End. Uspensky Okravensky Women's Monastery

Extraction (Knox) \u200b\u200b- River in the Penza region, Mordovia and the Ryazan region of Russia, (Volga pool).
Moksha pool.
Length - 179 km, pool area - 4570 km². Nutrition snow and rain.

Icepox usually from November to April.

The origins of the river in the territory of the Penza region.

It flows through the district center of Dzvechino. For 15 km along the river, the administrative border of the Penza region with Mordovia is held, in which the village of End is located (3 km from the river). On the territory of the Ryazan region. At the place of failure there is a village of Eut of Shatsky district of the Ryazan region, famous for the Holy Uspensky Vyshinsky Monastery.

Functions (from mouth):
Right - Lime (3.5 km), Pool (24 km), Schuvarka (53 km), Uhinc (147 km);
Left - Kermus (23 km), korkar (72 km), Torch (84 km), Owl (87 km), Raevka (94 km), Masha (107 km), Knox (147 km); Next. Knox Burtas (148 km), Olshanka (155 km).

River End (Knox)
Code of the water site 09010200312110000029591
Type of water object river
Name of End (Knox)
Location 67 km on Ave. Bank r. CNA
Flows into the river VNA 67 km from the mouth
Basin District Oksky Basin District (9)
River basin Oka (1)
River Podbasseyn Moksha (2)
Length of watercourse 179 km
Water collection area 4570 km²
Code for hydrological learning 110002959
Tom number Guy 10
GI 0 release

Rafting alloy
Podgers and departures
Before the dwelling from Moscow, you can take a direct train Moscow - Vernadovka (with an additional train of Moscow - Zeptchino, prescribe an additional train at the passenger traffic). In addition, there is a diesel from the Vernadovka (Vernadovka - Guorsovo, goes around 10 in the morning), there are about 6 buses from Bashmakovo (or even more), you can take a diesel engine from the shrub to Morsovo (from the bushes about an hour of the day), and from Guorsovo - On the diesel engine to the daunting (in the hots, the dock is good). The last option is used, if there are no tickets at all on anything (as the electric train from Ryazan, from Ryazan-1 station, and Ryazan - from Moscow). The Raevka River flows into the dwelling (about 600 m. From the station), which flows into the freest, but nothing is known about her passability. To der. October 10th (about 8 km from the land) walks a lot of buses, and you can try to hook a car. That road at which a bus is going, around the 10th October crosses.
In der. The email can be reached by bus from Zeptchino, and you can try to crack the car on Art. Pashkovo (about 10 km. From the wizzy). The bus stop is located on the right bank at the bridge at 100 -150 m. From the shore.
The most convenient would be to come on the railway on the railway train from Moscow. Unfortunately, the Morsovo station and the email station are far from the bridge (Morsovo - at 7.8 km., End around the map - also at 7 - 8 km.). There are no Moscow trains between the out ofvay and winter. However, the aforementioned cuckoo from the shunting (shrub - guy) is more convenient, as it stops by 63 km. (3.8 km from the bridge). In addition, along the large water, the alloy can be started by p. Hallout (2.2 km. From 63 km.).

Drying, however, flowing and through and through with. Morso, and in close proximity to 63 km. (east of the railway). However, in Horses, it is impassable even on high water, and how to go from 63 km. Directly to idle, I do not know. In addition, from the railway bridge to r. Hitch hitch flows mainly by fields, and from 63 km. Before the bridge - in the forest (ruins). In small water, dolls, obviously impassable for kayaks (at best, passable for "swallow"). It would be convenient to agree with the cuckoo cuckoo cuckoo - Morsovo (or even the Moscow train - on Art. Sasovo) so that he stops on the bridge.
Chernoyar village - very large and goes to the river. It is 8 - 9 km away. From guy on the road. Earlier in Chernoyar, a bus from the earth was kicked, but it was reduced to Morsovo (1995). Nevertheless, the road to Chernoyar is quite lively, and you can try to hook a car in Guorsovo. If this is not possible, then at about 16.30 from the guy there is a diesel engine on the bush - see the previous version.
Maybe somehow you can get from the ball in the desired (still a big village), but I can - I do not know.
Most likely, the villages are important and buying have a bus service with the ball. Still, the villages are large and there is a straight road to the ball.

The autos station of the village of Yambirno is located about 300 - 400 m. From the river on the highway. From there, one bus goes to Ryazan (at 16.00), three buses on Sasovo (last at 16.20, the penultimate at 13.30) and about 6 buses on the ball (last about 19.30). Ryazan can be left, however, you manage to go only on the last train on Golutvin, and with it - on the last Moscow, which comes in Vykhino at 0.30, and on Kazan VKS. - at 0.52. Not everyone is convenient. In addition, the bus to Ryazan is probably expensive.
In Shatsk, it makes sense to go only if you were late for all other buses. It is possible that from the Shatsk there is a poverty flights to Ryazan, Sasovo or Morshansk.
The most convenient, in my opinion, go through Sasovo. Sasov stops about 20 trains to Moscow. If you come to Sasovo in the evening, then you can sleep in a night train (goes about 7 hours), and if you can come to Moscow in a reasonable time. In addition, the day to Moscow can be reached by tickets with a change in Ryazan.

General impressions
Zemstchinsky forest
A good place. Many decent parking lots, a lot of firewood. The forest is mainly deciduous - Oak, Birosis, Lipa, ash, Clane. Often meets pine. Local few, villages near the river (except October 10) no. The river looks beautiful - in general, what else is it necessary? It is somewhat unpleasant that the soil here is pretty sticky, and when you walk in water, you need to wear boots, and then remove what it stuck.

Plot from the landstorn forest to the der. Crimea (and even somewhat further)
Boring and monotonous area. The forests are not here, the shores of the river are mostly incisive (height is about 3 m.). The river is very looped. What is on the shore, from the river, as a rule, is not visible, and if you get to the shore, it is visible a strongly plowing plain with numerous villages. Local many here (mostly fishermen and shepherds). Some variety of this plot give small forest arrays near the Siyang LEP (14.05 - 14.15 30.04) and at the mouth of the r. Owl. If sailing from the earth (i.e., from October 10), it is probably worth trying to swim on some of these fishing forens and stand in it - so as not to swim the whole site in one day (the parking lots here are practically not).

Plot from "Postpaymy" before the start of normal forest (19.18 30.04 - 16.35 1.05)
It is already possible to stand here. At least firewood find easily and there is something to tie a tent. The people are smaller here. However, there are no real forest here - it is rather a palpal. However, it looks not so bad.

The beginning of a normal forest - the mouth of idle
Places are good. True, for the most part of this section, the forest grows only one from the shores (mainly according to right), but it seems that it does not matter. Places for parking a lot, firewood is full. Forests are still pine-deciduous. In this area and is the same wooden threshold on which care must be taken. The mechanism of education of this thing, apparently, is: in this place the river, it seems, crosses a small rocky ridge and forms something like sewers (the difference in 1 m. 50 m. It is clearly not created artificially). The depth of the river in this place drops sharply, and the local, taking advantage of it, put a stepped bundle on the river, and then it was abandoned. There are several focate on the same site. There are practically no local on this site.

Highway Hall - the next beginning of the forest
The forest is not here. On the left bank (though, mostly far from the river) the village of Chernoyar goes. Parking sites are very small, mainly due to the lack of firewood. It looks like this plot is still better than the one that we sailed 30.04, because the shores are not incisive (it can be seen that on the shore), there are small transfer, and there are small rides on the river. In addition, this plot is relatively short.

The beginning of the forest - der. Kashirino
The best area of \u200b\u200bthe river. On both shores are very beautiful forests, sandy shores, many beaches. There are almost no local (there are places completely deaf). It is very good here.

Der. Kashirino - mouth r. Lime sites slowly begin to deteriorate, but for the der. Marino This process acquires avalanche-like character. If there is an overnight stay on this site, then you need to get up on the first place suitable for this.

Mouth r. Lime - mouthwash
There is no place here, mainly due to the high population density. This site must be swimming. He does not cause emotions.

Mouthwash - mouth
For swimming on kayaks. Fly through it - pleasure a little (at least on the described area). There are practically no places for parking (perhaps the only one - opposite the der. Your, and that is not very good).

For spring, it is perhaps a bit large - about 15 m. At the 10th of October and about 50 m. It is important, and in the mouth blooms up to 100 m. (In the summer here, apparently, Delta). In the summer and autumn, I think swimming it is much better. If you drop a significant part of the flanned area between the withdrawal and the Crimea (i.e., start from the der. Check), but to leave important, then the route can be considered very good - especially for autumn. However, the journey on the Tsnight to Jambier because of his shortness does not impress the impression.

End and Tsna
June 10-14, 2011
Oleg Volkov
River End from the village of the Tenth October to the loudspeakers in the River Tsen. Next, downstream along the river Tsna to the village of Yambirno. West Penza and East of Ryazan regions. June 10-14, 2011. 2 small catamarans on 3-4 people and Raftmaster, only 11 people. Hike with the participation of children.
The lodging of the river corresponds to the movement of catamaran. Special design catamaran, designed for rowing canoeing veins. The speed of its movement is slightly less than the speed of driving a kayak.
Locations were not marked by local LPP.
The water level is higher than the meal.
Start from a road reinforced concrete bridge located in the village of Tenth October.

1 day
0-23 (running time, hours-minute) 40-meter clay cliff right.
0-36 Sandy beach among the forest.
0-39 Roll. Wooden piles in the row on the turn. Over them to the right of the second 40-meter clay cluster.
1-02 - 1-07 Overlooking under the left shore. Before that, too, in the left side of the bed, they squeezed through the previous trees.
1-20 Left tributary in the forest.
1-58 The sandy beach opposite the sign of the souls immediately after the release of the forest site. Downstream sandy beaches will be found throughout the river.
2-44 sandy beach next to Pine. Place, convenient for parking.
4-43 Lunch Stop on a large sandy beach located on the right bank of the End.
4-50 Wooden Road Bridge in the village of End.
7-46 Stop overnight on the left bank of the river over the trees.
2 day

9-11 rocky rolls with iron pins. Pins are located in several rows. A little tilted downstream. Some rows of the pins are a bit of the water, others are slightly below the water level. We passed in shallow water under the right shore, bypassing the pins on the right.
After 200 meters, the narrowing of the river, in it, too, there are pins.
9-25 parking on the right bank.
9-35 again underwater pins in a narrowing.
The flow disappears to the railway bridge.
10-42 Railway bridge.
10-44 Stop for lunch on the right bank among pines.
11-47 Wooden piles remaining from the old bridge. They are passing. Not far, aside from the river is the village of Chernoyar.
11-53 Automotive Brod. The depth on the brother 60-70 cm.
12-09 rolls with a total length of about 200 meters.
13-12 Radiation in the right side of the river river and large wreckage of reinforced concrete structures. Left clean passage. Top LEP. Before this, on the shore was a piece of burned forest.
13-22 Overnight on the left bank of the river next to the pines.

3 day

13-40 Broad in the village of Lviv. Behind him under the right bank of the river demolished by flood bridge.
15-11 Flashing of a large left tributary Kermus. Kermisi width about 10-15 meters, the bottom is sandy.
15-22 Wooden piles, behind them Low iron road bridge. Babakino. Obnos (15-22 --- 15-40) on the right bank with a length of about 20 meters.
16-21 Lunch Stop.
The rest of the dam begins.
18-11 dams. Obnos (18-11 - 18-31) on the right coast of about 100 meters.
A little lower in the flow in flows among islands with a length of about 100 meters.
The remains of a wooden bridge near the village of Maryino.
18-54 Parking on the right shore near the village.
19-13 Sleeping "Steppe" on the right bank.
4 day

19-42 Including to the right of the lime. There is a parking on the arrow.
19-52 Spring, possibly mineral, which flows on the right. Upstairs, there is parking in the birch.
20-04 Church with a spring on the right bank of the End. The village begins an important, the largest and noticeable area of \u200b\u200bthe river begins.
20-17 High reinforced concrete road bridge. On the right of it are two churches: one old, the other is new.
20-36 Flashing in the River Tsen.
20-41 Pontoon road bridge over the TsNU. Pass under the bridge close to the left bank.
21-51 lunch on the right bank of the Tsnya.
22-37 Stop. We climbed to the high left bank. Overview, with it opens a good view of the valley of the valley.
23-21 reinforced concrete road route M5 route.
23-30 Antistapel on the left bank on the rustic beach of Nambirno.
Total passed about 125 kilometers.

From the Kazan station of the city of Moscow to Bashmakovo station, we traveled on the train 302 Moscow - Penza. He leaves from Kazan Station at 16-20. At the Bashmakovo station, the train arrives at 3-47, and stands there 1 minute. The price of a second-class ticket from Moscow to Penza Station 932 rubles.

Choosing a river
Initially, I planned to spend a calm leisurely campaign along the Sura's wide river on a plot from Lunino to Sura station. On this site on the map to the right bank of the river, the slopes towering over the river at 4-6 horizontals are suitable in many places. Therefore, there may be sightseeing points, exceeding 100-120 meters by Sura and its low-aluminum left bank. In addition, this section of the shores of Sura has little populated and closed by forests. For the first time in recent years, a segment of the river with the length of just about 80 kilometers was chosen for the alloy for the alloy.

But for a year and a half before the start of the campaign, when tickets for both ends have long been bought, layout and shell are scattered on the crews and usually begin the last preparations for the assembly of backpacks, I recognize that it is better not to go to Sura. It is lower than Penza in it, where we were going, heavily contaminated with chemical waste.

Therefore, the urgent replacement of the route was needed. It is good that I had two "stacks" in this region. One of them is an email river, go to which I was going for three years. On the map it looks very tempting. Narrow forest river with a sandy bottom. However, from Promrawers on the map followed that the length of the route along the River End from the village 10 October to Jambier is about 120-130 kilometers. One of the found reports found even 140 kilometers reached. This is at least one and a half times more than I expected. So, it will have to thoroughly go. Having learned the path of the train on which we had to travel to Sura, I realized that it was not difficult to throw on to you.

Each flows almost parallel to Sura, and in the same direction, but at the same time it is located kilometers at 150 closer to Moscow. Therefore, for the abandonment and discharge on it, the same trains on which tickets are taken were taken. When throwing it is necessary only to go 2 hours earlier. And on the return train to go for 4 hours later. In addition to trains and at the throw and on the release, two entrances on the vehicle, a length of 50 and 35 kilometers, were now required. This time the group gathered less than usual: it was 6 adults and 5 children aged 4 to 12 years. So finding transport for such a "small" group is no longer so difficult.
Therefore, the mattress campaign along the Sura's wide river was replaced with a sporting row along a narrow forest river.

Description of the route
And here is the River of the Easy.
After the rain on the day before, the water in her turbid, greenish, not pleasant in appearance. Start. According to the report on which we focus, on the next 8 kilometers we are waiting for a beautiful (on the map) a forest array. This is about 2 running hours. Then there will be open areas along the shores, the length of 6 runs, after which the forests will begin along the river. We are going to reach them today. On the first day we are waiting for "breaking rowing". The river is deep, about 20 meters wide, the flow of weak. Occasionally there are stony rolling, the depth of the river is greatly reduced. With a lower water level, wiring may need. Both shores are completely closed with a dense bordering forest. Among the forest on the right shore, two 40 meter clay cliffs open. Trees hanging over the water from both banks sometimes fall into the water, partially brave track. At the same time, narrow passages remain through which you have to break. One challenge completely blocked all the riverbed, and had to drag the ships under the left shore.
In this forest massif, there are practically no parking spaces at a convenient access to the shore and a platform for a tent. The forest of trash can, with a dense undergrowth of an Ivnyak, American and ordinary Clean. Grass and coastal trees descend directly into the water.
Coast coast, overgrown with shrubs, only two places in this forest area were sandy beaches. But next to them were not noticeable places comfortable for arrangement of the camp.
Finally, the forest area ends. From my point of view, after leaving the forest, the river looks even better than in the previous forest area. Sand beaches appear, swimming. Both lunch walked outdoor. Occasionally, small areas of the forest were approaching the shores. The width of the river remains at the level of 20-30 meters, a noticeable course appears, the water is gradually cleaned, becomes more transparent. In direct areas, the flow is weaker, the depth of the river is on average about two meters. In areas where empty looping the depth of the river under the climby shore is usually more than two meters. The opposite shore is finely, a sandy beach can be located there.
For lunch, we got a large sandy beaches, located in front of the village of End.
But to row to him we had almost 5 running hours. After lunch, they relaxed slightly, but a rain passed, and after him they began to eat mosquitoes. Each blow is killed in the top ten of these vile, bloodthirsty creatures. But it is also necessary to row. And a comfortable place for the night is found. And among those forests that were again surrounded by sending, it is difficult to find the platform for placing the tents at a convenient access to it from the river.
Or there is a sandy beach convenient for the berth and bathing surrounded by Ivnyak and overgrown with alder, or there is a playground, but it leads almost a steep five meter water. The coastal forest is usually with a dense undergrowth, all in the pits and cords formed from the flood. The beautiful Pine throat appeared on the horizon soon turns out of the river. And already 7 pm. We explore everything, at least how much space is suitable for the night. And mosquitoes continue to rush mercilessly!
Found. A small smooth shelf in cocks and oaks with a undergrowth, dark, wet after the rain, with a steep, but quite acceptable output. Bustor, dinner. Hot oak and maple firewood made a place quite comfortable and cozy.
Due to the scrap rowing on the first day, we have created a reserve for the future. The second day turned out more calm. Forest array, fully clinging this section of the email is also absolutely unsuitable for organizing good parking.
Sandy beaches continue to periodically appear along the river. You can swim, but there are almost no places where you can stand in the parking lot.
In the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of Vaskin Bor, there is a roll in (9-11 by logice), where you can strongly break the shell of boats. The place is not a note. Among the forest area with minor turns of the river is a powerful rocky carcaste with a length of 50-80 meters with a total drop in the bed near the meter. In the river river there are several rows of long iron pins, dried deep into the bottom of the river. Under the left shore them more. Different rows of pins are located at different depths. Some pins perform a little over the water level and are noticeable, others are located below the water level.
They are not visible, the trace of them on the water is not tracked and you can strongly break the boat !!! They drove them into the bottom of the river, it seems, a sledgehammer. The top of the pins is flattened and has a view of a hat with pointed edges. Pins are slightly moving, they lean themselves down, but, at the same time, they failed to pull them out of the bottom. Why they are naked, it is not clear. Nearby there are no other traces of people's vital activity. It is complicated by all the presence of a strong flow. We managed to go through the stony shallow water under the right shore, leaving the pins on the left. With a lower level of water on the roller, it will become finely, and where we passed, there will be a shallow rocky border. In this case, so as not to fill the skin of the kayak about the pins, it is better to hold boats along the right bank.

Downstream in two narrowings of the river bed, we also found out of the depths of the river to the surface of the water of pins. The flow there weak and pins were located a little deeper, so we passed them freely. However, in the second half of summer at a lower level of water, the pins and in these places can rise to the surface of the water.
Downstream for 6-7 kilometers in front of the rail width of the river is increased to 60. The depth of the river increases, and the flow at this site completely disappears. Due to this, the water here defends himself, it is settled, and below the railway bridge water in the river becomes transparent and clean. For lunch, specially stood next to the railway bridge, before that, more than an hour there were no convenient access to the shore. And here it was possible to enter the shore and there is a pleasant flat place among the pines. After some time below the bridge appears again, the river is again narrowed up to 30 meters. At the same time, it remains deep. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of Chernoyar, there were somewhat fastine. At a fairly extended area of \u200b\u200bthe coast, again is not convenient for parking. For the night, it was possible to find a comfortable place in front of ancient Lviv on the shelf of the left bank next to the pines.
On the third day of the way, the water in the above became noticeably warmer, and the river is complete. The width of the bed is still about 30-40 meters. The flow is usually slightly accelerated on the loop areas of the river, and slows down on direct running areas. In the forest site there are closures that have fallen into the water. But they do not create obstacles to movement. Along the shores there are sandy beaches, but there are no places for parking near them.

I remembered the fallen flow to Kermus. It flows small sandy rolling. The apparent sand stranded, formed from her imposition, exits almost the middle of the eraser bed. And here breaks down in deep pool. Water in Kermisi was significantly colder than above. And after her sign, some time of the wipe water and cold water Kermisi go under different shores, almost without mixing. Water consumption in Kermisi is 6 less than in higher. It flows in small sandy rolling, the width of Kermisi channel is about 10-15 meters.

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of Babakino, an iron road bridge is located. Obtained ships on the sandy beach of the Right Shore. The increment is short, comfortable. Below the dam of the old hydroelectric station begins below the babakino. He begins to felt kilometers for 8 before the dam. The river on this site is expanding to 60 meters, the depth increases.
Coast, overgrown with trees and shrubs. On all this section of places that are convenient for parking. However, sandy beaches, separated from the forest with dense thickets of Evnyak, sometimes come across the banks of the river.

The flow of the bed on the dam is chosen on two steps. A small first stage has a drop of about half a meter. 5 meters after she starts the second, the main water boss of the dam, where the water falls down from a height of about 3 meters. The dentition of the dam is best done on the right bank. The income is not convenient, the length of about 100 meters. Places for the approaching of ships little. This is a small patch to which the boats of local fishermen are attached.

A slightly lower dam begins to roll among the islands, the length of about 100 meters. Along the right bank, a little far away from the river is the village of Maryino. At one and a half kilometers below the village we got up for the night on the right, steppewore. The place is beautiful and very comfortable. Along the water there is a strip of a sandy beach, separated from the steppe by a non-rigid strip of scyful bushes. Several young pines grow on the edge of the steppe, there is a place for a fire.
Tents put on a solid carpet of the chasty. In the evening, when hemnelumin, steppe grass began to smell unlikely. Only for one of this parking could be forgiven all its previous flaws.

Closer to the shift in the TsNU there was still a couple of parking. One of them was located on the arrow when the lime river was shifted. The second parking was among the light birch forest, growing on the high right bank of the Kniknik (19-52).

Downstream the village begins an important, stretched along the river kilometer for two. This is the most noticeable village that met us on the route traveled. Before that, the villages overlooking the banks of the river. In this area, the drop is expanding to 60 meters, the flow disappears.

river Tsna near the mouth of the river

River Tsna
But the valve that we wanted to quickly drive, assuming that it would be a wide dirty river. But it turned out that water in the center is even transparent than above and, moreover, more warm.
On the shores there are parking lots with comfortable outdoors, and pine forests grow along the shores. The width of the value is about 70-90 meters, the rowing is noticeably helped.
For lunch we stood on a comfortable parking lot below your village.
A comfortable berth for all our ships, a good swimming area, warm transparent water of the values \u200b\u200band a small glade, located nearby in the oak forest: it was precisely that we were constantly lacking around the excess. We have lunch, and crumbled plenty. The place is convenient, although visited by autotourists and, so littering. But we need to return, besides, the thunderstorm began to come.
We tried further by leaving the impending rain. Thunderstorm thundered already very close, and we rowed, trying to have time. But, seeing the high hills of the left shore, located on the edge of the old career, I could not resist. We moored to the shore and climbed up the slope. The top of the hill towered meters on 40 above the river. In one direction, the pine banks of the values \u200b\u200bwere visible, and in the other direction - the slopes of the old career and grazing her herd were visible - overgrown with grass and shrubs. And there were thunderstorms and sparkled zipper. On the top of the lifting to the top of the top there were several berries of ripe coarse strawberries. Trifle, but nice.

Then we, of course, got under the rain, under which they were driving to the bridge in Jambier. We disassembled the ships on the rural beach, located on the left bank, about a kilometer below the bridge. They called Gazelle from Sasovo, and sat down at it with the beginning of the next portion of the pouring rain. So it ended this interesting, rich in different events.

Phone bus station in Sasovo 89105734303. Order of Gazelles from Sasovo cost us at 1200 rubles. 35 kilometers from Yambirno to Sasovo we drove about an hour under a torrential rain. Returned to Moscow by train N55. Departure of the train from Sasovo station in 0-19, parking is 4 minutes. The cost of a second-class ticket from Ruzaevka station to Moscow is 905 rubles. At the Kazan station of the city of Moscow, the train arrives at 6-03.

From the report of the report http://www.skitalets.ru/water/centre/visha_fiva1995/ followed that after the start, a beautiful forest area with a length of 2 run hours begins, after which there will be an open dusty area with a length of 6 running hours. Next, there must be beautiful forest places, closer to the shift in the CNP strongly deteriorating. At the finish, we were to expect a wide and uninteresting CNA. We prepared for this. But as it turned out of our campaign, tastes are different.
Perhaps on the May holidays the route looks different. The water level in the river is higher, so, more comfortable access to the shore becomes more. And the number of parking places in forest areas increases. In addition, the Burning Forests in early May still do not have time to inflate grass, but filled with a solid carpet of blooming primroses.

In the summer, those areas of the river that the author of the report considered the best, from my point of view, are not convenient for the campaign with children. There are practically no comfortable standings there. And the lower sector of the exhaust and the valve, just made a good impression.
On the other hand, from the report it follows that the May holidays have a lot of holidaymakers. We have almost seen anyone. Despite the holidays and warm weather, the river was completely nobody! There was only a dozen two locals for all the time of the campaign. Popular points along the river little. Only the village is important noticeable from the water, there was no other noticeable population there.

Assumption Vyshinsky Monastery

The area in which the River is proceeding, in general, rather deaf. Little acting bridges via free. Bridges in Davydovka villages, Chernoyar and Maryino, marked on a two-kilometer map of the Penza region, now does not work. From them there were only old wooden piles in line with the river.
Obstacles on the river are not much, but they are. At the initial forest area, the dumplings were a couple of rurals, one of which demanded the patching of ships. The river on this site is not wide, and the trees are enough for the shores. Therefore, every spring flood can create another challenge. The division of vessels demanded an iron car bridge in Babakino (15-22) and dam in Maryino (15-22). The rest of the bridges managed to go on wheels. The depressing picture left in memory to roll with iron pins and the following two narrowings of the channel, in which we also observed pins. I have not seen anything like that. At this obstacle, you can hardly break the kayak or catamaran. The most unpleasant that the pins are poorly noticeable with water and do not seem dangerous. While I did not get through to them, I thought it believed that it was the rest of the wooden branches.
The spring streams were not, only before the shift in the TsNU, when approaching the village, there were important on the right shore two Spring.
Water in the initial part of the route was a turbid, greenish tint. Perhaps partially it was associated with the rains passed on the eve. However, in front of the railway bridge (10-42) there was an extended site without a flow on which the water was sat down. As a result, on the rest of the river the water was more transparent. Whatever enough, the water was even more transparent in Tsne and, moreover, more warm.

The width of the exhaust on the entire length remains at the level of 20-40 meters, only in some sections expanding to 60 meters. The depth, on average, about 2 meters, the bottom is sandy. It seems that we walked along the water level above the meal. On a car trip, in the village of Chernoyar, the depth was 60-70 centimeters. Consequently, the inter-water water level should be less. I haven't been anywhere else. On all the depths of depths enough with a margin.
In open areas, where the river begins to loop, the flow rate increases. In direct forest areas, the current is weak, or there is no one. Before the dam in Marino, the porch begins to felt kilometers for 8.
The shores have a dry, but not comfortable for the organization of parking. For the whole first day we noticed only 3-4 good places, convenient for parking. And it is almost 8 running hours. On all over the river there are sandy beaches, comfortable for swimming.
However, as a rule, they are surrounded by dense thickets of an egg or a naked steppe. It is very difficult to find a convenient place to install the tent among the trees so that it was a convenient approach to water.
I had the feeling that the number of good standings at a convenient access to the shore, even place under the tent, the presence of firewood and aside from the settlements on all over the edition can be counted on the fingers of one hand.
Forest sections, which on the river are not so little, as a rule, are a thick cluster of trees with undergrowth and thickets of herbs suitable close to water. The shores on such sites are often cool, hanging over water.
In this campaign, we took from the river almost everything she could give us. Curbed, drunk, warmed up in the sun.
It seems that we have passed this route in optimal mode. Yes, the first day turned Lomov, but for 4 days, in a different way, it is difficult to go through this route. And so we got the largest sandy beach on the whole river for the first day dinner. The only one, gorgeous steppe parking for 3 spending bed. Normal, and completely different from each other, two other spent space parking lots. And the removal rest on the Tsne. It is a pity that it was not rarely to climb on the slopes of the old career.
I can hardly go on to see it, but, oddly enough, I really liked the campaign. And remembered.

Fishing Report:
January 25, 2014, Check, River
Place - Area / District: Penza region.
Detailed description of the place: Zemstchinsky district
Weather, water condition:
-32, at the river reached -36, windless, sunny
Method of catching:
Winter gallows, Mormushka
Nozzle, bait:
Crucian Love
What fish caught: pike
My catch: 1-3 kilogram
The largest pike fish, 2.5 kg.
Detailed fishing report
Hello everyone.
Once again, it was going on fishing into my favorite village, more precisely speaking into the village where you live your favorite father-in-law with a trembling. The day before that, the squeezing me on fishing and promised to show the waters are good. In general, I swammed me.
As always from the evening of Friday, everything was collected, the belly was bought (in case you catch a challenge), sandwiches are cut, tackle tested, everything is laid in a backpack. With a clean conscience and a calm soul to sleep.
Sit at 4:30, the children are quietly put up, the wife sniffs is pogromic (for it is dissatisfied with such an injury). Fortunately, everything is collected from the evening for fees, the minimum time that would not wake anyone.
And so 4:50 I'm already in the car, 10 minutes for warming up and on the road.
Go from the city 220 km, in one breath, 7:50 I drove into the darkest and the Motilla, and became the happy owner of the Hattle of the Ushanki, for the cap of Ala Cockerel, it was cold, however, the dawn is not yet smells, darkness.
I drove for the test, he disastened his tackle into the car. 8:30 lights. From the village, while the so-called Asvalt was driving (the fact that he left) was illegal, the most outskirts of the village, farther fields ... It was decided to leave the car and then on foot, go about 5 kilometers. At this point, the fields left the fields with fishermen, told them, they could not drive and decided that on this day they had a fishing ended.
But we are full of enthusiasm, do not be confused, put tackle on the Volokushi, on the road (at that moment we still died what awaits us). I will not describe the whole way, I will say that 5 kilometers we walked around 3 hours, there were such moments when I wanted to turn back, but Intusiasm took the top. Snow on the fields lay somewhere on his knee, but there were places, such that he had fallen almost on the neck.
And here it is, at the end of the R. Such in all its glory, the descent to the river, the second breathing opens, the preparation of the Girls, the father-in-law opens a couple of holes trying to catch a stir ... he is zero ...
Fortunately, the believes purchased in advance, the gallows are installed. Installed at the entrance, exit to the OMUT and a pair of satellite of the Omut, the depth of up to 5 meters.
Although on the street of Moroz -32, it was not swept in incredible, it was decided to register a fire, to eat. The thrills are silent ... silent ... silent.
On the fire heated stew, bloat, calm silence, in the area of \u200b\u200banyone ...
And then, the father-in-law (calmly) "is raised that the flagek", I have a stink behind me ... Tan ... I am going to Plekhonko, I hear the father-in-law scolding that it did not come in the flushing, I did not go in the flushing, I go carefully, it wins slowly, I will wait for a pause, I remove the thrill, winds, take the line, the cutting and miracle, nice pleasant weight felt on the fishing line, I choose a fishing line, bringing to the hole, the face is not completely in the hole, it does not matter, I'm not careful We take out, and here it is our beauty by 2.5 kg on ice. How nice and the soul is good, I didn't go in vain and ...
Unfortunately, there were no more Zagarov Zherlitsa. The father-in-law caught on Mordysku caught with a dozen sailors of the little, cat on joy, and a gram roach 300.
The way back was to be difficult, we are going with the front, smokers, and snacks in a good mood back to the car, and all the same as beautiful, sunset, the sun knows how to say goodbye to us until tomorrow. Beautiful native expanses in Dali from civilization. Fishing was a success, I am satisfied ... In the spring I will turn this place with spinning ...


Source of information and photo:
Social team
Cheat // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: In 86 volumes (82 tons and 4 extra). - St. Petersburg., 1890-1907.
Report by Oleg Volkov report
State Water Register of the Russian Federation: Check.

The far south-east of Ryazanzchina is the forest part of the Shatsky district - lies on the border with the Penza region and Mordovia. The nearest district center (be it Tambov, Penza, Saransk or Ryazan) at least two hundred kilometers. In the deaf forests of such okrain will raise the brown bears in our lands for a long time. The fact that somewhere in these forests wanders Kosolapiy, says, in particular, the former director of the Oksky Biosphere Reserve Svyatoslav Cookonsky. Local forests, in which oaks are a hundred and a half meters thick and century-old pines, cuts the Valley Valley Valley, who entered many species of animals and plants listed in the Red Book.

An old pine forest is located at the place of loss in the TsNU, where in the middle of the 20th century, local biologists enthusiasts discovered the colony of gray hergs. These birds usually come across when they are passionate about the extraction of feed, walking along the shores, lakes and rivers. Scared, sometimes they fly to a quieter place. But often you can see that herons fly away somewhere in the forest. Maybe on the other reservoir? It turns out that it does not always: Herons arrange their huge nests high on the trees, and it is thanks to the enthusiasts managed to maintain a plot of old pine boron from the village of End, where today there are about eighty nest of gray heron. Perhaps this is the largest nesting colony of her pin on Ryazanchin.

Monastery on the above

In this wilderness, almost four centuries ago, the Sovchensky Monastery is located back. In the historical chronicles, the foundation of the monastery is referred to 1625 - for the first time he is mentioned in the certificate of Mother of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich Martha. In this letter, Marfa John indicated the current place of the desert. The monks complained about the former, fearing the threat of flooding in the flood. So from the left bank of the nomy the monastery moved to the right. Located in the wilds, the Koshensky monastery only in time turned into a center of spiritual education of the local population. There was a time when it was closed because of the poverty and smallness of brethren: in 1724, the monastery was attributed to the Chernivo Monastery, opening again in three years. The beginning of the Renaissance is left for the prior of Tikhon: he was appointed in 1800 by the Bishop of Tambov Fofil, when Shatsky County went to the Tambov province. When Igumen Tikhon was erected a stone four-tier bell tower with a three-liter temple, stone cells and a stone fence with towers. The main shrine of the monastery is the Mother of God, in the name of which in 1831, the Summer Stone Summer Temple was laid. It is known that the exchanging icon of the Kazan Mother of God is an accurate copy of the miraculous image acquired on July 8, 1579 in Kazan.

In 1861, the Uspensky Temple with two adhesives was built - Nicholas Wonderworker and Sergius of Radonezh. With Archimandrite Arcadia, a two-storey stone fraternal case with a pharmacy, alder, two stone hotels, bakery, stable and a stoneware courtyard were built. At the same time, an embarrassment of the embroidery was established in Morshansk and Tambov with a miraculous icon. From 1874 to 1890, a warm stone five-chapter Christian Cathedral was built, decorated with three sides by columns and portica of an ionic order. The chief throne of the temple is consecrated in honor of the Nativity of Christ, the right - in honor of the Martyrs of Adrian and Natalia, and in the left there is a sacristy. In this cathedral, a revered icon of nine martyrs of Kizic was kept.

Since the foundation before the revolution, the monastery was male. At the beginning of the 20th century, the monastery was closed, buildings and all the property nationalized, and the monks evicted. In the book "Red Terror in Russia" on page 103, there is an paragraph: "Will we find a description in life and in the literature, similar to that leads the Steinberg about the incident in the Shatz district of the Tambov province. There is there is a worship by the people of the Vyshinsky icon of God's Mother. Spaniard raged in the village. The priests were arranged for the local CC, the priests and the icon itself were arrested for the local CC ... The peasants learned about the mockery produced in the CC over the icon: they spoiled, scarcated on the floor, and went to "Wall to help God's Mother." Baba, old men, kids were walked. For them, the CC opened fire from the machine guns. The machine gun mows in the ranks, and they go, they do not see anything, in the corpses, they are wounded, they climb the eyes of terrible, mother of children ahead, shout: "Mother, the intercession, save, merry, all for you will be lying ... Fear is not in them There was no. " Services continued until 1938 only in the Christ Cathedral. The territory of the monastery was used for a pig farm, a children's town, and since 1938 a psychiatric hospital settled here. In the 60s of the past blew the bell tower.

They thought about the fate of the abandoned monastery only after canonization in 1988, Faofan of the Navdapa. In 1990, part of the buildings were transferred to the women's monastery. On June 29, 2002, with the participation of Patriarch, Alexy II, the solemn transfer of the relics of Feofan to the Koshenskaya Resident was held. By 2009, the Kazan Cathedral was renovated. The Christ Cathedral today is in the process of restoration. Recently, a psychiatric hospital and a psychiatric hospital came from the territory of the monastery. The new rebuilt housings of the ball of a psychiatric hospital are located on the departure from the village of Euthes on the way to Emmanuilovka.

Skyzhensky replacement

It is believed that surprisingly attractive skimmer began to be a bishop of Feofan, who retired here on peace in 1862. Immediately after the prayer, July 28, Fauofan went straight on to see, settling in the figurative chambers. Five years later, he moved to a wooden oppliel, which was superfluous for him by Archimandrite Arkady especially for him. Aven a year later, referring to the vanity of the position of the abbot of the abbot of the inner rest, Feophan became a devotee - Himself committed Liturgy, for six years he went to all church services. But he did not leave the idea of \u200b\u200ba complete gate, because for the sake of this, he came to you. The privacy of Feofan said that it was sweeter by Honey, and I would consider the "Housing of God, where God's heavenly air." His most famous statement in the spiritual world that "you can check only for the kingdom of heaven." "You call me happy. I feel so, "he wrote. "I will not exchange your email not only to St. Petersburg Metropolitan, but also for the Patriarchhood, if I had restored it and I was assigned to him."

In his letters, Feofan talks about the reason and character of his privacy: "I take a laughter when I say that I am in the gate. This is not at all. I have the same life, there are no exits and receptions. The shutter is the present - not there, do not drink, not to sleep, do not do anything, just pray ... I speak with Evdokim, I go to the balcony and I see everyone, I conduct a correspondence ... I eat, drink and sleep a widow. I have a simple privacy for a while. " However, Prayer Feofan paid the days and nights. In the cells, he arranged a small church in the name of the baptism of the Lord, in which the Divine Liturgy served in all Sundays and holidays, and in the last 11 years of life - daily. Interestingly, Feofan possessed one of the largest private libraries of the time, more than half consisting of foreign books - he studied several languages \u200b\u200bbeing six years in the service in the Russian spiritual mission in Jerusalem and for almost a year in the Embassian Church in Constantinople in the position of abbot. He read the Feofan classics - both Russians and foreign, he had books on medicine, mainly in homeopathy, anatomy, hygiene and pharmacology. Feofan knew languages \u200b\u200band was engaged in translations. The spiritual environment appreciate his work on the translation from Greek goodness.

It is known that Faofan could answer for a huge number of letters in his address - up to 40 per day. Among his classes is an iconographic, music, a variety of needlework, growing plants on a balcony, observation of celestial luminais. In addition, he sewed clothes for himself. He wrote the Feofan until his death on January 6, 1894: All the texts of the chief writer are permeated with the thought of salvation of the soul. In the fobs of Faofan after his death, a telescope was discovered, two microscopes, a camera, anatomical atlas, six atlases in geography, as well as in church and biblical history. Unfortunately, nothing survived from these items. Faofan's library is also lost: acquired from heirs to the Moscow merchant Losev and brought to the gift of the Moscow Nikolskaya Church in Tolmach.

You can repeat the feat of the bishop on the road M5 from Moscow to Shatsk through the village of Konobyevo. From here, approximately 15 kilometers need to get east.

The Knevensky desert is located in the Ryazan region on the right bank of the River of the End, not far from putting it into the river TsNU.

The Holy Assumption of the Okrug Monastery was arranged in 1625 by the literacy of the "great old man Marfi John" (Mother of King Mikhail Feodorovich). Located in deaf places, the monastery was the outpost in the dissemination of the Christian faith among local pagans - Mordov. The first temple of the Okiv, the desert was built in the name of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in 1761. The miraculous icon of the Mother of God is donated to the monastery.

Kazanskaya, for whom Summer Cathedral was erected (1831-1844). In 1886, Saint Feofan arrived in the monastery. He loved the local places. "You can check only the kingdom of heaven," he writes in letters. The Cathedral in the Nativity of Christ is consecrated in 1890. In the XIX century, the excavated prevail became the center of spiritual education. The main shrines are monastery - the miraculous image of the Mother of God's Mother of the Kazan Okhenskaya and the relics of St. Feofan, the Navdapa

Emmanuilovka village is located 4 km from the Schoshensky Monastery, where there is a source, consecrated in honor of St. Feofan of the Navnik. Pilgrims who have repeatedly visited the monastery, talk about cases of healing at the source. Pilgrimage trips to the Svyat-Assumption of the Koshensky Monastery, on the ancient Shatskaya Earth, remain in memory for a long time.

Saint Feofan, referring to his spiritual Chadam, wrote: "I am worth it, and the gate is converted. When it blesses the Lord to visit her for a mantist, you will always find her ready to accept you - console and refresh. "

Site of the Holy Assumption of the Okrug Monastery: http://svtheofan.ru/


Ryazan → P. End of Shatsky district Ryazan region with. Emmanuilovka → St. Nicholas-Cherneyevsky Monastery. → Ryazan

Trip program:

6:30 Collecting a group in the Nikolo-Yamsk Church (ul. Tsiolkovsokgo, D.8).

7:00 - departure from the Nikolo-Yam temple (st. Tsiolkovsokgo, D.8).

10:30 - Arrival in the Holy Uspensky Okhensky Monastery.

Worship relics SVT. Faofan Navdapa - the Great Teacher of the Church, Church Writer of the 19th century, the miraculous icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary "Kazan". Visit to the Museum of St. Faofan's Museum. Tour of the monastery.

Moving to S. Emmanuilovka. Source (with font).

Moving Holy Nicolo-Cherneevsky Monastery.

The monastery was called Cossack, because the construction took part in the construction of the Don Army. Among the brethren of the monastery there were many Cossacks and veterans, participants in campaigns and wars. The Don Cossack was the founder and builder of Monastry, Monk Matthew. The 19th century Nikolsky Cathedral is consecrated, the Kazan Church (the end of the 18th century is the beginning of the 19th century), the bell tower with the progressive temple in honor of John the Forerunner. The monastery of the monastery is particularly honored by the miraculous icons of the Mother of God "Kazan", "all the grieving joy", "Chernigov" and Icon Svt. Nicholas. Tour of the monastery. If possible, the conversation with the abbot of the monastery about. Feofan (Danchenchenkov). Tea drinking.

17:00 - Departure to Ryazan.

20: 30 - Arrival in Ryazan

Ryazan region is truly the gracious edge for fisherman. The choice of places for quiet hunting is huge here: lakes, reservoirs, rivers. With such a variety, it is difficult to stay without catching.

Fishing will be especially productive if in advance:

  • explore the relief;
  • find out the fish habits that you intend to catch;
  • habitats and clusters in jore;
  • in winter, the place of hibernation.

Fishing on river

In the Ryazan Region flows 890 rivers, they are plain. There are about 40 species of fish there. The average length is more than three kilometers. The largest rivers: Oka, Pra, Ranov, Moksha, Solotcha, Sword, Emit, Tyznitsa, Touch, etc.

The most promising place - the Oka River, it borders with the Moscow region, comes to almost the Vladimir region. Especially well catch here in late autumn and summer. Inhabit its about 40 diverse species of fish, but most often caught: pike, pike perch, bream, horse, chub, Krasnoproka, Perch, Elset, Som.

The tallery tackle for bream is a ring or feeder tackle. With a rapid flow - onboard rod. You can catch a feeder: Czech, Joamed, crucian, roach, Guster. The finest time is the beginning of the spring, the end of autumn.

River Prone: Favorite places are sites running at the bottom of the flow. It is not bad to get used to the cauldron, a jaze, karash, pike, guster. There is som, Nalim, Sudak. Below is often the Sazan. And that is especially important for a good claw - here is a small fishing press.

It is necessary to start to hunt near Urhory Vying, there you can find fishing places for various gears: fishing rods, spinning, even in the wiring from the boat. From the village of Luzhka goes to Prone a good primer. If you get around the pool with a bottom fishing rod, countless rolls, then without decent sizes of pucks, karas, they won't leave home.

On the remote distances to spinning, the fishing rod is caught the rod, perfectly pecks on silver casteter. Downstream, near the villages of the knees, there is also nothing to get used. Drive through a large village Aristovo, along the river. Near the dam there are deepest pools, these are excellent places for catching.

Fly fishing, spinningists can catch the ies, lumps, links in the region of the convert and under the dam. Glazavil caught on the flies. In fast waters: Joamed, carp, horse, sometimes catfish. In the place of merger, a lot of white fish is found with Okoy, there is a pike perch. The boat will help in catching fish.

In the influx of perturbation River River, it is very fish. Village Kipchakovo and partly the pronounced most promising places. The river itself is winding, with the deepest pools and rolling. There are good sections near the settlement of the keys.

There is a big raging spring in the floodplain. Cold spring waters mixed with the river and here you can catch kilogram perch and bream to spinning. Near Kurbatovo there is a brilliance, from her and before the wiping of the wound into the river, I can hunt a donkey, spinning. On the pits you need to look for perch, lump, bream, sazanov. On the focus: Glazavil, Zhereh.

What can you catch? The main thing is not afraid to experiment, catch in wiring, the bailings are characteristic:

  1. Especially good will be the catch on the rotating brilliance, equipped with anterior Loading. Mass of bait: 5-12 grams.
  2. In clear weather on the fellows, you need backed up with a petal having a silver color.
  3. On the waters and small cargoes - brilliantly with a yellow color and a launder.
  4. At a strong fault, you need to produce floating wobblers.

For large bars spinning tools:

  • forms, test from 9-30 gr.;
  • coil 2500;
  • wicker 13 mm.

For small baits, it is 0.22 mm or a thin braid. For fishing rod:

  • rod 6-8 m;
  • leske 0.15 mm;
  • a leash is 0.15 mm.

Fishing on lakes

There are approximately 175 large and small lakes in the region. Six large, 5 square meters. km, the remaining less than 0.1 square meters. km. Especially many lakes in the northern part, where he takes its beginning the river Pra. In all lakes, the water is purest and transparent, you can even see fish sailing to the nozzle.

White lake is especially visited. Its area of \u200b\u200b23.5 hectares, the highest depth of 34.2 m. It borders with the Klepikovsky district and ownership of the Shatursky district (Moscow region). Located in five hundred meters from Savior Klepiki highway - Moscow, near Dubasovo village. It was formed in a natural cavity, surrounded by the forest.

It has karst origin: embossed bottom, underground caves, underground wells, dips, etc. Water inhabitants: Karas, Jazus, Perch, lin, pike, roach, Rutch, VEYN, Dipstick, have a thick carp, lake trout, carp.

Spinning can be caught carp, thick carp. Catch better from the boat, at the beginning of autumn on a sandwich from worms and bread. Behind the pike hunt closer to the west on spinning, circles, winter grains:

  • The poles are placed on underwater slopes, near the edges of the aqueous vegetation - the deck of depths up to 10 m, along the edge of the aqueous vegetation.
  • Winter and early spring on Mermatki is caught by Jaz, Rush, roach.
  • The perch takes the winter brilliance at a depth of 4-12 m, Jazu - up to 8-14 m.

The best period for hunting in lakes is summer. Even in small flood lakes there are fish and can sometimes catch more than a big river.

Lake Seleznevskoye - It has a unique karst origin, the area in 15 hectares is guarded. Located - the track for Casimov, not far from the village of Seleznev. The area is 20.5 hectares, the water is dark, has a mixture of peat particles, but clean.

The greatest depth is in the north-west, it comes to 15 m. In this lake, they are common: Jewish, crucian, perch, yrsh, pike, roach, bind and even crayfish. What catch and what:

  1. Roach - You must first put it, and then start the faults in the center of the lake, the depth of up to 3 m or at the overgrown shore.
  2. Small Okun. - It is caught mainly on the fishing rod, for bait uses, sweet boils, worshipers, worm.
  3. Large perch and is - Caught on spinning and rotating spinning white color. Especially in spring, on the dawn.
  4. Pike - Take on the circles, gallows. Not bad and spinning, with good snap and suitable black. Mugs are used with poor or rainy weather, weak breeze, at the end of summer and until September.
  5. Winter - Typically, only a small perch, but a bad thing, is usually licked.
  6. Spring - From the side of the Laptev coast, in the southwestern part of the boat, you can extend hydrocations, roach up to 600 grams.

Lake Great - Around the swamps, debris, islands, unpaolen, wild places around reign. There are few human settlements here. Square -2199.7 hectare, the coastline stretched 35 km.

How to get there: Collapse from the road Savior Klepiki-Moscow immediately for Selo Batkovo. To get to the rainbow pointer, we pass the White Lake and to the village of Lunkino.

In winter, especially a lot of people, because everything is becoming affordable:

  • On the first ice on the twiser, the perch, the hesh.
  • On the Merzictic, a large pike is walking in a thaws during thaws. For nozzles: roach, sand.
  • Far from the shore on the summer gallows, they catch large binds, lumps. Equip tackle with cords and tees.

After spawning, the lumps on spinning with an artificial bait. For the float fishing rod, the live bait is used, it is appropriate to catch on fixed mugs. The shore swims the ball, crucian, bream, they are surrounding the fishing rod on the molding. In the summer and spring, especially productive fishing will be from the boat.

Large pikes go to the pit of the eastern shore, you can calmly fish them right up to the ice station.


It should be remembered that on the reservoirs with a decrease in the water level of the coolness is slightly enhanced, and the increase will fall. The water level changes often: in the spring, in the fall - replenished, in the summer, in winter - decreases. There are four reservoirs in the Ryazan region, consider the most famous.

Ryazan GRES- Created in 1973 by overlapping the River River bed. The reservoir is extremely rich in Sazan, bream, karam, there is som and pike perch. In winter it does not freeze. You can catch large and trophy instances.

Prone - Formed on the river, Prying. The moving part of the dam, intended for the descent of water, is located near the Novomoskovsky district, in the village of Gremyachya. Its length is up to 26 km, the greatest width is 2 km. The area of \u200b\u200bthe reservoir is 1600 hectares, the depth is 4.6 m. Inhabitants: Sazan, pike, bream, crucian, occurs. The most interesting way is ready for fishing, in spring from the boat.

Perch can be fired:

  • float fishing rod: in spring, at a depth of 3 m, nozzles: worm, moth.
  • in the summer on the circles, spinning, rod.
  • in winter, only for Mermatku. Nazholka - gloss, wobbler, moth.
  • at the beginning of winter to the fry, the predatory fish, depth 2-3 m.

The pike in the spring walks around the entire perimeter, in the summer it hides in the bays, in the fall goes to a large depth.

The roach loves the quiet course, well pectures in spring or last ice. Favorite sites of the mouth of the tributaries, the rover. The best tackle is a float fishing rod, or a mash. In winter, a moth, wobblers apply to the nozzle. In the summer - worms, mad. It is necessary to look for it at the gateway or at the bottom of the reservoir.

Paid fishing

Many excellent databases of recreation, land, fishing economy, and near the place of fishing, are scattered throughout the area. Convenient for visitors. You can not only be seized, but also take rent equipment, inventory, boat, to ensure yourself comfortable overnight, hot nutrition, etc.

Fishing and farm housewriter "Fisherman"

Located near the village of Vastevino, go from Ryazan 20 km to the south. The lake of the wrong shape, with sleeves, bays, adapted for various conditions of fishing. The shores are detached, slightly swords.

The lake is poured by the Damn River, beat bottom keys. Water merges through the dam, so in winter and summer the same water level is preserved. You can catch a jerk, carp, white amurated, thick-carp, white fish. The beginners burned down the grid of the land from the lake, there they are guaranteed to wipe their first trophies.

You can catch on the cooks: a float fishing rod, fly fishing, using donkey, spinning. The main thing is to properly apply the snap, it must comply with the rules of fishing and the type of fish. The most productive time is spring and end of autumn.

Hortors Fisherman.

Next to the village of Sanovka stretched the legendary holy lake. Here and equipped the fishing basis of the present paradise. There are: Cupid, Karas, Tolstolobik, Bream, Som, Som, Stain.

You can fish from a boat, a pier, a floating house, with a walkway. Catch on spinning, donka, ordinary rod. Without catching, you will not be left at any time of the year.

White stones

Located near the village of Boyarinsevo, this is Mikhailovsky district. Located on the river Burmyanka, the influx of local. There are: Lin, Som, mirror carp, pike, trout, crucian, thick carp. You can only catch fishing rod, 2 pcs. for one person. Catch can delight all year round.

  1. Do not follow the old manner with a turn and big scope. Just a little energetic. Remove the rod and start the deployment.
  2. Do not raise fish (250 gr. And more) from the water, use the mappings.
  3. On the braid, tie the nodes of three turns, no less. Under the load and during the hook, the loops will not be saved.
  4. If you use weighted feeders, do not forget the plaster to stick a finger, which will support the fishing line when throwing. If you forget to tighten the friction, cough your finger, it is better to be renewed.
  5. Clev depends on weather conditions, reservoir states, from choosing tackle and bait.
  6. You need a few kinds of baits for huntingFor predators separately, for herbivore fish separately.
  7. The most successful places in the vicinity of Oka: Dubrovka, Yushty, Tarnovo, Terekhovo, Luke, Serpukhov.