The chain around your neck: magical meaning, signs and fortune-telling. Which means that my pectoral cross is falling from an unfastened chain

Somehow my son's chain was broken - he almost immediately fell ill with a cold, was sick quite seriously. Then my daughter's daughter got torn, I immediately changed her thread out of harm's way. It may be superstition, but the fact is on the face. They have worn for years and nothing, but here, almost at the same time, both of them were torn ..

Somehow my son's chain was broken - he almost immediately fell ill with a cold, was sick quite seriously. Then my daughter's daughter got torn, I immediately changed her thread out of harm's way. It may be superstition, but the fact is on the face. They have worn for years and nothing, but here, almost at the same time, both of them were torn ..

Somehow my son's chain was broken - he almost immediately fell ill with a cold, was sick quite seriously. Then my daughter's daughter got torn, I immediately changed her thread out of harm's way. It may be superstition, but the fact is on the face. They have worn for years and nothing, but here, almost at the same time, both of them were torn ..

OlgaNAG. I wrote: Somehow my son's chain was broken - he almost immediately fell ill with a cold, was sick quite seriously. Then my daughter's daughter got torn, I immediately changed her thread out of harm's way. It may be superstition, but the fact is on the face. They have worn for years and nothing, but here, almost at the same time, both of them were torn ..

I read about exactly the same case! And it doesn't seem to me that this is an accident (

OlgaNAG. I wrote: Somehow my son's chain was broken - he almost immediately fell ill with a cold, was sick quite seriously. Then my daughter's daughter got torn, I immediately changed her thread out of harm's way. It may be superstition, but the fact is on the face. They have worn for years and nothing, but here, almost at the same time, both of them were torn ..

I read about exactly the same case! And it doesn't seem to me that this is an accident (

And I think that we got rid of something bad. I had it like this, the chain was constantly unbuttoned, I changed the cross

And I think that we got rid of something bad. I had it like this, the chain was constantly unbuttoned, I changed the cross

It’s also interesting what it’s for. How so ?!

It's also interesting what it is.
My dad lost crosses more than once, and the chain remained intact (((
How so ?!

It's also interesting what it is.
My dad lost crosses more than once, and the chain remained intact (((
How so ?!

It seems to me that the church can answer briefly and accurately.
I think we need to change the chain and put on your cross as soon as possible. My daughter recently lost a cross. As soon as I discovered it, I bought a simple one with a string in the church shop. And then she was after an illness ... A week later, we found the lost cross in the kindergarten. It seems to me that the chain is not mystic at all. The main thing is not to lose the cross.

It seems to me that the church can answer briefly and accurately.
I think we need to change the chain and put on your cross as soon as possible. My daughter recently lost a cross. As soon as I discovered it, I bought a simple one with a string in the church shop. And then she was after an illness ... A week later, we found the lost cross in the kindergarten. It seems to me that the chain is not mystic at all. The main thing is not to lose the cross.

According to the church, this does not mean anything. Over time, if you wear the chain for a long time, the links fray, stretch and break, therefore, crosses are often worn on a string. Don't believe in superstition, bad things attract. Go to church to calm down and everything will be fine. I know that you cannot tear the found crosses and icons.
I also read that if during prayer in church your chain falls off, then the cross fell from you and you freed yourself from some kind of burden, if icons disappeared (sometimes people carry them with them), then the saints have done everything for you and more you are in do not need them.
P.S. As you can see, this does not lead to anything bad, only to good.

According to the church, this does not mean anything. Over time, if you wear the chain for a long time, the links fray, stretch and break, therefore, crosses are often worn on a string. Don't believe in superstition, bad things attract. Go to church to calm down and everything will be fine. I know that you cannot tear the found crosses and icons.
I also read that if during prayer in church your chain falls off, then the cross fell from you and you freed yourself from some kind of burden, if icons disappeared (sometimes people carry them with them), then the saints have done everything for you and more you are in do not need them.
P.S. As you can see, this does not lead to anything bad, only to good.

My friend was cursing, nothing happened. You have been writing for many years, most likely the links are frayed, quite a common situation

My friend was cursing, nothing happened. You have been writing for many years, most likely the links are frayed, quite a common situation

According to the church, this does not mean anything. Over time, if you wear the chain for a long time, the links fray, stretch and break, therefore, crosses are often worn on a string. Don't believe in superstition, bad things attract. Go to church to calm down and everything will be fine. I know that you cannot tear the found crosses and icons. I also read that if during prayer in church your chain falls off, then the cross fell from you and you freed yourself from some kind of burden, if icons disappeared (sometimes people carry them with them), then the saints have done everything for you and more you are in do not need them. P.S. As you can see, this does not lead to anything bad, only to good.

I also read that if during prayer in church your chain falls off, then the cross fell from you and you freed yourself from some kind of burden, if icons disappeared (sometimes people carry them with them), then the saints have done everything for you and more you are in do not need them.
P.S. As you can see, this does not lead to anything bad, only to good.

You cannot take crosses and icons. Was sealed (((

Malika wrote: According to the church, this does not mean anything. Over time, if you wear the chain for a long time, the links fray, stretch and break, therefore, crosses are often worn on a string. Don't believe in superstition, bad things attract. Go to church to calm down and everything will be fine. I know that you cannot tear the found crosses and icons.
I also read that if during prayer in church your chain falls off, then the cross fell from you and you freed yourself from some kind of burden, if icons disappeared (sometimes people carry them with them), then the saints have done everything for you and more you are in do not need them.
P.S. As you can see, this does not lead to anything bad, only to good.

You cannot take crosses and icons. Was sealed (((

What you believe in comes true. I don’t wear a cross at all, I’m still alive. I was in the font without a cross, but it helped me get rid of the disease. God is inside, I believe.

What you believe in comes true. I don’t wear a cross at all, I’m still alive. I was in the font without a cross, but it helped me get rid of the disease. God is inside, I believe.

Let's think logically. God is the supreme, he sees and knows everything. Including he vkurse and your worldview. If he considers it necessary to warn or signal you about something, he will do it in an understandable way for you ... He knows what you might think about when the chain breaks. Remember your first thoughts and actually why this event became disturbing for you. Well, draw your own conclusions.

Let's think logically. God is the supreme, he sees and knows everything. Including he vkurse and your worldview. If he considers it necessary to warn or signal you about something, he will do it in an understandable way for you ... He knows what you might think about when the chain breaks. Remember your first thoughts and actually why this event became disturbing for you. Well, draw your own conclusions.

Perhaps there is not a single person who has never lost anything in his life.

What if you have lost the cross? What does it mean?

The answer of the priest will help us to understand this.

Superstitions and omens

Having lost any thing, many people ask themselves the question: “What is it for? Why it happens?".

There are many signs and beliefs associated with the loss of a pectoral cross. Some say that it is bad sign: with him, you allegedly lose the protection that he gave you, and some kind of trouble will surely happen to you.

Others argue that along with the cross, a great grief could have gone away from you. In this case, this is already a good omen. Still others declare without a shadow of hesitation: you have committed a grave sin, and therefore the cross has left you. Even the loss of the cross can promise total changes in life. Or talk about the fact that they tried to damage a person. If an elderly person has lost the cross, his last days will pass in poverty and suffering.

Many other situations are provided for by signs. So, for example, if a chain with a cross breaks and it gets lost - expect adversity, but if the cross is still found, then the obstacles will be overcome with dignity. A broken cross does not bode well. And the someone else's cross you found, and even more so it is worth bypassing.

As you may have noticed, all the signs contradict themselves. How many people - so many opinions, after all, signs are a product of folk art.

The Orthodox cross is a visible confession of the Orthodox faith, a means of grace-filled protection for the believer.

When consecrating and putting on a cross on an infant, the priest reads special prayers and asks the Lord to pour in pectoral cross heavenly power, so that he would keep both the soul and the body from all evil, enemies, sorcerers and magicians.

Any Orthodox Christian knows that all superstitions are heresy that has nothing to do with reality. Therefore, in order to find the answer to the question that worries us, we turn to the priest with him and see from the church point of view, what does it mean when the cross is lost, fell, torn, etc.

What to do if the cross is lost - the father's answer

Any priest will answer you - the loss of a pectoral cross does not mean anything except your inattention and negligence.

The only trouble that the cross is lost is that it may end up in an inappropriate, unclean place. You need to go to the temple and buy a new pectoral cross there.

If the previous cross is still found, then you can choose one, and put the second on the shelf with icons. There is nothing terrible in the found someone else's cross.

Moreover, it must be lifted with reverence and either taken to the temple (and they will figure out what to do with it), or given to someone who does not have their own cross.

How you can not relate to the underwear cross:

  • wear as a fashion accessory;
  • use patches and appliques, decorate clothes;
  • sell;
  • walk past a cross that is lying on the ground (or somewhere else) - the shrine cannot be trampled underfoot;
  • to be afraid to give and wear someone else's crosses - you need to remember that this is a shrine, a symbol of the salvation of mankind;
  • remove the cross when washing in a bath, visiting a doctor, an X-ray room, swimming in a pool - everywhere a Christian needs protection;
  • go to church without a cross and participate in divine services. As the church cannot be without the cross, so also the Christian.


A lot of the things we use are lost or broken. There is no need to look for some hidden meaning in this. If you have lost the cross and you cannot find it in any way, go to the temple and buy a new one. The cross is your protection from demons and a weapon against the forces of evil.

For people professing the faith of Christianity, pectoral cross is a symbol of faith and a reminder of the suffering of Jesus. They receive it after the ceremony of baptism and do not remove it under any circumstances. This is the so-called protection of man, which God gives.

Some people encounter the problem of a broken pectoral cross, but do not expect anything bad. This is just a sign that you need to take good care of the amulets. It is also worth remembering that you cannot throw out the cross. It is best to bury the broken amulet where animals and people do not walk, or bring it to the temple.

Also in Ancient Rus it was customary to change the copper cross for a wooden one before going to the bathhouse, since the metal heated up and burned the skin. Because of their strong faith, many people whose cross has fallen expect difficult times in their lives. It seems to them that, having lost the amulet, they will be punished for such an attitude to faith and will lose the support of the Almighty. But in the church there are no bad omens and they consider the loss of the cross as a mere coincidence. After all, a person voluntarily wears a talisman, thus showing his love for God. So don't panic too much.

There is a belief that the accidental loss of the cross is a good omen. Thus, the Almighty frees a person from suffering, trials and heavy burdens of life. It gives a person freedom and the right to build his own life. If a cross falls from the chain, it means that damage, illness and all negativity go away with it. That is why the church forbids raising someone else's found cross. After all, he can convey other people's troubles to a person. It is best to bring it into the temple and give it to the ministers.

If the chain on which the pectoral cross is held is broken, then God gives this person the freedom to independently choose his path in life, and does not reject him. He will always help him in difficult situations and show the right path. This explanation is also suitable for the loss of an icon or amulet. This means that the saints have done everything necessary for a person, and he no longer needs their help. It can also mean that the loss of the icon is associated with the transition to another protector and patron. In this case, a sign will be given to the person. Perhaps he will see an image or find an object that will indicate a new patron. It is worth noting that the found icons or images can be left, but before that you need to contact the clergy to christen the found thing.

It should also be noted that along with the deceased person, his pectoral cross is buried. There are exceptions only if the amulet is passed from generation to generation and during the transfer, the receiving person is blessed. An interesting fact is that in ancient times people believed in the exchange of souls and destinies if they exchanged their pectoral crosses. Such a ceremony was performed to restore spiritual kinship with each other.

If a cross falls from the chain, the omen does not carry anything bad. It's just that people pass on knowledge for years and generations, and considering that the loss of the amulet is a bad sign, they simply create panic and fear. The loss of the cross is a sign that you just need to pay attention to and draw some conclusions.

It is worth noting that the church and the signs recommend keeping the first cross, which the child often receives at baptism. The first time, when the child is still small, the cross should be put on a special rounded braid, since it will not rub the baby's neck. When he grows up, the braid can be replaced with a chain. It is advisable that the braid or chain is not very long, because then you can lose the amulet when changing clothes or bathing. To prevent the cross from falling from the neck, it is best to shorten the chain.

In the case of a lost amulet, you should not be very upset, upset and look for what happened bad luck... Naturally, it is hard to stop thinking about the sign from above, but the amulet can fall for various reasons. For example, due to gravity or under the influence of elementary physics and other phenomena. You can always buy a new cross in a store, receive it as a gift, or buy it in a church. But before putting on a new amulet, it should be brought into the temple and consecrated. Also, there is nothing wrong with accepting a cross as an inheritance, together with a blessing. After all, the power of the Christian amulet is much more powerful for the bad intentions of a person, if there were any.

It is worth remembering that it is better to believe not in superstitions and omens, but in God himself. Putting on a cross, a person shows his love and faith in the Almighty. Therefore, his loss will not affect a person's life in any way - maybe this is a sign that it is worth changing something in life and rethinking actions.

In conclusion, I would like to note that one should not think that God punishes everyone who loses or takes off their body amulet. This is a sign that you need to change something in life, rethink your actions and views on certain things and repent if you commit sins.

There are many folk signs that have been known for a long time. Many of them are associated with the behavior of birds. The titmouse is considered a good and kind bird, therefore, the signs associated with it promise bl ...

It is always annoying when jewelry that is dear to us suddenly breaks, torn or is lost. It is especially unpleasant if this is not just a favorite accessory, but a real talisman that can ward off trouble or trouble.

What does magic mean when a chain breaks? Correct interpretation depends on many circumstances: the day of the week, the place where the accessory was hanging, the material of manufacture, as well as the presence of a talisman: a cross, an icon, an amulet or a coin.

With a cross or an icon

A chain with a cross is designed to protect its owner from trouble. If it is suddenly torn, you should not immediately get scared and wait for unpleasant events. On the contrary, in this way, Fate makes you understand that it saved you from trouble. Perhaps someone envied you and tried to jinx or, even worse, spoil you. The accessory with the cross took the "blow" and saved the energy of the person. In this case, you do not need to try to fix it: it is better to buy a new decoration and consecrate it in the temple.

If the chain with the icon is broken, then Higher power saved you from an accident or lingering illness. In this situation, you need to go to church and, putting a candle in front of the icon of the saint, whose image you always carried with you, thank him for his help.

With amulet

Often, an ornament with an amulet is hung on the neck or on the arm, designed to strengthen the energy field of a person, protect him from the intrigues of enemies and diseases, or call on natural and spiritual forces for help. These talismans include:

  • minerals;
  • stones;
  • Slavic amulets (, etc.);
  • runes;
  • magic signs.

A torn accessory with an amulet means that the talisman fulfilled its purpose: it endowed the owner with special abilities, protected it from an evil eye, or warned that the time for invoking the highest gift has not yet come. For example, if a piece of jewelry with a small crystal is torn (in magic, this mineral is designed to endow the owner with the ability to see the future), then you do not need to have such power for now, otherwise the talisman may be harmful instead of benefit.

With a coin

One or several coins on the accessory are designed to provide their owner with material well-being: they "lure" money, point-wise strengthening the bioenergetic zones of a person. If the chain with a coin on the arm or neck is torn, it means that Lady Luck warns you: you need to take a break and wait a bit to summon bills to your wallet.

A torn accessory with coins should be hidden in a pot of soil for several days or kept for half an hour in a cold running water... After that, the broken jewelry can either be repaired, or hidden to valuable things, and the talisman coin can be hung on a new one.

Gold and Silver

An accessory on the chest or wrist made of precious metals - gold or silver, most often breaks due to deteriorating health. For example, the ancient Jews believed that torn by accident silver chain signals about serious problems with the cardiovascular system.

When inadvertently torn gold a chain is primarily a sign of a threat to a mental state: echoes of stress, the appearance of panic attacks, a signal of depression and neurosis. In this case, it is best to change the stressful lifestyle to a more relaxed one and avoid the causes of anxiety.

Regular jewelry

Chains made of metal alloys - cupronickel, brass, with the addition of zinc, nickel, etc., do not carry protection for a person and are intended to serve only as decoration or good memory.

What does it mean if it is torn? The omen says the following: in the near future, vanity and vain efforts await you. A broken accessory on the neck will mean subconscious dissatisfaction with people from the inner circle, the desire to change the way of life.

What day of the week?

The day of the week on which the "accident" happened is of great importance for the interpretation of the sign of a broken jewelry:

  • Monday: to problems in school and at work, they are trying to "bypass" you on the career ladder;
  • Tuesday: possible conflicts in the family with parents or children;
  • Wednesday: refuse to conclude the nearest contracts and transactions related to money. It is better to postpone planned large purchases for a week;
  • Thursday: Your superior will pay attention to you. Do not be afraid of changes in life, this is a good sign;
  • Friday: The person you most trust will betray you. Be wary of open conversations with strangers;
  • Saturday: you should pay close attention to your health;
  • Sunday: you have become the envy of others, you need to beware of gossip.

If the chain on your hand or neck breaks at night in a dream, the Higher Forces have taken a serious illness away from you. Good spirits carefully look after you and protect you.

If you dreamed that the chain broke

A dream in which you saw a broken chain most often signals getting rid of an annoying and long-lasting problem. The larger and more massive the rings in the jewelry, the more serious it was. A more accurate interpretation of sleep also depends on the sex of the dreamer.

According to Miller's dream book, a chain torn in a dream means:

  • for a girl: favorable changes in fate, marriage, breakdown of relations with a narrow-minded person;
  • for a young man: a good deal, closing a debt to a creditor, an unexpected gift.

Vanga's dream book interprets the dream of a chain as a warning: surrounded by the dreamer there are people who wish him harm. If the chain breaks on the wrist in a dream, it will upset the man's evil plans; if on the neck - the intrigues of a certain lady will not bear fruit and will be safe for you.

Sigmund Freud's interpretation of dreams also pays attention to broken jewelry. According to her, if a woman dreamed of a dream with a broken accessory, she subconsciously seeks to escape from the care of her father or husband. A man saw a similar dream - he will save his money and health if he abandons a risky business.

The pectoral cross is called a talisman. Christians say that he protects a person from defilement, taking the action of evil forces on himself. The cross has broken, which means that the negative impact was too great. The same situation arises when the chain breaks. And if this suddenly happened, you should think about what contributed to the current situation.

Folk omens

The omen says that if the chain with a cross breaks, it bodes well. It is especially bad when the amulet falls. This indicates that a powerful wave was directed at the person. negative energy: envious people and ill-wishers appeared in the environment who are trying to harm.

Now you need to reconsider your environment. You should stop communicating with people who seem insincere to you, and you will immediately notice how your life will change.

There are other signs explaining why the cross breaks and the chain that holds it around the neck breaks.

  • This situation occurs in cases when the person himself becomes a source of negative energy. If resentment, anger lurks in the soul, or there is an intention to act not according to conscience, the body amulet reacts instantly. And if it breaks down, then this is another reason to think and clear your thoughts.
  • According to another version, the pectoral cross can break in cases where a person loses protection. The amulet warns that now you need to be careful and be prepared for the blows of fate. In addition, you should purchase a new cross, be sure to consecrate it and wear it without removing it.
  • The pectoral cross has broken, perhaps it has something to do with magic. Superstitious people say that a person is being spoiled at this moment. Do not worry, because the amulet, having taken a blow on itself, took the trouble away from its wearer. Thank the Lord sincerely for his help and protection.
  • Parents are often interested in why the cross that the child was wearing breaks. In most cases, this situation develops due to excessive activity. Children are restless, and therefore in the process of playing they can damage the amulet. Here you should do the same as in the previous case: get the baby a new consecrated cross with a more massive loop.
  • As for what the cross breaks for, which has darkened before, then, according to superstitions, this is also a bad sign. The atmosphere around you is tense, and it can reign both in your workplace and in your family.
  • If the chain breaks, and the cross is lost, then, by sign, this is a bad omen. Superstition says you are going in the wrong direction. The endless obstacles that you overcome indicate that you need to stop and think if you are really moving there. Sometimes you just need to change direction and obstacles disappear immediately.
  • associated with committed sins that long time do not give you rest, but you have not repented of them. Going to church will take the burden off the soul. Ask for forgiveness for your actions and promise yourself not to do this again.
  • If the cross broke before the trip, then this is evidence that this should not be done. The road will turn out to be difficult and in general, the journey will only bring grief.
  • The loss of the amulet is a sign of an impending black streak in life. It will be a challenging period, marred by anxiety and anxiety.
  • If you notice that the chain has broken, while you tried to catch the cross, but it slipped out of your hands, then the omen in this case promises illness. Now it is advisable to pay special attention to the state of your health and, at the first signs of an illness, consult a doctor. But it is better to prevent troubles and get tested even if you feel absolutely normal.

What to do if the pectoral cross is broken

It should be noted right away that the church does not call a broken cross a bad sign. The clergy say that this subject has nothing to do with the fate of a person. They advise not to pay attention to this circumstance. special attention and even more so do not get upset.

It is better to listen to yourself: you do not feel anxiety, which means that nothing bad will happen. If your soul is restless, pray before the holy icon and ask the Lord for protection. What to do with the amulet? All that needs to be done, if the cross is broken, take it to the church and buy a new one there.

  • Do not keep the broken cross at home or throw it in the trash can. If there is no way to take the spoiled thing to the temple, it is better to donate it to the earth. The amulet should be buried in a place where few people walk.
  • If the broken cross is made of noble metal and needs to be restored, then there is no need to part with it - give it to the workshop, and then consecrate it in the church.
  • Noticed that the ear of the cross breaks off - just replace it. So you will definitely not lose your body amulet. And try to pay more attention to the state of both the cross itself and the chain on which it rests.
  • If the chain is broken and there is no way to wear a pectoral cross, then it should be placed near the icons. It is better not to store the amulet in a jewelry box.
  • If the cross that the child was wearing is broken, then it is better to attach a new amulet to his crib. In general, young children should not hang it around their necks, since a similar situation can happen more than once for the reason described above. Wait a while for your baby to grow up.

There are a lot of signs about what the cross is breaking for, and at the same time they all promise trouble. But in this case, you can find your advantages. Analyze the received sign correctly: reconsider your behavior and pay attention to the people who are now near you.

Remember that it is never too late to rectify the situation. At the same time, try to acquire and consecrate a new amulet as quickly as possible. In the future, it will perform the same function as the previous one: to protect its wearer, keep him under the protection of God, help in all endeavors and support good intentions.