Standing at Urge 1480. Great standing on the River Ugra

Ivan III bursts the khan dip and batch bass in front of Tatar ambassadors in 1478. Artist A.D. Kivchenko.

In the memory of the Russian people, a difficult period of history, called the "Ordane Igog", began in the XIII century. Tragic events on rivers Kalka and City lasted almost 250 years, but triumphantly ended on the River Ugra in 1480

The significance of the Kulikov battle of 1380 was always attached great attention, and Moscow Prince Dmitry Ivanovich, who received an honorable console after the battle to the name "Donskaya", is a national hero. But no less heroism also showed other historical characters, and some events, possibly undeservedly forgotten, commensurate by their significance with the battle on Don. Events that were put in 1480 an end to the End of IGU Horde are known in the historical literature under the common name "Standing in Ugra" or "Ugorchchin." They were a chain of fighting the border of Russia between the troops of the Great Moscow Prince Ivan III and the Khan of the Big Horde of Akhmat.

The battle on the river of the Ugration, which put the end of the Orda IGU.
Miniature from the facial chronicle arch. XVI in.

In 1462, the Moscow Big Throne inherited the Senior Son of Vasily II Dark Ivan. As the head of the foreign policy of the Moscow Principality, Ivan III knew what he wanted to: be a sovereign of all Russia, that is, to unite under its authority all the land of the north-east and commit to the Horde addiction. To this goal grand Duke Walked all his life and must be said successfully.

The Sovereign of All Russia Ivan III
Vasilyevich Great.
Titular. XVII century
By the end of the XV century, the formation of the main territory of the Russian centralized state was almost completed. All the capitals of the specific principalities of Northeast Russia bowed the head to Moscow: in 1464, the Yaroslavl Principality was joined, and in 1474 - Rostov. Soon, the same fate suffered Novgorod: in 1472, partly, and in 1478 it was finally, Ivan III crossed the separatist trends of part of the Novgorod boyarism and eliminated the sovereignty of the Novgorod Faodo Republic. The main symbol of Novgorod Volost - the eunch bell was removed and sent to Moscow.

Historical words uttered at the same time Ivan III: "Our state of the great princes is such: the Bell Tower in Novgorod is not in Novorod, the landing house is not to keep our gentleman, and the motto of Russian sovereigns for several centuries ahead.

Map. Hiking Ivan III.

While the Moscow State of Male and Fastened, the Golden Horde has already broken up into several independent publications, not always peacefully along with each other. First, the lands of Western Siberia with the center in the city of Chinga Tura (current Tyumen) were separated from it. In the 40s. On the territory between Volga and Irtysh north of the Caspian Sea, an independent Nogai Horde with a center in the city of Saraychik was formed. A little later on the lands of the former Mongol Empire around the borders of its succession - the Kazan (1438) and the Crimean (1443), and in the 60s. - Kazakh, Uzbek and Astrakhan Khanate. The throne of the Golden Ordinsky kingdom and the title of Great Khan was in the hands of Akhmat, whose power extended to extensive territories between the Volga and Dnipro.

During this period, the relationship between the unifying Northeast Russia and the disintegrating anrict was uncertain. And in 1472, Ivan III finally stopped paying to the ordinarians. The campaign of Ahmat-Khan in 1480 became the last attempt to return Russia to the subordinate Horde.

For a hike, a suitable moment was chosen when Ivan III was in a dense ring of enemies. In the north in the area of \u200b\u200bPskov, the Livonian Order robbed, the troops of which under the leadership of the master von der Borch seized extensive territories in the north of the country.

From the West, the Polish King Casimir IV threatened from the West. Directly with the Polish threat was associated with trouble, which arose within the state. Novgorod Boyars, Using Casimir and Livons, organized a conspiracy in order to transition to Novgorod under the power of Inomes. The head of the Archbishop of Feofil was standing at the head of the prison. In addition, in Moscow, the rebellion of the Native Brothers Ivan III The specific princes of Andrei Big and Boris Volotsky, requiring an increase in the territory of the lots and strengthening their influence on the management of the state. Both rebellious prince requested help from Casimir and he promised them all sorts of support.

The news about the new campaign of the Ordans reached Moscow in the last days of May 1480. In the Typographic Chronicle of the beginning of the invasion, it is said: "Priide the Great Prince, I am complemented by Tsar Ahmat, to go with his Ordo and Tsarevichi, Ulamen and Prince, also with the king in A united Duma with Kazimer, King Bo and led him to the Grand Duke ... ".

Having received the news of the speech of the Horde, the Grand Duke was supposed to take responses of both diplomatic and military.

Creating a coalition with the Crimean Khanate, directed against a large horde, began Ivan III shortly before the start of the invasion. April 16, 1480 Moscow Embassy led by Prince I.I. Zvenigorodsky zvel went to the Crimea. In Bakhchisara, the Moscow ambassador signed a mutual assistance agreement with Khan Mengli. The Russian-Crimean Union had a defensive and offensive character in relation to Casimir and defensive in relation to Akhmat. "And on the king's Ahmat," the Crimean Khan wrote to Ivan III, to visit you for one. If the king of Ahmat will go to me, and Tobe is my brother to the great prince Ivan, Tsarevichi his release on the Horde with the Ulan and Prince. And then on you, Ahmat King and me Mengli-Hire King on Akhmat Tsar to go or brother to let go with his people. "

The Union with Mengli-Gyrey was concluded, but the complexity of the situation on the border of the Crimea and the Grand Principality of Lithuanian, as well as the relative weakness of Mengly-Hire, as an ally, did not allow to hope for the prevention of the Ordan aggression only by diplomatic paths. Therefore, for the defense of the country, Ivan III adopted a number of actions and a military nature.

By the beginning of the invasion of Ahmat at the southern borders of the Moscow state, there was a deeply echelonized system of defensive structures. This damage line consisted of fortress cities, numerous intercourse and earth shafts. With its creation, all possible protective geographic properties of the area were used: ravines, bog swamps, lakes and especially rivers. The main line of defense of the southern borders has stretched across the OK. This part of the die-sided feature was called "Ok Coastal discharge."

The service for the protection of the Okina region was introduced by Ivan III in a mandatory service. Here, to protect the boundaries of the principality, the peasants from not only neighbor were sent in turn, but also distant villages. During the invasion of the horde, it was more walking militia was to withstand the first onslaught and keep the enemy on the border turns before the main forces approach. The principles of the referee defense were also developed by the Military Administration of the Grand Duke in advance. The preserved "Agrican Ugric Voivhods" is clearly shown.

Diorama fragment "Great standing on the river Ugra". Museum-Dirama. Kaluga region, Dzerzhinsky district, p. Palaces, Vladimir Skece of the Kaluga Holy Tikhonoy Desert.

To help the troops carrying permanent service at South "Ukraine", at the end of May - early June, the Grand Duke sent the Voevod to the Oki area with armed detachments. In Serpukhov, the son of Ivan III Ivan was dressed as a young. In Tarusa for the preparation of the city to defense and the organization, the Tatars went by the brother of Moscow Prince Andrei Leshsky. In addition to them, in Russian chronicles, as one of the leaders of the defense of the die cast, the distant relative of Ivan III Prince Vasily Veresky is mentioned.

The measures taken by the Grand Prince turned out to be timely. Soon on the right bank of the Oka, separate enemy connectors appeared. This fact was reflected in the chronicle: "Tatarov, who has become Plenishnye, Plenush, and Otidosh." The first blow, perfect, apparently from the intelligence goal, was applied on one of the right-banking priocy Russian volosts, not covered with a water barrier from the attacks on the side of the steppe. But seeing that the Russian troops occupied defense on the opposite shore, the enemy went away.

The sufficiently slow nomination of the main forces of Akhmat allowed the Russian command to determine the possible direction of the main strike of Akhmat. The breakthrough of the die-bit should be held either between Serpukhov and Kolomna or below Kolomna. The nomination of the grand duct regiment under the leadership of Voivpends Prince D.D. Holmsky to the place of a possible meeting with the enemy ended in July 1480

The determination of the goals of Akhmat is indicated by specific facts that have been reflected in the chronicle sources. Ahmat's army, in all likelihood, included all Cash Military Forces of the Big Horde at the time. According to the chronicles, together with Akhmat, his nephew Kasim, and six more Tsarevichi, whose names in Russian chronicles were not preserved. Comparing with those forces that he exhibited the Horde earlier (for example, the invasion of one in 1408, the massens in 1451), it is possible to conclude about the numerical composition of the Akhmat troops. We are talking About 80-90 thousand warriors. Naturally, this figure is not accurate, but it gives a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe invasion scale.

The timely deployment of the main forces of Russian troops on defensive turns did not allow Ahmat to force OKU in the central site, which would allow the Ordans to be in the shortest direction to Moscow. Han turned the army to Lithuanian possessions, where he could successfully solve the double task: first, connect with the shelves of Kazimir, and secondly, without any particular difficulty to break into the territory of the Moscow principality from the Lithuanian lands. There are direct news about this in Russian chronicles: "... Pide to Lithuanian land, bypassing the Oku River, and expecting a king to help or strength."

Ahmat's maneuver along the window of the turn was in a timely manner discovered by Russian watchheads. In this regard, the main forces from Serpukhov and Tarusi were transferred to the west, to Kaluga and directly on the bank of the river Ugra. There were also the shelves going on the reinforcement of grand-road troops from various Russian cities. So, for example, force forces tver Princess led by Vojvodi Mikhail Kholmsky and Joseph Dorogoguzhsky. To get ahead of the orders, before you go to the banks of the Ugra, take and strengthen all the comfortable places - such a task stood before the Russian troops.

Ahmat's movement to the thief thawed a greater danger. First, this river, as a natural barrier, has significantly inferior Oke. Secondly, leaving for a thief, Ahmat continued to remain in the immediate vicinity of Moscow and with the rapid forcing of the water line could reach the capital of the principality for 3 equestrian transition. Thirdly, the entry of the Ordans at the limits of the Lithuanian land pushed Casimira to the statement and increased the likelihood of the combination of Ordans with Polish troops.

All these circumstances were forced to the Moscow Government to take emergency measures. One of these measures was the holding of the Council. In the discussion of the current situation, the son and co-guards of the Grand Duke Ivan, his mother - Prince Inokin Martha, Uncle - Prince Mikhail Andreevich Veresky, Metropolitan, All Russia, Gerontius, Archbishop Rostov Vasian and many boyars. The Council adopted a strategic action plan aimed at preventing the invasion of the Ordans to Russian Earth. It envisaged simultaneous solution of several different problems.

First, an agreement was reached with rebellious brothers about the end of the "Jam." The cessation of feudal rebellion significantly strengthened the military-political position of the Russian state in the face of the Ordia hazard, deprived Ahmat and Kazimir of one of the main trumps in their political game. Secondly, it was decided to translate Moscow and a number of cities to siege. So, according to the Moscow chronicles, "Metropolitan Gerontius villages sat in the siege in Grada, and the Great Prince of Inok Marfa, yes Prince Mikhail Andreevich, yes, the governor of Moscow Ivan Yuryevich, and much many people from many hails." A partial evacuation of the capital was carried out (Wife Ivan III The Grand Princess Sophia, juvenile children and the state treasury were sent from Moscow to Belosero. Partially evacuated the population of the Prioki cities, and the garrisons in them were strengthened by the state archers from Moscow. Thirdly, Ivan III ordered an additional military mobilization on the territory of the Moscow Principality. Fourthly, it was decided to raid Russian detachments to the territory of the Horde for the distracting strike. For this purpose, a ship was sent down the Volga under the leadership of the serving of the Crimean Tsarevich Nur-Daulet and Prince Vasily Zvenigorodsky-nostril.

On October 3, the Grand Duke went from Moscow to the shelves guarding the left bank of the Ugrian. Arriving for the army, Ivan III stopped in the city of Kremenets, located between begging and Borovsky and in close proximity to the possible theater of hostilities. According to the testimony of the Moscow chronicle, he "... A hundred on the Kremenets with small people, and people will let everyone go to the son of his great prince Ivan." The occupation of a position located 50 km in the rear of the troops deployed along the coast of Ugra, provided the central military leadership a reliable connection with the main forces and made it possible to cover the way to Moscow in the event of a breakthrough of the Ordane detachments through the barrage barrels of Russian troops.

Sources did not save the official chroniclel report on "Ugorshchina", there are no heads of regiments and the governor, although from time to Ivan III, a lot of military discharges remained. Formally, the head of the army was the son and co-guards Ivan III Ivan the young, in which his uncle was located - Andrei Little. In fact, military actions were led by old tested governors of the Grand Duke, who had extensive experience in conducting war with nomads. The prince of Danil Holmsky was a big governor. His associates were no less well-known commander - Semyon Ryapolovsky-Chipoune and Danil Patrikev-pantia. The main grouping of troops was concentrated in the Kaluga area, covering the mouth of the Ugry. In addition, the Russian shelves were placed along the entire lower flow of the river. According to the Vologda-Perm chronicle, the grand-indigestion governors "... a hundred and ocean and in the thief of 60 versts" on the site from Kaluga to Yukhnova. "

The main task of the regiments scattered along the bank of the river was to prevent the enemy breaking through UGRA, and for this it was necessary to securely protect comfortable space for crossing space.

The direct defense of Brodov and Perelazov was charged with infantry. In places, comfortable for crossing, fortifications were built, which were guarded by constant outposts. The composure of the infantry and the fiery outfit, consisting of firing and artillery servants.

A somewhat different role was assigned to Connection. Small equestrian connectors patrolled the shore between the foundations and maintained a close relationship between them. Their task also included the seizure of enemy intelligence officers who tried to find out the location of Russian detachments on the banks of the UGR comfortable places For river forcing. Large horse shelves were in a hurry to help the finders standing at the crossing, only the direction of the main strike of the enemy was determined. Attacking or reconnaissance trips to the opposite, busy coast, were allowed.

Thus, on a wide front along the Ugra River, a positional defense with active rims of equestrian detachments was created. Moreover, the main force, which is in the fortified assembly of defense at the locations of the crossing, was the infantry equipped with firearms.

The massive use of Russian warriors of firearms during "standing in the thorough" is celebrated by all the chronicles. They were applied - long-life guns, who have aimed and effective fire. The so-called mattresses were used - firearms for firing by a stone or metal fraction at the close distance of the enemy's alive. The "fiery outfit" is widely and with the greatest benefit could be applied in a positional, defensive battle. Therefore, the choice of exactly a defensive position on the banks of the UGR, in addition to a profitable strategic situation, dictated also to the desire to effectively use the new born of troops in the Russian army - artillery.

The tactics imposed by the Ordans deprived of the opportunity to take advantage of their easy cavalry in flanking or bypass maneuvers. They were forced to act only in the frontal attack on Russian sites, go to the forehead on the mature and mattresses, for a bombing system of tender-coated Russian warriors.

The chronicles report that Ahmat walked with all its own on the right bank of the Okey River through the cities of Mtsensk, Lubutsk and Odes to Vorotynsk, a town located near Kaluga near the defendant of Ugry in Oka. Here Ahmat was going to wait for help from Casimir.

But at that time, Crimean Khan Mengli-Garya at the insistence of Ivan III began fighting in the podolia, thereby partially pulling the troops and attention of the Polish king. Busy confidence with the Crimea and the elimination of internal turmoil, he could not assist the Ordans.

Without waiting for the help of the Poles, Ahmat decided to cross himself across the river in the Kaluga area. Ordinous troops came to crossing over October 6-8, 1480. And they launched hostilities at once in several places: "... Tatarov ... and Pridosh against Prince Ontreya, and in the investment of the Great Prince Monszy, and Ovia Against the Voivir suddenly beging "

The opponents agreed to face to face, only the river smooth of Ugra (in the widest places up to 120-140 m). In the left bank, the Russian archers were lined with the crossing and frauds, they were squeaked and mattresses with gunprokes and foodstuffs. The shelves of the noble cavalry in the armor brilliant in the sun, with the sabers were in willingness to hit the Ordans if they managed to cling to our shore somewhere. The battle for the crossing began at an hour of the day on October 8 and continued on the entire line of defense almost four days.

Russian governors with maximum benefits used the advantages of their troops in small arms and were shot by the Ordans still in water. They never managed to force the river in any site. A fiery outfit played a special role in the fights. The kernels, the chuck and the cart applied significant damage. Iron and stone stitched through the burues that were used by the Ordans for the crossing. Lained horse support and riders quickly knocked out of their strength. Those whom the fire spared, went to the bottom. Running in cold water, the Ordans have become a good target of Russian shooters, and they themselves could not use the favorite reception - massive archery. The arrows who distinguished over the river lost their slaughter power and practically did not harm the Russian soldiers. Despite the huge losses, Han again and again drove his connice. But all the attempts of Ahmat with the progress to force the river ended to no avail. "The king is not possible to take the shore and retreat from the river from the Ugra for two versts and a hundred in Loupe," says Vologda-Perm chronicle.

A new attempt to cross the order of the Ordans was taken in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Okamov settlement. Here the location conditions allowed to focus on the Lithuanian shore, and then relatively easy to force the shallow river. However, the Russian governors carefully followed the movement of the Tatars and skillfully maneuvered the shelves. As a result, at the crossing of the Ordans, a non-small watchpody was met, and large forces that reflected the last desperate attempt to Ahmat.

The Russian army stopped the Horde on the border turnings and did not miss the enemy to Moscow. But the final fracture in the fight against the invasion of Ahmat has not yet come. The Terrible Ordinous Army on the banks of the UGRA retained its combat capability and willingness to resume the battle.

Under these conditions, Ivan III began diplomatic negotiations with Akhmat. The Russian Embassy led by Duma Deca Ivan Ivan Ivanov. But these negotiations showed the principal incompatibility of the views of the parties to the possibility of achieving a truce. If Ahmat insisted on the continuation of the ownership of the Horde over Rus, Ivan III considered this requirement as unacceptable. In all likelihood, the negotiations were negotiating Russians only to somehow stretch the time and find out the further intentions of the Ordans and their allies, as well as wait for the fresh regiments of Andrei Greater and Boris Voloqsky, hurrying to face. Ultimately, negotiations have not led to anything.

But Ahmat continued to believe in the successful completion of the hiking undertaken to Moscow. In the Sofia Chronicles there is a phrase that the chronicler has invested in the mouth of the Ordahn Khan at the end of unsuccessful negotiations: "God forbid the winter on you, and the rivers will become all, and it will be many roads on Russia." The establishment of ice cover on the commodity rivers significantly changed the situation for the opposing parties and not in favor of Russians. Therefore, new operational and tactical solutions were adopted by the Grand Duke. One of these solutions was the translation of the main Russian forces from the left bank of the Ugra River to the northeast to the city of Kremenets and Borovsk. Here, to the help of the main forces, the fresh shelves, scored in the north, were moving. As a result of this redeployment, the front stretched into the length was eliminated, which, with a loss of such a natural protective border, which was a UGR, was significantly weakened. In addition, a powerful fist was formed in the Kremenets district, the rapid movement of which would allow to block the road to the Ordans on possible path Offensive in Moscow. The troop of troops began immediately after October 26. Moreover, the troops were assigned to the Kremenets first, and then even further into the depths of the country, to Borovsk, where the troops arrived from the Novgorod land of his brothers who arrived from the Novgorod Earth III was waiting for the troops. Position transferred to Kremenets to Borovsk was made more likely because the new location of the Russian troops covered the way to Moscow not only from the side of the Ugra, but also from Kaluga; From Borovsk, it was possible to quickly move the troops to the middle flow of Oka between Kaluga and Serpukhov, if Ahmat decided to change the direction of the main strike. According to the typographic chronicle, "... Prince Great Priazois to Borovsk, Ironingly IKo - and in those fields of fighting with them."

The area under Borovsky was very convenient for the decisive battle in the event that Ahmat still decided to go through Ugric. The city was located on the right bank of the Protection, on the hills with good overview. The terrain covered by the thick forest would not allow Ahmatu to fully utilize its main shock force - the numerous Connection. The general strategic plan of the Russian command did not change - to give a defensive battle in favorable conditions for himself and prevent the opponent's breakthrough to the capital.

However, Ahmat not only did not take a new attempt to go through Ugric and join the battle, but on November 6 began to retreat from Russian frontiers. November 11, this news reached Ivan III camp. Ahmat's retreat route passed through Mtsensk cities, Serensk and further in the Horde. Murtosa, the most energetic of the sons of Ahmat, made an attempt to ruin the Russian parliament on the right bank of the Oka. As the chronicler writes, two rural rules were captured in the Aleksin area. But Ivan III ordered his brothers not a bag to advocate towards the enemy. Upon learning of the approximation of the prince's friends of Murtoza retreated.

On this, the last hike of a big horde on Russia ended. On the banks of Oki and Ugry, the decisive political victory was obsessed - the Orda's IGO was actually overthrown, over two centuries over Russia.

On December 28, 1480, the Grand Duke Ivan III returned to Moscow, where he was solemnly met by jubilant citizens. The war for the liberation of Russia from the Orda yoke was completed.

The remnants of the Akhmat's army fled in the steppe. Opponents immediately performed against the defeated khan. This struggle ended with his death. In January 1481, in the Don steppes, the Ordans lost their vigilance and fruitless hike and were overtaken by Nogai Khan Iwak. The murder of Ahmat Murz Yamgurch led to the instantaneous decay of the Ordane troops. But the decisive factor leading Ahmat to death, and his Horde for defeat was, of course, their defeat in the autumn campaign of 1480.

The actions of the Russian command who led to victory had some new features characteristic no longer for specific Russia, but for single state. First, strict centralization of management reflection of invasion. All control of troops, determining the frontiers of the deployment of the fixed forces, the choice of rear positions, the preparation of cities in the rear to the defense, all this was in the hands of the head of state. Secondly, the preservation at all stages of opposition to the constant and well-established relationship with the troops, timely response to the rapidly changing environment. And the last, the desire to act on a wide front, the ability to assemble in the fist of power at the most dangerous directions, high maneuverability of troops and excellent intelligence.

Actions of Russian troops during the autumn campaign of 1480 to reflect the invasion of Akhmat - a bright page in the military history of our country. If the victory in the Kulikov field meant the beginning of the fracture in the Russian-Ordi relations - the transition from passive defense to the active struggle for the overthrow of the yoke, then the victory in the thief meant the end of the yoke and the restoration of the full national sovereignty of Russian land. This is the largest event of the XV century, and Sunday is 12 November 1480 - the first day of a fully independent Russian state is one of the most important dates in the history of the Fatherland. PCL. T.26. M.-L., 1959.

Monument to the great standing on the River Ugra. Located in the Kaluga region on the 176th km of the Moscow-Kiev highway at the bridge across the river. Opened in 1980
Authors: V.A. Frolov. MA Neymark and E.I. Kireev.


See: The chronicle collection, called patriarchairs or Nikonovsky chronicles. The complete collection of Russian chronicles (hereinafter - PSRL). T. XII. St. Petersburg, 1901. P. 181.

Cyt. By: Boincake Tale Ancient Russia. L., 1985, pp. 290.

Kalugin IK Russian diplomatic relations with Crimea in the reign of Ivan III. M., 1855. P. 15.

The discharge book is 1475-1598. M., 1966. P. 46.

Military notes of ancient Russia. Pp. 290.

Matching a lot. PCL. T.25. M.-L., 1949. P. 327.

Tweeping. PCL. T.15. SPB., 1863. STB. 497-498.

Matching a lot. P. 327.

Cherepnin L.B. There is a pycccogo CEntpacity in the manner in the XIV-XV VEKX. M., 1960. P. 881.

Matching a lot. P. 327.

Bowls-to-pepping. PCL. T.26. M.-L., 1959. P. 263.

TipappaFaccia is a game. " PLDP. BTOPA at the XV century. M., 1982. P. 516.

Bowls-to-pepping. P. 264.

Confirk and Lvous. PCL. T.20, Part 1. SPB, 1910-1914. P. 346.

Boincake Pyci Dpex. Pp. 290.

Yuri Alekseev, Senior Researcher
Scientific Research Institute of Military History
Military Academy of General Staff
Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

A place Outcome

Strategic victory of Russians
End of Mongol-Tatar yoke

Parties Commander Forces side Losses

Start of military action

Khan Ahmat, engaged in the fight against Crimean Khanate, began active actions in 1480. He managed to agree with the Polish-Lithuanian king Casimir IV about military assistance. The Western borders of the Moscow state (Pskov land) at the beginning of 1480 were attacked by the Livonian Order. Livonian chronicle reported that Master Bernd von der Burch:

"... I gathered such a strength of the people against Russian, which never collected a majorist nor before him, nor after ... This master was involved in the war with the Russians, he fell against them and gathered 100 thousand people of troops from foreign and native warriors and peasants; With this people, he attacked Russia and burned out the submissions of Pskov, without making anything. "

In January 1480, his brothers Boris Volotsky and Andrei Big, dissatisfied with the strengthening of the Great Prince, rebelled against Ivan III. Using the established atmosphere, Ahmat in June 1480 organized the exploration of the right bank of the Oka River, and in the autumn made the main forces.

"The same summer, the eminent king of Ahmat ... Pidu for Orthodox Christian, on Russia, to the Saints Church and on the Grand Duke, praise to ruin the holy churches and all the Orthodoxy of Pleniti and the Grand Prince, and the same with Beshe."

The Boyarskaya Tips of the Moscow State split into two groups: one ("Srebro-rich and broken"), headed by Solnichi Ivan, and Gregory Mamon advised Ivan III to flee; Another defended the need to deal with the Horde. Perhaps the behavior of Ivan III influenced the position of Muscovites who demanded from the Grand Duke Decisive Action.

Ivan III began to push troops to the shores of the Oka River. Including, he sent his brother of Vologda Prince Andrei less in his victorious - Tarusu, and the son of Ivan the young in Serpukhov. The Grand Prince itself arrived on June 23 to Kolomna, where he stopped waiting for the further course of events. On the same day, the miraculous Vladimir icon of the Mother of God was brought from Vladimir to Moscow, with the intercession of which the salvation of Rus from Tamerlan's troops in 1395 was associated.

Ahmat's troops were moved freely in the Lithuanian territory and accompanied by Lithuanian conductors through Mtsensk, Odoev and Latubest to Vorotynsk. Here Khan expected help from Casimir IV, but did not wait for it. Crimean Tatars, Ivan III allies, distracted Lithuanian troops, attacking the podolia. Knowing that the Russian shelves await him, Ahmat decided to pass through the Lithuanian lands, to invade Russian territory across the Ugrith River. Ivan III, having received information about such intentions, sent his son Ivan and brother Andrei smaller to Kaluga and to the banks of Ugra.

Confrontation in the thief

For those who observed from the side of the way both army almost simultaneously (within two days) turned reversed, without bringing the battle, this event seemed either strange, mystical, or received a simplified explanation: the opponents were frightened each other, battle. Contemporaries attributed this to the wonderful intercession of the Virgin, who saved Russian land from ruin. Apparently, therefore, Ugric began to call the "Belt of the Virgin". Ivan III with his son and all the army returned to Moscow, "And rejoice, and wean all the people joy the greatness of the bearer".

Otherwise, the results of "standing" in Horde were perceived. On January 6, 1481, Ahmat was killed as a result of a sudden attack of the Tyumen Khan Ibak on a steppe rate, in which Ahmat was removed from the barn, probably fear of attempts. In the Bolshoi Horde began civil enginemen.


In standing in the Ugra, the Russian army applied new tactical and strategic techniques:

  • concerted actions with the ally of Mengylli I Grease, distracted by the collision Military forces Casimir IV;
  • sending Ivan III to a larger Horde on the Volga troops to ruin the defenseless Khansky capital, which was a new military-tactical trick and found the Ordans surprised;
  • the successful attempt of Ivan III to avoid a military clash, in which there was neither a military nor political need - the Horde was very weakened, her days as state were considered.

"Standing" put an end to the Mongol-Tatar IGU. The Moscow state became sovereign not only in fact, but also formally. The diplomatic efforts of Ivan III prevented the entry into the War of Poland and Lithuania. PSKovichi was introduced to the salvation of Russia and Pskovichi, who stopped German offensive for the fall.

In the late autumn of 1480, the great standing in the thief ended. It is believed that after that, the Mongol-Tatar yoke was not in Russia.


The conflict of the Grand Duke Moskovsky Ivan III with Khan Big Horde Ahmatom arose, according to one version, due to the non-payment of Dani. But a number of historians believe that Ahmat Dan received, but went to Moscow because he did not wait for the personal presence of Ivan III, who had to get a label to the Grand Diction. Thus, the prince did not recognize the authority and power of Khan.

It was not particularly offended by Akhmat that when he sent ambassadors to Moscow to ask Dani and Obroks over the past years, the Grand Duke again did not show proper respect. In the "Kazan History", even so: "The Great Prince was not afraid ... Taking Basma, I spun, I broke, threw the ground and extorted my legs with my". Of course, this behavior of the Grand Duke is difficult to imagine, but the refusal to recognize the power of Akhmat followed.

Confirmation of the pride of Khan is in another episode. At the "Ugorshchina", Ahmat, who was not in the best strategic position, demanded that Ivan III himself came to the Ordane bid and became the string of the Vladyka, waiting for the decision.

Female participation

But Ivan Vasilyevich cared his own family. His wife disliked his wife. Branched, the prince first of all saves his wife: "The Great Princess Sofia (Romanka, as chroniclers expressed), John sent together with the casseau on Belozero, gave an order to go further to the sea and the Ocean, if Khan goes Oku," said the historian Sergey Solovyev. However, it was not rejoiced to her return from the Whitezer: "Sophia's great princess ran from Tatars on Beloozero, and not any nobody chased."

Brothers, Andrei Galitsky and Boris Volotsky, raised the rebellion, demanding to divide the inheritance of the deceased brother - Prince Yuri. Only when this conflict was settled, not without the help of the mother, Ivan III could continue to fight the Horde. In general, "female participation" in standing in the thorough. If you believe Tatishchev, it was Sophia who persuaded Ivan III to take a historical decision. The victory in standing is also attributed to the intercession of the Virgin.

By the way, the size of the required Dani was relatively low - 140,000 Altyn. Khan Tukhtamysh for century before that collected from the Vladimir principality about almost 20 times more.

Did not save and when planning defense. Ivan Vasilyevich gave a decree to burn pose. The inhabitants moved inside the fortress walls.

There is a version that the prince simply looked down from Khan after standing: one part of the money paid in the thief, the second - after the retreat. Behind Okoy Andrey Little, Brother Ivan III, did not attack the Tatars, and gave a "out".


The Grand Duke from Active Action he refused. Subsequently, the descendants approved his defensive position. But some contemporaries were different.

With the news of the approach of Ahmat, he panicked. The people, according to the chronicle, accused the prince that he exposes all the dangers of his indecision. Fearing attempts, Ivan went to Red Selo. His heir, Ivan the young, was at that time with the troops, ignoring the requests and letters of his father demanding to leave the army.

The Grand Duke drove still towards the Ugration in early October, but I did not get to the mainstream. In the city of Kremenets, he waited for brothers who came to him. And at this time there were fights in the thorough.

Why didn't the Polish king help?

The chief ally of Akhmat-Khan, the Great Lithuanian Prince and the Polish king Casimir IV, did not come to the rescue. The question arises: why?

Some write that the king was concerned about the attack of the Crimean Khan Meuglia-Hire. Others point to the inner gravestites in the Lithuanian land - "plot of princes." "Russian elements" dissatisfied with the king, looking for support from Moscow, wanted reunion with Russian principalities. There is also such an opinion that the king himself did not want conflicts with Rus. Crimean Khan was not afraid of him: the ambassador from the middle of October led in Lithuania.

And the freezing Khan Ahmat, waiting for frosts, and not reinforcements, wrote Ivan III: "And this is if from the shore of the duty, because I have people without clothes, and horses without late. And the blowjob of the winter of winter is ninety days, and Az again will be on you, but I have a cloudy water. "
Proud, but careless Ahmat returned to the steppe with prey, raving the Earth of the former ally, and remained wintering in the mouth of the Donets. There, Siberian Khan Iwak three months after the "Ugorshchina" personally killed the enemy in a dream. Ambassador was sent to Moscow to declare the death of the last ruler of the Big Horde. Historian Sergey Soloviev writes about it like this: "The latter Golden Horde for Moscow khana died from one of the descendants of Genghishane; He had sons who were also destined to die from Tatar weapons. "

Probably, the descendants were still left: Anna Gorenko considered Ahmata his ancestor on the maternal line and, becoming a poetess, took the pseudonym - Akhmatov.

Disputes about place and time

Historians argue about where there was standing on the thief. They also refer to the area under the cap, and the village of Gorodets, and the place of confluence of Ugra with Okoy. "To the mouth of the Ugra along its right," Lithuanian "shore, a land road from Vyazma, according to which Lithuanian help was expected and which the Ordans could use for maneuvers. Even in the middle of the XIX century. The Russian General Staff recommended this road for the movement of troops from Vyazma to Kaluga, "the historian Wadim Kargalov writes.
The accurate date of the arrival of Ahamat is not known. Books and chronicles converge in one: it happened not earlier than the beginning of October. Vladimir chronicle, for example, accurate up to one hour: "Pride at the Ugric of October at 8 day, a week, in 1 hour of the day." In the Vologda-Perm chronicle it is written: "Away the king will donate from the Ugra on Thursday, the eve of the days" (November 7).

Standing on the river UGR - Military actions in 1480 between Khan Large Horde Ahmat and Grand Duke Moscow Ivan III in Union with Crimean Khanate. According to the majority of Soviet and Russian historians, put the end of the Mongol-Tatar IGU in the north and northeast of Russia, where it was held longer and where the process of becoming a single Russian state, which became fully independent.

Start of military action

In 1472, the Ordini Khan Ahmat with a big army moved to the borders of the Grand Duchy of Moscow. But Tarua invaders met numerous Russian ruins. All attempts of the Ordans crossed through OKU were repulsed. The army of the horde burned the city of Alexin and destroyed his population, but the hike ended in failure. According to the traditional narration, in 1476, the Grand Duke Ivan III ceased to pay Dani Khan Golden Horde, and in 1480 he refused to recognize the dependence of Rus from her. Despite this, according to the American historian Charles Halperin, the lack of evidence in the chronicles that record the exact date of termination of Dani's payment does not allow to prove that the tributes stopped paying in 1476; The dating and the authenticity of the label of Akhmat Ivan III, containing information about the termination of the payment of Dani, remains the subject of discussions in the academic environment.

Khan Ahmat, engaged in the fight against Crimean Khanate, began active actions in 1480. He managed to agree with the Polish-Lithuanian king Casimir IV about military assistance. The Pskov Republic at the beginning of 1480 was attacked by the Livonian Order. Livonian chronicle reported that Master Bernd von der Burch:

"... I gathered such a strength of the people against Russian, which never collected a majorist nor before him, nor after ... This master was involved in the war with the Russians, he fell against them and gathered 100 thousand people of troops from foreign and native warriors and peasants; With this people, he attacked Russia and burned out the submissions of Pskov, without making anything. "

In January 1480, his brothers Boris Volotsky and Andrei Big, dissatisfied with the strengthening of the Great Prince, rebelled against Ivan III. Using the established atmosphere, Ahmat in June 1480 organized the exploration of the right bank of the Oka River, and in the autumn made the main forces.

"The same summer, the eminent king of Ahmat ... Pidu for Orthodox Christian, on Russia, to the Saints Church and on the Grand Duke, praise to ruin the holy churches and all the Orthodoxy of Pleniti and the Grand Prince, and the same with Beshe."

The Boyarskaya Tips of the Russian state split into two groups: one ("Srebrolubs of rich and broken") led by Solnichi Ivan, and Gregory Mamon advised Ivan III to flee; Another defended the need to deal with the Horde. Perhaps the behavior of Ivan III influenced the position of Muscovites who demanded from the Grand Duke Decisive Action.

Ivan III began to push troops to the shores of the Okey River. Including, he sent his brother of Vologda Prince Andrei less in his victorious - Tarusu, and the son of Ivan the young in Serpukhov. The Grand Prince itself arrived on June 23 to Kolomna, where he stopped waiting for the further course of events. On the same day, the miraculous Vladimir icon of the Mother of God was brought from Vladimir to Moscow, with the intercession of which the salvation of Rus from Tamerlan's troops in 1395 was associated.

Ahmat's troops were moved freely in the Lithuanian territory and accompanied by Lithuanian conductors through Mtsensk, Odoev and Latubest to Vorotynsk. Here Khan expected help from Casimir IV, but did not wait for it. Crimean Tatars, Ivan III allies, distracted Lithuanian troops, attacking the podolia. Knowing that the Russian shelves await him, Ahmat decided to pass through the Lithuanian lands, to invade Russian territory across the Ugrith River. Ivan III, having received information about such intentions, sent his son Ivan and brother Andrei smaller to Kaluga and to the banks of Ugra. However, according to Michael Khodarkovski, Ahmat did not intend to use the effect of surprise and ruin the Moscow principality, relying instead on the traditional tactics of intimidation with a superior number of troops and negotiation to submission.

Standing at the thief

September 30, Ivan III returned from Kolomna to Moscow "At the Council and Duma" With Metropolitan and boyars. Grand Duke received a unanimous answer, "To stand tight for Orthodox Christian to the Council of Surney". On the same days to Ivan III, ambassadors from Andrei Big and Boris Volotsky, who declared the cessation of rebellion. The Grand Duke complained to the brothers forgiveness and commanded them to move with their shelves to Oka. On October 3, Ivan III left Moscow and headed for the city of Kremenets (now the village of Kreminsky Medinsky district), where he stayed with a small detachment, and the rest of the troops sent to the banks of the river Ugra.

To exclude an attack from the rear, Tatars ruined the District of the Worthy R. Oka for 100 km inhabited by Russians, capturing the city: Mtsensk, Odoev, Peremyshl, Old Vorotynsk, New Vorotynsk, Old Zhalidov, New Zalidov, Opakov, Meshovsk, Serensk, Kozelsk. The attempt was not attempting to Khan Ahmat to force r. Ugric in the area of \u200b\u200bthe attitude of the township, she was also repulsed.

Meanwhile, on October 8, Ahmat tried to forcing Ugric, but his attack was repulsed by Ivan the young.

"And Pri-Saidosh Tatarov and he has begun to shoot Muscovites, and Muscovites have begun on them to shoot and eat fruitlessness and many beaches of Tatar Arrows and Pilshchi and fucking them from Breg ...".

The specified historical event occurred in the area of \u200b\u200bthe five-kilometer area of \u200b\u200bthe Ugra River up from her mouth to the p. Rosweanka. For several days, the attempts of the Ordans went crossing the fire of Russian artillery; Attempts did not bring the desired success to the Ordans; They retreated on two versts from r. Ugra and stood in the pool. Ivan III troops occupied defensive positions on the opposite banks of the river. The famous "standing in the thorough" began. Periodically flared up the shootouts, but for a serious attack, none of the parties were solved.

Negotiations began in this position. Ahmat demanded that the Grand Duke itself, or his son, or at least his brother, and his son, or at least his brother, and so that the Russians pay the tribute for seven years. As an Embassy Ivan III sent Boyarsky Son Countchard Ivan Fedorovichovichovichovich with gifts. The requirements of Dani were rejected, the gifts were not accepted, the negotiations were interrupted. It is possible that Ivan went to them, seeking to win the time, because the situation slowly changed in his favor:

  • On the approach were the forces of Andrei Big and Boris Voloqsky.
  • Crimean Khan Mengyley I Gary, fulfilling his promise, attacked the podolia - the southern lands of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and Ahmat could no longer count on the aid of his ally - Lithuania.
  • Tatar army is predominantly the cavalry, in addition, the Tatars as a provisional used mainly sheep, the herd of which followed the army. A large number of horses and livestock for a long standing in one place devastated all the reserves of feed in the area, and the army began to experience a sharp disadvantage in the forage. The Russian army (mainly infantry) was supplied with flour and grain from the grand mining residents.
  • In Tatar troops began and began to recruit the epidemic of the pood disease (according to the signs described in the chronicles, allegedly dysentery). Russian army epidemic did not affect.
  • "None" the outcome of the confrontation quite satisfied Ivan, while for Ahmat - the initiator of hostilities was equivalent to defeat.

On the same days, October 15-20, Ivan III came a flame message to Archbishop Rostov Vasian, in which he called on to follow the example before former princes:

"... who not only defended the Russian land from the dies (that is, not Christians), but also other countries subordinate ... Only, my friend's spiritual son, like a good warrior of Christ on the great word of our Lord in the Gospel:" You are a good shepherd. A good shepherd believes his life for sheep "..."

Ending confrontation

Learning that Ahmat, seeking to achieve a numerical advantage, mobilized a big horde as much as possible, so that there were no significant reserves of troops on its territory, Ivan allocated a small, but very combed detachment, under the command of Zvenigorodsky governor, Prince Vasily Nozlifted, who was supposed to descend OK, then along the Volga to its lowland and make a devastating diversion in the possessions of Akhmat. In this expedition, the Crimean Tsarevich Nur-Dellet with his nuker took part in this expedition.

On October 28, 1480, Ivan III decided to take troops to the Kremenets and further focus on Borovsk, so that there is a battle in a favorable atmosphere if the Ordans are forcing the river. Ahmat, having learned that in his deep rear there is a sabotage detachment of the prince nozzled and Crimean Tsarevich Nur-Devlet, intending to capture and plunder the capital of the Horde (perhaps he also received information about the preparing attack of the Nogai Tatars) and also experiencing a lack of food, did not solve the persecution of Russian The troops and at the end of October - the first days of November also began to remove his troops. On November 11, Ahmat decided to go back to the Horde, deliriving Kozelsk on the opposite way.

For those who observed from the side of the way both army almost simultaneously (within two days) turned reversed, without bringing the battle, this event seemed either strange, mystical, or received a simplified explanation: the opponents were frightened each other, battle. Contemporaries attributed this to the wonderful intercession of the Virgin, who saved Russian land from ruin. Apparently, therefore, Ugric began to call the "Belt of the Virgin". Ivan III with his son and all the army returned to Moscow, "And rejoice, and wean all the people joy the greatness of the bearer".

Otherwise, the results of "standing" in Horde were perceived. On January 6, 1481, Ahmat was killed as a result of the sudden attack of the Tyumen Khan Ibaka (probably committed on preliminary agreement with Ivan III) on a steppe rate in which Ahmat was removed from the barn, probably fear of atuses. In the Bolshoi Horde began civil enginemen.


In standing in the Ugra, the Russian army applied new tactical and strategic techniques:

  • concerted actions with the ally of Mengylli I Grease, distracted by the collision Military forces Casimir IV;
  • sending Ivan III to a larger Horde on the Volga troops to ruin the defenseless Khansky capital, which was a new military-tactical trick and found the Ordans surprised;
  • the successful attempt of Ivan III to avoid a military clash, in which there was neither a military nor political need - the Horde was very weakened, her days as state were considered.

According to the traditional version, the "standing" put an end to the Mongol-Tatar IGU. The Moscow state became sovereign not only in fact, but also formally. The diplomatic efforts of Ivan III prevented the entry into the War of Poland and Lithuania. PSKovichi was introduced to the salvation of Russia and Pskovichi, who stopped German offensive for the fall.

The acquisition of political independence from the Horde along with the spread of the influence of Moscow to Kazan Khanate (1487) played a role in the subsequent transition to the power of Moscow part of the land under the rule of the Grand District of Lithuania. In 1502, when Ivan III from diplomatic considerations flattering recognized himself halop Khan is a big horde, her weakened army was defeated by Khan Crimea Mengylli I Gyreum, and the Horde herself ceased to exist.

A number of modern American researchers denies the historical significance in the thief, which is overlooking the ordinary diplomatic incident, and its connection with the overthrow of the Ordan Iga (as well as the concept of "Tatar Igo") is considered as a historiographic myth. So, according to Donald Island, the payment of Dani though decreased seven times, but did not cease, and the remaining changes affected only coins chasing. The accusation of passiveness towards the Horde, put forward by Ivan III in the "Message to Ugric" by Archbishop Vassen, he considers the fact that the contemporaries did not see qualitative changes in the position of the Grand Duch of Moscow. Charles Halperin believes that in 1480 there were no texts in which the question of Russian liberation from the Tatar yoke was raised (this also applies to the "Messages in Ugric", the dating of which 1480 is also not indisputable). Halperin does not see in the sources either before, nor after standing in the thief of direct evidence that the power of Genghisids in Russia has denied, referring also to the fact that in one of the testes about standing in the thief himself, Ivan III asks for the on the eve of the confrontation asks Ahmat Ulus Waivati. " At the same time, Galperin believes that "Muscovy showed considerable competence in the exercise of Eastern diplomacy, could be adjusted under the Tatar model of political relations. When reading the embassy books about the negotiations of Moscow with a Nogai Horde, there is a feeling that the Russian Embassy Dejaciences reproduced the "steppe language". But Russian contacts with Christian European countries were built on a different model, not at all Tatar. Diplomatic monuments of interchanges with Western European countries are overwhelmed with insincere and frequently repetitive appeals to Christian unity and preventing the sheds of Christian blood ... It is enough to remember that Muscovy, and Poland, and inclide the Tatars - Muslims and gifts to serve in their armies in Crimea to raise the Tatar to neighboring states - and at the same time, Russian and Lithuanian diplomats accused each other in the guidance of the damned innumerable people. "

V.N. Rudakov writes about a serious struggle surrounded by Ivan III between those who believed that the Grand Duke had the right to stand on the fight against the "godless king", and those who refused to him in such a right. A. A. Gorsky, supporting the opinion of Halperin on the absence of a connection in historical sources to the middle of the XVI century between the 1480 year and exemption from many years of addiction, it believes that the decisive battle, de facto, which put the end of the Horde rule, occurred in 1472 under Alexin. The Soviet historian A. K. Leontyev also expressed the same opinion. Michael Khodarkovski indicates that the acting persons themselves also modestly evaluated the scale of what happened: "Ahmat-Khan went to me, but the all-consant God wished to save us and did so," wrote Ivan III in 1481 in the letter of Crimean Khan Mengly Gera; An essential historian believes that in the label of Ahmat Ivan III (regardless of whether his authenticity), Khan explains his retreat because his people did not have clothes, and horses - Popon, and not the successes of the grand-road army.

The overthrow of the "Ordane IGA", the idea of \u200b\u200bwhich comes from the biblical texts about the "Babylonian captivity", and in one or another, it is found in Russian sources from the XIII century, it was applied to the events of 1480 since "Kazan history" (not earlier than 1560- x years). The status of the last and decisive confrontation of UGRA has gained from the historians of the XVI century for the reason that it was the last major invasion of a big horde on the land of the Moscow principality. From Nikolai Karamzin, who applied the word "IHO" in the form of an artistic epithet in the initial value of "Khomut, is on the neck" ("bowed to the yoke of the barbarians"), perhaps borrowed this term from the Polish author of the XVI century Matsya Mekhovsky, originates in Russian historiography The term "Tatar Igo", as well as the provision on his overthrow Ivan III.


During the celebration of the 500th anniversary of standing on the River UGRA in 1980, a monument was opened in honor of the significant event of the Russian history that occurred in 1480 within the Kaluga region.

One of the main national problems of Russia was the desire to end with the Horde addiction. The need for liberation was the main prerequisite for the association of Russian territories. Only on the path of opposition to the Horde during the reign, Moscow acquired the status of the National Center for the Gathering of Russian Lands.

Moscow managed to build relations with Ordans in a new way. By the end of the XV century, the golden horde as a single power no longer existed. Autonomous Khanate, the Crimean, Astrakhan, Nogai, Kazan, Siberian and Big Orda arose at the site of the Golden Horde. Only Ahmat, Khan Big Horde, who occupied the significant region of the Middle Volga region, sought to recreate the former unity of the Golden Horde. He wanted to receive with Russia, like from Vassal Horde, tribute, give labels with Russian princes. Other khans during Ivan III did not impose such requirements for Moscow Rus. On the contrary, they considered the Moscow Prince, as an ally in the fight against Ahmat's claims on the Golden Trene and Power.

Khan Big Horde Ahmat, who considered himself the heir of the Gold-Ordane Kings, in the 1470s. He began to demand from Ivan III Dani and a trip to the Horde behind the label. It was very closely for Ivan III. He was in friction with his younger brothers - the specific Moscow princes Andrei Galitsky and Boris Volotsky. (They were dissatisfied with the fact that the Grand Duke did not share with them the Dmitrovsky lot of their brother Yuri, who deceased childless in 1472) Ivan III went on a compromise with the brothers, and I sent the Embassy in 1476 to Axmat. We do not have information - whether it was Hanu Dan. Obviously, it was limited to gifts, because soon Khan Ahmat again demanded the "Ordane exit" and the personal appearance of the Moscow Prince in a big Horde.

According to legend, which N.M. Karamzin placed in his "Russian state history", Ivan III trampled the Khan Basma (diploma) and ordered to transfer to Ahmat, that if he does not leave him alone, with Khan, the same thing happened to His Basma. Modern historians consider an episode with a bass no more than a legend. Such behavior does not correspond to the nature of Ivan III - as a policy, nor its actions in the summer - autumn 1480

In June 1480, Ahmat made a campaign with a 100-thousandth army. He was going to attack Ivan Moscow even earlier, but Crimean Khan, a friend of Moscow and the enemy of a big horde, attacked Ahmat and upset his plans. Akhmat's ally in the campaign of 1480 was the Polish king and the Grand Duke Lithuanian Casimir IV, but he did not help Hanu, since in Lithuania, civilian began, and the Crimeans began to empty Lithuanian possessions.

Ahmat walked over to the influx of the ultrasound of the thoughts that occurred in the Ryazan land among the southern Russian frontiers. The Russian army led by Ivan III and Ivan Mlades occupied defense. All August and September passed in minor fights. Russian, armed with guns, firearms and samostroles (crossbows), applied to Tatar Connection significant damage. Seeing this, Knyazhich Ivan is young, as well as many of the governors hoped success and wanted to beat with Tatars. But the Grand Duke doubted. In his nearest surroundings were people who advised Ivan III to reconcile with Khan.

Meanwhile, Moscow was preparing for invasion. Built by order of Ivan III new The brick Kremlin could bear the siege. However, cautious Ivan III ordered his second wife - great Princess Sofia hide in the north in Belozer. With Sofia left the capital and Moscow treasury. Muscovites embarrassed it. When the Moscow Prince came to the capital, the townspeople met him with indignation, thinking that he did not want to defend them. The clergy sent Ivan III two letters. In his messages, the fathers of the Russian Orthodox Church called on the Grand Duke to resolutely fight the orders. Ivan III still doubted. He decided to spend in Moscow big Council And called the Son-Community. However, Ivan the young on the command of the Father is to leave Ugric and come to Moscow responded with refusal. I had to go back to the Moscow ruler.

In October, the Ordans tried twice to go through Ugric, but both times were repulsed. Ivan III, still not believing in the victory, went to negotiations with Akhmat. Ahmat put the humiliating conditions: he will comply with the prince if he will ask the world from the tears of the Khan's horse. As a result, negotiations were broken. Ahmat still stood at the UGR, and on November 11, 1480 hung his troops to the Volga steppes. Soon Ahmat died: his sleeping slapped his opponent - Siberian Khan Ivak. Ivak sent a messenger to Moscow to say: "Your and my enemy, the villain Rusi lies in the grave." A big horde began to decay, crucified by neighboring khanate. So lasted 240 years IHO Palo. Rus has become finally independent.

"God will save your kingdom and give you a victory"

Then heard in Moscow about the campaign of Ahmat, who was slow, waiting for the news from Casimir. John all foresaw: how soon the Golden Horde moved, Mengli-Gury, the faithful ally, under the condition he attacked the Lithuanian podolia and those who were distracted by Casimir from assistance with Akhmat. Knowing that this last left in his uluses only wives, children and elders, John ordered the Crimean Tsarevich Nordowet and the governor of Zvenigorodsky, prince Vasillian nosed, with a small detachment to sit on ships and sail to the Volga to defeat the defenseless or at least Khan. Moscow was filled with warriors in a few days. The advanced army has already stood on the shore of the Oka. The son of the Grand Duke, John John, spoke with all the shelves from the capital in Serpukhov on June 8; And uncle him, Andrei Little, from his lot. The sovereign himself remained six weeks in Moscow; Finally, the minent of the approach of Ahmat to Don, July 23 went to Kolomna, having commissioned the storage of the capital to his uncle, Mikhail Andreevich Veresky, and Boyarin Prince Ivan Yuryevich, clergy, merchants and people. In addition to the Metropolitan, Archbishop Rostovsky was there, Vasian, an elder zealous to the glory of the Fatherland. John's wife left with his yard in Dmitrov, from where the courts retired to the years of Belazer; And his mother, Inokin Martha, hovering by the convictions of the clergy, remained to the consolation of the people in Moscow.

The Grand Duke accepted the authorities over the army, beautiful and numerous, which stood on the shores of the Oki River, ready for the battle. All Russia with hope and fear awaited consequences. John was in the position of Dimitry Donskoy, the smoking chanting with Mama: had the shelves better arranged, the governor of the most experienced, more fame and greatness; But the maturity of years, natural comprehension, caution disposable not to believe blind happiness, which sometimes values \u200b\u200bharder in battles, he could not calmly think that one hour decides the fate of Russia; that all its generous plans, all the successes are slow, gradual, can end the death of our troops, the ruins of Moscow, the new one's unheard of our Fatherland, and the only impatience: for the Golden Horde now or tomorrow I used to disappear by its own, internal reasons destruction. Dimitri won Mama Mai to see the ashes of Moscow and pay Dan Tokhtamyshu: Proud Vitovt, despising the remnants of the Cappuccian Khanate, wanted to crush them with one blow and destroyed his ruffles on the shores. John had a solidity not a warrior, but the sovereign; And the fame of the latter is the intentive of the state, not in personal courage: the integrity, preserved by indispensable evasion, is norrigious proud leakiness, which exposes the people of disaster. These thoughts seemed to be a great prince and some of the boyars, so he wished, if possible, remove a decisive battle. Ahmat, hearing that the shores of Oka to the Ryazan limits everywhere are occupied by the John's army, went from Don of Mtsensk, Odayev and Launtsk to Ugration, in the hope of connecting there with the royal regiments or join Russia from the side where he did not expect him. The Grand Duke, giving the command to the son and brother to go to Kaluga and become on the left bank of Ugra, he himself came to Moscow, where residents of Posal were moved to the Kremlin with their precious estate and, seeing John, imagined that he runs from Khan. Many shouted in horror: "The sovereign gives us Tatars! Burdened the land with taxes and did not pay Dani Ordinskaya! He was angry with the king and not worth the fatherland! " This displeasure is popular, according to one chronicler, so upset the Grand Duke, that he did not enter the Kremlin, but he stopped in a red village, declaring that he arrived in Moscow for a council with matter, clergy and boyars. "Go be bold on the enemy!" - They told him unanimously all spiritual and worldly dignitaries. Archbishop Vasian, gray, dreary old man, in a generous impulse of zealous love for the Fatherland exclaimed: "Will death be afraid of death? Rock is inevitable. I am old and weak; But not a tatar sword, I will not disgust my face from his brilliance. " - John wanted to see her son and told him to be in the capital with Daniel Kholmsky: this ardent young man did not go, responding to the parent: "We are waiting for the Tatar"; And Holmsky: "I better die here, rather than retire from the troops." The Grand Duke lost to the general opinion and gave the floor to configure Khan firmly. In this time, he came up with the brothers, for the ambassadors were in Moscow; He promised to live together together, put them on with new wins, demanding the only thing that they hurried to him with their military friendly to save the Fatherland. Mother, Metropolitan, Archbishop Vasian, good advisers, and all the more danger of Russia, to the honor of both sides, stopped hostility of the only one. - John took measures to protect cities; Dmitrovtsev tied up in Pereslavl, Moskvatians in Dmitrov; She ordered to burn the pans around the capital and on October 3, having accepted the blessing from Metropolitan, went to the army. Nobody appreciated the clergy, then for the freedom of the Fatherland and for the need to approve a sword. The primitator of Geronatius, marking the sovereign of the cross, said with the mie ":" God will save your kingdom and give you a victory, I am an army of David and Konstantin! True and fastening, about the Son spiritual! As a true warrior of Christ. Good shepherd believes his soul for the sheep: you are not a mercenary! Robes a verbal herd from the coming beast now giving your god. Lord we have a champion! " All spiritual printed: Amen! Budo Tako! And praying the Grand Duke did not listen to the imaginary friends of the world, insidious or unwell.

"Many roads will be on Russia"

Ahmat, not allowed for the Ugrics by the regiments of Moscow, all summer boiled: "Give God will be on you: when all rivers become, then many roads will be on Russia." Fearing the fulfillment of this threat, John, as soon as the UGR began on October 26, ordered his son, brother Andrei to the Liberat and Governors with all the shelves to retreat to her Kremenets, to fight the United by the connected; This order caught up horrified on the root people who rushed to flee to the Kremenets, thinking that the Tatars had passed through the river and chase them; But John did not be satisfied with the retreat to the Kremema: he gave an order to retreat from the Khormen to Borovsk, promising to give the battle of Tatars in the vicinity of this city. The chronicles again say that he continued to obey the evil people, the Srebralubs, rich and fat traitors of Christian, Potakovnikov Busurmansky. But Ahmat did not think to use the retreat of Russian troops; Being in the Ugra until November 11, he went back through Lithuanian parish, Serena and Mtsensk, devastating the Earth's ally of his Casimir, who, being busy with household chores and was distracted by a raid of the Crimean Khan on Podoliya, again did not fulfill his promise again. One of the sons of Ahmatov was entered into Moscow parliaments, but was transferred to the message about the proximity of the Grand Duke, although only the brothers are in the pursuit of the pursuit. The reasons for the retreat of Akhmatov in the chronicles are said to be different: it is said that when the Russians began to retreat from the Ugra, the enemy, thinking that they were inferior to him and want to fight, ran in fear. But we set that the Tatars thought that the Russians retreat them to the battle of them; yet they retired, and not attacked; Consequently, Tatars not for what to run; Then the Grand Duke gave orders to his troops to retreat from the Ugra, when this river became, it became October 26; We assign that between the establishment of her and the orders of the Grand Duke flowed several days, but still not fifteen, because Khan went from the Ugra only on November 11; Consequently, if we even assume that the Tatars ran, seeing the retreat of the Russians, then we must assume that they then stopped and waiting until November 11, then they were finally in the return campaign. Other chronicles speak plausible that with Dmitrieva Day (October 26) became winter and the river all began, laid frost began, so it was impossible to watch; Tatars were Nagi, Bosi, risen; Then Ahmat was frightened and ran off on November 11. In some chronicles, we find news that Ahmat fled, frightened by the reconciliation of the Grand Duke with the brothers. All these reasons can be accepted together: Casimir did not come to the rescue, Lukey frosts interfere with even watch, and at such a time of the year it is necessary to go ahead, north, with a nagim and bare army and first of all to withstand the battle with a numerous enemy with which after Math Tatars did not dare to enter into open battles; Finally, the circumstance mainly prompted Ahmat to attack John, it was precisely the gravestone with the brothers, now no longer existed.