet three thousand years ago. As you can see, the personal problems that worried people then are not much different from the problems of our days. Amethyst also brings good luck in games, protects against drunkenness.

Sagittarius, like Leo, are also very suitable for topaz and chrysolite.

List of all stones corresponding to the zodiac sign Sagittarius: amethyst, beryl, turquoise, hyacinth, garnet, demantoid, emerald, blue quartz, flint, coral, Labrador, lapis lazuli, jade, sapphire, sardonyx, selenite, carnelian, hawk eye, obsidian, olivine , onyx, tiger's eye, topaz, chrysoprase, chrysolite, amber, jasper.

Capricorn (12.22 - 01.19)

The ruby, a red stone with a purple hue, brings happiness in love to those born under the sign of Capricorn. “If you want to achieve reciprocity, give the one or the one to which your heart is inclined, a ruby ​​of the color of a flame - and you will kindle love in it,” the ancient astrologer advised. Rings with rubies were worn by people afraid of poison. They believed that a ruby ​​immersed in a poisoned drink would change color.

Another Capricorn stone is a semi-precious brown or even blackish stone called onyx. The ancients highly appreciated it for its magical and healing properties.
People of this sign are also recommended an amulet with dark green malachite, which enhances the spiritual strength of a person.

List of all stones corresponding to the zodiac sign Capricorn: alexandrite, amethyst, beryl, turquoise, jet, garnet, cat's eye, flint, coral, malachite, morion, jade, obsidian, olivine, opal, onyx, ruby, selenite, carnelian, falcon's eye , tiger's eye, tourmaline, chrysoprase, zircon, jasper.

Aquarius (01.20 - 02.19)

Pomegranates and zircon should bring happiness to those born under the sign of Aquarius. There are several varieties of semi-precious pomegranate - from dark red to yellowish. This stone is considered a symbol of love and friendship. It was customary to give rings with pomegranate as a proof of friendship, memory, gratitude. Most willingly, this stone was exchanged by lovers. The inhabitants of the East highly appreciated red stones, who believed that pomegranate had healing properties.

Zircon is a rare transparent stone, which in the East was called the younger brother of diamond. This stone was believed to improve mental performance.

List of all stones corresponding to the zodiac sign Aquarius: agate, aquamarine, amethyst, beryl, turquoise, hyacinth, garnet, demantoid, pearl, emerald, rose quartz, flint, coral, lapis lazuli, jade, obsidian, opal, sapphire, sardonyx, carnelian, hawkeye, fluorite, crystal, citrine, zircon, jasper.

Pisces (20.02 - 20.03)

Astrologers recommend pearls to Pisces. Pearl jewelry has been known since time immemorial. Rich Greek women willingly wore strings with pearls, which were supposed to give the eyes shine and keep its owner from the torment of unrequited love. In the Middle Ages, dresses embroidered with pearls served as a wedding dress for the bride - it was believed that pearls strengthened family ties. In the era of romanticism, it was fashionable to give the object of love a ring with pearls. Inhabitants of the East also highly appreciated pearls. Indian merchants, for example, believed that a pearl ring would protect against thieves.

List of all stones corresponding to the zodiac sign Pisces: adularia, amazonite, amethyst, aquamarine, alexandrite, belomorite, beryl, turquoise, jet, demantoid, pearl, coral, lapis lazuli, morion, jade, olivine, opal, sapphire, selenite, carnelian, falcon eye, tiger's eye, chrysolite, chrysoprase, euclase.

It is real for each person to find their own talisman stone, which will protect him from various troubles and misfortunes, attracting joy, wealth, success and other positive events to the life of its owner.

Knowing the date of birth of a person, as well as the year of his birth, will help in choosing an amulet stone, and the help of a professional astrologer is often required. But you can try to determine your stone mascot by date of birth and zodiac sign and name yourself. You can read how to do this further.

In total, there are four main ways to select a patron stone by date of birth, namely:

  • taking into account the month of birth;
  • taking into account the number;
  • taking into account the full date represented by day, month and year;
  • taking into account the sign of the zodiac.

Amulet by month of birth

  • born in January - the purchase of jewelry with, and is shown;
  • for those whose birth month is February - products with hyacinths are suitable;
  • if the month of your birth is March, you should choose rubies and;
  • those born in April are patronized by diamonds, and;
  • May birthday people - options for jewelry with emerald, agate, and are suitable;
  • for those born in June - make a purchase of jewelry with pearls, agate, turquoise, emerald, cat's eye, chalcedony and aquamarine;
  • birthday people of July - rubies, carnelians, turquoise, aventurines and will help to improve their lives;
  • those whose month of birth - August - will have their magical help chrysolites, alexandrites, sardonyxes, carnelians, rubies and;
  • those born in September should take a closer look at sapphires, sardonyx, chrysolites, agates and smoky;
  • those whose birth month is October are patronized by tourmalines, opals, aquamarines, beryls, and pomegranates;
  • people born in November - must give their choice in favor of topaz, pearls, and chrysolites;
  • December birthday people - patronize, turquoise, heliotropes, rubies, chrysoprase, etc.

Birthday mascot stone

This is the second way to choose your patron mineral, based only on the birth number.

  • if you are born on the first, tenth, nineteenth and twenty-eighth, corals, opals, topaz and rubies will be suitable amulets for you;
  • those born on the second, eleventh, twentieth and twenty-ninth numbers should count on the mystical support of a cat's eye, opal, pearls and a tiger's eye;
  • birthday people of the third, twelfth, twenty-first and thirtieth numbers - the patron gems are amethysts, emeralds, corals and topaz;
  • if you celebrate your birthday on the 4th, 13th, 22nd and 31st numbers - aquamarines, diamonds, garnets, opals and sapphires will help you harmonize your life;
  • those born on the fifth, fourteenth and twenty-third days - you need to wear products with diamonds, light sapphires and zircons;
  • celebrating their birth on the sixth, fifteenth and twenty-fourth numbers - are patronized by aquamarines, beryls, emeralds, green opals and;
  • those who celebrate their birth on the seventh, sixteenth and twenty-fifths - pearls, moonstones and opals with tiger eyes will be of greatest help;
  • birthday people on the eighth, seventeenth and twenty-sixth numbers should dwell on lapis lazuli, opals and sapphires;
  • those born on the ninth, eighteenth and twenty-seventh will be helped by pomegranates, corals, rubies and red opals.

Stone talisman by date of birth

It has long been no secret to anyone that numbers have a huge impact on a person's life. And, of course, the most important number is the date of birth. In this case, it is important to consider not the combination of numbers itself, but to reduce them to a single-digit number. Next, we'll look at how to do this.

2 + 6 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 4 = 34. It turns out a two-digit number that must be turned into a single-digit number: 34 = 3 + 4 = 7. So your birth number is seven.

Each of the numbers from 0 to 9 is patronized by certain precious or semiprecious minerals.

  • for "units" - invigorating aventurines are suitable, as well as carnelians that give an ardent mutual feeling;
  • "Deuce" - pearls will help to fully manifest their inner potential, and thanks to the moonstone () such people will become more self-confident;
  • for "triplets" - jewelry with turquoise and chrysolites is suitable (for a great mood);
  • “Fours” - it is worth acquiring sapphires and jades in order to protect themselves from evil and become more successful;
  • “Fives” - can safely rely on emeralds charging with wisdom and tiger eyes that relieve pathological jealousy;
  • "Six" - suitable products with agates, which are able to protect against ill-wishers, as well as;
  • "Sevens" - they will help them stay cool, and rubies will give them the necessary vitality;
  • "Eights" - will be able to help make the right choice of onyx, and pomegranates will strengthen warm friendly feelings;
  • for "nines" - topaz are suitable (protect from harm), and rock crystal crystals (give wisdom and save from passions);
  • "Zero" - it occurs in very rare cases, but still occurs. Zero symbolizes emptiness, mystery and boundless space.

The precious stones-patrons of those people who correspond to zero will be unusually rare red diamonds. They have absorbed the properties of diamonds and rubies, make their owner more courageous, protect from damage and serious pathologies, and also make him more successful in life. Also for these people are rare, revealing magical abilities and majorites, giving love and family happiness.

Zodiac sign amulet

Each zodiac constellation has its own mascot stones.

  • for Aries - diamonds, amethysts, garnets, pearls, rubies and chrysolites are most suitable;
  • Taurus - they can find mystical support using emeralds, onyx, rubies, sapphires and topaz;
  • Gemini - shown to use jewelry with amethysts, pearls, emeralds, sapphire, topaz, chrysolite and citrine;
  • Cancers - can count on the protection of amethysts, pearls, emeralds, rubies, topaz and chrysolites;
  • Lions - they astrologically correspond to pomegranates, emeralds, rubies, topazes, chrysolites and citrines;
  • Virgos - it is worth paying attention to jewelry with diamonds, garnets, emeralds, sapphires, chrysolites and citrines;
  • Libra - they are magically helped by jewelry with diamond, amethyst, emerald, chrysolite and citrine;
  • Scorpions - can count on the protection of amethysts, garnets, rubies, sapphires and topaz;
  • Sagittarius - need the mystical support of amethysts, garnets, emeralds, sapphires, topaz and chrysolites;
  • - astrologers recommend buying jewelry with amethyst, pomegranate, and ruby;
  • Aquarius - must use the magic of amethysts, garnets, pearls, emeralds, sapphires and citrines;
  • Pisces - it is recommended to wear amethysts, aquamarines, pearls, sapphires and chrysolites.

Diamonds - symbolize innocence, fortitude and courage, help to solve problems.

Emeralds - personified by happy love make a person more successful in life.

Sapphires - symbolize fidelity, chastity and modesty, are able to attract happiness and joy into your life.

Rubies are associated with power and passionate love.

Pearls - symbolize love and devotion.

Aquamarines are gems of “lovers”, they are able to protect family happiness, attract good luck to a person's life.

Amethysts - symbolize peace of mind.

Topaz - are personified with eternal friendship.

Pomegranates - symbolize stability.

Chrysolites - act as amulet stones that bring calmness and balance.

Rauchtopaz - these mystical gems will relieve a person of pain and stress factors, they also calm the nervous system.

Citrines are responsible for good luck and good mood.

More useful information you can find out from the following video:

This classification "Stones-talismans by the signs of the Zodiac" was drawn up in 1912 at the congress of the Russian National Association of Jewelers. Later, the list was named "List of stones of the month of birth in accordance with the sign of the Zodiac."

Matching stones to the signs of the zodiac (1912)

Aries (date of birth March 21 - April 19) : Diamond is undoubtedly the main stone of this fire sign. Amazonite, purple amethyst, rock crystal, beryl of all colors are also Aries stones. Blue turquoise is a wonderful talisman for the signs of spring. Aries can also wear garnet and pearls, coral and all types of quartz, flint and hematite jewelry. Labrador, blue lapis lazuli, green jade, striped onyx, sparkling with blue flashes of light, are also talismans of this zodiac sign. Aries are also suitable for obsidian and pink rhodonite, ruby ​​and sardonyx, selenite and carnelian, serpentinite (the old name is serpentine), hawkeye (a type of tiger's eye), chrysolite, chrysoprase, amber, jasper, preferably green or red.

Taurus(date of birth April 20 - May 20) : Ruby and sapphire are the main stones of this zodiac sign. Agate and aventurine, amazonite and beryl are also talismanic stones. Blue turquoise is very favorable for Taurus. Bull's eye (a kind of tiger's eye), black jet, green emerald, rose quartz, white cacholong, white coral will also protect the representatives of this sign and help them. The energetic effect of such stones as flint and lapis lazuli, onyx and rhodonite is beneficial. Green malachite and jade, silky selenite, orange carnelian carnelian, tiger's eye - Taurus stones, the list also includes topaz, chrysoprase, zircon, blue spar, jasper.

Twins(date of birth May 21 - June 20) : Ideal talisman stones are emerald, sapphire and alexandrite. Good properties Agate and violet amethyst, beryls of all colors, blue turquoise, rock crystal possess for Gemini. Pearls and coral grown in seawater are also Gemini stones. Flint and green jade, pink rhodonite and orange carnelian stone, selenite and tiger's eye are very favorable for those born under this sign of the zodiacal circle. Topaz, green garnet uvarovite, fluorite (purple and greenish), chrysoprase and chrysolite, golden citrine and jasper of any color and texture are also suitable for Gemini.

Cancer(date of birth June 21 - July 22) : Very good talismans for this sign are aquamarine, emerald, ruby, amethyst and chrysolite. Agate and aventurine, adularia (moonstone) and amazonite, belomorite (moonstone), beryls of all colors are suitable for those born under the signs of Cancer. Blue and greenish turquoise, like no other stone, suits the spirit of the water element of this zodiac sign. Cancers can also wear heliotrope, jet, sea and river pearls, corals, light cat's eye, morion (black smoky quartz), hematite, jade, obsidian (all types), onyx, noble opal. Pink rhodonite, orange carnelian are suitable as a talisman. , hawkeye (a type of tiger's eye), blue topaz and chrysoprase.

a lion(date of birth July 23 - August 22) : The talismans of this bright fire sign are emerald, opal, ruby, chrysolite, amber. Iridescent aventurine, beryls of all colors, bull's eye (a type of tiger's eye), yellow heliodor, rock crystal, heliotrope and hyacinth will also protect and help those born under the sign of Cancer. Pomegranates are suitable for them, especially green demantiod, citrine, rhodonite, jade, carnelian, topaz, chrysoprase, jasper, flint, onyx, zircon,

Virgo(date of birth 23 August - 22 September) : Diamond, emerald, sapphire, noble opal, rock crystal are ideal for Virgo. Agates, light beryls, blue and greenish turquoise, all types of pomegranates will have a very beneficial effect and help these people. Rhodonite, selenite, flint and corals, especially red in color, are suitable for Virgos. Iridescent cat's eye and tiger's eye, sparkling blue labrador, green jade and sunny orange carnelian, chrysolite, onyx, chrysoprase, golden citrine, multi-colored jasper are also good talismans for Virgo.

scales(date of birth September 23 - October 22) : For representatives of this sign, diamond, amethyst, emerald, rock crystal, tourmaline (especially pink tourmaline rubellite), agates are very suitable. Green demantoid garnet, smoky and rose quartz, white cacholong opal, colorful corals, yellow flint, lapis lazuli will be good talismans - charms. Libra can also wear jewelry made of malachite, morion, selenite, jade, turquoise, jet, rhodonite, olivine, carnelian. Decorations made of a hawk's eye, green uvarovite garnet, lilac fluorite, chrysolite and chrysoprase, zircon and citrine, multi-colored jasper are also suitable for this sign.

Scorpion (date of birth October 23 - November 21) : Good charms and talismans for Scorpions are sapphire, ruby, agate, adularia and belomorite (types of moonstone), blood hematite, aquamarine, alexandrite. Amethyst, amazonite, multi-colored beryls, jet will also have a good effect. Blue and greenish turquoise, white coral, cat's eye, translucent green chrysoprase are very good for this watermark. Scorpions also need to wear garnet, smoky quartz, morion, malachite, opal, selenite, carnelian, serpentinite (serpentine), topaz, colorful tourmaline, jasper and labradorite jewelry.

Sagittarius(date of birth November 22 - December 21) : The main mascot stones of Sagittarius are amethyst, turquoise, emerald, sapphire, chrysolite, chrysoprase. Hyacinth, garnets, especially green demantoid garnet, blue quartz and flint, light corals, lapis lazuli, labradorite will have a beneficial effect on people born under this zodiac sign. Iridescent selenite and orange carnelian, tiger's eye and hawk's eye (a kind of tiger's eye), obsidian, onyx, topaz, beryl, jasper, amber are also good talismans and amulets of this sign of the zodiac.

Capricorn (date of birth December 22 - January 19) : Alexandrite and agate, amethyst and turquoise, ruby, olivine (chrysolite), red garnet are suitable for representatives of this sign of the Earth as talismans and amulets. Pink tourmaline (rubellite), cat's eye, malachite, morion, jade, coral, obsidian, opal (common and noble), onyx, smoky quartz (rauchtopaz), light beryl, hawkeye and tiger's eye, chrysoprase are also suitable for this sign. carnelian, zircon, jasper of any color and color.

Aquarius(date of birth January 20 - February 19) : The stones of the mascots of this sign are aquamarine, amethyst, emerald, sapphire, turquoise, hyacinth, agate, garnets, the green demantoid and uvarovite garnets are especially suitable. You can wear pearls and rose quartz, flint and coral, lapis lazuli and beryl, jade and obsidian in jewelry. Opal (noble and common, as well as cacholong), orange carnelian, hawkeye (a type of tiger's eye), fluorite and chrysoprase, rock crystal, citrine, landscape jasper are also suitable for Aquarius.

Fishes (date of birth February 20 - March 20) : This watermark can be worn with alexandrite, aquamarine, sapphire, adularia and belomorite (both called moonstone), amethyst, opal (noble opal, common opal, cacholong) and chrysolite. Good talismans for Pisces are amazonite, beryls, turquoise of any color, jet, green demantoid garnet, sea and river pearls and corals, lapis lazuli, morion, jade, hawkeye and tiger's eye, carnelian, chrysoprase, spinel and euclase.

Matching stones to the months of the year

January- pomegranate, hyacinth; February- amethyst, hyacinth; March- jasper, amethyst; April- sapphire, jasper; May- malachite, agate, emerald, sapphire; June - emerald, sapphire; July- onyx, emerald; August- carnelian, sardonyx; September - chrysolite, sapphire; October- beryl, aquamarine, chrysolite; November- topaz, beryl; December- ruby, topaz.

Classification of stones by planetary connections (Eliafas Levi, 19th century)

The sun: chrysolite, diamond, hyacinth, aventurine, ruby, heliotrope, chrysoprase; moon: opal, adularia, aquamarine, beryl, pearl, coral; Mercury: golden topaz, emerald, cornelian, agate Venus: light sapphire, agate, pearl; Mars: ruby, hematite, jasper, diamond, garnet; Jupiter: turquoise, sapphire, lapis lazuli; Saturn: onyx, amethyst, dark topaz; Neptune: amethyst, adularia, rock crystal.