A pond of plastic bottles. Original pond made of plastic bottles

An original pond for a summer residence can be made from plastic bottles. In the photo you can see how this idea was implemented. The color of the bottles was originally white, they are from under drinking water.

The owners of the site decided not to dig a pit under the pond, but used raw materials that are usually thrown into the garbage. During the winter, plastic 1.5-liter bottles from drinking water accumulated. Ordinary transparent. Then, when spring came, and with it the summer season began, the bottles were cut off a third from the bottom, and from the inside they were spray-painted with blue paint.

Distributed on the site according to a pre-prepared template-perimeter of stones. The stones, by the way, are also painted white with spray paint. In addition, several artificial plants, flowers and herons were stuck into the "pond".

The result is always a beautiful pond, which in its originality is not inferior to natural counterparts. The idea will be of interest primarily to those who do not like unnecessary troubles, but at the same time want to make their dacha attractive and interesting in their own way.

Let's dilute plastic with life

Who dreams of a pond with water lilies the way I do? Here is a photo of a pond with these flowers. It's beautiful! Highly. I wish I could do something similar on my site.

Bottles can be reused not only for their intended purpose, but also for the manufacture of all kinds of crafts. The elements of landscape design made from bottles are in special demand.

These can be fences for flower beds, pots and flowerpots, lampshades, animal figurines, as well as decor for a garden or a pond.

On the water surface, handmade water lilies from plastic bottles will look unusual and elegant. Making them yourself will not be difficult, there would be a desire and a little skill!

Required materials and tools

To make a plastic water lily from used bottles, you will need:

  • three white plastic bottles - for petals (for example, containers for dairy products);
  • a yellow plastic bottle - the core and stamens of a flower (you can take a mustard bottle that matches the shape);
  • a five-liter bottle - a water lily leaf (a bottle of drinking water; later it turns green);
  • sharp scissors;
  • a candle (to melt the edges and give them a natural floral shape);
  • waterproof green paint (e.g. acrylic);
  • glue.

If you don't find a white bottle, you can take a transparent one and paint it

Also read about.

And how to make a pool from a tire, read.

DIY plastic bottle water lily step by step

Step 1

The neck of a yellow plastic bottle should be cut off. The rest of the plastic is used to make the stamens, which will be in the center of the flower.

Step 2

Now you can start decorating the core of the water lily. We fold our workpiece and carefully melt it over the candle fire. Do not bring the workpiece too close to the fire: even if you manage to avoid ignition and melting, the black soot on the yellow core will not add beauty to the craft.

If you did everything right, then the stamens will bend inward. We process the flower itself in the same way, making sure that the petals are bent in the right direction.

The stamens should bend when reflowed

Step 3

Using plastic glue, we connect the flower with the stamens. Our middle of the water lily is ready!

Step 4

Now let's start cutting out the rosette of our water lily.

To do this, we take white plastic bottles (if there are none, we will have to paint transparent ones), bend their corners and attach them to the neck of our flower. Secure the structure around the neck with glue for strength.

Make your child happy - do it.

Also see how to make a garden path with your own hands.

Step 5

We cut out the sheet on which our water lily will flaunt from the bottom of a large five-liter bottle. Its color does not matter, since you still have to paint it in rich green. It is better to apply the paint in two coats so that streaks are not noticeable.

You can cut a leaf for a water lily from a bottle of any color, and then paint it green

Glue the flower to the sheet.

Our original craft is ready, and now you know how to make an adorable water lily in a short time!

As you now know, decorating your garden with exquisite flowers is not difficult at all.

And all that is required is junk material and a little patience.

Plastic bottles can breathe a second life into the garden.

Plastic bottles are readily available and inexpensive. In addition to their direct purpose, there are many incredible options for their use. Plastic as a way of decoration came to the taste of those who like to build something with their own hands. And this is not surprising - the products made from it are quite durable, the bottle body bends without effort, the strength of the material is also pleasing. With your own hands and without any problems, you can make incredible crafts for a summer residence, a vegetable garden, a front garden and an ordinary living space. So, the main task is to collect as many multi-colored and different size plastic bottles as possible, and the rest is imagination.

Sun from bottles and tires

Wasps from plastic bottles

Peacock from plastic bottles

Wasp and flowers from bottles

Palm tree from plastic bottles instruction

It is important to know that most of the tree-related plastic bottle crafts follow a similar pattern. In work you will need - a plastic bottle, scissors, paint for plastic and wire. The palm is made using the middle and lower sections of the dark-colored bottles; it is advisable to make the foliage from green bottles. The next similar bottle is inserted into the cut-bottom plastic bottle until the desired height is formed. All elements are strung on a wire passing through the neck, the neck of a green bottle without a bottom is attached to the top. Further, strips of green plastic are cut in equal parts and tilted to the bottom, imitating palm foliage.

Palm tree with sharp plastic leaves

Bottle palms in the country

Bottle palm tree with even leaves

Simple palm tree made from plastic bottles

Thus, three or more palm trees, made from such an improvised material as plastic bottles, can decorate any suburban area and garden. This decor element will delight the eye all year round, rain, snow and wind are not afraid of it. If there is a baby in the house, do not forget to melt the cuts on the bottles. In addition, do not be afraid to involve the baby in joint work. Most likely, he will gladly respond to help.

Do-it-yourself original and bright flower beds in the garden from plastic bottles

It is very easy to create from plastic bottles for summer cottages and useful little things, and landscape works, including flower beds, gazebos, supports for greenhouses and sheds, frames for climbing plants, etc.

Flowerbeds made of plastic bottles are found quite often not only among amateur gardeners, but also just near high-rise buildings. To make a flower bed, you need to pick up plastic bottles of the same shape and color. If you have time and desire, you can decorate them with either one color or using a whole palette. To decorate the borders of the flower bed, it is enough to simply dig in containers around the perimeter to a sufficient depth. The result is an original fence.

Flowerbed sun with bumpers

Flowerbed or garden fencing

Making a flower bed from bottles

Flower bed decor from plastic bottles

Planters and pots for outdoor flowers from plastic bottles

Also, plastic bottles can be used as tabletop and hanging pots. If you cut off the bottom of the bottle, a cylindrical planter will come out, if you use the upper part, you will get a cone-shaped one. If you decorate such pots with colored corrugated paper, fabric, yarn, just decorate - an unforgettable element of the interior will appear. It will be easy to give a slightly warmed plastic to absolutely any shape, this makes it possible to create the most extraordinary flowers.

Planters from plastic bottles

Grass and bottle hedgehog

Flowerbed-swan from bottles

Reindeer team made of bottles and tires

And here is a video of ideas on how you can use bottles for garden decoration and in order to make it more functional:

A gazebo made of plastic bottles in the country - elegant and convenient

If there is a need to build a gazebo, support for climbing plants, greenhouses, you should stock up on a large number of identical plastic bottles, as well as patience, imaginative thinking and ingenuity. The gazebo is fastened with small screws. If whole containers are used, it is advisable to fill them with sand or earth in order to add reliability. If a frame is being made, do not overload it unnecessarily. Fabric or other lightweight protective fabrics attached to the bottle to decorate the side parts will look good.

House of bottles and wood

Plastic bottle canopy

Gazebo made of plastic bottles

House of cement and bottles

Decorative country curtains from plastic bottles

Curtains made of plastic bottles on windows or in doorways are an interesting design solution. To create them, you will have to take a large number of these same plastic bottles - in direct proportion to the size of the window (or doorways). The cut-off bottoms from the containers (of low height) must be connected together. As a fastener, fishing line or thin wire are suitable. An unusual composition of bottles will turn out if you take bottles of various sizes and colors. If there is a desire and time, an unforgettable sensation will be created by a curtain made of transparent identical bottles, painted with acrylics.

Decorative bottle curtains

Bottoms of bottles

Curtains in the bathroom from plastic bottles

Bottle bottoms curtains

DIY animals, birds and insects from plastic bottles

Not everyone is happy with real animals, birds and insects in the garden. Indeed, who will like it when a mole is digging in the garden, a live wolf or bear wanders, owls fly or mosquitoes and wasps attack. But bright handicrafts from bottles can easily decorate your summer cottage. More ideas for animals and birds from plastic bottles in this article.

Animals from plastic bottles with photo

Making crafts from bottles is not at all difficult, everyone can find material in any quantity, and multi-colored paints will give life to crafts. Therefore, the main problem that may arise before you is what exactly to do? Why not animals? Here are, for example, cats, mice and penguins made to decorate the site:

Piglet from plastic bottles - step by step instructions

The easiest way is to make various animals from plastic bottles. For example, you can make these bright pink piglets and put them in your garden for decoration:

All you need is either a large five-liter plastic bottle for the pig's body and a few regular bottles for the legs and ears. Here's how to do it:

After the pig is ready, all that remains is to paint it pink. You can do several different crafts. Here are a couple more photos:

Birds from bottles with their own hands

Maybe we can put some bird in the garden? Why not make funny crows and put them on a branch of an apple tree? Or make a penguin with a gorgeous tail that you can put in a clearing or under a tree. You can also make an owl and attach it to the fence or near the hollow of a tree in the garden, or yellow ducks with which you can decorate a pond, also made by hand.

Plastic bottle swan - simple instructions for making

And of course, the most popular bird, which is often made from bottles, is the gorgeous snow-white swan. There are several options. The simplest one is to paint the bottles white and stick their neck into the ground, forming the contour of the swan's body - at the same time it will be a fence for a miniature flower bed, inside which you can plant any colors. What else to make a fence for flower beds and beds - read the link. After that, it remains to make the neck and head of a swan - from the same bottles, from papier-mâché, corrugated pipe, plaster or other materials, and this is what we get:

But there are also more complex ways. For example, you can make a frame of the body of a swan, and on top of the feathers from plastic spoons - they are already white, so you don't even have to paint. Or cutting openwork feathers from bottles is long, dreary, difficult, but the result is really worth it, it's not a shame to send such a craft even to a competition. And do not forget to create a pair for the bird: you can make a white and a black swan.

And here is a video master class on how to make a stork out of bottles with your own hands:

Master class: wasp, ladybug and other animals from bottles

You can also make various insects from bottles, so do not rush to throw them away. During the winter, you can just collect enough material for summer crafts. The leader here, of course, is the ladybug. It is very easy to make it from the bottom of a plastic bottle, a step-by-step master class is not even required - just cut off the bottom, make a head with wire horns from caps or some kind of ball, paint it in red or any other color, draw dots and eyes - this is a craft and ready:

What else can you make a ladybug for garden decoration - read in this article. By the way, it is also easily made from plastic spoons - then you can decorate trees or a fence with them. Other insects that can be made from bottles are predatory wasps and bees, bright dragonflies or butterflies, which we will now tell you how to make.

Butterflies from plastic bottles: a master class for decorating a gazebo

Bright butterflies will decorate any room, they will look especially original on the gazebo. To make these insects, you should cut out the middle of the container of a plastic bottle (the color does not matter), make a blank of cardboard in the form of butterfly wings, attach it to the plastic and cut along the edges. Next, attach a wire to the bend line. Beads of various sizes will help to decorate the body of such a "gazebo dweller". Painting the wings of a butterfly with acrylic paints takes place according to the desired image. It is desirable that the color of the butterflies matches the color scheme of the resting place.

Butterflies from plastic bottles

Draw and cut out a butterfly

Creative butterflies

Go for the flowers of the butterflies

Figures of people from plastic bottles

If you are already comfortable with animals, let's go ahead and try to do something more difficult, for example, human figurines from bottles. For example, look at what a cute little negro came out of brown bottles, and how easy it is to do it:

By the way, negroes are a popular subject of plastic crafts. This is probably due to the fact that after winter many brown bottles accumulate, which can be used for crafts without even painting. Well, another option is garden gnomes, a man and a woman, which are also not at all difficult to make:

Flowers from plastic bottles with step by step instructions

Why not decorate your summer cottage with flowers? And not necessarily alive, although that would be a great option. But in additions, you can add various flowers from plastic bottles. For example, it's very easy to make poppies out of them - here's a quick step-by-step guide:

Actually, there are no special steps here - we cut off either the bottom or the neck, depending on what kind of flower you want to make, and form the petals with scissors. Next, paint with varnish or paint. We make a stem and leaves from green bottles, collect them with glue or wire into a single structure and "plant" flowers on a flower bed. In this way, you can make poppies and bells, daisies and gladioli, irises and roses, forget-me-nots, carnations, tulips and many other flowers that will not be difficult to recognize.

Unusual crafts for giving from plastic bottles

Flowers and insects, animals and birds, palms and gazebos - all these are popular ideas, but at the same time they are hackneyed. And if you want to stand out, you have to come up with something of yours. But you can make almost anything from this material. We have selected several non-standard options for you. Of course, you can use them, but the ideal would be to come up with something of your own. By the way, we personally really liked the bright yellow minions made from a whole bottle - despite the absolute simplicity of execution, it looks really unusual.

It's also a good idea for those who love winter more than summer - why not make such durable snowmen that will not only attract attention in summer, but also decorate your garden in winter?

And the most amusing thing that we managed to find: at the very beginning of the article, we said that you can easily make a gazebo out of bottles for summer relaxation in the garden. But this craftsman went further and made not only the gazebo itself, but all the furnishings in it exclusively from bottles. These are walls, armchairs with a coffee table, a curtain, and decorative elements. How do you like the idea?

Thus, there are a huge number of ideas for decoration. The main thing for their embodiment is desire and imagination, as well as the availability of plastic bottles. And from them, plugs almost always remain, which are most often not used in familiar crafts. But do not rush to throw it away, in the end we will tell you how you can decorate the cottage with the help of these same plugs. In the meantime, watch a video about the 5 most simple and easily implemented ideas on how you can use plastic bottles to decorate a summer cottage and a garden:

We decorate the dacha with crafts from bottle corks

And it is very simple to do this - we will lay out a mosaic out of multi-colored corks. These can be animals - below there is a ready-made scheme for a cat and a dog, flowers or any other drawing that comes to your mind. Or you can lay out a whole panel, as in the photo above. Of course, this will require a considerable amount of traffic jams. But the plus is that you can use ready-made embroidery patterns to calculate how many corks you need and what colors. You can decorate panels and mosaics from bottle corks in the country house walls of a house, the space around windows, a fence, a barn and any other horizontal and vertical surface. For example, why not make a doormat out of cork?

It would seem that a plastic bottle is such an ordinary thing, but once it was worth its weight in gold - our grandparents carefully folded precious containers on the balcony to use instead of a milk can or a jar for storing compote. Now PVC bottles are a dime a dozen, so mankind has become thoughtful, because soon, because of the plastic containers, there will be nowhere to step. How can we adapt all this abundance of plastic for the benefit of the business? Some of the most amazing ideas that exploit the costs of the food and chemical industries are floating islands and huge installations, residential buildings and energy-efficient systems made from many unnecessary plastic containers. We invite you to join the global plastic bottle boom. Evaluate the original crafts for the garden from waste packaging, which we offer you as an ideological base for further creativity on the way to creating an amazing and unusual country design.

A burning problem for all summer residents is the laying of a house and auxiliary buildings on a garden plot in a small area of ​​land and limited funds. In addition, the seasonal purpose of the dacha does not imply the construction of capital structures "for centuries."

So, an enterprising people decided to adapt a prosaic plastic bottle as a building material. The walls of houses, gazebos, greenhouses, and other garden structures are laid out traditionally - in a checkerboard pattern with the use of cement mortar, only unnecessary plastic containers filled with sand are used instead of bricks.

In maintaining such a not quite familiar eco-style, you can make a variety of crafts from bottles for the garden, so that the design of the site is decided in a unified manner. Let's take a closer look at how you can make your life simpler and more comfortable with PVC containers.

Country house

Despite the seeming simplicity of building a building from plastic containers, there are some nuances that you need to take into account if you decide to build a country house with your own hands. Here are a couple of helpful tips:

  • Lay a reinforcing mesh between the rows of masonry - the adhesion of the solution to the surface of the bottle will improve.
  • Do not forget that plastic does not come into contact with cement like brick, so make small holes in the container - this way the solution will begin to interact with the sand inside the bottle and the wall will become stronger.
  • In the process of masonry work, fix the bottles with rope or wire so that the rows do not move apart.

Please note that plastic tends to collapse under the influence of frost and heat, especially from temperature changes, so be prepared that after some time - 5-10 years, the walls of the building will begin a "countdown".

Using PVC bottles as a building material, you can build an economy house in the country

The cylindrical shape of plastic bottles allows you to build houses and gazebos, round in plan

In addition to the supporting structure of the house made of plastic containers, this versatile building material, as it turned out, can be used for roofing work. We offer you two roof options made of used PVC containers:

  1. Plastic roof tiles. For the manufacture of this simple roofing, it is necessary to compress plastic bottles. If this process is carried out without lightly heating the plastic, then the container will simply crack, so the easiest way is to put the raw material in the sun, and then flatten the containers. Installation of PVC modules is carried out with ordinary self-tapping screws to the frame with laying the material in several layers. From such a tile, you can easily form a cone-shaped roof for a gazebo or a bath.
  2. Plastic slate. It is quite easy to make something like a slate roof covering from the cylindrical part of a plastic bottle. To do this, it is necessary to cut off the bottom and neck from the container, cut the middle part of the container lengthwise and in half, connect the formed PVC elements with glue, forming a wavy surface.

If you decide to build a house of wood, brick, or there is already a residential building on your summer cottage, picking up a plastic bottle, show your imagination - decorate the facade with unusual decor made of plastic corks. A complex geometric ornament, a floral pattern or a little naive "cartoon" animals - choose for yourself any style that suits your spirit.

It is quite affordable to make a roof for a summer cottage out of plastic bottles - either in the form of tiles or in the likeness of slate

Bright plastic covers from used containers will give the facade of the country house an expressive flavor

The decor from bottle caps for the facade of the country house will give the building individuality

Gazebos, greenhouses, pergolas

The most rational use of plastic bottles for a garden is not only crafts designed to decorate it, but also more significant things, for example, greenhouses or. Why buy expensive polycarbonate for building a greenhouse if the PVC from which the container is made is practically the same material?

Why equip a greenhouse with glass that is even more expensive than laminated plastic if there are unnecessary bottles? By refracting the sun's rays, PVC containers perform the same tasks as glass with polycarbonate, moreover, it is the most economical option for building a greenhouse that you can find.

An economical option for arranging a gazebo or greenhouse in the country - building from plastic bottles

If you are bored with the traditional rectangular gazebo, make it in the form of a hemisphere using a metal frame and plastic bottles

Having built a frame of wood or metal, arm yourself with a red-hot knitting needle, drill or hammer with nails. One way is to make holes in the bottom and cork of the plastic bottle and put the plastic containers on a fishing line or wire, the length of which will be slightly longer than the height of the building. Pull the resulting elements and fix them on the cross members of the frame - this way you will form the walls of the greenhouse or gazebo. Additionally, you can fix the vertical modules in the transverse direction by tying the bottles within one row with wire. Using containers of different colors, try to create some kind of ornament - this way you diversify the colorless mass of walls made of transparent plastic.

What else can you build from plastic garden bottles? The most easily erected version of a small architectural form made of plastic bottles in the garden is a lightweight gazebo, which usually serves as a frame for climbing plants. However, despite the fact that in spring and summer the structure of the pergola will be hidden by weaving roses or ivy, in winter its frame will be bare and will not look very good. To avoid this phenomenon, you can refine the structure of the pergola with plastic bottles of a natural shade - brown or green. The brownish colors of PVC vaguely resemble wood, and the grassy ones will revive the look of the garden in the cold season.

Fences, barriers, gates

A lot of finances can be saved if you use plastic bottles to equip your garden fence. Using the same principle that was described in the construction of the gazebo, instead of corrugated board, netting or polycarbonate, use plastic containers to fill the space between the fence posts.

A little creativity and diligence - the border of your garden will become not only impassable, but also extravagant, attracting attention. If the fence has already been erected earlier, a floral decor made from plastic bottles will give it a new sound - the most natural option for a garden.

In support of summer cottages from plastic bottles, build a fence using the same containers for the integrity of landscape design

Multicolored flowers cut from plastic bottles will refresh and decorate an old fence or suburban building


The eternal problem of car owners is the allocation of space on a land plot for parking a car or several vehicles - bicycles, scooters or ATVs. The project of a compact private or country house does not always involve a room for a car, therefore, it becomes necessary to build a detached garage or shed. The construction of these structures is not cheap and many cannot afford, so there is a car under the scorching sun, open to winds, rain and snow. Ordinary plastic bottles come to the rescue in this situation - a waste, useless container, allowing you to experiment without fear, without fear of spoiling the building material. If something does not work out and the bottle becomes unusable, you can always take another one and not lose a penny at the same time.

The material on the options for arranging a parking lot for a car in the country will also be useful:

A carport made of plastic bottles will not only fulfill its direct function, but will also bring an original accent to the country landscape

So, from plastic bottles, you can form a plastic structure, unusual in its configuration and performing several functions at once - it will create a protective plane from precipitation, the sun and, at the same time, decorate your garden. There is nothing difficult in forming a canopy from bottles - it may well be made by hand.

First, through holes must be made in plastic containers, more precisely, it is best to burn them with a hot rod, and then put the bottles on a fishing line, rope or wire, connecting them in rows. The sequences of bottles are held together by perpendicular ties by means of one more pair of holes and the previously selected material for "stitching". Thus, a movable surface resembling a "bottle cloth" is obtained, which remains to be attached to a metal or wooden frame using suspensions of different lengths to create a wave-like effect.

It's important to know! Considering that a plastic bottle is a kind of lens that refracts light similarly to glass, it is advisable to paint over the bottom of the container in order to block direct sunlight.

Useful devices for the garden

solar collector

Surely you have come across the fact that there is no central water supply at the dacha, you did not have time to acquire a boiler, and after a hard day of caring for the garden, you so want to take not an ice shower, but wash yourself with warm water. We suggest you try to make a summer shower for your site with an energy-saving system - a solar collector made of PVC bottles. The principle of operation of such water heating is based on the so-called "thermosyphon" - denser hot water moves up, less dense cold water - down. The developer of the system, a Brazilian engineer who received a patent for his invention, claims that 1 m 2 of the solar panel will be enough for 1 person to bathe.

You can assemble a solar panel from plastic bottles and forget what ice water is in a summer shower.

Cold water coming from the tank to the solar collector returns back already heated

Consumables and tools for making a collector from plastic bottles:

  1. 2 liter plastic bottles - 60 pcs.;
  2. 1 liter milk cartons - 50 pcs.;
  3. PVC pipe 100 mm - 70 cm;
  4. PVC pipe 20 mm - 11.7 m;
  5. PVC corner 20 mm - 4 pcs.;
  6. Tee 20 mm PVC - 20 pcs.;
  7. Plugs 20 mm PVC - 2 pcs .;
  8. PVC glue;
  9. Matte black paint;
  10. Brush;
  11. Emery;
  12. Scotch;
  13. Rubber hammer, wood jigsaw.

Plastic bottles need to cut off the bottom and insert one into the other. 100mm PVC pipes are used to form a rectangular solar panel frame, 20mm pipes are cut into 10x1 m and 20x8.5 cm lengths and assembled into a single structure using tees. Meter pipe sections and milk bags are painted over with black paint, which are placed under the bottles to improve heat absorption.

Solar panels made of plastic bottles should be located at least 30 cm below the water storage tank on the south side of the wall or roof. To optimize heat absorption, the panels should be installed at an angle calculated as follows: add 10 ° to your latitude. It is recommended to replace the plastic bottles in the panels with new ones every 5 years, since after a while the plastic becomes opaque, and this reduces its thermal conductivity.

Another energy-saving idea “came” to us from hot Brazil called “1 liter of light”. The essence of this engineering thought in terms of how to illuminate a room without windows on a sunny day is striking in its simplicity - you just need to tightly integrate a plastic bottle into the roof - but not empty, but with water. It is water, refracting the rays of the sun, that will fill a room without natural light with bright light.

By typing in a plastic bottle of water and cutting it into the roof of the house, you will always have a bright source of light in rooms without natural light.

Growing and watering plants

Plastic bottles will be useful in the garden, not only for buildings or decor, but also directly in the cultivation of plants, flowers and vegetables. After cutting a hole in the container and filling it with earth, you can use plastic containers for growing seedlings. Just remember to drill holes in your new pots for drainage and worry about draining the water out.

Glue corks to a plastic bottle - you get funny little people instead of boring pots for growing seedlings

Containers for growing plants can be given a little flavor by painting them with stained glass paints or decorating them with bottle caps. If your summer cottage is small in size, try to create vertical landscaping - hang plastic pots from bottles on a fishing line under the wall. So you will decorate a dull, inexpressive plane and save space.

To create pots for seedlings and flowers, not only plastic bottles for drinks are suitable, but also multi-colored containers left after using household chemicals

Make multiple holes in a plastic bottle - this will allow you to get a drip irrigation device in the country

PVC bottles are also great for watering your garden, if you poke miniature holes in the bottom of the bottle and attach the container to a hose, you can make a good drip irrigation tool. Equipping a homebrew bottle water sprayer with wheels from an old baby car or stroller can help you move your sprinkler around your garden.

Furniture for garden and home

A lot of trouble for summer residents is the care of furniture in the garden house and on the street - the constant proximity to the ground negatively affects the appearance of sofas, beds and armchairs. Having built country furniture from plastic bottles, you will forget about what sloppy upholstery is, which is so difficult to put in order outside the city, far from service and dry cleaners. The containers and corks themselves are a unique material for making furniture with your own hands - durable and easy to clean.

From plastic bottles, you can assemble quite practical furniture for the garden and home.

Chairs and a side table made of plastic corks are an economical solution for outdoor furniture

A comfortable ottoman for giving will be made from unnecessary plastic containers, wrapped in parolon and covered with upholstery fabric

A couple of dozen plastic bottles, a metal frame - and a comfortable chair for a garden and a summer cottage in front of you

Garden Lights

Lighting fixtures for a garden plot are another expense column that summer residents often ignore. With a plastic bottle, the lighting problem is solved in a minute. Take a colored canister from household chemicals, cut off the neck and fill the cartridge with a light bulb inside - the lamp for giving is ready. Create a more complex shade configuration by deforming plastic bottles by heating, melting the edges and painting them in different colors. Original lamps made of PVC containers will perfectly replace industrial counterparts, as well as decorate your home and garden area.

To create an original design of lamps for a summer residence, it is enough to paint them with stained glass paints or deform a little

Plastic bottles can make unusual street lamps for summer cottages - both electric lamps and candles serve as a source of light in them.

Landscape decor from plastic bottles

When creating garden decorations from plastic bottles, everything is used - the entire container, the bottom and the neck, the middle part and cut out fragments, and corks are especially popular. They make a very expressive decor for the garden - paths and the design of empty planes of a house or a fence. Installations made of PVC containers - volumetric and plane figures of animals and plants - can become another unforgettable decoration of the site. Flowerbeds and borders limiting the planting of different types of flowers can be successfully made from the same plastic container. And so that your ears are always delighted with the singing of birds, hang feeders and drinkers for birds made with your own hands from PVC bottles on the trees.

Multi-colored corks from plastic bottles serve as an excellent material for creating flat compositions in the country landscape

Examples of flower beds

Without a doubt, the main decoration of a summer cottage is flowers formed into flower beds or growing in a picturesque disorder. A special "cut" of the flowerbed is given by low borders that outline its shape and give the flower arrangement a completeness.

In the absence of a stone or brick, traditionally used to form a border, bury plastic bottles with the neck down along the border of the flower bed - you will get an uncomplicated fence for flower planting. A good solution for the shady areas of the garden, where nothing wants to grow - original PVC flower beds of containers, various in shape and color.

Decorate shady or boggy areas of the garden with a flower bed made of plastic bottles

A small flower bed in the form of a ladybug looks bright and unusual

Green plastic bottles are perfect when shaping a border for a flower bed

Garden paths

The issue of laying garden paths is always difficult - you need to strengthen the soil and buy decorative material - as a result, a considerable amount is obtained. And I don't want to walk in the mud so much. While you are accumulating money and looking closely at the coverage for the tracks, we offer you a temporary option for arranging them with minimal costs. Fill the paths in the country with a thin layer of cement mortar and immerse the caps from plastic bottles in it - due to corrugation along the side plane, they will be well fixed in the building mixture.

A prosaic cement walkway can be transformed into a painting thanks to the multi-colored plastic covers

Decorative installations

A fairly popular direction for decorating a garden landscape is the creation of volumetric installations from various materials at hand, including plastic containers. However, what is needed here is not any skill and patience, because it is necessary to lay out either whole containers or parts cut from them according to a certain scheme.

The most expressive decor for a garden landscape - volumetric installations from plastic bottles

We suggest you make a not very complicated installation from plastic bottles in the form of a Christmas tree in the country. Although the New Year is still far away, as they say, prepare the sleigh in the summer - think in advance about. Of course, the tree is the main attribute of the winter holiday, without which it is impossible to create a truly upbeat, New Year's atmosphere. What if there are no coniferous trees on your site, and you do not welcome traditional logging on the eve of the New Year? An excellent solution for its simplicity and environmental friendliness is the creation of a Christmas tree from plastic bottles.

The basis of such a composition is a rigid rod, to which the bottles can be hung or put on a wire and twisted, create tiers from circles, tie or install auxiliary supports and form a hipped tree shape.

It is not necessary to make a Christmas tree from plastic bottles of a standard green color - it can be assembled from containers in any shades

Whole plastic bottles, bottoms, and cut parts of the container will also be used. The bottles themselves can be deformed, melted, painted in unusual colors - in general, there is a place for imagination and ingenuity to roam. Do not discount bottle caps either - they will make unusual garlands and miniature decor.

By the way, the tree does not have to be hidden or dismantled for the summer season - if you choose a cone-shaped tree, then the internal space of the structure will serve you on hot days as a gazebo or become a place for children's games. It is possible to make a miniature Christmas tree for the house from the green bottles from the sprite that have served their time; it is enough just to cut the curved planes of the plastic container into "noodles" and stick them on the base.

Bird feeders and nests

One of the types of garden decor that combines many functions - feeders, nests and drinkers for birds. A lovingly made feeder and a garden will decorate, and the birds will attract - they will repay you for the good with cheerful chirping, destroying at the same time garden pests.

Create nests, drinkers and bird feeders from plastic bottles and paint them in natural colors

Bird nests and feeders will be a useful decoration for your garden

Decor for the country interior

In addition to garden decor, a plastic bottle is good for creating extravagant interior decoration of a country house. Bright panels for walls and furniture, partitions and screens, even curtains - you can easily make all this yourself from PVC containers. Such home decorations look quite original and original, at least you will not see anything like that in anyone else. Putting your soul into decorating a country house, you will enjoy both the creative process and the results of your imagination, combined with skill.

By cutting off the bottoms of transparent plastic bottles and connecting them with a thin wire, you will get air screens for dividing the space of the country house

The rainbow curtain for the front door is assembled from ordinary bottle caps and looks very original

Plastic bottle caps will help you to paint the interior of a country house in all shades of the rainbow.

Entertainment, recreation, games in the country


Playgrounds on a land plot are not only a pleasant thing for organizing leisure, they are also a certain element of garden decor. Bright swings and slides, mini golf courses and fabulous houses will create a pleasant atmosphere for a child's stay in the country.

Plastic bottles will help to separate the area for children's games, as well as serve as a base for creating interesting toys.

Set up a croquet field in your country house, and make the gate out of plastic bottles

Boats and watercraft

Surely there is a river flowing near your garden plot or there is a lake. If this is the case, then your vacation on the shore of the reservoir will become more exciting if you have a means of transportation on the water. Getting to a deserted island, going on a boat trip or fishing - it couldn't be easier when you have a boat. You can easily build this simple transport from plastic bottles.

A narrow boat in the likeness of Indian pies with a capacity of 1-2 people or more capital boat for 3-4 passengers - there are a lot of options. The simplest watercraft is a rectangular raft, from which it is convenient to fish, having sailed a little from the shore.

Plastic bottles will make a boat or raft quite stable on water

To make a boat in the form of a kayak, cut the bottom of the bottles, thread one into the other one after another and form something like long tubes. Glue the joints with furniture tape - it is wide and will not come off in contact with water. From separate tubes, connecting them together, glue the sides and bottom of the boat with the same adhesive tape to get a wedge-shaped shape. It is important to correctly calculate the ratio of the vessel's width to its height - trial launches and a little engineering thought will help you to turn a mountain of unnecessary containers into a useful thing.

A non-trivial approach to decorating a pond in the country - delicate daisies from bottles on the surface of the water

A more complex design for a boat for the whole family, which involves the connection of vertically standing bottles in two rows and additional sealing of the hull with bags. Nothing prevents you from installing a motor on the boat, which will significantly improve its driving performance and range. So, using the unsinkable properties of plastic bottles, from which, by the way, whole islands are built in Japan and Taiwan, you can surf the surrounding water bodies with a breeze and comfort.

Haven't you got the idea of ​​the plastic boom yet? Do something extraordinary for your garden and before you have time to look back, you will immediately join the ranks of the fans of the plastic bottle.

It would be nice, of course, to have a beautiful lake with white and black swans on your site. On a quiet warm evening, you can turn on the lighting, Tchaikovsky's music…. However, they say that it is better to have a titmouse in your hands than a pie in the sky. This also applies to the swan, so that with a certain diligence with your own hands from plastic bottles, you can create an almost living proud bird in your garden.

All sorts of different swans from plastic bottles

Let's make a reservation that we have already touched on this topic.

In the photo below you can see how a swan-flower pot is created from a five-liter container using plaster.

I must admit that there are many options for assembling a swan from plastic bottles. As soon as you get down to work, then do something in your own way, and you get another performance. Below we will look at four typical designs. There is no dispute about tastes, and you will choose what you like best. We will discuss the features of each proposal and give master classes for their manufacture.

Three options for a snow-white bird

Most of all I liked the option with the use of plywood

First of all, I would like to tell you about the most interesting. The swan figurine below is made with plywood and white plastic bottles. It is convenient to fix the plumage of a bird made of plastic on a flat sheet. Little material is required. The graceful and thin neck is well reflected by the plywood sheet. The swan's body takes on a volumetric shape.

In general, an elegant craft is created quickly and easily. The step-by-step instructions are as follows:

Light and airy bird using plastic wrap

A proud bird for the garden can be assembled from a five-liter eggplant and plastic wrap. The appearance of such a craft, of course, attracts attention.

Consider the master class step by step:

  1. Two holes are made in the bottom and cork of the container and a wire is threaded through, as can be seen in the image below. The wire will provide a skeleton for the neck and tail of the craft. In the bottle, you can cut a window through which you will be able to guide the wire inside the case by hand.
  2. The container is punched in front and back to give the bird a smooth outline. The required shape is fixed with tape.

  3. Next, we need an isolon. If there is no ready-made strip, you can cut strips about 7 cm wide from a material with a thickness of 3-10 mm.

    The entire workpiece is wrapped with an isolon tape. The material is fixed with tape. The latter helps to smooth out the irregularities of the isolon. Several layers of isolon are required to form the bird's head.

  4. Now you need to prepare a plastic tape to simulate the plumage of a bird. For this, tapes with a width of 70 mm are cut from a film with a thickness of 100-150 µm. The strips are cut across to a depth of 50mm with a step of 5-10mm. It is convenient to fold the film in several layers to speed up the work.

  5. The tail, body and neck of the bird are wrapped with a prepared tape. Each turn of the film is fixed with narrow tape. The next layer is shifted by 20mm relative to the previous one.

  6. It is convenient to make the eyes of a bird from black buttons. They are sewn to the head in the right place.
  7. A good beak comes from a red marker. Several short longitudinal slots are made on the body of the marker to form a wide part of the beak. The marker is placed on the wire of the frame. The swan is ready!

Metal mesh and tire for large swan

You will get a large bird if you use a car tire and mesh as a supporting structure. The tire can be buried halfway in the ground, or it can be cut in half. In the latter case, the craft can change its placement. You can hide it for the winter. The neck is made of wire, on which the corrugated hose is put on. The rubber of the wheel and the plastic of the hose must be primed for the paint to adhere properly.

The bird's head is made of foam. The workpiece is sanded with sandpaper, putty and painted. Better to use water-based putty and paints that won't ruin the styrofoam.

The bird's two wings are made of plastic feathers attached to a mesh frame. Feathers can be shaped as shown below. They are attached to the mesh with pieces of thin copper wire through holes in the workpieces. The fenders are attached to the tire with wire.

As you can see from the picture below, the mesh is cut out in the form of an oval with jagged edges. A galvanized welded mesh with a mesh of 20x20mm is well suited.

The front side of the wing looks pretty decent. We make two wings.

As you can see in the picture below, the fenders can be reinforced with thick wire supports at some distance from the tire. You will get a large and voluminous swan with spread wings. However, the craft does not have the best appearance from the back and you will have to find an appropriate location for it in the garden.

In this arrangement, two car tires are required. In addition to the wings, the tail must be made using the same technology.

A lot of bottles, a lot of work - and you get an almost live bird

"Delicious on the third." Finally, let's take a look at the fourth option, which looks great. However, it will take a lot of packaging and even more patience when making the craft.

Master class for making a swan from plastic bottles:

  1. We make a blank from a five-liter eggplant and wire with a diameter of 3 mm. In the bottom and cork of the bottle we pierce holes opposite each other. The container can be cut to straighten the wire from the inside.

  2. To make a bird's head, take a white bottle with a narrow neck. Cut off the bottom and cut it lengthwise in 5mm increments, as shown below.

  3. We make the beak from a red cap and a cap from construction sealant. Cut a hole in the cork and insert the red cap into it.

  4. Draw the eyes with a black marker. The tapering of the head will form on the narrower part of the neck detail, which is shown separately. During assembly, an elastic band for money is first put on the neck, which is then changed to fishing line. It is better to melt the edges of the fishing line with a match so that the knot does not come loose.

  5. We make the details of the neck as in the photo. They may have slightly different sizes, which is normal for different locations.

  6. The image below illustrates how the neck and head details will be set. For the final attachment of the head, a copper wire bent in half clings to the upper part of the frame wire. Then the beak is screwed together and the copper wire is threaded through the head. A thin wire is folded over and wrapped around the bottle neck thread. The beak is wrapped again.

  7. So that the parts on the neck are evenly spaced and form a smooth bend of the neck, isolon must be wound around the wire. The latter is fixed with tape. Instead of isolon, you can use bottle caps with holes.
  8. To fasten the "fur coat" of the swan on the body of the workpiece, pull the stocking. We put an isolon on the bird's chest to organize a convex shape. Tie the stocking with twine.

    It shouldn't sag!

  9. To make the tail feathers, we cut out the parts shown below. We make holes through which we sew the details to the stocking.

  10. The image below shows how to mount the tail pieces.

  11. The bottom curve of the tail covers the specially shaped element.

  12. The bird's body is sequentially sheathed with the details shown below. In places of bends, it is convenient to use separate ovals. The wings located on the sides are cut from the side with a step of 3-5mm. The accuracy of the work determines the type of future craft.

We have completed our consideration of the various options for making a white swan for the garden. If you do not limit your imagination, you can build both very simple and quite complex beautiful bird crafts.