Online reading of the book Little Tragedies The Covetous Knight (Scenes from Chenstone's tragicomedy: The Covetous Knight). Miserly knight So I bring a handful of the poor

Oak is a tree.
Optics is a branch of physics.
The older brother is my teacher.
My older brother is a teacher.

Note 1.If a predicate expressed by a noun in the nominative case is preceded by a negation not, then the dash is not put, for example:

Poverty is not a vice.

Note 2. In an interrogative sentence with a main member expressed by a pronoun, a dash is not placed between the main members, for example:

Who is your father?
§ 165. A dash is placed between the subject and the predicate if the subject is expressed in the nominative form of the noun, and the predicate is in the indefinite form, or if both of them are expressed in the indefinite form, for example:
The purpose of each person is to develop in himself everything human, common and enjoy it.(Belinsky).
To live life is not a field to cross.
§ 166. A dash is placed before this is, it is, this means, here if the predicate, expressed by a noun in the nominative case or an indefinite form, is attached to the subject by means of these words, for example:
Communism is Soviet power plus the electrification of the whole country(Lenin).
Poetry is the fiery gaze of a young man, seething with excess strength(Belinsky).
Romanticism is the first word that announced the Pushkin period, nationality is the alpha and omega of the new period(Belinsky).
Section 167. A dash is placed before the generalizing word after the enumeration, for example:
Hope and swimmer - the whole sea swallowed(Krylov).
Neither the cries of a rooster, nor the sonorous rumble of horns, nor the chirping of early swallows on the roof - nothing will call the deceased from the coffins.(Zhukovsky).
§ 168. A dash is placed before an application at the end of a sentence:
  1. If you can put it before the application without changing the meaning namely, for example:
  2. I don't like this tree too much - aspen(Turgenev).
    In relations with strangers, he demanded one thing - the preservation of decency(Herzen).
    Paying tribute to his time, Mr. Goncharov also brought out an antidote to Oblomov - Stolz(Dobrolyubov).
  3. If the application has explanatory words and it is necessary to emphasize the shade of independence of such an application, for example:
  4. I had a cast-iron teapot with me - my only consolation in traveling around the Caucasus(Lermontov).
§ 169. A dash is placed between two predicates and between two independent sentences if the second of them contains an unexpected attachment or sharp opposition to the first, for example:
I went out, not wanting to offend him, to the terrace - and was stunned(Herzen).
I'm in a hurry to go there - and there is already the whole city(Pushkin).
I wanted to travel around the whole world - and did not travel a hundredth(Griboyedov).
I wanted to draw - the brushes fell out of my hands. I tried to read - his eyes glided over the lines(Lermontov).

Note 1. To enhance the shade of surprise, a dash can be placed after coordinating conjunctions linking two parts of one sentence, for example:

Ask for a calculation on Saturday and - march to the village(M. Gorky).
I really want to go there to meet them, but I'm afraid(M. Gorky).

Note 2. To express surprise, any part of the sentence can be separated by a dash, for example:

And they threw the pike - into the river(Krylov).
And ate the poor singer - to the crumbs(Krylov).
§ 170. A dash is placed between two sentences and between two homogeneous members of a sentence, connected without the help of unions, to express a sharp contrast, for example:
I am a king - I am a slave, I am a worm - I am a god(Derzhavin).
It's no wonder to cut off your head - it's smart to attach(proverb).
Here they do not live - paradise(Krylov).
§ 171. A dash is placed between sentences not connected by conjunctions if the second sentence contains result or output from that what is said in the first, for example:
Praises are tempting - how not to wish for them?(Krylov).
The sun has risen - the day begins(Nekrasov).
§ 172. A dash is placed between two sentences if they are connected in meaning as a subordinate clause (in the first place) with the main clause (in the second place), but there are no subordinating conjunctions, for example:
Gruzdev called himself get in the body.
They cut the forest - the chips fly.
He himself is entangled - and unravel himself; knew how to brew porridge - know how to disentangle it; love to ride - love to carry sleds (Saltykov-Shchedrin).
§ 173. A dash is placed to indicate the place where a simple sentence splits into two word groups, if this cannot be expressed with other punctuation marks or word order, for example:
I ask you: do workers need to be paid?(Chekhov).
Such a split is often observed when a member of a sentence is omitted (why the dash in this case is called elliptical), for example:
Pustoroslev for faithful service - Chizhov's estate, and Chizhov - to Siberia forever(A.N. Tolstoy).
We villages - into ashes, hailstones - into dust, into swords - sickles and plows(Zhukovsky).
Everything is obedient to me, but I am nothing(Pushkin).
§ 174. A dash highlights:
  1. Sentences and words inserted in the middle of a sentence for the purpose of explaining or supplementing it, in cases where bracketing could weaken the connection between the insertion and the main sentence, for example:
There is nothing to do here - friends kissed(Krylov).
... Suddenly - about a miracle! oh shame! - the oracle spoke nonsense(Krylov).
Only once - and even then at the very beginning - there was an unpleasant and sharp conversation(Furmanov).
  1. A common application after the noun being defined, if it is necessary to emphasize the shade of independence of such an application, for example:
The senior sergeant - a brave aged Cossack with stripes for extra-long service - ordered to "build up"(Sholokhov).
In front of the doors of the club - a wide log house - workers with banners were waiting for the guests.(Fedin).
  1. A group of homogeneous members standing in the middle of a sentence, for example:
Usually, from the riding villages - Elanskaya, Vyoshenskaya, Migulinskaya and Kazanskaya - they took Cossacks to the 11-12th army Cossack regiments and to the Life Guards Atamansky(Sholokhov).

Note. A dash is placed after an enumeration in the middle of a sentence if this enumeration is preceded by a generalizing word or words somehow, for example, namely (see §160).

§ 175. A dash is placed as an additional decimal point before a word that is repeated in order to connect a new sentence with it (more often a subordinate, reinforcing, supplementing or developing the main clause) or a further part of the same sentence, for example:
I knew very well that it was my husband, not some new, unknown person, but a good person - my husband, whom I knew as myself(L. Tolstoy).
Now, as a judicial investigator, Ivan Ilyich felt that without exception, the most important, self-satisfied people, everything was in his hands.(L. Tolstoy).
§ 176. A dash is placed as an additional sign after a comma, which separates the main clause from the group of subordinate clauses preceding it, if it is necessary to emphasize the splitting of a single whole into two parts, for example:
Who is to blame among them, who is right, is not for us to judge.(Krylov).
Did Stoltz do anything for this, what he did and how he did it - we do not know.(Dobrolyubov).

Baron, the hero of Pushkin's "The Miserly Knight", stepped out from behind the columns. Holding the candle so that the gold in the chests shone brighter, the Baron began to admire it and meditate on it. He was, though stingy, but above all - a knight; he was noble, and a powerful passion animated him. He reveled in the secret strength and power that his chest held.
When he spoke:
“Everything is obedient to me, but I am nothing;

I know my power...
then it became clear why the gold would not move anywhere from these chests. The baron was a poet of the idea of ​​power and his passion. He could even look at her from the side, sorting through the gold ones, recalling the sad human fates associated with each gold item that entered his treasury. But it was precisely the feeling of people's dependence on these golden circles that maintained in him a formidable sense of his own strength. This Baron was a strong and whole person in his ageless passion, large, outstanding - and therefore all the more terrible man.
Of course, no props appeared that evening. There was only Ostuzhev with a candle. G. W. Christie, who had heard many performers of this role, and who directed The Miserly Knight himself, told me that he had never heard anything like the strength, beauty and skill of performance.
Unfortunately, in the play "The Miserly Knight" on the stage of the Maly Theater (season 1936/37), the director, in the words of Ostuzhev, "tied him to his beard", to the theatrical stencil. Therefore, in a concert performance, the unusual Baron Ostuzhev looked much better than on stage, and Moscow Pushkinists said that in terms of depth and strength, Ostuzhev created a truly Pushkin image.

Alexander Pushkin - Monologue of the Baron from "The Miserly Knight"

Like a young rake waiting for a date
With some wicked slut
Or a fool, deceived by him, so am I
I've been waiting all day for a minute to get off.
To my secret cellar, to the faithful chests.
Happy day! can i today
In the sixth chest (in the chest is still incomplete)
Pour a handful of accumulated gold.
Not much, it seems, but little by little
Treasures are growing. I read somewhere
That the king one day to his warriors
He ordered to demolish the earth handful in a heap,
And the proud hill rose - and the king
I could look around with fun from above
And the valley covered with white tents,
And the sea where the ships ran.
So I, bringing a handful of the poor
I'll get used to my tribute here in the basement,
He lifted up my hill - and from its height
I can look at everything that is subject to me.
What is not under my control? like some kind of demon
From now on I can rule the world;
If I only want, halls will be erected;
To my magnificent gardens
The nymphs will run in a frisky crowd;
And the muses will bring me their tribute,
And the free genius will enslave me,
And virtue and sleepless labor
They will humbly await my reward.
I whistle, and to me obediently, timidly
Bloodied villainy will creep in,
And he will lick my hand, and into my eyes
Look, they are a sign of my reading will.
Everything is obedient to me, but I - to nothing;
I am above all desires; I am calm;
I know my strength: I've had enough
This consciousness...
(Looks at his gold.) ..........

Reader A. Ostuzhev

Ostuzhev Alexander Alekseevich (real name Pozharov) (1874, Voronezh - 1953, Moscow), actor, People's Artist of the USSR (1937).
In 1896 he entered the drama courses of the Moscow Theater School (student of A.P. Lensky). Since 1898 at the Maly Theatre. Among the roles: Romeo (“Romeo and Juliet” by W. Shakespeare, 1901), Neznamov (“Guilty Without Guilt” by A.N. Ostrovsky, 1908). Despite impending deafness (by 1910 Ostuzhev lost his hearing), he continued to play on stage, having developed a system of techniques that gave him the opportunity to work in the theater. The pinnacle of Ostuzhev's work is Othello ("Othello" by Shakespeare, 1935) and Uriel Acosta ("Uriel Acosta" by K. Gutskov, 1940). Ostuzhev was characterized by a romantic elation of performance; passionate pathos and temperament were combined in his art with deep sincerity in conveying feelings. The character of Ostuzhev's heroes found expression both in the plastic solution of the role, and in the elation of the intonational sound of a surprisingly beautiful voice.



§ 164. A dash is placed between the subject and the predicate expressed by the noun in the nominative case (without a link). This rule is most often applied when the predicate defines the concept expressed by the subject, for example:

    Oak is a tree.
    Optics is a branch of physics.
    Moscow, Leningrad, Kyiv, Baku are the largest cities of the USSR.
    The elder brother is my teacher.
    My older brother is a teacher.

Note 1. If a predicate expressed by a noun in the nominative case is preceded by a negation not , then the dash is not put, for example:

    Poverty is not a vice.

Note 2. In an interrogative sentence with a main member expressed by a pronoun, a dash is not placed between the main members, for example:

    Who is your father?

§ 165. A dash is placed between the subject and the predicate if the subject is expressed in the nominative form of the noun and the predicate is in the indefinite form, or if both of them are expressed in the indefinite form, for example:

    The purpose of each person is to develop in himself everything human, common and enjoy it.


    To live life is not a field to cross.

§ 166. A dash is placed before this, this is, this means, here , if the predicate, expressed by a noun in the nominative case or an indefinite form, is attached through these words to the subject, for example:

    Communism is Soviet power plus the electrification of the whole country.


    Poetry is the fiery gaze of a young man, seething with excess strength.


    Romanticism is the first word that announced the Pushkin period; nationality is the alpha and omega of the new period.


Section 167. A dash is placed before the generalizing word after the enumeration, for example:

    Hope and swimmer - the whole sea swallowed.


    Neither the cries of a rooster, nor the sonorous rumble of horns, nor the chirping of early swallows on the roof - nothing will call the deceased from the coffins.


§ 168. A dash is placed before an application at the end of a sentence:

1. If you can insert it before the application without changing the meaning namely , for example:

    I don't like this tree too much - aspen.


    In relations with outsiders, he demanded one thing - the preservation of decency.


    Paying tribute to his time, Mr. Goncharov also brought out an antidote to Oblomov - Stolz.


2. If the application has explanatory words and it is necessary to emphasize the shade of independence of such an application, for example:

    I had a cast-iron teapot with me - my only consolation in traveling around the Caucasus.


§ 169. A dash is placed between two predicates and between two independent sentences if the second of them contains an unexpected attachment or sharp opposition to the first, for example:

    I went out, not wanting to offend him, to the terrace - and was stunned.


    I'm in a hurry to go there - and there is already the whole city.


    I wanted to travel the whole world - and did not travel a hundredth.


    I wanted to draw - the brushes fell out of my hands. Tried to read - his eyes glided over the lines.


Note 1. To enhance the shade of surprise, a dash can be placed after coordinating conjunctions linking two parts of one sentence, for example:

    Ask for a calculation on Saturday and march to the village.

    M. Gorky

    I really want to go there to meet them, but I'm afraid.

    M. Gorky

Note 2. To express surprise, any part of the sentence can be separated by a dash, for example:

    And they threw the pike into the river.


    And ate the poor singer - to the crumbs.


§ 170. A dash is placed between two sentences and between two homogeneous members of a sentence, connected without the help of unions, to express a sharp contrast, for example:

    I am a king - I am a slave, I am a worm - I am a god.


    It’s no wonder to cut off your head - it’s smart to put it on.


    Here they do not live - paradise.


§ 171. A dash is placed between sentences not connected by conjunctions if the second sentence contains a result or conclusion from what is said in the first, for example:

    Praises are tempting - how not to desire them?


    The sun has risen and the day has begun.


§ 172. A dash is placed between two sentences if they are connected in meaning as a subordinate clause (in the first place) with the main clause (in the second place), but there are no subordinating conjunctions, for example:

    Gruzdev called himself get in the body.
    They cut the forest - the chips fly.
    You yourself are entangled - and unravel yourself; knew how to brew porridge - know how to disentangle it; if you like to ride - love to carry sleds.


§ 173. A dash is placed to indicate the place where a simple sentence splits into two word groups, if this cannot be expressed with other punctuation marks or word order, for example:

    I ask you: do the workers need to be paid?


Such a split is often observed when some part of the sentence is omitted (why the dash in this case is called elliptical), for example:

    Pustoroslev for faithful service - Chizhov's estate, and Chizhov - to Siberia forever.

    A. N. Tolstoy

    We sat down - in ashes, hailstones - in dust, in swords - sickles and plows.


    Everything is obedient to me, but I am nothing.

    § 175. A dash is placed as an additional decimal point before a word that is repeated in order to connect a new sentence with it (more often a subordinate, reinforcing, supplementing or developing the main clause) or a further part of the same sentence, for example:

      I knew very well that it was my husband, not some new, unknown person, but a good person, my husband, whom I knew as myself.

      L. Tolstoy

      Now, as a judicial investigator, Ivan Ilyich felt that without exception, the most important, self-satisfied people, everything was in his hands.

      L. Tolstoy

    § 176. A dash is placed as an additional sign after a comma, which separates the main clause from the group of subordinate clauses preceding it, if it is necessary to emphasize the splitting of a single whole into two parts, for example:

      Who is to blame among them, who is right, is not for us to judge.


      Whether Stoltz did anything for this, what he did and how he did it, we do not know.


    § 177. A dash is used as an additional decimal point to indicate a transition from an increase to a decrease in a period, for example:

      Oh if it's true that in the night
      When the living rest
      And moonbeams from the sky
      Gliding on gravestones,
      Oh if it's true, what then
      Silent graves empty,
      I call the shadow, I'm waiting for Leila:
      To me, my friend, here, here!


      In the 1800s, at a time when there were no railroads or highways, no gas or stearin light, no spring sofas, no unlacquered furniture, no frustrated young men with glass, no liberal female philosophers, nor the lovely ladies-camellias, of which there are so many divorced in our time - in those naive times, when from Moscow, leaving for St. and believed in fire cutlets, Valdai bells and bagels - when tallow candles burned on long autumn evenings, illuminating family circles of twenty and thirty people, wax and spermaceti candles were inserted into candelabra at balls, when furniture was placed symmetrically, when our fathers were they were still young not only because of the absence of wrinkles and gray hair, but they shot for women and from the other corner of the room rushed to pick up accidentally and not accidentally dropped handkerchiefs, our mothers wore short waists and huge sleeves and solved family affairs by taking out tickets when the lovely camellia ladies hid from the daylight - in the naive times of the Masonic lodges, Martinists, Tugendbund, in the times of the Miloradovichs, Davydovs, Pushkins - in the provincial town of K. there was a congress of landowners, and ended nobility elections.

      L. Tolstoy

    Section 178. A dash is placed between two words to indicate spatial, temporal or quantitative limits (in this case, the dash replaces the meaning of the word "from ... to"), for example:

      Flights USSR - America.
      Manuscripts XI - XIV centuries.

    § 179. A dash is placed between two or more proper names, the totality of which is called any doctrine, scientific institution, etc., for example:

      Boyle's physical law - Mariotte.

Pushkin, Alexander Sergeyevich



In the tower

Albert and Ivan

By all means in the tournament

I will appear. Show me the helmet, Ivan.

Ivan gives him a helmet.

Broken through, damaged. Impossible

Put it on. I need to get a new one.

What a blow! damned Count Delorge!

And you repaid him in kind:

How did you knock him out of the stirrups,

He lay dead for days - and hardly


And yet he is not at a loss;

His bib is intact Venetian,

And his own chest: he is not worth a penny;

Will not buy another one.

Why didn't I take off his helmet right there!

And I would take it off if I wasn't ashamed

I will give the duke also. Damned Count!

He'd rather punch me in the head.

And I need a dress. Last time

All the knights were sitting here in the atlas

Yes, velvet; I was alone in armor

At the ducal table. dissuaded

I mean that I got to the tournament by accident.

And now what shall I say? O poverty, poverty!

How it humiliates our hearts!

When Delorge with his heavy spear

He pierced my helmet and galloped past,

And I spurred with an open head

My Emir, rushed off like a whirlwind

And threw the count twenty paces,

Like a little page; like all ladies

They got up from their seats when Clotilde herself,

Covering her face, she screamed involuntarily,

And the heralds praised my blow, -

Then no one thought about the reason

And my courage and marvelous strength!

I got mad for the damaged helmet,

What was the fault of heroism? - stinginess.

Yes! it is not difficult to get infected here

Under the same roof as my father.

What is my poor Emir?

He's limping.

You can't drive it yet.

Well, there's nothing to do: I'll buy Gnedy.

Inexpensive and asking for it.

It's cheap, but we don't have money.

What does the loafer Solomon say?

He says he can no longer

Loans to give you money without collateral.

Mortgage! and where can I get a mortgage, the devil!

I said.

Grunts and cries.

Would you tell him that my father

Rich himself, like a Jew, that sooner or later

I inherit everything.

I told.

It cries and groans.

What grief!

He himself wanted to come.

Well, thank God.

I won't release it without a ransom.

They knock on the door.

Included Jew.

Your servant is low.

Ah, buddy!

Cursed Jew, venerable Solomon,

Perhaps here: so you, I hear

Don't believe in debt.

Ah, merciful knight,

I swear to you: I would be glad ... I really can’t.

Where to get money? I'm all ruined

All the knights diligently helping.

Nobody pays. I wanted to ask you

Can't you give away some...


Yes, if I had money,

Would I mess with you? full,

Don't be stubborn, my dear Solomon;

Come on, rednecks. Give me a hundred

Until you get frisked.

If only I had a hundred ducats!

Aren't you ashamed of your friends

Don't bail out?

I swear...

Full, full.

Do you require a deposit? what nonsense!

What will I pledge to you? pig skin?

When I could pawn something, long ago

I would have sold. Or a knightly word

Is it enough for you, dog?

your word,

As long as you are alive, a lot, a lot means.

All chests of the Flemish rich

Like a talisman, it will unlock you.

But if you pass it

Me, a poor Jew, and meanwhile

Die (God forbid), then

In my hands it will be like

The key to the abandoned box in the sea.

Will my father outlive me?

How to know? our days are not numbered by us;

The young man blossomed in the evening, and now he has died,

And here are his four old men

Carry on hunched shoulders to the grave.

The Baron is healthy. God willing - ten years, twenty

And he will live twenty-five and thirty.

You're lying, Jew: yes, in thirty years

I hit fifty, then the money

What will be good for me?

Money? - money

Always, at every age are suitable for us;

But the young man in them is looking for nimble servants

And not sparing sends there, here.

The old man sees in them reliable friends

And he keeps them like the apple of his eye.

O! my father is not servants and not friends

He sees in them, but gentlemen; and serves them.

And how does it serve? like an Algerian slave

Like a dog on a chain. In an unheated kennel

Lives, drinks water, eats dry crusts,

He does not sleep all night, everything runs and barks.

And the gold is calm in the chests

Lies to himself. Be quiet! someday

It will serve me, it will forget to lie down.

Yes, at the baron's funeral

More money will be shed than tears.

God send you an inheritance soon.

And can b...

So, I thought that the remedy

There is such...

What remedy?

I have an old friend

Jew, poor pharmacist...


The same as you, or more honest?

No, knight, Toviy bargaining is different -

He makes drops ... right, wonderful,

How they operate.

What do I have in them?

Pour into a glass of water ... there will be three drops,

No taste in them, no color is not noticeable;

And a man without pain in the stomach,

Dies without nausea, without pain.

Your old man sells poison.

Well? borrowing instead of money

You will offer me two hundred bottles of poison,

For a bottle of gold. Is it so, or what?

You want to laugh at me -

Not; I wanted... maybe you... I thought

It's time for the baron to die.

How! poison your father! and dare you son ...

Ivan! hold it. And you dared me! ..

Yes, you know, Jewish soul,

Dog, snake! that I have you now

I'll hang it on the gate.

Sorry, I was joking.

Ivan, rope.

I... I was joking. I brought you money.

Jew leaves.

That's what gets me

Father's own stinginess! Jew dared me

What can I offer! Give me a glass of wine

I'm trembling... Ivan, but the money

I need. Run for the damned Jew,

Take his chervonets. yes here

Bring me an inkwell. I'm a swindler

I'll give you a receipt. Don't enter here

Judas of this ... Or no, wait,

His gold coins will smell of poison,

Like the pieces of silver of his ancestor...

I asked for wine.

We have guilt

Not a drop.

And what he sent me

As a gift from Spain Remon?

In the evening I took down the last bottle

Sick blacksmith.

Yes, I remember, I know...

So give me water. Damn life!

No, it's decided - I'll go look for justice

At the duke: let the father be forced

Hold me like a son, not like a mouse,

Born underground.


Like a young rake waiting for a date

With some wicked slut

Or a fool, deceived by him, so am I

I've been waiting all day for a minute to get off.

To my secret cellar, to the faithful chests.

Happy day! can i today

In the sixth chest (in the chest is still incomplete)

Pour a handful of accumulated gold.

Not much, it seems, but little by little

Treasures are growing. I read somewhere

That the king one day to his warriors

He ordered to demolish the earth handful in a heap,

And the proud hill rose - and the king

I could look around with fun from above

And the valley covered with white tents,

And the sea where the ships ran.

So I, bringing a handful of the poor

I'll get used to my tribute here in the basement,

He lifted up my hill - and from its height

I can look at everything that is subject to me.

What is not under my control? like some kind of demon

From now on I can rule the world;

If I only want, halls will be erected;

To my magnificent gardens

The nymphs will run in a frisky crowd;

And the muses will bring me their tribute,

And the free genius will enslave me,

And virtue and sleepless labor

They will humbly await my reward.

I whistle, and to me obediently, timidly

Bloodied villainy will creep in,

And he will lick my hand, and into my eyes

Look, they are a sign of my reading will.

Everything is obedient to me, but I - to nothing;

I am above all desires; I am calm;

I know my strength: I've had enough

This consciousness...

(Looks at his gold.)

It doesn't seem like much

And how many human worries

Deceptions, tears, prayers and curses

It is a heavyweight representative!

There is an old doubloon here .... here it is. Today

The widow gave it to me, but before

With three children half a day in front of the window

She was on her knees howling.

It was raining, and stopped, and went again,

The pretender did not move; I could

Drive her away, but something whispered to me,

What a husband's debt she brought me

And he doesn't want to be in jail tomorrow.

And this one? this one brought me Thibault -

Where was he to get, a sloth, a rogue?

Stole, of course; or maybe,

There, on the high road, at night, in the grove...

Yes! if all the tears, blood and sweat,

Shed for all that is stored here,

From the bowels of the earth all suddenly came out,

That would be a flood again - I would choke

In my cellars of the faithful. But it's time.

(Tries to open the chest.)

I every time I want a chest

My unlock, fall into heat and awe.

Not fear (oh no! who should I be afraid of?

I have my sword with me: it is responsible for gold

Honest damask), but my heart is crushing

Some strange feeling...

Doctors assure us: there are people

Finding pleasure in killing.

When I put the key in the lock, the same

I feel like I should feel

They, plunging a knife into the victim: nice

And scary together.

(Opens chest.)

Here is my blessing!

(Throws money in.)

Go, it's enough for you to scour the world,

Serving the passions and needs of man.

Sleep here with a sleep of strength and peace,

How the gods sleep in deep skies...

I want to arrange a feast for myself today:

I will light a candle before every chest,

And I will open them all, and I will become myself

Among them look at the shining heaps.

(Lights the candles and unlocks the chests one by one.)

I reign!.. What a magical brilliance!

Obedient to me, my power is strong;

Happiness is in it, my honor and glory are in it!

I reign... but who will follow me

Will he take over her? My heir!

Fool, young squanderer,

Debauched riotous interlocutor!

As soon as I die, he, he! come down here

Under these peaceful, mute vaults

With a crowd of caresses, greedy courtiers.

Having stolen the keys from my corpse,

He will open chests with laughter.

And my treasures will flow

In satin pockets.

He will break the sacred vessels,

He will water the dirt with royal oil -

He will squander... And by what right?

Did I get it all for nothing,

Or joking like a player who

Rattles bones and rakes piles?

Who knows how many bitter abstinences

Curbed passions, heavy thoughts,

Day cares, sleepless nights for me

Was it all worth it? Or the son will say

That my heart is overgrown with moss,

That I did not know the desires that I

And conscience never gnawed, conscience,

Clawed beast, scraping heart, conscience,

Uninvited guest, annoying interlocutor,

The creditor is rude, this witch,

From which the moon and the grave fade

Are they embarrassed and send the dead away?..

No, first suffer wealth for yourself,

And then we'll see if the unfortunate becomes

To squander what he acquired with blood.

Oh, if I could from the eyes of the unworthy

I hide the basement! oh, if only from the grave

I could come, guard shadow

Sit on the chest and away from the living

Keep my treasures, as now! ..

In a palace.

Albert, Duke

Believe me, sir, I endured for a long time

The shame of bitter poverty. Whenever it's not extreme

You would not hear my complaints.

I believe, I believe: a noble knight,

Like you, he won't blame his father

No extreme. There are few such depraved ...

Be calm: your father

I will consult in private, without noise.

I am waiting for him. We haven't seen each other for a long time.

He was a friend of my grandfather. I remember,

When I was still a child, he

He put me on his horse

And covered with his heavy helmet,

Like a bell.

(Looking out the window.)

Yes, he is, sir.

To that room. I will call you.

Albert leaves; included baron.

I am glad to see you cheerful and healthy.

I am happy, sir, that I was able to

Come at your command.

A long time ago, baron, we parted a long time ago.

You remember me?

I, sir?

I see you now. Oh you were

The child is frisky. Me the late duke

He used to say: Philip (he called me

Always Philip), what do you say? a?

Twenty years later, right, you and I,

We'll be stupid in front of this guy...

In front of you, that is...

We are now acquaintance

Let's resume. You forgot my yard.

Star, sir, I am now: at court

What should I do? You are young; you like

Tournaments, holidays. And I'm on them

I'm not good enough. God give war so I

Ready, groaning, to get back on the horse;

The old sword will still get strength

To expose you with a trembling hand.

Baron, we know your diligence;

You were a friend to your grandfather; my father

I respected you. And I always thought

You are a faithful, brave knight - but we will sit down.

Do you, baron, have children?

One son.

Why can't I see him?

You are bored with the yard, but it is decent

In his years and the title to be with us.

My son does not like noisy, high life;

He is wild and gloomy disposition -

Around the castle in the forests he always wanders,

Like a young deer.

Not good

Him to be shy. We will immediately teach

Him for fun, for balls and tournaments.

Send it to me; appoint a son

Decent content...

You frown, you are tired from the road,

May be?

Sir, I am not tired;

But you confused me. in front of you

I would hate to confess, but I

You force me to speak about my son

What I would like to hide from you.

He, the sovereign, unfortunately, is unworthy

No mercy, no attention.

He spends his youth in a riot,

In the vices of the low...

That's because

Baron, that he is alone. seclusion

And idleness destroys young people.

Send him to us: he will forget

Habits born in the wilderness.

Forgive me, but, really, sir,

I can't agree to this...

But why?

Get rid of the old man...

I demand: show me the reason

And the thunder has not yet struck, good God!

So rise, and judge us with a sword!

(Throws down glove, son picks it up hastily.)

Thanks to. Here is the first gift of the father.

What did I see? what was in front of me?

The son accepted the challenge of the old father!

On what days did I put on myself

Chain of Dukes! Shut up, you fool

And you, tiger! full.

(To son.)

Drop it;

Give me this glove

(Takes her away.)

(a parte)

So he dug his claws into her! - a monster!

Come on: don't dare in front of my eyes

Appear as long as I myself

I won't call you.

(Albert out.)

You poor old man

Aren't you ashamed...

Excuse me sir....

I can't stand... my knees

Weakening... stuffy!.. stuffy!.. Where are the keys?

Keys, my keys!

He died. God!

Terrible age, terrible hearts!


In the tower
Albert and Ivan


By all means in the tournament
I will appear. Show me the helmet, Ivan.

Ivan gives him a helmet.

Broken through, damaged. Impossible
Put it on. I need to get a new one.
What a blow! damned Count Delorge!


And you repaid him in kind:
How did you knock him out of the stirrups,
He lay dead for days - and hardly


And yet he is not at a loss;
His bib is intact Venetian,
And his own chest: he is not worth a penny;
Will not buy another one.
Why didn't I take off his helmet right there!
And I would take it off if I wasn't ashamed
I will give the duke also. Damned Count!
He'd rather punch me in the head.
And I need a dress. Last time
All the knights were sitting here in the atlas
Yes, velvet; I was alone in armor
At the ducal table. dissuaded
I mean that I got to the tournament by accident.
And now what shall I say? O poverty, poverty!
How it humiliates our hearts!
When Delorge with his heavy spear
He pierced my helmet and galloped past,
And I spurred with an open head
My Emir, rushed off like a whirlwind
And threw the count twenty paces,
Like a little page; like all ladies
They got up from their seats when Clotilde herself,
Covering her face, she screamed involuntarily,
And the heralds praised my blow, -
Then no one thought about the reason
And my courage and marvelous strength!
I got mad for a damaged helmet,
What was the fault of heroism? - stinginess.
Yes! it is not difficult to get infected here
Under the same roof as my father.
What is my poor Emir?


He keeps limping.
You still can't ride it.


Well, there's nothing to do: I'll buy Gnedy.
Inexpensive and asking for it.


It's cheap, but we don't have money.


What does the loafer Solomon say?


He says he can no longer
Loans to give you money without collateral.


Mortgage! and where can I get a mortgage, the devil!


I said.


What is he?


Grunts and cries.


Would you tell him that my father
Rich himself, like a Jew, that sooner or later
I inherit everything.


I told.




It groans and groans.


What grief!


He himself wanted to come.


Well, thank God.
I won't release it without a ransom.

They knock on the door.

Who's there?

Jew enters.


Your servant is low.


Ah, buddy!
Cursed Jew, venerable Solomon,
Perhaps here: so you, I hear
Don't believe in debt.


Ah, merciful knight,
I swear to you: I would be glad ... I really can’t.
Where to get money? I'm all ruined
All the knights diligently helping.
Nobody pays. I wanted to ask you
Can't you give away some...


Yes, if I had money,
Would I mess with you? full,
Don't be stubborn, my dear Solomon;
Come on, rednecks. Give me a hundred
Until you get frisked.


If only I had a hundred ducats!


Aren't you ashamed of your friends
Don't bail out?


I swear...


Full, full.
Do you require a deposit? what nonsense!
What will I pledge to you? pig skin?
When I could pawn something, long ago
I would have sold. Or a knightly word
Is it enough for you, dog?


your word,
As long as you are alive, a lot, a lot means.
All chests of the Flemish rich
Like a talisman, it will unlock you.
But if you pass it
Me, a poor Jew, and meanwhile
Die (God forbid), then
In my hands it will be like
The key to the abandoned box in the sea.


Will my father outlive me?


How to know? our days are not numbered by us;
The young man blossomed in the evening, and now he has died,
And here are his four old men
Carry on hunched shoulders to the grave.
The Baron is healthy. God willing - ten years, twenty
And he will live twenty-five and thirty.


You're lying, Jew: yes, in thirty years
I hit fifty, then the money
What will be good for me?


Money? - money
Always, at every age are suitable for us;
But the young man in them is looking for nimble servants
And without regret sends there, here.
The old man sees them as reliable friends
And he keeps them like the apple of his eye.


O! my father is not servants and not friends
He sees in them, but gentlemen; and serves them.
And how does it serve? like an Algerian slave
Like a chained dog. In an unheated kennel
Lives, drinks water, eats dry crusts,
He does not sleep all night, everything runs and barks.
And the gold is calm in the chests
Lies to himself. Be quiet! someday
It will serve me, it will forget to lie down.


Yes, at the baron's funeral
More money will be shed than tears.
God send you an inheritance soon.


And can b...


So, I thought that the remedy
There is such...


What remedy?


So -
I have an old friend
Jew, poor pharmacist...


The same as you, or more honest?


No, knight, Toviy bargaining is different -
He makes drops ... right, wonderful,
How they operate.


What do I have in them?


Pour into a glass of water ... there will be three drops,
No taste in them, no color is not noticeable;
And a man without pain in the stomach,
Dies without nausea, without pain.


Your old man sells poison.


Yes -
And poison.


Well? borrowing instead of money
You will offer me two hundred bottles of poison,
For a bottle of gold. Is it so, or what?


You want to laugh at me -
Not; I wanted... maybe you... I thought
It's time for the baron to die.


How! poison your father! and dare you son ...
Ivan! hold it. And you dared me! ..
Yes, you know, Jewish soul,
Dog, snake! that I have you now
I'll hang it on the gate.


Sorry, I was joking.


Ivan, rope.


I... I was joking. I brought you money.


Wow, dog!

Jude leaves.

That's what gets me
Father's own stinginess! Jew dared me
What can I offer! Give me a glass of wine
I'm trembling... Ivan, but the money
I need. Run after the damned Jew,
Take his chervonets. yes here
Bring me an inkwell. I'm a swindler
I'll give you a receipt. Don't enter here
Judas of this ... Or no, wait,
His gold coins will smell of poison,
Like the pieces of silver of his ancestor...
I asked for wine.


We have guilt
Not a drop.


And what he sent me
As a gift from Spain Remon?


In the evening I demolished the last bottle
Sick blacksmith.


Yes, I remember, I know...
So give me water. Damn life!
No, it's decided - I'll go look for justice
At the duke: let the father be forced
Hold me like a son, not like a mouse,
Born underground.



Like a young rake waiting for a date
With some wicked slut
Or a fool, deceived by him, so am I
I've been waiting all day for a minute to get off.
To my secret cellar, to the faithful chests.
Happy day! can i today
In the sixth chest (in the chest is still incomplete)
Pour a handful of accumulated gold.
Not much, it seems, but little by little
Treasures are growing. I read somewhere
That the king one day to his warriors
He ordered to demolish the earth handful in a heap,
And the proud hill rose - and the king
I could look around with fun from above
And the valley covered with white tents,
And the sea where the ships ran.
So I, bringing a handful of the poor
I'll get used to my tribute here in the basement,
He lifted up my hill - and from its height
I can look at everything that is subject to me.
What is not under my control? like some kind of demon
From now on I can rule the world;
If I only want, halls will be erected;
To my magnificent gardens
The nymphs will run in a frisky crowd;
And the muses will bring me their tribute,
And the free genius will enslave me,
And virtue and sleepless labor
They will humbly await my reward.
I whistle, and to me obediently, timidly
Bloodied villainy will creep in
And he will lick my hand, and into my eyes
Look, they are a sign of my reading will.
Everything is obedient to me, but I - to nothing;
I am above all desires; I am calm;
I know my strength: I've had enough
This consciousness...

(Looks at his gold.)

It doesn't seem like much
And how many human worries
Deceptions, tears, prayers and curses
It is a heavyweight representative!
There is an old doubloon here .... here it is. Today
The widow gave it to me, but before
With three children half a day in front of the window
She was on her knees howling.
It rained, and stopped, and went again,
The pretender did not move; I could
Drive her away, but something whispered to me,
What a husband's debt she brought me
And he doesn't want to be in jail tomorrow.
And this one? this one brought me Thibaut -
Where was he to get, a sloth, a rogue?
Stole, of course; or maybe,
There, on the high road, at night, in the grove...
Yes! if all the tears, blood and sweat,
Shed for all that is stored here
From the bowels of the earth all suddenly came out,
That would be a flood again - I would choke
In my cellars of the faithful. But it's time.

(Tries to open the chest.)

I every time I want a chest
My unlock, fall into heat and awe.
Not fear (oh no! who should I be afraid of?
I have my sword with me: it is responsible for gold
Honest damask), but my heart is crushing
Some strange feeling...
Doctors assure us: there are people
Finding pleasure in killing.
When I put the key in the lock, the same
I feel like I should feel
They, plunging a knife into the victim: nice
And scary together.

(Opens chest.)

Here is my blessing!

(Throws money in.)

Go, it's enough for you to scour the world,
Serving the passions and needs of man.
Sleep here with a sleep of strength and peace,
How the gods sleep in deep skies...
I want to arrange a feast for myself today:
I will light a candle before every chest,
And I will open them all, and I will become myself
Among them look at the shining heaps.

(Lights the candles and unlocks the chests one by one.)

I reign!.. What a magical brilliance!
Obedient to me, my power is strong;
Happiness is in it, my honor and glory are in it!
I reign... but who will follow me
Will he take over her? My heir!
Fool, young squanderer,
Debauched riotous interlocutor!
As soon as I die, he, he! come down here
Under these peaceful, mute vaults
With a crowd of caresses, greedy courtiers.
Having stolen the keys from my corpse,
He will open chests with laughter.
And my treasures will flow
In satin pockets.
He will break the sacred vessels
He will water the dirt with royal oil -
He will squander... And by what right?
Did I get it all for nothing?
Or joking like a player who
Rattles bones and rakes piles?
Who knows how many bitter abstinences
Curbed passions, heavy thoughts,
Day cares, sleepless nights for me
Was it all worth it? Or the son will say
That my heart is overgrown with moss,
That I did not know the desires that I
And conscience never gnawed, conscience,
Clawed beast, scraping heart, conscience,
Uninvited guest, annoying interlocutor,
The creditor is rude, this witch,
From which the moon and the grave fade
Are they embarrassed and the dead are sent away? ..
No, first suffer wealth for yourself,
And then we'll see if the unfortunate becomes
To squander what he acquired with blood.
Oh, if I could from the eyes of the unworthy
I hide the basement! oh, if only from the grave
I could come, guard shadow
Sit on the chest and away from the living
Keep my treasures, as now! ..


In a palace.
Albert, Duke


Believe me, sir, I endured for a long time
The shame of bitter poverty. Whenever it's not extreme
You would not hear my complaints.


I believe, I believe: a noble knight,
Like you, he won't blame his father
No extreme. There are few such depraved ...
Be calm: your father
I will consult in private, without noise.
I am waiting for him. We haven't seen each other for a long time.
He was a friend of my grandfather. I remember,
When I was a child, he
He put me on his horse
And covered with his heavy helmet,
Like a bell.

(Looking out the window.)

Who is this?
Isn't he?


Yes, he is, sir.


Come on
To that room. I will call you.

Albert leaves; the baron enters.

I am glad to see you cheerful and healthy.


I am happy, sir, that I was able to
Come at your command.


A long time ago, baron, we parted a long time ago.
You remember me?


I, sir?
I see you now. Oh you were
The child is frisky. Me the late duke
He used to say: Philip (he called me
Always Philip), what do you say? a?
Twenty years later, right, you and I,
We'll be stupid in front of this guy...
In front of you, that is...


We are now acquaintance
Let's resume. You forgot my yard.


Star, sir, I am now: at court
What should I do? You are young; you like
Tournaments, holidays. And I'm on them
I'm not good enough. God give war so I
Ready, groaning, to climb back on the horse;
Still get the strength of the old sword
To expose you with a trembling hand.


Baron, we know your diligence;
You were a friend to your grandfather; my father
I respected you. And I always thought
You are a faithful, brave knight - but we will sit down.
Do you, baron, have children?


One son.


Why can't I see him?
You are bored with the yard, but it is decent
In his years and the title to be with us.


My son does not like noisy, high life;
He is wild and gloomy disposition -
Around the castle in the forests he always wanders,
Like a young deer.


Not good
Him to be shy. We will immediately teach
Him for fun, for balls and tournaments.
Send it to me; appoint a son
Decent content...
You frown, you are tired from the road,
May be?


Sir, I am not tired;
But you confused me. in front of you
I would hate to confess, but I
You force me to speak about my son
What I would like to hide from you.
He, the sovereign, unfortunately, is unworthy
No mercy, no attention.
He spends his youth in a riot,
In the vices of the low...


That's because
Baron, that he is alone. seclusion
And idleness destroys young people.
Send him to us: he will forget
Habits born in the wilderness.


Forgive me, but, really, sir,
I can't agree to this...


But why?


Get rid of the old man...


I demand: show me the reason
Your refusal.


On my son


For what?


For a bad crime.


And what, tell me, is it?


Take it easy, duke...


It is very strange,
Or are you ashamed of him?


Yes... shame...


But what did he do?


He... he me
Wanted to kill.


Kill! so i judge
I will betray him like a black villain.


I will not prove, even though I know
What exactly he longs for my death,
Even though I know what he tried



Albert rushes into the room.


Baron, you are lying.


How dare you...


Are you here! you, you dare me!
You could say such a word to your father! ..
I lie! and before our sovereign!
Me, me... or am I not a knight?


You are a liar.


And the thunder has not yet struck, good God!
So rise, and judge us with a sword!

(Throws down glove, son picks it up hastily.)


Thanks to. Here is the first gift of the father.


What did I see? what was in front of me?
The son accepted the challenge of the old father!
On what days did I put on myself
Chain of Dukes! Shut up, you fool
And you, tiger! full.

(To son.)

Drop it;
Give me this glove

(takes it away).

(a parte [aside (lat.)]

It's a pity.


So he dug his claws into her! - a monster!
Come on: don't dare in front of my eyes
Appear as long as I myself
I won't call you.

(Albert exits.)

You poor old man
Aren't you ashamed...


Excuse me sir....
I can't stand... my knees
Weakening... stuffy!.. stuffy!.. Where are the keys?
Keys, my keys!


He died. God!
Terrible age, terrible hearts!