How to remove page numbers in MS Word. Remove page numbering in Word

Earlier we talked about how you can number pages in Word, now we want to consider the reverse process. Yes, yes, from this article you will learn how pagination is removed in Word 2016. In fact, the instruction is also suitable for earlier versions - only the program interface is slightly different - elements can be located on the same tab, but in a different place, so you shouldn't have any problems.

At Microsoft programs Office Word is quite extensive functionality. Unfortunately, almost no one takes the time to study it. But in vain. Thanks to certain capabilities, it is possible to automate some processes - for example, to form headings in automatic mode.

How to remove pagination in Word 2007/2010/2013

Since the 2007 version, there are two ways to remove pagination.
The first is to use a special function, which is located in the "Insert" tab. Let's start with it:

As you can see, there is nothing complicated - only four actions and exactly the same number of clicks to remove pagination in Microsoft Word.

Manual removal of page numbering in Word

If you still need numbering on certain pages, you can leave it. How?

Let's figure it out:
1. Go up (or down) the page whose number we want to delete;

2. Double-click on the number with the left mouse button, after which the window for editing the header and footer opens (in our case, the top one, because the numbering is located on top);

3. Now we just delete the number, like plain text and click on the button "Close header and footer window" or press "ESC" on the keyboard;

4. Done, the page number is removed - the same procedure must be carried out on all pages where the numbering should not be displayed.

In case you mistakenly deleted the number on the wrong page, you can restore it in the same way - by double-clicking on the page where it was located and simply enter it as plain text.

If your document consists of several sections and subsections, you will have to repeat the procedure for each individual section. The fact is that deleting the numbering in the first section does not in any way affect the second and other sections - keep this in mind so as not to return to editing the document again.

Otherwise, there really is nothing complicated. Remember how to remove page numbering in Word so that you can do it all automatically in the future, and not using instructions on sites. This way you can save valuable time.

Word has long been a leader in the ranking of the most popular and popular text editors for various operating systems. The popularity is due to the combination of an intuitive interface and advanced functionality, the daily work with which can cause some questions and difficulties. After analyzing the most popular calls to the support service, “How to remove the page number from the title page in Word?” is the most difficult problem for ordinary users.

Not surprisingly, a student completing a test paper, an office worker, or an ordinary PC user may encounter a problem. We will consider ways to resolve the issue on different versions of the software.

"How do I remove the page number from the title page?" is a common question among users who urgently need to submit a document with strictly regulated formatting rules. Consider the procedure using Word 2016 as an example:

The above method is not suitable for all cases and is applied immediately after automatic installation. If the numbering has already been automatically set, you will need to slightly change the algorithm of actions:

  • After activating the "Special Header" function, proceed to setting up a specific area;
  • Click 2 times on the area of ​​the displayed page, after which the header will automatically be highlighted;
  • V manual mode delete desired number and exit edit mode.

Modern versions of the text editor allow you to open this settings menu by double-clicking in the numbering zone. The next steps are the same as above.

Delete in Word 2007-2016

The word processor began to be developed in 1983, and the first version was released in 1989. Since then, the program began to receive active updates that significantly affect the functionality. Today, on some office computers, you can still see actively used versions of 2003. When considering how to remove page numbering in Word from the title page and content, it is worth paying attention to each specific version software.

The Word generation up to 2007 version works with this action through the "File" tab, where it is necessary:

  1. Find the "Page Setup" section and go to the "Paper Source" setting;
  2. Open the menu "Distinguish headers and footers";
  3. Put a marker near the item "First page".

Now the first sheet will be automatically deleted and the numbering will start from 2. Manual editing will also become available.

Considering how to remove the page number from the title page in Word 2010, you can stumble upon the following solution - the 2010, 2011 and 2013 software also received a change in the page editing order. Here you should follow the following procedure:

  • Go to the "View" menu;
  • Find "Page Layout";
  • Go to the "Document Elements" tab, "Headers and Footers", activate the "Page" button;
  • Install individual parameters settings and save changes.

How to remove page number in Word

Having received an answer to the question “How to remove the numbering from the title page?”, You can proceed to study the process of editing the header and footer on any other page. As mentioned earlier, working with modern versions of the software, it will be enough to click on the automatically set page number several times, after which you will be able to edit or delete it.

In other cases, it will be enough to activate the display of the header and manually delete the required page. Process for different versions MS Word is described in the sections above. Inventive users have come up with another way to get rid of the annoying number. Although it cannot be considered correct and if it is necessary to send the source file for verification, it will not be counted, the method is quite interesting and can be used in some cases:

  1. Find the "Insert" item in the ribbon, click on it;
  2. In the drop-down menu, find the "Shapes" section;
  3. Here it will be enough for you to select a rectangle white color and delete the outline;
  4. Move the figure to the number you want to delete;
  5. Save the file and send it to print.

Such a tricky way allows you to remove an extra element without unnecessary intervention in the structure of the document.

Working with Word Online

The online version of the popular text editor not only receives all the latest updates, but also allows you to quickly edit a document from a variety of devices.

Cross-platform simplifies work and allows you to work on one document collectively. The number deletion process is performed here in a similar way to MS Word 2016. Action may vary mobile application which necessitates further study of this issue. The browser version is available for everyday use for free, and the basic amount of cloud file storage is enough to create many text documents. These files can be synchronized between various types devices, which allows you not to be distracted from the workflow.

Not every document needs page numbering. Therefore, when typed text falls into the hands of users, many of them begin to be interested in the question: how to remove pagination in Word.

There is nothing difficult in this. And after reading this article, you can be convinced of this.

Usually, page numbers are placed in the header and footer area. Therefore, to remove the page numbering in Word, you need to switch to the header and footer editing mode.

If the document is numbered at the top or bottom of the page, hover over the page number to make it look like an arrow and double-click on it with the left mouse button. The header and footer area will be bounded by a blue dotted line with an inscription on the left side: "Page header" or "Footer".

Highlight the page number and press the "Delete" or "Backspace" button on the keyboard.

If the numbering in the document is placed in the margins of the pages, then clicking on it will not switch you to the header and footer editing mode. To remove this type of numbering, open the "Insert" tab and click on the button "Page header" or "Footer". Choose from drop down menu "Change footer".

The header and footer editing mode will open. Select with the mouse the area that limits the page number, and click "Delete" or "Backspace".

To exit the header and footer editing mode and return to working with text, double-click on the text with the left mouse button.

There is another way to help remove automatic page numbering in a document. To do this, open the "Insert" tab and in the "Headers and Footers" group, click on the button "Page number". Next, from the drop-down menu, select "Remove page numbers".

Page numbers in a document placed at the top, bottom, or page margins will be deleted.

In order to remove the numbering from the first two pages in Word, do the following. Switch to the header and footer editing mode: double-click on the number at the top or bottom of the page. More on the tab "Working with footers"- "Designer" check the box "Special header for the first page". Exit header and footer editing mode.

After that, place the cursor at the end of the text on the first page of the document. Go to the tab "Page layout"– "Breaks" and select from the menu "Next page".

As a result, the numbering from the second page in the Word will be removed.

Now you should not have questions about how to remove pagination in Word 2007, Word 2010 and later. In addition, we figured out how to remove the numbering from the first page or from the first two pages in a document.

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Renowned editor from Microsoft Automatically puts down page numbers to make it easier for the reader or author to find the right place in the document. Sometimes, according to the requirements for the file, it is necessary to remove the numbering, you can do this in several ways, which differ slightly depending on the year of release of Word.

How to remove page numbers in Word

In most cases, the work will be numbered in the header and footer area, which is not part of the general content of the page. At different parameters section settings, numbers can be in the lower or upper zone. The easiest way is to remove the numbering using the section for working with headers and footers from the edit mode. You can do this in the following way:

  • move the mouse cursor over the number;
  • double-click with the mouse button (left);
  • A blue dotted line appears around the header area and either Bottom or Top appears.
  • after that, you can edit the content.

Page numbers in Word 2007 and older can be removed in two ways. The first is using the Insert menu. When you go to a subsection of this item, you will have the opportunity to edit the entire file at once, to make sure that the pages are no longer numbered. The second method involves manual editing. You can go to any part of the Word document and change all the elements in the workspace.

Pagination in Word 2003 is also editable, but the path to the tools is somewhat different. In this version, changes are made through the "View" tab, where the section for editing headers and footers is located. You can also remove numbers from the editing mode, which can be accessed by double-clicking on the numbering. After closing the tool, changes to the headers and footers will take effect.

How to remove page numbers in Word throughout a document

You can use two simple ways How to remove pagination in Word. This is much easier to do for the entire file. For the first option:

  1. Double click on any document number.
  2. Press the Del or Backspace button.
  3. Numbers will disappear from all work.

If the file is divided into several sections, then this procedure is necessary for each. The second option for clearing numbered sheets is the editing tool. For this:

  1. Go to the "Insert" tab.
  2. Select "Page Numbers".
  3. At the bottom of the menu, click on the line "Remove page numbers."

If you are using the 2003 version of the program, then you should look not for the "Insert" item, but for the "View" tab. Everything necessary actions should be carried out through the "Headers and footers" section. There are all the necessary settings for editing. The method of double-clicking on a number is equally relevant for all versions of the Microdoft Word program; it removes the numbering from the entire file.

How to remove the page number from the title page

In some requirements for scientific or artistic works, it is necessary to start counting the document from the second sheet. You can use one of the options for this, how to remove the numbering from the first page in a Word document. Below is an example of how to do this for the 2010 version of the editor. Instructions:

  1. Open the file for which sheets should start numbering from the content.
  2. Locate the "Insert" tab on the top menu toolbar.
  3. Click the Page Number section.
  4. A window will open where you can specify where the line numbers will appear (bottom, top). Choose any option.
  5. Next, you will need to select a numbering type.
  6. The numbers will appear immediately in the entire file and now it will be necessary to remove the number from the sheet at number one.
  7. On the top menu bar, find the item "Working with headers and footers" and click on the "Designer" section.
  8. Put a bird in front of the line "Special for the first page."
  9. Go to the beginning of the file, you will see that the name "Header of the first page" has become highlighted at the top.
  10. Highlight and delete the number.

How to remove numbering in Word for a specific page

Sometimes it is necessary to make a part of the file begin to be numbered again. To do this, you should know how to remove pagination in Word in one or more places. You will need to take several steps to prepare. To remove a number in only one place:

  1. Before the text, where there should not be numbering, you must set a section break.
  2. Place the cursor at the end of the previous sheet.
  3. Click on the "Insert" section, click on "Break".
  4. In the window that appears, activate the items "New Section" and the line "From the next page."
  5. Place the cursor on the text where numbering is not needed.
  6. Click on the menu item "File" and select the line "Options ...".
  7. Click on "Paper Source".
  8. Find the "First Page" item and check the box next to it. This will remove the number from the selected section of text.

This method can be used required amount times throughout the text. If it is necessary that the numbers disappear immediately from two sheets of the file, then indicate the beginning of putting numbers from 0. The editor will not write "0" and leave the field empty. So it turns out two sheets from the file will be without numbers. For convenience, it is better to carry out the necessary settings at the beginning of work on the file so that they work correctly and there is a minimum number of errors.

Video: how to remove pagination in Word 2013

Sometimes, when working with documents, the user has a question about how to remove page numbers in Word.

Most often, we are talking about the beginning and end of the text - the title page and a place for reviews, signatures or seals, although there may be other options.

There are several basic rules for removing unnecessary numbering that everyone working in a Microsoft text editor should know.

A document created and already saved by the user or another person may contain page numbers that are not needed either in word processing or in printing.

Removing them from the text or even deleting a page is not difficult, although there are certain nuances associated with using different versions of Word, from 2003 to 2013.

For older versions

For Word version 2003 or earlier, you must first open the "View" menu, then the "Headers and Footers" command and go to the corresponding menu.

Now, if the sheet number is at the top, the transition will take place automatically.

With the bottom (most common) placement of numbers, you will have to navigate using the Header / Footer icon.

The same method is suitable for removing any other headers and footers (signatures, company logos, etc.).

For Microsoft Word 2007

In the menus of modern Word editors 2007, 2010 and 2013, the mechanism for deleting numbers is simpler.

The necessary icons are located on the "Insert" tab - at the bottom of the "Page Number" menu. Here is the command to remove the numbering.

With its help, just one click ensures the removal of numbers from each sheet of the document.

For any version of Microsoft Word

You can simplify your work and not pay attention to which version of Word you have to use if you delete the number from the first to the last page with just a couple of clicks of the left mouse button.

To do this, you will have to gently click on the place where the number is located and first select the header (the menu of the same name may appear), then the number, and erase.

If a frame doesn't appear when you try to select a header or footer, then you clicked in the wrong place. The same goes for numbers.

For first and title pages

Most often, the first sheet numbers are deleted in the document, since they are not used for the title either for the thesis or in other important documents.

There is, of course, an option to create a separate cover page, but it is used only by users who are unfamiliar with the following technique:

  • open the document, go to the "File" menu;
  • select the "Page Options" item;
  • open the "Paper Source" tab and here tick off a separate numbering for the first page.

Now the number of the title or just the first page is not visible. And the sheets, starting from the second, remain numbered.

When using Word 2010, the same steps are taken, except that desired command look not in the "File" menu, but on the "Page Layout" tab.

If you know that the number of the first sheet will not be needed, you can reduce the time and not set it initially.

To do this, when setting the numbering, uncheck the box “Number on the first page”.

  • Press the "Format Page Number" button;
  • When the command "start at" is selected, the value "zero" is set.
  • The difference for Word 2013 or 2007 is that the command is selected not on the top panel, but in the Insert / Headers and Footers tab.

    Now the first sheet is not included in the numbering. Doing the same with the second sheet in the same way will not work.

    Although the rules of the document usually do not impose special requirements on the second and third sheets.