Russian Slavic alphabet. Slavic alphabet

We all know the Russian alphabet and we know that once upon a time our great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers did not learn the alphabet, but the alphabet. The classes were very difficult, and Russian literacy was not easy for everyone. When they told me about this, I thought: “This is how good our life is! It is not necessary to learn the meaning of the letters, it is enough to learn it as a rhyme: A, B, C, D, D ... ". The time has come, and I thought, what is the Russian Alphabet? What did it carry in itself and why did the next reformers cross it out and create something completely different - the alphabet?

To begin with, I figured out that the word ABC includes the first two letters: Az and Buki, and the word Alphabet - two Latin letters: Alpha and Vita; and after that I learned to distinguish between these two words and not to confuse them. The alphabet appeared after the 1918 reform, before that there was the ABC.

Three reforms were carried out in the Russian language:

1. Peter's reformI (1710). As a result of the reform, 5 letters were removed and the outline of some was changed. The essence of the reform was to simplify the composition of the Russian alphabet. Uppercase (large) and lowercase (small) letters first appeared in the font. The Russian civil alphabet was created.

2. The reform of Mikhail Lomonosov (1739). The reform of the Russian literary language and versification systems. Russian scientific literacy appeared.

3. Reform of 1918 A spelling reform was carried out: some letters were removed, the spelling and pronunciation of some words was changed, and most importantly, the modern Russian alphabet appeared instead of the alphabet.

For comparison, I give a table of changes in the composition of the Russian alphabet and its transformation into the alphabet:

Old Russian alphabet






Let's figure it out: the tables show that each letter of the alphabet has its own name. Then it turns out that in the structure of each word, alphabetical, code words are used, for example, lead, good, think, rest, etc., and their letter abbreviations: "v", "d", "m", "p" and etc.

Here are some examples:

Mother, mother: m, letter think; ati, atia - thank you, thank you. The expression is literally obtained: Think with gratitude.

Father... There are no respectfully affectionate derivative names from this word. Oh, in the old days he is the letter; t, the letter is firm; ets - the ending in masculine words. From expression "He's solid" and received in an elegant way the word father.

Son: s, syy - real, genuine; n, the letter is ours. "Our being, our authentic, not a surrogate."

Daughter: d, the letter is good; eye, eyes, eye, eye. Daughter - "the good of the eyes, the joy of the eyes."
The old words are daughter, daughter. Again the letter "d" and cabbage soup, schir, schiry - true, pure, sincere, sincere. Daughter-daughter - "True, sincere good."

Thus, to understand the images, to discover the fundamental knowledge inherent in the structure simple words of the Russian language, every person who knows the Russian language can. Despite the reforms, at present the Russian language has retained the basic mechanisms of the original speech.

Unlike European languages, Russian is a language of images, a language of deep meanings. Therefore, the thinking of our ancestors was figurative.

We are constantly trying to tie the image to specific words and concepts. But it is necessary to understand that words do not combine phonetic representations of what a "word" is, but the images of each letter. Then these images give rise to new images, uniting in sentences, which, in contact with other sentences - images, generate new images that are combined into a single image of our thought! The result is a system of EDUCATION - the vocation of the image.

It turns out that if an ignorant person reads the text, then he is aware of everyday wisdom, literal meaning; deep study of the same text by a knowledgeable person gives the highest order of wisdom, awareness of deep information.

Russian philosopher A.F. Losev argued that each russian word built in such a way that, in addition to terminological meaning, it always contains an additional, inner, innermost meaning. But adding words-images from letters-images is possible only on the basis of existing letters with secret meanings!

That is, we can assume that the Russian ABC arose before the great and mighty Russian language took shape! The development of the ABC preceded the creation of the language? It's very difficult to imagine! But there is no other logical conclusion ...

And yet, if you decipher the Russian ABC, you get a linked text, which contains a message to us, the Russians. In a modernized presentation by J. Kesler, this message looks like this:

Az Buki Vedi

I know letters

Verb Good Natural

The letter is an asset.

Live Zelo Earth

Work hard, earthlings,

And Izhe Kako People

As befits reasonable people -

Think Our He Rooms

Comprehend the universe!

Rtsy Word Firmly

Speak with conviction

Укъ Фъртъ Херъ

Knowledge is a gift from God!

Tsy Worm Shta

Dare, delve into

Er Yus Yat

Comprehend the light of existence!

I really liked this phrase: "The ABC is wonderful music that sings with the soul, uniting us all."

There is one more point, which is no less important: until 1700 the letters of the ABC had their numerical value. To indicate that an alphabetic character is not a letter, but a number, a special character called "titlo" was placed above it.

Even Pythagoras argued that the letter and the number have the same vibration. The connection between letters and numbers was not accidental, and this is another unsolved facet of the ABC that our distant ancestors knew! Indeed, based on this, the ABC is a system of numerical codes and, pronouncing words, we pronounce the numerical codes of a certain vibration, and the Universe responds to our vibrations ...

Wow, it hurts! We do not know so much about our antiquity, we renounce deep secrets, from the foundations of our history and lose our roots, it seems that the process has dragged on. The main thing is not to cross the point of no return.

The Old Slavonic alphabet existed many hundreds of years ago, back in the days Ancient Rus... It was in this language that our ancestors communicated, and it got its name "alphabet" because of the combination of two letters "az" and "beeches", which mean the first letters of our alphabet "A" and "B".

Slavic writing was previously revealed in the articles Drop and Slavic alphabet. Now let's consider one of the interesting facts.

The ancestors of the Slavic alphabet

The events that led to the emergence of the Slavic alphabet date back to 862, when Christianity was first spoken about in Russia. At that time, Prince Vsevolod was in power, who ordered to send his ambassadors to Byzantium to the emperor Michael, to ask them to send preachers of the Christian faith to Great Moravia. The reason for this request was that the people could not independently delve into the essence of Christianity, since all the Scriptures were written in Latin.

To somehow help the Slavs, the Byzantine emperor Michael sent two brothers to Russia - Methodius and Cyril. The second of the brothers got his name "Cyril" after he took monastic tonsure. The choice fell on Cyril and Methodius for a reason. The brothers were born in Sopuni (Greek version of "Thessaloniki") in the family of a military leader. For that time, they had a very good education, besides, Cyril studied at the imperial court of Michael the Third, and spoke four languages: Arabic, Greek, Slavic and Hebrew. Cyril's real name is Constantine, and for his ability to initiate others in all the secrets of philosophy, he received the nickname Constantine the Philosopher.

As for the second brother, Methodius, he took a different path and began his activity with military service. He also tried himself as a ruler of one of the regions that was inhabited by the Slavs. In 860, Methodius, together with his brother Cyril, went to the Khazars in order to spread Christianity in their lands, and also to discuss some important agreements.

Writing was very bad in those years. In order to somehow convey the essence of Christianity to the common people, and not learn Latin for them, Cyril, together with his brother, had to create their own written signs of the Slavic language. Slavic variant Scriptures was simply necessary to achieve an understanding of the Christian faith. As a result, Cyril and Methodius created the first Old Church Slavonic alphabet in 863.

There are two versions of the alphabet - Glagolitic and Cyrillic. Even today, historians argue about which of these options belongs to Cyril, and which appeared a little later. After the creation of the alphabet, Methodius and Cyril took up the translation of the entire Bible into the Slavic language. This alphabet gave a lot for the Slavs, and its value is enormous. After its appearance, people were able not only to speak competently in their own language, but also to read books, to form the literary basis of the language. Many words have survived to today, and they can often be found in Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian languages.

Symbol word

Even before the appearance of Cyril and Methodius in Russia, the Slavs had their own signs with which they conveyed knowledge or messages. Slavic alphabet contained letters that matched certain words. Even the word "ABC" itself came from a combination of two words "az" and "beeches", which mean the first two letters of the alphabet - "A" and "B".

The very first Slavic written symbols were carved on the walls of the churches of Pereslavl, and they were depicted in the form of pictures. This event took place already in the 9th century. Two hundred years later, symbols appeared in Kiev, on the walls of St. Sophia Cathedral. Now they tried to interpret the signs and even make a written translation.

A new stage in the formation and development of the alphabet was associated with the emergence of printing. The first printed alphabet that appeared in Russia was already in 1574. The name of the person who published it is Ivan Fedorov. The first printed alphabet was called "Old Slavic alphabet".

Christianity and writing - what is the connection?

The Old Church Slavonic alphabet had great value for the Slavs, because thanks to him they were able to penetrate deeply into the Christian faith, learn its essence and even give it their heart. Most scholars agreed that if Cyril and Methodius had not created the first written alphabet, then Christianity in Russia would never have appeared, or at least so quickly. The gap between the emergence of the alphabet and the adoption of Christianity is 125 years, and during these years there has been a huge leap in self-knowledge. From polytheism, people came to faith in the One God, holy books appeared in Russia, people learned to read them, thanks to which Christianity spread with great speed.

The year of the creation of the alphabet among the Slavs is 863, and Christianity in Russia was adopted in 988. It was at that time grand Duke Vladimir announced to his people that now everyone will believe in the One God, and any manifestation of polytheism will be severely punished.

What is the secret in the Old Church Slavonic symbols?

Some scholars are inclined to believe that the ancient signs of the Old Church Slavonic alphabet contain a special cipher, which can be solved to obtain special religious and philosophical knowledge. All of them taken together represent a clearly folded complex system that is built on logic and mathematical calculations. There is also an opinion that the Slavic alphabet is not just a set of signs and individual elements, but a single indissoluble system. The Old Slavic Cyrillic alphabet was created according to the uncial Greek writing system, and consisted of 43 letters. 24 letters were borrowed from the Greek unial, and the remaining 19 letters were created by Methodius and Cyril themselves. It was difficult to come up with new letters, but it was also a necessary measure, since most of the Slavic sounds did not resemble Greek. Thus, Cyril either borrowed letters from other languages, or invented them himself, choosing a more convenient form for the Slavs.

"Higher" and "Lower" part of the Old Church Slavonic alphabet

As mentioned earlier, each letter had its own special meaning. That is why the Cyrillic alphabet is conventionally divided into two parts: higher and lower. The highest part began with the letter "az" (A) and ended with the letter "fet" (F). their names were aimed at people, as these words were clear to everyone. The lower part began with the letter "sha" and ended with the letter "Izhitsa". This set of letters received this definition because they were left without cipher matching, which means that in order to penetrate their deep essence, it is necessary to carefully study and analyze all the nuances. The ABC, created by Cyril and Methodius, is a real book on self-improvement, since to understand the meaning of all the letters and penetrate into their essence, you needed great patience, a large amount of knowledge and painstaking work.

She fully possesses such a feature as acrophonicity, significantly different from Hebrew

Russian alphabet - absolutely unique phenomenon among all known methods letter letter. The ABC differs from other alphabets not only in its practically perfect embodiment of the principle of unambiguous graphic display “one sound - one letter”. The alphabet also contains content, I would even say, a whole message from time immemorial (pardon the pathos), which, if we try a little, we can read literally.

To begin with, let's remember the phrase “Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant is sitting”, familiar from childhood - an excellent algorithm for memorizing the sequence of rainbow colors (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple). This is the so-called. acrophonic method: each word of the phrase begins with the same letter as the name of the color (acrophony is the formation of words from the initial letters of the original phrase. Words are read not by the alphabetical names of letters, but as an ordinary word).

Morse code with tunes

However, acrophonic memorization is far from being a toy. For example, after the invention of the famous code for telegraph communications by Morse in 1838, the problem of mass training of telegraph operators arose. To memorize Morse code quickly turned out to be more difficult than the multiplication table. The solution was found: for the convenience of memorization, each Morse character was opposed by a word starting with the letter that this character conveys. For example, "dot-dash" became "watermelon" because they convey "a". In short, acrophony ensures easy memorization of the alphabet and, as a result, the fastest possible distribution.

Among the main European alphabets, three are more or less acrophonic: Greek, Hebrew and Cyrillic (Glagolitic). In the Latin alphabet, this feature is completely absent, therefore, the Latin alphabet could appear only on the basis of an already widespread writing, when there is no longer a need for acrophony.

Greek alphabet ( )

In the Greek alphabet, remnants of this phenomenon can be traced in the names of 14 out of 27 letters: alpha, beta (more correctly - vita), gamma, etc. However, these words do not mean anything in greek and are slightly distorted derivatives of the Hebrew words "Aleph" (bull), "Bet" (house), "Gimel" (camel), etc. The Hebrew fully retains acrophony to this day, which, by the way, contributes a lot to the rapid learning of immigrants in Israel. By the way, the comparison on the basis of acrophonicity directly indicates a certain borrowing of the Hebrew letter by the Greeks.

Hebrew text ( )

The Proto-Slavic alphabet also fully possesses the sign of acrophonicity, but it differs significantly from Hebrew, as the Russian chemist, musician, author of works in the field of history and linguistics Yaroslav Kesler writes in his book "Alphabet: a message to the Slavs". Among the Jews, all the names of letters are nouns in the singular and nominative case. But among the names of 29 letters of the Slavic alphabet - at least 7 verbs. Of these, 4 are in the imperative mood: two in the singular (rtsy, tsy) and two in the plural (think, live), one verb in indefinite form (yat), one - in the third person singular (is) and one - in the past tense (lead). Moreover, among the names of letters, there are pronouns (kako, shta), and adverbs (firm, zelo), and plural nouns (people, beeches).

In a normal, coherent conversation, one verb accounts for an average of three other parts of speech. In the names of the letters of the Proto-Slavic alphabet, this sequence is observed, which directly indicates the coherent nature of the alphabetical names.

Alphabetical Message ( )

Thus, - a set of coding phrases that allow each sound of the language system to give an unambiguous graphical correspondence (i.e., a letter).

And now - ATTENTION! Consider the first three letters of the alphabet - az, buki, lead.

Az - "I".

Beeches (beeches) - "letters, letters".

Vedi (Veda) - "knew", the perfect past tense from "Vediti" - to know, to know.

Combining the acrophonic names of the first three letters of the alphabet, we get the following: "az buki vede" - "I know the letters."

Combined into phrases and all subsequent letters of the alphabet:

Verb - "word", and not only spoken, but also written.

Good is "property, acquired wealth."

There is (natural) - the third person singular from the verb "to be".

We read: "the verb is good naturally" - "the word is a property."

Live - imperative mood, plural from "live" - \u200b\u200b"to live in labor, and not to vegetate."

Zelo - "diligently, with zeal" (cf. English zeal - stubborn, zealous, jealous - jealous, and also biblical name Zealot is a "jealous man").

Earth - "planet Earth and its inhabitants, earthlings."

And - the union "and".

Izhe - "those who, they are."

Kako - "how", "like".

People are "intelligent beings."

We read: "live green, earth, and what kind of people" - "live working hard, earthlings, and as befits people."

Think - imperative mood, plural from "to think, comprehend with the mind."

Nash - "our" in the usual sense.

He is "the aforementioned" in the meaning of "the only, one".

Rooms (rest) - "the basis (of the universe)". Wed "Rest" - "be based on something."

We read: "think our on''s chambers" - "comprehend our universe."

Rtsy (rtsi) - imperative mood: "speak, utter, read aloud." Wed "Speech".

Yat (yati) - "to comprehend, to have."

"Tsy, worm, shta yra yus yati!" stands for "Dare, tochi, worm to comprehend the Light of God!"

The combination of the above phrases makes up the alphabetical Message:

“Az buki vede. The verb is good natural. Live green, earth, and, like people, think of our rooms. Rtsy word is firm - uk ferret Her. Tsy, worm, shta Yra yus yati! " And if you give this message a modern sound, you get something like this:

I know the letters.
The letter is an asset.
Work hard, earthlings,
As befits reasonable people.
Comprehend the universe!
Use the word with conviction:
Knowledge is a gift from God!
Dare, delve into
Comprehend the light of existence!

Fragment of an interview with Yaroslav Kesler KM TV about the origin of the Russian alphabet and the decoding of the unique message encoded in it

All Slavic languages: Russian, Polish, Czech, Bulgarian, Polabian, Slovak, Serbo-Croatian, Lusatian and Slovene, come from one, the roots of which come from the language of the poetic hymns of the Rig Veda. From the Vedic Sanskrit originates
In Vedic times Russia was a single linguistic space over a vast territory and possessed a single great Old Russian language, which had a more developed phonetics and grammar than the modern Russian language.
The ancient Slavic language was common language communication for all Slavic tribes in the first half of the 1st millennium AD ...

Linguistic analysis slavic languages, clearly proves that the process of division of the Old Slavic language began in the middle of the 1st millennium AD. e. In the process of separation, the Old Slavic language changed, the pronunciation of words was distorted, the turns of speech were simplified, new vocabulary was added, and grammar changed.

For 9 centuries, the Old Russian language has changed a lot, but even in the 9th century, when in the ancient Russian annals some slavic peoples - Bulgarians, Czechs, Poles, etc., chroniclers noted that they all speak the same Slavic language. What does the word SLAVS mean?

Let's try to find the roots of the word SLAVES in the Vedic Sanskrit dictionary:

Shrava - śrava - Word.(The letters R and L are very often interchanged or rearranged, there are many examples of this: Bala-rai-ka \u003d bala-rai-ka - Balalaika... Ruch - ruс - ray, shine.Bark, paradise, rayati - laj, rai, rayati - bark, bark.)

Shravaha - śravaḥ - a word of praise, loud praise (Glory)

The result of each stage of deep reading of the text became the "key" to the transition to the next stage. All levels of reading the text were combined into a single deep understanding of the text. Starting from simple reading, one received everyday wisdom; deep reading - the highest order of wisdom, awareness of the deep information of the matrix. It turned out an "information matryoshka" for everyone: common people repeated the sacred texts in chants, hymns, glorifying the Gods from century to century, so simply and reliably sacred (secret) information was stored in time. Wizards, sorcerers, priests kept "keys" to decipher ancient wisdom.

What is the principle of information extraction at different stages of EDUCATION?
For example, let's take the Old Russian ABC itself.
Stage 1: studying the name of the drop cap, its style, recognition in the text and reading. Az, Buki, Vedi - “I recognized the letters” - says the child, because “Buki” sounds clearer to him than “Gods”.

Stage 2: all the alphabet letters - from Az to Yat - can be combined into a coherent instructive text.

Stage 3: other rows, columns and even the diagonals of the drop cap, presented in the form of a 7x7 matrix, also have a hidden meaning, which is proof of the uniqueness of the Old Slavic language, which absorbed the ancient roots of the words of Vedic Sanskrit, the language of our ancestors from Arctida.

The Old Russian Alphabet is a coherent text that contains a message!
When reading the name of each letter of the Old Russian Alphabet, a hidden message appears before you, written in the Old Russian language:

, (the letter A means "tma" (one thousand), A \u003d legion (10 thousand) "We are Thousands"
- with God, with God's help

VERBS - speech of the word literacy, (God Created Verbs - God created speech)
GOOD is for Good.
IS - is, to exist
I AM - “I am with God within myself” I cognize space
-, exist for Life, for the meaning of Life is in Life itself
(very, strong, JELO - efficiently, diligently, WHOLE - whole) (in English jealous - zealous)
- Earth
IZHE - in alliance, with the United,
IZHEI - ALL ITS (Earth), universal structure
INIT - permeated, community, communication, for unification
HERV - to ripen, ripen. (Ardent, spring, ardent, heat, hot ..., love).
, how,
PEOPLE - People, laity, people
THINK - goal, intention, determination, thought, reflection, when the flesh merges with the Spirit
- your own, close in spirit
ON - "this", the only
REST - calm,

SLOVO - a word, an embodied thought
FIRM - stronghold, visible space of heaven
UK - Decree
OUK - Science
FRET - to comprehend, to understand (in Sanskrit - forward! Hooray! - one cry of the attacking troops) PASS - move forward
- divine ()
OT - from here
TSY - (qi, tsti) - "tochi, penetrate, penetrate, dare", as
CHRRVL - worm
SHA - what,
STA - to, "in order to"
EPb - EPY - EPb \u003d b, s, b - Hard and Soft efforts.
YUN - clear, light.
YAT - Yat (yati) - to embrace, comprehend, take, have, withdraw.
The ABC contains not only instructive instructions for all students of literacy.
Let's try to build phrases of 3-4 drop caps in order, start each line with a new drop cap in order, at the end of each new line add the next alphabet drop in order.
Az Gods Vedy - I know the Gods
Ved Gods Verbs Good - Gods in the Vedas Verb Good.
Veda Verbs Good Is - The Vedas tell that there is good.
Verbs Good is Belly - Say that Good is Life.
Good is Belly Zelo - Good is a whole life (diligent)
Have Belly Zelo Earth - There is a lot of life on Earth.
Belly Zelo Earth Izhe Izha - There is a lot of life on the Earth and the whole (universe)
Zelo Earth Izhe Izhey Init - The Earth is integral together with the entire Universe
Earth Izhe Izhe Init Herv - the Earth in alliance with it (the Universe) is maturing (Yar, heat)
Izhe Izhey Init Herv Kako - Together with her, Everything is permeated, like heat (YAR, Love)
Izhey Init Gerv Kako People - SHE is all permeated with heat (Love), like people
Init Herv Kako People Think - Love is in it, like people have in their thoughts
Herv Kako People Think Our - Love, like people in their thoughts
How People Think Our On - How People Are One In Their Thoughts
People Think Our He Peace - Human thoughts are one about peace
Think Our On the Peace of Rtsy - Think all our peace in words (in speeches)
Our On the Peace Rtsy Word - Our only peace in the spoken word
On the Peace of Rtsy Word Firmly - One peace in the firmly spoken word
Peace of Rtsy Word Firmly Uk - Peace in the firmly spoken word of the charter
Rtsy Word Firmly Uk Oak - Speak firmly the word of the charter and science
The Word Firmly Uk Oak Furet - The Word Firmly of the Rite and Science Comprehend
Firmly Uk Oak Furet Her - the Firmness of the charter and the science of comprehending God
Uk Oak Furet Her Ot - You will comprehend the Charter and Science from God
Oak Furet Her Ot Tsy - Dare to comprehend science from God
Furet Her Ot Tsy Worm - Comprehend science from God, try like a worm
Her Ot Tsy Worm Sha Shta - From God you are a worm, because
Ot Tsi Chervl Sha Shta - From here, understand (tochi) like a worm, because
Tsy Chervl Sha Shta Yun - Pay attention like a worm to make it clear
Worm Sha Shta Yun Yat - Tochi, the Tree of Knowledge, to Take the Light.

To stop, or, for a start, to slow down the process of savagery, simplification, and disfigurement of the Russian language, one must return to one's roots, figuratively speaking, to one's origins. And for this you need to know the language of your fathers, Shchurs, ancestors. And not only to know, but to be, to become full-fledged heirs of the richest heritage of our ancestors, having mastered the knowledge of the native language in full.

The Russian alphabet is a completely unique phenomenon among all known methods of letter writing. The ABC differs from other alphabets not only by the practically perfect embodiment of the principle of unambiguous graphic display “one sound - one letter”. The alphabet also contains content, I would even say, a whole message from the depths of the ages, which we, if we try a little, can read literally.

Acrophony (from the Greek ákros - extreme and phōnē - sound), words formed from the initial letters of the words of the original phrase, read not by the alphabetical names of letters, but as an ordinary word.

To begin with, let's remember the phrase “Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant is sitting”, familiar from childhood - an excellent algorithm for memorizing the sequence of rainbow colors (red, orange, yellow, green, light blue, blue, purple). This is the so-called. acrophonic way: each word of the phrase begins with the same letter as the name of the color. Words are read not by the alphabetical names of letters, but as an ordinary word.

Morse code with tunes

However, acrophonic memorization is far from being a toy. For example, after the invention of the famous code for telegraph communications by Morse in 1838, the problem of mass training of telegraph operators arose. It turned out to be more difficult to memorize Morse code quickly than the multiplication table. The solution was found: for the convenience of memorization, each Morse character was opposed by a word starting with the letter that this character conveys. For example, "dot-dash" became "watermelon" because they convey "a". In short, acrophony ensures easy memorization of the alphabet and, as a result, the fastest possible distribution.

Among the main European alphabets, three are more or less acrophonic: Greek, Hebrew and Cyrillic (Glagolitic). In the Latin alphabet, this feature is completely absent, therefore, the Latin alphabet could appear only on the basis of an already widespread writing, when there is no longer a need for acrophony.

Greek alphabet

In the Greek alphabet, remnants of this phenomenon can be traced in the names of 14 out of 27 letters: alpha, beta (more correctly - vita), gamma, etc. However, these words do not mean anything in the Greek language and are slightly distorted derivatives of the Hebrew words "Aleph" (bull ), "Bet" (house), "gimel" (camel), etc. Hebrew has fully retained its acrophony to this day, which, by the way, contributes a lot to the rapid education of immigrants in Israel. By the way, the comparison on the basis of acrophonicity directly indicates a certain borrowing of the Hebrew letter by the Greeks.

Hebrew text

The Proto-Slavic alphabet also fully possesses the sign of acrophonicity, but it differs significantly from Hebrew, as the Russian chemist, musician, author of works in the field of history and linguistics Yaroslav Kesler writes in his book "Alphabet: a message to the Slavs". Among the Jews, all the names of letters are nouns in the singular and nominative case. But among the names of 29 letters of the Slavic alphabet - at least 7 verbs. Of these, 4 are in the imperative mood: two in the singular (rtsy, tsy) and two in the plural (think, live), one verb in an indefinite form (yat), one in the third person singular (is) and one - in the past tense (lead). Moreover, among the names of letters, there are pronouns (kako, shta), and adverbs (firmly, zelo), and plural nouns (people, beeches).

In a normal, coherent conversation, one verb accounts for an average of three other parts of speech. In the names of the letters of the Proto-Slavic alphabet, this sequence is observed, which directly indicates the coherent nature of the alphabetical names.

Alphabet message

Thus, the Proto-Slavic alphabet is a Message - a set of coding phrases that allow each sound of the language system to give an unambiguous graphic correspondence (i.e., a letter).

And now - ATTENTION! Let's read the Message contained in the Proto-Slavic alphabet. Consider the first three letters of the alphabet - az, buki, lead.

Russian alphabet - a coded message from time immemorial

AZb - "I".

BUKI (letters) - "letters, letters".

VEDI (VEDE) - "knew", the perfect past tense from "Vediti" - to know, to know.

Combining the acrophonic names of the first three letters of the alphabet, we get the following:

"Az Buki Vedi" - "I know the letters"

Combined into phrases and all subsequent letters of the alphabet:

VERB - "word", and not only spoken, but also written.

GOOD - "property, acquired wealth."

IS (natural) - the third person singular from the verb "to be".

"The verb good is natural" - "the word is an asset"

LIVE - imperative mood, plural from "to live" - \u200b\u200b"to live in work, not vegetate."

ZELO - “diligently, with zeal” (compare English zeal - stubborn, zealous, jealous - jealous, and also the biblical name Zealot - “jealous”). Earth - "planet Earth and its inhabitants, earthlings."

And - the union "and".

IZHE - "those who are the same."

HOW - "how", "like".

PEOPLE are "intelligent beings."

"Live zealously, earth, and people like that" - "live working hard, earthlings, and as befits people"

THINK - imperative mood, plural from "to think, comprehend with the mind."

NASH - "our" in the usual sense.

ОНЬ - "this" in the meaning of "one, one".

REST (rest) - "the basis (of the universe)". Wed "Rest" - "be based on something."

"Think our ony chambers" - "comprehend our universe"

RTSY (rci) - imperative mood: "speak, utter, read aloud." Wed "Speech".

WORD - "transmitting knowledge".

FIRM - "confidently, confidently."

"Rtsy word is firm" - "carry knowledge with conviction"

UK is the basis of knowledge, doctrine. Wed science, teach, skill, custom.

FERT, f (b) ret - "fertilizes".

HER - "divine, given from above" (compare German herr - lord, God, Greek "iero" - divine, English hero - a hero, and also russian name God - Horse).

"Uk fert Her" - "knowledge impregnates the Almighty", "knowledge is a gift of God"

TSY (qi, tsti) - "tochi, penetrate, penetrate, dare."

WORM (worm) - "the one who sharpens, penetrates."

Ш (т) а (Ш, Щ) - "what" in the meaning "to".

B, b (ep / ep, bb) are variants of one letter, meaning an indefinite short vowel close to "e". The variant "b" arose later from "i" (this is how the letter "yat" was displayed in writing until the 20th century).

YUS (yus small) - "light", old Russian "yas". In modern Russian, the root "yas" is preserved, for example, in the word "clear".

YAT (yati) - "to comprehend, to have." (Compare "withdraw", "take", etc.).

"Tsy, worm, shta yra yus yati!" stands for "Dare, tochi, worm to comprehend the Light of Jehovah!"

The combination of the above phrases makes up the alphabetical Message:

Az buki vede. The verb is good natural. Live green, earth, and, like people, think of our chambers. Rtsy word is firm - uk furet Her. Tsy, worm, shta ya yus yati!

And if you give this message a modern sound, it will look something like this:

I know the letters. A letter is an asset. Work hard, earthlings, As befits reasonable men. Comprehend the universe! Carry the word with conviction: Knowledge is a gift from God! Dare, penetrate in order to comprehend the Light of God!

Alphabet prayer

There is one more variant of "decoding" of the Russian alphabet - the Alphabet Prayer.

"Alphabet Prayer" (sometimes called "Explanatory Alphabet") is a poetic alphabet, one of the earliest Slavic poems. It is a special form of presentation of religious truths, revealing in an easy-to-remember poetic form various issues Orthodox teaching. It is an acrostic to the alphabet (the so-called abesedarium).
The text was found among the manuscripts of the former Patriarchal Library in a collection that once belonged to Patriarch Nikon.

"I pray to God with this word"

With this word I pray to God:
O God, all creatures to the Creator,
Visible and invisible
The Lord Spirit, after the Living One,
Let him breathe a word in our hearts,
Everybody will be successful,
Living in the commandment of Ti.
The body is the luminary of life
Thy law, light to the paths,
He is looking for an evangelical word
I will ask for Your gifts to receive.
All turning to baptism,
Thy people have been baptized again,
Thy mercies, O God, will ask for more.
But now it’s widespread for me to give,
Father, Son and Holy Soul,
He who asks for help from You.
I will lift up my own hands,
Power to be welcome and wisdom with you.
Thou hast bestowed virtue on worthy, but in the hypostasis of every purpose.
The trust of all the ends of the earth.
Pharaoh bring me evil,
Give thought and mind to the Cherubim.
Ѡ, Honest Most Holy Trinity, shift my sorrow to joy.
Sincerely, let me start writing
Miracles are your foremost zelo,
Six-winged forces I will accept.
Now I am delighted in following the teacher, following his name and deeds,
I will create the Evangelical word, praising the Trinity in the Godhead,
Every age sings, young and old in mind,
The tongue is new, praising the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit,
To him honor and power and glory
from all creation and breath
from all forever and ever. Amen

The prayer was composed for a better memorization of the alphabet. Based on the first slavic letters and our modern Russian alphabet arose.

All of the above is not fiction at all. This is our Native Language!

And finally from myself.

The word "LOVE" means "THE PEOPLE OF GOD Know"!


"BO" - "GOD",

"B" - "LEAD".

And the name of the city JERUSALEM can be deciphered as follows:

And - "like"

E - "you"

Rus - "Russian"

Alim - "Olympus"

"Like Thou Russian Olympus" \u003d JERUSALEM!

Perhaps this version of deciphering the name of the glorious city will cause not only a reaction of rejection among professional historians, but also a desire to study a simple question: could the name of Jerusalem “travel” on the map century after century? In other words, didn't it happen that this name "Jerusalem" was called in different centuries different cities on Earth?

we better understand The significance of the Russian Alphabet, if we recall the words that sounded in an interview with Academician Oleg Nikolaevich Trubachev (1930-2002), the most prominent Russian Slavist:

“The alphabet is the same symbol of statehood as the Coat of Arms, Anthem, and Banner.

The alphabet is a shrine of sovereign significance "

“In the days of doubt, in the days of painful thoughts about the fate of my Motherland, you alone are my support and support, oh great, mighty, truthful and free Russian language! .. Do not be you - how not to fall into despair at the sight of everything that is happening at home ... But one cannot believe that such a language was not given to a great people! " From the poem in prose by I. S. Turgenev "Russian language" (1882)