Which movie fairy tales have titles 5. Development of the event "week of mathematics in elementary school"

from 03.02 to 07.02.14

the date



1 day

Competition of the best notebooks



Mathematics Olympiad.

Questionnaire "Me and my class in numbers »


3 day

Creative Workshop: Drawing Contest"Magic Numbers" .


Day 4

Mathematical tales. “Who is the figure friends with…”

Mathematical KVN (5 people per class)


Day 5

Project Protection"Mathematics in our life"

Closing of the subject week.

Winner's reward ceremony.

The plan for the subject week in mathematics among 3 classes

from 03.02 to 07.02.14


1 day

Stand decoration. Opening of the week. Ruler.

Making a wall newspaper for reviews.

Competition of the best notebooks



Mathematics Olympiad.


3 day

Drawing wall newspapers, where there are numbers, proverbs, rebuses, crosswords.


Day 4

Mathematical tales. “Who is the figure friends with…”


Day 5

Closing of the subject week.

Winner's reward ceremony.

The plan for the subject week in mathematics among 3 classes

from 03.02 to 07.02.14


1 day

Stand decoration. Opening of the week. Ruler.

Making a wall newspaper for reviews.

Competition of the best notebooks



Mathematics Olympiad.

Questionnaire "Me and my class in numbers »


3 day

Creative Workshop: Drawing Contest "Magic Numbers".

Drawing wall newspapers, where there are numbers, proverbs, rebuses, crosswords.


Day 4

Mathematical tales. “Who is the figure friends with…”

Mathematical KVN (5 people from the class)


Day 5

Defense of the project "Mathematics in our life"

Closing of the subject week.

Winner's reward ceremony.

Questionnaire "Me and my class in numbers »


1. How many letters does your full name?_____________________

2. How many letters does your last name consist of?_______________________

3. Date and month of birth. _____________________-

4. Year of birth. _______________________

5. How much now full years. ____________________

6. House and apartment number. _______________________

7. Room number of our class. ___________________

8. How many people are in the class? __________________

9. How many girls are in the class? __________________

10. How many boys are in the class? ___________________

11. Who/what is there only 1 in the class? (teacher, piano, blackboard, computer, name Angelina, etc.) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

12. Who/what is there only 2 in the class? (2 names Alyosha, Vika, 2 globes, etc.) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

13. Who/what is there only 3 in the class? (3 windows, 3 rows of desks, 3 parts of the board, etc.) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

14. Who / what is there only 4 in the class? (4 teams in the class, etc.) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

15. Who / what is there only 5 in the class? (5 flowers on the shelf, 5 days of study, etc.) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Mathematical tales"Proud Number One" - Hey rocket! - exclaimed the number One, seeing a sharp-nosed rocket in the sky. I'm number one, just like you! You are alone in the desert space and you are not afraid of anything! I love to count those who are alone! The one who is alone is the most important! - I'm not alone, there are astronauts inside me, and stars around me, - objected the rocket. - Number One, let's go for a walk, - her neighbor number Two called Unity. - I want to walk alone. The one who alone is the most important, - Unit proudly answered. There is only one sun in the sky and a person has only one head. “A man walks on two legs and does everything with both hands,” objected Two. “The most important thing in a man is his head,” Unity repeated stubbornly. “But two eyes and two ears,” objected Deuce. - How can the head work well without them?Teacher: Guys, help the numbers decide who is more important: One or Two?

« What does number 2 dream about? Once the number Two met a swan and told him: - I am like you, and I dream of learning to fly. “I don’t want to fly anymore,” the swan replied sadly. - My swan fell into the snares of a hunter, and I feel sad without her. "I'll help you free the swan," Deuce promised. Soon, two beautiful swans bowed to the number Two and said: - Thank you for your help, you are like us and as kind as we are. "But I can't fly like you," Deuce sighed. “Take these two white feathers from us as a keepsake, they will fulfill your most cherished desire,” the swan suggested. The next day, the number Two soared proudly in the air on two large wings. - The swans gave me two feathers, but when they flew away, the feathers turned into wings, - Deuce excitedly told the numbers. “Those who dream of flying will definitely fly,” the figures decided.Teacher: Guys, what else do you think the number Two dreams of?

"Who is the number Three friends with" The number Three has a cheerful friend Traffic Light. He stands at the crossroads and winks at all cars and pedestrians with three colored lights: red, yellow and green. The number three likes red the most. As it burns, she treats the traffic lights with her delicious triangular cookies. The traffic light eats cookies and tries to guess what they are made of: - Raisins, almonds and rice. - No, I treated you to such cookies yesterday, - Troechka laughs. - Cherries, peanuts and oats, - again the Traffic Light guesses. Triangular number Three cookies always consist of three products: fruits, nuts and cereals. But it is difficult for the Traffic Light to guess what it consists of. Teacher:what else can be prepared from three products?

Friday (5 day)Appendix 4

Defense of the project "Mathematics in our life"

Defense of the project "Mathematics in our life"

1 1. Imagine and draw 1.

2. What does this number look like?

3. Write this number ten times, underline the three most beautiful ones.

4. Why is there only one in the world?

5. In the title of which fairy tales, films is there 1?

6. Write down proverbs, sayings, riddles, idioms with number 1.

8. What do you think the unit dreams about?

9. Why do you think a person has one tongue, but two ears and two eyes?

10. What events in a person's life happen only once?

Defense of the project "Mathematics in our life"

Approximate work plan for the project "Mathematics in our life":

2 1. Imagine and draw 2.

2. What does this number look like?

4. What are there only two in the world?

5. In the title of which fairy tales, films are there 2?

6. Write down proverbs, sayings, riddles, popular expressions with the number 2.

7. What is connected with this number in your life?

8. What do you think the deuce dreams about?

9. When people say "Two boots of steam" or "Like two drops of water"? Do you think friends should be "like two drops of water" and why?

10. What two character traits would you call your most important?

Defense of the project "Mathematics in our life"

Approximate work plan for the project "Mathematics in our life":

3 1. Imagine and draw 3.

2. What does this number look like?

3. Write this number ten times, underline the three most beautiful ones!

4. Why are there only three in the world?

5. In the title of which fairy tales, films are there 3?

6. Write down proverbs, sayings, riddles, popular expressions with the number 3.

7. What is connected with this number in your life?

8. What do you think the trio dream about?

9. What three qualities will help you solve any problem?

10. What does it mean to "get lost in the three pines"? Think of three ways to find your way if you get lost in the forest or in the city (your choice)?

Defense of the project "Mathematics in our life"

Approximate work plan for the project "Mathematics in our life":

4 1. Imagine and draw 4.

2. What does this number look like?

3. Write this number ten times, underline the three most beautiful ones!

4. Why are there only four in the world?

5. In the title of which fairy tales, films are there 4?

6. Write down proverbs, sayings, riddles, popular expressions with the number 4!

7. What is connected with this number in your life?

8. What do you think the four dreams about?

9. How do you understand the expression "on all four sides"?

10. Write down 4 of your most cherished desires.

Defense of the project "Mathematics in our life"

Approximate work plan for the project "Mathematics in our life":

5 1. Imagine and draw 5!

2. What does this number look like?

3. Write this number ten times, underline the three most beautiful ones!

4. Why are there only five in the world?

5. What fairy tales, films have 5 in the title?

6. Write down proverbs, sayings, riddles, popular expressions with the number 5.

7. What is connected with this number in your life?

8. What do you think the five dreams of?

9. How do you understand the expression “like the back of your hand”? What do you know "like the back of your hand"?

10. Write down the five people with whom you are the most friendly in the class.

Defense of the project "Mathematics in our life"

Approximate work plan for the project "Mathematics in our life":

6 1. Imagine and draw 6.

2. What does this number look like?

3. Write this number ten times, underline the three most beautiful ones!

4. Why are there only six in the world?

5. In the title of which fairy tales, films are there 6?

6. Write down proverbs, sayings, riddles, popular expressions with the number 6.

7. What is connected with this number in your life?

8. What do you think the six dream about?

9. Remember the words from the song "Merry Company":

The beauty! The beauty!

We are taking our cat with us.

Chizhik, dog,


Monkey, parrot -

What a company!

How many members did the company have? Write down who you would like to have with you cheerful company?

10. List your six favorite treats.

7 1. Imagine and draw 7.

2. What does this number look like?

3. Write this number ten times, underline the three most beautiful ones!

4. Why are there only seven in the world?

5. In the title of which fairy tales, films are there 7?

6. Write down proverbs, sayings, riddles, popular expressions with the number 7!

7. What is connected with this number in your life?

8. What do you think the seven dream about?

9. How do you understand "in seventh heaven"? When are you "in seventh heaven"?

10. List seven fairytale heroes which you like the most.

8 1. Imagine and draw 8.

2. What does this number look like?

3. Write this number ten times, underline the three most beautiful ones!

4. Why are there only eight in the world?

5. In the title of which fairy tales, films are there 8?

6. Write down proverbs, sayings, riddles, popular expressions with the number 8.

7. What is connected with this number in your life?

8. What do you think the number eight dreams of?

9. How do you understand the "eighth wonder of the world"? What are miracles on Earth for you?

10. List the eight most interesting animals in your opinion.

9 1. Imagine and draw 9.

2. What does this number look like?

3. Write this number ten times, underline the three most beautiful ones!

4. What is there only 9 in the world?

5. In the title of which fairy tales, films are there 9?

6. Write down proverbs, sayings, riddles, popular expressions with the number 9.

7. What is connected with this number in your life?

8. What do you think the nine dreams about?

9. What does the expression "for distant lands" mean? What do you think, what can be "beyond distant lands"?

10. List your 9 favorite items.

10 1. Imagine and draw 10.

2. What does this number look like?

3. Write this number ten times, underline the three most beautiful ones!

4. Why are there only ten in the world?

5. What fairy tales or films have 10 titles?

6. Write down proverbs, sayings, riddles, popular expressions with the number 10.

7. What is connected with this number in your life?

8. What do you think the numbers that make up the number ten dream of?

9. What gift would you like to receive for your first anniversary - 10 years?

10. Write down 10 people from the class with whom you are friends and would like to be friends?

Week of mathematics



and figures"

Wednesday Exhibition of drawings "Who are numbers friends with?"

Thursday Intellectual marathon

Theater of the Young Spectator

Friday Defense of the project "Mathematics

in our life"

Mathematical KVN

The subject of mathematics is so serious that it is useful not to miss opportunities to do it.a little entertaining.

B. Pascal

Monday Opening of the Week of Mathematics

Questionnaire "Me and my class in numbers»

Opening of the Week of Mathematics

Dedication to mathematics.

Arithmetic! Even in stone Age

A person has contacted you.

Can't build bridges

Where there is complexity, something new must be created,

best friend you become.

If before you had one

Many difficult questions to solve

Now in the vastness of the planet is big

You are our mother of many children.

Geometry, algebra - your children,

We make dreams come true with them

But remember: with your great success

You owe the man.

Important knowledge. In our time, in order to build And control the machine, First you need to learn Mathematics already at school.

Without an account there will be no light on the street.
Without an account, a rocket will not be able to rise.
Without an account, a letter will not find an addressee,
And the guys will not be able to play hide and seek.

Our arithmetic flies above the stars,
Goes to the seas, builds buildings, plows,
Plants trees, forges turbines,
Reaches the very sky.

Count, guys, count more precisely:
Feel free to add a good deed
Get rid of bad deeds.
The textbook will teach you accurate counting,
Get to work, get to work!

Questionnaire "Me and my class in numbers»

1. How many letters are in your full name?

2. How many letters does your last name consist of?

3. Date and month of birth.

4. Year of birth.

5. How many full years are now.

6. House and apartment number.

7. Room number of our class.

8. How many people are in the class?

9. How many girls are in the class?

10. How many boys are in the class?

11. Who/what is there only 1 in the class? (teacher, piano, blackboard, computer, name Angelina, etc.)

12. Who/what is there only 2 in the class? (2 names Alyosha, Vika, 2 globes, etc.)

13. Who / what is there only 3 in the class? (3 windows, 3 rows of desks, 3 pieces of board, etc.)

14. Who / what is there only 4 in the class? (4 teams in the class, etc.)

15. Who / what is there only 5 in the class? (5 flowers on the shelf, 5 days of study, etc.)

Tuesday Craft competition "Entertaining numbers

and figures"

Students in a technology lesson make a panel “Entertaining numbers and figures”. A cardboard blank in the form of a geometric figure (circle, oval, rhombus, etc.) is taken as the basis. Then the children sculpt numbers from plasticine and attach them to a figured base. The works are bright and unusual.

An exhibition is made out of the work done in the class. At the end of the week, the guys choose the panels they like, and the teacher presents a diploma

"People's Choice Award"


Hello, new game! Mathematical!

Exhibition of drawings "With whom numbers are friends" In the art lesson, students draw any number in the form of an object that it looks like. For example, 1 - a person standing sideways, 2 - a swan, a standing snake, 3 - a bird in flight, 4 - an overturned chair, 5 - a unicycle, etc. Hello new game! Mathematical!Game "Naughty One" Students stand in a semicircle in front of the teacher. The teacher goes around them and imperceptibly puts a unit (plastic or paper or other material) into the hands of someone. This person becomes a mischievous One. When counting: "One, two, three, One, come out!" the one with the number must run out of the row. Ah, those who stand next to this student must restrain him. The one who first fills the one running out becomes the leader. The game"Find a Pair" One person is number two. In five minutes, the number two should separate some children into pairs so that: Both are fond of the same sport. Both of them were the same height. Both had the same hair or eye color. Both had clothes of the same color. Both went to the same circle. Both sat in the same row at school, and so on. The game is played several times. The winner is the one who manages to collect more pairs in five minutes. The game"Calling Numbers" Students are divided into two teams with the same number of participants. Calculated by numbers. Each team has 1, 2, 3, etc. standing next to each other. In front of the teams in the middle, 3-4 meters from the first number, there is a pin. The teacher calls any number, and students with such numbers from one and the other team must run out and take the skittle. The team that takes the pins first most often wins. The game"Pencil Math" This game requires colored pencils. Two teams compete. Students work in teams in pairs. In front of each team at the same distance are pencils (10-15 pieces) in a small gift bag. The teacher calls the number, figure and other mathematical concepts, and a couple from the team runs to the bag with pencils and lays out the named definition.

For example, a triangle - 6 pencils, a broken open line - 5 pencils, three - 4 pencils, plus - 4 pencils, cm - 7 pencils, x (x) - 4 pencils, a pentagon - 7 pencils, 12 - 7 pencils, a greater than sign - 4 pencils, 85 - 12 pencils.

Thursday Intellectual marathon

Theater of the Young Spectator

Math Marathon

Training: colorful cards in the form geometric shapes with the names of all students - 25 pieces; capital letters "Math Marathon"; cards with questions: 15 pieces for round 1, 8 pieces for round 2, 5 pieces for round 3, 3 pieces for round 4, 2 pieces for round 5.

Game rules: All students participate in this game. The teacher invites two students, choosing them with name cards, and asks them a question. The one who answered faster and correctly advances to the next round.

For example: there are 25 people in the class, which means that all 25 people participate in the first round, 12 - 13 people go to the second round, 6 - 7 people go to the fourth round, etc. Whoever answered correctly in a pair takes a place for those who continue the competition, and whoever loses, replenishes the spectator seats.

1 round

Addition and subtraction within 100

1. Add 7 units to 3 tens.

2. Add 7 units to 4 tens and 3 units.

3. Subtract 40 from 47.

4. Decreasing 80, subtracting 30, find the difference.

5. How much to subtract from 17 to get 8?

6. Add the smallest to 18 natural number.

7. How much to add to 7 to get 18?

8. Decreased 24, subtracted 5, name the difference.

9. Add 50 to 30.

10. Subtract 11 from how many to get 21?

11. 48 units decrease by 2 tens.

12. Add 4 tens to 3 tens.

13. 1 term - 22, the second term - 9, name the amount.

14. Reduced - unknown, subtracted - 7, difference - 9. Name the reduced.

15. 4 tens 6 units increase by 4 units.

2 round

Geometric figures

1. What is the name of a line that has a beginning but no end?

2. Name the polygon with the least number of corners.

3. What is the name of a figure that has no corners?

4. How many right angles do right triangle?

5. What is the name of a triangle with two identical sides?

6. Give a different definition of a broken closed line of 3 links.

7. What is the name of a rectangle with 4 equal sides?

8. What is found by adding all the lengths of the sides of a polygon?

3 round

Action Components

1. What is the name of the first component when added?

2. What will we find if we subtract the difference from the subtrahend?

3. What is the name of the second component when subtracting?

4. Most big number when subtracting.

5. What will we find if we add the subtrahend to the difference?

4 - 5 round

General issues on quick wits

1. Veronica asked her brother “If I am 4 years older than you now, how many years will I be older than you in 5 years?”

2. How many ears do 6 mice have?

3. Ira was asked: “How many students do you have in your class?” Ira answered "This number is less than 26, but more than 23 and is even." How many students are in Ira's class?

4. The table cover has 4 corners. One of them was sawn off. How many corners does the lid have?

5. There are 10 spokes in the wheel. How many spaces between the spokes?

Theater of the Young SpectatorTriangle and Square Author: Once upon a time there were two brothers
Triangle with a square.
Senior - square,
Kind, pleasant.
Junior - triangular,
Forever dissatisfied. Square: Why are you angry brother? Author: He shouts to him:
Triangle: Look
You are fuller than me and wider.
I only have three corners
You have four of them!” Author: But the square answered: Square: “Brother!
I'm older, I'm a square. Author: And he said even more tenderly: Square: It is not known who is needed more! Author: But the night has come to my brother,
bumping into the tables,
The younger climbs furtively,
Cut corners for seniors.
Leaving, he said. Triangle: "Enjoy
I wish you dreams!
I went to bed - I was square,
And wake up without corners!” Author: But in the morning the younger brother
Terrible revenge was not happy.
He looked - there is no Square,
Numb... Stood without words...
That's revenge! Now my brother...
Eight brand new corners!

Mathematical tales
"Proud Number One" - Hello Rocket! - exclaimed the number One, seeing a sharp-nosed rocket in the sky. I'm number one, just like you! You are alone in the desert space and you are not afraid of anything! I love to count those who are alone! The one who is alone is the most important! “I am not alone, there are astronauts inside me, and stars around me,” objected the rocket. - Number One, let's go for a walk, - her neighbor number Two called Unity. - I want to walk alone. The one who alone is the most important, - Unit proudly answered. - There is only one sun in the sky and a person has only one head. “A man walks on two legs and does everything with both hands,” objected Two. “The most important thing in a man is his head,” Unity repeated stubbornly. “But two eyes and two ears,” objected Deuce. — How can the head work well without them? Teacher: Guys, help the numbers decide who is more important: One or Two?“What number 2 dreams about” Once the number Two met a swan and said to him: - I look like you, and I dream of learning to fly. - I don’t want to fly anymore, - the swan answered sadly. "I'll help you free the swan," promised the Two. Soon, the two beautiful swans bowed to the number Two and said: "Thank you for your help, you are like us and as kind as we are." But I can't fly like you, - Deuce sighed. - Take these two white feathers from us, they will fulfill your most cherished desire, - suggested the swan. The next day, the number Two proudly soared in the air on two large wings. - The swans gave me two feathers, but when they flew away, the feathers turned into wings, - the Two excitedly told the numbers. - The one who dreams of flying will definitely fly, - the numbers decided. Teacher: Guys, what else do you think the number Two dreams of?"Who is the number Three friends with" The number Three has a cheerful friend Traffic Light. He stands at the crossroads and winks at all cars and pedestrians with three colored lights: red, yellow and green. The number three likes red the most. As it burns, she treats the traffic lights with her delicious triangular cookies. The traffic light eats cookies and tries to guess what they are made of: - Raisins, almonds and rice. - No, I treated you to such cookies yesterday, - Troechka laughs. - Cherries, peanuts and oats, - the Traffic Light guesses again. Triangular number Three cookies always consist of three products: fruits, nuts and cereals. But it is difficult for the Traffic Light to guess what it consists of. Teacher: what else can be prepared from three products?

Friday Defense of the project "Mathematics

in our life"

Mathematical KVN

Defense of the project "Mathematics in our life"

At the beginning of the week, the teacher invites students to work on creative project"Math in our life" Each student chooses a number for a small study. To help, the teacher gives out a card with a work plan. The answers to the questions (proposed in the plan and supplemented independently) were drawn by the students, drawn with diagrams, written down in verses, rebuses, and riddles. And on Friday, everyone presented their creative work to the whole class

Approximate work plan for the project "Mathematics in our life":

1 1. Imagine and draw 1.

2. What does this number look like?

3. Write this number ten times, underline the three most beautiful ones.

4. Why is there only one in the world?

5. In the title of which fairy tales, films is there 1?

6. Write down proverbs, sayings, riddles, popular expressions with the number 1.

8. What do you think the unit dreams about?

9. Why do you think a person has one tongue, but two ears and two eyes?

10. What events in a person's life happen only once?

2 1. Imagine and draw 2.

2. What does this number look like?

4. What are there only two in the world?

5. In the title of which fairy tales, films are there 2?

6. Write down proverbs, sayings, riddles, popular expressions with the number 2.

7. What is connected with this number in your life?

8. What do you think the deuce dreams about?

9. When people say "Two boots of steam" or "Like two drops of water"? Do you think friends should be "like two drops of water" and why?

10. What two character traits would you call your most important?

3 1. Imagine and draw 3.

2. What does this number look like?

3. Write this number ten times, underline the three most beautiful ones!

4. Why are there only three in the world?

5. In the title of which fairy tales, films are there 3?

6. Write down proverbs, sayings, riddles, popular expressions with the number 3.

7. What is connected with this number in your life?

8. What do you think the trio dream about?

9. What three qualities will help you solve any problem?

10. What does it mean to "get lost in the three pines"? Think of three ways to find your way if you get lost in the forest or in the city (your choice)?

4 1. Imagine and draw 4.

2. What does this number look like?

3. Write this number ten times, underline the three most beautiful ones!

4. Why are there only four in the world?

5. In the title of which fairy tales, films are there 4?

6. Write down proverbs, sayings, riddles, popular expressions with the number 4!

7. What is connected with this number in your life?

8. What do you think the four dreams about?

9. How do you understand the expression "on all four sides"?

10. Write down your 4 most cherished desires.

5 1. Imagine and draw 5!

2. What does this number look like?

3. Write this number ten times, underline the three most beautiful ones!

4. Why are there only five in the world?

5. What fairy tales, films have 5 in the title?

6. Write down proverbs, sayings, riddles, popular expressions with the number 5.

7. What is connected with this number in your life?

8. What do you think the five dreams of?

9. How do you understand the expression “like the back of your hand”? What do you know "like the back of your hand"?

10. Write down the five people with whom you are the most friendly in the class.

6 1. Imagine and draw 6.

2. What does this number look like?

3. Write this number ten times, underline the three most beautiful ones!

4. Why are there only six in the world?

5. In the title of which fairy tales, films are there 6?

6. Write down proverbs, sayings, riddles, popular expressions with the number 6.

7. What is connected with this number in your life?

8. What do you think the six dream about?

9. Remember the words from the song "Merry Company":

The beauty! The beauty!

We are taking our cat with us.

Chizhik, dog,


Monkey, parrot -

What a company!

How many members did the company have? Write down, and who would you like to have with you in a fun company?

10. List your six favorite treats.

7 1. Imagine and draw 7.

2. What does this number look like?

3. Write this number ten times, underline the three most beautiful ones!

4. Why are there only seven in the world?

5. In the title of which fairy tales, films are there 7?

6. Write down proverbs, sayings, riddles, popular expressions with the number 7!

7. What is connected with this number in your life?

8. What do you think the seven dream about?

9. How do you understand "in seventh heaven"? When are you "in seventh heaven"?

10. List seven fairy tale characters that you like the most.

8 1. Imagine and draw 8.

2. What does this number look like?

3. Write this number ten times, underline the three most beautiful ones!

4. Why are there only eight in the world?

5. In the title of which fairy tales, films are there 8?

6. Write down proverbs, sayings, riddles, popular expressions with the number 8.

7. What is connected with this number in your life?

8. What do you think the number eight dreams of?

9. How do you understand the "eighth wonder of the world"? What are miracles on Earth for you?

10. List the eight most interesting animals in your opinion.

9 1. Imagine and draw 9.

2. What does this number look like?

3. Write this number ten times, underline the three most beautiful ones!

4. What is there only 9 in the world?

5. In the title of which fairy tales, films are there 9?

6. Write down proverbs, sayings, riddles, popular expressions with the number 9.

7. What is connected with this number in your life?

8. What do you think the nine dreams about?

9. What does the expression "for distant lands" mean? What do you think, what can be "beyond distant lands"?

10. List your 9 favorite items.

10 1. Imagine and draw 10.

2. What does this number look like?

3. Write this number ten times, underline the three most beautiful ones!

4. Why are there only ten in the world?

5. What fairy tales or films have 10 titles?

6. Write down proverbs, sayings, riddles, popular expressions with the number 10.

7. What is connected with this number in your life?

8. What do you think the numbers that make up the number ten dream of?

9. What gift would you like to receive for your first anniversary - 10 years?

10. Write down 10 people from the class with whom you are friends and would like to be friends?

Mathematical KVN Team View slide 2Mathematical relay. Examples for 4 teams are written on the board. Each student comes out and writes the answer. The team that decides faster and more correctly wins 2+9 48-40 55+5 16-8 70-50 9+8 Through the ages... The teacher makes a short introduction to this competition. He shows and talks briefly about the ancient number systems. After the story, he offers a task. In ancient times, there was no single counting system for all countries.
Some five hundred years ago there was no single account even in enlightened Europe, not to mention some Africa or America. But, nevertheless, people still wrote down the numbers somehow. Each nation had its own system of recording numbers or borrowed from a neighbor. Some used letters, others - icons, others - squiggles. Some were more comfortable, some not so much. Later, man learned to use symbols for different units of count. He would draw a dash or other mark for whatever he counted, but he still didn't have the words to represent the numbers. Even later, a person began to count with the help of fingers on his hand.
The counting system we use today was invented in India a thousand years ago. Arab merchants spread it throughout Europe by 900. This system used the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 0. This decimal system, built on the basis of ten. Since we have 10 fingers on our hands, this has led to the use of the number 10 in counting systems. Slavic Cyrillic decimal alphabetical numbering. slide 3 This numbering was created together with the Slavic alphabetic system for the translation of sacred biblical books for the Slavs by the Greek monks brothers Cyril and Methodius in the 9th century. This form of writing numbers was widely used due to the fact that it had a complete resemblance to the Greek notation of numbers. Until the 17th century, this form of writing numbers was official in the territory modern Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Hungary, Serbia and Croatia. Until now, Orthodox church books use this numbering. Ancient Chinese number system. slide 4 This system is one of the oldest and most progressive, since it contains the same principles as the modern “Arabic” system that we use. This system arose about 4,000 thousand years ago in China. Task: you need to translate numbers from ancient Chinese into modern Arabic and find the result. Each team receives a card with a record of mathematical expressions with ancient Chinese numbers. Mayan number system. slide 5 This system is very interesting because none of the civilizations of Europe and Asia influenced its development. This system was used for the calendar and astronomical observations. Its characteristic feature was the presence of zero (the image of a shell). The basis of this system was the number 20, although traces of the fivefold system are strongly visible. The first 19 numbers were obtained by combining dots (one) and dashes (five). Task: you need to translate numbers from the Mayan number system into modern Arabic and find the result. Each team receives a card with a record of mathematical expressions with ancient Chinese numbers. Roman numeral system. slide 6 This is the most famous system, after the "Arabic", it originated more than two and a half thousand years ago in ancient Rome. The numbers in this system, just like ours, were written from left to right, from largest to smallest. Roman numerals have been used for a very long time. Even 200 years ago in business papers numbers were supposed to be denoted by Roman numerals (it was believed that ordinary Arabic numerals were easy to fake). We encounter it quite often in Everyday life. These are the numbers of chapters in books, the indication of the century, the numbers on the clock face, etc. Task: you need to translate numbers from the Mayan number system into modern Arabic and find the result. Each team receives a card with a record of mathematical expressions with ancient Chinese numbers. New or Arabic numbering. Slide 7 The counting system we use today was invented in India a thousand years ago. This is the most common numbering today. The name "Arab" for her is not entirely correct, because although they brought her to Europe from the Arab countries, she was also not native there. Arab merchants spread it throughout Europe by 900. This system used the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 0. This is a decimal system built on top of ten. Since we have 10 fingers on our hands, this has led to the use of the number 10 in counting systems. The ancient image of decimal digits is not accidental: each digit denotes a number by the number of angles in it. For example, 0 means no corners, 1 means one corner, 2 means two corners, and so on. The spelling of decimal digits has undergone significant changes. The form we use was established in the 16th century. The most attentive. Slide 8 All teams simultaneously for 3 sec. a card or presentation slide is shown. Task: find the sum of the numbers. The card (screen) shows figures: a square, a circle and a triangle. They contain numbers, respectively: 7, 9, 3. Each team is given a blank sheet to answer questions. Then the answers are transferred to the jury members for verification (correct answer - one point) After viewing, the teacher asks next questions: - What is the number in the square?
What color is the circle drawn in?
- In which figure is the number 9 written?
- What is the last figure? - What is the biggest figure?

Logic endingsGeometric puzzles. Slide 9 On the screen or on the board, the teacher shows mathematical expressions made up of geometric shapes. Numbers are hidden in each figure: 0, 13, 3, 7. You need to distribute the numbers so that you get the correct equalities. Note: for identical figures - same numbers, have different - different. Interesting questions for captains. Competition for team captains. Each captain answers 2 questions. The questions are written on the cards, and the contestants draw the cards one by one and immediately answer them. 1. 16 pears ripened on a pear, and 3. how many pears ripened on a willow?
2. If it rains at 11 am, is it possible to have sunny weather in 24 hours? 3. Four people played dominoes for 20 minutes. How many minutes did each play? 4. The stick has 2 ends. If one is cut off, then how many ends will the stick have? 5. What is lighter than 1 kg of iron or 1 kg of cotton? 6. The girl has 5 apples. She ate all but 3. How many apples did she have left? 7. There are 4 corners in the room. There is a cat in every corner. Opposite each cat sits 3 cats. How many cats are in the room? 8. Six potatoes cooked in a saucepan in 30 minutes. How many minutes did one piece cook? Numerical pyramids. Slide 10 The conditions of this competition are as follows: having examined the first three numbers on the first pyramid, the children must understand the principle of forming the third number from the first two and continue recording. The third number is formed by adding the first two numbers, etc., the next number is formed by adding the two previous ones. The teacher formulates the first part of the sentence for each team in turn. 1. If the table is higher than the chair, then the table... 2. If the river is deeper than the brook, then the brook... 3. If 42 >41, then 41... 4 . If the sister is older than the brother, then the brother ... 5. If right hand on the right, then on the left.. 6. If Sasha left the house before Seryozha, then... 7. If the tiger is stronger than the wolf, then the wolf.. 8. If 1 segment is shorter than 2, then 2... Competition of artists. 1. Draw simultaneously with two hands: one is a circle, and the other is a rectangle. 2. At the command of the leader, draw a square with closed eyes, an oval in the middle, a triangle on the right.

For example, 3+4 = 7 4+7 =11 7+11 =18 11+18 =29 On the second pyramid, the third number is formed by subtracting 5 from the previous number. For example, 87-5 +82 82-5 = 77 77-5 =72 72-5 =67 Numbers in proverbs and sayings. The teacher gives each team a card with missing numbers in proverbs and sayings. For a certain time you need to insert the missing numbers. 1. _______ cut down a tree - plant ten.
2. _________ do not clap your hands. 3. The price for a braggart is _______ a penny. 4. Without _________ corners, the hut is not cut. 5. The horse about ___________ legs, and even then stumbles. 6. Don't have ________ rubles, but have ______ friends. Ode to mathematics. All team members have 2 minutes to come up with adjectives praising math, continuing the line Oh, math, you ... (entertaining, interesting, serious, developing ingenuity, beautiful, training the mind, necessary, difficult, fun, exciting, important, useful helping people, etc.) Then, in turn, the teams call the recorded words and the team that called the last word is considered the winner in this competition.

Literature: 1. Raitskaya G.V., Olympiad tasks in mathematics for students in grades 1-2, - Samara: Educational literature, 2009.

2. Melnikova T.A., Vinogradova E.A., Development logical thinking, - Volgograd: Teacher, 2009.

Mathematical project "number five in our life" MBOU Comprehensive school With. Talazhanka, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Kazachinsky District, 6th grade student Drigota Angelina

The history of occurrence 5 is a natural number between 4 and 6. The number 5 is a mirror omorglyph of the Burmese letter "U". The directory - the highest executive body of France in 1795-1799 - included 5 people. Number 5 corresponds to Sefira Rebur on the tree of life. 5 is the most creative number in spiritual numbering. This figure is translated from the language of numbers "The triumph of chaos"

Plan - survey 1 . Imagine and draw 5! 2. What does this number look like? 3. Write this number ten times, underline the three most beautiful ones! 4. Why are there only five in the world? 5. What fairy tales, films have 5 in the title? 6. Write down proverbs, sayings, riddles, popular expressions with the number 5. 7. What is connected with this number in your life? 8. What do you think the five dreams of? 9. How do you understand the expression “like the back of your hand”? What do you know "like the back of your hand"? 10. Write down the five people with whom you are the most friendly.

My introduction My name is Angelina Drigota. I like the number five. Five is the best grade in school. There are 5 smallest states in the world: the Vatican, Monaco, Nauru. Tuvalu, San Marino. 5 oceans: Atlantic, Indian, Arctic, Pacific, Southern. Number 5 in fairy tales: "Five from one pod", "Five children and magic"; in the films: "Fast and the Furious 5", "The Fifth Element", "Five Days to Midnight". Each person has five fingers and toes. I have five cousins, five girlfriends. I think that the five dreams that they would love and respect her more, write beautifully and that the children would study for one five. I understand the expression “like the back of my hand” as: to know all your duties, to know polite words, to know your address, etc. I know like the back of my hand, such as the multiplication table, my family, the way to school and home. I am friends in class with Oksana, Alice, Lyuba, Valera, Vitya Kozhevnikov.

Proverbs with the number 5 Know very well, thoroughly, thoroughly. The fifth wheel in the cart. Superfluous, unnecessary person in any business. Mad dog and five kilometers is not a circle. Look forward once, look back five times. Have at one's fingertips. (catch phrase) Like a dog's fifth leg. (catch phrase) Three altyns for bargaining, and five for debt. What a wise man needs six days to do, a cunning one will do in five. One hive is a beehive and five is an apiary. Five wolves are not as scary as a flattering villain. Forehead - four, and the fifth - God help! Two walked - they found five rubles, seven will go - how many will they find.

There is, friends, such a bird: if it sits on the page, I am very happy, and the whole family is with me (The five brothers are inseparable, they are never bored together. They work with a pen, a saw, a spoon, an ax. Five brothers have one job. "Two mothers have five sons, one name for all. As soon as she goes for a walk in the winter, the tenants move into the houses, and exactly five in each!. 5 fingers, like people's, but her fingers are without nails. 5 woolen bags - warm brothers in them. A flock of birds rests on five wires. In order not to freeze, five children sit in a knitted stove. Five steps - a ladder, on the steps - a song. God is not a fool, he loves a penny. Five brothers, five cousins, they each have five grandchildren ( fingers). He interceded, but he blew five rubles. God did not give a hundred rubles, and fifty is not money. Riddles

Thank you for your attention!

math project

"Number 5 in our life"

MBOU "Secondary school

With. Tavtimanovo" municipal district

Iglinsky district

4th grade student

Muftahova Diana


1. Imagine and draw 5!

2. What does this number look like?

3. Write this number ten times, underline the three most beautiful ones!

4. Why are there only five in the world?

5. What fairy tales, films have 5 in the title?

6. Write down proverbs, sayings, riddles, popular expressions with the number 5.

7. What is connected with this number in your life?

8. What do you think the five dreams of?

9. How do you understand the expression “like the back of your hand”? What do you know "like the back of your hand"?

10. Write down the five people with whom you are the most friendly.

My name is Diana Muftahova. I like the number five.

Five is the best grade in school. There are 5 smallest states in the world: the Vatican, Monaco, Nauru. Tuvalu, San Marino. 5 oceans: Atlantic, Indian, Arctic, Pacific, Southern. Number 5 in fairy tales: "Five from one pod", "Five children and magic"; in the films: "Fast and the Furious 5", "The Fifth Element", "Five Days to Midnight". Each person has five fingers and toes. I have five cousins, five girlfriends.

I think that the five dreams that they would love and respect her more, write beautifully and that the children would study for one five. I understand the expression “like the back of my hand” as: to know all your duties, to know polite words, to know your address, etc.

I know like the back of my hand, such as the multiplication table, my family, the way to school and home. I am friends in class with Masha, Ruslan, Sasha, Almira, Danil Ovechkin.

Like the back of my hand.

To know very well, thoroughly, thoroughly.

The fifth wheel in the cart.

Superfluous, unnecessary person in any business.

Mad dog and five kilometers is not a circle.

Look forward once, look back five times.

Have at one's fingertips. (popular expression)

Like a dog's fifth leg. (popular expression)

Bargaining for three altyns, and debt for five.

What a wise man needs six days to do, a cunning one will do in five.

One hive is a beehive and five is an apiary.

Five wolves are not as scary as a flattering villain.

Forehead - four, and the fifth - God help!

Two walked - they found five rubles, seven will go - how many will they find.

  1. There is, friends, such a bird: if it sits on the page, I am very happy, and the whole family is with me ( five).

  2. Five brothers are inseparable, they are never bored together. They work with a pen, a saw, a spoon, an ax (fingers).

  3. At five brothers one job (fingers).

  4. Two mothers have five sons, one name for all (fingers).

  5. As soon as she goes for a walk in the winter, the tenants move into the houses, and in each - exactly five! (gloves).

  6. 5 fingers, like people, but her fingers are without nails (gloves).

  7. 5 woolen bags - brothers are heated in them (gloves).

  8. On the five Seeing off, a flock of birds is resting (notes)

  9. In order not to freeze five the guys are sitting in a knitted stove (fingers in a mitten).

  10. Five steps - a ladder, on the steps - a song (notes).
God is not a fool, he loves a penny.

Five brothers, five cousins, they each have five grandchildren (fingers).

Stepped in, and knocked out five rubles.

God did not give a hundred rubles, and fifty is not money.

Defense of the project "Mathematics in our life"

At the beginning of the week, the teacher invites students to work on a creative project called Math in Our Lives. Each student chooses a number for a little research. To help, the teacher gives out a card with a work plan. The answers to the questions (proposed in the plan and supplemented independently) were drawn by the students, drawn with diagrams, written down in verses, rebuses, and riddles. And on Friday, everyone presented their creative work to the whole class.

Approximate work plan for the project "Mathematics in our life":

1 1. Imagine and draw 1.

2. What does this number look like?

3. Write this number ten times, underline the three most beautiful ones.

4. Why is there only one in the world?

5. In the title of which fairy tales, films is there 1?

6. Write down proverbs, sayings, riddles, popular expressions with the number 1.

8. What do you think the unit dreams about?

9. Why do you think a person has one tongue, but two ears and two eyes?

10. What events in a person's life happen only once?

2 1. Imagine and draw 2.

2. What does this number look like?

4. What are there only two in the world?

5. In the title of which fairy tales, films are there 2?

6. Write down proverbs, sayings, riddles, popular expressions with the number 2.

7. What is connected with this number in your life?

8. What do you think the deuce dreams about?

9. When people say "Two boots of steam" or "Like two drops of water"? Do you think friends should be "like two drops of water" and why?

10. What two character traits would you call your most important?

3 1. Imagine and draw 3.

2. What does this number look like?

3. Write this number ten times, underline the three most beautiful ones!

4. Why are there only three in the world?

5. In the title of which fairy tales, films are there 3?

6. Write down proverbs, sayings, riddles, popular expressions with the number 3.

7. What is connected with this number in your life?

8. What do you think the trio dream about?

9. What three qualities will help you solve any problem?

10. What does it mean to "get lost in the three pines"? Think of three ways to find your way if you get lost in the forest or in the city (your choice)?

4 1. Imagine and draw 4.

2. What does this number look like?

3. Write this number ten times, underline the three most beautiful ones!

4. Why are there only four in the world?

5. In the title of which fairy tales, films are there 4?

6. Write down proverbs, sayings, riddles, popular expressions with the number 4!

7. What is connected with this number in your life?

8. What do you think the four dreams about?

9. How do you understand the expression "on all four sides"?

10. Write down your 4 most cherished desires.

5 1. Imagine and draw 5!

2. What does this number look like?

3. Write this number ten times, underline the three most beautiful ones!

4. Why are there only five in the world?

5. What fairy tales, films have 5 in the title?

6. Write down proverbs, sayings, riddles, popular expressions with the number 5.

7. What is connected with this number in your life?

8. What do you think the five dreams of?

9. How do you understand the expression “like the back of your hand”? What do you know "like the back of your hand"?

10. Write down the five people with whom you are the most friendly in the class.

6 1. Imagine and draw 6.

2. What does this number look like?

3. Write this number ten times, underline the three most beautiful ones!

4. Why are there only six in the world?

5. In the title of which fairy tales, films are there 6?

6. Write down proverbs, sayings, riddles, popular expressions with the number 6.

7. What is connected with this number in your life?

8. What do you think the six dream about?

9. Remember the words from the song "Merry Company":

The beauty! The beauty!

We are taking our cat with us.

Chizhik, dog,


Monkey, parrot -

What a company!

How many members did the company have? Write down, and who would you like to have with you in a fun company?

10. List your six favorite treats.

7 1. Imagine and draw 7.

2. What does this number look like?

3. Write this number ten times, underline the three most beautiful ones!

4. Why are there only seven in the world?

5. In the title of which fairy tales, films are there 7?

6. Write down proverbs, sayings, riddles, popular expressions with the number 7!

7. What is connected with this number in your life?

8. What do you think the seven dream about?

9. How do you understand "in seventh heaven"? When are you "in seventh heaven"?

10. List seven fairy tale characters that you like the most.

8 1. Imagine and draw 8.

2. What does this number look like?

3. Write this number ten times, underline the three most beautiful ones!

4. Why are there only eight in the world?

5. In the title of which fairy tales, films are there 8?

6. Write down proverbs, sayings, riddles, popular expressions with the number 8.

7. What is connected with this number in your life?

8. What do you think the number eight dreams of?

9. How do you understand the "eighth wonder of the world"? What are miracles on Earth for you?

10. List the eight most interesting animals in your opinion.

9 1. Imagine and draw 9.

2. What does this number look like?

3. Write this number ten times, underline the three most beautiful ones!

4. What is there only 9 in the world?

5. In the title of which fairy tales, films are there 9?

6. Write down proverbs, sayings, riddles, popular expressions with the number 9.

7. What is connected with this number in your life?

8. What do you think the nine dreams about?

9. What does the expression "for distant lands" mean? What do you think, what can be "beyond distant lands"?

10. List your 9 favorite items.

10 1. Imagine and draw 10.

2. What does this number look like?

3. Write this number ten times, underline the three most beautiful ones!

4. Why are there only ten in the world?

5. What fairy tales or films have 10 titles?

6. Write down proverbs, sayings, riddles, popular expressions with the number 10.

7. What is connected with this number in your life?

8. What do you think the numbers that make up the number ten dream of?

9. What gift would you like to receive for your first anniversary - 10 years?

10. Write down 10 people from the class with whom you are friends and would like to be friends?