What parents need to know about christening a boy and a girl: signs, baptism rules in the Orthodox Church and recommendations. What is the sacrament of baptism and how it happens

Baby baptism is a special sacrament that requires careful preparation. There are some rules to follow when planning your date and determining godparents for your newborn.

Long before the child plans to be born, parents begin to think about the fact that he will need to be baptized. Since ancient times, it was believed that only having baptized a baby, he finds his name and joins the people of God, becoming closer to the Lord himself. The baptism ceremony frees the little person from sins, because all children are born in sin.

In any case, this is a matter that requires compliance with many rules.

Why are children baptized?

Passing the rite of baptism, the child becomes higher on a spiritual level, he joins the church and acquires a name before the Lord.

  • Baptism is a special solemn sacrament. During the christening of a small child, a real miracle happens. The Church insists that at this moment the gates to Heaven are being opened. Baptism washes away sins from a person, making him pure before the Lord.
  • If you think about it, this is a way to warn your baby in the future from evil, problems and misfortunes.
  • The Church persistently believes that religion is not chosen “as a dress”, so parents should take care of the baptism ceremony in advance, choose godparents and “from the cradle” engage in the spiritual education of the child.
  • Baptized people are recognized by the church and you can put candles and read prayers for them. This is another reason for the timely baptism of a child in the church.

Church calendar: when to baptize a newborn?

  • The most optimal time for baptism is considered to be the days when a woman runs out of postpartum bloody discharge, that is, after forty days.
  • After the expiration of this period, you need to carefully prepare for the ceremony and calculate the date.
  • Many choose certain days on which they honor the Holy Apostles and give the baby their names.

when to baptize a newborn?

Since ancient times, it was believed that baptism can be performed on the eighth day from birth, provided that the umbilical wound is completely healed.

There are situations when parents do not wait for forty days to be baptized. The reason for this is not the baby's good health, his ability to die from illness, difficult and traumatic childbirth. In situations where it is impossible to visit the church, a priest is invited to the hospital and conducts the ceremony. In extreme cases, the mother herself reads the prayer and sprinkles the child with holy water.

After hospital baptism, it is imperative to re-baptize in the temple.

  • According to the rules, the sacrament is held on the fortieth day after the birth of the baby and this is not accidental.
  • This is the time that should put in order the mother of the child and the newborn itself.
  • It is believed that it is not worth postponing the date of baptism for a long time, and if someone from relatives is sick or could not come, the church does not accept this.
  • If fasting falls on the date of baptism, that is, on the fortieth day, this does not become an obstacle and there are no prohibitions on church holidays.
  • The only exceptions can be large church holidays, in such cases the church may not be baptized due to the very busyness of the clergy.

Preparing for a child's baptism - choosing godparents, rules and responsibilities of godparents

The christening of a child has always been considered a special holiday in the life of every family. This is the purification of the soul and body at the same time. Due to the lack of opportunity for the child to bow before God, this duty is performed for him by his godparents. It is for this reason that godparents should be chosen carefully, because they will become spiritual parents for the baby until the end of his days.

The godparents for the child must necessarily be Orthodox people and must not have any intimate relations with each other.

preparation for the baptism of the child
  • The baptism of a baby should, according to the rules, be carried out only within the walls of the church. During baptism, both parents recite the "Symbol of Faith" prayer, which serves as their proof of the Orthodox faith and respect for the duties of godparents. In their prayer, both parents completely renounce Satan and promise to take full part in the spiritual Christian education of their child.
  • It must be remembered that Christianity is a voluntary and conscious choice. So with the choice of godparents, they should not give up their fate and fully devote their strength to this whole process.
  • According to tradition, it is believed that if a girl is baptized, she must have a godmother, and a boy - a godfather. The role of the godfather can be asked to play the father himself.
  • Godparents should read a prayer for their godchild every holiday and before bedtime. It is customary to ask God for forgiveness and blessings every time, to wish the child health and to thank him for every day of life.
  • The duty of the godparents is also to introduce the child to the Bible and to receive the Holy Communion.
  • Godparents should take on the burden of "motherhood" and facilitate the mother's work by giving her rest.


Ideally, before baptism, both parents should come to church for confession, to ask God for forgiveness for all sins they have committed and to receive the Holy Communion. Before baptism, godparents need to spend the day in peace, prayer and abandon any intimate relationship with their spouses. You should also limit yourself to food.

Before baptism, the godmother must prepare all the necessary clothes for baptism:

  • kryzhma - a special diaper
  • shirt
  • hat (for girls)

The godfather traditionally acquires a cross. The cross must be silver, since this metal is considered pure and capable of attracting positive energy. Gold does not welcome the church, because this metal is not from God.

Clothes in which the baby is baptized and the kryzhma should not be washed after the baptism. In those moments when the child is sick, he should be covered with a canopy. It is believed that she is able to heal the baby and give him relief. The mother should keep all the clothes and transfer them to her child for storage already in adulthood.

How to dress for a christening in church: dress code rules

The church requires a special dress code. Men are advised not to wear clothes that are too bright and provocative with decor. It is best to wear a long sleeve shirt and trousers. It will be solemn and correct. It is better not to wear a short sleeve, some clergy react negatively to modern T-shirts. Another important point for men is to completely hide all tattoos on the body. They can be negative and therefore unacceptable in the church.

Women must adhere to a more serious dress code:

  • The woman's head must be covered with a scarf and, in no case, any headdress.
  • A woman should not wear trousers, she should definitely wear a skirt or dress that will cover her legs at least to the knees.
  • Women's shoulders should also be covered, and the neckline should not reveal the chest for everyone.
  • Every detail of the godmother's clothing should not cause indignation and condemnation. A woman must make sure that her wardrobe is not provocative: without heels, bright patterns, skulls, chains and spikes. The church is a noble place.

Every godfather must have a cross on his chest.

What are the rules for baptism?

  • The Orthodox Church says that during the baptismal ceremony, in no case should non-Orthodox people and people of other religions be present. Therefore, before christening, carefully check with all loved ones about their details.
  • The church is a pure noble place. One should go to church with a pure soul and heart. Therefore, if there are conflicts in your family, you should definitely correct them and establish communication.
  • After the baptismal ceremony, it is imperative that parents set the table for their godparents to celebrate. It is customary to give gifts to a child in order to leave as many memories as possible of this bright day.
  • Baptism can be carried out in person, or you can combine several together. The rite does not lose strength and acquires values \u200b\u200bin equal strength for everyone.
  • Hair cut during baptism should be kept by the godfather.

baptism rules in the church

Can a child be baptized under a different name?

Modern fashion dictates its own terms, and more and more often parents give their children unusual names: Viola, Allana, Milana, and so on. What about those cases when the church does not recognize the name? In such a situation, the father offers the child another Orthodox name: either similar to that of the child, or a name dedicated to the Holy Apostle.

In such situations, the child has two names, but only what the church has given gains power. In prayers and petitions to God, it is the church name of the child that should be mentioned.

Can a child be baptized if the mother is unbaptized?

The Church says that people who are not baptized have no right to be within its walls. That is why it is forbidden for non-baptized parents to be at the time of baptism. This whole situation is fundamentally wrong, and before baptizing her child, the mother must herself be baptized. Only then will her prayers gain power and meaning.

Some churches also do not consider it correct for a mother to be next to her child during baptism, even a baptized one. After all, all responsibilities fall on the godmother - and here she is the main one. All this can be understood from the point of view that a child cannot have two mothers at the same time. In such cases, the mother is outside the temple. Some churches allow mothers who do not have bleeding to be present in the temple and observe the ceremony from a distance.

baptismal ceremony

Can a pregnant woman be godmother and baptize a child?

The Church categorically prohibits being within its walls of "not clean" women, that is, those who currently have postpartum discharge or menstruation. But it is loyal and even favorable to pregnant women who decide to come to the temple. Therefore, a pregnant woman may well be the godmother.

However, you should think about the fact that the ceremony is quite complicated and requires endurance. Sometimes you should stand for a long time in a stuffy room and hold a child in your arms. Whether a pregnant woman will be able to withstand this process, and whether she can afford it, is another question.

Can a child be baptized without godparents?

Certain situations in life force parents to make difficult decisions about the choice of godparents. It often happens that there are simply no suitable people. In such cases, the church itself should come to the rescue and offer its services. The fact is that any priest can become a godparent to a child.

The baptismal rules state that a child must have at least one godparent who will pray for him.

However, it is advisable to prepare in advance in order to find suitable people for baptism. Age and social status should never matter, only the desire to share the fate of the parent and the Orthodox faith should move people.

Are children baptized during fasting and Easter?

As mentioned earlier, fasts and church holidays do not become an obstacle to the ceremony. The only exception is the situation when the priest performing the ceremony is too busy on the occasion of Easter or any other date. You should always check with the priest in advance about his capabilities and plans, and only then prepares for the event.
It is best to choose the day before Easter.

baptism for Easter

Can a child be baptized in a leap year?

Church rules have nothing against the leap year for baptism. Christening is a ceremony that brings the child's soul closer to God, and therefore, some everyday conventions should not matter. In no case should you postpone baptism on the occasion of a leap year, the child should be introduced to the Lord as early as possible.

What day of the week are children baptized?

As a rule, baptism can be carried out on any day of the week - you just have to agree with the priest. Most often, churches gather children during the first half of the week to baptize them in the second half, but they are always ready to make exceptions and hold a private ceremony.

Baptism is most often performed on Saturday, as Sunday is overloaded with church services.

baptism in the church

Baptism is usually a lengthy process that requires careful preparation and dedication. First, the ceremony takes place in a separate room, where the godparents read prayers, and the child is smeared with peace and dipped in holy water. Typically, this action lasts from forty minutes to an hour. The most important thing happens in this room - the child is given a name and a cross is put on him.

How is the baptism of a child going on?

After the ceremony, held in a separate room, the child is allowed to enter the temple and is solemnly brought into the church. The priest brings the baby to important icons and reads prayers. Father carries children-boys through the altar, girls are not allowed there. Native mothers are present in the church and read motherly prayers. It takes another forty minutes.

Baptizing a child: rules for godparents in church

During baptism, godparents should listen carefully to the priest. He will read the prayers that should be mandatory when a child acquires the Orthodox faith. They are read in the old language, so the exact repetition of some words is possible. You shouldn't get lost here. You need not to panic and try to complete the task as best you can.

During prayer, it is customary, at the request of the priest, to spit on the wall three times and blow. Here you should not overdo it and do everything symbolically. Each godparent should help each other if the child is not calm. Baptism is a holiday that should not be overshadowed by a bad state of mind. According to the rules, if a girl is baptized, she is held by the godfather, and if the boy is being baptized, by the godmother.

rules for godparents

Who cannot be the godfather of a child?

There are several rules to follow when choosing godparents:

  • godparents should not be intimate with each other
  • godmother should not have periods during baptism
  • people of other faiths cannot be godparents
  • godparents cannot be the parents themselves

These are all requirements. You can baptize several times in your life and re-baptize the children of your loved ones (that is, I will be the godfather of the child of the parents who are the godfathers of my child) is also not prohibited.

Who should buy a cross for the baptism of a child and which one?

As mentioned earlier, the godfather must buy a cross for a newborn - this is his direct responsibility. The cross must be consecrated, therefore, prefer to purchase this attribute directly in the church. If you have already purchased this part in a jewelry store, try to dedicate it in church in advance.

The cross should be the most common, without unnecessary symbols and meanings. It must have a crucifix and the inscription "Save and Preserve".


Baptism rules for girls in the Orthodox Church

The baptism of a newborn does not differ much depending on its gender and still requires some nuances:

  • A girl's clothes must necessarily have a cap - a headdress that will cover her head, as for any woman.
  • It is best to give preference to a long shirt and not dress the girl in a suit.
  • When removing the cap, cover the girl's head with a canopy.
  • The girl is not carried through the altar in the temple.

The rules for the baptism of a boy in the Orthodox Church

  • A headdress for boys does not have such a strong meaning as for girls, and therefore you can not keep it on your head.
  • The father brings the boy not only to the icons, but also carries it through the altar, leaving this sacrament only for the male sex.
  • The priest reads prayers, starting with male names.

What are the gifts for the baptism of a child?

Christening is an important date, and therefore it is customary to give many pleasant and useful gifts on this day. Most often, these are clothes for a child, toys or sums of money, for which the parents themselves decide what to buy.
It is important not to come to the holiday empty-handed. All in all, the friend will receive important things, for example, a walker or educational games.

Not infrequently, one of the godparents gives a child a silver spoon. Most often it is the godmother.

How Much Does Church Baptism Cost?

The cost of baptism depends only on the church and your generosity. Rarely are churches assigned a specific amount and more often than not they are simply asked to make a voluntary contribution to the development of the church. However, depending on the size and importance of the temple, the amount can vary from $ 10 to $ 80. This amount includes a ceremony, sometimes paraphernalia, a certificate and an ordered service in honor of the baby.

The godfather must pay for the baptismal ceremony - this is his main duty and a baptismal gift to his child.

Video: “The Sacrament of Baptism. Rules"

How to baptize a child? What are the rules for the rite of baptism? How much is it? The editors of the Orthodoxy and Peace portal will answer these and other questions.

Baby baptism

When to baptize - different families decide this issue in different ways.

Most often they are baptized on +/- the 40th day after childbirth. The 40th day is also significant from a religious point of view (in the Old Testament church, on the 40th day, the child was brought to the temple, on the 40th day, a prayer is read over the woman who gave birth). 40 days after childbirth, a woman does not participate in the sacraments of the Church: this is connected with the physiology of the postpartum period, and in general it is very reasonable - at this time all the woman's attention and strength should be focused on the child and her health.

After the expiration of this period, it is necessary to read a special prayer over it, which the priest will do before or after baptism. Very young children behave much more calmly at baptism and are not afraid when someone else takes them in their arms (godparents or a priest). Well, do not forget that up to three months, children can more easily tolerate dipping with their heads, because they retain intrauterine reflexes that help to hold their breath.

In any case, the choice of the moment remains with the parents and depends on the circumstances and the state of the child's health. If the baby is in intensive care and there are health problems, you can baptize the baby in intensive care. To do this, you can invite a priest or MOTHER CAN BAPTIZE THE CHILD HIMSELF.

You can baptize after 40 days.

If a child's life is in danger

If the baby is in intensive care, then you can invite the priest to baptize the child. From the hospital church or from any church - no one will refuse. Only first you need to find out what the order of baptism in this hospital.

If there is no admission of strangers to the intensive care unit, or if the situation is different - an accident, for example - the mother or father (and even the resuscitation nurse at the request of the parents and in general anyone) the child can be christened by themselves. A few drops of water are needed. With these drops, the child must be crossed three times with the words:

Baptized servant (s) of God (s) (NAME)
In the name of the Father. Amen. (for the first time we baptize and spray with water)
And the Son. Amen. (second time)
And the Holy Spirit. Amen. (third time).

The child is baptized. When he is discharged, the second part of baptism will have to be performed in the church - Confirmation - joining the Church. Explain in advance to the priest that they baptized themselves in intensive care. You can also baptize the baby at home, having agreed about this with the priest in the church.

Whether to baptize in winter

Of course, they drown in churches, the water is warm in the font.

The only thing is that if the temple has one door and the temple itself is small, one of the relatives can be on duty at the entrance so that suddenly the door does not open completely wide open.

How much to pay? And why pay?

Officially, there is no payment for the sacraments and services in churches.

Even Christ said: “Freely you received, freely give” (Matt, 10: 8). But only now the believers fed and watered the apostles, let them stay for the night, and in modern realities, the donation for baptism is one of the main income items of churches, from which they pay for light, electricity, repairs, fire-prevention work and a priest, who most often has many children. in the temple - this is the approximate donation amount. If there is really no money, MUST baptize for free. If they refuse - a reason to turn to the dean.

Is it necessary to be called by the calendar

Whoever wants it. Someone calls it by the calendar, someone in honor of a beloved saint or someone else. Of course, if the girl was born on January 25, then the name Tatiana is very much asking for her, but the parents choose the name for the child themselves - there are no “must ”'s here.

Where to baptize?

It is unlikely that this question will arise before you if you are already parishioners of a temple. If not, choose a temple to your liking. There is nothing wrong with visiting several temples. If the employees are unfriendly and rude (it happens, yes), you can look for a temple where you will be treated kindly from the very beginning. Yes. in the temple we come to God, but there is no sin in choosing a church according to our liking. It's good if the temple has a separate baptismal. It is usually warm, there are no drafts and no strangers.
If there are few churches in your city and they are all with large parishes, then be sure to find out in advance how many children usually attend baptism. It may turn out that a dozen babies will be baptized at the same time, each of whom will be accompanied by a whole brigade of relatives. If you don't like this kind of mass, you can agree on an individual baptism.

Baptism photography

If you decide to hire a photographer for the christening, be sure to find out in advance whether he will be allowed to shoot, use a flash. Some priests have a very negative attitude to the filming of the Sacraments and an unpleasant surprise may await you.
As a rule, photography and video filming is not prohibited anywhere. Photos from baptism are a great joy for the whole family for many years, so if you cannot take pictures in the temple, then you need to look for a temple where you can take pictures (but even in Old Believer churches it is allowed to take pictures at christenings)
In some cases, the child can be baptized at home. The main thing is to agree on this with the priest.


Who can and cannot be godfather is the most frequent question. Is it possible for a pregnant / unmarried / unbeliever / childless girl to baptize, etc. - the number of variations is infinite.

The answer is simple: the godfather must be human.

- Orthodox and Church (HE is responsible for raising a child in the faith);

- not the parent of the child (godparents must replace the parents if something happens);

- it is impossible for a husband and wife to be godparents of one baby (or those who are going to get married);

- a monk cannot be a godfather.

Contrary to popular belief, it is not at all necessary that there are two godparents. One thing is enough: women for girls and men for boys. ...

Conversation before baptism

Now it is a must. For what? In order to baptize those who believe in Christ, and not those who come, so that “the child_ gets sick_ must_ be baptized_ and_that_s_the_we_the_Russian_and_Orthodox”.

You have to come to the conversation, this is not an exam. usually the priest talks about Christ, the Gospel, reminds that the Gospel must be read independently. Looks like this.

Often, the need for a conversation arouses indignation among relatives and many try to "get around" them. Someone, complaining about the lack of time, or even just desires, is looking for priests who can neglect this rule. But first of all, this information is needed by the godparents themselves, because by inviting them to become godparents of your child, you impose a great responsibility on them and it would be nice for them to find out about it. If the godparents do not want to waste time on this, then this is a reason for you to think about whether the child needs supporters who cannot sacrifice just a couple of their evenings for him.

If the godparents live in another city and can come only on the day of the sacrament, then they can have conversations in any temple in which it is convenient. Upon completion, they will be given a certificate with which they can participate in the sacrament anywhere.

It is very good for the godparents, if they do not yet know, to learn - this prayer is read three times during baptism and, it is likely that the godparents will be asked to read it.

What to buy?

For baptism, a child needs a new baptismal shirt, a cross and a towel. All this can be bought in any church shop and, as a rule, this is the task of the godparents. The baptismal shirt is then kept along with the baby's other memorabilia. In foreign stores there is a whole line of stunningly beautiful clothes for baptism, you can also use some beautiful set for discharge.

Baptismal name

Find out in advance what name the child will be baptized with. If the name of the child is not in the calendar, select in advance a similar sound (Alina - Elena, Zhanna - Anna, Alice - Alexandra) and tell the priest about it. And sometimes names are given strangely. One of my acquaintances, Jeanne, was baptized by Eugenia. By the way, sometimes there are unexpected names in the calendar, for example. Edward is such an Orthodox British saint (though later all the church employees will not believe that there is such an Orthodox name). In church records and when performing other Sacraments, you will need to use the name given at baptism. Based on it, it will be determined when the child has Angel's day and who is his heavenly patron.

We arrived at the temple, what next?

At the church shop you will be asked to pay the baptismal donation. Before the sacrament, it is better to feed the baby so that he is more comfortable and calm.

Feed in the temple It MAY be good for this to be in nursing clothes or have an apron with you. If you need privacy, you can ask someone from the staff of the temple to find a secluded place.
The only thing is that if the baby is feeding for a long time, it is better to have a bottle-syringe with food, so that it does not happen that the baby is hungry in the middle of the service and you either have to wait half an hour until he has eaten or he will cry from hunger.

During the sacrament, the godparents hold the child in their arms, the parents can only observe. The duration of Epiphany is usually about an hour.

It is useful to familiarize yourself in advance with what will happen at the service in order to understand the meaning of what is happening. Here.

But mothers are not allowed to be baptized everywhere - it is better then to clarify this issue in advance.

Cold water?

The water is WARM in the font. First, hot water is usually poured there, before the Sacrament it is diluted with cold water. but the water in the font is warm :)

The servants of the temple, who collect it, will take care of the water being warm - they do not want the baby to freeze no less than you do. After dipping, the child will not immediately be able to dress, and here again it is worth mentioning that it is good to baptize very little ones in separate rooms and not in the church itself, where it is cool even in summer. In any case, do not worry, everything happens quickly and the child will not have time to freeze.

Should the child wear a cross all the time?

Often parents are concerned about the safety of the child wearing a cross. Someone is afraid that the child may suffer from the rope or ribbon on which the cross hangs. Many are worried that the child may lose the cross or it may be stolen, for example, in the garden. As a rule, the cross is worn on a short ribbon that cannot get tangled anywhere. And for a kindergarten, you can prepare a special inexpensive cross.

And they say that….

Baptism, like many other things in our life, is surrounded by many silly superstitions and prejudices. Older relatives can add worries and worries with stories of bad omens and inhibitions. It is better to clarify any questionable questions with the priest, not trusting, even very experienced, grandmothers.

Can baptism be celebrated?

It is quite logical that relatives who gather for Epiphany will want to continue the holiday at home or in a restaurant. The main thing is that during the holiday they do not forget the reason for which everyone gathered.

After baptism

When the Sacrament is over, you will be given a certificate of baptism, where it will be indicated when the baptism was performed, by whom, and also the day when the child has a name day will be written. After baptism, you will definitely need to go to the temple again to give the baby communion. In general, babies should be given communion regularly.

Reading time: 10 minutes

One of the most important events in the life of a believer is the sacrament, during which he is accepted into faith and the church. The baptism of a child, both a boy and a girl, is carried out according to certain church rules. The sacrament is performed according to a rite that has not changed over several centuries. Relatives and godparents should carefully and in advance prepare for this significant event.

What is child baptism

The rite of baptism of a child is a crucial step for believing parents and their baby, a procedure after which a person is accepted into the Christian faith and the church. Christenings have a long history, but the basic rules and canons have survived to this day. Holy baptism of a child is not a tribute to fashion or tradition, the rite relieves the baby from sins (hereditary or personal) and the birth takes place for a holy, spiritual life.

Choosing a name

If the name with which the baby is registered in the birth certificate is not in the calendar, then you should decide on the choice of another. They select for the baptism of the child names that are consonant with the worldly, for example, Zhanna - Anna, Sergey - Sergiy. When there is no such correspondence in the church calendar, the name of the saint is used, who is honored immediately after the birth of the baby. When choosing a name, it is better to seek help from a clergyman, and not do it yourself. In church rites, the name given during the sacrament is used. You need to know him in order to honor the heavenly intercessor.

At what age is it better to baptize a child

The Church recommends to schedule the christening of the baby as early as possible... Catholics and Orthodox Christians prescribe the baptism of a child in the first months from the date of birth, although it is allowed to perform the ceremony for a person of any age. Some postpone baptism until the time when a person can independently decide on the choice of religion. Often the date of the sacrament is set on the 40th day of the baby's life. The choice of a baptismal date that sets when to baptize a child has several rationales:

  • newborns up to 3 months old easily tolerate head-diving;
  • kids behave more calmly and do not get scared when strangers take them in their arms;
  • the baby's mother is allowed to enter the church after 40 days from the date of birth.

Christening of the child - rules and signs

If you baptize an infant in accordance with all the rules, preparation for the sacrament should begin in advance. For future godparents, the church prescribes to go to confession a few days before the date of the christening, to repent and receive communion. It is also recommended to fast for 3-4 days, although this condition is not required. In the morning before the ceremony, godparents should not eat or have sex the day before.

What days are children baptized in the church

You can carry out the sacrament of baptism of a child on any day, be it a festive, ordinary or fast. In church calendars there are no prohibitions on certain dates of the ceremony. The only exceptions are Christmas, Easter and Trinity, when the churches are overcrowded and it will be difficult to carry out the sacrament. Some temples have their own schedule related to the internal order. When choosing a day for which the baptism of children will be scheduled, it is better to consult with a priest.

The rules for baptizing a child in the Orthodox Church

When you decide to baptize a child, it is important not only to choose a temple, to purchase baptismal supplies, but also to familiarize yourself with the specific conditions of the church that parents and guests must follow. The church rules state that everyone must wear pectoral crosses. Women should wear closed dresses, cover their heads with a scarf. The baptism process lasts at least half an hour, the baby will be in his arms, so it is better to refuse uncomfortable shoes with high heels.

Men will need a suit that is dark, but not black. Although the church does not establish strict rules regarding the appearance of men, it is not necessary to go to the place where ordinances are performed wearing shorts and a T-shirt. On the eve of the solemn event, native parents, as well as godmothers and dads, must confess. A few days before the sacrament takes place, you should fast.

What is needed to baptize a boy's child

When a boy is christened, the godfather is necessarily involved in the ceremony. Traditionally, he assumes all financial obligations, buys a cross for the ceremony and a gift. The custom of paying for the ritual is not always assigned to the godfather; depending on the financial situation, the child's parents can make a donation to the church. To buy a baptismal set, which includes a shirt, a blanket, and sometimes a cap, should be a godmother. She is also responsible for the purchase of a kryzhma and a silk scarf for the priest.

Christening girl

At the sacrament of the girl's baptism, the godmother is considered the main recipient. Its main task is to read the Symbol of Faith prayer during the ceremony. If memorizing the text is difficult, you can take a hint with words. Traditionally, a woman gives a baptismal set, buys a kryzhma (white towel) for the godchildren. As a gift, you can present an icon with a saint, whose name is the goddaughter. The godfather must buy a cross, and also financially helps the girl's parents by paying for the ceremony.

Choosing Godparents

One of the main tasks of parents is to choose the right godparents (recipients) from among Orthodox Christians for their newborn. These are not just those people who give gifts to the baby for the holidays, but also engage in spiritual education, teach the rules of Christian life and the basics of the Orthodox faith. According to the church charter, one recipient is required: for a girl - a woman, for a boy - a man, but often both the godmother and the godfather are invited for the baptism procedure. Both recipients must be necessarily Orthodox Christians.

The receivers cannot be changed, so parents should be careful when choosing mentors for their crumbs. Often the relatives of the baby are invited to this responsible "position". Grandmothers, uncles, older sisters and any other people close to the family can become godparents. If you select family members, the godson will communicate with them more often, for example, at family events. In addition to the conditions set by the church, it is worth paying attention to the following qualities of potential godparents:

  • reliability;
  • a responsibility;
  • high moral and ethical values.

Who has no right to be godfather

According to the norms of church law, sometimes a person cannot become a godfather or mother. The high responsibility that is imposed on the recipients determines the circle of persons who cannot claim such an honorable role. Can't become godparents:

  • spouses or bride and groom for one child;
  • parents for their baby;
  • monks and nuns;
  • non-Orthodox, unbaptized;
  • immoral or insane;
  • children (boys under 15, girls under 13).

The sacrament of baptism - rules for godparents

Responsibility for bringing up their godchildren in the Orthodox spirit is assigned to the recipients. Preparing for this crucial stage in a child's life plays a huge role, although it does not require much effort. Previously, receivers need to go through a special interview by visiting a church. The godmother helps the parents to prepare some items for the baby's baptism. It is important that she knows how to handle the child, can take off his clothes, put on a baptismal set.

The godmother plays the most important role when the sacrament is performed on a girl. When male babies are baptized, the godfather bears great responsibility. He takes the baby after dipping in the holy font, when the baby is wrapped in a canteen. The godfather can also participate in the purchase of a baptismal set, a cross. All material expenses are secondary, the main condition for the baptism of a child is the sincere faith of relatives and godparents.

What you need to know

The great responsibility of the spiritual education of the godson, teaching him the basics of the Christian faith is assigned to the godparents. If the recipients are not sufficiently informed, then it is necessary to fill in the gaps, study the relevant literature, talk with the priests. Before the sacrament, it is better to learn about the rules of the ceremony. It is important to clarify at what stage the godmother takes the baby, and when the godfather holds the baby, at what moment the child is wrapped in a canyon, and when a baptismal shirt is put on him.

Prayer for the baptism of a child for the godparents

To accept the sacrament of baptism, a person (or recipients, if the ceremony is performed over a child) needs to know two basic prayers for all Christians: "Our Father", "Symbol of Faith." It is better to know their text by heart and understand the meaning. In the modern church, it is loyal to the fact that recipients do not remember prayers. It is allowed to read them according to the prayer book.

Duties of Godparents

The role of godparents does not end after the sacrament of baptism; they need to pay much attention to the spiritual education of the godson. By personal example, the recipients should demonstrate to the child human virtues, teach him the basics of the Christian faith. In a Christian upbringing, children need to learn how to resort to the sacraments of confession, communion, to acquaint with the dates of church holidays. The godparents give knowledge about the blessed power of the icon of the Mother of God, other shrines.

Recipients teach godchildren to attend services, pray, observe fasting and other provisions of the church charter. Of the many tasks assigned to godparents, the most important is daily prayer for your godson. Throughout life, a warm and trusting relationship should be maintained with the godson, be with him in sadness and joy.

How is the baptismal ceremony

The sacred ordinance is carried out according to a certain plan and in an established order, which has not changed for many years. The baptism of a child is called a spiritual birth, the main participants in the process are the priest, godparents and a newborn. According to ancient customs, the baby's parents should not be present at the ceremony, but today they are loyal to this, they allow mom and dad to the sacrament. The procedure can be divided into the following stages:

  1. Chin of the announcement. At that stage, over those preparing for baptism, the priest reads prohibitive prayers against evil and the baby's renunciation of it three times. The crumb is wrapped only in diapers, his chest and face should be free.
  2. Prohibition on unclean spirits. Turning to the west, the priest reads prayers directed against Satan three times.
  3. Renunciation of the recipients. The priest asks questions, and the recipients are responsible for the baby.
  4. Confession of Faithfulness to the Son of God. The godparents with the baby turn to the east and again answer the priest's questions. At the end of the rite of confession of fidelity, the recipients read the "Symbol of Faith" prayer.
  5. Consecration of water. The priest dresses in white clothes and performs the ceremony. Receivers are picked up by a candle, 3 more are lit from the eastern side of the font. After reading the prayer and asking for the illumination of the water, the priest baptizes the water three times and blows on it.
  6. Consecration of oil. This stage of baptism is carried out similarly to the lighting of water. The priest blows three times into a vessel with oil, makes the sign of the cross, reads a prayer. Baptismal water is anointed with sacred oil.
  7. Three-time immersion of the baby in the font. The priest baptizes the child by immersion in water three times. The procedure is accompanied by special prayers. After the baby is dipped into the baptismal font three times, the father transfers the baby to the recipients. The godfather takes the boy, the godmother takes the girl. The baby is wrapped in a baptismal towel or kryzhma.
  8. Dressing the baby in baptismal clothes. The baptismal ceremony continues by putting on baptismal gowns on the newly baptized, while the baby is still wearing a cross.
  9. The Sacrament of Confirmation. The father anoints the forehead, eyes, cheeks, chest, arms and legs of the baby by saying a prayer. The boy is carried three times around the altar, the priest helps the girls to venerate the icon of the Mother of God. The process is accompanied by a prayer of churching.
  10. Rite of hair cutting. The priest cuts some hair off the newborn's head. After the completion of the sacrament, this hair remains in the church, as a symbol of the first sacrifice to God.

Christening celebrations

The sacrament of the baptism of a baby ends with a family celebration. Dough and cereal dishes should be present at the festive table. Often, guests are treated to pancakes, pies and other pastries. Traditionally, poultry meat is served on the table; earthenware is used to bake it. An indispensable treat should be vegetables and herbs, symbolizing spring and the beginning of a new life. Godparents and guests present the baby with a gift. There are no special requirements for choosing a presentation. You can give everything: from an icon of a saint to a set of silver spoons.

What to do with baptismal things

How to be baptized is described in detail in the Bible, and there are no recommendations on the use of baptismal attributes. Because of this, there are many opinions and advice. Priests can recommend to parents several options for storing kryzhma:

  • fold it into the corner of the chest of drawers and take it out in extreme cases (if the baby is sick or behaves anxiously);
  • place the kryzhma near the crib, hiding from public view, so that it protects the baby.

When the baby does not wear the cross all the time, it can be stored together with the canopy in the chest of drawers. If opinions may differ regarding the use of the kryzhma, there are actions that absolutely cannot be carried out with it. The baptismal towel should not be washed, thrown away, or baptized with another person. The baptismal gown is folded into a casket or a special bag, kept for life. There is an opinion that it has healing power, the shirt can be applied to the sore spot of the person who was baptized in it.


Before Baptism happens rank of announcement.

Laying his hand on the one who came to be baptized, the priest says (here I quote this prayer and others in Russian):

“From Your Name, Lord God of Truth and Your Only Begotten Son and Your Holy Spirit, I lay my hand on Your servant (Your servant) (name), who was worthy to turn to Your Holy Name and gain protection under Your cover. Remove his (her) previous delusions, fill him (her) with your faith, hope and love, let him (she) understand that you and your only begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit: the only true God.
Let this servant (this servant) follow the ways of Your commandments, so that he (she) does good deeds that are pleasing to You, for if a person fulfills this, he will live. Write the name of Thy servant (Thy servant) in the book of Thy life, lead him (her) into Thy flock of sheep, the flock of Thy heirs, that Thy Holy Name and the Name of Thy beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, may be glorified in him (in her) Your Life-giving Spirit. Always look at Thy servant (Thy servant) with mercy, listen to the voice of his (her) prayers. Send him joy in his (her) labors and in his (her) children, so that, worshiping, he confesses You and glorifies Your great and high Name and thanks You always, all the days of his life.
Cry: For all the heavenly powers praise Thee, and Thy is the glory of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen".
Next, the priest reads prohibitive prayers against Satan. In them, the priest in the name of God forbids the devil to dominate the heart of the baptized person, drives him away from the person. The person is called "the newly elected soldier of Christ our God."

Then, everyone should face the altar, and the godmother with the baby and the priest - face from the altar. Why?
Because now the rite of denying Satan will take place.The altar is oriented to the east, because in ancient times the east was considered the bright side of God. The sun rises from the east, according to the biblical story, in the east God planted a beautiful garden of paradise - Eden ... All Christian churches are built with an altar to the east.
The West was considered to be the side of the dark forces. That is why, denying Satan, the baptized person, if he is an adult, or a godfather with a baby in his arms, turns his face to the west, to Satan.

After that, the priest blows on the mouth of the baptized person, his forehead and chest, pronouncing the words: "Cast out from him (or from her) every evil and unclean spirit hidden and nesting in his heart ...".

The baptized person (or godparents, if a baby is baptized) turns to the west, and the priest asks (the rite of renunciation of Satan is built in the form of a dialogue. The priest asks - the baptized person answers):

- Do you renounce Satan, all his works and all his angels, all his ministry and all his pride?

The baptized one answers:

- I renounce.

This is repeated three times. Then the priest also asks three times:

Have you denied Satan?

And the baptized one answers:

- I renounced.

The priest says:

- And blow, and spit on him.

The baptized one should blow and spit in front of him as a sign of his contempt for Satan.

Happening capturednot only the godfather. Everyone in the temple is focused and serious as Satan is challenged.
Here are the words with which the priest addresses the devil:

“God is Holy, Wonderful and Glorious in all His deeds and victories, Incomprehensible and Mysterious, Who for you, the devil, has predetermined the languor of eternal torment, through us, His unworthy servants, commands you and all your servants and angels to withdraw from this servant (this servant ) In the name of the True God, our Lord Jesus Christ.
I conjure you, a cunning, unclean, nasty, disgusting and alien spirit, by the power of Jesus Christ, the sovereign Lord of earth and heaven, Who commanded the deaf and dumb demon: "Get out of a man and no longer enter" - back away, understand your powerlessness, which does not even have power over pigs ... Remember the One who Himself sent you, at your request, to the flock of pigs.
Fearing God, by whose command the earth was established, the sky arose, the One who raised mountains like a plumb; He paved the valleys like a measuring stick, Who hedged the oceans with sands and paved the way for sailors in the seas and rivers.
The mountains smoke from the touch of God, His robe is daylight; He stretches out the dome of heaven like a tent, the whole earth is unshakably confirmed by the Lord on firm foundations and will not shake forever ... Come out, Satan, move away from the one who is preparing (preparing) for the Holy Enlightenment. I conjure you with the saving suffering of our Lord Jesus Christ, His True Body and Blood, His wondrous Second Coming, for He will not hesitate to come and judge the entire universe and will plunge you, with your wicked army, into fiery hell, into darkness, where the fire does not go out and the worm of torment does not sleep. "

As one theologian remarked: "The devil will not forget this insult ..." The whole future life of a Christian will be a confrontation with the cunning enemy of the human race.Thus, the baptized one declares war on the devil.

His weapons will be fasting, prayer, participation in churchx Sacraments, and above all the Sacrament of the Eucharist. He has to fight with his passions, the evil lurking in the soul.

The reward for victory will be eternal life. Defeat will also be eternal - it will consist in endless torment in the underworld along with Satan and his angels.

HOWEVER, man himself can never wage war with the devil - without alliance with Christ. Therefore, after the declaration of war, Satan in the order of catechism should be combined with Christ. The priest asks:

- Are you in harmony with Christ?

The baptized one answers:

- I combine.

Then the priest asks:

- Have you combined with Christ?

The baptized one answers:

\u003e - Combined.

The priest asks:

- And do you believe Him?

The baptized one answers:

- I believe Him as King and God, - and then reads the Symbol of Faith.

AFTER THIS, the rite of Baptism itself begins.


Water is consecrated.

How is water blessed? Sometimes one hears that "the churchmen consecrate water with a silver cross." This probably refers to the practice of immersing the cross in water. However, no action of a priest can impart beneficial properties to water. Only God can make her holy. And therefore, the most important thing in the rite of blessing water is the reading of special prayers. Moreover, only a legally ordained Orthodox priest has the right to pray with the words of these ancient prayers.

Here is one of the prayers:

“Great are you, Lord, and amazing are your deeds, and words are not enough to adequately praise your wonders.
You, Lord, created the entire universe from nothingness into being and you support and provide for every creation. You have combined the whole world from four elements, You have woven the four seasons with a ribbon. The angelic world trembles from You, the sun sings to you, the moon praises you, the stars greet you, the light hears you, abysses and rivers bow before you. You stretched out the heavens like a tent, you set limits for the seas, You filled the heavenly sphere with the air we need for our breath. The armies of angels bow to You, the many-read Cherubim and six-winged Seraphim, standing and flying around Your heavenly throne, trembling with fear in the brilliance of Your inaccessible radiance.
You are God Infinite, Eternal, Inexpressible, Unknowable. You came to earth in the form of a slave, being in everything like a man. You could not look at the torment with which the devil oppressed the human race, and you came down to earth to save us. We proclaim grace, we proclaim mercy, we cannot remain silent about the abyss of Thy good deeds: You liberated the weak human nature by Thy Birth, sanctified the bosom of the Virgin, who became Your Mother. The whole creation sings about Your appearance.
You are our God, you came to earth and lived among people, You sanctified the waters of Jordan, sending Your Holy Spirit from Heaven, You delivered the water from the evil demons filling it.
More loving to the King, come and by the Descent of Your Holy Spirit, now sanctify this water!
Give her the grace of salvation, a blessing like that given to the waters of the Jordan; make this water a source of incorruption, a gift of sanctification, forgiveness of sins, healing of diseases, destruction of demons, an impregnable stronghold for hostile forces. Let them flee from this water plotting treachery against Your creation - this servant (this servant), for Your Name, Lord, I have called, a wonderful, glorious and terrible Name for enemies. "

The priest blesses the water in which the baptized person will have to wash away his sins. He blows in a cruciform manner on the water and, immersing his fingers in it, three times overshadows the water with the sign of the cross:

“Let all opposing forces be crushed under the sign of the image of Thy cross! We pray to You, Lord: let all the airy and invisible ghosts depart from us, drive this dark demon out of the water, and deliver the baptizing (baptizing) one from the cunning and crafty spirit that leads to him (her) darkening thoughts and feelings ...

May, having united with You and accepting Your sufferings and death, this man also become a participant in Your Resurrection. Help him preserve the gift of Your Holy Spirit and increase the pledge of grace and receive the honor of the highest calling and be numbered already attained to the heavenly inheritance. "

Then some more prayers and the priest anoints the baptized person with oil: forehead, chest and shoulders.

In the East, oil (Greek - "butter") had a completely different meaning than we have today. If today oil is only one of the elements of the diet, as well as a cosmetic product, then in ancient times it had a much wider range of applications. Butter contains the nutrients necessary for human life, so they could literally support life by eating bread and butter.
In ancient times, oil was the only method of illumination, the only energy source that could be carried. Always at hand, it seemed like a concentrated light. In the evenings, all dwellings were lit only with oil lamps.
In addition, the oil, with or without additives, has been used as a refreshing scalp ointment in hot Middle Eastern climates.
The oil was also used as a medicine.
Another important feature of the oil is the ability to penetrate, seep everywhere. The ancients knew very well about this and, in order to avoid damage to stone decorations from the cold, they smeared them with oil, which, seeping into the stone, prevented the penetration of moisture that threatened to break it.

All of these pragmatic functions of oil were spiritually rethought and religious significance was assimilated into it.
Anointing with oil before baptism is performed as a sign that a person will be protected by God, that he is spiritually nourished and healed, that he is strengthened to fight demons ...

Oil is a symbol of mercy, and in this case, the mercy of God in relation to the repentant sinner. The anointing with oil also refers to the parable of the Good Samaritan told by the Savior. In this parable, the Good Samaritan, who was a type of Christ, anointed the man who “fell into robbers” with oil so that he would be healed.

THEN, finally, the most important moment comes - baptism itself.

The WORD "baptism" (in Greek "vaptisis") means "immersion".

The baptismal font is a coffin. As we plunge into the waters of Baptism, we die to our former life. Threefold immersion means three days of Christ's stay in the tomb.
But we know what happened next: after three days of Christ's presence in the bosom of death - He rose again!
Likewise, we rise from the baptismal font, reborn for a new life. Truly, Baptism is not only, as we called it, the Sacrament of spiritual birth, it is also the Sacrament of the resurrection of our soul!

So, the priest immerses the baptized person in water three times with the words:

- The servant of God (called the name) is baptized in the name of the Father, Amen (first immersion). And Son, Amen (second dive). And the Holy Spirit, Amen (third immersion).

Note that water is poured into the font warm, the temperature with which the child is usually bathed. If the baby is weak or it is cold in the room, then it is only sprinkled with water.

The godfather usually takes the baby on a snow-white cloth or towel.The one who has received Baptism puts on a new white garment, which means the purity of life in Christ, the transfiguration of a person by the Divine Light. A pectoral cross is hung around the neck of the baptized person, which should remind of the heroic deed of Christ, the duty of a Christian and the commandments of the Savior. The cross is worn under clothing and is protected all life, like the baptismal shirt.


Then chrismation is performed; through him the Holy Spirit descends on each of us, filling us with the Power of God. Holy Miro is a specially prepared butter, which is consecrated by the Patriarch once a year and sent to all dioceses, where bishops distribute it to priests. This is a great shrine. The priest anoints the already baptized person with Holy Peace: his forehead, eyes, nostrils, mouth, ears, chest, arms and legs. Each time he repeats the words: Seal of the gift of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Through this sacred act, the Holy Spirit descends on a person.

“In the early Church, the word sphragis (seal) had many meanings. But its main meaning, revealed in the anointing with holy ointment, is obvious: it is the imprint on us of the One who owns us; it is a seal that preserves and protects in us, as in a vessel, the valuable content and its fragrance; this is a sign of our high calling ”(Protopriest A. Schmemann).

Moreover, chrismation is performed on a person once in a lifetime, like baptism. Anointing of oil should not be confused with this sacrament., as well as the anointing during the unction.

This is followed by a small procession around the analogion (table) on which the Gospel lies. Symbolically, this procession means a procession after Christ Himself. The Gospel lying on the analogue indicates that the Word of God, His commandments will lie in the center of our life.

Then the Gospel is read.
Here is the text (translated into Russian):

… The eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had commanded them, and when they saw Him, they worshiped Him, but some doubted. And Jesus came near and said to them: All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. So go and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything that I have commanded you; and behold, I am with you all the days until the end of the age. Amen".

What are these words about, what does the Church address to the newly baptized one, and how does this ancient text about the Apostles relate to us today?
The apostles met the Risen Christ - so the baptized person on the inner level experienced a meeting with God;
Christ testifies that He is God - and we agree with this, acknowledge Jesus as God and the Son of God;
The Savior sends the disciples to preach - and we will go to testify to the world about God, grace, salvation, and God's commandments.
Faith without real good deeds is nothing, because “demons believe” (James 2:19). Genuine faith should be manifested as an exploit of love for one's neighbor, in deeds of mercy, good ... That is why Christ says that we ourselves must remember this and teach others that we must "observe everything that [Christ] commanded us." To observe means to “fulfill” oneself as a Christian, to live like a Christian, to build a life like a Christian.

After some more rituals, the priest reads a prayer, which says that now the newly baptized one is given over to the hands of God, and then tonsures the newly baptized one.


Crosswise from his head ( some hair on the back of the head, then from the front of the head, then from the right and left sides) cut off some hair, put it on a wax cake and dipped into the font. The tonsure symbolizes obedience to God and at the same time marks the small sacrifice that the newly baptized one brings to God in gratitude for the beginning of a new spiritual life.

Today the priest puts the cut hair into a wax plate and lowers it into the font. Later they are taken out of there and put in a clean place or buried.


Baptism ends with prayers and the rite of churching, which denotes the first offering to the temple. The baby, taken in the arms of the priest, sweeps through the church, the girls are brought to the iconostasis, the boys are brought to the Royal Doors and brought into the altar, after which they are given to their parents. The churching symbolizes the consecration of the baby to God according to the Old Testament model. After Baptism, the infant should be given the Holy Communion.

HOWEVER, a person leaving the temple must remember that his Christian life is just beginning, that he has renounced Satan and united with Christ. Now he must start another life ...

BAPTISM is the beginning of a new life. A person must bear the fruits of Baptism, and this requires work.

BAPTISM obliges a person to many things. First of all, it obliges him to fight with himself: with his passions, bad inclinations, in general, with his "old man" who hates other people, is malicious, envious, proud, despises, deceives, fornication, etc.

<Крещение также обязывает человека вести церковную жизнь, которая прежде всего заключается в участии в Таинстве Евхаристии – причащении Тела и Крови Господа нашего Иисуса Христа. Это Таинство совершается в православных храмах во время Божественной Литургии. После принятия Крещения человек должен прийти в храм для воцерковления, после чего он уже может участвовать в Евхаристии.

The Eucharist is the core of church life. During each Orthodox liturgy, our Lord Jesus Christ gives people Himself for communion. People partake of His Flesh and Blood in order to be in constant union with Him. Without participation in the Eucharist, a person cannot hope for his own salvation.

EVERY true believer in Christ should regularly participate in the Eucharist. Beforehand, he is obliged to clear his conscience through the Sacrament of Penance, fast for several days, reinforcing the fast with intense prayer. And then, having asked permission from the priest, to partake of the Most Pure Mysteries of Christ.

Parents or godparents should bring small children to the sacrament as often as possible.They do not need special preparation, since they are clean without it. The only thing that is needed is for the children to receive communion on an empty stomach, without eating anything in the morning.

ANOTHER essential condition for spiritual life is prayer. A person who is baptized commits himself to prayer.

PRAYER is a person's appeal to God. In it, he asks the Lord for mercy, asks for forgiveness of sins, help in difficulties, thanks God for His good deeds to himself.

Prayer is food for the soul, without which the soul dies of spiritual hunger.

You need to pray constantly. Usually all Orthodox Christians in the morning and in the evening read the so-called "Morning" and "Evening Rule", which are contained in the "Prayer Books". During the day you can pray the "Jesus Prayer":

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me.

Or, more at length: Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.

This prayer is convenient because it can be prayed everywhere: on the street, at work, on the road.

In any case, you need to consult a priest about your prayer rule.

A PERSON who has been baptized must always remember that he has denied Satan and promised not to participate in his affairs. Therefore, the one who, after Baptism, begins to go to all kinds of "psychics", "spellcasters", "folk healers", etc., breaks this oath given to God. Thus, he again enters into union with Satan and refuses to union with Christ, denying his Baptism.

A person must remain faithful to the Orthodox Church and not participate in the meetings of Baptists, Jehovah's Witnesses and other sectarians. It is a deadly sin for those who are re-baptized by the Baptists.

A Christian cannot be a follower of the Roerichs, occultism, various Eastern cults.

What does baptism give a person? If you answer this question, then everyone will be able to make a choice, quite consciously and reasonedly, whether he should be baptized, or not.

At first,in Baptism, a person is cleansed from all sins, including original sin, which we inherit as a genetic disease (the name “original” has nothing to do with childbirth). This is stated in the main Christian prayer, which is called the "Symbol of Faith", and which must be read during Baptism: "I confess one baptism for the remission of sins." In preparation for Baptism, the "Symbol of Faith" must be read, understood and memorized, and if suddenly you do not agree with any of its points, then it is too early to be baptized.

Secondly, in Baptism, a person is born into a new life, a spiritual life, in which he has completely different, previously inaccessible opportunities: union with God, receiving grace, and in the long term - inheritance of eternal life.

When is the best time to be baptized?

The question of when it is better for a person to be baptized - sooner or later - in different periods of history was resolved in different ways.

A simple logic speaks in favor of later baptisms (in adulthood and even old age): in the baptismal font a person is cleansed of ALL of his sins - both the original sin inherited and accumulated independently throughout his life before baptism. This means that the later you are baptized, the fewer mistakes you will have time to commit in the remaining period of time, the more righteous you will appear at the last judgment.

However, this logic has several serious flaws. Firstly, death does not always come in old age and according to a pre-planned schedule, and prudently postponing baptism "for later" one must remember that this "later" may not come. Secondly, baptism gives a person the opportunity to unite with God already here, in this life, in the Sacrament of the Sacrament, and, postponing baptism, we deprive ourselves of this opportunity.

The fashion for late baptisms arises periodically, and each time it causes a discussion around itself. In particular, St. Gregory of Nyssa, in an essay with the telling title "Against those who postpone baptism," wrote: “Protect yourself from the impermanence and uncertainty of life. Do not bargain with grace, lest you lose the gift. "

Should babies be baptized?

You can be baptized at any age, starting from the moment of birth. But the question of whether babies should be baptized arises quite regularly. What are the most common arguments against child baptism?

Argument # 1: “making a choice for a child in favor of baptism is violence; grows up - he will figure it out. Raising children inevitably involves making choices for them. We choose books and toys for our children, clubs and sports sections, school and place of residence. We decide whether to vaccinate and take antibiotics, instill in the child what is good and what is bad - and exactly in the form in which we ourselves understand it. In any case, parents strive to educate children in their own system of values \u200b\u200b- this is the question of the freedom of choice of children. And baptism is not just a change of status in the heavenly office, it is, first of all, the acquisition of new opportunities by a person. And here I would like to quote an excerpt from one of the forum discussions on the appropriateness of infant baptism:

“You see, this debate is pointless, because at the root of it lies the question of how parents perceive God. If for them God is the most valuable thing in life, its meaning, truth and love, then mom and dad cannot even think of leaving their baby without this Gift. If, for parents, God is just one of the forms of cognition and communication with the world, a part of culture, etc., then, of course, they can postpone the Baptism of an infant with the cold wording: "When he grows up, he chooses himself."

There is probably nothing to add here.

Argument number 2: “you don’t need to baptize the child, because until the age of seven he is already sinless”. Indeed, children under seven years of age in the Orthodox tradition are considered babies who are not able to fully answer for their actions, therefore, confession is not obligatory for them. However, they are not free from original sin, as mentioned above. And before baptism they are deprived of many opportunities - they cannot receive communion, celebrate the Day of the Angel (which they simply do not have), they cannot be prayed for in the Church - only at home.

In any case, the choice in this matter remains with the parents (it is with the parents, not grandparents and other relatives, friends and sympathizers).

What is needed for this

In addition to the very desire to be baptized, certain conditions and related accessories will be required. The necessary conditions may be the following: if a child is baptized, then you cannot do without godparents, and also, in some churches you may be required to attend public talks. Of the necessary accessories, we will name perhaps everything, but their complete package will depend both on your desire and on the temple where the Baptism is performed.

So, you will need: cross with the device on which it will be held on the neck, the chain or thread does not matter. If a small child is baptized, it makes sense to take a thread with a silk or wide satin ribbon so that they do not cut the delicate skin. There are observations that gold and silver chains also do not cause unpleasant irritation to the baby's skin.

Baptismal shirt - it can be purchased in a specialized temple, or, if you like difficulties, sew it yourself, the cut is simple, it resembles a nightgown with an embroidered cross on the back. In fact, this is not an obligatory attribute of baptism, but it gives the event to be performed additional refinement and corresponds to the traditional church aesthetics. If you don't buy a baptismal shirt, you need to stock up on a form of clothing that would not embarrass you and those around you when in contact with water. Now in many churches there are fonts for full immersion, respectively, everything that the baptized person will wear will be guaranteed to be wet. But even where baptism is performed by pouring in a small font, you will also be doused with water at least up to your waist.

Candles - they can be purchased directly in the church where the baptism will take place, they are necessary to participate in the procession of the cross, which takes place during this service. It is worth clarifying how many candles are needed for one baptized person and godparents in the church in which you are baptized, because some of them are given to the altar as a donation.

Towel - but here you yourself understand, the more, the better, if someone thinks that a small waffle towel is enough, he will be very jealous of people who were not too lazy to take real bath towels, it's still wet.

Change of clothes - if you don’t have it, then not only until the end of the baptism, but also much after it, you will have to experience a number of awkwardness and inconveniences about your appearance. As a rule, in the temples there is a place where you can dress separately for men and women, and for especially chaste and individual. However, it will be even better if you ask in advance whether there is such a place in the church and if suddenly it does not appear, and you are going to be baptized there, you can foresee everything in advance, by the way, usually it is necessary to take a baptismal form only before the baptism itself, with the exception of legs, but more on that below. Until the very moment of baptism and after it, you can be in everyday clothes.

Slippers - they will be needed because your bare legs will be needed. As a rule, you will be offered to take off your shoes at the beginning of the service, and in order not to remain barefoot you can take slippers with you. The most ideal option is shale.

Baptism certificate , in some churches it may not be available, so ask in advance if it will be issued. Now they are of different types: simpler and more beautiful, you can choose and purchase yourself, or you can rely on the temple where the baptism will be performed. In any case, it is necessary to make sure that it is correctly filled in, the name of the baptized and godparents, the date of the baptism, the name of the priest, the name of the temple, an indication of the heavenly patron and the day of the angel are correctly set.

Camera or camcorder, of course at your discretion, but baptism is performed only once in a lifetime, why not capture it. Again, ask in advance if there are any restrictions on photo and video shooting in this temple.


In fact, the institution of godparents has now lost its former significance. It is very rare to find an example of godparents really participating in the upbringing of their godchildren. Moreover, godparents very often simply live very far away and physically cannot fulfill their duties. Ideally? And ideally, godparents bear full responsibility on an equal basis with parents until the age of their child for his Orthodox upbringing and education. In fact, they are the second parents. This concern includes a whole range of activities - from home education, to joint church services and financing of corresponding needs - for example, the acquisition of spiritual literature, icons, a baptismal cross, finally.

During the baptism itself, the godparents renounce Satan for the baptized person and unite with Christ, confirm this desire aloud and perceive their child from the font. In a word, they testify to everyone about their own adequacy in the Christian upbringing of their godson. Naturally, according to church opinion, godparents are also responsible before God for the spiritual and moral life of their child.

This, of course, is an ideal, but one must strive for it. Therefore, choose the godparents accordingly. Church practice, however, leaves the opportunity for the godfather to be less upset and reflect on not fulfilling his duties, if the godson or his parents do not want it. Here, the family world cannot be tested by the efforts of the godfather if the family is not ready for it. But you need to remind them regularly. That is why the godparents necessarily fit into the baptismal certificate.

Traditionally, a boy is selected a godfather, and a girl is a godmother, if it is not possible to have both at once. Godmothers cannot be directly related to each other and the baptized person, for example, a husband and wife cannot be godparents to each other and at the same time have one child to whom they were invited. Other relatives may well be suitable for this role.

For all the frivolity of the godparents fulfilling their duties, even with name days and other personal and church holidays, just as a human being, godparents should congratulate their godchildren, without depriving them of this communion. And finally, if the parents of the baptized person disappear, the godparents should take care of them as if they were their own children, even to the extent that they take them home, at least as Sirius Black took Harry Potter.

About public talks, or why are lectures needed before baptism?

Today, in most of the churches of Yekaterinburg, in preparation for the Sacrament of Baptism, it is proposed to attend special classes - public talks. The number and quality of them in each church is different, the meaning is the same - to explain to the baptized the basics of the faith they are going to accept, to tell about the changes that take place in life after baptism. That is, public talks should contribute to a more conscious and more serious approach to Baptism.

Proclamation - that is, oral instruction in faith before being baptized - this is exactly the new, which is the well-forgotten old. The tradition of public talks was formed in the Church already in the second or third centuries from the birth of Christ. Then the announcement lasted from forty days to three years. Even special public schools were created, which became truly centers of education. For example, in one of the most famous - the Alexandrian public school - not only theology and philosophy, but also ethics, dialectics and even physics were taught.

The memory of the traditions of the ancient Church has come down to us in worship and folklore. Until now, the main church service - the Liturgy (the one you can get to if you come to church on Sunday morning) is divided into two parts. The first part is called the "Liturgy of the Catechumens" - there are also those who are not baptized, but who are preparing for baptism, that is, the catechumens. They pray together with everyone, listen to the reading of the Holy Scriptures and the sermon. This part ends with a special prayer - specifically about the catechumens. There are words addressed to them by the priest: "Pray, to the catechumens, the Lord," after which the catechumens themselves must answer, "Lord, have mercy." And since in the ancient Church there were many catechumens, and they answered with enthusiasm, the saying arose "howl like the catechumens." However, today it is not relevant, since all prayers are sung by the church choir. The second part of the service - "the liturgy of the faithful" - begins with the words "catechumens, go out." In the second part of the liturgy, only the baptized remain.

Now, in many churches, this catechurative discourse is partially restored, albeit in very different forms. Somewhere from godparents or adult baptized people are required to attend only one conversation preceding the performance of the Sacrament. And somewhere you need to attend 12 or 16 classes. Announcement conversations allow you to get information, as they say, firsthand, and in some way are a unique opportunity for a kind of church educational program.

In any case, you will have to clarify whether the temple that you have chosen for baptism has such conditions for its acceptance, and whether you are ready to agree to it. There is always one more proven and traditionally Russian way of solving all problems - to be baptized by acquaintance. Then, as a rule, an acquaintance father hopes for your home self-education, and will not torment you with tedious narratives, if you so assess everything that happened from the creation of the world to the events of at least 33 years from the Nativity of Christ in Palestine.

How Baptism takes place

Baptism can be performed both individually and collectively, depending on your wishes. Again, this issue must be resolved the day before. Naturally, individual baptisms will always be preferable, but, unfortunately, not so many people know about their right to be baptized this way, and not wait for one common day. You just need to talk to the priest.

At the beginning of the baptism, the priest will explain where to whom to stand: baptized people, godparents and sympathizers who came to care for their loved ones. Also, obviously, explanations will be given for those who are taking photos and videos. By the way, the best position is in front of the priest and slightly to the side, then you can choose the most successful angle for the main points.

Baptism begins with naming prayers, with which the baptized are assigned their Christian names. Also, from this time on, a person has his heavenly patron and the Guardian Angel is activated. Sometimes people are renamed if there is no name in the calendar, which was awarded to the child by his parents. The priest reads prayers and first blesses everyone with the sign of the cross, blessing those who have come, and then puts his hand on their head with his palm, symbolizing church protection. At the same time, the baptized will need to loudly tell the priest their names, in the future, the priest will gradually remember them.

After that, four rather long prohibitive prayers are read, which are forbidden to act on the baptized forces of satanic, demonic forces. Anyone who has watched Western thrillers and horror films on the topic of exorcism can safely draw analogies, the way it is. In the Orthodox sequence of baptism, there is room for the exorcism of the devil. As a sign of this, the priest turns to those who are being baptized and blows a threefold and crosswise in each person's face, pronouncing the appropriate words of the spell. If worms or cockroaches did not fall out of you, you can assume that you have passed the exorcism rite successfully.

From this moment, the phase of active participation of the baptized and godparents in the event begins. Everyone turns to the west, as a rule, to the exit from the temple and the priest warns that now he will ask questions, which should be answered loudly and clearly, preferably in chorus. He himself prompts him to answer along the way, however, if people attended public talks, they themselves know. At the same time, as a sign of freedom from the shackles of Satan, everyone raises both hands up, showing that there are no shackles on the wrists. Twice the priest asks three times about whether those who have come are denying Satan, to which they answer in the affirmative with the established formulations.

The most active actions in this event are the fulfillment of the priest's proposal: "And duni and spit on him." At this moment, you need to blow and spit on the floor. The fact is that the life of a Christian begins with an insult, with spitting at the enemy of salvation. Thus, the person says: we have nothing in common with you, Satan, just do not, I spit on you - the latter happens literally.

Immediately after the denial of the devil, union with Christ takes place. Everyone turns to face east, as a rule, to the altar, as they stood, and again answer the priest's questions, but with their hands down. The priest asks several times about the seriousness of the intentions of those who came, and they also answer in the prescribed form. At this stage, it is good if one of the godfathers turns out to be especially prepared and can take upon himself to read aloud the Symbol of the Orthodox Faith. The symbol of faith is a set of basic doctrinal truths, or dogmas, which briefly talks about what we Christians believe in. If none of those who have come by heart knows the Creed, the priest himself can read it, and the rest will try to understand at least something. Ideally, every Christian should not only know it by heart, but also be able to comment on why it is so, and not otherwise. But, usually, this is your first self-education assignment. It is easy to find the Symbol of Faith, it is in any Prayer Book or in a book that is simply necessary for everyone and which is called very familiarly: "The Law of God."

After reading the Symbol of Faith in the end of all questions, the priest teaches those who have come how to be baptized and bow down correctly, meaning how to sign themselves with the sign of the cross. In addition to the fact that we fold our fingers at baptism in a certain way - the large, index and middle fingers together, symbolizing our faith in the Trinity, and we bend two to the palm - the nameless and little finger, as a sign that Christ was both God and Man, we overshadow yourself like this: on the forehead, on the stomach, on the right shoulder and on the left, completing the sign of the cross with a small bow. We thus invoke the sanctification of God on all our thoughts, feelings and actions. And we are baptized from right to left in honor of the prudent robber, who was crucified on the right hand of Christ, and did not swear at Him with everyone, but simply quietly asked the Lord to remember him in the Kingdom of Heaven.

It is at this moment that one should change clothes, having already taken on the actual baptismal form. Just before the immersion, the priest will anoint you with holy oil - oil, which symbolizes the Grace of God. It will anoint your forehead, chest, ears, arms and legs.

Usually, they are baptized by seniority, starting with the smallest, but this is up to the priest to decide. Needless to say, you should take a good shower the day before.

You will dive into the water three times, and if this is related to diving, calculate in advance how much oxygen you need. Try to dive, but not swim, as it will be difficult to catch you right away with a large font. While you are being submerged or doused, the support team prepares a large towel, and the press photographers keep their cameras idle. Immediately after baptism, you should change clothes, but your legs should still be free.

Then it comes to crosses. If you purchased them in a church, you do not need to consecrate them, but if this is a thing from a store, you should ask in advance that the cross be consecrated to you, they can do this right there, at baptism.

The priest himself puts crosses on everyone, which should be immediately removed behind the collar, since he is not a shirt or dress, but worn on the neck.

The Sacrament of Confirmation

After this, the Sacrament of Confirmation is performed. You will again be smeared with holy oil, but this time it is not oil, but holy Miro. In this Sacrament, a person is given the grace-filled Gifts of the Holy Spirit for leading a Christian life. And this Sacrament is so important that it, like baptism, is accepted by a person only once (for the second time in his life they are anointed only when ordained to the episcopate and when they access the royal throne, hence the expression “anointed to the kingdom”). The priest will anoint the forehead, chest, lips, eyes, nose, ears, hands and feet.

Holy Miro (from the Greek μύρον "fragrant oil") is a specially prepared and consecrated fragrant oil. In the Orthodox Church, Miro is prepared on the basis of olive oil with the addition of white wine and many aromatic substances (this includes aloe, frankincense, rose petals, violet, spicy and galangal roots, nutmeg, rose, lemon and clove oils - about forty ingredients in total). The abundance of ingredients symbolizes the diversity of Christian virtues.

Myro is brewed by the Patriarch, on Holy Week in the Small Cathedral of the Donskoy Monastery (in Moscow), where a special oven was set up for this purpose. It is consecrated on Maundy Thursday (the last Thursday before Easter) in the Patriarchal Epiphany Cathedral in Yelokhov, and from there it is transported by bishops to their dioceses. This is where the saying “all smeared with one world” exists in the Russian language.

Earlier in churches, baptism was performed quite rarely, because they were waiting for the graduation from the catechuch school and arranged a general parish holiday. And they celebrated in the following way: they made a small procession of the cross, to some famous place that was not far from the temple, or they walked around the temple itself and sang songs of the newly baptized, in which they glorified the event. And now, you will also be offered to take part in the procession of the cross, which, as a rule, now takes place around the font where the baptism took place. To do this, you need candles prepared in advance, one for each. During the procession, you will also be invited to take part in the general singing, and this opportunity should not be missed. Especially if everything is recorded on a video camera.

Immediately after Baptism and Confirmation, a person makes the first, at least in his baptized life, a grateful sacrifice to God. And such a sacrifice is nothing more than his own hair, that adornment that crowns the most wonderful part of our body. At the same time, the hairstyles do not suffer, the father will cut you three times very modestly and tastefully, in the form of a cross on his head.

Baptism ends with prayers of churching, while men are led into the altar - the most holy place of the Temple, and they are read to women in front of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos.

What's next?

And then you yourself are already the owners of the gift that you just received. Again, ideally, it would be nice to take the change seriously and start your own religious life. Learn what prayer is, try to attend Saturday and Sunday services in church, confess and receive communion at least once a month, and so on, but it is worth talking about this in more detail and in detail. In any case, baptism makes each person his own God more than it was before. Baptism is the birth of a new person in oneself. And each of us knows perfectly well that giving birth to a person is not easy, but it is even more difficult to raise him.

Symbol of faith

I believe in one God, the Father, Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, visible to all and invisible.

And in the one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Only Begotten, Who was born of the Father before all ages, Light from Light, God is true from God, true, born, uncreated, consubstantial with the Father, who is all by Him. For us, for the sake of man and for our salvation, he came down from heaven and incarnated from the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary, and became human. Crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered, and was buried. And he rose again on the third day according to the Scriptures. And ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the Father. And packs of the coming with glory to judge the living and the dead, His Kingdom will have no end.

And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Life-giving, Who is from the Father that proceeds, Who is worshiped and glorified with the Father and the Son, who spoke the prophets.

In one Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.

I confess one baptism for the remission of sins. Tea of \u200b\u200bthe resurrection of the dead. And the life of the next century. Amen.