Holy Equal-Apostles Princess Olga - briefly about life and exploits. Russian history

Holy Equal-Apostles Great Princess Olga, in the baptism of Elena (approx. 890 - July 11, 969), Rules Kiev Rusy after the death of her husband, Prince Igor Rurikovich from 945 to 962. The first of the Russian rulers adopted Christianity before the baptism of Russia, the first Russian saint. The name of Knyagini Olga is in the source of Russian history, and is associated with the greatest events of the foundation of the first dynasty, with the first approval of Christianity and bright features of Western civilization. The Grand Princess entered the story as a great creator of state life and culture of Kievan Rus. After death, the simple people called her cunning, the Church - Holy, History - Wise.

Great Princess Olga (approx. 890 - July 11, 969) was the wife of the Grand Duke Kiev Igor.

Basic information about Olga's life, recognized as reliable, is contained in the "Tale of Bygone Years", life from a power book, the agiographic work of the Jacob monk "Memory and praise the prince of Rusky Volodymina" and the composition of Konstantin Bagryanorogennoe "On the Ceremonies of the Byzantine Court". Other sources provide additional information about Olga, but their accuracy cannot be accurately defined.

Olga took place from the glorious genus of the Gostomysl (the ruler of the Great Novgorod is still prince of Rüric). Born in the Pskov Earth, in the village of Ryabuta, 12 km from Pskov above the Great River, in the pagan family from the dynasty of the princes of Islabors. Disputes about the exact date of birth of Olga are still underway - Some historians insist on the date OK.890, others - at the date of 920 (although this date is absurd due to the fact that Olga married Igor in the meaning of Oleg, who died in 912). Both dates can be questioned, so they are taken conditionally. Olga's parents are not preserved.

When Olga was already 13 years old, she became the wife of the Grand Duke Kiev Igor. According to legend, Prince Igor was engaged in hunting. One day, when he was hunted in Pskov Forests, then hearing the beast, he went to the river bank. Having decided to cross the river, he asked Olga passing by on the boat to transport him, accepting it first for the young man. When they sailed, Igor, carefully peeling into the face of the rower, saw that it was not a young man, but a maiden. The girl turned out to be very beautiful, smart and clean thoughts. The beauty of Olga vulnerable Igor's heart, and he began to impose her words, inclined to unclean carnal mixing. However, the chaste the girl, the Urav-Mev of the thoughts of Igor, incited in lust, shared his wise guarantee. The prince of such an outstanding mind and the chastity of the young girl was surprised, and did not affect her.

Igor was the only son of Novgorod Prince Rüric (+879). When the father died, Prince was still very young. Before his death, Rurik handed over the board in Novgorod to his relative and governor Oleg and appointed his guardian of Igor. Oleg was a successful warrior and wise ruler. The people nicknamed him Veins. He won the city of Kiev and united around himself many Slavic tribes. Oleg loved Igor as his native son and raised a real warrior from him. And when it was time to look for him a bride, in Kiev, there were watchmen of beautiful girls, to find a girl, worthy of a princely pane, but none of them
did not love the prince. For in the heart of him, the selection of the bride was made in his heart: he ordered to call the beautiful boat that transported him across the river. Prince Oleg. Olga brought with great honor to Kiev, and Igor joined her in marriage. The marrying of a young prince at Olga, an aging Oleghe became hard to bring victims to the gods to give Igor Heir. For a long nine years, many bloody victims of Idolam brought Oleg, so many people and bulls burned alive, waited for what they would give slavic gods Igor Son. Not wait. He died in 912 from the bite of a snake, served from the skull of his former horse.

Pagan idols began to disappoint the princess: the perennial sacrifice of idols did not give her the desired heir. Well, how will Igor come on the human welfare and take himself another wife, third? Harem will start. Who will she then be? And then the princess decided to pray to the Christian God. And Olga began to quickly ask him the Son-Heir.

And so in 942. ,twenty-fourth year life together, Born by Prince Igor Heir - Svyatoslav! Piled prince Olga gifts. She deliberately attributed to Church of Elijah - for the Christian God. Happy feet rushed. Olga began to think over the faith of Christian yes about the benefits from her for the country. Only Igor's thoughts did not share such: his gods in battles never changed him.

According to the chronicles, in 945, Prince Igor dies from the hands of Drevlyan after repeatedly charging from them, Dani (he became the first ruler in the history of Russia, who died from popular indignation). Igor Rurikovich Kaznili , in a tract, with the help of honorary "smelting". Intrunning two young, flexible oak, tied by arms and legs, and let go ...

F. Buni. Igor execution

The heir to the throne Svyatoslav was then only 3 years, so the actual ruler of Kievan Rus in 945 was Olga . The squad of Igor was submitted to her, recognizing Olga by a representative of the legitimate heir to the throne.

After the murder of Igor sent him to his widow, Olga Svatov called her marry her prince Mala. The princess brutally dismissed the Ridge, showing trick and strong will. The revenge of Olga Drevlyans is described in detail and in detail in the "Tale of Bygone Years".

Revenge of Princess Olga

After crucifier with the Drevyans, Olga began to rule the Kiev Rusy to the adulthood of Svyatoslav, but after that she remained the actual ruler, since her son was absent most of the time in military campaigns.

The foreign policy of the princess Olga was carried out not by military methods, but with the help of diplomacy. She strengthened international relations with Germany and Byzantia. Relations with Greece opened Olga, as far as Christian faith is higher than the pagan.

In 954, Princess Olga with the goal of religious pilgrimage and diplomatic mission went to Tsargrad (Constantinople)where with honor was adopted by the emperor Konstantin VII buggernogenic. For fun two years, she was familiar with the basics of the faith of Christian, visiting worship in the Sofia Cathedral. It was struck by the greatness of Christian temples and the shrines collected in them.

The sacrament of baptism over her committed Patriarch Constantinople Feofilakt, and the emperor himself became a perception. The name of the Russian Princess was nascheno in honor of the Holy Tsaritsa Elena, who acquired the Cross of the Lord. Patriarch blessed the newest Princess Cross, carved from a solid piece of the life-giving Tree of the Lord with the inscription: "Updated the Russian land with the Holy Cross, I accepted Olga, the Blessed Princess."

Princess Olga became the first ruler of Russia, who accepted baptism Although the squad, and the Russian people were pagan. Son Olga, Grand Duke stayed in paganism Kiev Svyatoslav. Igorevich.

Upon returning to Kiev, Olga tried to attach Svyatoslav to Christianity, but "he did not think to listen to this; But if anyone was going to be baptized, he did not forbidden, but only mocked the topics. " Moreover, Svyatoslav was angry with her mother for her persuasion, fearing to lose the respect of the squad. Svyatoslav Igorevich remained a convinced pagan.

Upon returning from Byzantium Olga The Christian evaluating to the pagans was zealously carried the first Christian temples began to erect: in the name of St. Nicholas over the grave of the first Kiev prince-Christian Askold and St. Sophia in Kiev over the grave of Prince Dira, the temple of the Annunciation in Vitebsk, the temple in the name of the Holy and Library Trinity in PskovThe place for which, according to the chronicler testimony, it was indicated by over the "ray of the Tsight Divine" - on the banks of the river Great she saw the "three armored beam" from the sky.

Holy Princess Olga died in 969, at the age of 80 and was buried in the earth in the Christian rite.

Sergey Efoshkin. Princess Olga. Assumption

Her nonentive relics rested in the Tenty Church in Kiev. Her grandson Prince Vladimir I Svyatoslavich, the Baptist of Russia, suffered (in 1007) the relics of the saints, including Olga, in the church founded by him Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Kiev (Tenty Church). Most likely, the prince of Vladimir (970-988), Princess Olga began to be worn as holy. This is evidenced by the transfer of its relics to the church and the description of the wonders given by the monk Jacob in the XI century.

In 1547, Olga was ranked in the face of Holy Equal-Apostles. Such an honor was honored by only 5 holy women in Christian history (Maria Magdaline, the first factor of Focla, the martyr Apfia, the Queen Elena equivalent and enlightenment of Georgia Nina).

The memory of equivalent Olga is celebrated by Orthodox and Catholic and other Western churches.

The princess Olga was the first of the Russian princes officially adopted Christianity and was canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church in the Domongolian period. The baptism of Princess Olga did not lead to the establishment of Christianity in Russia, but she had a great influence on the grandson of Vladimir, who continued her case.She did not believe the conquest wars, but sent all his energy to internal politician, so for many times the people retained a good memory about her: the princess held an administrative and tax reform that facilitated the situation ordinary people and streamlined life in the state.

Holy Princess Olga is revered as a patronage of widows and converts Christians. Residents of Pskov consider Olga its founder. In Pskov there is an Olginsky embankment, an Olginsky Bridge, an Olginsky chapel. The days of the liberation of the city from the fascist invaders (July 23, 1944) and the memory of St. Olga are celebrated in Pskov as the days of the city.

Material prepared Sergey Shalyak

for the Temple of the Liberal Trinity on the Sparrow Mountains

In a tropear equivalent to the Apostles Olga, glas 8
In you, the Bogomrovaya Elena, knowing the way the image in Rastey Country, / Yako, who is visiting the Bay of Holy Baptism, followed by Christ, / Creating the same and students, and leaving an idolism charm, / perceive the same care about the soul, things seeless, The angels rejoices, equivalent, your spirit.

In Kondak Equal to Apostles Olga, voice 4
There is a worship of the grace of all God, / the abusers in Russia Olga Bogomudruyu, / Prayers to her, Lord, / People's hand / sin.

Prayer of the Holy Equal-Apostles Princess Olga
Oh Holy Equal-Apostles Great Princess Olga, Ruby's Prime Minor, warm about us before Godatais and prayer! We are resorting to faith and pray with love: BUY WORK WHAT ABOUT WEEK OF ASEMBLY AND SPESHEN AND, YAKEN IN THE TEMBER LIFE Thorough Essenti Enlighten the Farratians Our Light Hodge of Faith and Navitics I will create the will of the Lord, Tako and now, in the sky Your prayers to God will confiscate us in the Enlightenment of the mind and the heart of our Gospel of Christ, and in supply in faith, piety and love of Christ. In poverty and grief essence of the console, the helpful handover of help, offended and attacked the standing, lost from the ridiculous faith and heresy blindfolded by the pleasures and succeed to us all of God all the good and useful life Teamless and eternal, yes, such a well-fragrant provider, will like the heritage of the female of the eternal in the endless kingdom of Christ of our God, everyone with his father and the Holy Spirit, hence all the glory, honor and worship, now, and in the eyelids. And mine.

Great Princess Olga (890-969)

From the cycle "The history of the Russian state".

2012 - year of Russian history

Defenders of faith

The daughters of the Russian kings, going married, retain the devotion of their faith - this rule was well known in Europe. Therefore, therefore, the fate of them were quite happy

Elena Moscow

The root occurred

Recall the history of Princess Elena - the daughter of the sovereign of Ivan the third. Mondering her "blessed feat", the chronicler was so described this wonderful Christian: "The root occurred from the root," in the unshakable piety of the desired, "from pious parents is set."

Her mother Sofya was the last niece of the last byzantine emperor Konstantin XI Paleologus and raised in Italy. Vatican tied with her high hopes. It was assumed that Sophia would help to turn Russia into Catholicism, but barely girl stepped into Russian land, as rushed into the temple and began kissing icons.

It took twenty three years. Great Princess Elena was decided to marry the Grand Duke Lithuanian Alexander. At that time, Lithuania included Belarus, Smolensk and other Russian lands. Despite the fact that most of the inhabitants have professed Orthodoxy, Princes Lithuanian chose Catholicism. True, not all - others fought on the field of Kulika near the holy prince Dimitri. But gradually Rome became more and more approved in Western Russia. To be found to protect the deceo faith, and there was a marriage of Elena with Alexander.

The girl went on the road, supported by the instruction of the Father: "Memory of the Great Princess. In Latin, Latin does not walk, but go to the Greek church. From curiosity you can see the first or monastery of Latin, but only one day or twice. If your mother-in-law is in Wilna and orders you to go with him in the Divinence, then I spend it to the door and tell me the courteous that you go to my church. "

True, Alexander, who has managed to fall in love, Ivanically assured Ivan III, which will not impede the future spouse "to keep the Greek law, to dwell to the Roman law" and will not even allow such a transition if she wanted. But the promise was given verbally, contradicted with Polish laws, and finally, if anyone knows. Seriously, parents hoped only to Elena himself, knowing her character. I had to know him and Poles with Lithuanians.

Princess was nineteen, when in 1495 the Russian embassy reached Vilna. Wedding took place in the local Cathedral of St. Stanislav immediately in two rites - Catholic and Orthodox. Vilensky Bishop Radziwill and Moscow Priest Macarius served. There, in vigilant, young spouses settled, not yet imagining what tests they are coming. In a sense, Rome in the princess hoped to recoup the failure with her parents. "Rus is too strong and because of so stubborn," Catholics believed, "and Elena is just a woman, and it is unlikely that it will have serious resistance."


In a very difficult position, Alexander was. He hoped that everything would cost. But it did not cost. From Rome, he was sent by letters that allowed from the oaths, the data test was merciless. The only thing that kept him from full obedience is a tender feeling of his wife. It was necessary, however, and to annoy the spouse. She was denied the promised construction of the house church. But the Orthodox churches were enough. In one of them - Pokrovsky - Elena and began to ride the service. There was a lot of worse: from the environment of the princess deleted all Orthodox.

"Here we have," he wrote a sovereign to Moscow to Moscow, - the troubled between the Latins and our Christianity; In our Lord, the Smolensk Devil settled, yes in Sapega, too. I got up on the Orthodox faith. The Grand Duke is unheated by the sovereign, the Great Princess Elena, to the Latin damn faith. But our God taught our God, yes I remembered the science of the sovereign father, and she refused her husband like this: "Remember that you promised the sovereign, my father, and I could not do this to my father, I can't do it. I will teach me how I teach me. . Yes, and all our Orthodox Christianity wants to paint; From this, our Russia with Lithuania in a big hostility. "

King Ivan Third

Having learned about this, Ivan the third sent to Lithuania pretty man Ivan Mamonova, ordering his daughter rather to death to death than to change faith. It is not known how he would lead himself, know that Elena will fulfill his order. Imagine a smile of some: for what is all this? Yes, and Orthodox appearance, the bishop Smolensky, who betrayed Elena, was in bewilderment. The policies of many Orthodox hierarchs not only in the Latin world, but also in the Ottoman Empire - not to hang out. And here...

The angry sovereign Ivan began against the son-in-law war, but Elena sent a letter to his father, in which he rejected him for violating the peace treaty and begged to stop the "blood of Christian sink". I assured that her husband is affectionate and caring to her, so the Grand Duke even flared, writing in response: "How not to be ashamed to you, daughter, write to me in a lie! It is known for us that you are oppressed in faith. " The princess stood on her, wanting to reconcile two people close to her.

A year later, the Grand Duke Alexander was already taken by the Polish throne, and Elena actually became the queen - but not legally, as he refused to suffocate. After all, it was necessary to take Catholicism. The husband takes a philosophical solution to her decision. Moreover, he spent his beloved on new possessions, demonstrating everyone: here is your sovereign. Comforted, given Elena possession, which she rapidly gave orthodox chrome and monasteries. What is curious: war with Moscow continued all this time. Only three years after it began, the world was signed, which Sovereign Ivan accompanied the warning: "And the brother will begin to force our daughter to force to the Roman law, then let him know that we will not find it - we will stand for it, how much God will benefit .


Deciding that Elena Moscow, as his name was in Poland and Lithuania, just fulfills the obedience to the parent, Catholics were somewhat calming, began to wait for the death of the Russian monarch. Pope Julius II in 1505, so directly declared, allowing Alexander to live with an innovative wife "Waiting for her father's death, already very old, or any other circumstance." It was necessary to wait for a long time: after a few months, Ivan the third passed away. What is Elena? And nothing. As I believed, I continued to remain Orthodox. Next year she lost her beloved spouse that was her support in the mill of detractors. But her brother Vasily, who climbed into Russian throne, continued to strengthen Elena's forces: "And you would, sister, and now I remembered God and your soul, our father and Mother of God, would not disappear from God, from the Father and Mother in disadvantage Would and our Orthodox law did not bring ukrizna. " The widowing queen had to be embarrassed: in 1512, she took the treasury and sent from a fair link.

In response, the war began, which further worsened the position of Elena, and then the villain was accomplished. Voevod Nikolai Radzivill sent to the Queen of the killers (two Russians and one Zhmutina Lithuanza) so that they presented to her with Hödom poison. On the same January, Elena did not become. She was only thirty-seven years old when she accepted the martyrdom.

In memory of the sister, Vasily's sovereign built a church in the Kremlin, which was revered by all subsequent Russian kings. The main shrine of the temple was the icon of SVT. Nicholas from the Gostun Castle, which is associated with the names of Elena and her husband Alexander. There was a legend that in front of this way together they prayed once two loving spouses belonging to different veras.

Three centuries passed after Elena's death. The world changed, but the story repeated. Again, Russian Princess was in the Catholic country - and passed through many suffering, defending their faith. Only died this time with seventeen years old. The heroines of the next our story will be Alexander - Palantina Hungary, the daughter of Emperor Paul First.

Alexandra - Palantina Hungary

The first years

Empress Catherine The Great Birth of the first granddaughter did not delight. "My congent book," she wrote, "the other day the young lady was multiplied, which Alexander was named after the older brother. In truth, I am incomparably more like boys than girls ... "In the selection of the name it was quite reflected.

It was decided that to trust the upbringing of the child of the mother - the Great Princess Maria Fedorovna - too risky. Ekaterina's daughter-in-law chose from the German princesses, appreciating the widespread hips and everything you need for the production of heirs. The presence of mental abilities was not necessarily harmful. Unhappy Maria Fodorovna was forced to hardly do not hide that she was smart, delicate, was not devoid of talents. Husband - the future emperor Paul - he loved her hot. The spouses together were worried that the babies were taken by one after another, not allowing to upbringing. Catherine, dreaming to grow a "new breed of people," began to start with grandchildren. True, it was not imposed on Alexander special hopes.

The year passed, the other, everything remained, as before: the little princess continued to cause irritation. "Neither the fish is neither meat," the ruler responded about her, specifying that the child was "the creature is very ugly, especially in comparison with the brothers" and that even her second granddaughter, two-month Elena, smarter and a two-year-old Alexandra. But the nasty duck, as if trying to please the royal grandmother, began to volantly change.

The Empress was surprised to report his granddaughter that she "suddenly made astounding successes: I had risen, grew up and accepted such posture that it seems older than his years. She speaks in four languages, he writes well and draws, plays on Clayssec, sings, dancing, understands everything very easily and discovers in the character of emergency meekness. I became the subject of her passion, and to like and draw my attention to my attention, it seems to be ready to rush into the fire. "

Just amazing how this gift of love developed in this despised, deprived maternal caress of the girl. No one, none, never loved Catherine the Great so strong and disinterested.

It was the main gift of Alexandra, not to mention the fact that she translated poetry, perfectly sculpted from wax; All that this girl concerned was transformed. Perhaps a good choice of mentor affected. The princess from infancy was instructed by the widow of General Baronuese Charlotte Karlovna Liven, who managed to be perfectly brought up with their own children and reveal their talents. As far as other great Prince, and then the princes they all went to her order. Shersham Liven - it was an iron man, the Empress itself, Ekaterina fell from her for a breakdown. The influence of Charlotte Karlovna on the fate of the dynasty representatives is difficult to overestimate. Up to the revolution, the upbringing of great princes and princess carried its imprint of her character.

Father Andrei Samborsky

Not less influenced by Alexander Priest Andrei Samborsky. It was one of the most educated people in St. Petersburg, which served under the Russian mission in London for a long time. From there, he also brought his wife-British, addressed to him in Orthodoxy, and a number of habits, unusual for the Orthodox father: He did not wear beards, and the dress preferred secular.

The spiritual authority was displeased, but you need to make a discount on the biography of Andrei's father. He, although he was the son of a priest, but to Europe was sent to agronomy and far from immediately decided to continue the case of his father and ancestors. But the choice was thoughtful and made in conditions of very unfavorable.

"This is an enlightened country (England. - V. G.)," he wrote, defended from attacks, - yes he witnessed, with some jealousness and purity I committed for many years worship, which claims a clean faith in people, which united the royal thrones Suppose which peoples are in silence and unity. By committing a sacred position in the Temple, I used all the other time for acquiring not my own benefit, and the benefits of the common - the success of Russian artists, shipbuilders, seaworthyans, farmers, - using all possible cases and ways. "

All the great princesses, then the princes appreciated this person. Although his enemies claimed that the father Andrei put little religiosity with his spiritual Chadam, remaining more agronomist than the confessor, it is not. They write, for example, about the emperor Alexander Blessed: "The influence of the Sambesta was negative. Alexander did not know God. " However, it is known that the sovereign, it happened, the whole hours spent on his knees in front of the images. He just did not try to advertise this: Andrei's father did not teach him a hypocrite.

The most warm and trusting relationships have developed from Andrei's father with Alexandra. The priest loved this girl who flourished in his eyes, she paid him the same. They did not know which tests they are coming and that the princess will die on the hands of a spiritual father, breaking his heart.

Just one condition ...

According to the memoirs of contemporaries, she was not just good, but possessed the charm that is almost impossible to convey in the portrait. In any case, it was not possible to anyone, although they wrote a little girl: Levitsky, Vizh Lebrene, Lamp, Frank, Miles, Borovikovsky, Ritt. They never managed to please the native and close princesses. The spiritual beauty seemed to cover her face from the inside, but the personality of a man in that era was not able to appreciate itself.

Catherine Great very early began to think about the marriage of Alexandra (as well as, and other great prinjon). It was one of the main reasons that the queen was not rejoiced by the birth of granddaughters: she was afraid for them. "Everyone will be poorly married," the Empress predicted, "because nothing can be unhappy with Russian Great Princess. They will not be able to apply to anything; All of them will seem small ... Of course, they will have a seeker, but this will lead to infinite misunderstandings. "

Alas, Catherine was not mistaken, although he did everything to avoid it. When Alexander turned nine years old, grandma decided to make her Swedish Queen. There was fifteen potential fifth. Of course, for marriage it was not quite suitable, and the Empress decided to wait for his 18th anniversary. Gustav IV Adolf - so called the king. The offer from St. Petersburg more brushed to the order. Negotiations began between the sovereign and the regent with a small monarch - the Duke of Südermanland. Their move was not smooth, so Catherine even wrote to his faithful correspondent by Baron Grimma: "If the case does not cost, then she (Alexander. - V. G.) can comfort, because he will be at a loss who marries another. I can safely say that it is difficult to find equal to her beauty, talents and courtesy. Not to mention the dowry, which for a poor Sweden in itself is an important item. In addition, this marriage could strengthen the world for many years. "

The marriage of the older granddaughter with the Swedish king became the idea of \u200b\u200bFix, she wanted him with all the power of the soul. Approximately as passionately the Swedes opposed him. It seemed to them that they would like to humiliate. Regent - Uncle King - began to negotiate the marriage of a nephew with Princess Louise-Charlotte Mecklenburg-Schwerinskaya. In November 1795, the Swedish churches began to serve prayers for the health of this princess, but Catherine insulted, questioning: "Let the regent hates me, let him seek the case and deceive - in good time! "But why does he marry his pet on the ugly obscene?" Than the king deserved such cruel punishmentwhere, while he thought to marry the bride, whose beauty all speak in one voice? "

Aesthetic considerations were supported by decisive actions. The border was sent by Count Suvorov - "For the inspection of fortresses." It turned out, everything is in order with them. Who is such Suvorov, the Swedes knew, so she did not want to reduce more close acquaintances. According to this or for what other reason, the king suddenly decided to marry Louise Charlotte, and negotiations with St. Petersburg resumed. The longest argue about the bride's religion, but in the end, the Swedish side agreed that the princess would remain Orthodox.

And what about Alexander? Having become acquainted with the portrait of the king, she decided that he could love him, and four years were preparing for the wedding, studying Swedish. The meeting took place in August 1796, when Gustav arrived in St. Petersburg, taking the pseudonym for a time - "Count Gaga". The festivities lasted a whole month, and young people immediately found a common language. The Empress was delighted, saying: "Everyone notice that His Majesty is increasingly dancing with Alexandra and that the conversation is not interrupted ... It seems that my maiden does not feel disgusted to the above-mentioned young man: She no longer has the former embarrassed look and talks very freely with his cavalier. "

Meanwhile, the alarming signs began to disturb the capital.

On the day of the ball, given by the prosecutor General Samoilov in honor of the arrival of the Swedes, at that moment, when Empress Ekaterina II came out of a carriage, the sky read the meteor, freshen the entire capital. "Here is the star fell!" - said the sovereign. Almost simultaneously in the royal village appeared at night such a strong smoke under the window of the bedroom of the sovereign, that everyone was reassured and began to look for his source. Nothing managed to discover neither the palace, nor in the surrounding area. Some attributed to the birth of Zesarevich Nikolai Pavlovich, but he was strongly here with anything. Obviously, what happened to Catherine. Her favorite Countess Anna Alekseevna Matyushkina, trying to console the sovereign, reported: "People, Mother, pushes that the star fell to good, and then it will fly away from us great Princess Alexander Pavlovna in Sweden. " But the people interpreted in vain.

There were few weeks to live in Catherine. The death hit her no one else like the Swedish groom, or rather, those who stood at the young king. The gain was appointed on September 11, at the same time reached the consent that it will be held in the Greek-Russian Church. Catherine waited for the Swedes in the hall of the palace, surrounded by the military, court, clergy, was languishing Alexander, closed in a wedding outfit. But at the appointed time, the guests did not appear. Time went, and they were not all - and so four more than an hour. All this time was the negotiations. Gustav is locked in the bedroom, demanding to agree on the condition: the Great Princess should become a Protestant.

Just one condition ...

Alexandra said that her groom was sick. She cried.

In the justification of Gustav, it can be said that he was put pressure on it. The young man was frightened by folk unrest, and he resisted before giving himself to persuade. Russian Princess really liked: it was difficult to fall in love with it. Perhaps the king at first hoped that the Russians would easily give up, but then it was hard. If Karl Xii wanted to put on his knees all of Russia, turning her in his faith, the arrogant Gustav decided to pleasure victory over Alexandra ... It didn't work out here.

The fate of him was sad. Another unsuccessful war with Russia in 1808 led the king to the loss of Finland. Then he insulted 120 guards from the most significant families, holding them into army officers for cowardice on the battlefield. As a result, the conspiracy was overthrown, in Europe a stray lifestyle, calling himself Colonel Gustavsson, in addition she was divorced with his wife Frederica Vilhegelmina Dorothea - one of the German princesses, to whom Alexander trained. Frederick Dorothea was a Protestant, but did not love him.

Empress Empress Catherine was as expensive. Having learned about the terms of the Swedes, she survived an easy apoplexic strike - the first one of those three, that two months later will bring it in the grave.

And the princess Alexander married was still given. About how it happened and what happened because we will tell in the next issue of the newspaper.


Vladimir Grigoryan

The history of Russia-Ukraine is full of many victorious and tragic pages. Her outstanding (and less outstanding) leaders - princes are widely known. However, with a rare exception, almost completely unknown general public there are names and fate of women who accompanied their husbands and, one way or another, entered the domestic history. There were among them and Rusinki and foreigners. There were Russian Princess and wives of European monarchs.

And this is not only Anna Yaroslavna - Queen of France. Who are they? Who are their names? Let's try to briefly describe the overall review of the princely women in the medieval period of our past, which is called "Russian". Attempting to create a common picture (in a peculiar statistical form) of Russian Princess and Princess is made below the information about Rurikovichi-Igorevich's dynasty in eight branches, they originate from the genus of the first known Kiev princes (Kiev, Chernigovskaya, Galitskaya, Kiev-Galitskaya, Galico "Volodyskaya, Polotsk, Town-Pinskaya and Rostov-Suzdal) on the analysis of evidence about two hundred women associated with the princely life.

Among Russian prinjon (daughters of the princes of Russia), famous for historians of names, thirty-three girls had the names of Slavic (Bolevlav, Vysolva, Upslav, Veslav, Vera, Gorodislav, Noboroneg, Mr., Dubravka, Fun, Dzhenislava (Zvenislav), Zbislav, Kiryaina, Lyubava , Lybid, Maritsa, Pereyaslav, Dance, Premislav, Pribislav, Proxeda, Rogund, Rostislav, Svyatoslav, Solomia, Yaroslav). Of these thirty-three women of the princely kind have become the Russian twelve prinjeon princesses (we will take the chronicle Lybid to them), four princesses have been lined with the kings of Poland, and two - with the kings of Hungary. The two princessed became the princesses of Pomerania. Among the daughters of the princes with Russia who had certain of the above-mentioned names of Slavic, the princess Mazovskaya, the Duchess Slober, Duchess of Fr. Maritsa, daughter Vladimir Monomakh, was the wife of Leon - the son of Diogen, who claimed the Byzantine throne, and the daughter of the descendant of Vladimir Monomakh, the Grand Duke of Kiev Mstislav Harald - Mr. (from marriage with the Swedish princess Christina), adopting the Christian name Irina, became the empress of Byzantium after marriage Andronikov comnin. The granddaughter of Yaroslav Wise Proconed Vsevolodovna (adopted the Christian name Eupraxia) was the wife of Marcgraf Nordmark Henry, and then the German emperor Henry IV and famous in Europe under the name Adelgide. Five more than five Knuckle changed their names from Slavic to Christian and became nuns, one of whom was a pre-Owl (in Christianity - Efrosinius) was recognized as the Holy Orthodox Church. This daughter of the son of Prince Polotsk, and in the future - the Grand Duke of Kiev Veslav and Svyatoslav, whom Mstislav Harald Oats in the link was forced to become a nun and died 1173. Two princesses (unknown name) died at a young age, and did not have time to go out marry.

The Slavic name - Malusha - was called the daughter of Malka Lyubchain, who entered the domestic history as a mistress of Svyatoslav Igorevich (brave) and have a Baptist of Russia - Vladimir Svyatoslavovich. Daughter boyhar stepana bunch with slavic name - Ulita - became Prince of Vladimir, marrying the prince Andrey Bogolyubsky.

With non-Slavic names (Agatha, Anastasia, Anna (Anna), Griffin, Irina, Ingeborga, Evdokia, Efrosinya, Eufemia, Elizabeth, Ekaterina, Kinegan, Maria, Malfried, Margarita, Marina, Elena, Olga, Offka, Sofia, Fedor, Yanka ) Stories are also known fifty-five princely daughters, of which twenty-two married Russian princes (we will take it to the wife of Prince Kiev Igor Rurikovich - Olga. Four Princesses were the wives of the great princes of Lithuanian Olgere, Lyubart, Vitovte-Alexander and Swidrigailo-Boleslav in times of amplification of Lithuania and the decline of fragmented feudal rus. However, long before that time, with the princes Russians had the honor to associate their fate of the highest faces of European countries not to qualify for the throne of married homeland, but to enlist the support and influence of their parents and brothers.

So, three princessed with Russia became the Queen of Poland and the same - the Queen of Hungary. Daniel Galitsky's daughter - Sofia became his wife Henry V Schwarzburgh. Daughter of Prince Belgorod and Chernihiv Gleb Svyatoslavich († 1209) - Efimia - Angelos, and the daughter of Prince of Movichli Lord Rostislavich († 1124) - Irina - came out for Isaac a comnine. Anastasia († 1335), the daughter of Prince Galitsky, the king of Russia Lion and Danilovich († 1301) married Polish Prince Zhovat. There were the princely daughters and wife of Peter Vlasta and a woman of Polish Palatinina Peter. The Russian princesses also became the princess of Mazovas, the princess of Krakow, a bath of zagreb. The Queen of the Russian Kinjon came out of the queen - Ingeborg Mstislavovna and the Queen of Bohemia - Kinegurd Rostislavna. The daughter of the Grand Prince of Kiev Mstislava I Harold († 1132) was married to the King of Sweden - Zigurt, and later became the wife of the Danish king Eric and known to historians under the name Malfried. Earlier, the daughter of Yaroslav Wise († 1054) - Elizabeth - 1044 married the Norwegian King Harold, and the year 1067 married King Denmark - Change. Another daughter Yaroslav Wise - Anna (Agnes) - there is at the most famous woman of Ukrainian-Russian history today. This princess nineteen-year-old girl 1051 became the wife of the King of France Heinrich V and nine years was the French Queen, after which 1060 was engaged with Raul Carnation de Valua.

The daughter of the Grand Prince of Kiev Vsevolod and Yaroslavich († 1093) - Yanka - dedicated herself to the ministry of Christ and died by Igumeny 1112. Among the Princess, who had Neslavian names, as among those who had Slavic, were also nuns. They became three princely daughters, and two of them, as already mentioned above prevas-Efrosinia, were canonized by the Orthodox Church as saints. This is Efrosinia († 1250), a nun, daughter of Prince Galitsky, Chernigovsky, Grand Duke Kiev, Banana Matchwa Mikhail (Saint) Vsevolodovich and Princess Galician Elena Romanovna and Daughter of Brother Saint Efrosinia (Son Mikhail Saint) Banna Macheva Rostislav and the daughter of the Hungarian King of Bella IV is a margarita nun († 1250).

Four more, famous historians named and native Princess, who died for various reasons unmarried. For the names, the Nestlavian root is also known two women not the princely kind, became princesses in Russia, namely - Nastasya Chagrova (burned 1171) - the second woman of Prince Galician Yaroslav Osmomysl († 1187) and Catherine, the daughter of Novgorod Posteril - the second wife of Svyatoslav Olegovich († 1164), Prince Chernihiv. Among the women of the princely kind, we know about the presence of a nine daughters of the Grand Prince of Kiev Vladimir the Great, but, unfortunately, neither their names nor the fate are unknown. About other daughters of the Grand Prince, it is known that the preylava (from marriage with Polotsk Prince Rogged) died somewhere after 1015, Premislava married King of the Hungarian Ladislava I, and Noboroneg-Maria (1011-1087) was married to the Polish king Casimir I.

At the same time, the historians are known for the fate and pedigree for another fifteen prinjon, whose names, however, are not famous. Of them - ten - became princesses in Russia. One princess became the wife of the goalis - Prince Moravian from Brno (daughter of a blinded cornflower († 1124), Prince Terebovytsky). He woke up with the Hungarian King Stefan III 1167 Unknown Daughter of Galician Prince Yaroslav Osmomysl, and an unknown name of the daughter already mentioned Banna Matchwa Rostislav Mikhailovich was his wife twice two Bulgarian kings, first - Mikhail, and then Konstantin. The sister of the Grand Duke Vladimir Monomakh and the daughter of Vsevolod and the "Chernigovsky", whose name we do not know, died 1089, remaining obviously not married. It remains unknown and the fate of the son of the son of Yaroslav Vsevolodovich "Chernigovsky" Yaropolk († after 1214), Prince Novgorod.

At the same time, today the names of the four princesses with Russia, where the unknown, however, is their origin; In particular, this is the wife of Prince Chernigov Yaroslav Vsevolodovich († 1198) - Irina and the wife of Yaroslav Wise - Anna (Anna), Anastasia - the wife of Vsevolod Yaropolkovich († Ok. 1261) Prince Chernihiv and another Anna, who was the second wife of the Grand Duke Kiev Vsevolod and Yaroslavich "Chernigov" († 1093).

Another four wives of the princes of Russian are known to historians, but unknown are not only their pedigree, but also names. Among them is the first woman of Svyatoslav (brave) Igorevich, who died in 972 in battle with Pechenegs, the last wife of his son Vladimir, the second woman Vladimir Monomakh - Prince of Kiev - and the first woman of Prince Vladimirsky - Andrey Bogolyubsky.

In addition, two more women, the names of which historians are unknown, were probably the princesses of not the princely kind. This, the so-called "Popadja" - the second wife of Galitsky Prince Vladimir († 1198) - the son of Yaroslav Osmomysl and the daughter of the Novgorod Postener Dmitry Environa Died 1168 and was also the second wife of the Grand Duke Kiev Mstislav and Harald, the son of Vladimir Monomakh.

So, from one hundred three Russian prinjon, more or lesser degrees of historians, known for us, names and fates have eighty-eight, and another fifteen prinjeon, who have reached our days, unknown today by name.

In general, consideration from all known daughters of Russian princes - descendants of Rurik (or, or rather, Igor and Olga) - princessed in Russia were the forty-four princesses (of them - ten - an unknown name). Prinjeon, which due to premature death or the absence of permanent chronicle certificates go with the historical scene unmarried, was eight. The same Russian prinjon went (and some of them were forced to do it) in nuns, three of whom were recognized by the Orthodox Church of the Holy. One princess became needleen.

Revenge of Princess Olga

Eight Prinjeon were engaged to the kings of Poland: Holy Svyatoslavovna - with Boleslav II in the brave, Zbislava Svyatopolkivna 1102 - with Boleslav III crookedly, Ususlav Vsevolodovna - with the son of Zbislav Boleslav IV Kudryavy, Nobreag Vladimirovna - with Casimir and Elena Rostislavovna († 1197) with Casimir II fair, Elena Ivanovna - with Alexander, Evdokia Izyaslavna - from Meshko III, Agatha Svyatoslavovna - with Konda I. In addition to them, Poland went to the marriage to Mazovish Pereyaslav Danilovna - for Prince Zhovat II, and in Krakow married Leshka Griffin Rostislavovna. Duchess were printed: Zvenislav Vsevolodovna (for Boleslav with Schlesu) and Vyshlav Yaroslavna (Odon from Poznan). The princes of Pomerania were two Russians printed: the Solomius of Romanovna (for the prince with a candlestone) and Obislav Yaroslavna (by Ratibor and). An unknown name of the daughter of Vasilka, Prince Terebovytsky, became the princess of Moravian, marrying the prince of Rotislava with Brno.

For the unity and power of Russian principalities, the Lithuanian Lithuanian was left in the marriage of the Danilovna († 1349), Anna - Princess Smolenskaya, Anna - Knyazhna Tverskaya. Two princesses, which we mentioned above became the queens of German lands and the empress of Byzantium. Among the Russians, Prinjeon were also: Queen of France, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Bohemia, burgundy, Tsaritsy Bulgaria, and the daughter of Roman Danilovich, Prince of Slonima and Novogrudok - Maria († 1253) - married the Banna Zagreb Stephen IV married. Another six Prinjeon got married with the kings of Hungary: Svyatopolkivna premislav - with Almoslav Vladimirovna - Ladislav I Efimia Vladimirovna († 1138) - with Koloman, Efrosinia Mstislavna († 1146) - from Geyz II, Anastasia Yaroslavna 1067 - with Andrey and the Unknown name Yaroslav's daughter Osmomysl - with Stefan III.

Five women became Russian princes, although they took place with no princely kind. This is the so-called "Popadahi" - Nastasya Chagrova, Catherine - daughter Petrila, a bunch and unknown Dmitry Dmitry Daughter. The mistress of Prince Kiev Svyatoslav Igorevich - Malusha - presented from him Ukraine-Russia Prince-son - Vladimir Great. There were eight women who are unknown by the Principles in Russia, about which chronicle mentions, four of whom are unknown to us even by name.

Thus, from the famous historians a hundred and three prinjeons only forty-four of them became princesses in Russia, and thirty-nine - foreign husbands. From this it is clear that foreign owners had the honor and were glad to marry Russian princesses.

More than his daughters were married to the Ruses of the Princes of Kiev and Galician lines (which is natural with their leading role in different times), and the smallest - Town-Pin and Polotsk lines (no less naturally the same, but opposite, reasons for The same, the princes of Polotsk among the owners of Russia for a long time was considered princes-outcasts, which, in particular, undermined, by the way, and their international authority). In general, from all of the above, it is clear that the princes of Russia were actively used through their daughters their own state foreign policy interests and aspirations in the European direction (in particular - and the Byzantine Empire), more attention is paid to close abdomen, but powerful of them came to the relationship to The most then European dynasties.

But the princely marriages (as a rule, almost always repeated) with foreigners were geopolitical more diverse and with a tangible percentage of marriages with the daughters of the ruling clans of neighboring eastern state formations. The trend towards the marriage of Russian owners with Asians appears in the XII-XIII centuries, during the enhancement of the pressure of Eastern Hordes on the borders of Ukraine-Russia and during the period of feudal fragmentation. So, along forty-eight princesses of foreigners, famous for historians of childbirth, were eight in Russia. Among them: Daughter Khan Togoryan, who was married to the grandson of Yaroslav Wise Great Prince Kiev Svyatopolk II Izaslavich († 1113), the daughter of Khan Osolucuk - with Prince Chernigovsky, Kursk and Novgorod Oleg Svyatoslavich († 1115), the third wife († 1126 died ) Prince Tmutarakansky, subsequently - the Grand Duke of Kiev Vladimir Monomakh († 1125) and the daughter of Khan Aepa, married the Prince of Rostov-Suzdal and Grand Duke Kiev - Yuri Dolgoruky († 1157), an unknown name for the woman of Prince Volyn Andrei Monomakhovichi († 1142) And the other daughter of Khan Aepa, which became the first wife of Prince Chernihiv Svyatoslav Olegovich († 1164), the daughter of Khan Konchaka - Sloboda, which was engaged in the prince of Galitsky - Vladimir Igorevich (heated 1211) and the daughter of Khan Tigaka, who married Daniel Galitsky's son - Prince Volyn Mstislav († 1292).

At the same time, at the time, the marriages of the Princes-Rusich with the daughters of the Prince of Ossetian (Castogsky) are applied, which since the defeat of their prince Tmutarakansky, and later - Chernigov and Grand Duke Kyiv, Mstislav Vladimirovich († 1034) - become allies of Russia. Today, four such marriages are reliably, when the Grand Duke Kiev - Yaropolk II Monomakhovich († 1139) - married the Ossetian Prince Elena, the Grand Duke Vladimirsky - Andrei Bogolyubsky (killed 1174) - For the third woman I took what Ossetian Princess, another great prince Vladimirsky - Vsevolod Big nest († 1212) - In the first marriage I had a woman Yasina and, finally, Yasini also had the son of the Grand Prince of Kiev Svyatoslav III - the victorious Chernihiv Prince Mstislav, who deceased 1223 in the battle of Kalka. With representatives of the Caucasian peoples of Princess in Russia, the Georgian Princess (Tamara) was also an unknown name, which was married to the Grand Duke Kiev - Izyaslav II Mstislavich († 1154).

And, nevertheless, Russia remains in more than In the lens of European politics, and this is also brightly traced and considering the princely marriages. Here, the greatest percentage of princely marriages with representatives of European dynasties is coming to the conclusion of generic relations with women from the countries of near abroad - Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, Byzantia and (from the XII century) Lithuania.

Princessed in Russia there were six Poles, the first of which is now known to historians, was the daughter of the Polish king of Bolevlava Brave, who married the Grand Duke Kiev - Svyatopolk and Yaropolkovich († 1019). Besides her, behind the Russian princes were: Gertruda (daughter King Meshko), Elena (the daughter of King Leshka White), Agnes (the daughter of King Bolevlav crooked and kiev Princess Zbislava Svyatopolkivna - the daughter of King Casimir II and the daughter of King Vladislav-German. The first princess Hungarian among foreigners in Russia was the daughter of King Bella I - Lanka, on which the prince of Tmutarakani was married - Rostislav Vladimirovich († 1067).

Wives of the princes of Russian were also Hungarian princesses, among whom, in particular, the daughters of Koloman and Ladislava and the daughter of Bella IV - Constance and Anna. According to Hungarian, Prinjin-Byzantine (Grechany) in our history there were also five.

The first, known princess of Greek origin in Russia, suffered hard fate. It is known that she was the wife of the Grand Duke Kiev - Yaropolk and Svyatoslavich († 978) and later became a witness and sacrifice of the conversion of Svyatoslavichi Kiev table. After the defeat and the death of Yaropolk, she was forced to be, being already a pregnant woman, the winner's wife - another son of Svyatoslav brave - Vladimir I Great († 1015). Her son - Svyatopolk Yaropolkovic († 1019) - did not hold the prince in Kiev for a long time and went down in history with undeserved name - "Okayan". Princessed from Byzantium in Russia were also the sister of Constantinople's emperors - Anna Porphyurogenous († 1011) - for the Grand Duke Kyiv Vladimir and the Great, Tsarevna Monomakhovna - for the Grand Duke, Kiev Vsevolod and Yaroslavich "Chernigov" († 1093), Tsarevna Anna - for Prince Volynsky and Galitsky - Roman Mstislavich (killed 1205) and Elena, who was the second wife of the Grand Duke Kiev - Yuri Dolgoruky († 1157).

One of the first foreigners that they married Russian princes were Bulgarian. From the history of Kievan Rus, the information that the Grand Duke Kiev - Vladimir Great - had two Bulgarians in his wives, but who they are, and what their names are unknown. Another Bulgarian was later the princess Pinsk. She became the daughter of the Bulgarian king Boris Georgievich - Efrosigna - after marriage with the local prince Yaroslav Yuryevich († 1186). There are also two Czechs, who were wives of the same Vladimir Great. With enhancement in the XIII century. Lithuania, family ties Russian princes of the Galician-Volyn branch are tied with the Grand Durability Lithuanian. So, Galico-Volyn Prince and King of Russia - Daniel Romanovich Galitsky († 1264) - had a second wife's daughter's Daughter, who was the sister of the Grand Lithuanian Prince Tovtyville, and his nephew - Prince Holmsky - Schwarna († 1269) - was married to the daughter of the Great Prince Lithuanian - Mendanga - and subsequently takes this title.

Old Russian princess. Historical reconstruction. Festival "Warrior Field 2010"

Such a classic association of two states of the time - Galico-Volynskaya and Lithuanian - through kinship enters into its final phase in the XIV century, when the son of the Sister of the Galician-Russian King Lion II - Mary - and Prince Mazovian Troydene I - Prince Galitsky Boleslav-Yuri ( † 1340) - takes into his wife away, daughter of the Grand Duke Lithuanian - Gedimin. With the Western European edges, the princesses in Russia became Princess from Pomerania and Italian Tryophany Musalon, Efimia from Moravia and the sister of Trier Bishop Burgard - Kilikia, daughter of Schtona - Kunegand and the daughter of Graph Lippold - Oda, as well as the Unknown named after the German princess († 1151), Which is known as the wife of the Grand Duke Kiev - Izyaslav II Mstislavich. The daughter of the King of Sweden Olaf - Irina-Ingigerda († 1051) - became the princess Kiev, after marriage with Yaroslav wise. The second in the history of Ukraine-Russia, the daughter of the Swedish king, became Russian Princess, was the princess of Christine († 1122), which married the son of Vladimir Monomakh - the Grand Duke of Kiev Mstislav I - Harald. The first woman of the most grand prince (at first he was a prince Tmutarakan) Vladimir Vsevolodovich Monomakh († 1125) was the daughter of the king of England - Guide. Among the princess in Russia there was both the former Queen Rix, the widow of the King of Denmark - Magnus, married the Novgorod Prince - Vladimir Vsevolodovich († 1140).

Five more Princess Rusi, the origin of which is unknown, there is reason to be considered foreigners (which, in the opinion of some researchers, and the wife of Igor Rurikovich - Princess Kiev - Olga), given the years of the reign of their men in combination with the analysis of the then historical events and their names. This, first of all, the three wives of the Grand Duke of Kiev Vladimir I Svyatoslavovich (Great) - Olava, Malfried and Adrad, who, obviously, were Varyazhko (from Scandinavia) and two Annes (Anna) - one of them was the wife of the Son of the same Vladimir Big - Prince of Kiev - Yaroslav Wise, and the other, died 1111, his wife's wife, also the Grand Prince of Kiev - Vsevolod and Yaroslavich "Chernigovsky". Thus, the wives of Russian princes became fifty-three foreigners (from those who are known to us), with whom the representatives of the Kiev, Kiev-Galitsk and Galician-Volyn Prince's lines most often connected their fate, and the princes of Polotsk Line also remained the "least popular" .

In the general inspection, we note that from almost two hundred people studied by the stories of women known to historians of a greater or lesser extent associated with the princely Russian branches, the princesses in Russia became sixty-nine Russians (of them - six - not a princely kind), fifty-three foreigners ( With five aforementioned probable alien) and eight women of an unknown pedigree. Thirty-nine Russian KNNAZHON known to us married foreigners, and the fates of more nine daughters of the Grand Duke Kiev Vladimir I are unknown, as well as their names. Of course, the indicated data is not exhaustive, but in general are indicative.

Laying all the foregoing, on the conclusion of marriages, you can trace not only the related links of the then rulers and learn about the fate and names of women associated with the historical past of our country, but also, accordingly, the periods of take-off and the falls of the power of Russia, the foreign policy activity of the princes and its expansion. However, it should be noted that in the X-XIII centuries. Rus was and remained a significant factor in the then international politics to its final state collapse and decline.

3rd Princess Kiev

Princess Olga, in the baptism of Elena († July 11, 969) - Princess, the rules of Kievan ruus after the death of her husband, Prince Igor Rurikovich, as the regent from 945 to about 960. The first of the Russian rulers adopted Christianity before the baptism of Russia, the first Russian saint.

Elena Dovtedova.knyagin Olga

After about 140 years after her death, the ancient Russian chronicler so expressed the attitude of Russian people to the first ruler of Kievan Rus, who took the baptism:
"She was a presenter of Christian Earth, as a day before the sun, as dawn before dawn. She shone like a moon in the night; So she glow among the pagans as pearls in the mud. "


According to the earliest Old Russian chronicles, the "Tale of Bygone Years", Olga was from Pskov.
Olga clarifies the life of the Holy Great Princess, she was born in the village of the groove of the Pskov land, 12 km from Pskov above the Great River.
Olga's parents' names are not preserved, they were not a good kind, "from the language of Vajazhska." According to the normists, the Varangian origin is confirmed by its name having compliance in the Old Horga as Helga. The presence of presumably Scandinavians in those places is marked by a number of archaeological finds, possibly dated 1st and a century.
On the other hand, in the annals, Olga is often transmitted by the Slavic form of Wolga. It is also known ancient name Olha.

Princess Olga on the monument "1000th anniversary of Russia" in Veliky Novgorod

Typographic chronicle (end of the 15th century) and later Piskarevsky chronicler transfers hearing, as if Olga was a daughter of a thing of Oleg, who began to rule the Kiev Rusy as a guardian of young Igor, the son of Rüric: "Nezsya, the same verb, Yako Olgova Dshche Be Olga. Oleg married Igor and Olga.

The so-called Joacimovskaya chronicle, the accuracy of which is set by historians in doubt, reports the notable Slavic origin of Olga:

"When Igor Matya, Oleg crossed him, issued his wife from Izbork, the genus of Gostomyslov, who was discontinued, and Oleg renamed her and the name of Olga. Igor then were the other wives, but Olga because of the wisdom of her more than others. "

Bulgarian historians also put forward the version about the Bulgarian roots of the prinugine Olga, based mainly on the message of the new Vladimir Chronicler ("Igor Oghena [Oleg] in Bulgarian, they sing for him the princess Olga.") And translating the chronicle name of the splask not as Pskov, but as Plisk - Bulgarian capital of the time. The names of both cities really coincide in the Vine Slavic transcription of some texts, which served as the basis for the author of the new Vladimir Chronicler to translate the message "Testament of the Warranty" about Olga from Pskov as Olga from Bulgarians, since writing of the splasons for the designation of Pskov has long come out of use.

Marriage and start of the Board

According to the "Tale of Bygone Years" Veus Oleg. He married Igor Rurikovich, who began independently edited from 912, at Olga in 903. This date is questioned, since, according to the Ipatiev list, the same "story", their son Svyatoslav was born only in 942.

Vasiliy Sazonov (1789-1870). First meeting of Prince Igor with Olga.

It is possible to resolve this contradiction, the late Ustyuzhsky chronicle and the Novgorod chronicle according to the list of P. P. Dubrovsky report on the 10th age of Olga at the time of the wedding. This message contradicts the legend outlined in the power book (2nd half of the XVI century), about a random meeting with Igor on the crossing under Pskov.
Prince hunted in the local places. After moving through the river on the boat, he noticed that the carrier was a young girl, disguised in men's clothing.
Igor immediately "borrowed by the desire" and began to pester her, but he received a worthy republic in response: "Why do you confuse me, princess, immodest words? Let I am young and dinner, and one here, but know: it is better to rush to the river for me than to delete the crop. "
ABOUT accidental acquaintance Igor remembered when it was time to look for a bride, and sent Oleg for a loved girl, not wanting no other wife.

"Princess Olga meets the body of Prince Igor." Sketch V. I. Surikova, 1915

The Novgorod first chronicle of the youngerie, which contains in the most consistent form of information from the initial arch of the XI century, leaves a message about the marriage of Igor on Olga not dated, that is, the earliest Old Russian chroniclers did not have information about the date of the wedding.
It is likely that the 903 year in the text PVL emerged at a later time when the monk Nestor tried to bring the initial old Russian history In chronological order.
After the wedding, Olga's name is mentioned once again after 40 years, in the Russian-Byzantine Treaty of 944.

According to the chronicles, in 945, Prince Igor dies from the hands of Ridge after repeatedly charged with Dani. The heir to the throne of Svyatoslav was then only 3 years, so Olga became the actual ruler of Kievan Rus in 945.

Boris Olshansky

The squad of Igor was submitted to her, recognizing Olga by a representative of the legitimate heir to the throne. The decisive image of the action of princess in relation to Drevlyan could also incline the warriors in her favor.

Revenge of rallies

After the murder of Igor sent him to his widow, Olga Svatov called her marry her prince Mala. The princess consistently dealt with the elders of the Drevlyan, and then led to humble the people of Derlyan. Ancient Russian chronicler details the revenge of Olga for the death of her husband:

"Missing Olga against the Drevalian idols." Engravings F. A. Bruni, 1839.

* 1st Revenge of Princess Olga: Shatta, 20 Trees, arrived in the roaster, which Kiev residents were delivered and thrown into a deep hole in the yard of the Terem Olga. Shatov-ambassadors buried alive with the rook.

"And, leaning towards the pit, asked Olga asked:" Do you feel good? ".
They also answered: "We are pretty igorous death."
And commanded to fall asleep them alive; and fell asleep them .. "

The second revenge of Olga Drevlyans. Miniature from Radziwill chronicle.

* 2nd Revenge: Olga asked for respect to send new ambassadors from the best husbands to her, which was with hunting was performed by Drevlyans.
The embassy from noble arches burned in the bath until those werehed, preparing for a meeting with the princess.

* 3rd revenge: Princess with a small squad arrived in the lands of Drevlyan, in order to correct the Tizna on the grave of her husband. After the Trenna, Olga ordered them to chop them. The chronicle reports about 5 thousand of the collapse of the Trees.

The fourth revenge of Olga Ridge. Miniature from Radziwill chronicle.

* 4th Revenge: In 946, Olga came out with an army campaign on Drevlyan. At the Novgorod first chronicle, the Kiev squad won the Drevlyan in battle. Olga walked around the Round Earth, established Dani and taxes, after which he returned to Kiev. In PVL, the chronicler took the insert into the text of the initial arch of the siege of the Radio Capital of Earls. According to PVL after a non-successful siege during the summer, Olga burned the city with the help of birds, to whose feet ordered to tie a lit pass with gray. Part of the defenders of the eraser were interrupted, the rest were submitted. A similar legend of burning the city with the help of birds is also outlined by Saxon grammar (XII century) in its compilation of oral Danish traditions about Viking and Snorry Sturls Scald.

Misty of Olga Drevlyanam.ris Medvedev.

After the massacre with the Rusmen, Olga began to rule the Kiev Rusy to the adulthood of Svyatoslav, but after that she remained the actual ruler, since her son was absent most of the time in military campaigns

Board Olga

V.M. Vasnetsov (1848 1926). Princess Olga. Sketch.

Conquering Drevlyan, Olga went to Novgorod and Pskov lands in 947, appointed there lessons (a kind of measure of Dani), after which he returned to the son of Svyatoslav in Kiev. Olga installed the "chassis" system - trade centers and exchanges, in which the fees collected more ordered; Then the chases began to build temples. Princess Olga laid the beginning of a stone urban planning in Russia (the first stone buildings of Kiev - the city palace and country Terem Olga), with attention referred to the landscaping of the subjects of Kiev, Novgorod, Pskov, located along the River Desna, and others.

In 945, Olga set the dimensions of the "FIRD" - filters in favor of Kiev, the timing and frequency of their payment - "regulations" and "Charters". The subjects contemplated by Kiev were divided into administrative units, each of which was delivered by the Princely Administrator - Tyun.

Kira Skripnichenko.knyagin Olga.

On the Pskov River, where she was born, Olga, according to legend, founded the city of Pskov. At the site of the three-touch rays from the sky, which in those edges a great princess was made, was erected by the temple of the Holy Library Trinity.

Konstantin Bagryanorogennoe in the composition "On the Management of the Empire" (ch. 9), written in 949, mentions that "Monsilles coming from the external Russia in Constantinople are some of the Nemogard, in which Sfendoslav sat, the son of Ingora, Archont Rosiya.

From this short message it follows that by 949 the power in Kiev held Igor, or she looks unlikely, Olga left his son to represent power in the northern part of his power. It is also possible that Konstantin had information from unreliable or obsolete sources.

Baptism Olga in Tsargrad. Miniature from Radziwill chronicle.

The next act of Olga, noted in PVL is its baptism in 955 in Constantinople. Upon returning to Kiev, Olga, who accepted the name of Elena in Baptism, tried to bring Svyatoslav to Christianity, but "he did not think to listen to this; But if anyone was going to be baptized, he did not forbidden, but only mocked the topics. " Moreover, Svyatoslav was angry with her mother for her persuasion, fearing to lose the respect of the squad.

In 957, Olga with a large embassy inflicted an official visit to Constantinople, known for the description of the court ceremonies by Emperor by Konstantin Bagryanorogennoye in the composition of the "ceremony". The emperor refers to Olga Ruler (Archontissy) of Russia, the name of Svyatoslav (in the listing of the Sweets indicated "Svyatoslav People") is mentioned without title.

Radziwilovskaya chronicle by the reception of Olga Konstantin Bagryanorogen

Apparently, the visit to Byzantium did not bring desired resultsSince PVL reports Olga's cold attitude to the Byzantine ambassadors in Kiev shortly after the visit. On the other hand, the Faofan's follower in the story of Crete's restoration of the Arabs under the Emperor Roman II (959-963) mentioned the Byzantine troops of Russia.

It is not known exactly when Svyatoslav began to rule himself. PVL reports its first military campaign in 964.

The Western European Chronicle of the Regionnon Founder reports under 959:

They came to the king (Otto I Great), as it turned out to be a lie, the ambassadors of Elena, the Queen of Rugov, which at the Konstantinople's emperor the novel was baptized in Constantinople, and asked to devote to the bishop and priests to this people.
Original text (lat.)

Legati Helenae Reginae Rugorum, Quae Sub Romano Imperatore Constantinopolitano Constantinopoli Baptizata Est, Ficte, UT Post Clariut, Ad Regem Venientes Episcopum ET PRESBIRETOS EIDEM GENTI ORDINARI PETEBANT.

Reginonis Abbatis PRUMIENSIS CHRONICON, CUM Continuatione Treverensi

Thus, in 959 Olga, in the baptism of Elena, it was officially seen as the Government of Russia.

The Baptism of Grand Princess St Olga (Sergei Kirillov, 1992) (Painting One of the Triptych Holy Rus)

Archontiss Olga. Figure from the old book.

A convinced pagan Svyatoslav Igorevich turned 18 in 960, and the mission sent by Otto I in Kiev was failed as the Futher Regionnon reports:

"962 year. In the year, Adalbert returned back, supplied to the bishops of Rugam, because he did not have time for anything was sent, and saw his efforts in vain; On the way back, some of his companions were killed, he himself, with great difficulty, barely escaped. "

The date of the beginning of the independent rule of Svyatoslav is sufficiently conditionally, the Russian chronicles consider it to be a successor at the throne immediately after the murder of the children of his father Igor.

"Holy Olga". Sketch of Mosaic N. K. Roerich. 1915.

Svyatoslav was all the time in military campaigns at the neighbors of Russia, reproaching Mothers State Management. When in 968 Pechenegs first made a raid on Russian lands, Olga and Church of Svyatoslav locked in Kiev. Svyatoslav, who returned from the campaign to Bulgaria, removed the siege, but did not wish to stay in Kiev for a long time. When the next year he was going to go back to Pereyaslavl, Olga kept him:

"You see - I am sick; Where do you want to get away from me? " - For she has already bothered.
And she said: "When I bury me," go where you want. " Three days later, Olga died, and we were crying for her the great son of her, and her grandchildren, and all the people, and suffered, and buried her at the chosen place, Olga also showed not to make TRIZNES on it, since he had a priest with him - that And buried blissful Olga. "

The monk of Jacob in the composition of the XI century "Memory and praised the prince Rusky Volodymina" reports the exact date of death of Olga: July 11, 969.

Baptism Olga and Church West

Akimov Ivan Akimovich

Princess Olga became the first ruler of Kievan Rus, who accepted baptism, albeit a squad, and the ancient Russian people were pagan. Son Olga, the Grand Duke of Kiev, Svyatoslav Igorevich, was also in paganism.

The date and circumstances of the baptism remain unclear. According to PVL, this happened in 955 in Constantinople, Olga personally baptized Emperor Konstantin VII Bagranogenic with Patriarch (Feofilakt):
"And she was inflicted in baptism the name Elena, as well as the ancient queen mother of Emperor Konstantin I."

PVL and Life decorate the circumstances of the Baptism of the story about how Olga's wise reached the Byzantine king. He, waking her mind and beauty, wanted to take Olga to his wife, but the princess rejected the claims, noting that he did not like Christians for the pagans to wrap. Then her king with Patriarch baptized. When the king began to continue the princess, she pointed out that she was now a shameful daughter of the king.
Then he richly bestowed her and let go home.

From the Byzantine sources, only about one visit Olga to Constantinople was known. Konstantin Bagryanorovenic described it in detail in the composition of the "ceremony" without indicating the year of events.
But he pointed out the dates of official techniques: Wednesday September 9 (on the occasion of Arrival Olga) and Sunday October 18. Such a combination corresponds to 957 and 946 years.
Attention is drawn to the long stay of Olga in Constantinople.
When describing the reception is called Vasilev (Konstantin Bagrynorovnoe) and Roman - Bagranogenic Vasilev. It is known that Roman II junior, son of Constantine, became a formal companion of his father in 945.
The mention at the reception of the children of Roman testifies in favor of 957, which is considered the generally accepted date of the visit of Olga and her baptism.

However, Konstantin never mentioned the baptism of Olga, as well as about the purpose of her visit.
A certain priest Gregory was named in the Knagini Sweet, on the basis of which some historians suggest that Olga visited Constantinople already baptized. In this case, the question arises why Konstantin refers to the princess to its pagan name, and not Elena, as the continuer of Regionn did.

Another, later Byzantine source (XI century) announces baptism in the 950s:

"And the wife has once sent in swimming against Romeyevs of Russian Archon, named Elga, when her husband died, arrived in Constantinople. Epipped and openly made a choice in favor of true faith, she, who won the great honor of this choice, returned home. "

On baptism in Constantinople, the continued successor of Region is also said, and the mention of the name of the emperor Roman testifies in favor of baptism in 957.
The testimony of the Regionnon's successor can be considered reliable, since under this name, as historians believe, wrote Bishop Adalbert Magdeburg, who led an unsuccessful mission to Kiev (961) and had one's first hand.

According to the majority of sources, the princess Olga took the baptism in Constantinople in the fall of 957 in the fall, and it was baptized, probably Roman II, Son and Community of Emperor Konstantin VII, and Patriarch Polyevkt. The decision on the adoption of Olga faith adopted in advance, although the chronicle legend represents this decision as spontaneous.

Holy Princess Olga. Sketch of the painting of the Cathedral of St. Vladimir in Kiev. M. V. Nesterov, 1892.

Nothing is known about those people who spread Christianity in Russia. Perhaps it was the Bulgarian Slavs (Bulgaria accepted baptism 865), since the influence of the Bulgarian vocabulary was traced in the early ancient Russian chronicle texts. The mention of the Cathedral Church of the Prophet in Kiev in the Russian-Byzantine Agreement (944) is evidenced by the penetration of Christianity in Kiev Rus.

Olga was buried in Earth (969) in the Christian rite. Her grandson Prince Vladimir I Svyatoslavich the Baptist suffered (1007) the relics of the saints, including Olga, in the Church-founded Church of the Holy Virgin in Kiev.
According to the life and monk, Jacob, the body of the blissful princess was preserved from Tlen.
Her "luminous Yako Sun" could be observed through the window in the stone coffin, which was opened for any truly believer Christian, and many were healing there. Nevertheless saw only the coffin.

Most likely, the prince of Vladimir (970-988), Princess Olga began to be worn as holy. This is evidenced by the transfer of its relics to the church and the description of the wonders given by the monk Jacob in the XI century.
Since that time, the day of memory of St. Olga (Elena) began to be celebrated on July 11, at least in the very tenty church. However, the official canonization (general-voice glorification) occurred, apparently, later - until the middle of the XIII century.

Her name is early becoming baptized, in particular, in Chekhov.

In 1547, Olga is ranked with the village of Holy Equal-Apostles. Such an honor was honored by only 5 holy women in Christian history (Maria Magdaline, the first factor of Focla, the martyr Apfia, the Queen Elena equivalent and enlightenment of Georgia Nina).

The memory of equal to the Apostles Olga is celebrated orthodox churches Russian tradition July 11 in the Julian calendar; Catholic and others. Western churches - July 24 in Gregorian.

Release as a patron of widows and converts Christians.


Valentina Kail

Olga sobbed on the tomb of her husband.
In the land of the Drevlyansky prince buried,
Where Voronene in the next sky is circling,
And the forest approaches from all sides.
Plowing crying through dark oaks,
Through the trail of animals and burly ...
And she imagined the river crossing
And any heart, good father's house ...
From there Olga, a modest maiden,
When the first snow fell to Earth,
We took in Terem, in Kiev - hail, capital:
So commanded the Grand Duke Oleg.
Simphanit Igor Sushatav,
He in Olga began to become pride:
"She is only in the princely chambers,
Princess to be appointed to her lot! "
No Igor ... Muga's killers - Siddy -
Life ruined, took love ...
By sending a TRIZNU to her husband, Olga Death
Cruel shook: "Blood for blood!"
Buried miserable shacks of repeated,
Trupes were lying on the ground
Like food dogs, and in the height of shameful
They were horror for worldly selenics.
Surna law of pagans. And revenge
And death can only be frightened.
But from the people chose the prince of the bride,
And she is to manage this.
Around - enemies. And evil huns.
Disobedience and miscarius of prince ...
He knew the princess: in the world somewhere
There are faith not in the pagan gods
And worship not idols, and God.
Recognition of a single Creator!
Went to the princess in the road road
In order to ruffle hearts.
And faith, merciful, holy,
One of the first Olga took.
Blessing in behalf of the native
How light, good mind brought.
Spokon ages strong was Russia
Not a fabulous decoration of cities -
In the sacred faith Rus fifth force
Canon which: To the Middle Love.

The clarification of Christianity in Russia, with Holy Equal-Apostles Great Prince, the Kiev Vladimir preceded the reign of the Great Princess Olga, which in ancient times they called the root of the lawwrog. During its reign in Russia, the seeds of the faith of Christ were successfully imposed. According to the chronicler, Holy Equal-Apostles Olga "In all rules of the Earth, the first ruler of the Kumir Tribushes and the lawwrier foundation."

Equal to the Apostles Olga was born in the Pin Earth, her pedigree dates back to the Genomysland. The Joacimovskaya chronicle reports that Holy Olga belonged to the genus of the ancient-Russian prince of the islastic dynasty. She was born in a pagan family in the village of Vytube near Pskov, standing on the river Great. She was written in his youth a deep mind and an extreme moral purity in the pagan environment. Bogomudra, the wisest in kind call the holy princess ancient authors, and it was the purity that was the good soil on which such a rich fruit of the seeds of the Christian faith were brought.

Holy Olga was distinguished by both external, physical beauty. When the future Kiev prince Igor saw her during the hunt in the northern forests, he wondered to her the unclean lust and began to decline it to the carnal sin. However, the wise and chaste maiden began to do the prince not to be a slave of their passions. "Remember and think," she said, "that you are prince, and the prince for people should be like a ruler and proud, a bright example of good deeds." She was so wisely talking to Igor that the prince was soundered.

When Igor was established in Kiev, he decided to choose his wife among the most beautiful principles of the Principality. But none of them came to his heart. Then he remembered Olga and sent his guardian guardian and a relative of Prince Oleg. In 903, Holy Olga became the wife of Prince Igor. From 912, after the death of Prince Oleg, Igor began to rule in Kiev. He successfully carried out several military campaigns. At the board of Igor, who was loyal to the Christian religion, Vera Khristova spread so much that Christians constituted a significant part of society. That is why the peace treaty with the Greeks, concluded shortly before the death of Prince Igor, was approved by two religious communities of Kiev: Christians and pagans. In 945, Prince Igor was killed by the Trees. Fearing revenge for the murder of Kiev Prince and wanting to strengthen his position, the Drevlyan sent ambassadors to Princess Olga, offering her to marry with his ruler Malom. But Olga, then also the pagan, rejected the proposal of Drevlyan. Hitness lubricating in Kiev elders and all noble husbands of Drevlyan, she agonizing her death for the death of her husband. Olga has repeatedly twisted the rafts until they submitted to Kiev, and their capital Korosten was not burned to the bell. As a tongue, she could not go to the commandment of forgiveness and love to enemies.

After the death of Prince Igor, she successfully managed the state and strengthened the power of the Kiev Grand Duke. The Great Princess parted Russian Earth in order to streamline the civil and economic life of the people. With it, the Russian land was divided into an area, or an parish, in many places she put the scots that became administrative and judicial centers. Olga's Gods entered the history and as a great creator of the culture of Kievan Rus. She resolutely abandoned the secondary marriage, while maintaining the grand permanent throne for the reducing son of Svyatoslav. Many works have attached Holy Princess Olga to strengthen the country's defense. By the time of the Board of Olga historians include the establishment of the first state borders of Russia, in the West, with Poland.

The story did not save the names of the first Christian mentors of St. Olga, probably because the appeal of the blissful princess to Christ was associated with the Divine Divine. One of the ancient texts speaks about it like this: "About the flow! Not the leading of the Scriptures, nor the law of Christian and teachers about piety do not hear, but the belly of piety is diligently and the faith of Christian-Wheat from all souls will love. About the inelence-Chennago fishing of God! Not from the man blessed learn the truth, but over the teacher there is God's wisdom. " Hist Holy Olga went through the search for truth, looking for satisfaction for his inquisitive mind; An ancient author calls her the "God-in-love launder of the wisdom." Rev. Nestor-chronicle narrates: "Blessed Olga since the small years I was looking for wisdom that there is the best in the light of this, and found a multi-sided pearl."

In 955, Prinjean went to Constantinople, where he was with honor of the Emperor by Emperor Konstantin VII Bagrynorogennoe (913-959) and Patriarch Feofilakt (933 - 956). According to the Chronicles, she soon took Holy Baptism with the name of Elena, in honor of the Holy Equal-Apostles Tsaritsa Elena (1327; Memory on May 21). The Emperor Konstantin itself became a perception. Patriarch Feofilakt instructed the Russian princess in the truths of the Orthodox faith and gave her the commandments about the preservation of church charter, about prayer, post, alms, compliance with purity. "She, tilting his head, stood, looking at the teaching, like a sponge," writes Rev. Nestor. Holy Olga returned to Kiev, taking with him the Holy Cross, icons, liturgical books. It began her apostolic ministry. She led to Christ and the Holy Baptism of many Kievians, made attempts to influence the son of a convinced gentleman, who was worried about the condemnation of the squad. But Prince Svyatoslav remained deaf to the calls of the mother. Not forcing the Son, Holy Olga prayed with humility: "The will of God will be. Necessheh God Khoshchet pardoned the genus of my and the earth is Russian, let them lay on his heart to rose to God, I can also give me a god of Darova. " Holy Olga built in Kiev, on the grave of Prince Askold, the temple in the name of St. Nicholas, laid a wooden temple in the name of the Hagia Sophia of the Wisdom of God.

Then, with the sermary of the Holy Faith, the holy princess went to the north. On the way, she crushed idols and the stone crosses were installed on the grounds of pagan capits, from which numerous miraculiarizers took place for the instructions of the pagans. When pushing into the river Great river Pskov Saint Olga saw the "Ray of Tricky Divine" - the sign of the care of God about Russia. The blissful princess delivered the cross on the place and founded the temple in the name of the Holy Library Trinity. She prophetically announced that "Grad great" will be erected here. It is historically reliably that the Holy Equal-Apostles Olga was the founder of Pskov. Upon returning to Kiev, she sent many gold and silver to build a Pskov temple.

At the end of the life, Blessed Olga has undergone many sorrow. Svyatoslav, who did not accept holy baptism, left the elderly mother and moved to the city of Pereyaslavl on the Danube. In addition, he prevented its events to approve Christianity in Russia. In 968, Kiev was besieged Pecheneg. The holy prince with grandchildren, including Prince Vladimir, were deadly danger. When the message about the siege reached Svyatoslav, he hurried to the rescue, and Pechenegs were turned to flight. The holy princess, being already seriously ill, asked her son not to leave her death. She did not lose hope to turn the heart of the Son to God and did not stop the sermon on her deathbed. On July 11, 969, Holy Olga was pressed to the Lord, having warned not to arrange TRIZNES, but to commit the burial in Christian.

After 19 years, the grandson of Holy Princess Olga Saint Equal-to-the-Great Prince Vladimir accepted baptism. He built a stone temple in Kiev in honor of the Most Holy Mother of God (the Tenty Church), where the unwanted relics of Holy Equal-Apostles Olga were transferred. Above her tomb was arranged by the window, which was opened by itself, if the relics were approached with faith. By faith, Christians were advised to see the light relics of the Holy Princess and get healing from them. The Russian people honor the holy equivalent Olga as the foundation of Christianity in Russia, turning to her with the words of Rev. Nestor: "Rejoice, the Russian knowledge of God, the beginning of our reconciliation with him."