In which city is the terracotta army. Terracotta Army Emperor Qin Shihandei

"Mash - you can't take anything with you" - reads folk wisdom. But the first Chinese emperor did not think so, he intended to carry everything that was possible. Even the army

In March 1974, in the province of Shaanxi, one and a half kilometers from the majestic Kurgan ancient chinese emperor Qin Shihuandi, local peasants dug well. I was looking for water, and found clay head and torso in full size. Later, archaeologists removed from the ground and gathered hundreds of statues of terracotta warriors and horses. The clay army of the age of over 2200 was asked by a new miracle of the world, after which her soldiers "traveled" polim, attracting in museums, where the record number of visitors was exhibited. In 2006, they even "went on stage" the New York Metropolitan Opera as a scenery in opera Tan Dunya "First Emperor". Qin Shihuangi Party, on the orders of which was created Terracotta Army, played the famous tenor Placido Domingo.

Rules in the III century BC e. China's first united (adopted by the results of the conquests of the name Qin Shihuandi and translates - "The first heavenly ruler from the house of Qin") did not want to die desperately. Ancient Chinese historian Syma Qian wrote that the emperor repeatedly guided the subjects to find a drug, giving eternal life, and did not endure conversations about death. However, the ruler took care of the fact that I don't need anything if you still have to go to afterworld. Qin Shihuandei took with her the "Layouts" of his empire and palace, statues of officials, artists, servants. And the thousands of terracotta soldiers and officers.

Perfect state

The burial of the first emperor is located on Fengshui: according to this teaching, bury, how and settle, you need where the energy of qi is delayed, that is, between the mountains and water

Terracotta Army

Palace. Ruins on upper level The inner city is the remains of the palace that is not used for ceremonies, but for pirms and recreation. Such palaces were often built in the ancient Chinese burial complexes.

Rest of houses of caretaker. Officials lived here, whose duty was maintained in the funeral complex.

Chariots. In the square pit, two bronze chariots were found with four horses - open battle (in battle were the forefront of the Qin Army) and equipped with a closed cabin (probably for inspection trips around the country). Chariots and horses twice as fewer genuine.

"Pond". The clay figures of the servants, musicians, as well as bronze statues of birds living near the water: cranes (an ancient Chinese symbol of longevity), geese and swans.

Mound. Under it are the tomb of Qin Shihuandi and the underground palace. That in them, while the secret remains: the authorities do not give permission to large-scale excavations, fearing damage to the treasures. Open the embankment is unsafe: the soil analysis revealed increased mercury content. Qian's Suma wrote that by order Qin Shihuandi on the floor of the tomb portrayed the empire card, and the "rivers" and "sea" were filled with mercury on it.

Cemetery builders. More than a hundred graves, from one to 14 bodies in each. Ancient Chinese historians reported that more than 700 thousand people were sent to construction. They worked here mainly by state slaves who have fallen in Kabalu for debts or misconduct, or prisoners of war. When they were buried, pieces of shingles were put on top of the remains with the dead: name, place of residence, rank and perfect crime.

"Palace Zelenets". There are statues of servants, bowls and collars, skeletons of wild animals and birds. It is probably imitation of the zerinz, where they held rare animals for hunting.

Yama officials. The terracotta figures of officials of 1.8-1.9 m and chariots, the remains of the wooden chariot and the bones of horses were found.

"Stable" - Pits, in which the skeletons of the imperial horses are found, ceramic vessels for feed and statues of stables.

Mogiles of sorry. According to the researchers, the possible rivals of the son of Qin Shihuhandi are buried here, executed after joining the authorities: Higher Sanners and Summary Brothers and Sisters.

Pits with acrobatami. They found 11 terracotta figures of acrobats and inventory for performances: tripods, spears, bronze vessels.

Constructive solution

Qin Shihuhandi wanted from a strange subject: clay figurines in the graves put before it, but never in ancient China did not make realistic sculptures of people in full size. I had to develop the technology of new "mass production"

Each warrior has individual features of the face, the form of ear shells differs. Initially, the figures were brightly painted, the colors corresponded to ranks and units.

Pits with terracotta army

They are located on the approaches to Kurgan: clay warriors as if put up on his defense. Earth walls have strengthened wooden beamsPaul digested with gray brick, overlapping over the premises were log, they put mats, clay layer to protect against water and several layers of the rammed land. In the three yamas, more than 8,000 terracotta figures have been found, and this is not the limit. Since 1979, the Museum of Terracotta Warriors and Horses Qin Shihuandy is opened here.

Stages "Production"

1 Lrack housing carried out ribbon method - from clay bands 2 -4 cm wide and 2-7 cm thick. The housing was made by the hollow to reduce the pressure on the feet.

2 heads, arms and legs They were manufactured separately, in two-part forms on technology worked on the production of clay pipes and tiles. Heads made hollow.

3 Assembly. The compound of limbs with the housing was fixed with clay stripes.

4 giving individuality. The plates of armor were imposed on the body with a new layer. Face attached special features. A mustache, beard, ears, hairstyle, headdress were attached to the head.

5 drying and firing. The figures were dried outdoors in the shade, and then burned in the furnaces at 800-1200 ° C.

6 Painting. Paints were made on egg-based pigs of mineral origin.

7 Armament. In the hands of the warriors gave real combat weapons, some copies had time to visit the battle.

Moving scheme

(1) Yam number 1. The largest is its area of \u200b\u200b13 029 m 2. About 6,000 warriors in combat order, horses and chariots.

(2) Yam number 2 - "Military camp". The remains of the chariots, shapes of horses and soldiers.

(3) pit number 3 - "Command Station." It has only one chariot with four horses, statues of officers and soldiers "Protection".

(4) Yam number 4 Easpaint - perhaps it simply did not have time to fill.

"Building Century" number two

With Qin Shihuhandi Strengthening, built along the northern borders to protect from the barbarians, combined into the Great Wall of China (though, that that was preserved to this day, was mainly created at the Ming dynasty, the XIV-XVII centuries). Qin Shihuandy generally loved to build, especially the palaces. However, cyclopic projects drained the state and were a heavy burden for its inhabitants. In fact, the ruler literally took the greatness of the greatness and prosperity of the empire created by him: after the death of Qin Shihuandi in 210 BC. e. The rebellion began across the country. As a result, in four years, the dynasty, which, according to his plan, was to edit 10,000 years, overthrew.

Photo: Alamy / Legion-Media (X2), Reuters / Pix-Stream, Diomedia, iStock (x4), Barcroft / Photoxronics TASS

Full list of 155 wonders to see with their own eyes, you will find in the jubilee, December issue of the magazine "Around the World".

Rich I. misterious story China, numbering thousands of years, reveals its secrets to humanity. One of these riddles is terracotta Army in Chinawhich is found by many of the eight wonders of light.

The cruel and ambitious ruler Qin Shihuandy, known in history as a unified land, declared himself the first emperor of the Qin Empire. Many reforms are connected with it aimed at establishing unconditional power. For example, he established the territorial districts, introduced a single standardization of measuring weights and lengths, writing, construction, and even the width of the TELEG axis. In an effort to strengthen power and make it eternal, even after death, the emperor wanted to have at his disposal a mighty army. He ordered about 4 thousand young warriors with him. And according to the legend, only the inevitability of the occurrence of riots, made the emperor abandon this idea. Warriors were replaced by clay figures, for reliability, their number was doubled. The army was deployed to the east, since from this side the ruler felt danger to the Empire Qin. So together with the emperor, in 210-209. BC. A whole army was buried, which consists of about 8100 warriors made from terracotta clay with outfit and horses.

On the history of the excavation

Where is the terracotta army in China? Not far from the city of Xian in the province of Shengsi, the peasants were pushed into a lot of clay shards. It was believed that such finds bring misfortune. In 1974 Print the well, Yan Ji Van dealers, found the first figure of a warrior from clay. This served as the beginning of the grand excavations.

Very soon, scientists realized that in front of them the whole army opens, which has a story of two thousand years. Excavations of this unique "dead army" have been continuing for several decades, but much still remains hidden, and the mystery is not fully solved.

Terracotta Army in China Located on several tiers. In 1974, the first tier was revealed. The avant-garde of the army has about 6 thousand figures of warriors. After 10 years, the second tier was opened with 2 thousand clay warriors. After another decade, the army was discovered, which consisted of the shapes of the Supreme Military Guide. A little later revealed the statues of musicians, officials, acrobats. Since 2009 began the newest stage These grand excavations, which opened more than more than 600 different clay statues.

Army sculptures

The legend claims that, together with the emperor, about 48 concubines and 70 thousand craftsmen who made figures were buried. Archaeologists discovered a lot of burials located near the main burial ground. But the most amazing find is an army consisting of 8 thousand warriors of infantry, archers and horsemen, which was hidden under the thickness of the earth.

Amazing terracotta warriors had their own characteristics:

  • The growth of figures from 1.78 to 2.01 m, which does not correspond to growth real people that time.
  • The governing officer of growth exceeds ordinary soldiers.
  • All soldiers of the army are deployed in combat order. For example, archers stand on one knee, which eliminates possible interference to firing the second row of warriors. This makes it possible to evaluate the military tactical science of that time.
  • Each posture and faces of warriors differ from each other. There is no identical warrior. This gives reason to assume that living warriors of the emperor Tsyn served in nature for the clay army.
  • Interestingly, by nationality, clay figures were portrayed not only by the Chinese. Among them are the Tibetan and Mongolian types of individuals.
  • Figures are reproduced with pedantic accuracy in detail. Clothing, hairstyles, armor, shoes - everything corresponds to that time.
  • After the manufacture of sculptures, they were burned in furnaces at a temperature of more than 1000 degrees. Further, all the figures were signed in natural colors, the remains of which and now partially preserved.
  • The main array of warriors has 11 passes that are separated by walls. Top of the rows were blocked by trees trunks, covered with mats and 30 cm layer cement. All this was covered with a layer of Earth 3 meters.

In the course of the excavation, archaeologists have encountered challenging task. When removing the paint from the ground, which covered the shapes for 5 minutes. Sere, started to burst and crumble. But the task of conservation was found. The figures were placed in a reservoir with a certain humidity, covered with a special solution and irradiated. Thereby, terracotta Army in China It was saved in his original form. In 1987, the Army of Emperor Tsyn was introduced into specially protected UNCDO facilities.

Visiting China, along with the Great Chinese Wall and Monastery Shaolin, you can not miss the museum in the city of Xi'an. A grandiose spectacle will appear in front of you - a huge amino of ancient warriors with weapons, horsemen on chariot, skillfully blinded by ancient masters of China.

Terracotta Army (China) - description, history, location. Accurate address, telephone, website. Tourist reviews, photos and videos.

  • Burning tours To China
  • Tours on May around the world

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In March 1974, the Chinese peasants digging the well, the currently legendary terracotta army was randomly discovered - from 7 to 9 thousand clay soldiers weighing 135 kilograms each made from burnt clay and painted. The creation of such a unique army is associated with the faith of the Chinese in the afterlife and existing before our era, the tradition of burial together with the ruler of the country of all his palace and subjects.

According to various estimates in the terracotta army, "consists" from 7 to 9 thousand clay soldiers.

The army of terracotta warriors was buried together with Queen Shihuandi, his ruler and the first emperor of China in 210-209 BC. er, and should probably testify about the progressiveness and the humanism of the ruler, since its predecessors preferred to arrange the living army along with them in the other world.

However, it is necessary to mention that in addition to the terracotta army, the emperor was buried and up to 70 thousand workers together with families and about three thousand emperor concubines being alive.

Today, the entire clay army is stored in the crypts of 1.5 kilometers from the burial site of his ruler.

It is believed that the features of each of the warriors were drawn from real living people.

All this is an army - only part of the grandeage project of the majestic tomb of the Chinese emperor, about 700 thousand people worked on the construction of which. Here, on the ground, a whole miniature China was built with his rivers, mountains and palaces. Thus, the emperor as if he continued to rule his country even after death.

Museum of Terracotta Army

In whatever the hotel you do not stop, you will probably offer a sightseeing program for visiting the Museum of the Terracotta Army and the Tomb of Emperor Qin Shihandi.

The museum itself, which also serves as a bridgehead for archaeological excavations, is 4 huge pits in which the statues are. The soldiers of the terracotta army differ even in rank - among them there are generals, officers and ordinary soldiers, according to their weapons and even by nationality. It is worth carefully peering into these persons, as it becomes clear that among the warriors there are representatives of various peoples.

In the shop at the Museum for 2500 USD, you can purchase a full-size copy of any kind of warrior, a small statuette, of course, is much cheaper.

Do not miss the opportunity to visit and located right in the Museum Panoramic Cinema with angle of 360 degrees, where a 20-minute film is shown about the creation of troops.

Here you will meet that the peasant himself, who excavated the first warrior. Today he will gladly give autographs and even allows you to take a picture with him for a small fee. However, experienced travelers argue that the "primer discoverer" terracotta army changes periodically. Such a mysterious east.

Prices on the page are shown in July 2018.

In the world there are 3 most famous capital of the capital - this is Rome, Athens and Xi'an. In the last city, the ancient erected an entire army, the purpose of which was to protect the tomb of the emperor. More than two thousand years have passed, and immovable soldiers are all standing, silently fulfilling their destination. All the figures are made so realistic that they involuntarily doubt that they are made of clay: everyone has their own expression. At the same time, absolutely all different - there is not a single soldier who would look like another.

Terracotta Army location

The famous terracotta army belongs to the sights of the Ciana province, located near the town of Lintong. The army accompanies the burial of the emperor Qin Shihuandi (it was on his initiative that the Great) began to build). There is no doubt that the intention of this army was to protect the emperor and fight for him in the kingdom of death.

Before today's day 8,000 figures were found in underground halls or pits. Infantrymen, archers, arrows from crossbow, cavalryrs, military chariots with horses are built in combat order. Growth of warriors is from 1.6 to 1.7 meters, and no one looks like another. All in different poses - someone stands like a pillar, someone holds a sword, as if reflects the attack, and someone standing on his knees, stretches the tutor of the bow. The statues of the hollow, with the exception of the legs, otherwise they would not be able to survive so much time. Previously, the entire army was painted in bright colors, but with time paint, of course, descended.

Not all shapes of warriors depict the Chinese, there are still Tibetans, and so on. All details of clothing or hairstyles strictly correspond to the fashion of that time. Everyone has their own weapons, by the way, many have it is not stone, but the most path. True, most swords and onions were mounted in the ancient times by Marauders.

History Terracotta Army

In 246, BC, after the death of Tsar Zhuang Xiang-Van, his son In Zheng entered the throne of the kingdom of King, famous in history under the name Qin Shihuandi. By the middle of the 3th century BC, the kingdom of Qin occupied a rather extensive territory. By the time of joining the throne, Ying Zhen was only thirteen years, before his adulthood the state actually ruled the first adviser to King Lui Bu-Wei.

In 230 BC, BC in Zheng sent a huge army against the neighboring Kingdom of Han. Cinters broke the Han troops, captured the Chang Tsar Anh Van and occupied the whole territory of the kingdom, turning it to the Qin district. It was the first kingdom, conquered by Qin. In subsequent years, the Qin Army captured Kingdom Zhao, Wei, Yan, Qi.

By 221 BC, the kingdom of Qin was finished the long struggle for the association of the country. A single empire with centralized power is created on the site of scattered kingdoms. Since In Zheng became the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty, he ordered himself to call himself Shihuhandi - "The First Highest Emperor." Qin Shihuandy was the actually unlimited head of state and was distinguished by special despotic.

The first emperor did not doubt the minute that his dynasty would rule forever, and therefore she tried to create attribute attributes. Especially rapid development during the empire received a construction case. During his reign, beautiful palaces were built (the largest palace was the Palace of Efhangun, erected by Qin Shihuangdi near the capital of the empire, on the southern shore of Wei-He). In order to protect the outskirts of the Empire from the enemies, Qin Shihuandy decided to begin construction of a grand construction - a defensive wall along the entire northern border of the Empire, which is known to our contemporaries as the Great Wall.

In 210 BC, Almighty Qin Shihuandi left his life, his body was buried in a special mausoleum. Detailed description The Grand Palace and the colossal embankment over him belongs to the Father of the Chinese history of the Summy Zanyu - the main court historist of the emperor. In the construction of Mausoleum for 37 years, 700 thousand slaves, soldiers and subane peasants participated. The records indicate that the perimeter of Kurgan was 2.5 kilometers, and its height reached 166 meters (now the preserved earthy hill resembling a pyramid has 560 meters of length, 528 meters of width and 34 meters of height).

Qin Shihuangi sincerely believed that he could rule his empire even from outdoor world. For this, he believed, he will need an army - so the terracotta army appeared. The emperor also wanted to want to go to the world of other clay grassy after death, as she believed that the souls of the imperial soldiers would move in them (in any case, the old Chinese legend says).

The statues of warriors were made from the castlers of the selected bodyguards of the emperor Qin Shihuandi. The manufacturing technology was as follows. The main material for the statues is terracotta, that is, yellow or red burned unhappy clay. First, it was damned. Bottom part The statues were monolithic and, accordingly, massive. It is at her who has a center of gravity. Top of the hollow. Head and hands were attached to the body after it was burned in the oven. At the end, the sculptor covered his head with an additional layer of clay and fled the face, giving it an individual expression. That is why each warrior is distinguished by an individual appearance, the reliability of details of clothing and ammunition. Sculptor accurately handed out the hairstyle of each warrior, former special attention while. The firing figures lasted several days, at a constant temperature not lower than 1,000 degrees Celsius. As a result of the clay from which the warriors have entered, it became strong as granite.

The tomb of the emperor is 100 meters out of the yam with terracotta soldiers. Qin Shihuandy himself died in 210 BC, it is this date that the approximate date of construction of the terracotta army should be considered. The tomb itself also deserves attention. It is assumed that, together with the emperor, more than 70,000 people were buried: courtiers, servants and concubines who could serve their owner in another world as well as in his life. Why "assumed"? The fact is that no one knows where to look for the entrance. It may very well be that those workers who built a tomb were then killed and buried there - so that the mystery never revealed. And now the pyramid is under a large earthen shaft. By the way, under the same shaft there would be a clay army if scholars did not come off.

It is not clear to the end why the army and the tomb turned out to be buried under great. Scientists doubt that they are specifically buried. Most are still inclined to another version: Most likely, it happened because of a large fire (found flames of fire). Perhaps the robbers either could not get into the tomb, where, in their opinion, there should have been a lot of treasures. Having angry, they arranged a big fire. It is possible that they still got inside the tomb, and they needed a fire to eliminate traces of the crime. One way or another, the fire led to the collapse, burying a crowded clay army in a wet soil for more than two thousand years ...

Terracotta Army Nowadays

Until 1974, the existence of the terracotta army did not guessed. It was this year that several peasants began to dig a well, but they were forced to suspend their work - unexpectedly directly from the ground they began to refuse the statues of soldiers into human growth, except for people appeared horses and whole chariots.

Well, of course, digged no longer, archaeological excavations began here, and the most unusual for everything lately. Thousands of soldiers and animals were extracted on the white light.

Thound 3 pits, a little distant from each other. In the first were the statues of infantry, chariots and shooters. This pit is the deepest - 5 meters, and its area is 229 by 61 meters. In the second pit, smaller in size, the soldier was not 6,000, as in the first, but only 100. The smallest recess hid 68 figures, obviously portrayed the team headquarters.

Nowadays, everyone can take a look at the terracotta army. True, only the first pit is assigned under the museum, but there is the main part of all statues. The museum show video recording of excavations, there are also other figures, including two miniature bronze chariots with horses pronounced in them and with half of the natural value. The latter were discovered in 1980 and are precisely those vehicles used by the emperor, its concubines and the court of courtiers.

In order to further preserve this miracle over the terracotta army, a pavilion with a vaulted ceiling was built. Its sizes are 200 by 72 meters. In shape, it resembles an indoor pool or stadium.

Excavations are not yet completely finished, they still continue. And end, probably not soon. The reason for this is not only the sizes of the tomb and not the lack of financial assistance to the archaeologists by the state. IN more than This is the eternal fear of the Chinese before the world of the departed. They and today with trepidation belong to the dust of the ancestors, fearing to desecrate him with their wicked touch. So, according to Professor Yuan Junghai: "It will take even a lot of years before, finally, continue the excavation."

Nakhodka in the province of Xian has a huge historical meaning. She made it possible to learn how the ancient Chinese army was equipped. And, moreover, the terracotta army is a real sculptural miracle.

/ Terracotta Army - Nakhodka that shook the world

Terracotta Army - Nakhodka that shook the world

Our land is full of oldest mysteries and secrets. Each people and every country has a story, the roots of which go far into the past. Visual example - China. China is so ancient country that his rich story Starts in many centuries BC. And every archaeological excavation there lead to the finds who shook the imagination of mankind. One of these finds and became the terracotta army.

Terracotta Army Named one of the wonders of the world. She honored to get into UNESCO World Heritage List. And US President Ronald Reagan said about her: "A great miracle belonging to mankind." Such beauty, such strength and power under the ground no one has seen earlier.

This historic heritage is located in the city of Sihan, the province of Schunsi, located in the east of China.
Terracotta Army - This is the burial of 8099 statues of warriors made of clay. A feature is that all these products are made in full human growth. Chinese warriors with Connection were buried at 210 to 209 BC with Emperor Qin Shihuandi.

How was the terracotta army found?

For centuries, the residents of Siane constantly found pieces of clay - shards. They were afraid to take them in their hands, as they believed that the curse could follow this. The Chinese then did not even suspect that under their feet, just a few meters under the ground there is a whole layer of historical heritage.
The mystery of the clay cores opened in 1974, when Yan Ji Wang, a man who cultivated the land, on his plot, near Lishhan Mountain, decided to dig a well. Shopping only to a depth of 5 meters, the farmer stumbled upon something strange. Having considered his discovery, he found that this is a warrior head made of terracotta. Archaeologists and historians were shocked by the found item. Next followed a long series of archaeological works.

Archaeological excavations began in 1978 and continue until now. Works are carried out very slowly. First, not to damage the figures, secondly, due to the lack of funding for the state. The third reason is an ancient belief that the emperor to another light should accompany the mercury rivers, and in order not to harm the residents of nearby areas and the scientists themselves have to be carefully and carefully checked. So it can be safe to say that under the ground at the foot of the mountain Lishhan lies many more secrets.

Excavations of the clay army lasts already 40 years. During this time, the whole city has grown on the spot. Many pavilions protect the army from rain, wind, which can immediately destroy the shaky clay statues. Also, security and scientists are constantly on duty to protect the heritage from the vandals.
Archaeological expeditions are divided into several stages. The first stage from 1978 to 1984, the next stage lasted from 1985 to 1986, and the third stage, which began in 2009, lasts to today.

Emperor Qin Shihuangdi Rules from 246 to 210 to our era, and was one of the most cruel and bloody rulers. Qin Shihuandi is the most significant person in the history of China, and not only because it is the founder of the Great Qin Dynasty. The Great Communion was able to unite the 7 kings of China, who led the most severe war for many decades. Mass destruction and murder, high mortality, chaos and looting ended when the cruel conqueror Qin Shihuandi came to power. The period of battle kingdoms, which lasted 250 years, ended. For the first time, the title of "Emperor" was proclaimed, which was elevated to the level of God. China became unified StateAnd his power was not equal.

Also significant imprint in history, which left the first emperor is the completion of construction and strengthening the Great Wall of China. The self-breather emperor announced the entire previous history of China is not relevant, and destroyed all the historical monuments, literature, scientists. Thus, destroying the whole story to the Qin dynasty.

This historical period is famous for the fact that people sacred believed in the afterlife. Tomb arranged, mausoleums, scleps, pyramids and tombs, buried the whole family alive, servants and the army, scored their tombs are complementary gold, wealth and decorations. In general, we did everything to secure a decent afterlife. One of the richest emperors Qin Shihuandi was not an exception.
From the moment of climbing the throne, or rather from 246, when the emperor was 13 years old, he actively began the construction of his tomb. Initially, under to become its ambitions Qin Shihuandy planned with him alive to bury 4,000 warriors. But due to the fact that in the last 250 years of the most severe wars, China's population catastrophically decreased, to bury with him such a number of young people who thirs for young people would not be reasonable. Moreover, the danger of a large riot would arise.
Then then for the first time in the history of the Chinese ruler and came to mind the idea to replace living people into clay statues.

Construction of the tomb lasted 38 years, efforts of 700,000 workers. Over the construction of the mausoleum worked and the day and night. Building tomb with tombs and with all adjacent compartments in a perimeter takes 6 kilometers. The territory that the famous terracotta army occupies is 1.5 kilometers.
Together with the army, 70,000 workers were buried with all their families, as scientists think, in order for no one to know the secret of the clay army. Also with the Great Communion, 48 concubines were buried alive. But it is not worth upset because of them. In those days, people were happy to be buried with their masters, and it was thought for a big honor.
The terracotta army includes more than 8,000 warriors, but this is not the limit, since the excavations are still continuing, and with each decade their number increases.

Each statue of the Chinese Warrior is approximately 2 meters of growth, which once again talks about the desire of the emperor to elevate itself, and weighing about 150 kilograms. Horses weigh 200 - 300 kilograms.
Also in the tomb, chariots were found, which are striking with their wealth and luxury. Each bronze chariot consists of more than 300 parts, and is decorated with gold, silver and harnessed the four of the horses.

Clay warriors were unfolded to the East, and they stand on the eastern side of the Qin Mausoleum, and all because it was from the eastern side of the emperor to indulge in the most severe conquest.
Warriors are located in three rows, clearly after each other. They stand as if at any moment ready to start the battle. The fighters of the terracotta army on combat order are built, first there are infantrymen, the riders, archers, officers of the commander. Next to them were found the statues of musicians, officials, acrobats.
All warriors have different forms, different faces, outfit. The work was made so thin and jewelry that even after 2 thousand years, we can see that each statue has its own facial expression. There is not a single warrior who would be exactly like the other. Among terracotta soldiers can easily consider all the multinationality of China. The terracotta army includes Chinese, Tibetov, Uyguri residents, Mongols, and so on.
Dressed soldiers exactly according to the laws of that time. Clothing, hairstyle, mustache or beard, outfit, armor are made with incredible accuracy. Even on the sole of the shoes you can see the corresponding pattern. Every terracotta soldier was equipped with a real weapon. It was believed that warriors did from nature, and after the death of the soul of a warrior moved to the clay statue.

How exactly the warriors of the terracotta army were made, still a mystery remains. One thing is clear, all the work is done manually. Masters used perfectly miscellaneous techniques. Some scientists believe that all parts of the body were performed separately, then they were united, the face was cultivated from an additional clay layer on the head, and all this creation was sent to the oven for several days. But where are the Chinese first second century before our era got so many stoves? After the work done, the warrior was painted. But unfortunately, in 2 thousand years old, the paint was stunned under the ground. And those sculptures that still discovered the residues of paint should be on fresh airHow all the coating irradiated.

Material for soldiers were taken from Lishhan Mountain. However, in pollen on the statues, scientists were able to determine that the statues were manufactured in different areas China.
Top of the army protected whole trunks of trees, zinc, cement and earth.
Unfortunately, the terracotta army suffered a defeat very quickly. Immediately after the death of Qin Shihuandi, the inept rule of his follower gave rise to a riot. China's people needed weapons. Hacking a crypt army, they burned part of the soldiers, and all the real weapons were replaced by bronze.
I wonder what is so long period Under the ground, bronze weapons did not fade and did not lose the shine, but all because it was covered with chrome. This technique was developed only in the XX century.
We can safely say that the terracotta army qualitatively performed the functions of the protection of their Mr. A lot of dead vandals and robbers have been found on the territory of the army, as they died there are not known.

The great emperor around his crypt built a whole city of the dead. The beauty of the funeral complex is not inferior to the real Imperial Palace. Many burials alive people, animals, luxury decoration, unpretentious wealth, all this was transferred to Earth along with the emperor. But to this day, unfortunately, these complexes are not preserved.
Scientists of our time suggest that this terracotta army, a stolen tomb of only the uniform of the real instiplinary of the emperor. Qin Shihuandi was very cunning. And according to legend, together with the Great Communion, such wealth was put in the ground, which even our imagination could not draw. There is a possibility that this complex is not even found.