Riddles about an accountant are funny. Cool riddles for a corporate party


The product must have

Mandatory... (price)

Kohl worked all year round,

It will be round... (income)

Brooks murmur, feet get wet,

Spring time to pay... (taxes)

In the treacherous sea of ​​goods and prices

The business ship leads... (businessman)

He's a financial fakir
The bank is waiting for you... (Banker.)

They will be whole, like in a tank,

Your savings in... (bank)

Things will work out for us:

We have contributed to the best bank... (contribution)

Became profitable

Daddy's bank... (capital)

So that I can buy a house,

Took out a loan... (pledge)

Like a child without a mother,

This frisky merchant
It goes very well!
Gets on the TV
And products offers:
From computers to junk.
Her name is... (advertising)

People go to the market

Everything is cheaper... (product)

Both the doctor and the acrobat

Issued for work... (salary)

There is a proclamation in the bank for all of you:

“He eats money in capsules ...” (inflation)

We bought furniture, clothes, dishes.

We took for this in the bank ... (loan)

So that partners are not tormented by disputes,

Lawyers write for them... (contracts)

Became the owner, brothers, I -

Here is the factory... (promotion)

For the ruble - pennies, for dollars - cents,

Run-run into the bank... (percentage)

You make a little mistake - so at the same moment

The market will take over your... (competitor)

Very tasty showcase

Vegetable... (shop)

How many sausages did you buy

The arrow will show you... (scales)

Furniture, bread and cucumbers
They sell us... (Sellers.)

For sour cream, bread and cheese
At the checkout, the check will break ... (Cashier.)

From which device

Are we getting paid?(ATM.)

If we ask the bank,

He will lend us money.

Well, in antiquity, for centuries,

Who lends people money?(Moneylender.)

He knows a lot about deals

Large cash and small,

After all, always between the two sides

He is their go-between.(Broker.)

Everyone in this company is

The form is first filled

Make payments to the cashier.

What company, please? (Bank.)

That paper is not simple,

And the owner knows

That she told him once a year

It will bring dividends. (Promotion.)

Uncle Kolya is a numismatist.

So each exhibit

I'll tell you a secret

It's called... (Coin.)

You won't find this one these days.

A very small coin.

You will find it in fairy tales

Money is calling... (Penny.)

State money warehouse

If full, people are very happy.

And taxes are rising for a reason,

If suddenly it became empty. (Coffers.)

To keep your income

For pocket expenses

I need a pig

The one with the hole in the back. (Money box.)

Payroll - it's time to know -
Carried out on time... (Accountant.)

There is it in a bank, a restaurant,

And in the factory, and in the bath.

He keeps track of money.

Where is the expense and where is the income.

He knows math

Counting the numbers quickly

Here is the expense, and here is the income -

Nothing will be lost!(Accountant.)

In the firm, he considers profit
Everyone gets paid.
And he is not too lazy to count
All taxes all day. (Accountant.)

half of the salary

What is it called guys? (Prepaid expense.)

Everything in life is for sale

It's called the same:

And cereals, and a samovar

Are called... (Product.)

This is a big store

He has countless windows.

Everything is on the counter

From clothes to pins. (Department store, supermarket.)

A large company is managed

Both smart and skillful.

Distributes money like this

To grow and strengthen the business.

He gives orders

To all your employees,

For the company to move forward

Made a profit for them. (Manager.)


wWhich river product can you pack?

(Tara is a tributary of the Irtysh.)

wvegetable standard cheapness- it...

(Steamed turnip. Cheaper than steamed turnip.)

wThe zoological standard of poverty is...

(Church mouse. Poor as a church mouse.)

wGive a folklore example of an unsuccessful barter.

(Awl for soap.)

w“Sharing the skin of an unkilled bear” in business is ... What?


wName a Russian city whose name pleases the ears of all economists, bankers and entrepreneurs?

(Baris- a city in the Ulyanovsk region, on the river of the same name.)

wIn what region of the Russian Federation is the city with the economic name Mena?

(In the Chernihiv region.)

wWhere is the sea Crises?

(On the moon.)

wWhich bazaar the biggest noise?

(At the bird market.)

wWhat is the difference between bird bazaar from bird market?

(The market sells birds and other animals, and the bird market is a massive colonial nesting site for seabirds.)

wWhich bazaar in Europe the most musical and song?

(“Slavianski Bazaar” in Belarusian Vitebsk is a song festival.)

wWhat word is used to call both a very long stool and a small one?


wFace trading points what's this?


wWhat is gross without net?


wNot only a German mathematician and a famous Russian football player, Olympic champion, but also a net weight.

(Net. Net Eugen and Netto Igor Alexandrovich.)

wWay to get discount what's this?


wMeasure of weight for dashing and raisins what's this?

(A pound. Why a pound is dashing - to know in full grief, difficulties. Not a pound of raisins - not a trifle, not a joke.)

wWhat was the name in Russia for merchants who were expelled from the guild for systematic deceptions and body kits for buyers?


wName the hero I.S. Turgenev with " trading» surname?

(Bazarov - "Fathers and Sons".)

wWhat is cheap and highly valued?


wSay in French " profit”, “benefit”, if in the theatrical world this is a theatrical performance in honor of one of its participants?


wWhat is the children's favorite product economists say: "This is a skill sold one potato for the price of a kilogram”?


wOne man bought three goats and paid 1000 for them rubles. The question is, why did each goat go?

(On the ground.)

wMain advertising agent swamps who is this?

(Kulik. “Every sandpiper praises his swamp.”)

w « economic breed» dogs this is... what?

(Dachshund, after all, a fee is also a fixed price.)

wWhat kind banks created only by biologists, doctors and programmers?

(Gene bank, blood bank, organ bank, data bank, etc.)

wWhich business owner is better to work for in terms of remuneration: a stingy one or a generous one?

(The miser, because, according to the proverb, the miser pays twice.)

wTranslate into modern Russian old Russian word"trader".


w Auditor Is this the owner of a foreign car "Audi" or a person who, on the basis of a special contract, checks the financial and economic activities of the company?


w Zaimishche it loan for a very large amount, right?

(No, these are flood plains or swampy lowlands.)

wWhy Facial bank account is that what it's called?

(Because the state of the facial bank accounts for many people it immediately shows up on their face.)

w employment professional money- who is this?

(Banker, forcing money work.)

wWhat signs of attention do they prefer bankers?


wWhat is the name of the ordinary banking front: operative or operator?


wWhat country is called banker" all over the world?


wUnder which emperor was created in 1841 Sberbank Russia?

(Nikolai I.)

wName an event where the price is hammered.


wWho counts millions as thousands?


wWhich " debt Is there a book that came to us from Rome in every home?

(Calendar, this is a literal translation.)

wThe appearance of fractions was associated with the vital need for a fair division of property. What do you think is the reason for the appearance of negative numbers in mathematics?

(They came up for the record duty a.)

w We have with you "stash". And the Russian statethis particular fund. Which?


wName the literary hero about whom these " economic» Pushkin's lines?

And there was a deep economy,

That is, he was able to judge

How does the state grow rich?

And what lives, and why

He doesn't need gold

When a simple product has.

(Eugene Onegin.)

wThe French call this word scales, and the Russians accountants annual report. Name a word.


wWhat is the profession of a person who is forced to write every working day only that he trusts someone and that he owes someone?

(Accountant. « Debit"- I believe, " credit"- I must.)

wName a lacy accounting term.

(Openwork. Such business management, in which each transaction is recorded immediately after its completion.)

wWhere does the "eternal battle" between "bears" and "bulls" take place?

(On the exchanges e.)

w"Coca-Cola" in relation to "Pepsi-Cola" who is this?


wHow figuratively they speak of low income?

a) modest; b) Shy;

c) Shameful; d) indecisive.

wWho, according to the proverb, pays twice?

a) kind; b) Generous;

v) Stingy; d) forgetful.

wWhat epithet is awarded to high prices?

a) fabulous; b) Anecdotal;

c) Poetic; d) Epics.

wWhat is a certain amount called? goods?

a) Block; b) Party;

c) sect; d) gang.

wfinish folk wisdom: "Who scolds product wants him...

a) Buy; b) Sell;

c) Throw away d) Nicely packaged.

wContinue the famous Russian proverb: "Good product by myself...".

a) buys; b) eats;

c) praises; d) Deliver.

wWhat, according to the proverb, loves product?

a) submission; b) Out;

c) goal; d) Foul.

wWhat gives birth demand?

a) the word; b) Offer;

c) a phrase; d) paragraph.

wWhat at the end of each quarter rents accountant?

a) Surrender; b) Office;

c) Balance; d) Exams.

wWhat gait does it sometimes have inflation?

a) Lynx; b) Gallop;

c) Amble; d) front step.

(Galloping inflation- a rapid increase in prices from 20 to 200% per year.)

wWhat gets cheaper during inflation?

a) Bread; b) Electricity;

c) Oil; d) money.

wAs they say about the ruined businessman?

a) jumped out the window; b) fell into the garbage chute;

c) went down the drain ; d) fell through the ground.

wWhat an important economic does the abbreviation exist in our country?

a) MNOS; b) minimum wage;

c) MLOB; d) MUHO.

(minimum wage - m minimal R size O fees T ore.)

wWhich of these terms not from the area economy?

a) Creed; b) Balance;

c) Balance; d) Openwork.

wAbout purchasing what property dreamed of Father Fyodor from "The Twelve Chairs"?

a) Icon-painting workshop;b) Candle factory;

c) Funeral home; d) Rabbit farm.

wWhat is the leader holding? auction?

a) saw; b) Hammer;

c) Ax; d) tongs.

(Everything went under the hammer.)

wWhat Latin verb does the word " advertising»?

a) shout out; b) impose;

c) to deceive; d) Attract.

advertising"-" shout out ".)

wWhat kind of automotive device does it act in relation to trade advertising?

a) Engine; b) Ignition;

c) Brake; d) Silencer.

wWhat is the name of the printed advertising or trade catalog with description goods and the terms of their acquisition?

a) Boulevard; b) Prospectus;

c) tract; d) highway.

wWhat is assigned to each Russian taxpayer?

a) Alias; b) Password;

v) Individual number; d) Barcode.

(TIN- and individual n omer n taxpayer.)

wAs they called in Russia excessive profit merchants?

a) Likhva; b) Navar;

c) Surplus profit; d) Tipping.

wAs in feudal Russia 10-18 centuries. called large merchants who led the intercity and foreign trade?

a) guests; b) Tourists;

c) Aliens; d) shuttles.

wIn Russia incorrigible debtors beaten with sticks until they paid. What was the collection process called? debt?

a) Dolbezh; b) Pravozh;

c) Baldezh; d) spree.

wIn which institution pre-revolutionary Russia traded kisser?

a) in a tobacco shop; b) in the bakery;

c) At the hairdresser's;d) In a pub.

(Seller in a drinking establishment, tavern.)

wWhat was the name of one of the ancient economic professions?

a) a drummer; b) Saratov worker;

c) Pskovschik; d) usurer.

(A person who lends money at interest, in duty under big interest.)

w As in Russia XIXcentury turned to merchants?

a) "Your Reverence";b) "Your degree";

c) "Your Highness"; d) Your Excellency.

wWhich tax introduced by PeterI?

a) on the mustache; b) for beards;

c) on sideburns; d) bald.

(And it was canceled only by Empress CatherineII).

wWhat color is the highest price, which can be given for something?

a) White; b) Yellow;

c) Red; d) green.

(Red price.)

wHow does the well-known scheme of K. Marx end? Productmoney ... »?

a) the goods; b) Bankruptcy;

c) Work; d) Interest.

wWhat is the most disliked piece of clothing? bankers?

a) Tie; b) Stocking;

c) Scarf; d) an apron.

(After all, it is there that those who do not go to them in bank.)

wWhich Russian city has Bank bridge?

a) in Moscow; b) In St. Petersburg;

c) in Yekaterinburg; d) in Samara.

wWhat words can be read on the emblem (logo) Savings Bank RF?

a) Keep money in a savings bank;

b) Savings SB saves;

c) Founded in 1841 ;

d) Founded in 1991.

wWhat insect is it named after? market to where they sell old things and small goods from hands?

a) a fly; b) Bed bug;

v) Flea; d) cockroach.

(Flea market.)

wWhat is a person who makes a commitment to creditor for performance debtor your obligation?

a) Lieutenant; b) Guarantor;

c) Handrail; d) guarantor.

wWhat is the proverb made of? money enterprising people?

a) from the dust; b) From the water;

v) From the air; d) From natural gas.

wWhat is the name of money penalty on treaty?

a) forfeit; b) Discrepancy;

c) trouble; d) inconvenience.

wHow journalists call an underdeveloped country with economy agricultural type?

a) Banana Republic; b) Pineapple Federation;

c) Coconut Monarchy; d) Potato tribe.

wWhat is called stock speculator raising course papers?

a) elephant; b) Bull;

c) Bear; d) Donkey.

(The term arose from the analogy between the action of a speculator and the movement typical of a bull poking something from the bottom up.)

wWhat is called stock speculator short course papers?

a) seal; b) Bear;

c) Giraffe; d) Fox.

(Similar to the movement of the front paws of a bear striking from top to bottom.)

wWhich of these verbs is synonymous with the word sell»?

a) Freeze; b) Drive;

c) drive in; d) choke.

wWhat is the period of temporary calm in business called? trade?

a) Velvet season;b) Dead season;

c) Dry season; d) dead time.

wWhat is the name of the place sales Christmas trees?

a) Green market;b) Christmas tree market;

c) prickly auction; d) Coniferous supermarket.

wmonth of school bazaars- it…

a) January; b) May;

c) August; d) September.

wWhat applies to cultural goods?

a) Works of art offered for sale;

b) Cult objects;

c) Kettlebells, dumbbells, barbells for bodybuilders;

d) Stationery and student supplies.

(Cultural goods is short for "cultural goods".)

wWhich of these sciences can be economic?

a) Biology; b) Geography;

c) Chemistry; d) Physics.

(Economic geography, which studies the territorial organization of social production, features of the formation of the territorial and economic structure of the economy various countries and districts.)

wWhich representative of the fauna made Rothschild millionaire?

a) a dog b) guinea pig;

c) dove; d) goldfish.

(He brought him news of Napoleon's defeat at Waterloo. Having learned about this before anyone else, he profitably took advantage of the information received.)

wHow did the fabulous shorty Donut on the Moon get rich?

a) for sugar b) on salt;

c) in oil; d) pepper.

wWhat did the inhabitant of the Moon Skuperfield from the book of Nikolai Nosov own?

a) the Bank; b) Pasta factory;

c) a confectionery factory; d) a plant for the production of lunar rovers.


wHow do they say about someone who promises someone great benefits, wealth?

(promises golden the mountains.)

wWhat is the name of the course of action in which extremes, risks, bold decisions are avoided?

(Golden middle.)

wWhat was an eloquent orator called in the old days?

(Gold mouth)

wWhat Russian city is named after St. John, who could speak many languages ​​beautifully?

(Zlatoust, an industrial city in the Urals.)

wName the plants that all bankers adore.

(Gold Thousander, golden tree, golden seaweed.)

wName the most "precious" tree.

(Golden tree, or aucuba. The dogwood family. The name reflects the peculiarity of the color of the leaves: they are densely covered with white, light green, cream and yellow dots.)

wWhat are things called? gilded time"?


wWhat metal did everything that King Midas touched turn into?


wWhich river "hid" gold Nibelungen?


wAt a medieval fair in the French city of Troyes, gold was measured with this measure, which has come down to our days.

(Troy ounce, which corresponds to English. 1 ounce = 16 drachmas = 437.5 grains = 28.35 g.)

wWhat metal is meant by the Egyptian hieroglyph depicting a piece of cloth from which water flows?

(Gold and how to get it remember golden fleece.)

wA representative of what profession in Russia was called " gold case master?


wName the "golden synonym" for the name of the profession - prospector.

(Gold seeker.)

wWhat is hidden behind the word "prospector": a person's profession or his quality?

(Profession. This is a worker engaged in artisanal mining gold.)

wPlace of work gold digger- what's this?


wThe prospector's vessel is... What?

(Tray, for rinsing gold.)

wThe first bankers in history were jewelers. Why do you think?

(They always had safe safes in their houses, so people brought them gold and jewelry for storage for a fee. Over time, jewelers realized that some part gold you can lend for some time and receive a certain percentage for this.)

wDuring the time of Catherine II, there was a profession whose people burned leaf from their uniforms gold. It was done this way: clothes were placed on large baking sheets and thrust into the oven. The fabric was rotting, and gold flowed into prepared buckets. Now the name of this profession, when applied to a person, has acquired an extremely negative connotation. According to Ozhegov's dictionary, this is a rogue, a rogue, a fisted man. What is this profession?


wWhere do people who receive the award serve in Russia? Golden mask"?

(In the theatre.)

wRepresentatives of what profession become laureates of the award? Gold verb".


wHis surname means in Greek " gold craftsman," but he became a great artist. Name it.

(A.I Kuindzhi.)

w Under Catherine IIthis sign of the chamberlain position began to be made from gold, and its cost reached 500 rubles. What is this sign?

(Key. Like this Gold key!)

wWhat in Russia was called "soft gold»?

(Fur. For a long time furs were the main monetary fund of Russia.)

wWhat liquid mineral is called "black gold»?


wWhat plant fiber is called "white gold»?


wWhat is the name of a private treasure hoard in the form gold coins and bars?


wWhat can be obtained by melting Napoleon?

(Gold. This is french golden coin.)

wIt happens gold, sometimes seed, sometimes charitable. What's this?


wbrick gold- what's this?


wWhat metal did the Incas call "the sweat of the sun"?


wWhat metal did medieval alchemists designate as the symbol of the Sun?


w"The first high metal is gold, which, through its fair yellow color and shining lordship, is different from other metals, ”this great Russian explained. Who is he?

(M. Lomonosov.)

wMikhail Lomonosov argued that the purest silver almost always contains an admixture of this metal. What?


w Does it gold taste?

(Gold is insoluble in water and has no taste.)

wFrom what alloy at one time they even minted " golden» coins?


wTo get white gold silver, nickel or palladium is added to the alloy; to obtain "red" - this particular metal.


wFrom this alloy containing 2 carats of ligature and 22 carats gold British sovereigns were minted. Copper or silver was used as a ligature. What is this alloy called?

(This is the so-called crown gold.)

wRecently, at the international jewelry shows in Basel, products from gold exactly that color. The technology is kept secret atomic bomb. What color is it?

(Black, black gold.)

wWhat alloy gave the name golden skin color of a tanned person?

(Bronze bronze.)

wIn which city is the main gold» the safe of the world?

(In New York, USA, where there is a giant locker carved into the granites of Manhattan. It contains gold more than 80 countries for almost 160 billion dollars.)

wIn which city in Myanmar (formerly Burma) is the 100-meter golden Shwedagon Pagoda, which is at least 2500 years old?

(Yangon, the capital of Myanmar, formerly Rangoon.)

wName the country where the world's deepest mining mine is dug gold.


wWhich mineral was dubbed " gold fools"?


wWhat state did the Russian principalities pay tribute to in the 13th century?

(Golden Horde . )

wWhat is the name of the symbol of power in Russia - golden ball with a crown or a cross on top?


wWhat medal is awarded to the Hero of the Russian Federation?

(Medal " Golden Star" and a certificate of awarding the title. The decree on conferring this title and the letter is signed only by the President.)

wWhich game gold instrument delighted the ears of the Olympian gods gold curly Apollo?

(Golden cithara.)

wWhich Moscow banker-philanthropist edited the symbolist magazine " Golden fleece?

(Nikolai Ryabushinsky.)

wWhat's happened Golden Ring of Russia?

(A number of cities in the North-Eastern region of Russia, in which there are unique monuments of Russian history and culture.)

wThe Turkic word "altyn" means gold. name golden republic within the Russian Federation.

(Altai, Republic of Altai. Most of its territory "golden" mountains of Altai up to 4506 meters high.)

wThis is the largest mountain reservoir in Southern Siberia and the second after Baikal storage of the purest fresh water Altaians lovingly call Altyn-Kol - " Golden Lake". What is this lake?

(Teletskoye lake.)

wWhat is the name of the musical group of the singer Nadezhda Kadysheva?

Golden ring".)

wAt the American customs, once a vigilant guard tried in vain to find this precious property in Fyodor Chaliapin, about which he had heard a lot. What was the customs officer looking for?

(Golden throat.)

wWhich composer wrote the ballet " Gold century"?

(Dmitry Shostakovich.)

wWho owns the opera? Gold Reina?

(To Richard Wagner.)

wName the regional center of Russia with gold crown on the coat of arms.


wWhat is called "drunk" gold» France?


wWhat medal is awarded for the highest sporting achievement?


wWhat "berry" prize do American filmmakers get for the worst film of the year?

gold I am a raspberry.)

wHow many years after marriage is celebrated " golden" wedding?

(After 50.)

w Golden the wedding, as you know, crowns lived together 50 years. And what happened already once at the wedding itself is repeated on gold?

(Husband and wife exchange golden rings, because the wedding is something golden.)

wWhat sample was golden the chain along which Pushkin's "scientist cat" walked?

(This is unknown.)

wHow many years did the old man from "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" by A.S. Pushkin before he caught Golden fish?

(“Exactly thirty years and three years.”)

wWhich character in Pushkin's fairy tale, in case of danger, shouted: "Reign, lying on your side!"?

(Gold cockerel.)

wWhat did the eldest daughter ask to bring her father in Aksakov's fairy tale "The Scarlet Flower"?

(Gold crown.)

wWhich goose appears in the title of the fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm?

Gold goose".)

wYoung long-nosed tree grower with golden fruits - this is ... Who?


wWhat "fertilizer" increased the yield gold coins on the Field of Wonders in the Land of Fools?


wWhich literary hero had golden rule: "Get up - clean your planet"?

(At the Little Prince)

wEvents take place on the banks of this river best books Jack London, her name has become a symbol of the pursuit of gold. What is this river?

(The Klondike River in Canada. In its basin is gold-bearing district, discovered in 1896 and caused " golden fever" at the beginning of the 20th century.)

wThe hero of what novel by Ilf and Petrov wanted 6,400 rubles “for complete happiness”?

Gold calf".)

wWhat did you collect main character short stories by Edgar Allan Poe Gold bug"?


wIn which Charlie Chaplin movie was his character looking for? gold in the Klondike?

Golden fever", 1924)

wOne of the best landscapes of which artist is called " Golden autumn"?

(I.I. Levitan.)

wWhich poet wrote the poem “The grove dissuaded golden»?

(S. Yesenin.)

wWhich epic hero in the 2004 cartoon Konstantin Bronzit is looking for gold stolen from Rostov by Tugarin the Serpent?

(Alyosha Popovich.)

wWhat is made of gold by a hardworking craftsman?

a) fingers b) Arms;

c) Teeth; d) Corns.

wWhat is the name of a business that promises good profits?

a) Golden vein; b) Golden aorta;

c) Goldmine; d) Golden artery.

wWhat mythological character turned into gold everything he touched?

a) Sisyphus; b) Damocles;

c) Midas; d) Zeus.

wWhat term was first coined by Leonardo da Vinci?

a) the golden mean;b) Golden section;

c) Golden hands; d) golden age.

wWhat is usually called something inexpensive and fake?

a) Pot gold;b) Samovar gold;

c) Pan gold; d) Gold trough.

wWhich of these words in the Tatar language means " gold»?

a) Bashlyk; b) Karakul;

c) Altyn ; d) Shed.

wWhat name chemical element in Latin means "morning dawn"?

a) Gold; b) Silver;

c) Copper; d) mercury.

wWhat place does gold in the periodic table?

a) 1; b) 2;

c) 50; d) 79.

wWhich of these metals occurs in nature mainly in nuggets?

a) Lead;b) Gold;

c) Iron; d) Chrome.

wWhich of these metals was the first people discovered?

a) Copper; b) Tin;

c) Gold; d) Silver.

wWhat content gold and in an alloy, in principle, cannot be?

a) 18 carats; b) 21 carats;

c) 27 carats; d) 14 carats.

wThe tips of golden "eternal" feathers are usually made from:

a) Osmiridia; b) will win;

c) Ferromolybdenum; d) bronze.

wWhat was the name of the alloy in ancient times gold and silver?

a) Avial; b) Kovar;

c) electr; d) Invar.

wWhen adding what metal alloy gold turns red?

a) Silver;b) Copper;

c) Nickel; d) cadmium.

wIn which city were conventions held at the beginning of the 19th century gold miners from all over Siberia?

a) Chelyabinsk; b) Yekaterinburg;

c) Tomsk ; d) Tyumen.

wWhat place is associated with the most famous " golden fever" of the early twentieth century?

a) California b) Klondike;

c) Chukotka; d) Transvaal.

wIn which country was it opened gold-bearing Klondike area?

a) Canada ; b) USA;

c) Mexico; d) Venezuela.

wThe place in Canada where in 1896 they found gold called the Klondike. And what is it?

a) Plain; b) Mountain;

c) River ; d) cave.

wIn which country flows inexhaustible Golden river?

a) Russia; b) South Africa;

in Egypt; d) USA.

(In Yakutia, the Aldan River, a tributary of the Lena)

wWhat area not passes the tourist route Golden ring of Russia

a) Vologda; b) Vladimirskaya;

c) Ivanovskaya; d) Moscow

(The tourist route passes through the territory of five regions Moscow, Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Ivanovo, Vladimir.)

wWhat is the attraction of the city of Vladimir?

a) Golden wall;b) Golden Gate;

c) Golden staircase; d) Golden column.

wWhat oil is valued by weight gold?

a) olive b) corn;

c) Pink ; d) linen.

(One gram of high-quality rose oil costs three times as much as one gram gold.)

wWhich Russian artist’s Peru owns the painting “ Gold seamstress"?

a) Tropinin V.A.; b) Kiprensky O.A.;

c) Kramskoy I.N.; d) Repin I.E.

wWhat handicraft products are often called gold?

a) Gzhel; b) Palekh;

c) Dymkovo;d) Khokhloma.

wThe heroes of which story of Chekhov decided to run away to California to mine gold?

a) boys ; b) "Trouble";

c) "Vanka Zhukov"; d) Case study.

wWhich of these fairy-tale characters periodically carried golden eggs?

a) Chicken Ryaba; b) Black chicken;

c) Crocodile Gena; d) Golden cockerel.

wWhat in the fairy tale about Chicken Ryaba did grandfather do with golden testicle?

a) sold; b) Varyl;

c) Bill ; d) cleaned.

wWhich of the indicated heroes of the fairy tale " Gold key" is a doll?

a) Papa Carlo; b) Tortilla;

c) Malvina ; d) Duremar.

wWho had gold cockerel?

a) Tsar Saltan; b) Prince Gvidon;

c) King Dadon ; d) At the prince's Elisha.

wWhat was the name of the tavern where Salieri poisoned Mozart in Pushkin's tragedy?

a) "Golden Lion"; b) "Golden Pheasant";

c) "Golden Key"; d) goldfish.

wWhat chest filled gold Miserly knight on the day of death?

a) third; b) Fifth;

c) the sixth; d) eighth.

wTo which city do filmmakers present " Golden palm branch?

a) Sochi; b) Cannes;

c) Karlovy Vary; d) Venice.

wWhat does the winner of the Spanish Film Festival in San Sebastian receive?

a) "Golden Bear"; b) "Golden Lion";

c) "Golden Leopard"; d) "Golden Shell".

wWhat is the name of the famous football prize?

a) "Golden Boot"; b) "Gilded shoe";

c) "Golden Boot" d) Golden Horseshoe.

Funny riddles at a corporate holiday will help create a relaxed atmosphere at the holiday and cheer up your colleagues. With their help, you can diversify the program of the event.

You can combine this kind of riddles on topics: “animals”, “food”, “names”, “objects”, etc., or ask them randomly, using them to fill in the pauses between games, competitions and dances.

Funny riddles for a corporate party

  • Which clock shows the correct time only twice a day? (Hours that stand).
  • How many months in a year have 28 days? (All months).
  • How do day and night end? (Soft sign).
  • How can seven children, their three parents and big dog not get wet under one umbrella? (They won't get wet if the weather is fine).
  • What can't be eaten for breakfast? (Dinner and supper).
  • One egg will boil in three minutes. How long does it take to boil three eggs? (3 minutes).
  • How many eggs do you think a very hungry person can eat on an empty stomach? (Just one, because the next egg will not be eaten on an empty stomach).
  • There is a tub in the yard, and in that tub there is a frog. How many frogs would there be if there were five tubs? (Perhaps none.)
  • Cool riddles for a corporate party are a great way to compete in wit, add fun to any holiday.
  • From which bird do you need to pluck feathers to get morning, afternoon, evening, and night at once? (Day).
  • Fluff flew for an hour, flew for two hours, flew ... for a day. Where did the fluff come from? (Day).
  • What is easy to pick up from the ground, but difficult to throw far? (Pooh).
  • Six capercaillie were sitting on a tree. A hunter came and killed one capercaillie. How many birds are left?

    Economic riddles for children, with answers

    (None, since the rest have flown away).

  • The hunter walked past the clock tower. He took out a gun and fired. Where did he get to? (to the police).
  • Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, he can talk).
  • There are 16 chickens, 4 rabbits, 2 puppies, 2 cats, 1 rooster and 8 hens in the yard. The owner came with the dog. How many legs were there? (Two legs. The rest are paws).
  • Which word always sounds wrong? (The word "wrong").
  • What question will never get an answer: "Yes"? ("Are you sleeping now?")
  • It belongs only to you, but all relatives, friends, acquaintances and colleagues often use it. What's this? (Your name).
  • What pronouns bridges spoil? (I-we).
  • What can't you find in a women's handbag? (Order).
  • Who speaks all languages? (Echo).
  • Although they themselves do not burn, they have to be extinguished constantly. (Debts).
  • What should you do when you see a green man? (Cross the street).
  • What happens to a ball if it is dropped into the Red Sea? (The ball will become wet).

If very, very long
Scream loudly,
If everyone, gathered together,
Invite him to visit.
That's under the very New Year,
Who will definitely come?
(Police squad).

Adults and children know
That sober at the banquet
All that remains is
Festive ... (tree).

Funny riddles that you prepare for a corporate party guarantee a sea of ​​​​positive and positive emotions for your entire company.

  • You are in the seat of an airplane, a car is driving in front of you, and a horse is galloping behind you. Where are you at? (Ride the carousel).
  • Which wheel does not spin when making a right turn? (Spare).
  • What is 90-60-90? (This is a passage past the traffic police).
  • Who doesn't get their hair wet in the pouring rain? (Bald man).
  • What gets the back of your head with your teeth? (Hairbrush).
  • What wish is the least liked by a cold fat woman? ("Get well soon").
  • You enter through one door and exit through three. You think you're out, but you're actually in. What's this? (Shirt).

Your colleagues at the corporate party will also surely like cool tricky riddles in verse. After reading such riddles, the answer suggests itself, which as a result turns out to be incorrect. The correct answer does not rhyme at all.

Hockey players are heard crying:
The goalkeeper missed them ...
(puck, not ball).

birthday on the nose
We bake…
(cake, not sausage).

Everything is covered in white snow.
So it's coming...
summer Winter).

At night, every window
Weak lighting...
Sun moon).

For lunch to son Vanya
Mom will cook soup in ...
(in a saucepan, not in a glass).

We welcome our guests:
Drink them freshly ground...
(coffee, not tea).

The coldest place
In our house it is…
(refrigerator, not stove).

Down from the palm tree
To the palm tree again
Deftly jumping
(a monkey, not a cow).

At a corporate holiday, you can arrange individual or team competitions among guests to guess such funny riddles. Prizes in such competitions can be stationery, sweets, small toys and souvenirs.

Children's riddles about professions will help your kids make an entertaining journey into the world of work. In simple and interesting form they will learn the difference between a doctor and a cook, a salesman and a teacher. Find out what kind of tool people use in different professions. The process of guessing riddles captivates the child so much that he will ask you to guess him again and again, so collect riddles in reserve.

We get up very early
After all, our concern is to take everyone to work in the morning.
Answer: ( Driver)

Last time I was a teacher
The day after tomorrow - the driver.
He must know a lot
Because he...
Answer: ( Artist)

Even on the set of a movie frame,
Though on the stage here in the theater,
We are obedient to the director
Because we...
Answer: ( actors)

I work in the theatre.
I'm just an aunt during intermission.
And on the stage - the queen,
That granny, then the fox.
Knows Kolya and Larisa,
What in the theater I ...
Answer: ( Actress)

Brings a glass eye
Click once - and remember you.
Answer: ( Photographer)

This worker at least where!
He accompanies trains.
Answer: ( Conductor, Railwayman)

Chalk writes and draws,
And fights with mistakes
Teaches to think, reflect,
What's his guys name?
Answer: ( Teacher)

Will fly up into the sky like a swallow,
Dive into the lake as a fish.
Answer: ( Diver)

Tell me who's so delicious
Prepares cabbage soup
smelly meatballs,
salads, vinaigrettes,
All breakfasts, lunches?
Answer: ( Cook)

I will find them in the restaurant -
These people in caps
They conjure over pots
With ladles in hand.
Answer ( Cook)

This sorceress
This artist
Not brushes and paints
A comb and scissors.
She possesses
Mysterious power:
Who will touch
He will become handsome.
Answer: ( The hairdresser)

We must fight fire
We are partners with water.
We are very much needed by all people,
Answer quickly, who are we?
Answer: ( firefighters)

Here on the edge with caution
He paints iron with paint,
He has a bucket in his hand
He himself is colorfully painted.
Answer: ( Painter)

I'll throw a stick, I won't kill a jackdaw,
I don't pluck feathers, I don't eat meat.
Answer: ( Fisherman)

We will rise when you sleep
And sift the flour in a sieve,
Let's heat up the oven
To bake bread in the morning.
Answer: ( Baker)

The horn sings, the horn sings!
We drive the herd to the meadow.
We graze cows all day
As soon as it becomes hot - we drive into the shade.
Answer: ( Shepherds)

Goats, cows calls, clicks,
He plays his twisted horn.
Answer: ( Shepherd)

Sharpens parts on the machine
This staff member...
Answer: ( Turner)

In the circus, he is the funniest of all.
He has great success.
It remains only to remember
The merry fellow, as he is called.
Answer: ( Clown)

He protects nature
Drives away poachers
And in winter at the feeders
The forest animals are waiting for a visit.
Answer: ( Forester)

He drives a great plane,
Safe flight with him
Real ace….
Answer: ( Pilot)

The earth awaits his work,
As soon as the dawn lights up the rays.
In the spring he combs the fields,
Autumn will come - shear.
Answer: ( Farmer)

He gives us the goods and the check
Not a philosopher, not a sage
And not a superman
And the usual...
Answer: ( Salesman)

They put dexterous two hands
Heels on shoes.
And heel heels -
Also the work of these hands.
Answer: ( Shoemaker)

He pours grain into the mill.
You name him soon.
Answer: ( miller)

Who in the days of sickness
more useful than all
And heals us of all
Answer: ( Doctor)

He, going on his round,
He puts on a medical gown,
He puts medicines in a bag,
Then he walks to the barnyard.
Answer: ( Vet)

Don't be afraid of the pediatrician
Don't worry, calm down
And of course don't cry
It's just childish...
Answer: ( Doctor)

We are suffering from a cold again,
We call the doctor at home.
He will give us sick leave.
And who is he as an expert?
Answer: ( Therapist)

Hidden here is the question:
Doctor with thread and needle
What's the name? remember
And give me a quick answer.
Answer: ( Surgeon)

This doctor will remove
I have easy appendicitis.
The scalpel is his best friend
Who is that doctor? …!
Answer: ( Surgeon)

How can you see through the wall?
In glasses and in the light, and then not be able to.
And meanwhile he saw through it
Not only me, but also my heart.
Answer: ( Radiologist)

This doctor is not just a doctor,
He heals people's eyes
Even if you can't see well
You can see everything with glasses.
Answer: ( Optometrist)

The ship sails in the yellow sea.
Who is leading the ship on the sea?
Answer: ( Combiner)

In the book sea it is endless
The real captain.
Find any book
Help us quickly!
Answer: ( Librarian)

Among the clouds, on high,
We are building a new house together
So that in warmth and beauty
The people in it lived happily.
Answer: ( Builders)

silver needle
I led a thread in the sky.
Who is brave
white thread
He sewed the sky, but hurried:
Has the tail of the thread fluffed up?
Answer: ( Pilot)

Who walks in the parade
Ribbons are twisted behind the back,
Ribbons twist, and in the detachment
There are no girls.
Answer: ( Sailors)

fun work,
Enviable from the heart!
Whistle when the hunt
Yes, wave your wand!
Answer: ( Policeman)

No one in the world can do that
With one hand
Stop the flow of passers-by
And skip the trucks.
Answer: ( Police officer-regulator)

We dig deep into the earth
And in the depths of the earth
We mine coal for people,
To heat the house.
Answer: ( Miners)

He will pass along the wagon -
Find stowaways.
His friend is sitting in the workshop -
He takes care of the quality.
Answer: ( Controller)

Who, tell me, through the woods
Walks bowing to mushrooms?
Answer: ( Mushroomer)

Everyone is glad to see him
When there is a waterfall in the kitchen.
Answer: ( Plumber)

Pilot Borya has a friend
Paint all around.
Rain on the window
So it will grow...
Answer: ( Artist)

jumped down -
Hanging on a flower
Touched the earth
The flower has turned.
Answer: ( skydiver)

The artist has a sister
He can sing very loudly.
Birds sing along to Nastya,
So it will grow...
Answer: ( Singer)

V kindergarten dinner,
The cook samples the dishes.
But my mother is not around
Who sets the table there?
Answer: ( Nanny, teacher assistant)

He worked in the sweet shop for a day,
The dessert result turned out -
Eclairs, cake, Napoleon.
Now think, who is he?
Answer: ( Confectioner)

Cooks with Valera in a quarrel,
He again argues about tastes.
He loves debate
So it will be...
Answer: ( Deputy)

He will show us the whole city,
It will tell you everything about him.
And we are waiting for questions
And he will find an answer to everything.
Answer: ( Guide)

The deputy is friends with Marina.
The one that dances forever,
After all, the beautiful Marina
Become a dream...
Answer: ( ballerina)

In the firm, he considers profit
Everyone gets paid.
And he is not too lazy to count
All taxes all day.
Answer: ( Accountant)

Poems about an accountant:

How not to praise an accountant? He gives us money
And advances, and salaries, and, of course, accountability!
Yes, accountant is power (and it sounds cute!)
Can he reduce the pay: deduct alimony at once,
Withhold your rent, deposit your salary
So once again it’s not worth arguing loudly with him about business,
It’s better to agree right away, in an instant his face will brighten up,
And he will forget at the same hour to withhold an advance from you!
Yes, the accountant is not bored: he checks the balance with the bulldo,
Boldly talks about VODKA, makes a dashing summary,
The main one keeps records, makes offsets with the company,
He checks the turns (this is how he checks himself),
Counts all expenses, collects income in a pile,
Conjure: here it just works BALANCE!
How many deeds, deeds, deeds: and among them there are no superfluous ones,
Everyone is important and very urgent, but they don't pay overtime:
So let's say, finally: you, an accountant, well done!
Be healthy, be diligent, be successful in your career,
Let comfort reign at home, the boss always thanks,
The family is always happy, in general, happy holiday to you!
Source: Internet


The son asks his businessman father:
- Dad, do we have anything to read from science fiction or mysticism?
- Yes, my accountant's tax report.
News Info-Accountant 8.0
In version Info-Accountant 8.0, the issue of expanding the toolbar is considered. In addition to the standard "Recalculate" button, additional buttons "Recalculate as I want", "Recalculate as I want" and "Recalculate correctly" will be added.
Murphy's Law for Accountants:
If the balance does not immediately converge, then there is an error in it.
Consequence: If the balance converged - two errors.
21:00 pm…
Two accountants draw up (bring up) a balance sheet. Both order worn out - tired.
One asks the other:
- Listen, how many months are there in a year?
Another, without looking up from the notes:
- Ten. Without VAT
The tax inspector asks the accountant:
- Why, as a test, do you immediately get sick?
To which the accountant replies:
Yes, I'm allergic to you!

Jokes about accountants

Where the hell is our accountant?
- Gone to the casino, chief!
- It's unheard of! V work time?
- Yes, boss. But this is the only chance to balance the annual balance!

One state organization worked as an old accountant. He has worked there for many years. Employees noticed one oddity behind him - when he was sitting at his desk, he always pushed back a little drawer and constantly peeped there, but as soon as he approached, he immediately moved it. This terrible secret I just exhausted everyone - what is he hiding there ?! Finally, the time has come for retirement. They saw him off, noted - and everyone ran to the table, to see what he was hiding there. They open it - and there is a small, greasy piece of paper: "Credit at the window, debit at the wall."

A young accountant gets a job.
The chief accountant gives her the task:
- And make no mistake, please count this amount twice.
After a while, she comes up to him and says:
- I counted ten times!
- Well done! I love diligent workers.
- Here are all ten results recorded.

Announcement in the newspaper about the search for a chief accountant: "The chief accountant is urgently required! Preferably with knowledge of accounting."

Tax office. Time of submission of the annual report. A lathered chief accountant comes out of the inspector's office. He sighs with relief: "I passed ...". Voice from the queue: "Let me write off!"

Chief Accountant company long suffered from insomnia and decided to see a doctor.
Doctor, I can't sleep at night.
- And you, when you can’t sleep, try to count elephants to fall asleep. The chief accountant sighs heavily.
- That's the thing, I've already tried it. Only if I make a mistake, then I look for an error for three hours.

The agenda for the meeting was:
1. Accountant Ivanov criticizes the director.
2. Farewell to the accountant Ivanov.

The company has a tax audit. Everything is correct, there is nothing to complain about. Accountant happy! The tax inspector too:
- You fine!-!?
- For bullying the tax office.

A conversation between two accountants:
- My dog ​​reminds me of our tax inspector.
- ???
- Constantly digs something, while looking at me with intelligent eyes and can not explain anything.

Eternity consists of accounting periods...

An employee who has just received a salary, to an accountant:
- You didn't give me 20 dollars!
- That's right, but last time you were given 20 dollars more, why were you silent then?
- Because if you made a mistake once, you can close your eyes to it, but two is already too much!

A man comes into the accounting department and asks:
- Tell me, do they pay salaries here?
- Yes. Here.
- Hello, my name is TOTAL.

A novice accountant, after two days of fruitless attempts to manually balance the balance sheet, looks up from his papers and says: “This is necessary! My numbers don’t agree with mine!”

The boss addresses his accountant:
- Listen, you have been working in my company for more than 10 years and have never asked for an increase in salary. What kind of dark deeds are you doing here?!

A taxi driver friend said: - If at three o'clock in the morning they call a taxi, and at the same time everyone is SOBER - it means that they are definitely accountants!

In the firm, at the height of the working day, wild screams are heard, guys in camouflage and masks burst in. Everyone is in treason, then a cry: "Lie down, this is a robbery!" The chief accountant, sinking to the floor: "They scared me, but I thought it was the tax police ..."

Tax inspection about accountants: "And yet they spin!"

The conversation of the children of the "new Russians":
- Yesterday I got on my dad's computer, there is such a crazy game ... "1C Accounting", I reached the third level.
- So what is next?
- Then they crushed me with taxes.

And who are you by profession? - I am a Master of black and white accounting!

In a court. A charming blonde accountant is asked:
- Do you know what you are supposed to do for such actions?
- I know. The director said a piece of bucks and a fur coat

April... Quarterly report in full swing ... One chief accountant calls another chief accountant:
- Hey!
- Hey!
- So, how are you?
- Thanks, everything is fine!
Oh, sorry, I don't seem to be in the right place...

Accountants don't die, they just lose their balance.

The accountant checks the invoices that the employee brought from the business trip:
What is this astronomical sum?
- Hotel bill.
- And who authorized you to buy a hotel?

Armenian radio is asked:
- How to explain to an accountant what a beat is?
- Elementary - this is a byte minus taxes.
- And how to explain to him what a byte is?
- Elementary - explain to him 8 times what a beat is.
- And how to explain what a kilobyte is?
It's too long to tell...

The son reads a book and asks his accountant father:
- Dad, is The Inspector General a comedy or a tragedy, I don’t understand something.
- If the auditor is your own, son, then a comedy, and if a stranger, then a tragedy.

An accountant comes to work to get a job. Fills out a questionnaire. There the question is: "Have you ever been under investigation?" He writes "no". Next question in the questionnaire: "..and why?" He writes: "Never got caught!"

The great master cast the Tsar Bell. Then the tax inspector came and split off 13%. It turned out as always: at least nothing works, but in fairness.


[A. Apina - V. Okorokov]

I'm tired of singing about this foreign country.
I'll put on boots and a red coat.
I'm going to visit my beloved capital.
Even though no one will know in this form.

I'll take a gentleman with me for a walk.
He knows all my songs by heart.
Not a foreigner and not the son of a millionaire.
He is a simple accountant, so be it.

Accountant, my dear accountant,

And happiness will be if there is peace in the soul
Accountant, my dear accountant.
Here it is, so simple.
Accountant, my dear, my dear accountant
But native, but all mine.

Arriving in a cold and dusty office.
Spread out with folders of paper on the table.
Twist Soviet shag into a tube
And he will think only, only about me

His work day is almost over.
And the debit with the credit was not reduced.
He does not care about it, if only day and night
I sang this song about him

Anthem of the accountant - The accountant is smart!

There is no day or night before the report
For relaxation, fun or sleep…
Such meticulous work
As if given as a punishment!
You should be a lawyer and a programmer,
Sometimes a psychologist has to ...
Yes, you need to be a talented artist,
To combine professions a whole swarm!

Chorus: Accountant - clever,
working hard,
He loves precision
Knows money!
Everything that is intended
Of course it will!

The wise leader knows:
The accountant is right hand!
It clearly reflects the fact of work
And he knows how much, for sure!
The budget will be able to calculate in detail,
Profitability of the project ahead.
His work, like the sun, warms ...
An accountant will never let you down!

Just look how beautiful
The Wizard writes music from numbers!
The calling is life force,
Capable of turning the whole world!
May the Almighty God keep you
And favorably accept New century
Stability and support for Russia -
Accountant, you are a great man!

Funny riddles at a corporate holiday will help create a relaxed atmosphere at the holiday and cheer up your colleagues. With their help, you can diversify the program of the event.

You can combine this kind of riddles on topics: “animals”, “food”, “names”, “objects”, etc., or ask them randomly, using them to fill in the pauses between games, competitions and dances.

Funny riddles for a corporate party

  • Which clock shows the correct time only twice a day? (Hours that stand).
  • How many months in a year have 28 days? (All months).
  • How do day and night end? (Soft sign).
  • How can seven children, three of their parents and a big dog not get wet under one umbrella? (They won't get wet if the weather is fine).
  • What can't be eaten for breakfast? (Dinner and supper).
  • One egg will boil in three minutes. How long does it take to boil three eggs? (3 minutes).
  • How many eggs do you think a very hungry person can eat on an empty stomach? (Just one, because the next egg will not be eaten on an empty stomach).
  • There is a tub in the yard, and in that tub there is a frog. How many frogs would there be if there were five tubs? (Perhaps none.)
  • Cool riddles for a corporate party are a great way to compete in wit, add fun to any holiday.
  • From which bird do you need to pluck feathers to get morning, afternoon, evening, and night at once? (Day).
  • Fluff flew for an hour, flew for two hours, flew ... for a day. Where did the fluff come from? (Day).
  • What is easy to pick up from the ground, but difficult to throw far? (Pooh).
  • Six capercaillie were sitting on a tree. A hunter came and killed one capercaillie. How many birds are left? (None, since the rest have flown away).
  • The hunter walked past the clock tower. He took out a gun and fired. Where did he get to? (to the police).
  • Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, he can talk).
  • There are 16 chickens, 4 rabbits, 2 puppies, 2 cats, 1 rooster and 8 hens in the yard. The owner came with the dog. How many legs were there? (Two legs. The rest are paws).
  • Which word always sounds wrong? (The word "wrong").
  • What question will never get an answer: "Yes"? ("Are you sleeping now?")
  • It belongs only to you, but all relatives, friends, acquaintances and colleagues often use it. What's this? (Your name).
  • What pronouns bridges spoil? (I-we).
  • What can't you find in a women's handbag? (Order).
  • Who speaks all languages? (Echo).
  • Although they themselves do not burn, they have to be extinguished constantly. (Debts).
  • What should you do when you see a green man? (Cross the street).
  • What happens to a ball if it is dropped into the Red Sea? (The ball will become wet).

If very, very long
Scream loudly,
If everyone, gathered together,
Invite him to visit.
That on New Year's Eve
Who will definitely come?
(Police squad).

Adults and children know
That sober at the banquet
All that remains is
Festive ... (tree).

Funny riddles that you prepare for a corporate party guarantee a sea of ​​​​positive and positive emotions for your entire company.

  • You are in the seat of an airplane, a car is driving in front of you, and a horse is galloping behind you. Where are you at? (Ride the carousel).
  • Which wheel does not spin when making a right turn? (Spare).
  • What is 90-60-90? (This is a passage past the traffic police).
  • Who doesn't get their hair wet in the pouring rain? (Bald man).
  • What gets the back of your head with your teeth? (Hairbrush).
  • What is the least desirable wish for a plump woman who has caught a cold? ("Get well soon").
  • You enter through one door and exit through three. You think you're out, but you're actually in. What's this? (Shirt).

Your colleagues at the corporate party will also surely like cool tricky riddles in verse. After reading such riddles, the answer suggests itself, which as a result turns out to be incorrect. The correct answer does not rhyme at all.

Hockey players are heard crying:
The goalkeeper missed them ...
(puck, not ball).

birthday on the nose
We bake…
(cake, not sausage).

Everything is covered in white snow.
So it's coming...
summer Winter).

At night, every window
Weak lighting...
Sun moon).

For lunch to son Vanya
Mom will cook soup in ...
(in a saucepan, not in a glass).

We welcome our guests:
Drink them freshly ground...
(coffee, not tea).

The coldest place
In our house it is…
(refrigerator, not stove).

Down from the palm tree
To the palm tree again
Deftly jumping
(a monkey, not a cow).

At a corporate holiday, you can arrange individual or team competitions among guests to guess such funny riddles. Prizes in such competitions can be stationery, sweets, small toys and souvenirs.