Princess Olga. The role of government government

Holy Equal-Apostles Great Princess Olga, in the baptism of Elena (approx. 890 - July 11, 969), Rules Kiev Rusy after the death of her husband, Prince Igor Rurikovich from 945 to 962. The first of the Russian rulers adopted Christianity before the baptism of Russia, the first Russian saint. The name of Knyagini Olga is in the source of Russian history, and is associated with the greatest events of the foundation of the first dynasty, with the first approval of Christianity and bright features of Western civilization. The Grand Princess entered the story as a great creator of state life and culture of Kievan Rus. After death, the simple people called her cunning, the Church - Holy, History - Wise.

Great Princess Olga (approx. 890 - July 11, 969) was the wife of the Grand Duke Kiev Igor.

Basic information about Olga's life, recognized as reliable, is contained in the "Tale of Bygone Years", life from a power book, the agiographic work of the Jacob monk "Memory and praise the prince of Rusky Volodymina" and the composition of Konstantin Bagryanorogennoe "On the Ceremonies of the Byzantine Court". Other sources provide additional information about Olga, but their accuracy cannot be accurately defined.

Olga took place from the glorious genus of the Gostomysl (the ruler of the Great Novgorod is still prince of Rüric). Born in the Pskov Earth, in the village of Ryabuta, 12 km from Pskov above the Great River, in the pagan family from the dynasty of the princes of Islabors. Disputes about the exact date of birth of Olga are still underway - Some historians insist on the date OK.890, others - at the date of 920 (although this date is absurd due to the fact that Olga married Igor in the meaning of Oleg, who died in 912). Both dates can be questioned, so they are taken conditionally. Olga's parents are not preserved.

When Olga was already 13 years old, she became the wife of the Grand Duke Kiev Igor. According to legend, Prince Igor was engaged in hunting. One day, when he was hunted in Pskov Forests, then hearing the beast, he went to the river bank. Having decided to cross the river, he asked Olga passing by on the boat to transport him, accepting it first for the young man. When they sailed, Igor, carefully peeling into the face of the rower, saw that it was not a young man, but a maiden. The girl turned out to be very beautiful, smart and clean thoughts. The beauty of Olga vulnerable Igor's heart, and he began to impose her words, inclined to unclean carnal mixing. However, the chaste the girl, the Urav-Mev of the thoughts of Igor, incited in lust, shared his wise guarantee. The prince of such an outstanding mind and the chastity of the young girl was surprised, and did not affect her.

Igor was the only son of Novgorod Prince Rüric (+879). When the father died, Prince was still very young. Before his death, Rurik handed over the board in Novgorod to his relative and governor Oleg and appointed his guardian of Igor. Oleg was a successful warrior and wise ruler. The people nicknamed him Veins. He won the city of Kiev and united around himself many Slavic tribes. Oleg loved Igor as his native son and raised a real warrior from him. And when it was time to look for him a bride, in Kiev, there were watchmen of beautiful girls, to find a girl, worthy of a princely pane, but none of them
did not love the prince. For in the heart of him, the selection of the bride was made in his heart: he ordered to call the beautiful boat that transported him across the river. Prince Oleg. Olga brought with great honor to Kiev, and Igor joined her in marriage. The marrying of a young prince at Olga, an aging Oleghe became hard to bring victims to the gods to give Igor Heir. For a long nine years, many bloody victims of Idolam brought Oleg, so many people and bulls burned alive, waited for what they would give slavic gods Igor Son. Not wait. He died in 912 from the bite of a snake, served from the skull of his former horse.

Pagan idols began to disappoint the princess: the perennial sacrifice of idols did not give her the desired heir. Well, how will Igor come on the human welfare and take himself another wife, third? Harem will start. Who will she then be? And then the princess decided to pray to the Christian God. And Olga began to quickly ask him the Son-Heir.

And so in 942. ,twenty-fourth year life together, Born by Prince Igor Heir - Svyatoslav! Piled prince Olga gifts. She deliberately attributed to Church of Elijah - for the Christian God. Happy feet rushed. Olga began to think over the faith of Christian yes about the benefits from her for the country. Only Igor's thoughts did not share such: his gods in battles never changed him.

According to the chronicles, in 945, Prince Igor dies from the hands of Drevlyan after repeatedly charging from them, Dani (he became the first ruler in the history of Russia, who died from popular indignation). Igor Rurikovich Kaznili , in a tract, with the help of honorary "smelting". Intrunning two young, flexible oak, tied by arms and legs, and let go ...

F. Buni. Igor execution

The heir to the throne Svyatoslav was then only 3 years, so the actual ruler of Kievan Rus in 945 was Olga . The squad of Igor was submitted to her, recognizing Olga by a representative of the legitimate heir to the throne.

After the murder of Igor sent him to his widow, Olga Svatov called her marry her prince Mala. The princess brutally dismissed the Ridge, showing trick and strong will. The revenge of Olga Drevlyans is described in detail and in detail in the "Tale of Bygone Years".

Revenge princess Olga

After crucifier with the Drevyans, Olga began to rule the Kiev Rusy to the adulthood of Svyatoslav, but after that she remained the actual ruler, since her son was absent most of the time in military campaigns.

The foreign policy of the princess Olga was carried out not by military methods, but with the help of diplomacy. She strengthened international relations with Germany and Byzantia. Relations with Greece opened Olga, as far as Christian faith is higher than the pagan.

In 954, Princess Olga with the goal of religious pilgrimage and diplomatic mission went to Tsargrad (Constantinople)where with honor was adopted by the emperor Konstantin VII buggernogenic. For fun two years, she was familiar with the basics of the faith of Christian, visiting worship in the Sofia Cathedral. It was struck by the greatness of Christian temples and the shrines collected in them.

The sacrament of baptism over her committed Patriarch Constantinople Feofilakt, and the emperor himself became a perception. The name of the Russian Princess was nascheno in honor of the Holy Tsaritsa Elena, who acquired the Cross of the Lord. Patriarch blessed the new Princess Cross, carved from whole piece The life-giving Tree of the Lord with the inscription: "Updated the Russian land with the Holy Cross, I accepted Olga, the Blessed Princess."

Princess Olga became the first ruler of Russia, who accepted baptism Although the squad, and the Russian people were pagan. Son Olga, Grand Duke stayed in paganism Kiev Svyatoslav. Igorevich.

Upon returning to Kiev, Olga tried to attach Svyatoslav to Christianity, but "he did not think to listen to this; But if anyone was going to be baptized, he did not forbidden, but only mocked the topics. " Moreover, Svyatoslav was angry with her mother for her persuasion, fearing to lose the respect of the squad. Svyatoslav Igorevich remained a convinced pagan.

Upon returning from Byzantium Olga The Christian evaluating to the pagans was zealously carried began to upward the first Christian temples: in the name of St. Nicholas over the grave of the first kiev Prince-Histianine Askold and St. Sophia in Kiev above the grave of Prince Dira, the temple of the Annunciation in Vitebsk, the temple in the name of the Holy and Life-class Trinity in PskovThe place for which, according to the chronicler testimony, it was indicated by over the "ray of the Tsight Divine" - on the banks of the river Great she saw the "three armored beam" from the sky.

Holy Princess Olga died in 969, at the age of 80 and was buried in the earth in the Christian rite.

Sergey Efoshkin. Princess Olga. Assumption

Her nonentive relics rested in the Tenty Church in Kiev. Her grandson Prince Vladimir I Svyatoslavich, the Baptist of Russia, suffered (in 1007) the relics of the saints, including Olga, in the church founded by him Assumption Blessed Virgin Mary In Kiev (Tenty Church). Most likely, the prince of Vladimir (970-988), Princess Olga began to be worn as holy. This is evidenced by the transfer of its relics to the church and the description of the wonders given by the monk Jacob in the XI century.

In 1547, Olga was ranked in the face of Holy Equal-Apostles. Such an honor was honored by only 5 holy women in Christian history (Maria Magdaline, the first factor of Focla, the martyr Apfia, the Queen Elena equivalent and enlightenment of Georgia Nina).

The memory of equivalent Olga is celebrated by Orthodox and Catholic and other Western churches.

The princess Olga was the first of the Russian princes officially adopted Christianity and was canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church in the Domongolian period. The baptism of Princess Olga did not lead to the establishment of Christianity in Russia, but she had a great influence on the grandson of Vladimir, who continued her case.She did not believe the conquest wars, but sent all his energy to internal politician, so for many times the people retained a good memory about her: the princess held an administrative and tax reform that facilitated the situation ordinary people and streamlined life in the state.

Holy Princess Olga is revered as a patronage of widows and converts Christians. Residents of Pskov consider Olga its founder. In Pskov there is an Olginsky embankment, an Olginsky Bridge, an Olginsky chapel. The days of the liberation of the city from the fascist invaders (July 23, 1944) and the memory of St. Olga are celebrated in Pskov as the days of the city.

Material prepared Sergey Shalyak

for the Temple of the Liberal Trinity on the Sparrow Mountains

In a tropear equivalent to the Apostles Olga, glas 8
In you, the Bogomrovaya Elena, knowing the way the image in Rastey Country, / Yako, who is visiting the Bay of Holy Baptism, followed by Christ, / Creating the same and students, and leaving an idolism charm, / perceive the same care about the soul, things seeless, The angels rejoices, equivalent, your spirit.

In Kondak Equal to Apostles Olga, voice 4
There is a worship of the grace of all God, / the abusers in Russia Olga Bogomudruyu, / Prayers to her, Lord, / People's hand / sin.

Prayer of the Holy Equal-Apostles Princess Olga
Oh Holy Equal-Apostles Great Princess Olga, Ruby's Prime Minor, warm about us before Godatais and prayer! We are resorting to faith and pray with love: BUY WORK WHAT ABOUT WEEK OF ASEMBLY AND SPESHEN AND, YAKEN IN THE TEMBER LIFE Thorough Essenti Enlighten the Farratians Our Light Hodge of Faith and Navitics I will create the will of the Lord, Tako and now, in the sky Your prayers to God will confiscate us in the Enlightenment of the mind and the heart of our Gospel of Christ, and in supply in faith, piety and love of Christ. In poverty and grief essence of the console, the helpful handover of help, offended and attacked the standing, lost from the ridiculous faith and heresy blindfolded by the pleasures and succeed to us all of God all the good and useful life Teamless and eternal, yes, such a well-fragrant provider, will like the heritage of the female of the eternal in the endless kingdom of Christ of our God, everyone with his father and the Holy Spirit, hence all the glory, honor and worship, now, and in the eyelids. And mine.

Great Princess Olga (890-969)

From the cycle "The history of the Russian state".

The icon of which from the XVI century has become one of the most revered in Russia. She and her grandson of Holy Prince Vladimir, the light of Christ that expelled the darkness of the paganism from the Dnieper coast of paganism, completing each other, became the embodiment of the maternal and father's spiritual principle.

Bride Kiev Prince

The oldest of the chronicles, which is the name of the "Tale of Bygone Years," is the first of the literary monuments that have come down to us, mentioning the name of the Knagini Olga, this "spiritual mother of Russia", whose image shows us today stored in most temples icon. Holy Olga is represented in this document as a young bride of Kiev Prince Igor

The legend tells that she belonged to the ancient nature of the princes of Izborsky and the light appeared in 894 in the village of Ryabuta, located near Pskov. There was also her first meeting with the future fiance, who left the memory of a clean and chaste beauty living on the banks of the river in his heart.

Bind of early widowing

It was her that he pretended to all the other brides, gathered in Kiev, when it was time to name his chosen. And he made her his wife and the great princess of Kievan Rus. But was not given Olga long family happiness. Already born their firstborn Svyatoslav, as he suffered a young princess of trouble - he took Igor in the deaf forests of the Lituya death from the hands of insidious arches who inhabited those edges.

He chewed, a luckless widow was gone, but she was not helpless, and it was necessary to raise the Son, and she was now alone for the government. All states of government from now on the female shoulders. But first, to calm the soul, and the Human Memory to honor how it should, Olga conceived to show the killers of his spouse.

This is later, becoming a Christian, it began to pray for the teachings of true faith to pray for enemies and forgive resentment. At the same time she poured on her husband's density of her all the insane rage of the dark gear. Twice the lubrication of their embassies in Kiev, alone commanded live to betray the earth, and others burn the fire. And so that before the edge to make the soul of the enemy blood, moved his squads to the city of Drevlyan, where the score of the killed enemies was thousands.

Government Rus

No, not this image is the temple icon today. Holy Olga will be born later from the font of Constantinople, and then in front of the tribes and peoples who inhabited the ancient Russia, the strong and merciless government appeared, which was the power worthy of the outstanding state husband. And with difficulty, they submitted to her subjects.

Provided the wise of the princess to strengthen its centralized power, dividing the land subject to the "Foreigns" - the individual areas in which he put the governor, and each of them introduced an intercourse, to collect that sent armed groups. The very name of the "Foreigns", as it is believed to happen from these the most "guests", never left with empty hands. It was considered to be people, but but the treasury is in wealth, which means that the state is beneficial.

And the center-directed multi-communion government of Russia was fully strengthened. Economic developed, and at the same time new cities appeared. Every year, the young Prince Svyatoslav, who, at the achievement of the last years, was to take in their hands the rule of the state.

Caring for spiritual enlightenment of the people

Having in front of him the example of one of the most powerful at the time of the States of Byzantium, Princess Olga understood that for the prosperity of the state, there is not enough concerns about his economic well-being and military force. She realized that only the community of spiritual life could collect together its inhabitants and become a reliable basis for the formation of a nation.

The Lord helped to make her right choice, and, leaving the state to the care of his already enough grazing son, Olga, at the head of the numerous fleet, went to Constantinople, so that the victims to do earth fruits, brought by faith, and at the same time to solve the urgent diplomatic issues and demonstrate military power.

Spiritual Birth in the Holy Funk

In the Byzantine capital, the imagination of Knyagini was struck by the abundance of temples and the welfare committed in them. She enchantedly listened to church singing and for the first time he was comprehended by the concept for her - confession, liturgy, cross and icon. Holy Olga was baptized by the Feofilakt, and during the commission of the rite, the Emperor Konstantin Konstantin himself was the perception.

According to the sacrament of the princess, the name of Elena, in honor of the Holy Mother of Emperor Konstantin the Great, who had acquired the life-giving cross of the Lord and famous for the spread of true faith in the Roman state. Similar to her, the newly ended Government of Russia, returning to his homeland, became a preacher of Christianity on the land subject to her.

Pious works in their homeland

Home Princess Olga arrived with great luggage icons and liturgical books. A few Orthodox priests arrived at Rus with her, who had to pay Kievlyan to Christ, who felt until the idols. Olga's command in Kiev on the grave of the first Christian Prince Askold was erected by the temple of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, which was placed brought from Constantinople icon.

Holy Princess Olga also worked a lot to glorify in Russia there is a legend that not far from his native village on the bank of the Great River, it was encouraged to see the three arons of the shining beam from the sky and then predicted that the temple was erected in the honor of the Blessed Trinity and with time Large shopping city. He herself installed on the shore and founded the temple, which began the construction of Pskov.

In the very same Kiev, the governor built the government who was consecrated in 960. The main shrine was the cross, who blessed it in the Holy Baptism of the Constantinople Patriarch. He was made from the life-giving Tree of the Lord, a lot of healing wonders were revealed through it.

Peace sadness Prinugini

However, it did not break through another hour of Rus to get out of the darkness of paganism and littered with the light of the Orthodox faith. The chronicler reports that he was pretty in Kiev boyars and warriors who hated the wisdom of God, and among them was Prince Svyatoslav, outraged and fastened by the Son of Olga.

Nor instructed his mother in the true faith, no matter how he persuaded the baptism, he continued to persist. However, those of the approximated who applied to Christ did not interfere in this and others did not allow them to mock them. Over time, the whole full of fullness passed to his son, and his pious mother was fully betrayed by the service of God and the affairs of charity. The state-owned affairs was engaged only in those days when Svyatoslav was in the campaigns with his friend.

Recent years of Righteous

She spent the last years of life in Kiev, raising her grandchildren, among whom the future Baptist Rusi Prince Vladimir was smashed. Piecely grandmother instructed them in faith, told about one God and about how he created the sky and the land, but they did not decide to baptize, fearing the old pagan's son.

Even the priest had to take secret. Her sole welcome was a prayer room and icon. Holy Olga T. last days He did not stop asking the Lord about the enlightenment of the Russian land. And the Almighty took her plenty, putting it a great deal on her equivalent grandson. The same righteous called for himself in 969.

Canonization and general worker worship

The canonization of the "head of faith in the land of the Russian" was accomplished on the Cathedral of 1547. It also confirmed her universal reverence in the housesongol period. From that moment on, its history and its iconography begins. It is also important to notice that over all among the six women ranked in equivalent to the Apostles, this honor is also honored with Holy Olga.

Icon, the value of which becomes clear from its very composition, represents the waters of God holding in one hand in one hand, symbolizing faith, and in another image of the temple - the symbol of its missionary and the spread of Christianity in the pagan lands. The same symbols can be seen on the icons of other carriers of faith, for example, equal to the Apostles Princess Tamara.

Icons, revered and favorite

Equal to the Apostles Princess Olga is revered as the spiritual mother of the Russian people, since it is from her originating his formation on the path of the Christian faith. Incomplements of the temples erected in her honor. For many centuries, people have been going to worship the honest image of equivalent princes.

Do not run out of their stream and today. For example, the icon of St. Olga in Moscow in the house temple at the pilgrimage center of the Moscow Patriarchate is enjoyed by large reverence. It is located on the fifteenth floor of the Universitetskaya hotel, opens its doors daily for hundreds of believers coming from the whole country.

Known by many and icon of St. Olga in St. Petersburg, stored in the temple built in her honor, located in Strelna. This architectural monument, erected in the Mikhailovsky Park on the shores of the Gulf, always attracts a lot of pilgrims and just tourists. And everyone for a long time they remember the image of a princess holding a cross given to her by Konstantinople Patriarch. This is the icon of St. Olga.

What pray about this way?

It is believed that the prayer before the icon of the equivalent princess Olga helps believers to gain wisdom in everyday affairs and fills them with grace, so necessary to everyone in our full alarms and temptations of life. It is also made to take her prayers for strengthening Russia, to protect against offenders and softening their hearts.

There are also cases when the healing of suffering mental illnesses brought exactly the icon of St. Olga. What helps her holy image? It will correctly say that literally in everything, if only prayer is pronounced from the very depths of the heart and is filled with a living faith. At the same time, the Holy Equal-Apostles Princess Olga worsens his hearing to our plenty and petitions before God for their execution.

It is also known that the names of Olga's name, special patronage is the icon of St. Olga. The photo presented in the article will help create an idea of \u200b\u200bthe iconography of this image and how he saw the masters of different eras.

Rurik is considered the founder of the ancient Russian state, he was the first Novgorod Prince. It was Varyag Rurik that is a source of a whole dynasty ruling in Russia. As it happened, it was he who became a prince, to ...

Rurik is considered the founder of the ancient Russian state, he was the first Novgorod Prince. It was Varyag Rurik that is a source of a whole dynasty ruling in Russia. As it happened that it was he who became a prince, to know the end would not be possible. There are several versions, according to one of them, he was invited to rule to prevent endless crossbursions on the land of Slavs and Finins. Slavs and Varyagi were pagans, they believed in the gods of water and land, in the houses and ledgers, worshiped Perun (God thunder and lightning), the weld (owner of the Universe) and other gods and goddesses. Rurik built the city of Novgorod and gradually began to rule alone, expanding his lands. When he died, his juvenal son Igor remained.

Igor Rurikovich was only 4 years old, and was needed guardian and a new prince. This task, Rurik laid on Oleg, the origin of which is unclear, suggest that he was a distant relative of Rüric. Known to us as prince Veus Oleg.He ruled ancient ruus from 879 to 912. During this time, he captured Kiev and increased the size of the ancient Russian state. Therefore, sometimes it is considered its founder. Prince Oleg joined a lot of tribes to Russia and walked to fight Constantinople.

After his sudden death, all power passed into the hands of Prince Igor, the son of Rüric. In the chronicles they call Igor Old. It was a young man, brought up in the palace in Kiev. He was a cruel warrior, Varyag for upbringing. Almost continuously he led hostilities, made raids on the neighbors, conquered various tribes and entered them with tribute. Prince Oleg, Regent Igor, picked up for him the bride, in which Igor fell in love. According to some sources it was 10 or 13 years old, and his name was beautiful - there is a shortenness. However, she was renamed Olga, it is assumed because she was a relative or even his daughter of Oleg. According to another version, it was from the genus of the Gostom Unit that rules to Rurik. There are other versions of its origin.

In history, this woman entered under the name of Knyagini Olga. Ancient weddings were extremely colorful and original. For wedding outfits used red. The wedding was performed on the pagan rite. At Prince Igor had other wives, because he was a pagan, but Olga was always his beloved wife. In marriage Olga and Igor, the son of Svyatoslav was born, which will later become a state. Olga loved his Varana.

Prince Igor relied in everything, and constantly fought for power. In 945, he traveled around the captured lands and collected tribute, having received tribute from the razlyan, he left. On the road, he decided that he got too little, returned to the rallies and demanded a new tribute. Trees were outraged by this requirement, they rebelled, grabbed Prince Igor tied him to bent trees and let them go. Great Princess Olga was hardly worried about her husband's death. But it was she who began to rule the ancient ruus after his death. Previously, when he was in the campaign, she also managed the state in his absence. Judging by the annals, Olga The first woman is the ruler of the state ancient Russia. She began a military campaign on the raw, destroying their settlements, and besieged the capital of the Drevlyan. Then demanded on the pigeon from each yard. And then they were eaten them, and no one suspected anything wrong, considering this to tribute. To the leg of each pigeon tied the proposed passage and pigeons flew into their homes, and the capital of the Drevlyan burned down.

Prince Svyatoslav.

Baptism Olga

Twice Princess Olga traveled to Constantinople. In 957, she baptized and became a Christian, her great father The emperor Konstantin himself was. Rules Olga Ancient Russia from 945 to 962 year. With baptism, she accepted the name Elena. She first began to build Christian temples and distribute Christianity in Russia. Olga tried to attach to the Christian faith of his son Svyatoslav, but he remained a pagan and after the death of Mother he oppressed Christians. Son Olga, grandson of the Great Rurik tragically died in the ambush of Pechenegs.

Icon of Holy Equal-Apostles Princess Olga

Princess Olga, baptized by Elena, died on July 11, 969. She was buried in Christian custom, and her son did not forbid it. The first of the Russian sovereigns she adopted Christianity before baptism. Ancient RussiaThis is the first Russian saint. The name of Knyagini Olga is associated with the Ruriki dynasty, with the appearance of Christianity in Russia, this great woman stood at the origins of the state and culture of ancient Russia. The people honored her for wisdom and holiness. The time of the princess of Olga is filled with important events: restoration of state unity, tax reform, administrative reform, stone construction Cities, strengthening the international authority of Russia, strengthening ties with Byzantium and Germany, strengthening the princely power. Buried this outstanding woman in Kiev.

Her grandson, Grand Duke Vladimir ordered her relics to a new church. Most likely, it was during the prince of Vladimir (970-988), the princess Olga began to read as holy. In 1547, Princess Olga (Elena) was counted for the village of Holy Equal-Apostles. There were only six such women in the entire history of Christianity. In addition to Olga, this is Maria Magdaline, the first Focla, the martyr Apfia, the queen Elena equivalent and enlightenment of Georgia Nina. The memory of the Great Princess Olga is celebrated by the holiday, like Catholics and Orthodox Christians.

As well as several interesting facts from the life of the nap of Christianity and the first woman ruler in Russian history

July 24. (July 11 - on old style) Celebrate Day holy Equal-Apostles Princess Olga, The first in the Russian history of a woman-ruler, the namanitor of Christianity. The princess was counted in 1547 to the village of Saints, and only five women were honored in Christian history: Maria Magdalina, queen Elena equivalentMartyrs APFI, firstoooo Focla and the enlightement of Georgia Nina.

She was praised by the Russian sons as a gearbox, for and after death she prays to God for Russia ", - celebrate the famous chronicler Nestor. Indeed, the memory of Princess Olga survived the century.

Miracles of Saint Olga

Netless remains of the saint that her grandson prince Vladimir transferred to Church of Saint Virgin in Kiev, for a long time stored there. Powered in the stone coffin, and only sincerely praying and really believing in it "the window opened", through which they could see the "luminous Yako Sun" body. Who saw him - that

And today, a huge number of believers come to the temples, so that the icons of Saint Olga ask heavenly patronage.

Interestingly, in tsarist Russia There was even a "sign of honors from St. Olga", however, he was awarded only once - in 1916. Received it Vera PanayevIn which three sons of officers died in the First World War.

Mysteries Biographies Princess Olga

Tradition made Olga helico, the church - sacred, and the story - wisely " , -Wist about the princess Nikolay Karamzin. And there will be absolutely right, because the Personality of Princess Olga is rather ambiguous and the preserved chronicle information about it causes many issues.

So, for example, neither in the same chronicles are not given the exact date of the princess, causes doubt and the time when she married prince Igor, gave birth to a son Svyatoslav And when he took baptism. It is only known only the date of her death - July 11 (according to a new style - July 24) of 969, and, how much at that time she was years - also a mystery.

But, perhaps, the greatest legend of her revenge rages is the most questions, therefore many argue, but is it possible to call it holy?

Beautiful revenge or justified cruelty?

According to the texts of the chronicles after her husband's husband was killed by Prince Igor, who went to them for the next tribute, they, fearing revenge for the death of the Kiev Prince, sent Olga Shatov to his widow, inviting her to become his ruler Mala.

The first matchmakers arrived in the roaster, under the pretext of providing them with the great honor, commanded the princess to postpone the matchmakers right in the roaster into the yard of his terchea, omit into a deep pit and fall asleep alive.

After that, the Princess informed the Treaks that would agree to go beyond their ruler if they would send them the most respected people of their land. And sent Drevlyanka the best ambassadorswho Olga ordered to locate in a hot fired bath and burn.

But on this, the princess did not calm down and, having argued the resolution of the Drevlyan to play a trian (acknowledged) on the site of the death of a husband, with a small detachment came to the lands of Drevlyan, swayed them and commanded their vigumers to chop them in place.

However, this revenge did not become the last: it came up with his army to the Radio capital and said that, they say, forgives them, and even tribute to take a big one, asked only three pigeons and three sparrows from each yard. And when Drevlyan, surprised by the stupidity of the princess, brought her birds, she commanded to each of them to bind the pass with gray, set fire to her and release the feathels to the will. Birds returned to their native nests - and the city burned down.

How can I justify such cruelty Olga? First of all, the time in which she lived, secondly, the fact that the Drevlyan with her husband did completely unlaudiously - broke it into parts, tied to the tables of two trees.

And Christian believers also remind the fact that at that time the princess Olga was not yet baptized. The sacrament of baptism over it later, in the chronicles of legend, committed Patriarch Konstantinople himself Feofilakt, And with baptism, she received the name Elena.

The first government of Rus, adopting baptism

The Orthodox Church glorifies the Holy as an equivalent - for the preaching of the Faith of Christian. Princess Olga built temples, addressed people in Orthodoxy, and even her grandson baptized prince Vladimir In 988, it was Olga that became the first government of Kiev Rus, who accepted baptism.

July 24, recalling the Holy Equal-Apostles Princess Olga, the priests say that she was and there are people, a symbol of wisdom, patience, inner purity and faith in God.

Who patronizes the holy?

It is believed that Holy Olga protects the whole Russian people, but most often she is asked for:

1. Mother of sons, especially those who are in military service, praying to protect them from trouble.

2. Newly circulated Christians or asking for strengthening in faith and help to live honestly and in fairness.

3. Widow and whether the girls who have lost their beloved who turn to the Holy to give the power to survive the loss and again find the meaning of life.

In addition, the icon of Saint Olga in the house will help to protect themselves from intruders, offenders and envious.

Perhaps today in many temples you can find the icon of Saint Olga. For example, in Moscow, the prestial icon and particle of the power of the Holy is kept in the temple of St. Nicholas in puffs.

But the Divine Liturgy of Memory Equal-Apostles great Princess Olga Holy Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill It serves today in the metropolitan temple of "all the funny joy" (transfiguration of the Lord) at the Big Ordinke.

Princess Olga, in baptism - Elena. Born OK. 920 - died on July 11, 969. Princess, Rules Ancient Russian state From 945 to 960 after the death of her husband, Kiev Prince Igor Rurikovich. The first of the rulers of Russia adopted Christianity before the baptism of Russia. Holy Equal-Apostles Russian Orthodox Church.

Princess Olga was born ok. 920 years.

The chronicle does not report the year of Birth of Olga, but the late power book reports that she died at the age of about 80 years, which relates her birth to the end of the 9th century. The approximate date of her birth is reported by the Late "Arkhanghelogo Chronicler", which reports that Olga at the time of marriage was 10 years old. Based on this, many scientists (M. Karamzin, L. Morozova, L. Votovich) counted her birthday - 893 years.

Preta Life Princess approves her age at the time of death - 75 years. Thus, Olga was born in 894. True, this date is questioned by the date of birth of the eldest son Olga, Svyatoslav (about 938-943), since Olga at the time of his son's son would have to be 45-50 years, which seems incredible.

Looking at the fact that Svyatoslav Igorevich was the eldest son of Olga, Boris Rybakov, taking the price of the prince of 942, considered an extreme later point of birth Olga 927-928. Such an opinion (925-928) adhered to Andrei Bogdanov in his book "Princess Olga. Holy Warper. "

Alexei Karpov in his monograph "Princess Olga" makes Olga older, arguing that the princess was born around 920. Incidentally, rather looks like the date of about 925, rather than 890, since Olga herself in the annals in 946-955, it seems young and energetic, and the eldest son gives rise to about 940 years.

According to the earliest Old Russian chronicles of the "Tale of Bygone Years", Olga was from Pskov (Dr.-Rus. Plovkov, Plskov). Olga clarifies the life of the Holy Great Princess, she was born in the village of the groove of the Pskov land, 12 km from Pskov above the Great River. The names of the parents of Olga have not been preserved, they were a little more diet. According to scientists, the Varangian origin is confirmed by its name having compliance in Vidnavannavan Helga.. The presence of presumably Scandinavians in those places is marked by a number of archaeological finds, possibly dated the first half of the X century. It is also known ancient name Olha..

Typographic chronicle (end of the 15th century) and later Piskarevsky chronicler transfers hearing, as if Olga was a daughter of the thing Oleg, who began to rule Russia as a guardian of young Igor, son of Rüric: "Nѣsya Zhukoluthet", ѩLgova. Oleg married Igor and Olga.

The so-called Joacimovskaya chronicle, the accuracy of which is set by historians in doubt, reports the notable Slavic origin of Olga: "When Igor Matya, Oleg crossed him, issued his wife from Izbork, the genus of Gostomyslov, who was discontinued, and Oleg renamed her and the name of Olga. Igor then were the other wives, but Olga because of the wisdom of her more than others, ".

If you believe this source, it turns out that the princess renamed the prerere in Olga, taking a new name in honor of Prince Oleg (Olga - female option of this name).

Bulgarian historians also put forward a version of the Bulgarian roots of Princess Olga, based mainly on the message of the new Vladimir Chronicler: "Igor Жє ож Жожня [ѻлгё] in Bulgarѣh, it's for Nєgo Knѧzhna ѻulgu". And translating the chronicle name of the splask not like Pskov, but as a pliber - the Bulgarian capital of the time. The names of both cities really coincide in the Vine Slavonic transcription of some texts, which served as the basis for the author of the "New Vladimir Chronicler" to translate the message "Tale of the Warranty years" about Olga from Pskov as Olga from Bulgarians, since the writing of the splasons for the designation of Pskov has long come out of use .

At local legends, approvals are based on the origin of Olga from the chronicle of the Carpathian Pledges, a huge settlement (VII-VIII centuries - 10-12 hectares, to x in. - 160 hectares, to the XIII century - 300 hectares) with Scandinavian and Western Slavic materials.

Marriage with Igor

According to the "Tale of Bygone Years", the prophetic Oleg married Igor Rurikovich, who began independently edited from 912, at Olga in 903, that is, when she was already 12 years old. This date is questioned, since, according to the Ipatiev list, the same "story", their son Svyatoslav was born only in 942.

It is possible to resolve this contradiction, the late Ustyuja chronicle and the Novgorod chronicle according to the list of P. P. Dubrovsky report about the ten-year-old age of Olga at the time of the wedding. This message contradicts the legend outlined in the power book (the second half of the XVI century), about a random meeting with Igor on the crossing under Pskov. Prince hunted in those places. After moving through the river on the boat, he noticed that the carrier was a young girl, disguised in men's clothing. Igor immediately "troubled by Zhlaniam" and began to pester her, but he received a worthy reward in response: "Why do you confuse me, princess, immodest words? Let I am young and dinner, and one here, but know: it is better to rush to the river for me than to delete the crop. " ABOUT accidental acquaintance Igor remembered when it was time to look for a bride, and sent Oleg for a loved girl, not wanting no other wife.

The Novgorod first chronicle of the youngerie, which contains in the most consistent form of information from the initial arch of the XI century, leaves a message about the marriage of Igor on Olga not dated, that is, the earliest Old Russian chroniclers did not have information about the date of the wedding. It is likely that the 903 year in the text PVL emerged at a later time when the monk Nestor tried to bring the initial old Russian history In chronological order. After the wedding, Olga's name is mentioned once again after 40 years, in the Russian-Byzantine Treaty of 944.

According to the chronicles, in 945, Prince Igor dies from the hands of Ridge after repeatedly charged with Dani. The heir to the throne of Svyatoslav was then only three years, so Olga became the actual ruler of Russia in 945. The squad of Igor was submitted to her, recognizing Olga by a representative of the legitimate heir to the throne. The decisive image of the action of princess in relation to Drevlyan could also incline the warriors in her favor.

After the murder of Igor sent him to his widow, Olga Svatov called her marry her prince Mala. The princess consistently dealt with the elders of the Drevlyan, and then led to the submission of their people. Ancient Russian chronicler details the revenge of Olga for the death of her husband:

First revenge:

Shatta, 20 Drevln, arrived in the roaster, which Kiev residents were delivered and thrown into a deep hole in the yard of the Terem Olga. Shatov-ambassadors buried alive with the rook.

"And, leaning toward the pit, asked them Olga:" Do you feel good? " They also answered: "We are pretty igorous death." And commanded to fall asleep them alive; And they fell asleep them, "says the chronicler.

Second revenge:

Olga asked for respect to send new ambassadors from best husbandsAs it was with hunting is made by Drevlyans. The embassy from noble arches burned in the bath until those werehed, preparing for a meeting with the princess.

Third revenge:

The princess with a small squad arrived in the lands of Drevlyan, in order to correct the Tizna on the grave of her husband. After the Trenna, Olga ordered them to chop them. The chronicle reports the five thousand of the collapse of the arrested.

Fourth revenge:

In 946, Olga came out with a camouflage army. At the Novgorod first chronicle, the Kiev squad won the Drevlyan in battle. Olga walked around the Round Earth, established Dani and taxes, after which he returned to Kiev. In the Tale of Bygone Years (PVL), the chronicler took the insert into the text of the initial arch of the siege of the Treated capital of the Earlist. According to PVL after a non-successful siege during the summer, Olga burned the city with the help of birds, to whose feet ordered to tie a lit pass with gray. Part of the defenders of the eraser were interrupted, the rest were submitted. A similar legend of burning the city with the help of birds is also outlined by Saxon grammar (XII century) in its compilation of oral Danish traditions about Viking and Snorry Sturls Scald.

After the massacre with the Rusmen, Olga began to rule Russia to the age of majority of Svyatoslav, but after that she remained the actual ruler, since her son spent most of the time spent in military campaigns and did not pay attention to the state management.

Board Olga

Conquering Drevlyan, Olga went to the Novgorod and Pskov land in 947, assigning lessons there (tribute), after which he returned to Son Svyatoslav in Kiev.

Olga installed the "chassis" system - trade centers and exchanges, in which the fees collected more ordered; Then the chases began to build temples. Olga's travel to the Novgorod land was questioned by Archimandrite Leonid (Cavelin), A. Chessy (in particular, pointed to the confusion of the Treacious land with a village five), M. Grushevsky, D. Likhachev. Attempts by Novgorod chroniclers to attract unusual events to Novgorod Earth noted V. Tatishchev. Critically evaluated and evidence of the chronicle of Olga's Sanya, as if kept in Plkov (Pskov) after the trip Olga to Novgorod Earth.

Princess Olga laid the beginning of a stone urban planning in Russia (the first stone buildings of Kiev - the city palace and country Terem Olga), with attention referred to the landscaping of the subjects of Kiev, Novgorod, Pskov, located along the River Desna, and others.

In 945, Olga set the dimensions of the "FIRD" - filters in favor of Kiev, the timing and frequency of their payment - "regulations" and "Charters". The provisions of Kiev, the land turned out to be divided into administrative units, in each of which the princely administrator - Tiun was delivered.

Konstantin Bagryanorogennoe in the composition of "On Management of the Empire", written in 949, mentions that "Monsilles coming from external Russia in Constantinople are one of the Malhard, in which Sfendoslav was sitting, the son of Ingora, Archont Rosia. From this short message It follows that by 949 the power in Kiev held Igor, or what he looked unlikely, Olga left his son to represent power in the northern part of his power. It is also possible that Konstantin had information from unreliable or obsolete sources.

The next act of Olga, noted in PVL is its baptism in 955 in Constantinople. Upon returning to Kiev, Olga, who accepted the name Elena in Baptism, tried to attach Svyatoslav to Christianity, but "he did not think to listen to it. But if anyone was going to be baptized, he did not forbidden, but only mocked the topics. " Moreover, Svyatoslav was angry with her mother for her persuasion, fearing to lose the respect of the squad.

In 957, Olga with a large embassy inflicted an official visit to Constantinople, known for the description of the court ceremonies with Emperor Konstantin Bagrynorogennoe in the composition of the ceremonies. The emperor refers to Olga by the Governor (Archontissy) of Russia, the name of Svyatoslav (in the listing of the Sweets indicated "People of Svyatoslav") is mentioned without title. Apparently, the visit to Byzantium did not bring desired resultsSince PVL reports Olga's cold attitude to the Byzantine ambassadors in Kiev shortly after the visit. On the other hand, the Faofan's follower in the story of Crete's restoration of the Arabs under the Emperor Roman II (959-963) mentioned the Byzantine troops of Russia.

It is not known exactly when Svyatoslav began to rule himself. PVL reports his first military campaign in 964. The Western European Chronicle of the Regionnon Founder reports under 959: "Came to the king (Otten I are Great), as it turned out to be lying, the ambassadors of Elena, the Queen of Rugov, which at the Constantinople's emperor the novel was baptized in Constantinople, and requested to dedicate bishop and priests for this people..

Thus, in 959 Olga, in baptism - Elena, officially was considered as the Government of Russia. The material evidence of the residence of the adalbert mission in Kiev is considered to be the remnants of the X V., Found by archaeologists within the so-called "cue city".

A convinced pagan Svyatoslav Igorevich was 18 years old at 960, and the mission sent by Otten I in Kiev was failed as the Futher Regionnon reports: "962 year. In the year, Adalbert returned back, supplied to the bishops of Rugam, because it did not have time for anything, for what was sent, and saw his efforts in vain; On the way back, some of his companions were killed, he himself, and the great work, barely escaped. ".

The date of the beginning of the independent rule of Svyatoslav is sufficiently conditional, the Russian chronicles consider it a successor to the throne immediately after the murder of his father Igor. Svyatoslav was all the time in military campaigns at the neighbors of Russia, reproaching Mothers State Management. When in 968, Pechenegs first made a raid on Russian lands, Olga and Church of Svyatoslav locked in Kiev.

Svyatoslav, who returned from the campaign to Bulgaria, removed the siege, but did not wish to stay in Kiev for a long time. When the next year he was going to go back to Pereyaslavl, Olga kept him: "You see - I am sick; Where do you want to get away from me? " - For she has already bothered. And she said: "When I bury me, - Go where you want".

Three days later, Olga died, and we were crying for her the great son of her, and her grandchildren, and all the people, and suffered, and buried her at the chosen place, Olga also showed not to make TRIZNES on it, since he had a priest with him - that And buried the blissful Olga.

The monk of Jacob in the composition of the XI century "Memory and praised the prince Rusky Volodymina" reports the exact date of death of Olga: July 11, 969.

Baptism Olga

Princess Olga became the first ruler of Russia, who accepted baptism, albeit a squad, and the Russian people were pagan. Son Olga, the Grand Duke of Kiev, Svyatoslav Igorevich, was also in paganism.

The date and circumstances of the baptism remain unclear. According to PVL, this happened in 955 in Constantinople, Olga personally baptized Emperor Konstantin VII Bagranogenic with Patriarch (Feofilakt): "And she was inflicted in baptism the name Elena, as well as the ancient queen-mother of Emperor Konstantin I".

PVL and Life decorate the circumstances of the Baptism of the story about how Olga's wise reached the Byzantine king. He, waking her mind and beauty, wanted to take Olga to his wife, but the princess rejected the claims, noting that he did not like Christians for the pagans to wrap. Then her king with Patriarch baptized. When the king began to continue the princess, she pointed out that she was now a shameful daughter of the king. Then he richly bestowed her and let go home.

From the Byzantine sources, only about one visit Olga to Constantinople was known. Konstantin Bagryanorovnoe described it in detail in the composition "On the ceremonies", without indicating the year of events. But he pointed out the dates of official techniques: Wednesday September 9 (on the occasion of Arrival Olga) and Sunday October 18. Such a combination corresponds to 957 and 946 years. Attention is drawn to the long stay of Olga in Constantinople. When describing the reception is called Vasilev (Konstantin Bagrynorovnoe) and Roman - Bagranogenic Vasilev. It is known that Roman II Junior, the son of Constantine, became a formal companion of his father in 945. The mention of the reception of the children of Roman testifies in favor of 957, which is considered the generally accepted date of the visit of Olga and her baptism.

However, Konstantin never mentioned the baptism of Olga, as well as about the purpose of her visit. A certain priest Gregory was named in Knyagin's retinue, on the basis of what some historians (in particular, Academician Rybakov Boris Aleksandrovich) suggest that Olga visited Constantinople already baptized. In this case, the question arises why Konstantin refers to the princess to its pagan name, and not Elena, as the continuer of Regionn did. Another, later Byzantine source (XI century) announces baptism in the 950s: "And the wife has once sent in swimming against Romeyevs of Russian Archon, named Elga, when her husband died, arrived in Constantinople. Baptized and openly made a choice in favor of true faith, she who won the great honor of this choice, returned home ".

About the baptism in Constantinople speaks and quoted the above-mentioner of Regionnon, and the mention of the name of the emperor Roman testifies in favor of baptism in 957. Certificate of the Regionnon's continuer can be considered reliable, since under this name, as historians believe, wrote Bishop Adalbert Magdeburg, who led an unsuccessful mission to Kiev (961) and having had first-hand.

According to most sources, the princess Olga took the baptism in Constantinople in the fall of 957 in the fall, and she was baptized, probably Roman II, Son and Community of Emperor Konstantin VII, and Patriarch Polyevkt. The decision on the adoption of Olga faith adopted in advance, although the chronicle legend represents this decision as spontaneous. Nothing is known about those people who spread Christianity in Russia. Perhaps it was the Bulgarian Slavs (Bulgaria accepted baptism 865), since the influence of the Bulgarian vocabulary was traced in the early ancient Russian chronicle texts. About the penetration of Christianity in Kievan Rus It is evidenced by the mention of the Cathedral Church of the Ilya of the Prophet in Kiev in the Russian-Byzantine Treaty (944).

Olga was buried in Earth (969) in the Christian rite. Her grandson Prince Vladimir I Svyatoslavich suffered (1007) the relics of the saints, including Olga, in the Church founded by the Church of the Holy Virgin in Kiev. According to the life and monk, Jacob, the body of the blissful princess was preserved from Tlen. Its "Svetѧѧѧѥѥ ѩko Sunsє" the body could be observed through the window in the stone coffin, which was opened for any truly believer Christian, and many have found healing there. Nevertheless saw only the coffin.

Most likely, the princess Yaropolk (972-978), Princess Olga began to be worn as holy. This is evidenced by the transfer of its relics to the church and the description of the wonders given by the monk Jacob in the XI century. Since that time, the day of memory of St. Olga (Elena) began to be celebrated on July 11, at least in the very tenty church. However, the official canonization (general-voice glorification) occurred, apparently, later - until the middle of the XIII century. Her name is early becoming baptized, in particular, in Chekhov.

In 1547, Olga is ranked with the village of Holy Equal-Apostles. Such an honor was honored by only five of the Holy Women in Christian history (Maria Magdaline, the first Focla, Martyr Apfia, the Queen Elena equivalent and enlightenment of Georgia Nina).

The memory of equivalent Olga is celebrated by Orthodox churches of the Russian tradition on July 11 julian calendar; Catholic and other Western churches - July 24 in Gregorian.

Release as a patron of widows and converts Christians.

Princess Olga (documentary)

Memory about Olga

In Pskov, there is an Olginsky embankment, an Aldaginian bridge, an Olginian chapel, as well as two monuments of Princess.

Since the times of Olga and until 1944, the polis and the village of Olgin Cross existed on the River.

In Kiev, Pskov and the city of Korosten, the monuments of Princess Olga are set. The figure of Knyagini Olga is present on the Millennium of Russia monument in Veliky Novgorod.

In honor of Knyagini Olga named Olga Japan's Bay.

In honor of Knyagini Olga, a village of urban type Olga Primorsky Krai was named.

Olginskaya Street in Kiev.

Knyagini Olga Street in Lviv.

In Vitebsk in the city center at holy spirit women's monastery There is a Holy Olginsky Church.

In the Cathedral of St. Peter in the Vatican, to the right of the altar in the North (Russian) test, the portrait image of the princess Olga is placed.

Holy Olginsky Cathedral in Kiev.


The sign of honors from the Holy Equal-Apostles Princess Olga - established by the emperor Nikolai II in 1915;
"Order of Knyagini Olga" - State Award of Ukraine since 1997;
The Order of the Holy Equal-Apostles Princess Olga (ROC) is award-winning of the Russian Orthodox Church.

The image of Olga in art

IN artistic literature:

Antonov A.I. Prnyagin Olga;
Boris Vasilyev. "Olga, Queen of Rus";
Viktor Winters. "Princess Olga - Bulgarian Princess";
Mikhail Kazovsky. "Empress's daughter";
Alexey Karpov. "Princess Olga" (Series ZhZL);
Svetlana Kaidash-Lakshin (Roman). "Princess Olga";
Alekseev S. T. Az God I know!;
Nikolai Gumilyov. Olga (poem);
Simon Vilar. "Svetorad" (trilogy);
Simon Vilar. "Witch" (4 books);
Elizaveta Butler "Olga, Forest Princess";
Oleg Panus "Shields on the gates";
Oleg Panus "Unified Power".

In cinema:

"Legend of Princess Olga" (1983; USSR) Director Yuri Ilinko, as Olga Lyudmila Efimenko;
"Saga ancient Bulgarians. Talk Olga Saint "(2005; Russia) Director Bulat Mansurov, as Olga;;
"Saga ancient Bulgarians. Vladimir Krasnika Red Sunshine ", Russia, 2005. In the role of Olga Elina Bystritskaya.

In cartoons:

Prince Vladimir (2006; Russia) Director Yuri Kulakov, Olga voiced.


Olga, the music of Evgeny Stankovich, 1981. In the Kiev Theater Opera and Ballet from 1981 to 1988, and in 2010 it was delivered at the Dnepropetrovsk Academic Opera and Ballet Theater.