The title page of the commercial proposal. Examples of commercial proposals: samples for the sale of services and the supply of goods

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The popularity of business commercial proposals (BOs) is not unfounded if we take into account the performance indicators of such documents. In addition, today search services are simply torn apart by the requests of users of the format: “How to correctly compose offer? ". In fact - nothing.

Because the commercial offer is a kind of salad "Olivier", which has various variations cooking: from sausage with peas to hazel grouse with capers. And each of these recipes cannot be called “wrong”.

However, now we will dot the i's so that you can write an impeccable business proposal in accordance with the high standards of modern marketing art!

So, a commercial offer is one of the many types of advertising text, which is drawn up in the form business letter or an official appeal. Due to its simplicity and effectiveness, it is undoubtedly the most popular way to attract the target audience of potential consumers. And also an equally common tool for interacting with regular customers.

There are several types of business proposals:

  • "Cold";
  • "Hot";
  • standardized.

It should be understood that each of these options for commercial proposal must be written taking into account the form, structure of the letterhead template, as well as the circumstances and goals that can be set not only by the letter writer, but also by the receiving party.

"Cold" commercial offer

"Cold" commercial offers are sent out impromptu. Therefore, the addressees of such letters are unprepared clients who perceive the commercial proposal as spam. But even he can have a response, although the probability of reflection on the part of the recipient is rather small.

Let's simulate the situation. For example, the organizers of the regional sports festival did not take care of the purchase of sports uniforms for the participants of the competition. There are only a few hours left before the start of the events. And then, out of nowhere, a letter comes with the title: "Express delivery of sportswear at manufacturer's prices." It is then that the potential client will certainly carefully study the saving commercial proposal, and then he will make an order.

But this is just an exception to the rule. Everywhere, the fundamental functions of a cold CP are reduced to the distribution of interactive advertising. In view of this, you have to pique the interest of the consumer in reading this document. How to do it:

  1. Come up with a catchy and catchy headline.
  2. Emphasize the attractiveness of the commercial proposal by making the right offer.
  3. Motivate the addressee to take action towards mutually beneficial cooperation using marketing techniques.

We will discuss each of these elements a little later.

Important! An ideal example of a commercial offer of a "cold" type should not exceed 1 A4 page exclusively printed text and 2 pages of illustrated template.

If you have additional information, it is best to put it in a cover letter. And in no case write "novels" in the style of Leo Tolstoy, business people simply do not have enough time to read them.

"Hot" - personal commercial offer

A personalized commercial offer differs from a "cold" one in that the client receives such a document only after an official request or preliminary oral contact. Those. The guarantee of reading a personal letter is prohibitively high, so the main semantic load should fall on the offer and the motivational component, and the headline may be of secondary importance.

In turn, the complexity of drawing up "hot" commercial offers is burdened by the need to adjust the text to the individual needs of each customer.

For example, if during a conversation a client was interested in the advantages of your organization over competitors' firms, write about the advantages, allocating the lion's share of the commercial proposal form for this structural element.

Standardized commercial offer

In essence, a standardized business proposal is one type of hot commercial proposal. However, due to its strictly regulated structure and methods of influencing the customer, it falls under separate species business letter.

The thing is that the client can attach a standard form to the official request, which limits the compiler in terms of describing goods and services, principles of cooperation, advantages over competitors, etc.

In standardized commercial proposals, dry numbers play a decisive role: value for money, warranty service and contractor experience.

It will not work to write something on your own initiative, because the attached sample form is designed to filter out information of marketing purpose that is unnecessary for monitoring the market.

In such cases, the only thing you can do is offer the lowest price. It is enough even to make a 1-5% discount in order to have a significant chance of winning the competitive selection.

Transmittal letter

Above, we have already touched on the topic of the cover letter. It complements the business proposal with the following objectives:

  • familiarization with the main document;
  • proportional distribution of large amounts of information.

Moreover, the cover letter may contain attachments: price lists, descriptions of the terms of cooperation, invitations to trade shows or any other marketing activities.

Secondly, with the help of an accompanying notice, you can also remind of yourself and indirectly encourage the addressee to study the template of the original document.

Samples and Quotation Templates

It is better to see once than hear a hundred times. You can't argue with that. Therefore, here you cannot do without samples and templates. However, never repeat the classic mistakes of irresponsible authors of commercial proposals - 100% copying of information or 50% compilation from two sources. After all, if the stolen content is exposed, who then wants to cooperate with a company that has established itself in this way?

Advertising is the engine of progress. It can be produced in the form of videos, colorful posters, inscriptions on T-shirts, or it can be sent in the form of newsletters. One of the forms of such an appeal to a potential buyer is a commercial offer.

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This document serves as the main element in setting up the sales area of ​​the enterprise. We will tell you more about how to compose it, and what should be taken into account.

What is this document

A commercial proposal for the supply of goods (KP) is one of the main documents that presents a product. it additional tool advertising in the hands of a competent marketer. The efficiency of the implementation process depends on how competently it is drawn up.

In fact, the document refers to business documents.

It contains information:

  • about the benefits;
  • on the terms of cooperation;
  • about the subject of implementation.

A commercial offer is drawn up in the form of a letter on a letterhead and has several functions:

  • keeps in touch with existing clients;
  • advertises a product;
  • presents the product to potential buyers (formation and expansion of the sales market).

This tool is ideal for those who are not related to sales and do not know how to work in this area. Despite the fact that sales seem simple to many, it requires experience and qualifications. Those who do not have them can use the commercial offer.

Working with such a business tool as a letter is not difficult, but the main questions will relate not only to the rules of drafting, but also to create an attractive basis for a client, to search for contact information.

Offers are divided into two main types:

It is much easier to compose an impersonalized CP. It will characterize the product, but it will not work 100%.

They are used to provide information for existing customers, when the cost of goods and services changes, announcements of promotions and special offers. That is why only targeted letters of the second type should be considered truly working.

When is compiled

A commercial offer can be made in several cases:

  • at the request of the buying company regarding the supply of certain products;
  • in the case of an offer of cooperation;
  • when distributing information letters to addressees of a certain orientation.

If the company is a service provider and not a product provider, the functionality of the letter does not change.

Important! You should not send cold commercial offers to new potential buyers. You risk being blacklisted once and for all.

CP is not only a simple, but also an affordable tool for additional advertising. For competent writing of a letter, you do not need to involve additional resources... Selling business copy should be mastered by every sales manager.

The main task of the seller is to make sure that the information is thoroughly studied, and not marked as spam or sent straight to the trash. That is why it is important to learn how to correctly draw up a commercial proposal.

How to write

So, a commercial offer without fail consists of several points:

  • offer - the purpose of the offer;
  • descriptions of services or goods;
  • a brief description of the customer benefit;
  • terms of cooperation;
  • additional bonuses in the form of offers, discounts and other customer benefits.

Also, the letter should contain a laconic heading. Information is presented briefly, without further ado. The ideal quotation is based on the knowledge of the client's needs. Remember that it is information that sells, not nice words.

Before writing, be sure to familiarize yourself with the details of the prospect's business:

  • needs;
  • temporary or permanent problems that he wants to solve;
  • the need for expansion and so on.

A consumer is always a person, not a company as a whole, and sometimes it is very important to understand the tasks of a manager. It will be a very specific person to read the commercial proposal and decide whether to execute a deal or not.

In the proposal text, focus on solving the prospect's problem. It shouldn't look like a dry description of the products you have.

It is best to include the following details in the text:

  • the price of goods and services and the principle of its formation;
  • the exact sequence of actions of the buyer, if he is interested in completing the transaction (call, go to the site, write a letter, and so on);
  • research results that will enhance the marketing effect;
  • diagrams, graphs, tables that present information concisely;
  • an indication of regular customers (especially if they include well-known companies);
  • surname and name of the artist with a contact phone number (it is always convenient to contact the author who is well acquainted with the topic, and not with a third-party manager).

If the text of the KP speaks of benefits, this must be supported by numbers and calculations. Today it is difficult to involve business in joint work with words.

The structure of the letter is as follows:

  1. A hat in which it is better to contact the head of the organization or purchasing department directly.
  2. Title.
  3. Body of the letter (all information is contained here).
  4. Contacts and signature of the artist.

Be sure to draw up a commercial proposal on an official letterhead. The main task of the performer is to correctly formulate the benefits for the target audience.

A good example of a cold sales quote text:

The document clearly shows how advertising works. If the buyer responds quickly, he gets a discount on the product. It's a small bonus, but it works great without providing extra costs the seller.

How to make a deal

Merchandise transactions are the most popular in the market today. In order for the principle of consistency to work, each performer should supervise his clients. This will allow for a close relationship.

If the buyer has reacted to the commercial offer, he calls up the contractor and discusses everything small parts future transaction: delivery time, prepayment amount, total amount, and so on.

Depending on how the purchase is made, further actions take place:

  • in case of non-cash settlement, an invoice is issued for payment;
  • when paying in cash, a company representative comes to the office and makes a purchase.

Transactions with non-cash settlements are most likely.

After payment, the delivery method is negotiated:

  • self-pickup;
  • delivery to the border;
  • to the buyer's warehouse.

Upon shipment, the following documents are issued:

  • waybill;
  • invoice;
  • cash documents (in cash).

The buyer provides for shipment a power of attorney drawn up in a specially form.

Sample power of attorney:

The main mistakes when composing a letter:
  • hard to read, illogical text;
  • a story about a product without specifics;
  • large volume of the document;
  • the letter is addressed to a person who does not make a purchase decision (flaws in working with the database).

What taxes are paid

The sale of goods provides for the payment of the following taxes to the treasury:

  • value added (VAT), its size depends on the type of goods and the type of transaction;
  • excise tax (common only for some product categories);
  • income tax.

VAT on export transactions is set at 0%, 10% is paid by those who sell books, medical and other goods.

In order to learn how to draw up a commercial proposal, you need to competently approach the collection of information about the buyer. Do not limit yourself to searching for contacts on the Internet, you need to call, clarify information. It is in this case that success awaits you.

Are you going to start sending commercial offers to your potential clients? Are you counting on the subsequent flurry of calls and hundreds of signed contracts? Then you just need to know the basic secrets of writing a working ad offer. Our advice will help you increase sales through a well-crafted commercial proposal.

Always remember that business people value their time very much. Do not write information about your company on 3-4 sheets, do not list past achievements. Write briefly and only about the most important things. Commercial offer should not take more than one page standard sheet A4 format. The maximum length is one and a half pages, provided that the document contains important graphic information. Protect your reputation and nervous system client. Don't write generic phrases or make empty promises. Formulations like "German quality", "best service", "mutually beneficial cooperation" are similar to an abstract description of benefits. Specificity will bring a greater result: the presence of a service department with a list of locations service centers, 100% guarantee for 24 months, free installation, delivery to the warehouse, customer consultation, etc.

Unobtrusively nudge the customer to take quick action by setting a short offer expiration date. List all possible ways links, including the address of the corporate website, Email, stationary and mobile phones, fax phone. By doing this, you will emphasize the availability and openness of your company, as well as your willingness to start working today.

On our site you could already read about. The ability to write correct and effective business proposals is very important in any business. We can say that with the help of a commercial proposal, there is a certain form of communication between the company and its real or potential partners, suppliers, customers.

When developing a commercial proposal, you need to pay attention to both its design and structure, and content. A high-quality commercial offer should not contain too much text. Ideally, it will take no more than 2-3 pages (in some cases, depending on the specifics of the industry, the document can reach 10-15 pages). What if it comes about a "cold" commercial proposal, then its size should not exceed one page of text at all, otherwise it will simply not be read.

As you can see, in order to invest in the limitations of the optimal size of a commercial proposal, and to express its entire essence to the maximum, you need to spend a lot of time and effort on developing the content of this document itself. If you need to write a commercial proposal, and you are doing it for the first time, then you cannot do without templates, samples and examples. On the Internet, you can find a huge variety of ready-made examples commercial proposals that can be taken as a basis.

Some templates are almost ready-made commercial proposals. All you need is just to fill in finished form by entering the name of your company and the type of services provided in the form. However, regardless of how you will create your commercial proposal (use a ready-made form or write from scratch), you should always remember that a commercial proposal is a very important document in your activity, which can, figuratively speaking, predetermine the fate your business.

Drawing up a commercial proposal

So, first you need to determine to whom you will send a commercial proposal. Depending on this, its structure will slightly change. Commercial offers can be personalized, that is, written for certain specific people (or firms), or non-personalized, that is, designed for a wide audience.

However, even if you are interested in the second type of commercial proposal, you must compose it for a specific target audience. That is, your target audience is people who can potentially be interested in your product or service. For example, the target audience of goods for children is young parents, and small business lending services are, respectively, start-up entrepreneurs.

What is the purpose of any commercial proposal? Of course, the sale of a product or service. Therefore, all efforts in drawing up a commercial proposal should be aimed at attracting the interest of the recipient, to induce in him the desire to make a purchase. Therefore, from the very first lines that your potential client reads, the commercial proposal should arouse interest and make you at least read to the end. And if the recipient of the commercial proposal has read it to the end, it means that he is interested. And if he is interested, then there is a possibility that he will want to become your client or partner.

We have already written in more detail about the structure of the commercial proposal (the link can be found at the beginning of the article), briefly recall that this document should consist of at least three components: the introduction, the main text and the conclusion. That is, your sales pitch should be consistent and structured.

Examples of commercial offers

Below are some examples of commercial offers for the provision of different types services. As you can see, these examples contain all the basic elements of an effective business proposal: at the very beginning there is a short catchy phrase, main essence the commercial offer is presented briefly and succinctly, and images are used, different colors and fonts.

Non-personalized commercial offers

They are also called "cold" commercial offers, that is, they are sent to all potential customers of the service. Examples below ( to view in maximum resolution, click on the image):

How to create a commercial offer online?

Today, there are many online services that work so that you can quickly, efficiently and without problems make an effective commercial offer. According to user reviews, one of best services is QuoteRoller. Previously, this service had only an English-language interface, which for some was a barrier to its full use. However, QuoteRoller already exists in Russian. On this QuoteRoller website, by clicking on the link at the bottom of the page, you can register, and then start writing your commercial proposal, following simple instructions.

In addition, there are other online services for preparing commercial offers, for example, Moffer. This service is also quite popular and easy to use.

Each company, in any field of activity, offers customers a commercial proposal. It is a popular working tool for interaction with current and future partners, which is actively used in small and big business... A commercial offer is one of the options for a selling text, but such a tool is created according to special rules, since its purpose is to induce action.

A commercial offer may have different shapes, but its goal is always to encourage the client to take certain actions, which in the future will lead to an increase in conversions for companies.

But it is believed that such a document should not be too voluminous, it is optimal if its length is 2-3 pages. This parameter is individual, depending on the specifics of the industry and the complexity of the services provided, the length of the commercial proposal (commercial proposal) can reach 15-20 pages.

If this is the first time you started compiling such a document, commercial proposal in Word or another program. But we do not recommend using ready-made templates, since the specifics of the business determines the composition of the commercial proposal. Before starting work, you should ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Who is the commercial proposal for? Who is the target audience for your business? it main question, which determines the format of information presentation.
  2. What action should the target audience take? For example, call you, leave your coordinates, make a conversion.
  3. Is your proposal aimed at a wide audience, or is it intended for a specific organization, a group of people?

Mandatory components of a commercial offer

Now let's talk about the content of the document, in a good commercial proposal the following points must be present:

  1. Home page with brief information about company. It has a header with data: address, full name of the company, logo.
  2. Be sure to indicate the addressee - the person for whom the letter is intended.
  3. Title, title explanation and date.
  4. Opportunities and.
  5. Description of each product or service on a separate page, pagination is also required.
  6. Image or photos of goods with a description of the functionality and their features.
  7. Terms and conditions of delivery (if any).
  8. Organization seal.
  9. Full name and contacts of the manager responsible for communication with clients.

All these points should be reflected in your commercial proposal so that the client can immediately find the necessary information and determine the degree of trust in the company.

Types of commercial offers

All types of gearboxes can be divided into 3 main types:

Be sure to send your business proposal along with a cover letter. The letter must briefly describe what the sent document is, and you can also attach additional documents to it. For example, the price for services.

Standard sentence structure

Word business proposal template includes:

Before drawing up the commercial proposal, you need to familiarize yourself with the templates, but you do not need to copy them completely. You need to rely on advice and samples, but any document should have personal, individual features that set it apart from the rest.

A correct commercial proposal should be specific, clear and succinct. The information should be presented in such a way as to show all the benefits of cooperation and to convince the client to place an order with you. The nature of the sentence cannot be too advertising, but the most important thing is that it should not contain semantic, grammatical and lexical errors.

By the way, the "cold" sentence should not be long, optimal size- 1 page A4.

Quotation process

It is necessary to draw up a commercial proposal on the company's letterhead, since it is a powerful amplifier of the gearbox.

We start with a greeting, it is appropriate in both the “hot” and “cold” versions. Then we write the title. In a non-personal sentence, this is the most important part, as only a catchy and attractive headline can make the recipient read the email. Intrigue, use client pain, use celebrity names, give guarantees, ask questions, and even scare - all is good.

For personal suggestions, such tricks in the heading are not needed, it is enough for this element to reflect the content of the document.

After a specific description of your services, you need to use a powerful offer. You should not just provide a list of services, but show the specific benefits of using them. Tell us specifically how your services or products will help the client, from what problems and "pains" they will be able to relieve him. For example, we can say that you provide for a metallurgical plant, or we can say that your equipment will help reduce labor costs for production by at least 50%. The second option is more attractive to the client.

Do not hesitate to use marketing techniques, you can add testimonials from real customers to the commercial proposal, tell about partners who have already appreciated the level of your services, and also provide discounts or offer "unique" favorable conditions. By the way, when using the latter method, be sure to limit its duration. This enhances the effect.

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Discussion: there is 1 comment

    The commercial offer, as a document, for the most part is not currently applied by the parties. If every (practically) organization has its own website on the Internet, then there is no need for it.

    To answer