The generosity of the wide Russian soul. What is "generosity of the soul" and how the generosity of the soul helps to preserve relationships

Self improvement

What is the generosity of the soul?

July 3, 2015.

The soul of man is immeasurable and full of excellent qualities and depths. In life are found to us different people in character, opinion and behavioral factors. There are a number of human qualities that are so-called from God. These include generosity. And then it becomes interesting what kind of generosity?

Definition of concept

On the question of what generosity is difficult to answer in two words. The concept is stretchable and complemented by new and new examples, expanding the meaning of this word. But first of all it is a positive quality, you can say good. So, will reply more specifying the question of what generosity is. This is a person's property to give love, attention, material benefits, to share in the need with neighbor, without requiring nothing in return.

The generosity of the soul is a sign of a deep morality of a person, good nature and manifestation of kindness in unlimited scales and quantities with the exception of expectations of reverse action. Have you met generous people? If so, then probably noticed what warmly goes from them, what a pleasure you get from minimal communication with a generous person. Agree that they are worthy of maximum respect and deserve appreciation. Not in vain about a generous man speak as generous.

Meaning in society

Our society has a fairly complex management apparatus and relationships. But among the everyday mercenary relations there is a charity, which also belongs to human generosity. In fact, in the life of every person there are situations with which he himself can cope. And here they come to the rescue and relatives. But, alas, experience shows that the help from loved ones is due to the expectation of response, at least constant gratitude. Another course of events is not excluded when a person from a pure heart, wanting good, gives part of his time or means. In the first case, contributions to charitable funds are closest to the concept of "generosity."

The second example is also a generosity manifestation. The presence of generous people in society is very important. They - like the keys to God. Imagine: society full of stingy and mercenary people. Will it be welcomed in it with the help of the whole world a banglaneous person in acquiring the necessary drugs or means of movement? The answer is obvious, because this society does not get anything from this good thing, which is especially important for people with disabilities. Such a person will remain alone with his sufferings and helplessness, and it is not known how much will live. And on unimustal, stingy, well, or just indifferent (which is no less bad) it will affect it in its own way. Therefore, the existence of generosity in the hearts of the members of society is important.

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Conference in concept

Very often, generosity includes mutual assistance and donations. Most often donations are made to redeem their sins, therefore the indicated concepts are incompatible, because there is a benefit here. Know that real unprecedented generosity - the Golden lived the soul, which is not exhausted in their acts. Do not think that if you have gave everything, you will remain begging. Yes, perhaps materially, but not spiritually. Spiritual reserves with each generous act are replenished. A man rich in soul does not need a pile of money. And this means that the generous soul is famous for not only returns, but also with low consumption.

Generosity - voice of kindness

It is difficult to judge what generosity is, and fully disclose the essence of this concept. But it is quite clear that this is a wonderful feature and an inexhaustible source of kindness, the presence of God in us. Word itself is on different languagesAccording to the centuries-old existence of this quality in humans. Develop your spiritual potential and be generous!

Immeasurable and full of excellent qualities and depths. In life, we have different people in nature, opinions and behavioral factors. There are a number of human qualities that are so-called from God. These include generosity. And then it becomes interesting what kind of generosity?

Definition of concept

On the question of what generosity is difficult to answer in two words. Tensile and complemented by new and new examples extending the meaning of this word. But first of all it can be said, good. So, will reply more specifying the question of what generosity is. This is a person's property to give love, attention, material benefits, to share in the need with neighbor, without requiring nothing in return.

The generosity of the soul is a sign of a deep morality of a person, good nature and manifestation of kindness in unlimited scales and quantities with the exception of expectations of reverse action. Have you met generous people? If so, then probably noticed what warmly goes from them, what a pleasure you get from minimal communication with a generous person. Agree that they are worthy of maximum respect and deserve appreciation. Not in vain about a generous man speak as generous.

Meaning in society

Our society has a fairly complex management apparatus and relationships. But among the everyday mercenary relations there is a charity, which also belongs to human generosity. In fact, in the life of every person there are situations with which he himself can cope. And here they come to the rescue and relatives. But, alas, experience shows that the help from loved ones is due to the expectation of response, at least constant gratitude. Another course of events is not excluded when a person from a pure heart, wanting good, gives part of his time or means. In the first case, contributions to charitable funds are closest to the concept of "generosity."

The second example is also a generosity manifestation. The presence of generous people in society is very important. They - like the keys to God. Imagine: society full of stingy and mercenary people. Will it be welcomed in it with the help of the whole world a banglaneous person in acquiring the necessary drugs or means of movement? The answer is obvious, because this society does not get anything from this good thing, which is especially important for people with disabilities. Such a person will remain alone with his sufferings and helplessness, and it is not known how much will live. And on unimustal, stingy, well, or just indifferent (which is no less bad) it will affect it in its own way. Therefore, the existence of generosity in the hearts of the members of society is important.

Conference in concept

Very often, generosity includes mutual assistance and donations. Most often donations are made to redeem their sins, therefore the indicated concepts are incompatible, because there is a benefit here. Know that real unprecedented generosity - the Golden lived the soul, which is not exhausted in their acts. Do not think that if you have gave everything, you will remain begging. Yes, perhaps materially, but not spiritually. Spiritual reserves with each generous act are replenished. A man rich in soul does not need a pile of money. And this means that the generous soul is famous for not only returns, but also with low consumption.

Generosity - voice of kindness

It is difficult to judge what generosity is, and fully disclose the essence of this concept. But it is quite clear that this is a wonderful feature and kindness, the presence of God in us. The Word itself is in different languages, which speaks of the centuries-old existence of this quality in humans. Develop your spiritual potential and be generous!

I continue to spend small lessons of psychological liberation "A la Family therapist".

The value of these my words is to familiarize yourself with them (and accept or not adopt their arms) you can completely free.

Well, a paid trip to a psychologist (with your family problems) will end that these simple truths will be sold to you for quite impressive money.

What to do, in your relationship with a partner (and in your soul) the world reigned?

Everything is very simple - we need to learn to show generosity soul.

The generosity of the soul is when you tell yourself: "Okay, I will not lose me if he continues to do these nonsense. He will not be able to "disgrace" me. Because I do not have such a low self-esteem! "

It happens that we want to change the partner on their own way, to remake his Manera to laugh or hold hands, pronounce certain words, and it happens that they caress and more fundamental things - prejudices, beliefs, tastes ...

If, of course, your partner is a fascist, and you do not transfer fascists on the Spirit, well, then think: how did you think so that you were at all right? And now what to do with it?

But if we are talking about smaller "shortcomings", psychologists advise you to stop playing the role of Malvina and just leave a person alone.

This is the highest pilot in relationships and it is the highest wisdom in life.

If you are shy about something ...

Here is an exercise.

Stand B. full height, shove in the mouth of the chewing, imagine yourself with a "male father" talking to the "six" at the entrance to the elite nightclub and tell me the phrase: "Yes, this person - with me. There is a problem?". Training until it turns out "what you need."

But unfortunately, many girls and women like the archetype "Sleeps with purple hair", that they are looking for a man only to have anyone to "hear" at leisure.

And there is a more sad version ...

Often, the "re-welding" has a completely submitting down. We sometimes sometimes have such a low self-esteem, we are so unpleasured in ourselves that we are afraid - no matter how bothering near the person, dressed "not in that haul" or a laughing "not jokes" ...

Such cowardice is the saddest fact that I am known about people ...

The generosity of the soul is the ability to take a loved one (I would like to say - anyone) The person is entirely.

Remember how not the generous soul of Pharisees were surprised to Jesus out of Nazareth - why does he spend time with sooters and harmnitsa? It is so discreditting him in the eyes of society! He, interrupting laws and Scripture - did not find a more decent company for himself?!

But if you know firmly your great pedigree (you are the Son of Most High), does it really concern you?

As Professor Higgins said (paradoxist and mockery): "I speak with any flower play, as with the duchess. And with any duchess, like a flowerman! "

How to develop the generosity of the soul? How to communicate with your loved one, in order to come in the soul, and in family relationship - Harmony.

There are several uncomplicated rules called "making rules". Here they are:

  1. Do not try to "improve" him.
  2. Do not put it as an example of other men.
  3. Give him the freedom to be myself, slowly and independently, in the pace inherent in it and the manner to move towards more adequate choice.
  4. Take not only its advantages, but also the weaknesses.
  5. Get rid of the position "I know better!"
  6. Do not forget to express your acceptance - words and do it often.
  7. Allow it to follow his beliefs.
  8. Allow it to put his goals.
  9. Allow it to get involved in what I like.
  10. Finally ... see only on his positive sides And you will be able to find them if you look at its shortcomings for you - unbearably.

A few words of mothers raising boys.

As soon as the child ceases to be misunderstanding and is determined with his floor - he is already a man. Small but man.

And then, when this moment came, all of the above rules become mandatory and in the human relations with the Son.

From now on, to learn something and teach your son only exclusively other men. But not you, not his grandmother, not his teacher and not sister.
Your task is now coming down only to try to pick up such a circle of communication for your son, in which there will be a lot of various other men, Hotnovy, and all these men will be adequate - according to your own standards.

Semenova N.V.

Department of Rusystika

The generosity of the wide Russian soul

Keywords:language, Lingucultural Analysis, Russian Language Consciousness, Cultural Constant, Generosity, Latitude, Russian.

Annotation:The article made an attempt at lingu cultural analysis of the most important constant of Russian culture - "generosity". In comparison with the related concept of "latch", the idea "Wide Russian generosity" is considered key for the Russian language picture of the world according to the "National Corps of the Russian Language".

The unprecedented case of generosity of the "wide Russian soul" occurred the other day in the Italian town of Chinkale, Tuscany province. There, the company of Russians from four people left the waiter restaurant Tipping in the amount of 4.2 thousand euros, reports with reference to the Italian press () What seems very indicative. After all, the "Corps" is an electronic resource for linguists, it is focused primarily on a linguistic, and not on a politically engaged audience, and therefore we can use its data for their linguistic analysis without any bias. All examples below are given from the above electronic resource.

"Corps" gives us the most interesting contexts for a request according to the words "wide" and "latch". Wide In the meaning projection that interests us in the Russian language picture of the world can be: character, man, gesture;can widespread life(or hand) and put the work on a wide leg.Wed: Housing Emil Teodorovich on the Wide leg. All the money, and he earned a lot, spent easily: clothes sewed at the most expensive tailors, dined in the most luxury restaurants, in hotels always occupied suite numbers. And so sometimes two or three days before paying it turned out without money(Yuri Nikulin. Life on wheels (1979)) ; Count, since the founding of the club, was his member and senior. He was instructed from the club Celebration for Bagration, because he rarely knew how on a wide hand, to make a pretty feast, especially because rarely who knew how to attach his money if they need to be on the pyr device(L. N. Tolstoy. War and world. Tom the second (1867-1869)) . Sustainable combinations on a wide leg / hand- Fully common phenomena in Russian and the quality described by them are not always applicable to man. Russia itself is often associated with such qualities, which in this case are estimated already as sharply negative, Wed: Besides Such a typical misfortune for Russia as underfunding, has our water supply and other national signs. For example, the use of drinking water in the farm. This is a kind of Russian paradox. In the whole of the rest of the civilized world, there is water and drinking water, distinguished and quality, and the price. Russia Lives on a wide legand it does not finish with water. Saving water either we are not in honor drinking water So far in vain and in the toilet, and in the bath, and in the gardens (Elena Nalimova. City without water (2003) // "Rich" (Saratov), \u200b\u200b2003.10.02)).

However, as evidenced by the data of the "Corps", the more frequent combinations with "latter" and "wide", including the word as the reference component soul.In this case, the "latitude" is considered exclusively as a positive property and the ability of the Russian man: Wide soul, a wide soul man, the latitude of the soul.For example: Not For example, for example, even such a case in one of the first days of visits to the Institute in 1942. Lecturer of the History of the Party of Glory Vladimirovna Schrin, asked if I have food cards and where I eat (oh, at that time it was the most paramount question!), And at that time, it was the most primary question!), And having learned about my unsettlegi, I immediately got the White Baton from the service cabinet and cut off half . It is unlikely that anyone will now understand, especially from the young, what a deed was, what a generosity, what Latitude of the soul! (Viktor Rosov. Surprise before life (1960-2000)). It turns out that very often in such a context latitude Rights S. generousas in the previous example and in the following: there is The great works of art that personify the best national features of their people carry the ideas of high humanism and nationality, keep his mind, wealth, breadth and generosity of the soul. To such works in the genre of opera in Russian music art, the masterpiece M. Glinka is owned - his first opera "Ivan Susanin" (Mark Hermler. To resume the performance (1985)); Prose F. Abramov has accommodated a lot. She and our roots, sources, faith, hope, and, of course, about love - the real, sacrificial, all-confining; about the "brothers and sisters", about amazing Russian women, their simplicity, wisdom, generous soul and magnitude("Lambushka" - IV International Theater Festival Chamber Theaters (2003) // "Theater Life", 2003.05.26)).

However, not only in the context broad soulwe meet generosity."National Corps of Russian Language" gives examples of sustainable conjugation generousin textural space with all possible semantic variations on the topic russian latitude, Wed. eg: Allwho had a need for his patronage, did not refuse him; if anyone helped, then delal this is empty hand and in general was generous. Everything was grandiose: and a house in St. Petersburg, and the admission of Empress Elizabeth Alekseevna in Moscow region, Ilinsky, and St. Petersburg evenings, who honored some members of the imperial surname with their presence (I. I. Lazhchnikov. Several notes and memories about the article "Materials for the biography of A.P. Ermolova" (1864)); But An hour before the discovery of the ability of the Fedorovsky and his witchcraft, everything incomprehensiblely rose into its places! Each visit to Moscow turned to us - regardless of the season - on the holiday of Christmas. We corrected Nathan with Santa Claus, for he was invariably with a bag of gifts, which he loaded his Galya. Latitude, generosity, disgracefulness was organic for him, and German defense did not stick to him. Do not consider people who were in a foreign land that Nathan in difficult for them ... (Vasily Katanyan. Touching idols (1998))

Note that for Russian culture generosityis an equally important concept than latitude. Russians themselves are quite clearly aware of their tendency to generous behavior And they consider it to be its traditional feature. In this regard, it suffices to mention the established already expressions, such as generous soul(Wed. The famous brand company NESTLE: Russia - generous soul!), give generous hand, generous heartetc. A person who can be called in Russian socyium generous- this is the one who willingly spend on others, not a meager (Ozhegov, 1982), i.e. A person, easy and freely giving all or part of his property to another, and therefore most often associated with the gifts donor. POSSPOSPOSITION K. generosity as an ability to give giftsstarts over the ordinary Russian consciousness. So, it is from generosity In the XIX century was perceived gifts. New Year's Eve was called generous or generous (Vasilyev) evening (Dal 1989). There was even a special verb generouslywhich meant "go to Vasilyev evening (New Year's Eve) by Vatagami at home, with songs, congratulating, wanting all kinds of good, and collecting for this handout, more edible; that in the Christmas Christmas Eve; Collabli, and song-songs were also called generosy. Those who generous, called generous».

V. Dal, determining the meaning of the word generous,wrote it first gracious, merciful to help, for gifts, to distribute alms, benefits (Dal 1989). Note that the charitable activities of Russian merchants, known even outside of Russia, entrenched in Russian in phrases merchant generosity. And Vladimir Solovyov described generosityas an enconitor inherent in the Russian man like this: " Generosity External manifestations coincides with generosity and unbelievable but has another internal base - Altruistic. A virtuous and generous man is the one that from justice or humoring is divided by his property with others (for, since he does it out of vanity or from arrogant, there is no virtue here). But at the same time, such a person can even be tied to misfortune to that property, which he distributes, and in this case it can not, strictly speaking, to be called disinterested; It should only be said that in it the altruistic virtue of generosity wins the vice of korestolobiya "(V. S. Soloviev. Justification of good (1894-1899)).

So, we can fully say that generosityenshrined in the Russian consciousness in the form of a special mental unit - a special cultural constant, which directly relates to latitude, mercyand generosity.Cultureologists, however, complement this "conceptual series" and say that generosityalso connected with Religiosity, cathedral and responsiveness. At the same time, close relationship with the relative concept is considered the most important mercySince it clearly indicates the observance of Holy Advanced in Orthodoxy, permeating the whole Russian culture, the commandments "Love your neighbor as yourself." Orthodox Russian man generosity perceived exclusively as the highest form of the manility of mercy, love to neighbor(Dobezts, 2008).

Analysis of the data provided by the Russian language painting researcher with the "National Corps of the Russian Language", allows you to supplement the above characteristics.

So, according to Russians, generosity, of course, is the property of a person, not a feature.

At the same time, it is often seen as a human property having its own "Geography." Cf. typical combination of the word "generosity" with such definitions as eastcaucasian, North, South.For example: The phenomenon of trucks with cochanists caused a huge inspiration in the ranks of the database personnel ranks. But Timur Bagratovich from Caucasian generositygave way to the right of the first truck to us(Mikhail Tarasenko, Igor Martynov. Our Youth Cabbage (1997) // "Capital", 1997.10.13); It Spent Baklakova in the storage room. Colored cotton blankets, clamshells, primuses, teapots were lying in the storage room. - Beres! - from Eastern generosity said man and closed his eyes demonstrating higher degree Trust (Oleg Kuvaev. Territory (1970-1975). This series fits perfectly organically. russian generosity: As far as we know, Kucher is not a fool to drink. Treat it with Russian generosityand he will not be able to keep the entrance(Boris Vasilyev. Were and not. Book 1 (1988)), as well as combinations in Russian generously:To me I liked in Sholokhov simplicity extraordinary in the country, natural and simple execution of the duties of the host of the host, confident conducting the conversation. Table was by- Russian generousdiluted with food, and everything is so tasty that I have not energged for a long time, nor cucumbers, no fish, nor a cold (Vladimir Chilivihin. "My dream is to become a writer," from diaries 1941-1974. (2002) // "Our contemporary", 2002.06.15)). As you can see, the Russian man prefers to attribute the property be generous Mostly oriental - in the geographical sense - people. Only single examples presents a different "geography": so, never issued an example of a combination with a lex westernbut nationally identified manifestations generosity Flemadskaya and dutch: One The humiliating case was especially tight in memory. It is associated with Dynamo rink, which has already mentioned above. Some miraculously, his silver dish fit in a densely built-up-rebalanced center of Moscow. Here the house climbs the house, you will not find a free Pigchka: a rabbit is built between the garbage and garage, the scarm of the laces twisted the pasta and ripened the sweet Gutalinskaya Zone, went into some kind of niche of the cap, and the electric welder, the owner of a blinding spark, shedding substations, all sorts of workshops are a friend of friend, pushing elbows, and suddenly the city is broken and from Dutch generositygives its citizens pure ice space. (Yuri Nagibin. Darkness at the end of the tunnel (1994)). In general, the Russian man does not attribute the property to be generous west. If the "National Corps" gives contexts with Western Marking, then only in the case when Irony is manifested, for example: we We can access Central Asia. Not to Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, not in the Caucasus - in a word, not in the CIS, on which Chubais was swung with his "liberal imperialism", and even more so not to the Baltic States - nobody will not allow us there, here the US and Europe, despite All their disagreements will be one. But in Central Asia - please "(" Tomorrow ", No. 42, 2003). I think deleagin overestimates generosity West. In Central Asia, as well as everywhere in the post-Soviet space, Russia faces tough competition. Laccoming pieces of property are painted foreigners. Skupile the most promising economy of the region - Kazakh(Alexander Kazinsev. The path of Philip (2004) // "Our contemporary", 2004.06.15).

Russian generosityhas wide spatial parameters. She may be infinite, unlimited, infinitewed: Here Such a job with him with him. But it always works much less than communication. He crushed him with infinite generosity (Alexey Wolfov. Now only remember (2003) // "Our contemporary", 2003.12.1)) . But at the same time, the Russian man believes that she "still have to have borders," because if it does not "have limits", then it happens dangerous: Few that Johann himself refused to participate in a combat operation - he demanded that the teeth would freeze from her and the Pole of Yaroslav Chizhevsky, whom he just adored for all those qualities, what, by the way to say, and his own dangerous generosity Awarded Nature. (Vadim Kozhevnikov. Shield and Sword. Book Second (1968)). Interestingly, Russian language consciousness measures generositynot only horizontally according to the principle of "latitude", but also vertically - according to the principle of "depth", cf. such an expression like the depth of its generosity.

Note that spatial characteristics, sustainably associated with Russian linguistic consciousness with generosity, clearly detect itself in attributing the properties of "be generous" native expanses:as a "owner" of this property can act earth Mother, Steppeand under. For example: Peasantic weekdays in the south is even more though than in middle lane countries. However, the beauty of I. generosity steppe With cries of cranes, the riot of spring flowering and autumn yields abundance awakens a restless thirst for creativity, develops aesthetic feelings in man (Mashkarinsky miniatures (2004) // "Folk creativity", 2004.06.21)).

In general, the Russian man who, on the observations of many foreigners, is absolutely not intended to observe the sense of measure and stick to the "Golden Mid" in the manifestation of his feelings and emotions, constantly "exceeds the norm" and in the manifestation of its ability to generous. In relation to normalgenerositymaybe such:

The usual - unusual, small - large, greatest, immense - excessive, royal. Moreover, it detects such characteristics as:

a) "Exclusiveness":phenomenal, special, special, rare now, amazing, unprecedented, incredible, unheard: coming out of the tent, Andreyka made a wide gesture and stated: - Ayda shoot from "Montecritists"! I treat. It was unheard of generosity, and boys revereneously followed the improvised shooting gallery, where everyone received a real gun for a moment and five precious bullets (Irina Ratushinskaya. Odessans (1998)).

c) "Administration":unexpected, sudden.For example: we Thanks to him for his school. We have learned the wisdom of nomadic circus life. We learned seriously and carefully treat each found funny trick, the ability to use it in the right moment. In the pencil, the softness and hardness of character, leaning and unexpected generosity (Yuri Nikulin. As I became a clown (1979)).

d) "non-Controlness and irrationality":raughty , unrestrained , recklessunbridled: Lily Yuryevna from the very first of the same minutes felt his individuality, and in an hour I realized that he lives in society, ignoring his laws. She impressed his discrepancy, humor, spontaneity and raughty generosity - Word, his charm.(Vasily Katanyan. Lily Bric. Life (1999)). Irrationality often displays generositybeyond the limits real Miraand she becomes inhuman, christmas, fabulous, unearthly.For example: I Hurry up to leave. I can say, run ... Because I do not want to hear my thoughts from her. Why so everyone is worn from some inhuman generosity Russian? On the part of the last shirt, a piece of bread, so that one with passion to disrupt from himself, and the other to give off at the most fingers, - no we are equal(Galina Shcherbakova. Avocado bone (1994)).

The following important characteristics of Russian generous- this is her attitude to beauty:she may be amazing, wondrous, beautiful; Qualification by social status:royal, noble, merchant, Barskaya, beggars; attitude towards "Truth / Lie":true - false.

It is easy to see that the inconsistency and irrationality of a Russian nature is quite transparently reflected by the language: characterizing their generosity, the Russian man often thinks by the "polar" concepts, which is easily transmitted by antonymic pairs: normal - unusual, small - big, true - false.

Note that Russian generosityit has exceptional action, and the action, as you know, necessarily implies temporary quantification, because generosityin Russian consciousness constant, sporadic,even situationalor manifests in the form attacks (bouts of generosity).But in any case, it is perceived as an active acting start - a subject of action: it can simply manifest themselves, to act (his generosity affected me), roll(Not Want to pay - do not, take it. You, I see you do not believe. Imagine, give! Nakatila generosity... (Vladimir Dudintsev. White clothes / Second part (1987)) or even disarmand maybe in the "Administrative Key" - stick, hitor surprise.Wherein generous It is characteristic of being the causator, the initiator of another action: it can force (Think, answer in something.). At the same time, without showing itself as Agens, she is just decorate.

but generosity - This is often an object of action: After all, it evaluateher showit is possible take advantage or trumps, it is possible flauntand abuse.And this is such an object that has exclusively positive qualitiesbecause her appreciatefor her thank you, rewardand There are grateful. For example: Not, I will pose as much as you need. I see how well it turns out, I am sure of the result, and we will certainly bring the matter to the end. - Oh thanks! I for example And yours generosity, and trust to me (Zoya Maslenikov. Conversations with Pasternak (2001)). In Ne. there are sure And on Ney countwed: But the word is a kind of product. As a rule, he and perishable and shelf life is limited. Manufacturer of such a product entitled calculate on the generosityHowever, it should not hypertrophy with its meaning in the universe. A good writer or philosopher is always a historic face who has left this world at least one hundred years ago(Leonid Zorin. Jupiter (2001) // "Banner", 2002)).

Generosityperceived by the Russian man usually in a positive context, i.e. in the context attention, hospitality, hospitality, charm, kindness, courage, beauty, nobility, generosity, piety, unconsciousness, humans, sensitivity, loveetc. It is quite natural that the "National Corps" is a shot of examples in which Lexeme generositypresented in the same written row with the above. So we can state that generosityin Russian language consciousness, has a high positive assessment on the scale of axiology. Wed: Moral The scale of all nations and at all times is determined by the ability of a person to love: good - all that comes from love ( generosity, self-sacrifice, mercy, selflessness), evil - all that opposes love (egoism, misfortune, cruelty, cowardice)(Armen Zurabov. Return to the future (1999) // "Friendship of Peoples", 1999.04.15)). Along the way, we note that in an exceptionally positive perspective, they always celebrated the generosity of Russians and foreigners, even if this property was manifested in extreme situations, Wedway: Most The city was destroyed by the French quite thoroughly before their departure from there in the fortress, but still the Russian sailors spent here during their long parking time pretty good. The Greeks and Italians quickly agreed with Russians. "... The desert with ruins was transformed into a funny outbirth; Everything came to life ... And no one thought about the shortcomings, they were undergoing. It is necessary to admit that the Russians are granted to create such wonders alone: generosity them, the flexibility in the severity, location to the pleasures of any kind of rollery and ease, they learn to be learned by foreign languages, bring them back soon with all nations(E. V. Tarl. Admiral Ushakov on the Mediterranean Sea (1798-1800) (1948)).

However, it is highly appreciated by the property "to be generous" itself, the Russian man believes that generosity does not always have good effects because it can wrap greedy, petty, wastefulness, waste.And then the Russian man gazes , generositythis is or junction insparably pleasure, excessive luxuryor unnecessary pomp.Wed: I like generosity And also he was generous when he could afford to pleasure and luxury. Can I still?(Vladimir Glajovsky. Russian Doctor in America (1984-2001)); Where does it come from? generosity? Really the area can afford such luxury - scattered millions? Of course not. There is a lack of a certain reasonable public Policy (Oleg Ratnikov. Corrosion of thinking (2003) // "East Siberian Pravda" (Irkutsk), 2003.06.19)); Debts, of course, need to give, but excessive generosity It will be inappropriate (Invested tips (2002) // "House", 2002.12.04)); Our generosity Before Dari, it will easily develop in such a penny that it requires a special case to describe it. (Galina Shcherbakov. Army of lovers (1997)).

Add that generosity In the Russian language film, the world has a pronounced "anthropometric parameter": of course, Russian generosityalways goes from souland from Hearts.That is, very often a Russian man, if he wants to present someone in his positive perspective in the very positive perspective, it will definitely prevent unique definition "from the soul" and "from the (total) heart" in one row with type qualifications generously:Special Often I remember mom. She was a wonderful person, kind, responsive, people went to make her misfortune to her, consult, and she helped everyone, sympathized, sorry. And she was an extraordinarily gifted person inborn artist, anyone could copy, especially children, subtly noticing and passing the essence of character, knew how to sing well, dance and everything did from the heart, generously, brightly, wide (Viktor Tokarev. We tried to give the audience hope (2004) // "Theatrical Life", 2004.02.23)). Completely ethnospecific must recognize already practically sustainable combinations of type mental generosity, hearty generosity.For a Russian person, this is the highest praise. Wed: Gone From life, a large and clean soul person, immeasurable love and kindness. Modest, honest, smart, he conquered all the people surrounding him, with his humans, mental generosity and decency. (He loved life in all its manifestations (2004) // "Meat Industry", 2004.06.21)); "And how many plans were! - they no longer be implemented; These books could write only by him, with his bright human talentedness, with its extensive knowledge and uniting thinking, with his harsh and passionate temperament of a fighter for the purity of domestic culture, for the integrity of the People's Soul, with his heart generosity And kindness ...(If Yuri Seleznev was with us ... (2004) // "Our contemporary", 2004.06.15)).

Material wealth for a Russian person who wants to show their own property to generosity does not play roles. Moreover, it is truly considered to be generous who gives everything and even - it's not clear where we take - more. Wed: Russians Always differed lamb soul and generosityunparalleled with their income. So, in 1950, an exhibition of gifts "Father of Peoples" was organized to the seventieth anniversary of Stalin. The funds had 127,823 gifts. Among them were unique products: a carpet, in the creation of which 18 thousand women of Slovakia participated, Cars Skoda, "Minor", "Alfa-Romeo", Vaza from Mammoth's fang, on which the Chinese master worked for more than 9 years, the letter of residents of Delhi Rice grain consisting of 182 characters (Maxim Schlegel et al. Present for the President (2001) // "Arguments and Facts", 2001.06.06)).

These are the main characteristics and parameters generous In that form, in which its modern Russian man is aware. Have they always been such? If we turn to the history of the word itself and the concept, we will find the word generosity- Pretty later new discharge. This indicates at least distracted suffix .Semantic "progenitor" generousis a generous lexeme ó that (or more often generous ó you), fixed by the Starlistian and Old Russian dictionaries no later than the XI century. and meaning mercy, compassion, mercy(Staroslavl dictionary, 1958)). Generous in the Slavic world actually perceived man mercifuland gracious,k. compassion.Property generousa person to be a gifts donor, endured by modern interpretors in the first place, "acquisition" quite later and, in the opinion of some researchers associated with the pragmatic influence of the Western consciousness, which began with Petrov's reforms of the XVIII century.

Etymological dictionaries They give us an even more interesting picture: it turns out that the Indo-European base of the word is the root * (S) k (H) ED- "split into small pieces", "split" (black, 2006). The same root in a more "pure form" we are watching Antonym scarce, in connection with which, for example, P.Ya. Black, it believes that "the" generous "and" scanty "values \u200b\u200bdeveloped from the older meaning to" split "," split "," break into pieces ", and hence," creepy "," be scarce "" (black, 2006, p. 431). But it is history the words.What is the story conceptsstanding behind this word?

Here we must recognize that the concept itself entered Russian culture with a pronounced Christian connotation. Generous ó that generous ó you are generally initially recognized by exclusively divine attributes. If we turn to the ancient East Slavonic texts, and they for the most part will give us samples of the Church Slavonic language, then we will find that neither generous ó that nor generous ó you are almost never found in the context of "human", "worldly". Generous ó you, more frequently used lexeme, always testifies to the manifestation of the Divine in worldly life. If we were talking about the properties of a person, then in the same context, where the modern Russian would use the word generous, generosityeastern Slavs would soon put almighty, mercyor (less often) benty.All these words were synonyms and fell under the semantic region "The manifestation of mercy by God or man." And only one word, namely generous ó you were distinguished by the fact that I pointed to the mercy of the Lord. That is why generous ó you, unlike modern generous, never have negative definitions: they can not be unnecessaryn. excessivenor excessive.But they infinite and unlimitedthey can not scopesince they are exorbitant rich.Generous ó you are not quantified because of them much setcan not be exhausted and God incomprehensible It is in his generous ó tax.

Theologians argue that generous ó you are external expressions Divine love for a person in the Suspension of him material benefits (Klimenko, 2004). A person who is not able to feel deeply divine love, still can feel her presence through the material manifestation, which is the generous ó you. Interestingly, the modern Russian man intuitively feels this feature of the ancient Slavic worldview, reflecting it in amazing phrases soul generosity as interior property(After all, you can only feel the soul, it cannot be seen) and strike feelingsas outdoor manifestation (Feelings are always expressed in facial expressions, gestures and impulsive actions).

It seems that Russian generosityits modern interpretation through spatial parameters, namely through latitude infinityand infinitynaturally perceived from the generous lexeme ó you. Saves generosityand etymological connection with wealthand set.However, the "innovation" in the interpretation of generosity as a property definitely is the projection on the consequences. Generous ó you did not have any attribute of God's attribute of such a projection: the Lord gives them constantly and as a true manolytian does not care about the consequences. The person in his imitation of divine person, on the contrary, very often thinking about them, and therefore it is able to evaluate generosityand in a negative plan as wasteful, unnecessary, reckless.Another difference of a modern understanding of the manifestation of generosity is its temporary quantification: generous ó you are constant and continuous, they are continuous pour out(water metaphor, by the way, the most common in definition generous ó t); generositythe same as mentioned above may be evaluated as sporadicand situational. However, the most vivid difference in Slavic generous ó t and Russian generousthing is generosityassociated with a modern Russian person almost exclusively with the gift and receipt giftsbut gifts. Giftas the phenomenon of the spiritual world , according to modern interpretation, retains its high connotation, and present No: This is primarily a thing that is given, gave (Ozhegov, 1982).

And yet, as it seems, the Russian man is because it is quite justified ascribes himself generosityas one of the main national properties, that in its worldview, he largely preserves the original slavic meanings Ancient generous ó t. At the same time, we emphasize that, of course, a Russian man does not claim to be generous only he, and the "National Corps of the Russian Language" is perfectly demonstrated: after all, in its composition there are combinations and eastern generosityand georgian generosityand flemish,and dutchetc. It is much more important for Russian national consciousness to other emphasis: generosityrussian still perceives as an exceptionally positive property. anyonegood, in his opinion, man, other thing that is huge scopeand breadththis property, he still reserves, and he himself realizes that the generosity of the wide Russian soul Often it has little to themselves and the rest of the world of consequences.


1. Berdyaev N.S. Fate of Russia

Semenova Natalia Vladimirovna, Russia

Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor of the Russian language department Novgorod state University name Yaroslav Wise


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What is it, real mental generosity? Like all the present, it is beautiful and abundant. The generosity is a component of love. After all, the real love is generous.

The spiritual generosity consists not only and not so much in sharing with other material savings, but also by the values \u200b\u200bof their soul. This is long-suffering, and forgiveness, and disinterested help.

I really liked one parable about generosity:

One day, one Persian king decided to become generous. He ordered the best architects of Iran to build a palace with a huge golden pantry from forty windows.

Soon, such a palace was built, and the royal pantry was filled with gold coins, which were brought on carts to the capital from all over the country.

When the order was performed, heralds declared a king's decree that from the very day he himself through the windows would hand out gold to all in need. Huge crowds of the people stretched to the palace.

The king every day came to one of the forty windows to give everyone the one with one gold coin. Once again, distributing alms, the king noticed one Dervish, who took the gold coin every day and left.

The king first thought that, maybe he takes them for another poor man, who is not able to come himself. Then, seeing him the next day, he thought again that, maybe this dervish gifts others by following the principle of secret generosity. And every day the king came up with a new justification for him, while the king's patience did not come to the fortieth day. He grabbed Dervish by his hand and shouted in a terrible anger:

- Ungrateful insignificance! You have never bowed to me, did not say any words of gratitude and never even smiled.

- What do you copy this money or give them to height?

- You will only disappoint a high reputation of paid apparel.

As soon as the king fell silent, Dervish pulled out of the sleeve forty gold coins, obtained by the forty days, and, thumping them to the ground, said:

- Know, about the king of Iran, that generosity is only then truly the generosity when the manifests it with three conditions.

The first condition is to give, without thinking about its generosity.

The second condition is to be patient.

And the third is not to eat suspicion.

In the subway, in the train, on urban streets, almost on every corner we are daily visible beggars, homeless, hijacked, who just does not ask for alienations in our day. Someone from the dumb passersby gives them money, and someone indifferently passes by. I, in this sense, no exception and I do not distribute the money to the right and left, as it is still unable to help all those who suffer, but it is not required of me.

Yes, and alms are now asked not only those who really need, but also fraudsters, for which begging is a high-order business.

However, I want to tell about one case, which once happened to me. I returned from work when the elderly woman came to me on the street, all in tears and asked me to give her money on the passage, saying that she pulled out all the money from her handbag.

I was sorry for me, I believed her, gave money as I could and went on.

What was my surprise and indignation, when the next day I again saw the same woman in the same place telling his "soul" history of the next passerby girl. Frankly, I felt deceived and was outraged, and the first desire was to come and express everything I think about her.

But my second thought was a thought: "God is a judge to her. This money did not make me poorer, but it will not be richer." I really doubt that money obtained by fraudulent way can bring happiness.

What did this story taught me - to stop trusting people, become more careful? Not. I do not regret the money and if I am asked to help, I will help again than I can. I know, many will consider it weakness, but I have a different opinion. And my second thought that came to me at the moment when I realized that I was deceived, I was from God: I am sure that I was pretended by a generosity lesson.

Every day, life teaches us generous. Generous in love for themselves, to our loved ones and in relations with other people.

I think, if you're standing before choosing to help another person or not help, then you need to accept a conscious decision if I decided to help-help and do not let the soul suspicion and do not expect anything in return: this is true generosity, and if you doubt - better not Let's do nothing and do not help at all.