All people in our lives are not accidental, the acquaintance with them was plans from God.

So, why do we feel joy next to some people, with others - irritation, with the third - attraction, with fourth - longing? What causes such different emotions?

Because each of those we encounter on our way - it's not just like that. He came to help us. And each carries its task and emotion for us.

The thing is that we are a single organism. Humanity. I didn't tell you about it. This is the basis of many philosophical worldviews.

And we attract the "cells" of a single human body that we need. Of course, a single human body is controlled over, it is possible to name it by God, but for the convenience of the theory about the body, say - a single brain.

The body itself is not aware of this management. Just as our body is not aware of how it breathes, and how digested food. This is headed by the brain. So in one mankind, where each of us is a "cage", we do not understand what events occur, but the brain knows exactly what it does.

Sometimes these people are "treated" hurt. Sometimes with love. It all depends on the "disease". The most painful in the treatment, there are jams in illusions and pride. These two diagnoses call on our lives of people who begin to destroy our installations, principles, looks for life. It is very painful. The person begins to rap: "For what I all? What have I done? Why me?" But if you understand the whole process as a whole, the pain can be avoided. If with gratitude to refer to those who came to "treat" you - "treatment" will pass faster and more efficiently.

So, if in your life appeared: aggressors, people with opposite looks on life, and with an active life position, i.e. They will not be silent, people who prevent your promotion, degrading you raising, etc. - You got sick pride. You sent doctors. And you think in vain that "doctors" are pleasant to their "work". They do it unconsciously, sometimes sincerely bewildered why you are so unpleasant.

Pride is treated by adoption. By the way, I, as a person with extensive experience in part of the pride, I can say that the adoption even best medicinethan forgiveness. I recently released half of which is devoted to the adoption practices, and they are simply amazing! Moreover, everything you need to do is listen to meditation.

Do not forget that you, in turn, are also doctors for other people. These are our general lessons.

The second painful lesson, as I said, it is illusions. We are accustomed to consider life as we came up with. Those. In essence, we begin to knock out from general organism, build around yourself a special, fantastic world. This is how cancer cells behave, by the way. A single brain will be forced to try to bring you back to reality. Initially, she is conceived as a state of freedom and love. But we are in it only in infancy. Then we begin to actively invent non-existent worlds.

Once you have invented yourself an illusion, people who can destroy it are sent to you. For example, you read the novels and believed that people should be loyal friend Friend. And so much believed that they do not think a relationship to themselves, where the shadow of betrayal could felt. Everything. For you already sent the "landing" of the classifiers. They will "learn" you as long as you do not understand. In life it happens anything. Life cannot be limited. Relationship is part of development. You can all forgive. And so happens with any illusion, if it becomes vital for you. If without it you do not think of happiness yourself.

Of course, everyone would like to be joyful, rich and healthy. But if these qualities are too significant for you, "doctors" will come - and destroy your illusions.

Because the world cannot be predicted. It is based on freedom of choice and therefore changes constantly. Freedom of choice refers not only your. You must respect the freedom to choose every person. And this means, not to experience negative emotions when another person chooses to act so, and not otherwise. He has the right to this. And they will also send "doctors".

And these endless treatments will continue as much as you need to understand - look after you. You help grow a single body of mankind. Grow and develop. You are a single organism cell in which everything goes correctly, despite the fact that you, a cell, it seems that you could arrange everything much better. Despite the fact that you, a cell that does not see the whole organism and does not suspect how it works, it seems that you could become another, better, more, stronger ... until you understand that you are already perfection. What are you - in your place. That all you need is to follow the voice of your heart, reckon with those who are near you, and love everything surrounds you, because it is this and there is a reality. When you learn this, then there will come so desirable prosperity.

People who are "sent to us" are several species.

1. Direct doctor. Ambulance. It is called in emergency cases when a person does not hear neither intuition, no signals from the outside, nor the heart when it is immersed in his illusions so much that it is possible to pull it only "blow on the head". In general, cause an urgent. Most of the population of the Earth prefers this method of treatment, alas.

2. Man-castle. The person who cannot solve you unexpectedly arises. He is incomprehensible to you, but interesting. It is not always sympathetic, it happens, the castle man annoys. You are trying to pick up a key with all my might, understand its motives, his thoughts. We are sent to such people when it was time for spiritual growth, new relations, new achievements. It is time to go beyond the borders of your own world.

3. Keywords. These are people next to which you open new horizons. You suddenly discover that it turns out, do not hesitate to sing loud on the street. What you can think non-standard. What do you have goals and dreams. What you turn out to be able to be bold (cowardly, aggressive, etc. - it doesn't matter what exactly you open, most importantly, this is for you invention). Such people send us when it came to know him deeper.

4. Alarm clock. High spiritual people. Optionally, a gurus or saints. But these are highly vibrating people. Next to them you feel not in your plate. You are getting lost, as before the teacher at school. That you feel good with him, he begins to annoy. And the longer you are near the "alarm clock", the more transformations starts in your personality. You are assigned insights. You suddenly understand something that it seems to always know - in a new way. You change the attitude towards ordinary things. You start looking at a lot otherwise. You wake up. And not always "alarm clock" doing something for this. He can just live next door. But more often "the alarms" are those.

I hope you will be useful to my reflections. Share, please, impressions in the comments.

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Nothing by chance.

In this world, where we were lucky enough to live, every meeting and casual acquaintance Serves a specific purpose.

Sometimes we need people to awaken us and help change the direction of our life; Sometimes - to cheer us up and remind you who we are on this earth. And sometimes these are those that meet us only for a moment.

Ironically, we should not know the purpose of each person we meet, but we must remain open to everything that brings with you every new acquaintance.

Sometimes it is worth looking at the whole world as a weave of threads - silver or red, each of which reflects a meeting with a specific person, maybe even not yet happened.

Our whole life is interaction with each other. And although modern technologies, the Internet, social networks are trying to convince us that this interaction can be minimized, something changes in our consciousness when we understand that everything in life does not happen by chance.

Not all meetings should be long: sometimes they can only last a moment. Maybe to detain you so that you do not get into an accident, or to meet with potential love. Sometimes the universe sends us people to help in our lives, even if they do not become something important for us.

And although we cannot predict it, we can prepare ourselves to these life surprises.

People who have to wake us up.

These are those who come for a long time. Sometimes these are our partners, soul mates. These are those who completely change our lives.

People who help remind us who we are.

Sometimes on life path We start to lose themselves. In everyday fuss and concerns, we forget about whom we wanted to become, what they dreamed about (and dreaming still), who we are actually. We simply sell yourself an adult and responsible life, forgetting what we real. And it is not even about the place of work or the city for life, it is about the soul and inner gloves.

And here are people who come to our lives to help us understand who we are to start to be ourselves.

People who are important for a moment.

When we start a conversation with a random fellow traveler and can not stop. Or when we simply exchange smiles with the person who drove on the next escalator. And it seems to be really some kind of unearthly bond, which simply should be.

Just because someone does not remain in our lives for a long time, does not mean that there is no point in the meeting with him. In total, there is a sense. And it is these invisible threads that connect us with each other, and make life in this world such amazingly unpredictable, because we never know when we meet the one who will make us change their lives.

all my life near each person there is a circulation of friends and not very familiar.
we communicate with someone, with someone you are friends, with someone I just encountered periodically in transport or on the street ..
people come to our lives and go out of it - either gradually and imperceptibly or sharply, in one minute.
and from each left in the soul remains some kind of track. it can be a fleeting memory, and maybe stay and open wound...

it is said that the whole mir- Theater.and we are all in the actors ..
also in life, every person, whether it is a friend or enemy, comes at the appointed time, playing his role, in the course of the play, something teaches, and goes away ..
someone returns, someone observes from the side, and someone remains with you forever .. and all this is not by chance. People in our lives come not just so, but in order to play some role in it.

You meet in our way of people, some appear in life and disappear from it like ghosts, and when they leave, you realize that you remained part of them.
It is said that all people who appear in your life is just a mirror. They appear, reflecting you, and also disappear, although you don't even always notice their disappearance, because at this moment you look at another mirror ...
funny, isn't it?

And everyone carries something to her, something personal: sometimes even a fearful and sad, but everyone who is very important.
and all these pieces, that they leave us bringing with you - are they capable of changing us, can they make a revaluation in us?

Our life becomes similar to the album for drawing for other people, those who enters and leaves our lives.
after all, over time, we turn this album, and all this we call the memories, we view each page, and we find the depressed words, not written, and the depressed, and already perceive them differently, and those actions, and we think how otherwise it was possible. . And so every person has its own album, their people there, their happiness and their own pain.

and every person found in our life is not enough, he comes to fulfilling his mission and in relation to us, teach something or help.
and as soon as his mission is executed, he goes aside, as if the resource had exhausted, and went to refueling, to come again, but already to other people, or to you, but already improved ...

and people who are constantly with us is who? Permanent missionaries in our life ...

everyone man teacher. Someone teaches us to be stronger, someone - wiser, someone teaches to forgive, someone - rejoice in every day.
and someone does not teach us at all - but just breaks, but also from this we get experience.
and if this man is yours, he will again and again appear in your life.
after all, someone is given happiness, and someone - for experience ..
if someone suddenly passes, let him go, he was for experience, and who needs it, he will be near ...
Not everything is so simple, we teach, but someone.

or maybe people in our life appear because we call them? Or just all programmed in advance.

*** In your life, all people appear, and all events occur only because you pulled them there.
And what you do with them further
you choose yourself. - Richard Davis Bach

We meet people not by chance. There is always some reason why someone comes to our life and leaves her. And the most difficult thing to realize that some people are destined to be with us only for a while.

People who come and quickly go out of our lives - usually those who discovers us new features and methods of growth and development.

We do not want to let go of such people, because we begin to get used to them. But we do not understand that some people are destined to be temporary in our lives, no matter how much the opposite way.

"Not everything should be something beautiful and durable. Some people come to your life to show what is right and what is wrong, to show who you can be, to teach you to love yourself, make you feel better, or just be with whom you can walk at night and pour your Soul. Not everyone will remain forever, and we must continue to go and be grateful for them for giving us "- Writer Emery Allen.

I remember my brightest dating and now I understand why every person came to my life, and how he influenced what I am today. I shared my deepest thoughts, fears, secrets and dreams with people who are no longer in my life. I do not regret it, because at that time it was exactly what I wanted to do.

I always seemed a stunning fact that our life crosses with the life of so many people, and even if you know someone for a short time, you can affect his life and his story. Watch all this from this point of view is very exciting.

The faster we understand that not everyone is destined to be part of our life, the easier it will dwell to new relationships and appreciate the time with certain person, allowing him to leave when the time comes. We must squeeze a maximum of the time we have each other, and focus on the present. Release waiting, assumptions and saturate as much common with people.

"I see a lot of people in sanctifying relationships - not only between guys and girls. Many find themselves in a stagnant friendship. If people were less afraid to finish something, they would get more from life ... you meet necessary man At the right time, and he fills something in your life. You fill out something in it. But there is a limit in it, "the singer Laura Marling.

If you lose someone from your life, do not lose yourself.

Always remember that simply because some people are temporary in your life, it does not make your memories and experience less important.

People do not come to our life by chance,
Though sometimes we divide the fate.
And she is a cheerful, it seems to be inappropriate
In our life leads people we need.
They all whatever.
Leave in our souls track.
And it does not matter joyful, offended,
After all, there are no accidents in nature.
If you met in my life.
So, God decided to tell you.
So better gain courage
And try all the "lessons" to disassemble.
Disassemble carefully, diligently.
By paragraphs, competently tracing.
Happiness, joy - remember.
In life, they are not in vain.
All insults, fears, distrust,
Learn, textbooks close.
And forget about what was done
To keep the pain with you.
And now think how much joy
God sent to you through people.
So every new meeting is rejoice,
Most High because thousands of ideas.


Ninchochka Thank you very much)) Only I am so tired of this. I think it is useless to even try to prove something. All the same is mounted ((I think so. True, I do not understand the meaning of these actions, but)) Once the quatrains laid out how the status in classmates - I didn't put here - I thought that I would do it - and I thought that I saw it when I saw him. There is even one clever, who corrected verse from the male race and laid out here. Imagine? Human rudeness has no limit ((

I also began with the fact that I first found one poem on one site, and then ... more on 12 sites. Mostly everywhere honestly written by the author - I, people just inserted my lines in discussions, but I was most hidden when I saw my verses on commercial sites or without authorship, or, like that, for example, I sent you, Under a different name. I did it so much, I was not too lazy and everyone sent letters with the words that they violate my copyright, and I had to apply to the judiciary. There were those who apologized and removed my works, with the rest until the correspondence continues ...
But about rudeness, I agree with you. I do not respect this terribly in people and also get tired of its widespread distribution in any form. Yes, spiritual cleanliness is now much oh how not enough!
Thank you for answering me.
Yours faithfully,

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