How to make artificial snow. Teaching material on the topic: Artificial snow from shaving foam and soda

Wonderful winter time is dear to each of us since school. Who does not have great memories when, as children, they played funny winter games and enjoyed the air snowflakes flying from the sky! However, as the climate changes, winter does not please us so often, but the soul still needs a holiday! How to create a festive snow atmosphere for yourself? How to make snow with your own hands?

There is a sure-fire method to cook snow in simply by using a kettle of boiling water. However, this will require a "real" fierce winter outside the window. At least 25 degrees below zero. Then, with a kettle of boiling water, you can go outside, and in a matter of seconds turn it into a pile of snow. To do this, carefully throw out all the water from the kettle and, lo and behold, water no longer pours out of it, but snowflakes fly out!

This method is good when it's really cold outside. But how to prepare the snow if it is warm there or just a light frost?

In fact, making artificial snowflakes at home is not that difficult. There are several methods that are suitable for this case. Snowflakes can be crafted from seven different materials:

  • baby diapers;
  • salt;
  • styrofoam;
  • soap and toilet paper;
  • soap and water;
  • cotton wool;
  • sugar and water.

Now more about each method of making a snow mass.

Making Diapers Snow

You can prepare snow happiness in three stages:

  1. we get this diaper in the store. As a rule, its main component is special sodium polyacrylate granules. This element is not for sale in its pure form. But from one diaper big size you can get a few handfuls of snow;
  2. now you need to gut the diaper by carefully cutting it along the seam. Powder will spill out from underneath the soft outer cover, which must be carefully collected in a large bowl. The powder should be at least two times less than free space in a bowl;
  3. now you can add water to the container. In terms of quantity, it should be slightly more than the powder itself. Now the fun begins. The wet powder will start to grow rapidly! The picture resembles a fairy tale about a magic porridge that crawled out of a pot.

Our snow is almost ready! If you need a multi-colored material, then any dye can be added to the water. Thus, you will get a multi-colored snowball, from which you can make any compositions or gifts.

This method takes a little time, and the result is almost real crumbly dry snowflakes that do not stick to your hands and do not freeze your fingers. It turns out that making snow at home is actually simple and quick.

However, if there are children in the house, it is important to make sure that the child does not eat such a “snowflake”. As hypoallergenic as diapers seem, sodium polyacrylate is a chemical element. If used incorrectly, it can cause serious harm to the body.

Making snow from salt

With the help of salt, it will be possible to make not so much a handful of snow as a delicate cover of frost. It is interesting to do this business with your child. It will be both fun for him and at the same time a chance to gain some basic knowledge in the natural sciences.

You can make salt frost in five steps:

  1. buy rock salt in the store;
  2. prepare a solution. One kilogram of salt will require two liters of water. Stir until completely dissolved. It won't be easy, but this important stage the whole process;
  3. to obtain frost with any color shade, you need to add dye or ink to the solution;
  4. now comes the fun part. We take a twig (spruce, a flower, a string of beads) and dip it in a saline solution. We leave in this container until the solution cools completely;
  5. you can now remove your item from the saline solution and leave to dry.

After final drying, the immersed object will acquire white bloomwhich according to appearance it will very much resemble winter frost. Now you can use this twig to make bouquets or compositions.

Preparation of snow mass from foam

To prepare such snow, you just need a piece of polystyrene left over from the purchase. household appliances or house insulation. You need to take a fine grater and rub a piece of styrofoam on it. The result is a pile of snow that can be used in crafts or decorations.

The advantage of polystyrene is its harmlessness. This environmentally friendly product does not emit any odors or fumes. Therefore, even allergy sufferers can make snow from foam. Moreover, it is one of the most budget options, since it does not require any additional costs.

With the help of such snow, you can make snow-covered twigs. To do this, it will be enough to grease the twig with glue, and then sprinkle with prepared snowflakes.

How to make soap and toilet paper snow?

The process of making snow from soap and toilet paper is somewhat unusual, but it will be possible to sculpt crafts with ease from such a snow mass. For example, you can make snowballs or even a whole snowman.

To prepare the snow, you need to prepare several rolls of toilet paper and a bar of white soap. The paper needs to be torn into small pieces. In a large glass dish, put a bar of soap on the bottom and cover with torn paper. This dish must be placed in the microwave at a hundred degrees.

The mixture should be "baked" for about a minute, but every fifteen seconds it should be stirred, as if fluffing. The soap must not be allowed to completely dissolve. It should just become soft.

The resulting mixture should be poured with a glass of water, mix well and add another half glass. Our snow is ready. From the resulting mass, you can sculpt any figures that fantasy can master.

How to make snow from soap and water?

Such snow will not last long, but it will prove to be an interesting activity for both parent and baby. To prepare it, it is enough:

  1. grate one piece of white baby soap on a coarse grater;
  2. add a quarter cup boiling water;
  3. using a mixer, beat the solution until thick sour cream.

Knowing how to make snow using this method, you can prepare it in advance before bathing your child. This will give him a lot of pleasure, and will allow his parents to calmly bathe him.

Cooking snow from cotton wool

The advantage of this method of preparing snow is that after using it, the house does not need a deep cleaning. All ready-made snowflakes will be easy to place anywhere in the house, and successfully remove. Here is the preparation itself:

  1. roll a large number of rollers from cotton wool;
  2. dip an ordinary thread in PVA glue;
  3. string cotton balls onto a thread damp from glue;
  4. the thicker we put it, the more impressionable the snow garland will be;
  5. let it dry;
  6. we decorate our home with the resulting snow garlands.

Cooking a sweet snowball

An unforgettable event for the whole family will be the preparation of sweet snow that can be eaten. For him, made in the form of snowflakes and stars.

A pinch of sugar and egg yolk are beaten with a mixer until very thick foam. The resulting foam can be used to decorate all the cookies, and sprinkle with powdered sugar on top. Everything is worth baking in the oven on low heat. As a result, it will turn out to make a lot of snow, which will be fabulously tasty and beautiful!

You can also use sugar to frame the edges of the glasses. After wetting the glasses, you can dip them in sugar and let them dry. Sugar will securely attach to the glasses, creating an unusually beautiful decor.

Is artificial snow suitable for ski runs?

I wonder what on this moment some world famous ski resorts use for their slopes artificial snow... Snow for the ski run is of course not prepared by any of the above methods. There, for this purpose, special pumps or snow guns are installed, which dispense snow quickly and automatically. Although in nature snow is formed only at temperatures below freezing, artificial snow under the influence of special proteins is made at higher temperatures.

However, some experts believe that although real snow can be replaced in this way, it is still harmful to environment cannot be completely avoided. Moving large volumes of water from one place to another often leads to a sharp decrease in the water level in fresh rivers, and they, in turn, play a key role in supplying local residents with drinking water.

In any case, making artificial snow at home is a fun activity. It will bring happiness to children and adults, and will be remembered for a long time as a colorful and memorable event!

Artificial snow is useful for a variety of crafts and New Year's compositions. The snow making process will help you have fun with your kids. How to make artificial snow at home so that it is simple and budgetary enough? We have prepared 20 different types of artificial snow for you - try and share your impressions. Real snow is soft, creaky, fluffy, cold and smells fresh, while artificial versions of snow do not completely repeat the real one. We offer various options snow - "snow" plasticine, from which you can mold a snowman, "snow" slime, loose snow, shimmering, "snow" paint for painting and other interesting versions. But they all look like snow and children will surely like it.

How to make artificial snow at home

1. Shining snow

It turns out to be cold, fluffy and very soft.


  • Two boxes of cornstarch / cornmeal
  • Shaving cream
  • Peppermint extract (optional)
  • Sequins or mica

2. Snow plasticine


  • 2 cups of baking soda
  • 1 cup cornstarch
  • 1 and 1/2 cups cold water
  • A few drops of mint extract
  • Sequins

3. Snow "slime"


Optional: a few drops of mint extract to give the slime a frosty flavor

Mix in a small bowl

In a second bowl, mix

3/4 teaspoon borax

1.3 cups hot water

Combine the contents of both bowls and stir with your hands for a few minutes until the mixture begins to stretch.

4. Snow paint


  • Shaving cream
  • PVA school glue
  • Peppermint extract
  • Glitters

5. "Silk" snow


  • Frozen white soap bars (any brand)
  • Cheese grater
  • Sequins
  • Peppermint extract

Method of preparation - Send the soap overnight in the freezer. In the morning you can take it out one piece at a time and rub it on a grater. This will create fluffy snow, which you can add glitter and mint extract to. It molds beautifully, and you can make a snowman or any other figurine.

6. Snow dough


  • Cornstarch (freeze overnight to keep the snow dough cold)
  • Lotion (refrigerated overnight to keep the snow cold)
  • Sequins

7. "Liquid" snow


  • Frozen corn starch
  • Ice water
  • Peppermint extract
  • Sequins

In the starch that you took out of the freezer, you need to add ice water until the desired consistency is obtained. It is recommended to add a little, so that the "snow" does not turn out to be too liquid.

Also, if you've never made a non-Newtonian liquid before, you might be in for a surprise. Because with active interaction, the mass becomes harder and more viscous, and at rest it spreads.

8. Snow from shaving foam


  • 1 can of shaving foam
  • 1.5 packs of soda
  • sparkles (optional)

Squeeze the contents of the foam can into a bowl and gradually add the baking soda. You will have a very nice mass of snow from which you can sculpt figures.

9. Foamed polyethylene snow


  • foamed polyethylene (used as a packaging material for equipment, glass; shoe inserts) or foam;
  • fine grater.
  • We work with gloves. Grind polyethylene or polystyrene on a grater and ... Voila! Fluffy flakes all over your house !!! If you add sparkles, the snow will also sparkle. You can sprinkle anything with this snow, if you first lubricate the surface with liquid (diluted with water) PVA glue.

10. Snow from polymer clay


Remains of dried polymer clay (plastic).

Needlewomen often keep the remains of polymer clay, which is a pity to throw away. It is very convenient to grind it with your hands, and then with a coffee grinder. It turns out a light and multi-colored (when using colored clay) snowball, which can be used to decorate postcards and other hand-made products.

Read the continuation on the next page

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Artificial snow is made from baking soda and does not differ from the purchased one. Ways to create it will help decorate the house before the new year. Christmas trees, windows, fakes are made out with fake snow. Making a snowball with your own hands is not difficult, the main thing is to follow all the rules for cooking.

Soda is found in every home, it is suitable for making cold snowballs. The result of cooking will shock any person. The made snowball turns out to be soft, silky, like a real one.

Fake snow made from shaving foam and soda

Making a fake snowball at home is not difficult. For preparation, a pack of baking soda is taken, one can of shaving foam. The snowball looks prettier, more interesting when adding sparkles. It is easy to make a snowman from the snow mass. A lot is allowed to be added to the prepared mixture, it all depends on the person's imagination.

Take a plate for mixing the ingredients. It is recommended to take a deep-bottomed dish or bowl. The container is wiped dry without leaving moisture. If the rest of the water is in the basin, the preparation of the snow will deteriorate. Fake snowball is suitable for sculpting snowmen, snow figures.

The snow mass is prepared as follows:

  1. Be sure to take a dry bowl for mixing the ingredients.
  2. A whole bag of baking soda is poured into a container.
  3. Shaving foam is added to the bicarbonate.
  4. All components are mixed until a mixture is formed.
  5. Sparkles and other elements are added.
  6. Snowmen, figurines are molded.

It is not recommended to add sharp, prickly details to the snow mass, this will lead to skin cuts. The fake snowball from bicarbonate and shaving foam comes out cold due to the reaction of the components. Snow smells fresh, aromatic impurities in the form of lemon juice are added.

Fake bicarbonate snowball, foam contains chemical elements, you will need to take precautions. It is recommended to keep an eye on children playing with a fake snowball.

Artificial snow from PVA glue

An unnatural snowball is made on the basis of a soda solution, PVA glue. Some people advise adding white acrylic, then it will not dry yellow tint... With the help of the snow mass, large snowdrifts are made on different surfaces... You will need to take 5 tablespoons of sodium bicarbonate, mix together with PVA glue.

The ingredients mix well until thick. The resulting unnatural snowball is applied to the desired surface. When dry, the resulting mass will show a good result. Fake snow in the form of drifts is indistinguishable from the real one.

Unnatural snow from salt

Salt, NaHCO3 is used to decorate the twigs. Today, people are doing interior decoration on new Year fake snowball. Rooms are decorated with separate branches with frost.

The following recipe is used for registration:

  1. Take 5 liters of liquid, one and a half packs of salt, one pack of sodium bicarbonate.
  2. Water is poured into the pan.
  3. The above ingredients are poured into the liquid, the container is put on fire.
  4. The solution made is heated, constantly mixed.
  5. With the complete dissolution of salt, bicarbonate, the container is removed from the fire.
  6. Wait until the cooked mass has cooled slightly.
  7. Pine branches are placed in liquid for six hours.
  8. During this time, a snow crust will appear on the needles.
  9. Remove the branches from the composition, let dry for 30 minutes.

The result of the prepared recipe will surprise every person. The unnatural snowball is made from natural ingredients, it does not harm human health. It is easy to replace store snowball with sodium bicarbonate, table salt.

Making snow with baking soda and hair conditioner

If desired, each person blinds a snowman without leaving the house. Take three glasses of bicarbonate, 100 ml of hair conditioner. All components are mixed in a saucepan and kneaded thoroughly by hand. Stir until smooth. The consistency is similar to whipped cream.

A little more soda solution is added, then kneaded with hands. Pour in sodium bicarbonate to obtain a snowball-like consistency. When a sticky snow is obtained, a little sodium bicarbonate is added, if it is too dry, a hair conditioner is added.

Snow falls on the table, snowmen or figures are molded. To create a snowman, you will need to take a toothpick for hands, feet, a few peppercorns for the eyes, and a ribbon around the neck. A fake snowball is good for small children and is considered harmless.

Cornstarch and Soda Snow

The child will cope with the preparation of the snow mass. A fake snowball is good for sculpting. Thanks to the snow mass, the baby develops motor skills, tactile sensations.

As soon as the solution cools down, multi-colored sparkles are added, the snow mass is kneaded to a clay state. The agent is stirred until the snow becomes plastic, shiny, smooth. Snow clay is stored in a special container in the refrigerator.

Artificial snow made from baking soda and shampoo

Artificial snow made from baking soda, shampoo is easy. A container is taken, the ingredients are mixed. You will need to wrinkle with your hands until a homogeneous mass is formed. Little by little, add soda to the general solution. The prepared snowball is well used for children, does not contain harmful substances.

The snow mass is suitable for making different figurines, snowmen. Sparkles are added if desired. Artificial snow feels like real snow. The snow mass is placed in the refrigerator.

Winter is in full swing, and although last year's new year holidays have already passed and even managed to forget a little, winter-themed crafts are still relevant, especially if there are snowdrifts outside the window. Snow ... It's so good to mold an original snowman that you often even want to take him home. However, the snowy craft sparkling in the frosty sun will melt in the warmth in a matter of minutes, bringing grief and natural everyday problems. And if so, then we get down to business and learn to make artificial snow, which will delight you and your loved ones, giving your masterpieces a truly fabulous winter flavor! In this article, you will learn how to make artificial snow at home.

In fact, there is no one recipe for making artificial snow with your own hands: there are many methods that differ from each other in the result - the resulting "snow" mass - sometimes quite strongly. Nevertheless, each recipe has its adherents among craftsmen and can serve the purposes of decoration in its own style, for certain crafts. In this article, we will consider several of the most successful, in our opinion, methods of making artificial snow and frost: we advise everyone to try, choosing best option (or options).

For the sake of objectivity, it is worth mentioning that there are special aerosol cans with "artificial snow", the contents of which very faithfully reproduce real snow, as well as the corresponding powders and granules for dissolving in water. However, we will not follow this simple, but significantly more expensive path, but now we will begin to roll up our sleeves and get down to business.

Any recipe for artificial snow is multi-component in its structure and consists of several ingredients, which, when mixed in certain proportions and under certain conditions, give desired result... Almost all of the proposed options are easy to do in an ordinary kitchen or home workshop.

How to make artificial snow at home?

Method number 1

For great sparkling results, mix cornstarch with shaving cream and glitter. You will have to experiment with proportions to achieve the result you want. If desired (and if available, of course), you can add mint extract while kneading. Instead of starch, corn flour is suitable, and glitter is often "replaced" with mica. In any case, the result of your efforts will certainly delight you.

Method number 2

Shaving foam can also be mixed with regular baking soda (sodium bicarbonate, sodium bicarbonate or sodium bicarbonate are the same thing, do not be alarmed by the differences on the packaging from different manufacturers). It is important to gradually add it to the foam squeezed into a suitable container in advance, which turns out to be pleasant to the touch. white mass can be "seasoned" with sparkles, achieving the charm of sparkling snow in the sun. Usually, one and a half standard packs of soda are required for one foam cylinder.

Method number 3

Pre-frozen toilet soap, grated on a cheese grater, looks incredibly believable as artificial snow. Any variety will do, the main thing is that the color of the bar is as white as possible. The mint extract and glitter added to the resulting mass will also be very useful for more decorative effect.

Method number 4

Not a very cheap and not at all free way (although, for whom how) is to gut an ordinary baby diaper: we only need its filler made of sodium polyacrylate, which then needs to be torn into small pieces. It is an absorbent material that crystallizes on exposure to moisture and retains it. Therefore, the material extracted from the diaper is placed in a container and gradually filled clean water, just make sure that it is not more than enough for the formation of "snow". If you have doubts about the harmlessness of sodium polyacrylate, take into account the fact that you took it out of the most loyal thing to the sensitive body of a baby - a diaper.

Method number 5

In nature, snow, as you know, can look somewhat different, while remaining the same snow. So this method offers a bit of a kind of artificial snow - it is best used to create "snowy masses", "snowy spaces". You will need ordinary starch, PVA glue and silver paint: just take one equal part at a time (usually it is calculated in the volume of 2 tablespoons, but this is not important) and mix thoroughly and grind until you get the "snow" mass you need.

Method number 6

This is not really snow, or rather, not snow at all, but "frost", which may be required to create believable compositions. Needle twigs, ordinary twigs and grass are covered for this purpose with a very steep saline solution, which, when dried, crystallizes on their surface and shines, just like real frost! And to achieve such an effect is very simple: gradually add coarsely ground table salt into a container with hot water, located on the stove over low heat, and when the salt has already ceased to dissolve, turn off the heat and lower the previously prepared plants into the solution. Twigs with future "frost" are infused until the water cools, then they are removed and dried in normal conditions about 4-5 hours - you will see the result yourself!

Method number 7

Often, for the design of "winter" crafts may require the so-called. "Snow paint". To prepare it, let's take the already familiar shaving cream (the brand does not matter - the main thing is that it is white), PVA glue, as well as ubiquitous glitter - where can we go without them, and mint extract. Well-mixed ingredients form a characteristic mass, which is applied with a brush or sponge and with which you can either tint the craft or fully paint on a plane, for example, snowmen.

I would like a special snow decoration on New Year's holidays, but real snow, alas, only on the street. How to make artificial snow with your own hands? How best to decorate a Christmas tree, windows, candles, twigs and other interior items with artificial snow. On the pages of our site, we have collected best ideas for the manufacture of artificial snow. Let's consider each method separately.

Artificial snow from a candle and talcum powder

To prepare artificial snow, you can use ordinary talc (baby powder) and paraffin (candles). Grate the pre-cooled candles on a fine grater, mix the resulting crumbs with talcum powder and sparkles (glitters). Such snow is suitable for decoration christmas tree decorations, painting windows and decorating New Year's crafts.

Styrofoam snow

A simple way to get artificial snow is to ruffle the foam. The foam is white and consists of small balls. If you take the foam packaging from under household appliances and crumble the foam with a fork, you get quite a lot of light and sticky snow.

Please note that the foam balls have bad habit magnetically attached to all things and not easy to put away.

Foam snow looks interesting when decorating branches - you can do it.

DIY paper and soap snow

To make artificial snow you can use paper towels or toilet paper... 2-3 rolls of paper should be torn into small pieces. Next, take white soap and place it in a ceramic or plastic container. Sprinkle pieces of paper over the soap. Put the bowl in the microwave for 30-40 seconds. The mass should become airy and crumble.

Remove the snow mass from the microwave and pour some water into it to make the snow plastic. Now such snow can be sculpted and snowballs rolled out of it. You can sculpt little snowmen or other funny figurines from soap-paper snow to decorate the room for the holiday.

Artificial snow from diapers

Interesting artificial snow can be made from diapers or disposable diapers. The absorbent in the diapers is sodium polyacrylate, which looks like snow when it interacts with water. This property can be used to make snow with your own hands.

Remove the stuff that looks like cotton wool from the diapers, chop it up and place it in a deep bowl. Add to the substance gradually clean water and stir the mass. It will look like real snow. This snow can be used to decorate crafts, create snowmen and make snowballs.

Eggshell Snow

The shells of eggs, when crushed, look like snow. To make such artificial snow, take the shells from several white eggs, dry them, remove the films from inside shells. Then place the shells in a tight bag and crush them with a hard object by tapping on the bag.

Mix the resulting snow with sparkles. Now they can decorate christmas toys, spruce twigs, windows.

Artificial snow made from baking soda and shaving foam

An interesting version of artificial snow can be made from shaving foam and baking soda. You will need to take 1 can of foam and 1.5 packs of soda.

Squeeze the shaving foam in portions into a deep bowl and mix with the baking soda. You will have to mix gradually, adding foam and soda and stirring everything well. You can add glitter to the mixture. Then put a bowl of snow in the refrigerator.

Snow made of polyethylene and starch

The snow mass can be made from polyethylene. Packing polyethylene or insulation based on it, rub on a medium-sized grater. Add glitter and potato starch to the resulting shavings and stir everything with a little water. Then the resulting snow must be dried.

Such snow can be glued (using PVA glue) to artificial branches of Christmas trees.

Snow paintings on the windows

Snow patterns on the windows look charming. It is very easy to make such artificial snow. Using the prepared stencil (), stencils with the symbols of the year and just letters) and a toothbrush, spray the snow dust onto the glass. The mass for such spraying can be made from toothpaste and starch.

Mix 1 tube of toothpaste with potato starch and a cup of boiling water. Whisk the mixture until well formed. This composition of snow is suitable for decorating spruce branches and Christmas tree decorations.

Want to decorate thin twigs with frost? Then try using regular salt for this purpose. Take 1 kg of salt and dissolve it in 1.5 liters of hot water. Do not turn off the heating until all salt crystals are dissolved. Put clean and dry twigs into the cooled solution. They must be kept in salt water for at least 4-5 hours. Salt crystals will gradually form on the branches. The longer they lie in the solution, the larger the artificial frost will turn out.

It is not difficult to make artificial snow with your own hands. Choose for yourself desired option make snow and get creative with your kids. It's not only beautiful but also fun. May your holiday be bright!