Date of birth name surname compatibility. Fortune telling on love compatibility by name and surname

Many wondered why we are attracted to some people and repelled from others. Someone explains this by fluids, if it concerns the relationship between a man and a woman, and someone - by the compatibility of characters and temperament.

However, why is a reasonable and purposeful woman drawn to communicate with a lazy and hot-tempered colleague, and a calm and balanced guy cannot imagine his life without an eternally dissatisfied and temperamental girl. It turns out that the names are "to blame" for everything, more precisely, their compatibility or incompatibility.

There is such a science of numbers as numerology, it was thanks to her that it became possible to calculate whether spouses are suitable for each other by name and whether it is worth taking this person business partners, so as not to be disappointed in him in the end, whether these people can work together in a team, etc.

How does the numerology of name compatibility in love and marriage work? Very simple. To do this, you should use the free online payment ohm.

1 - A, I, Y, Y, b, b; 2 - B, F, K, L, R, W, Z; 3 - G, S, C;
4 - D, M, T; 5 - E, E, H, X; 6 - V, U, E;
7 - Z, O, H, Yu; 8 - P, F; 9 - Sch.

For example, the girl's name is Sophia. We are looking for the numerical value of the letters - C - 3, O - 7, F - 8, L - 1, Z - 2. Now we count - 3 + 7 + 8 + 1 + 2 = 21 = 3. Sophia's number is 3. She met a guy - Ivan. We calculate the digital value of his name - I - 1, B - 6, A - 1, H - 5.1 + 6 + 1 + 5 = 13 = 4. His number is 4. As can be seen from the calculations, Ivan will be the leader in this pair, since he has a large number name. Now, in order to find out how the relationship between these people will develop, you need to subtract less from more and the difference will be the answer. In the described pair, this is the number 1 = 4-3.

Surnames do not play a role in this situation, the most important are names. And they must be full, also pay attention to how these people are often called, Alena or Elena, Sophia or Sophia - this is also important.

Free online calculation of name compatibility in love and marriage

To calculate the compatibility of two names,
please enter these names.

Taurus according to the horoscope (from the Latin Taurus) - those who were born in the period from April 21 to May 20.

Taurus Release - Earth and Venus is the patronizing planet. This sign differs from all the others in that Taurus, like no one else, can distance themselves from others, be above public opinion, but meanwhile leave the best impressions about themselves.

Main characteristics

Positive traits:

  • Taurus is virtuous. While those around him “fight” for a place under the Sun, he lives quietly in his harmonious space, peacefully relating to everything that happens.
  • Taurus is able to concentrate on one thing and, thanks to this quality, quickly achieve success.
  • Taurus are very rarely divorced. Albeit spiritually, but they remain faithful to their partner. All thanks to the planet Venus, which makes girls fall in love without a trace, and young Taurus boys in love do romantic things: sing serenades under the window, shower their beloved with rose petals, and so on.

Negative qualities:

  • Stubbornness and over-caution are the main disadvantages of Taurus. Because they are afraid to do things without thinking about them, happy opportunities simply pass by.

It is easy to communicate with them, they will support any conversation, imbued with the problems of others, but they prefer not to let anyone into their souls. Seemingly open and friendly, they surrounded by mystery... They can keep the conversation going and "not hear", not support your idea. And no matter how hard you try, you don’t argue your arguments, you can’t expect even a simple nod of approval from Taurus.

Taurus is not one of those who can be "read" like an open book. The model of their current behavior is laid in childhood. However, feelings such as fear, pain, joy, happiness lie on the surface. This is where Taurus is open.

They know how to “fence off” from the outside world. Do not withdraw into yourself, but simply do not allow emotions from the outside into your consciousness, where a storm of feelings is already boiling. They are able to live as if on autopilot: work, do everyday things, without being distracted by external circumstances. This ability is associated with a subconscious desire for a harmonious and calm life.

Taurus are sensitive to life changes, since they force Taurus to leave their usual comfort zone, which they do not like at all. Taurus try to anticipate possible risks in advance and do everything to protect themselves. They do not hope for the mercy of fate and are building their tomorrow's life today. In their plans, they schedule life for many years ahead, and do not like when someone wants to influence them, to delve into their affairs.

The element of the Earth influences the fact that Taurus likes to do material affairs, likes to master material values. Taurus strives to make both his home and the things that surround him beautiful, even luxurious. He tries to achieve this, sparing no energy. It's no surprise that Taurus has a special passion for money. However, money for them is just a way to get pleasure and nothing more.

They like to dress beautifully... And let the clothes not be from the Couturier, the main thing for them is that it is well sewn and from quality materials... Their appearance directly related to mood and well-being. For many years, they have tried to be true to one style in clothes. They do not like flashy jewelry, but they adore perfumes with a delicate scent.

Taurus is enough patient... Their desire to be in harmony makes them make concessions and put up with unpleasant situations. Taurus is difficult to bring to hysterics, but when their patience runs out, they just loudly slam the door.

They do not like unreasoned actions. They try to look ahead again and again in order to understand what consequences to expect from the step taken. Taurus do not throw words to the wind, if they already promised, then the promised will be fulfilled. They have great memories and an inveterate fear of risk.

Gems of the zodiac sign Taurus:

  • Turquoise
  • Emerald
  • Chrysoprase
  • Alexandrite
  • Beryl
  • Aventurine

You probably know that the name is a combination different characteristics individuals who, for their part, affect the entire life of a person. There is also such a thing as "love compatibility by name."

If you, like me, are interested in this topic, then I offer you an interesting fortune telling on compatibility by name and surname, several variations of which you will find in this article.

Today it is difficult to surprise someone with a divorce or separation. Many people break up, even without really having time to find out the identity of each other due to minor conflicts and misunderstandings.

Perhaps this is because people's names do not fit one another? Has this thought ever entered your head? It may seem strange, but, nevertheless, in a very large number of situations, the reason for the breakup of a couple, in particular, is precisely the incompatibility in names.

How to understand how you and your chosen one fit together? To do this, first of all, you can contact a specialist who will compose everything necessary calculations... And another option that is available for execution on your own at home is fortune telling by name. I suggest that you familiarize yourself with two versions of this fortune-telling further in the article (in the second case, we will use numerological compatibility in terms of the numbers of the life path of both partners).

The first method of calculation

In numerology, name and surname compatibility offers several options for calculation methods. Now let's consider the first option, showing the couple's chances for a joint future.

To execute it, you need to write the data of your name and the name of your loved one on a piece of paper.

For example: Podpalaya Leonidovna and Podpaly Aleksandrovich.

In theory, than large quantity the same letters in the name and surname of each of the partners - the higher their love compatibility.

Then the analysis using this technique assumes the following algorithm:

  1. Necessary see how many of the same letters your names contain. For example, in the variant under consideration, we observe the coincidence of the letters "a", "and" in the names and surnames of the partners.
  2. Should be counted the total number of letters in the data of each of the representatives. In this example, the woman has only twenty-three letters, and the man has twenty-eight letters. This is generally a medium compatibility option. Perfect option- this is when the data of both partners has the same number of letters, which indicates absolute compatibility. There is one more nuance here - the higher the difference between the two numbers, the less in common the lovers have.
  3. Look, whether the initial letters of the partners' names and surnames are vowels or consonants. In our example, we see that the letters are combined - there are both vowels and consonants. And this is a very good option, because, ideally, alternation should be observed.
  4. Review, what letters in names will be repeated more often than others. For example, here we see a fairly frequent alternation of the letter "and". repeat the same manipulation with the partners' surnames and patronymics. The more coincidences of the same letters in the data, the better compatibility and the prospect of a joint future can be said.

But if you carried out the calculation and found few spelling matches in the names and surnames - do not rush to get upset. Such a pair may well be successful. Everything will be in the hands of the partners themselves, in particular from their relationship to each other.

The situation will change when there are no matches at all. Then there is already reason to think: it is highly likely that there is no future in a relationship due to frequent clashes, conflicts, different views on life and different life priorities... About such unions, we can say that they do not have a long joint future and, most likely, people will have to part afterwards.

Numerology also tells us that the names and surnames of lovers also make it possible to understand who will be the main (or main) in the pair. By tradition, this role belongs, of course, to a man, but in practice, modern reality very often demonstrates a completely opposite scenario.

So, if you want to know the leader in a pair, then you just need to count how many vowels there are in the given partners. The partner who has more vowels gets the role of the leader. In the sample under consideration, we find that the girl has only twelve vowels, while her faithful has only ten. So, it is clear that it is the lady who will be the main one in such a pair.

The second method of calculations

I suggest you familiarize yourself with another way to tell about compatibility in a relationship. It refers more to numerology, as it uses the dates of birth of lovers, but this does not become less informative.

How can you get information about your partner if you have not yet encountered him in everyday life or difficult life situations? In this case, compatibility in the numbers of the life path will come to the rescue. She will be an excellent clue for the future development of relationships.

What needs to be done in order to use this technique? Nothing complicated - just add up the day, month, and year of birth of yourself and your partner one by one, and then get a single number.

Let's look at a specific example:

Partner 1: 25.05.1994 = 2+5+5+1+9+9+4= 35 =3+5 =8

Partner 2: 11.05.1995 = 31 =3+1 = 4

Now let's start decrypting

Life number compatibility 1

People who have identical life numbers suit each other well both as friends and as lovers. Thanks to similar vibrations, it is easier for them to get closer, but at the same time personal growth can be slowed down.

The power-hungry one and the weak two are controlled by the Solar and Lunar energies. This is a combination of incongruous, very far from ideal.

In love and business relationships, the Troika use Units in order to gain personal gain, therefore, for 1, such an alliance is undesirable.

Such a union will bring benefit and pleasure exclusively to 4, which will not be able to show reciprocity for 1.

The partners have a lot of common hobbies, but both are distinguished by excessive independence. It is best when ones and fives interact in politics and social activities.

Relationships are possible thanks to the practicality and generosity of 6, which will provide support for 1, but it is imperative that 1 is the leader in the pair.

7 will be able to give 1 a lot of romance and joy. The union is favorable.

People related to these vibrations are complete antipodes of each other. For the weaker half of 1, marriage with men 8 will be fraught with very unpleasant consequences.

The ideal scenario is when a woman-one and a man-nine enter into an alliance.

Life number compatibility 2

Similarly to the bulk of the same vibrations in a pair of two Twos, there will be instability and sterility. Such a relationship is short-lived.

Threes are great friends and mentors for the volatile Twos. They will be able to instill in the latter discipline and help to achieve what they want.

The couple is very conducive to marriage and business partnerships. In other situations, the Twos will suffer from the obstacles created by the Fours.

These figures are antagonists, because a long war has been waged between the planet Mercury (5) and the Moon (2). Therefore, we can talk about very low compatibility in such an alliance.

Neutral Venus (6) in relation to the Moon (2) can be for her good friend but not a perfect lover.

7 will be able to teach 2 a lot, since the astrological purpose of the former motivates them to provide selfless help to others.

Average compatibility is observed here. It's good if the partner with the number 2 is a man and 8 is a woman.

Excellent compatibility option. 9 for 2 perform perfectly suitable friends, spouses and business partners.

Life number compatibility 3

Although, as a rule, identical vibrations are unacceptable to each other, two threes will quite manage to create a very harmonious pair.

3 and 4, it is worth giving up business connections, because the former will always be the loser. A good option compatibility, if the guy is 3, and the girl is 4.

The restlessness of the planet Mercury (5) will create many problems for 3 in business and marriage.

An example of harmony in a combination of incongruous. The union will be more successful if the guy in it is 3, and the girl is 6.

Both numbers have enough general characteristics, for this reason, partners are perfectly compatible with each other.

A bad combination due to the excessive independence and self-sufficiency of the Eight people.

Numerology advises 3 without further hesitation to make 9 your friend, lover and business partner.

Life number compatibility 4

Although the same numbers traditionally do not fit together, in the case of two 4s, the situation is different. Therefore, the couple has a good chance for a joint future.

It is difficult for an unreliable 5 to play the role of loyal spouses and friends for 4.

4 are very hardworking, while 6 are, on the contrary, lazy. An exception, perhaps, will be the union of guy 4 and girl 6.

Since both numbers are astrologically close to each other, 7 gives 4 help without expecting anything in return.

While 8 stands on the defense of the interests of 4, the second partner can engage in the improvement of his spiritual virtues.

This number combination is very favorable for friendships and partnerships. It is important that matrimonial ties do not arise in such a union.

Life number compatibility 5

In the union of two Fives, there is a fairly high compatibility. Partners can develop their personal potential in relationships.

In such a pair, the Fives will greatly benefit, because the Sixes will be the perfect complement to their character.

In this case, we are faced with a not very high love compatibility, for the reason negative energy seven for five partners. Because of which, you will have to abandon the creation of trust relationships.

Numerology advises Fives not to choose Eights for themselves as spouses or business partners.

A pair in which cold Mercury (5) and hot Mars (9) are connected will have a mutual positive vibrational field.

Life number compatibility 6

Two Sixes may well have a good time with each other, but there will be no mutual inspiration in such a relationship.

The down-to-earth Sixes are not given to understand the entire inner depth of the Sevens inclined to dreams and fantasies, however, they should not even try to delve into all the utopian ideas of their partner.

The ideal area of ​​life for the contact of numbers 6 and 8 is the field of art and the political arena. But at the same time, Sixes should not make financial investments in the business founded by the Eights.

An option for a very good combination, but in this case the Nine risks overworking itself if it organizes a joint venture with the Six.

Life number compatibility 7

It will be impossible for two devoid of responsibility and arrogant Sevens who adore conflict to achieve harmony while they are next to each other.

These are completely emotionally incompatible personalities. Successful Eights will constantly fail to understand and condemn overly selfish Sevens.

Nines will be able to play a good role for people-Sevens: for example, they will be able to instill in them healthy practicality. But with all this, in terms of long-term love relationships, the union will not be successful.

Life number compatibility 8

The combination between the two Eights will generate a very powerful energy field, which can be directed by them, both at something positive and at destruction.

People with a life number of 9 will be able to temper the character of Eight people, which will ensure their self-improvement. But with all this, we can talk about the sufficient problematicity and fragility of the love relationship between them in an official marriage.

Life number compatibility 9

Destroy that true love or the friendship that has developed between two Nines can be extremely serious conflict. Otherwise, we can talk about the ideal love compatibility paired with.

I would very much like to hope that thanks to these two methods of determining compatibility in a couple, you will be able to analyze your relationship with your loved one and establish that you are a good match for each other.

We wish you to definitely meet your soul mate, and for a snack, watch a fascinating video clip:

Guess today with the help of the "Card of the Day" Tarot spread!

For correct fortune-telling: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:

You can determine how much you and your loved one fit each other in character, temperament, life values ​​and principles after a couple of weeks of close communication. But in order to find out whether your destinies are connected, or this person just happened to be on your life path, in this matter you should refer to.

There are several simple formulas, with the help of which you will find out not only your compatibility with your partner, but also how your relationship will develop in the future and what should be paid more attention to in order to maintain love and understanding in a couple.

How do a man and a woman fit together?

One of the easiest and most reliable ways to determine how well you and your partner fit together is to calculate compatibility by name. For a more accurate result, many numerologists also add the person's surname and patronymic to the formula.

It is believed that these data affect our lives in the same way as the sign of the zodiac, astrological houses, date and time of birth. The name is given to a person at the moment of his birth and its meaning is clearly traced throughout the rest.

In order to calculate compatibility with a guy, put a blank sheet of paper in front of you and write your last name, first name and patronymic on it. On a numerological basis, you should translate each letter into its numerical code. To do this, use a special table:

Under each letter, on the line below, write its numerical value... You need to calculate your total name number. You can do this by adding all the numbers. For example, the girl's name is Maria Fedorovna Smirnova:


2+8+1+3+3+5+6+2+8+2+3+1+6+9+4+1+5+3+5+6+3+2 = 88.

Resulting in a two-digit or three-digit number, it should be reduced to a simple value... Add together the numbers that make it up until you get a number from 1 to 9:

So, the full number of the name in this case is the number 7. Now, according to the same principle, you should calculate the number of your partner... Let's say in our case it will be equal to 3.

To find out the number of compatibility of your couple, you should multiply these two values ​​with each other and add to the result the number 7, which in numerology is responsible for alliances between people, creating a family, and love. The result obtained must be reduced to a single-digit number.

7x3 + 7 = 21 + 7 = 28 = 2 + 8 = 10 + 1 + 0 = 1.

In our example, the number of partner compatibility is the number 1. To find out exactly what this will mean for your relationship and how favorable the forecast is, let's turn to the numerological meaning of the numbers.

Significance of results

    Nine, as a compatibility number, indicates irreconcilable differences between partners. In such a union, people have completely different temperaments, characters, life values ​​and principles. It is difficult for them to maintain a warm relationship with each other, but they try very hard.

    The partner is insanely interesting precisely because he is absolutely not like themselves. A Nine can indicate a stable and strong relationship, but quarrels and conflicts cannot be avoided. so be patient.

Each name and title contains a vibrational series, characterized by a certain energy. The coincidence of energy characteristics creates points of contact, the community on the basis of which harmonious relationships can be built.

Therefore, since ancient times, great importance was attached to names, especially if it concerned marital relations - after all, people were to live together for more than half of their lives. Fortune-telling for compatibility by name and surname is popular in our time. How to make a calculation? Numerology comes to the rescue.

The frequency of divorces and breakdowns in relationships between once loving people took on a universal scale. Official statistics sums up a disappointing result: almost every second married couple gets divorced. The same applies to unregistered relationships. What are the reasons? One of them lies in the mismatch of names.

Previously, a married couple was selected by matchmakers - folk psychologists and keepers of wedding secrets and traditions. In the modern century, you can do without matchmakers, if you resort to the help of esotericism - to determine compatibility according to numerological formulas. You don't need to know for this higher mathematics, you just need to be able to add numbers.

Calculation No. 1

To get the first idea of ​​compatibility with a partner, you need to write down names, patronymics and surnames in a column. For example, like this:

K-O-L-O-S-O-V-A - Z-I-N-A-I-D-A - P-E-T-R-O-V-N-A
B-E — T-R-O-B —— B-A-L-E — R-I-Y - E-B-G-E-N-L-E-B-I-H

  1. Now you need to see how many identical vowels and consonants are in your names. V this example surnames have a common vowel "o".
  2. Next, we look at the vowel-consonant combination. Let's say in the first column we see a discrepancy - "KB". The second and third columns also consist of a combination of consonants. In the fourth, fifth and sixth columns we see a harmonious combination of "OP", "CO", "OV".
  3. Next, we look at the coincidence in the total number of letters in the initials. In our example, the initials of the woman are 23 letters, the initials of the man are 23 letters. This is a complete coincidence. The larger the numerical difference, the less matches.
  4. The first letter of the initials is also considered - a vowel or a consonant. In our example, the first and last names of partners begin with consonants - this is good indicator... But ideally, all the initials of the initials should match on the vowel-consonant principle.
  5. Now let's look at which letters most often coincide in names. The letter "o" occurs once in the initials of a man and 4 times in the initials of a woman - this is a good indicator. The letter "v" occurs once in a woman's initials and 5 times in a man's initials. Let's consider the rest of the letters by the same principle. The more matches, the better the compatibility.

Numerologists believe that the presence of even one of the points of coincidence indicates the possibility of a strong relationship. If there are no matches in any of the parameters, the couple will quickly break up or will exist in constant conflicts.

According to this calculation, you can determine who will be in charge of the family. This is the one with more vowels in the initials. In our case, the initials of a woman have 11 vowels, in the initials of a man - 9. Accordingly, a woman will have a decisive vote. These are unwritten rules of communication that work automatically.

Calculation No. 2

Now let's do another calculation, which is based on the numerical vibrations of each letter. For this, we will use the table.

Igor: 1 + 3 + 7 + 2 + 1 = 14; 1 + 4 = 5.
Olga: 7 + 2 + 1 + 3 + 1 = 14; 1 + 4 = 5.

If you end up with a two-digit number, you need to add the two digits and get a single-digit one. The surname of the person is calculated in the same way.

Meaning of numbers

Unit- the number of a leader and even a dictator. These are brave people who do not allow any outside influence. They make decisions on their own and listen little to the opinions of others. When you try to put pressure on them, they actively resist.

These people have natural perspicacity, it is almost impossible to deceive them - they read a person as if from a book. They strive to control absolutely all life situations and the behavior of the people around them. Until the end of their days, they remain young at heart, and vigorous activity does not fade away for a second.

Deuce- the number of diplomats and psychologists. You can always negotiate with this person and find a compromise solution. Twos know how to listen to the opinions of others and can extinguish any conflict at the very beginning. These people are endowed with compassion for others, they are always ready to help.

In addition to these qualities, deuces are endowed with a sense of humor, which helps them to cope with difficult circumstances. However, sometimes inappropriate humor or a humorous remark can play a cruel joke with them if they are directed towards another person - they are not still able to adequately perceive criticism, albeit in a joking form. Nevertheless, deuces are always the soul of the company and love to be friends with everyone.

Troika- the number of romantics and dreamers. Their motto is: beauty will save the world. These people know how to feel the taste of life and find a reason for pleasure in everything. They surround themselves with beautiful things, they know how to enjoy even the smallest pleasures. They have a creative approach to life, a kind character and a willingness to lend a helping hand. Often, these properties are used by all and sundry. These are optimists who never give up. Threes are always referred to in difficult moment to get a boost of good spirits. However, it is impossible to help the whole world, people with a triplet in their name should know about this.

Four- the number of dimensionality and stability. These people adhere to the established daily routine, always act according to a verified plan, you can completely rely on them. Fours are conservative in their perception of the world, do not like change and try to follow traditions instead of romantic excitement.

They achieve prosperity by hard painstaking work, dislike lazy and frivolous people. Fours are fond of bosses, appreciates for their conscientiousness and responsibility. They are honest and open people who do not tolerate hypocrisy and double standards. Fours always evaluate a person by their actions, not by beautiful phrases and sayings - they are difficult to mislead.

Fours never rely on chance, and act slowly and fruitfully according to a predetermined strategy. Reasonableness and moderation exclude accidents and unforeseen circumstances from their lives. However, they also have a drawback - envy of risky people.

Fives Are pioneers and discoverers. They cannot be called adventurers, but the thirst for the new leads to unknown distances. Fidgets and travelers, curious and addicted - the fives are ready to rush to anywhere in the world to search for new experiences. They always come out dry and are not afraid of difficulties. The disadvantage of fives is irascibility and excessive love of freedom.

Sixes They have a heightened sense of responsibility and try to help everyone at once. These are people of honor who are not able to bend their souls and seek out their own benefits. They have an innate sense of justice and never stoop to fraud and adventurism. V family life sixes demonstrate the qualities of a devoted and reliable spouse.

They are hospitable and helpful, patient and considerate, good conversationalists and smart leaders. A distinctive feature of sixes is that they allow people to express their own point of view and never impose their own. These are humanists with high moral principles who know how to forgive and be condescending.

Sevens are distinguished by an immoderate desire to bring everything to perfection. These people know how to choose friends and do not reveal their souls to the first person they meet. During their life, they can be in several marriages, since the pursuit of the ideal does not give rest. Sevens can only be held by a mysterious person with a rich inner peace and values.

A distinctive quality of the seven is the constant change of ideals, which negatively affects marital relations - there is no constancy. The secrecy and reticence of the seven can baffle any person, as it is perceived as arrogant disdain. However, no one can keep your secret for years like a seven. Also, sevens are prone to hoaxes, the ability to see the hidden side of things.

Eights are aimed at the material side of life and see the meaning only in this. A comfortable home, an expensive car - these are the goals and priorities of people with the number 8 in their names. They are able to turn any idea into a profitable business. They are talented business leaders with a tough approach to their subordinates. Eights are able to achieve their goals and after thirty years have a significant fortune, which they have earned by their own labor.

They are honest, purposeful people who do not tolerate duplicity and double rules of the game. They hate cunning and flattery, categorically break off relations with such individuals. However, eights also have negative traits- this is an immoderate thirst for hoarding. The pursuit of fortune can play a cruel joke on them.

Nine Is the number of success. These people can reach heights in any area where their skills and abilities are in demand. They are able to go through life with song even in the most difficult times. These are dreamers who sometimes cause bewilderment among others. Sometimes a tendency towards illusions can play a cruel joke with them, and you need to be prepared for this. For example, nines can even give their lives for some fantastic idea.


Is it possible to completely trust numerological calculations? This is a matter of personal preference, but you still need to learn about the compatibility options. Couples incompatible in numerology also get along, it's just that their union is constantly being tested for strength and endurance. It is much easier for compatible people to build harmonious and happy relationships than incompatible ones.

Guess today with the help of the "Card of the Day" Tarot spread!

For correct fortune-telling: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card: