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2pac entered the Guinness Book of Records as the most successful rap performer, he sold 75 million discs, thus getting into the Guinness Book of Records.
Tupac Amaru Shakur, who also performed under the pseudonyms MC New York, 2Pac and Makaveli;

June 16, 1971, Harlem, New York - September 13, 1996, Las Vegas, Nevada) is an American rapper, film actor, and public figure.

Rolling Stone ranked him 86 on the list of the greatest artists of all time.

Tupac was killed in 1996, the killers have never been found. The first rapper to whom a monument was erected.

The vast majority of Tupac's songs tell about the hard life in the ghetto, violence, poverty, racism, the problems of modern society and conflicts with other rap artists. Tupac's public activities were aimed at protecting political, economic, social and racial equality, and his early records were about violence, problems of drug and alcohol abuse, conflicts with the law.

1971-1996 R.I.P.

I want my matted hair and puffy lips to be the first thing you see in the morning. And, freezing for the hundredth time from the fact that I pulled the whole blanket over myself, he smiled and pressed me, so warm, to him. All life.

Basta, aka Noggano, is a popular Russian rapper and musician. Real name Vasily Vakulenko. The artist was born on April 20, 1980, in Rostov-on-Don in a family of ordinary workers. Besides comprehensive school studied at the musical. At the age of 12, he first tried heroin, lost his anal virginity and began to write rap, having gathered his own group. He entered the school for the conducting department. But, having finished the first year, he left, because it became clear that his sphere of interests lay far from the school program.

xxx: I cried today)

xxx: I saw in our yard - children jumped over a rope
xxx: everything was fine until I saw a USB jump rope in the hands of a child, and miniUSB on the other

xxx: I cried today)
yyy: what happened?
xxx: here it is a new generation has come
xxx: I saw in short in our yard children jumped over a rope
xxx: everything would have been normal until I saw a USB jump rope in the hands of a child, and miniUSB on the other))

Thanks to our valiant police.
Today I spent 5 hours in the musarn for "walking and smiling."
It turns out that this is prohibited in our country. Mostly grateful. For an unforgettable trip with the dregs of society in a bobby, for witnessing how people are beaten for not meeting your prescriptions. For the fact that he sat and waited when the uncle major, nit, would allow me to go home. In all my life I have not offended anyone, I tried to make this world a better place. He walked and smiled. Thank you, defenders of order. My life is over.
Long your life, so that your health is as strong as faith in the best.

X: sine smiled at me today
Y: sine?
X: yes
Y: explain
X: more precisely its argument
X: while sine was sad
X: well, I'm writing a shorter program
X: and there sin (x)
X: I first fell into a deep pichal that the sinus is sad
X: and then I look, the argument smiles
X: and I feel so good at heart

A son was recently born ...
xxx: Hi Dad! How are you? Eyes not sticking together?
uuu: hello, today we slept badly, either because of the weather, or gaziki in the stomach, groaned half the night, tossed and turned, cried: ((
xxx: okay ...
xxx: how is your son?
woo: bitch, fucked up :)))

i'm a girl .. .. learning to drive a car .. .. and every time I press the brake, I forget to squeeze the clutch .. ... so in order not to enrage the instructor when I need to stop, I just take my foot off the gas .. .. and then people are running across my path, I see that right now I’ll hit him and instead of the brake I shout: run dude, run faster .. ... the instructor laughed and cried .. .. even though he cried more all the same .. .. the mean Murzhian tear of a trucker ...

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Let's bury the axes of war and light the pipe of peace.

Probably, no one will argue with the fact that the indigenous people of America have a special view of the world and the place of man in it. This is a calm wisdom that understands that nature and life will forever remain the main values \u200b\u200bon earth.

website collected for his pale-faced brothers and sisters Indian sayings, which reflect the entire philosophy of distant tribes.

  1. Inside everyone man goes the fight of the evil wolf with the good. The wolf you feed always wins.
  2. When the last tree is cut down, when the last river is poisoned, when the last bird is caught - only then will you understand that you cannot eat money.
  3. The great spirit is imperfect. He has a light side and a dark side. Sometimes dark side gives us more knowledge than light.
  4. It takes silent days to hear yourself.
  5. Love the earth. It is not inherited by you from your parents, it is borrowed by you from your children.
  6. Don't go behind me - I may not lead you. Don't go ahead of me - maybe I won't follow you. Walk side by side and we will be one.
  7. We do not want churches because they will teach us to argue about God.
  8. It doesn't take many words to tell the truth.
  9. When a person prays for one day, and then sins for six days, the Great Spirit becomes angry, and Evil spirit laughs.
  10. Even dead fish can go with the flow.
  11. A good person sees good signs.
  12. Strive for wisdom, not knowledge. Knowledge is the past. Wisdom is the future.
  13. May my enemy be strong and terrible. If I beat him, I will not feel ashamed.
  14. One "take" is better than two "I'll give."
  15. A kind heart and a kind mind are what it takes to be a leader.
  16. Knowledge is hidden in every thing. The world was once a library.
  17. I suffer when I remember how much has been said good words and how many promises have been broken. In this world, those who have no right to speak at all speak too much.
  18. You cannot wake up a person who is pretending to sleep.
  19. The one who is silent knows twice as much as the chatterbox.
  20. The child is a guest in your house: feed, learn and let go.
  21. A well-spoken word is better than a well-thrown ax.
  22. Why do you take by force what you cannot take with love?
  23. Life flows from the inside to the outside. By following this thought, you yourself will become the truth.
  24. The white man has too many bosses.
  25. Do not trust old people who say it is an honor to die young.
  26. Until each person cognizes peace in his soul, peace between nations is impossible.
  27. If you notice that you are riding a dead horse, get off!
  28. When you were born, you cried and the world laughed. Live so that, dying, you laugh, and the world cries.

Facts from history
The rules of life of the Indians

1. It doesn't take many words to tell the truth.

2. What is life? This is the light of a firefly in the night. This is the breath of a bison when winter comes. This is a shadow that lies on the grass and melts at sunset.

3. Love the earth. It is not inherited by you from your parents, it is borrowed by you from your children.

4. When the last tree is cut down, when the last river is poisoned, when the last bird is caught - only then will you understand that you cannot eat money.

5. In the first year of marriage, the newlyweds looked at each other and wondered if they could be happy. If not, they said goodbye and looked for new spouses. If they were forced to live together in disagreement, we would be as stupid as a white man.

6. You cannot wake a person who pretends to sleep.

7. The Great Spirit is imperfect. He has a light side and a dark side. Sometimes the dark side gives us more knowledge than the light side.

8. Look at me. I am poor and naked. But I am the leader of my people. We don't need wealth. We just want to teach our children to be right. We want peace and love.

9. Even your silence can be part of prayer.

10. A white man greedy. In his pocket, he wears a canvas rag into which he blows his nose out, as if afraid that he might blow his nose and miss something very valuable.

11. We are poor because we are honest.

12. Knowledge is hidden in every thing. The world was once a library.

13. My son will never take up farming. Those who work on the earth do not dream, and wisdom comes to us in dreams.

14. We don't want churches because they will teach us to argue about God.

15. When a person prays for one day and then sins for six, the Great Spirit gets angry, and the Evil Spirit laughs.

16. Why do you take by force what you cannot take by love?

17. The old days were wonderful. The old men sat in the sun at their doorstep and played with the children until the sun plunged them into slumber. The old people played with the children every day. And at some point, they just didn't wake up.

18. When a legend dies and a dream disappears, there is no greatness in the world.

19. What is a man without animals? If all animals are exterminated, man will die of great loneliness of spirit. Everything that happens to animals also happens to humans.

20. One “take” is better than two “I will give”.

21. Don't go behind me - I may not lead you. Don't go ahead of me - maybe I won't follow you. Walk side by side and we will be one.

22. Truth is what people believe in.

23. Even a small mouse has the right to be furious.

24. I suffer when I remember how many good words were said and how many promises were broken. In this world, those who have no right to speak at all speak too much.

25. May my enemy be strong and terrible. If I beat him, I will not feel ashamed.

26. The one who tells stories rules the world.

27. Strive for wisdom, not knowledge. Knowledge is the past. Wisdom is the future.

28. When you were born, you cried and the world laughed. Live so that, dying, you laugh, and the world cries.