Filtering formwork foundation. Independent manufacture of formwork for a tape foundation

Modern construction is developing with a focus on quality at the shortest possible time and low cost of materials.

This approach allows you to build houses for extremely short time, as well as make housing accessible to most people.

This directly affects the turnover, and also makes it possible to interest the buyer, because we live in an era when you want to get a qualitative result for the shortest possible time, and not wait for ready accommodation for years. Now there is a tendency to use only as a facing material.

A formwork for the construction of walls and casting from, make it possible to build a reliable frame of the house on one floor, during the week. For comparison, the structure of the brick will need to spend twice as much time and means.

When performing work on the construction of a formwork in a building where there are already overlaps on the ceiling, experts advise to build racks with the fastening of the upper formwork elements in the ceiling. Often, this method is used in the construction of high-rise buildings, but with small modifications is suitable for low-rise construction.

To independently use wood shields from 200 x 50 cm. The principle of their installation is the same as in the metal. The main task is to put exactly horizontally. Works with wooden formworks for walls are faster in time, but the process of building walls itself delays for a longer period, if compared with metallic.

Installing brick wall formwork

Brick laying is also used as a non-removable formwork for walls. The housing in which concrete is poured, is built of silicate and facing bricks. At first glance it may seem that this technology is very expensive both by the part of money and labor. But, nevertheless, it has its advantages and is used quite often in practice. This method guarantees receipt at the output of a reliable frame and warm walls at the same time.

In order for the concrete solution under pressure, it is not for the shape of the brick, it is necessary to lay peculiar partitions through 3 rows vertically and 4 - 5 bricks horizontally. A certain interval of the design, which adjacent to the lining brick is laid by the insulation material, more often everything applies foamed polystyrene foam. The unoccupied space is poured with a mixture of brand 200 concrete.

Foamed polystyrene foam makes it possible to reimburse the head of the mass of concrete, and after the design gives a shrinkage, the material expands and fills the remaining slots. Cast frame from concrete is perfectly holding a brickwork, creating all the conditions for excellent. Very often, to reduce the cost of facing brick, not characterized in low cost, the outer walls are lined with halves, which are cut to it.

The house begins with the foundation. It is not difficult to make it with your own hands, experts argue and give their advice to step by step formwork - a key element of the future basis of the house. Recommendations will help the article, as well as photos and videos.

In order for the concrete support of the structure to become strong and monolithic, the builders came up with a formwork.

It can be a temporary or constant made of wood or polymers, but its main tasks remain unchanged:

  • create and maintain the form of the above-ground part of the concrete belt foundation;
  • be as smooth from the inside to minimize the subsequent finishing works of the ground part of the structure;
  • cope with loads when pouring and sealing a concrete solution;
  • promptly mounted and understand;
  • if necessary, isolate concrete from the soil and other negative factors.

Erecting wooden formwork

In order for the installation to go smoothly, and you did not have to solve unexpected problems, before starting work it is necessary to make sure that there are five main conditions:

  1. The ground, which poured the base should be completely cleaned of garbage and different impurities.
  2. Shields on the inside should have a maximum of a smooth and clean surface to reduce finishing work.
  3. Fixing formwork should withstand the pressure of concrete and not deformed.
  4. Maximum contact of the composite parts of the shield is required to prevent leakage. For this purpose, the clarity of the geometry of the structures of the structure is important.
  5. If formwork shields are reused, it is necessary to clean the entire working surface from the residues of the previous solution.

Attention! Modern formwork is classified into two categories: removable and non-removable. In addition, it differs from the type of material used: wood, plywood, metal, polystyrene foam, etc.

Removable formwork: Installation, tested

Mount, pour, withstand and remove - such a brief recipe for installing a removable formwork. The most popular variety is wooden - as many years old as a concrete foundation. Make such a formwork is easy. Shields are manufactured outside the construction pit from boards and sawn size of the desired size. Boards - edged, because it will be necessary to firmly fit them to each other.

Attention! The slots up to 3 mm in wood formwork are considered the norm. As a result of pre-wetting, the boards will swell, and the distance will decrease. If the slots are larger, up to 10 mm, they must be closed with palauls, and completely large - to score by the rails.

The design is fastened with vertical racks (most often from the bar). It is recommended to place them with an interval of about 1 m. Bruks can be positioned and more often if the boards are thin. In addition, it is important that the length allow them to keep tightly.

Pouring solution

Bar is better to sharpen from one end, then they will easily enter the ground. To fix the shields of the formwork at the same distance, the twist of the wire, soils, frames, wooden screeds are taken.

Council. Instead of nails when installing it is better to use selflessness. The design collected on them is easier to disassemble, because it will be enough to dismiss them, and not to blend, as in the case of nails. It is necessary to shoot down the boards so that the hats of nails (self-tapping) were from the inside of the formwork.

The final step of installation of a wooden formwork is fixing the shields into the trench with the help of spacers: wooden stakes or bars. After filling and tamping, concrete is maintained in the formwork to two weeks, until it hardens and gain strength. After the design is dismantled. The plywood formwork is established by the similar principle.

Attention! Removable formwork is preferably isolate from concrete with special compositions against the coupling of materials.

Facial formwork for foundation: new word in construction

In recent years, a design with a polymer formwork comes to replace the removable, which after filling the concrete becomes part of the future foundation. She gives him additional properties, protecting against water and keeping warm. Additional properties of a non-removable formwork from such a material: ease of assembly (something like a designer or puzzle) and, as a result, geometric harmony of parts. Separate types of polymer formwork have a reinforcing grid that enhances the foundation.

Failure opal

Of the minuses - the cost of such a foundation is higher than that of the boards built with the help. However, the game is worth the candle when it comes to what is being built for decades and for themselves. A non-removable formwork can also be performed from a galvanized profile sheet - in the finished foundation it will protect the surface of the concrete, and its waves will serve as rigidity ribs. For such a metal design, the removable "belt" of stakes from the bar is needed.

Around any building, or rather along its perimeter, the scene is defined. This coating protects the construction from the devastating effects of melting and sedimentary water, which can be used under the base of the house and lead to its sediment, as well as destroy the base designs. This important protective element around the house is made from concrete or asphalt concrete. In order to perform the scene, you need to build a formwork. At first glance, this is easy, but there are some nuances that need to be observed that the gossip had the right bias from the walls of the building. In our article we will tell you how to make a formwork around the house.

Features and functions

Externally, the scene is similar to a conventional concrete or asphalt track, which tightly adjacent to the walls of the building and is moving it around the perimeter. The width of this coating is normalized by SNiP and can be at least 1 m. It should be remembered that the outer edge of the scene must be over the boundaries of the roof of the roof at least 200-300 mm.

IMPORTANT: Installation of this protective coating is made after the house produced finishing facade works.

The scene performs several functions at once:

  1. During the melting of snow or rain falling, atmospheric precipitates can be absorbed into the ground near the house and cause the destruction of foundation designs or flooding basement. There are much more precipitation around the house, as they actively flow from the roof of the structure and its walls.
  2. Thanks to the scene, the ground around the construction freezes not at such a large depth, as in the open soil places. Due to this, the basement or basement becomes warmer, which affects the temperature throughout the house.
  3. In addition, the murrage soil can also adversely affect the design of the base. This walkway near the structure protects construction structures from frosty powder forces that can lead to bases of base and cracking the walls of the building.
  4. The presence of a neat memory around the house increases its aesthetic qualities.

The following materials can be used to perform this coating:

  • Most often concrete is used, since it is the most affordable material that can be prepared independently. To fill concrete, you need to equip a formwork correctly. That is why in our article we will consider the subtleties of this process.
  • You can also make a breakfast from paving slabs.
  • Around the large public, apartment buildings and shopping centers, the scene is made from asphalt.

Rules for the execution of formwork and challenge

Before getting started and starting to perform a formwork for a formwork near the house, you should remember several non-hard rules that will allow you to perform everything at the highest level:

  1. If the work will be carried out in hot weather, then the surface of the formwork and concrete (after pouring it) must be periodically wateted with water. Due to this, the dry wood will not choose moisture from concrete, thereby reducing its strength. Wetting and covering the concrete coating in the first few days after the fill will avoid too fast and uneven moisture evaporation, which can lead to cracking surface.
  2. In order to correctly determine the width of the breakfast, the bias, the depth of it and the design, it is important to take into account the geological and climatic features of the construction site. Observing this rule, you will make a high-quality and durable break.
  3. The arrangement of this coating around the structure is better to perform before the onset of cold.
  4. This protective concrete product should be conceded by a solid strip whole house. That is, in the coating there should be no breaks and sections of unprotected soil. Otherwise, through such intervals without coating, water is easily leaving into the ground and causes the destruction of the structures of the base.
  5. A deformation seam is necessarily made between the cesspool and the base part of the house, since these structural parts cannot be connected to each other. The width of the temperature gap - 2 cm. The seam is necessarily closed with a sealant so that water does not succeed.
  6. The bias of the coating should be at least 10 ppm from the walls of the house, that is, 1 cm slope per meter width.

Necessary materials

  • unedged or edged board;
  • the panel formwork can be made of chipboard (chipboard);
  • also for these purposes will suit moisture-resistant plywood or oriented chipboard (OSP);
  • some kinds of formwork, which perceive serious loads are made of steel and aluminum alloys;
  • the beaming formwork is performed from polystyrene foam reinforced by fiber additives.

To perform the formwork, the cabinet will fit the unedged board or sawn by plywood strips. Since the flooded concrete can slightly split formwork designs, brings of 30x30 are used as a backup and carrier framework, from which a robust design is performed.

Important: For the manufacture of a protective coating around the house, a removable formwork is usually used, which is dismantled after pouring concrete.

It is equally important to determine the material for the manufacture of the scene. The coating can be made of a rubbed rubble, but in this case it is necessary to equip a good drainage from the roof so that flowing precipitates do not blur the fragile rubble coating.

A little better and more durable than coatings from rubble, there will be a cement-based cement solution laid on top of the rubble. This option provides more qualitative protection for the foundation of the house from the destruction of thaws and sedimentary waters. And it is this embodiment of the arrangement of the scene to perform a formwork.

More expensive and high-quality version of the device of the unit - laying of monolithic concrete slabs or reinforced plates. But such materials cannot be used on bubbly and clay soils, as well as at a high CAE, as the design can quickly deform.

In the case of concrete breakdown, you will need the following tools and materials for work:

  • crushed stone, sand and cement;
  • polyurethane sealant for isolation of deformation seams between the coating and the house;
  • reinforcing mesh;
  • nails, selflessness;
  • ruberoid or plastic film;
  • edged (unedged) boards or plywood strips in the height of the flooded coating;
  • level, rule;
  • spatula, bayonet shovel;
  • capacity for mixing concrete.

Technology of performing formwork

After you decide on the material to perform the scene, calculate its width and the necessary slope, you can start working:

  1. First of all, you must perform the markup of the future coverage around the house. For this, the estimated distance is retreating from the walls, pegs are clogged in the corners and stretch the line or cord.
  2. After that, within the markup around the perimeter of the building, a fertile layer of soil is filled with 20 cm thick. The ground at the bottom of the obtained deepening is thoroughly aligned and trambed.
  3. Now proceed to assembling formwork. First, a frame is made from the bar. For this, the corners of the recess in the soil are fixed by a height of slightly higher than the thickness of the coating. Further, along the stretched fishing line, the same bars are installed in 50-100 cm increments. For greater hardness, the bars are bonded by longitudinal bars. Wooden elements are connected using nails or screws.
  4. After that, an unedged or edged board is constructed to the frame from the bar so that the timber is from the outside of the structure, that is, on the side of the fill, concrete was a solid smooth surface of the boards. Boards are secure to the frame of the nails.

Attention: so that the concrete cannot be seen between the boards, the slots between adjacent elements should not be greater than 0.3 cm.

  1. So after the fill of the concrete, the formwork did not cut down and did not deform, with the outer side, the slanting struts are attached to the frame. The step of installation of such spacers is 50 cm. Returning struts to the frames of the frame with the help of self-tapping and nails.
  2. So that after filling and frozen the concrete, the formwork was easier to shoot, its inner surface can be seen with a dense polyethylene film or one layer of rubberoid. This material will also perform other additional features:
    • will not give moisture from concrete to get absorbed into the formwork board, thereby reducing the strength of the concrete coating;
    • if there are significant slots between the formwork boards (especially in the case of the use of the Unedte Board), the coating will not give concrete to flow into the slot.
  1. Along the walls of the house, you need to install a cutting board with a thickness of 2 cm and a height that is slightly higher than the height of the coating in this place. It is not necessary to fix the board with hard, because after frozen the concrete it will be cleaned. With this board, we will create the necessary temperature gap between the coating and the walls of the house.


After the formwork is collected, you can start making a concrete coating around the house. At the same time adhere to the following sequence of actions:

  1. First, the sand pillow is 100 cm. The layer of sand is aligned, wetted with water and tram.
  2. After that, there is a layer of rubble with a height of 10-15 cm. He will also thoroughly tram. At the same time, it is worth not to forget about the necessary slope of the breakfast from the walls of the building, so at the stage of performing a rubbed pillow, you can take care of creating a slope.
  3. The reinforcing grid is stacked on top of the rubble.
  4. Now you can proceed to the pouring of the concrete solution. You can use the factory mixture or prepare the composition yourself.

IMPORTANT: so that the coating has a sufficiently high strength and did not crack over time, the concrete must be poured at a time, without long interruptions in the work.

  1. The poured solution must be thick enough so that it can be put in a thicker layer at the walls of the house, thereby creating the necessary slope. The correctness of the fill is checked with a level. The surface is leveled by the rule.
  2. In the process of frosting in the first days, the concrete surface is wetted with water and covers with polyethylene film.
  3. After removing the formwork and removal of the board, which is laid along the walls of the house, the temperature gap is filled with polyurethane sealant.

Monolithic construction today in the forefront of all technologies. And this is quite natural, because in most cases it is economically more substantiated. In the field of foundations, concrete materials are very beneficial because it allows you to pour the foundation structures of almost any shape and sizes. But in order for this to be possible, you need to apply a formwork.

In the project documents, the formwork is given a separate place. The formwork drawings are made in particular for the foundation, describing the specification of formwork shields and their sizes, connecting elements, fastening accessories, etc.

This is done so that you can imagine how much this equipment requires for foundation. When changing the size of the foundation, the configuration of the formwork changes.

The very first formwork, as well as modern, was produced from wood materials. It is a tree, because of its ability to process, allowed to quickly make the outline of the form for the fill and assemble it from individual elements together. Today, there are two main types of formwork distinguish:

  • Removable- The most common type of formwork used in construction. Depending on the size of the concrete element, a variety of materials are used for its manufacture. Preference is given to moisture-proof, which allow this inventory to use multiple times. Separate shields of removable formwork are connected to each other with various elements - screeds, bars, gaskets, etc. This makes it possible to make a solid formwork design of almost any length. With the help of dialing panels, various formwork forms can be made. At the end of the work, the shields of removable formwork dismantle;
  • Non-removable - It is often used for foundation work, and saves on dismantling work. Produce it from foamed polystyrene (PSB). Such formwork has a closed form, it is not afraid of frosts and changes in the humidity regime.

The greater the formwork shields, the easier it is to set them as much as possible and without cracks. It is this deficiency in consequence that may result in excessive costs to mount the plane of the monolithic element, the change in its dimensions and impaired integrity of the form.

Materials for removable formwork

For the production of formwork, a wide variety of leafy materials are suitable that can withstand the shape when pouring concrete. Most often use the following materials:

How to make shields for formworking a ribbon foundation with your own hands

The foundation shields make such sizes so that they could be easy to transfer and install on the place. Due to the characteristics of the material and the need for its alignment, wooden formwork shields rarely have more than 3 meters long. If there is a need for large sizes, to connect several shields between themselves does not represent a special difficulty.

Creating a panel formwork from wooden boards for a belt foundation can be divided into the following steps:

Shields made of sheet materials, such as plywood, OSP-3 orOSB are made according to a similar principle. It is much easier to work with these materials, especially when the farm has an electric jigsik, which they are cut in size. Broi-stakes on them are also fixed at a given interval.

Calculation of the panel formwork

Engineering calculations on the panel formwork device are based on the dimensions of the foundation element, the amount of concrete mix. Next, the load on stretching is calculated, taking into account the operation of the vibrator. And after that, the thickness of the walls of the formwork shield is displayed. The documentation for the requirements and calculations of formwork for the foundation is described in the updated editorial board GOST R 52085-2003 "Formwork. General specifications. " The amount of the board, determined in the meters of cubic, is calculated by a very simple formula:

Q \u003d (a * b * d) * 2, where

BUT - the thickness of the board;

IN - the height of the foundation;

D. - Perimeter of the foundation tape.

Foundation works are fundamental in modern construction. In most cases, it is more rational to make a monolithic foundation, because it is available for money, and is considered the most durable and practical of all known. But for its device it is imperative to equip an accurate and economical formwork.

With low requirements for building, formwork makes from healthy materials, saving on this inventory funds, at the same time risking to reduce all efforts in this matter. There are cases when concrete, due to insufficient stops, weak shields squeezes them, disrupting the integrity of the structure. Works have to redo the rebound, consuming forces, time and agents are wasted. That is why the manufacture and device of formwork for the foundation should take seriousness, and make it for all the rules and standards of construction.

This video is devoted to a removable formwork device for various types of foundation. It reveals in detail all the nuances of the manufacture of wooden shields, their places on the site of the foundation device are described, strengthening, spacer and tie elements, consolidation methods. Also in this video describes the preparatory work before the start of the foundation concreting.

The main stage of construction of the foundation base of any type is the arrangement of formwork. The formwork for the foundation is a robust support-shield design that gives products from concrete or reinforced concrete required shape.

The shield base can be made of plastic, metal, plywood or boards. With the right approach, even a private developer can perform its installation, fixation and disassembly.

Why do I need a formwork and its types

The main task of the structure is to ensure the strength of the finished structure. In addition, the formwork under the foundation meets the following requirements:

  • distributes the pressure of concrete throughout the perimeter of the base;
  • preserves the required form when filling the foundation;
  • it is quickly and easily erected, ensures reliable sealing of the future design of the foundation.

For the construction, practical and reliable materials are used, providing additional strength and durability of the base.

There are two main types of formwork: non-removable and collapsible (removable).

Removable opalk Used in the construction of a base requiring decorative cladding. A similar frame is completely dismantled after the complete pouring of the concrete mixture. The main advantage of the design is the possibility of its reusable use for the construction of the foundations of various types.

Failure opal It becomes the main part of the concrete base. In addition, it improves the heat and sound insulation characteristics of the foundation. For arrangement, polystyrene plates and hollow concrete blocks are used. Such materials allow you to create the foundation of the appropriate size and configuration. Such a frame is convenient and easy to install, does not require the use of protective elements - supports and struts.

Materials for creating a non-removable formwork

The device of the unsolved formwork is performed from the following materials: wood, metal, reinforced concrete and polystyrene foam plates.

From wood

Wooden formwork is the most accessible option that does not require the involvement of expensive mounting equipment. For its manufacture, the plywood is used in sheets and edged board. The only drawback is the need to use auxiliary fixing elements to enhance the finished design.


The most durable and reliable option, for the construction of which the sheets are used thick up to 2 mm thick. The following are the following:

  • allows you to build the basis of various complexity and configuration due to the flexibility of the metal;
  • provides reliable waterproofing protection of the foundation;
  • suitable for the construction of the foundations of a belt and monolithic type;
  • allows you to perform a decorative finish of the base, sublighted above the Earth.

The main disadvantages of the design is the high price and complexity of installation work.

From reinforced concrete

An expensive and time-consuming option, for the manufacture of which reinforced concrete plates are used.

The essential advantages of the design: the possibility of reducing the consumption of concrete mix, increased strength and durability.

The disadvantages include: high weight and dimensions of the plates, the need to use specialized equipment and additional fixing elements for installation.

From expanded polystyrene

The most reliable and sought-after formwork option. Polystyrene foam has the following advantages:

  • low weight;
  • availability of installation;
  • variety of forms;
  • high hydraulic and thermal insulation characteristics.

But the main disadvantage of the material is a high price.

Materials for the construction of collapsible formwork

Collapsible formwork can be wooden and metallic. For the manufacture of wooden structures, laminated plywood and wooden boards are used. It is preferable to use spruce products, pines, lindens and aspen.

Formwork shields must meet the basic requirements: to be durable, wear-resistant and resistant to the negative impact of moisture. For the construction of a wooden frame, specialized equipment is required, and all work can be performed independently.

Metal design is made from plates with polished surface. Such a frame is suitable for the construction of private house foundations. The metal base ensures reliable protection against the flow of a concrete mix at the joints of the plates.

Benefits include: small expenditures, availability and high performance characteristics of the material. The disadvantages are: the complexity of the installation and the need to attract specialized equipment.

How to calculate formwork design

For settlements, the type of selected material under the formwork around the house is taken into account. An example is given to calculate the wooden structure.

For work, a standard board 600 cm long is used, a width of 10 to 15 cm, a thickness of 2.5 cm.

The perimeter (P) of the future base is divided by the length (e) of one board, the height of the foundation (c) is divided into the width of the board (W), and the obtained values \u200b\u200bare multiplied with each other to determine the required amount of material (M).

For example, P - 1500 cm, d - 600 cm, height - 35 cm, width - 10 cm.

M \u003d p / d × v / sh \u003d 1500/600 × 35/10 \u003d 8.75 boards.

One lumber cube includes from 40 to 65 boards. To the cost of the material on the formwork should be added the cost of consumable fastening elements - nails, brackets, struts and reinforcement rods.

Building formwork on the example of a belt foundation

To make a formwork for a ribbon foundation, you need to follow the instructions below.

Conducting earthworks

After drawing up a work project and counting the required amount of material, an earthen trench is prepared.

Important! To simplify the installation between the walls of the design and trench, it is necessary to make a 2.5 cm technological gap.

A pillow of sand and fine rubble is placed on the bottom to reduce the consumption of the concrete mix. Next, reinforcement of the base with reinforcement bars is performed.

Build design elements

The next step is to set the formwork for a tape basement from the selected material with an additional construction reinforcement.

After the preparatory work is completed, the frame is filled with a concrete mixture in terms of level. And if the fill technology was observed, in a month you can proceed to the main construction work.

For the fill of the foundation, concrete M 150 and 200 is used, with a high UGM (groundwater level), it is recommended to choose concrete M 300 and 350.

To create a wooden frame, boards are used with a thickness of 25 to 45 mm of arbitrary width. The greater the width of the board, the stronger and more reliable is the finished formwork.

From the prepared material is collected shield height equal to the height of the base.

Separate parts of the shield are fixed between themselves bars on the self-tapping screw, the hats should be located on the inside. The gaps and emptiness are clogged with wooden slats in the size of the finished shield.

Collection of formwork for monolithic plate

Installation of formwork for monolithic foundation is performed according to the following scheme:

  1. Installation of vertical supports - telescopic legs of metal or wooden logs with a diameter of up to 12 cm. The distance between the supports is 100 cm, the distance from the racks to the wall is 22 cm.
  2. Installation of fixing rhemels to support to provide additional formwork strengthening. To do this, you can use chawllars, longitudinal bars or foreign beams.
  3. Mounting the frame in a horizontal position on the mounted riggers, while its dimensions must correspond to the size of the future foundation.
  4. Adjusting the supports in height and the installation of vertical design elements.
  5. Check the horizontal location of the installed formwork level.

In some cases, the frame surface is covered with a film to create a waterproofing layer. It will provide easy dismantling of the formwork and a flat surface of a concrete base.

Violation of the formwork technology for ribbon or monolithic bases may have negative consequences with which the building owner will have to come across. A year after commissioning, the first cracks and faults on the bearing walls, internal partitions and the foundation may appear, which will lead to shrinkage and deformation of the entire design of the building.

Many specialists recommend entrusting the construction of formwork for the foundation of professional builders who are able to implement any technically difficult project in practice. But this does not mean that the private developer will not be able to participate in the construction process. The main thing about this issue is the observance of all established rules and recommendations.