What is hype, the meaning of the word in rap, on the Internet and in dubious investment schemes. We understand Internet slang: what is hype, flex, pranker and other obscure words

Generates hundreds of jokes, and even more. Now millions of people follow Sergey Druzhko's show - "Druzhko Show", where the Russian actor and TV presenter masterfully ridicules social life.

As part of the Druzhko Show, Sergey pronounces a lot of words that are understandable only to a circle of avid netizens. In order to be more deeply imbued with the irony of the presenter, let us determine for ourselves the definitions of all these words.

What is "hype"

What does the word "kek" mean?

Cake is an ironic (often unkind, malevolent, mocking) laugh. A person can also be called Kek, who (again with a hint of mockery).

What is LOL"

LOL (also lol or lol; from English laughing out loud - loudly, laughing out loud; or laugh out loud - loudly, laugh out loud; or lots of laughs - a lot of laughter) - an English-language acronym, an Internet meme. The term is used in online communication mainly to express laughter in writing.

What does "1488" mean?

14/88 is a code slogan (sometimes also used as a greeting or signature) among white nationalists.

The number 14 can mean: “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children” - “We must protect the very existence of our people and the future for white children” or also “Because the beauty of the White Aryan woman must not perish from the earth "-" So that the beauty of the White Aryan woman never disappears from the face of the earth!

Both 14-word slogans were coined by David Lane, a member of The Order, a white separatist organization. The first slogan was inspired by Adolf Hitler's statement in the first part of chapter 8 of My Struggle, 88 words long:

“We are fighting for the sustenance and expansion of our race and our people. for ensuring the food of our children, for the purity of our blood, for the freedom and independence of our fatherland. We are fighting to ensure that our people can really fulfill the historical mission entrusted to them by the creator of the universe. Each of our thoughts and each of our ideas, all our science and all our knowledge - everything should serve only this purpose. Only from this single point of view should we check the expediency of this or that means.

The number 88 is a coded greeting for "Heil Hitler!" (“Heil Hitler!”), since the letter “H” is the eighth in the Latin alphabet. The number of David Lane's commandments is also eighty-eight.

What does "flex" mean?

To flex means to show off (clothes, money, cars, etc.). Flex is synonymous with bragging. For most foreign rap artists, skillfully flexing is the meaning of all creativity.

What does "pranker" mean?

Prank (from the English prank - prank, trick, prank; joke) - telephone hooliganism, telephone prank. People who practice prank are called pranksters. Pranksters make phone calls (usually anonymous) to their victims and, through provocation and banter, force the victim into a flashy response.

Thanks to the popularization of rap in the CIS, today young people know perfectly well what hype is, but they cannot always explain to others the meaning of this word. Some very unlucky people came across this term in the early days of the Internet.

Media and dissemination of information

AT modern world great value acquired the media, because they:

  • Form the opinion of the audience about the changes that have taken place.
  • Give rise to daily discussions.
  • Illuminate the most conflict situations.
  • They allow you to stay "in line with events."

Thanks to the network, today it is not necessary to register a company, acquire printing equipment, hire a whole staff of workers. It is enough to lay out a couple of hundred rubles for a domain and hosting, or you can even use free sites. And that's it, you can share information with the outside world.

Of course, fame will not come immediately, and you will have to gradually gain an audience. At the first stages, it will not be possible to influence what is happening in any way, but after a while your opinion will be taken into account. That is why it is necessary to approach the issue with all seriousness. Especially if you take into account new bills that equate any visited sites with official media. Responsibility, of course, falls exactly the same, from the point of view of the administrative and criminal codes.

What does hype mean?

The literal hype can be translated as " hype". In the context of media, this means:

  1. The emergence of a wave of popularity.
  2. Increased interest in a person or event.
  3. Rapid, and often not entirely justified, the acquisition of fame.

Most often, artists “cut down” their share of hype due to high-profile scandals or suddenly successful projects. But if for a really “suitable” project you need to have talent and work hard, then for a scandal you need only a reason and someone big name, for attacks.

In the network, hype means “a profitable investment project”, if in simple terms - “ pyramid ". The heyday of their popularity fell on the "00s", which was facilitated by:

  • Low level of computer literacy.
  • Poor understanding of network security.
  • The desire to get money without putting any effort into it.
  • Few scammers online.

Over time, fans of fraud understood perfectly how profitable it could be, and the number of hypes increased hundreds of times. A new surge in the popularity of these "economic projects" was facilitated by a change in tactics - an increase in investment in advertising.

Do you really need a "minute of glory"?

Almost every musician and artist dreams of popularity, because it is she:

  • Gives you the opportunity to get new contracts.
  • Contributes to the influx of new viewers and listeners.
  • Provides high fees.
  • Contributes to the development of further creative career.
  • Supports when self-confidence is lost.

But if now we try to recall the high-profile scandals of past years, we can come to one not very pleasant conclusion - no one remembers anything about the majority of the "noisy" musicians.

Few people really managed to realize their potential and deserve constant attention from the audience. In most cases, listeners behaved something like this:

  1. Oh, funny scandal, you have to follow.
  2. Hmm, this upstart holds himself well.
  3. You should listen to a couple of his tracks.
  4. Not bad, but could be better.
  5. So, where's the new one?
  6. Oh, new album, we'll appreciate it.
  7. Gave up something.
  8. What? Some kind of musician? Oh, it was like a year ago, I don't remember.

And this is quite natural if a person cannot provide a quality product. In this case, a quick rise in popularity, on the contrary, ruins a career, giving a couple of months of fame.

What is hype in rap?

In the rap community, the very word hype began to be used only because it is quite popular in the West. In this direction, unfortunately, they are still trying to focus on foreign colleagues.

This concept means:

  1. Popularity.
  2. Artificially heated interest in the performer.
  3. Rapidly recruited audience.

Here, musicians choose one of two options for achieving success:

  • To go into conflict with someone at least a little known - a fight, insults, battle.
  • It's good to perform, to "shoot" with the new album.

In both cases, interest does not last forever, it needs to be fed regularly. Either new conflicts or new quality tracks. Of course, arguing with someone is much easier than giving out interesting creations.

The hype is mainly driven by young performers. Those who have been "in business" for a long time understand perfectly well that this is not the most the best way career development. It is much more convenient to remind yourself of yourself with “loud” tracks or albums every 1-2 years, and the rest of the time - to gather full houses on tour. But this is only for those who are able to produce really high-quality compositions.

What is Internet hype?

On the net, you can often stumble upon an abbreviation HYIP, which is transliterated into Russian as HYIP. In most investment and financial forums, this topic has entire sections for discussion.

But general scheme work always comes down to one thing:

  1. Someone gets a hack-proof hype script.
  2. Buys a domain name, pays for hosting.
  3. Spreads a certain amount to advertise his project - the same forums, ratings and bloggers.
  4. On the appointed day, he launches the project, accepting deposits and promising grandiose%.
  5. A couple of days, weeks or even months makes payments, due to the influx of new funds.
  6. Accumulates some amount for himself and understands that it is time to "go into the sunset", because finance for new wave no payments left.
  7. Closes the project, coming up with some fantastic story. Or leaves in English.
  8. Deceived users are outraged for some time on forums and social networks.
  9. The noise subsides, the pattern repeats. But with a new name and a new story.

Some people, perfectly aware of all the risks, and understanding the mechanism itself, still participate in such projects. The motivation is simple - with the right amount of luck and efficiency, you can get some profit. But this is not much different from playing in a casino.

A little about popularity and HYIP

Speaking of hype, you can mean two things:

  • The hype around someone's person.
  • Fraud project on the Internet.

In the first case, popularity is usually caused by some high-profile scandals. And in the second version we are talking about the banal extortion of funds from gullible users. If the hype regarding the performer or event can be perceived positively, then there is nothing positive in HYIP, by definition.

If you want at least a couple of examples of hype, in good sense this word projects, turn your attention to versus battle and youtube channel RED21.

The listener usually intuitively understands what hype is, without any explanation. Therefore, often, two people can invest in this concept completely different meanings which makes it somewhat difficult to understand each other.

Video: who wants hype

In this video, a fragment in which the famous blogger Larin accuses his opponent Nikolai Sobolev of striving for hype:

In the Internet sphere, you can increasingly hear the concept of "hype". Many do not know what this word means at all, others are perplexed what a HYIP project is. It is worth learning more about this new concept in order to understand in which cases it is appropriate.

What is HYIP?

Although this word is quite new, now you can even find its meaning in dictionaries. Russian-speaking people borrowed this concept from in English. There is the word "hype", which translates as intrusive advertising. A somewhat similar meaning exists in Russian.

What is HYIP? That's what it's called hype rising in the media or just social circles. In other words, these are enthusiastic rumors about some person, group of people or phenomenon.

In modern slang, the word hype can have far more than just a positive definition. Any violent reaction around anything, even general hatred, can be called hype.

It is worth understanding what hype is in rap. In general, the meaning of the word will be preserved, however, there is one difference. If the usual hype that appears on some issue is a completely natural process, then the hype in rap is a marketing ploy. Rumors are created on purpose, often there is absolutely no truth in them, and they were invented for additional advertising.

HYIP project

Many people, especially young people, are well aware of what hype is, but the concept of a hype project is something new and completely incomprehensible to them. It should be understood that this phenomenon has very little to do with the interpretations described above. The point is that in this case the word HYIP, not hype, and it stands for highYieldinvestmentprogram. Some even prefer to pronounce this concept as hip or hi-ip.

So, the name "hype" was given to a fraudulent project that resembles an investment fund, which is reflected in the transcript. As a rule, it works entirely online using electronic currency.

Fraudulent investment projects may be referred to financial pyramids. Their essence is in the house that income is provided through the emergence of new Money from other people. That is, the project participants invest money (giving it to older participants), and they themselves must receive profit from people who will later become part of the pyramid.

The meaning of this fraud is that it is obviously impossible to pay the promised fabulous sums to all participants in the HYIP project. Nevertheless, people go for it, and subsequently the pyramid quickly disappears along with all the money, the source of which is often fictitious.

Features of HYIP funds

As a rule, such projects promote income from 1 to 3 percent per day. Depending on the purpose for which they were created and how masterfully promoted, their lifespan can be up to 9 months.

There is a type of HYIP project called fast. He promises his investors up to 50 percent a day, but he disappears in record time.

Almost any financial pyramid is guaranteed to be a scam, but there are still a number of signs by which you can once again be convinced of this.

  • For example, if the project pays special attention to convincing people of the integrity of the process, the guarantee of a refund, then this may indicate fraud.
  • Free cheese is only in a mousetrap - too high promised income is almost always a deliberate lie.
  • It will not be superfluous to check various information about investing. Very often, the objects are fictitious, and the organization does not have any details, addresses and telephones at all.
  • In addition to such data, it is necessary to check the availability and authenticity of documents and licenses.
  • If the payout system is too complicated or unclear, then it is definitely a scam.
  • You should not believe a single word if a phrase has appeared somewhere that "this investment is an exclusive opportunity."

Due to the growing interest in battle rap and the entire hip-hop industry in general, we present you with a detailed conceptual apparatus (rap dictionary) for Rap so that you can understand what MCs are talking about in their battles.

Autotune– A program for processing and correcting the voice, used to correct the singer's singing from notes. In rap, it has become a household name and identifies all voice correction programs.

underground(underground - underground, underground) - a number of artistic trends in contemporary art (in music, literature, cinema, fine arts, etc.), opposing themselves to mass culture, the mainstream.

Acapella- The text recorded on the microphone, separately from the minus.

Battle- Competition between rap artists is usually accompanied by humiliation of the opponent. A battle track is often nothing more than a diss on an opponent. Battles are divided into online battles (take place on the Internet) and live battles (everything takes place live).

Beat (Beat)- Drum-bass part minus. Previously, they read to a percussion part created by beat-boxing or tapping objects. Initially, this word was used as a beat in rap music. On the this moment Any music that is rapped to is called a beat.

beatbox- A beat created solely with the help of the mouth, without the use of musical instruments.

Beatmaker- A person who creates beats in specialized programs such as Cubase, FL Studio and others. good level Beat creation is the use of instruments recorded live and not the use of samples.

beef(Beef) - A feud between rap artists, hangouts or labels, accompanied by diss and frequent live showdowns.

bootleg(bootleg) - a pirated compilation of tracks, which the artist may never even know about.

Becky- An additionally recorded audio track, where the performer usually pronounces only the second part of the line or highlights rhymes and phrases.

Backing vocalist- A person who helps the performer on stage. As a rule, he pronounces the second part of the line, so that the performer has the opportunity to take a breath at this time.

Versus() - One of the two most popular live battles in Russia. Based in St. Petersburg.

ghostwriter- A specialist who writes texts for money.

Double time- Reading twice as fast as the rhythm of the music. Outstanding representatives of this style are Ceza, Tech N9ne, FIKE, Dom1no and other artists.

double rhymes(Double-rhyme) - The end of the line has two words at once, on which the rhyme will be selected in the next line, also in two words. That is, if the first line ends with “brain and heart”, then it will be necessary to choose a consonance for the word “brain” and a separate consonance for the word “heart”. For example - “poster on the door” (brain - poster, heart - door).

diss(diss, disrespect) - A track aimed at another artist or someone or something with the intent to "lower him". In such tracks, obscene speech is practiced, abuse towards the opponent and his relatives, threats, jokes below the belt, and so on. Dises are often used in beefs.

EP (EP)- A small album, usually up to 7 songs.

sound engineer- Specialist who mixes and masters tracks.

indabattle(Utkonos) - Battle taking place on the portal indarnb.ru. The second largest battle in Russia. It bears the slang name "Utkonos", because the father of the main organizer of the battle (Snake), is the owner of the Utkonos chain of stores.

instrumental- Synonym general meaning word bit

Cover(cover) - A new version track recorded (re-read) by another artist.

mouth guard- Slang name for the word "acapella".

square rhymes- Rhymes in the text are added at the end of the line, and rhyming words have the same endings. An example of "hand-flour", "mountain-time". It is believed that this is the easiest way to rhyme.

Concert director– A specialist responsible for organizing the performer's concerts.

crunk(Crunk) is a style of southern rap music, with repetitive phrases and fast dance rhythms.

Live(live) - Audio or video recording from the performer's concert. As a rule, the mark live is put in the title of the track, so that it would be clear that this is not a studio version, but a recording from a concert.

label(label) - 1) Abroad, a label is a record company that has the rights to release and distribute artists' albums. 2) In Russia, a rap group is called a label. Often this group is primarily united by the studio.

Mike– Microphone

Mastering- the final stage of work on the song, which is designed to make a well-mixed mix louder, brighter, clearer, more transparent and put it on the same level with popular commercial tracks in terms of volume. Also at this stage, you can correct minor errors made during mixing.

Mix(mix) - several pieces of music (tracks) arranged in a continuous sequence. As a rule, mixes are compiled by DJs for various purposes (for example, for inclusion on the radio in thematic programs). Usually mixes consist of tracks that are similar in genre, mood and other features. On average, the duration of the mix ranges from 25 to 74 minutes.

mixtape(Mixtape) - 1) In foreign rap, this word means a release made from remixes or mixed tracks. 2) In Russian rap, a mixtape is a collection of tracks recorded on backing tracks, illegally taken from other people's tracks. As a rule, mixtapes in Russia violate the copyrights of performers. A mixtape is also called a collection of tracks recorded for minus, laid out by beatmakers for general use.

Minus- A synonym for the general meaning of the word bit.

Independent battle- A battle taking place on the site hip-hop.ru, which is organized not by the forum administration, but by the forum members themselves.

Noname(Noname) - Not popular enough or unknown artist who does not have a "name". A relatively objective indicator in this aspect can be the number of audio in vk and the number of concerts, as well as the number of visitors who came to the concert.

HP(New Rap) - The largest news rap public vk.

NewschoolNew style hip hop, hallmarks which are the use of fast flow, dashes and various plugins and effects, such as melodyne and autotune.

Old school(Oldschool) - An early style of hip hop, also referred to as the old school. Prominent representatives of this style are 2Pac, Wu-TangClan and Onyx. Often this is a measured flow without the use of many effects and fast flows.

Official battle - Battle, held on the site hip-hop.ru, organized by the administration of the forum. The biggest battle in Russia.

Punch, punchline(Punch) - This is a concise phrase / line designed to hook an opponent. It can be both a vivid metaphor and a joke below the belt. “The presence of an opponent is optional. It's like a punch line to a joke. Just a catchy phrase or line"

Parts– The written part of one artist per joint track.

Jumps, acceleration- The fundamental part of fast flow. Increase the speed of reading text.

PR– Distribution of the artist's creativity or any information and offer of services.

Innings- Emotions embedded in the reading, placed intonations, the way of pronouncing words, the use of vocals, dashes, accelerations and other specific rap techniques.

Producer– A specialist who is fully engaged in the promotion of the artist, dealing with all legal and financial issues. Often, the name of the performer (nickname) is registered by the producers to themselves, and when the performer changes the producer, he is forced to change the nickname as well, since all rights to the old nickname will belong to the old producer. For this reason, Loc-Dog was forced to change his nickname to Loc Dog.

promo(promo) - release to get acquainted with the work of a particular artist.

Release- Premiere of an album, track, video or collection

Remix(Remix) - A new arrangement of an already released track.

rapcore- a subgenre of rock music, characterized by the use of rap as vocals. Rapcore combines the instrumental and vocal properties of styles such as punk, alternative rock, and hip-hop.

Mixing- the stage of work on a song, during which the recorded audio tracks (instruments, main vocals, takes, etc.) are combined into one audio file using various devices and techniques such as equalization, compression, volume manipulation, placement in space, adding sound effects. Note: vocal correction, synchronization of duplicates and backings - this is not a mixing process, this is a previous one
Note the installation phase.

swag(swag) - An expression of coolness and personality.

skils(Skills) - Submission and different kinds building rhymes.

SlovoSpb() - One of the two most popular live battles in Russia. Based in Krasnodar.

Compound rhymes- The end of the line in the next line rhymes with several words at once. Example: "Apocalypse - In the meantime, get well"

Storytelling- a track that tells a story, while sequentially describing the events, actions and deeds of real or fictional characters.

Sample– A relatively small fragment of a melody (music), taken as the basis for creating a minus. Beats are applied to the samples.

take- recorded fragment, attempt. Usage example: I wrote it all in one take, i.e. with one try.

Track(Track) - A synonym for the word "song" in rap.

Triplets is the musical scale. In rap, it is now customary to call a reading with broken chips, like a tanguist, accelerations, etc.

True(True) - A performer who reads the truth, that is, what he really thinks, does and what happened in his life.

Platypus- Slang name for Indabattla.

fast flow(FastFlow) - A serving style based on dashes and accelerations.

Fit(ft. or feat) - Means that this is a joint track of two or more artists

Flava(flave) - Hangout, company, group or label.

flow(Flow) - Speed ​​of execution.

Freestyle(Freestyle) - Improvisation in rap. Reading the text composed by the performer on the go.

fake(Fake) - Performers whose lyrics are based on lies. Their characteristic feature is not the ability to "responsible for the words."

Hype- enthusiastic rumors, often deliberately inflated for marketing purposes.

hasl- Any kind of income related to rap or breaking the law (selling drugs, etc.)

hater- A listener who condemns any creativity and has an acute dislike for it.

Homey(Homie) - A friend or loved one.

H.x.ru(persimmon) - One of the most popular forums dedicated to hip-hop culture, hip-hop.ru.

Hype (Hype) - the total set of events, events, actions and releases of a rap artist, with the help of which he attracts maximum attention to himself. The term means "to be heard not only among your listeners, but throughout the hip-hop culture." Let's see what meaning of the word "hype" is most relevant today both in musical culture and in general in modern society. Also consider the most popular rap artists who were heard in 2016.

Hype - what is it in rap?

This term is used not only in the musical, but also in the financial sphere. So HYPE is a kind of Internet pyramid, an economic project in which all participants depend on each other's investments. But in Russian rap, this term has a different meaning. Consider what modern teenagers and listeners of Russian rap music understand by it.

Along with hip-hop, a lot of new terms came into the Russian language, which today are already firmly included in the slang of not only rappers, but also ordinary people. According to the meaning in the music industry, to hype is to raise the popularity of your name or production project.

But in youth culture, this term carries another semantic load. So, many teenagers have replaced the words "hang out, come off" with the new American verb "hype". What is being heard? Today, Russian rap culture is enriched with stars, so becoming popular is not so easy. At the same time, in 2016, there were quite a few newcomers who were literally “hype” in hip-hop culture.

Fresh blood is the way to get popular

Versus Fresh Blood is one of the most productive rap venues that is producing new stars at a tremendous rate. In 2016, such major hip-hop players appeared thanks to this project: Booker D. Fred, XXOS (Hip-Hop of a Lonely Old Woman), Rickey F. In turn, they were able to hype well. What is Versus Fresh Blood? This is a subsidiary battle site of the VERSUS project, which, one way or another, was able to help many performers in PR. In 2016, the stars of Versus were: ST, Khovansky, Purulent aka Sonya Marmeladova aka Slava KPSS, Oxxxymiron.

In order to understand how they were able to hype, what battle-rap-based popularity is, and what consequences this can lead to, we will consider the cases of each artist separately. We decided to tell you about the two most talked about MCs of the past year. How to understand "hype"? If you don't know, then maybe these two stories will help you.


Who would have thought, but the main discovery of the past year in the field of battle rap was a video blogger from St. Petersburg. fought with another blogger - Larin, their verbal battle became the most viewed in 2016, having already exceeded 20 million views on YouTube. This battle is included in the top of 2016 on the HipRap portal. Also, by the end of the year, this artist released several releases, including excellent videos: “Dad in the building”, “Forgive me, Oksimiron”, “NOISE”. He blew up this year like hip-hop stars.

Previously, Khovansky was one of the main judges of the Versus project itself. His hype started after a fight with Noize Mc. Prior to that, Yura Khovansky hosted several programs on his YouTube channel, made reviews and helped organize various media projects, and also led his own stand-up.


More than all other rap artists this year, Slava CPSU was heard. This performer is also known under other pseudonyms, including, of course, Purulent.

It is interesting that the rapper began to develop his career while collaborating with the SLOVO SPB project. But the biggest hype - what is it, we have already figured out - the performer began to produce after calling Oxxxymiron to the battle. It happened at the Versus vs Slovo SPB rap battle: Ernesto Shut Up vs. Purulent.

Glory's battle career is somewhat reminiscent of Eminem's youth

Then Purulent's hype became even more scandalous. In one of the verbal rap battles, he mentioned Caucasian women and spoke uncivilized towards them. This led to the fact that members of the Chechen community began to look for him in order to physically punish him. The glory of the CPSU began to hide, they started talking about him on many rap portals, websites, publics. Numerous memes and cartoons have appeared about him. All this had a positive effect on the overall popularity of Purulent.

And at the end of the year, the Rickey F vs Sonya Marmeladova battle helped to hype even more. What is an explosion in a battle sphere? This is precisely this rap battle, the analogue of which practically does not exist. She also entered many tops and ratings in 2016. Today Purulent aka Slava KPSS is a star, he has a concert tour planned, and everyone is waiting for his battle with Oxxxymiron.