The results of the survey of university teachers and an assessment of the need for a study of the management system of the Moscow State University of Print named after Ivan Fedorov.

Dear comrade!

In connection with the study of the educational process in the university, please answer the questions of the questionnaire. Read the question and possible answers to it. Choose the option that most reflects your opinion, and circle the code corresponding to it.

If none of the options suits you, write your own in a special place. We draw your attention to the fact that the answers to the questions are not subject to a discount.

1. Which of the definitions of the concept of "students' education" do you consider the most fully reflective its content?

01 is the process of arming students by professional knowledge, the development of their desire to act in accordance with the requirements

02 is a targeted process of formation and development in students of professional and psychological qualities necessary in everyday life and activities

03 - This is a specially organized, manageable interaction of the learning and trainee, the ultimate goal of which is to form a specialist of his case with the necessary professional knowledge, skills and skills.

04 - Other (Write).



2. To what extent are you satisfied with the condition and effectiveness of the education of students in the university (university)?

05 - Satisfied

06 - more yes than not

07 - no more than yes

08 - Not satisfied

10 - informed in full

11 - Partially informed

12 - informed not enough

13 - I find it difficult to answer.

4. In which volume do you know the requirements for students set forth in the Charter of the University, the provisions and regulations of the student hostel?

14 - I know in full

15 - I know the basic provisions related to the fulfillment of their duties of the teacher

16 - I know some articles, provisions

17 - I find it difficult to answer.

5. Do you support communication with the heads of the Department, Faculties, Institute for Education of Students?

18 - I support constantly

19 - I support irregularly

20 - I do not support

21 - I find it difficult to answer.

6. Do you use your professional and teaching experience in the interests of education?

22 - I use constantly

23 - rather yes, what not

24 - rather no than yes

25 - I do not use.

7. Do you experience the results of your activities on the formation of students?

26 - yes, experiencing

27 - Rather, yes, no

28 - no more than yes

29 - do not feel

30 - I find it difficult to answer.

8. Do you use the practice of moral incentive and promotion in the course of classes?

31 - Yes, I use

32 - No, I do not use

33 - I find it difficult to answer.

9. If you apply the practice of moral incentive and promotion, then what is this expressed?

34 - Apply various types of approval and support

35 - I use measures the effects of the team on poorly successful and unfinished students

36 - Please note the distinguished or poor students in the order of the head of the Faculty, Institute

37 - Other (Write).




10. Do you have difficulty in conducting educational work with students?

38 - Testing

39 - I do not feel

40 - I find it difficult to answer.

11. If such difficulties are you experiencing, then what are they connected with? (You can mark several positions)

41 - Lack of a single approach to understanding student education

42 - Insufficient attention from the heads of different levels to the issues of students' education

43 - Insufficient personal preparedness for educational work with students

44 - lack of objective information on the status and practice of education in the student group, on the course, Faculty, at the Institute

45 - Insufficient efficiency of educational structures, teaching staff for students

46 - Lack of permanent and effective prevention of misdoant students from leaders

47 - Other (Write).




12. What do you think does today have the level of education with modern requirements and upcoming professional tasks?

48 - answers

49 - Rather, yes, what not

50 - rather no than yes

51 - does not answer

52 - I find it difficult to answer.

13. What, in your opinion, the components of the development of students are the most significant at present? (You can mark several positions)

53 - Education of devotion of the selected specialty

54 - Formation of readiness to conscientiously fulfill their professional duties

55 - Development of a constant aspiration for mastering knowledge, profession

56 - the formation of special qualities, especially necessary when performing professional tasks

57 - Education of Professional Pride

58 - physical fitness and perfection

59 - Other (Write).




60 - High

61 - Middle

62 - Low

63 - I find it difficult to answer.

15. To what extent are you satisfied with the state and practice of educational work on the traditions of the Faculty, Institute, University?

64 - quite satisfied

65 - more satisfied than no

66 - more dissatisfied

67 - completely dissatisfied

68 - I find it difficult to answer.

16. What are you, in your opinion, the reasons that make it difficult to organize and conduct effective educational work with students?

69 - weak use of student traditions in the educational process of the university

70 - a significant increase in the influence of the surrogates of "mass culture" on the consciousness of young people

71 - formalism in educational work to ensure continuity in education

72 - Insufficient Education Information Support

73 - Weak knowledge of educational techniques and methods, the possibilities of the educational system of the university

74 - Other (Write).




Please inform some information about yourself:

17. Your Position

75 - Head of the Department

76 - Deputy Head of the Department

77 - Professor

78 - Associate Professor

79 - Senior Lecturer

80 - teacher

81 - Assistant

18. Teacher experience

82 - to 5 years

84-155 years old

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education

Moscow State University of Print named after Ivan Fedorov

university labor competitiveness training

Discipline: Research Management Systems

Results of the survey of university teachers and an assessment of the need for a study of the management system of the Moscow State University of Print named after Ivan Fedorov

Perched student Fedorova A.E.

What a group of DEM (tank) 3-3,

Accepted: Korolev D.A.

Moscow 2013

List of issues for teacher survey:

1)How much do you assess the overall qualifications of the teaching staff? (1-5 points)

2)How satisfied are you satisfied with the living conditions of the university? (1-5 points)

)Do you think our university is effective? (Yes - 2 points; no - 0 points)

)Is it convenient for you to use the electronic rating of the group? (Yes - 2 points; no - 0 points)

)Would you like to change the nature of learning in the university? (Yes - 0 points; no - 2 points)

)Is there a change in education often in the university? (Yes - 0 points; no - 2 points)

)Do you get pleasure from your work? (Yes - 2 points; no - 0 points)

)Are you ready to remotely communicate with students through the Internet? (Yes - 2 points; no - 0 points; I find it difficult to answer - 0 points)

)Is the university sufficient for the organization of student practices? (Yes - 2 points; no - 0 points)

)Will the student readiness increase thanks to the rating system? (Yes - 2 points; no - 0 points)

)Do you consider effective distance learning? (Yes - 0 points; no - 2 points)

)How satisfied with the relationship with the leadership of the university to you? (Fully satisfactory - 2 points; partially satisfactory - 1 point; unstegratent - 0 points; I find it difficult to answer - 0 points)

)How satisfied with the recognition of your success and achievements? (Fully satisfactory - 2 points; partially satisfactory - 1 point; unstegratent - 0 points; I find it difficult to answer - 0 points)

)How satisfied with the provision of benefits: rest, sanatorium treatment, etc.? (Fully satisfactory - 2 points; partially satisfactory - 1 point; unstegratent - 0 points; I find it difficult to answer - 0 points)

The weight of each question is 100%. Thus, the maximum possible score for the survey is 66 (the sum of all points on answers).

The scale of assessment of the functioning of the MGUP them. Ivan Fedorova:

1. 0-32 b. -

2. 33-51 B.-

3.52-66 b.

General Filled Table: Questions Questionnaire

On this questionnaire, 12 teachers were interviewed. Their answers are shown in the table below.

Results of questionnaire

Questioned №1№ 2№9№5№5№6121) Estimate the system of advanced training in the university.4332434442342) Are you satisfied with the working conditions in the university? 5443434332433) Do you consider our University Competitive? DadadadadadadadaDadet4) Do you consider the maintenance of a ballest rating system in our university? NeudenetdanetdnetnyTetetdette5) Evaluate the organization of jobs at the university.4434344442346) Rate the quality of the work of the dispatch? 2323434221247) Evaluate the university's equipment with modern technical means and learning technologies? 434434334438) Rate quality Would you like to change the structure of learning in the university? Neventenetetdadadantenet10) Does the university often happen to change in education? DanenetdadaDadaDadadaDadet11) Evaluate your work schedule at University.4443435343412) Do you get pleasure from your work? DadadaDadadadantetla13) Are you ready to remote communication with students through hildren online? daZatrudnyayusnetnetZatrudnyayusZatrudnyayusnetdanetnetdaZatrudnyayus14) Is it enough to base at the university to organize practical training of students? dadadadadanetnetdanetnetdanet15) whether student performance was increased through the rating system?6) Do you think the effective distance learning?17) Evaluate the interest of students in receipt of a new informatsii33344344314218) Are you satisfied with the attitude of side of the university management to you? Partially udovletvoritelnoNeudovletvoritelnoChastichno udovletvoritelnoNeudovletvoritelnoNeudovletvoritelnoChastichno udovletvoritelnoChastichno udovletvoritelnoPolnostyu udovletvoritelnoPolnostyu udovletvoritelnoNeudovletvoritelnoChastichno udovletvoritelnoNeudovletvoritelno19) Are you satisfied with the recognition of your success and achievements? Partially udovletvoritelnoNeudovletvoritelnoChastichno udovletvoritelnoNeudovletvoritelnoNeudovletvoritelnoChastichno udovletvoritelnoChastichno udovletvoritelnoPolnostyu udovletvoritelnoPolnostyu udovletvoritelnoNeudovletvoritelnoNeudovletvoritelnoPolnostyu udovletvoritelno21) How satisfied are you with the provision of benefits: relaxation, spa treatment, etc. Part udovletvoritelnoChastichno udovletvoritelnoNeudovletvoritelnoNeudovletvoritelnoChastichno udovletvoritelnoChastichno udovletvoritelnoNeudovletvoritelnoChastichno udovletvoritelnoPolnostyu udovletvoritelnoNeudovletvoritelnoChastichno udovletvoritelnoNeudovletvoritelno22) Are you satisfied with the transition from the written test to an electronic danetdadanetdanetdadadadanet.?

Histograms of distribution of answers to each question:

Figure 1 - Distribution of answers to question number 1

university Equipment Technology Competitiveness

Figure 2 - Distribution of answers to question number 2

Figure 3 - Distribution of answers to question number 3

Figure 4 - Distribution of answers to question number 4

Figure 5 - Distribution of answers to question number 5

Figure 6 - Distribution of answers to question number 6

Figure 7 - Distribution of answers to question number 7

Figure 8 - Distribution of answers to question number 8

Figure 9 - Distribution of answers to question number 9

Figure 10 - Distribution of answers to question number 10

Figure 11 - Distribution of answers to question №11

Figure 12 - Distribution of answers to question number 12

Figure 13 - Distribution of answers to question №13

Figure 14 - Distribution of answers to question №14

Figure 15 - Distribution of answers to question №15

Figure 16 - Distribution of answers to question №16

Figure 17 - Distribution of answers to question №17

Figure 18 - Distribution of answers to question №18

Figure 19 - Distribution of answers to question №19

Figure 20 - distribution of answers to question number 20

Figure 21 - Distribution of answers to question №21

Based on the diagrams, the greatest consistency of the intervieweers is observed in responses to the following questions:

How satisfied are you satisfied with the living conditions in the university?;

Do you think our university is competitive?;

Do you consider the introduction of the battle-rating system in our university?

The table below shows the middle scores for each question:

Questionage points1. Evaluate the advanced training system in high school.3.3 out of 52. How satisfied are you satisfied with the working conditions in the university? 3.3 out of 53. Do you think our university competitive? 1.7 out of 24. Do you think the introduction of the battle-rating system? In our university? 0.5 out of 25. Evaluate the organization of jobs at the university. .3.1 of 59. Would you like to change the training structure in the university? 1.3 out of 210. Is it often in the university? 0.8 out of 211. Evaluate your work schedule at the University.3.8 from 512 . Do you have pleasure from your work? 1.5 out of 213. Are you ready to remotely communicate with students through the Internet? 0.5 out of 214. Is the university sufficient for the organization of the work practices of students? 1,2 out of 215. Whether student performance increases thanks to the rating SIS Topic? 0.8 out of 216. Do you consider effective distance learning? 1.3 out of 217. Evaluate students' interest in obtaining new information3.2 out of 518. How satisfied with the attitude of the leadership of the university to you? 0.8 out of 219. How satisfied with the recognition of your success and achievements? 0.8 out of 220. How satisfied with the provision of benefits: rest, silateral treatment, etc. 0.7 out of 221. Does the transition from writing testing to electronic? 1,3 of 2

Based on the middle score table for each of the questions, it can be concluded that our university functions normally. But there are questions that should be paid special attention to. These are like: Introduction of the Ballest Rating System in the University; quality of work of the dispatch; reluctance of teachers for remote communication with students; The dissatisfaction of teachers with the relationship with the leadership of the university to them and the dissatisfaction of teachers by their rest.

Operational estimation scale:

1. 0-32 b. - The control system needs a study.

2. 33-51 B.- The university generally functions normally, but some points in the management of the educational institution should be revised.

3. 52-66 b. - The university functions efficiently.

The results of the survey, processed and translated into points:

Accountal scores from 66№145 №243№342№437№5№846№942№1021№1138 №1239

from the above questionnaires fall into the interval 33-51 points. This suggests that the university is functioning normally, but for some points in the management system it is worth paying attention and, perhaps, change them; 1 Questionnaire falls into the range of 0-32 points. This indicates the need to revise the organizational structure of the university.


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Appendix 6.

Satisfaction of teachers and employees by work in the university

One of the indicators of the university in the field of the quality of training of specialists is the degree of satisfaction of teachers and employees with work in the university, which is determined based on the study of your opinion during a sociological survey.

When filling out the questionnaire, circle those options for answers to the questions with whom you agree, and if there are no such options, then write your version of the answer in the column "Other".

All data will be presented in a generalized form after processing on a computer, so please answer you sincerely and conscientiously on all questions questions.

1. The main source of information about your university's life:

1. Rector orders, other official documents

2. Orders of the Vice-Retector, Dean, Head. Department, head. Laboratory

3. Category meetings

4. Meetings of the Academic Council

5. Meetings of the Scientific and Technical Council

6. Service. Access documentation. Management (UP Department)

7. Meetings, conferences held in the university

8. Personal communication with management

9. Conversations at the Department, in the Deanate

10. Employees of the department

11. Management of divisions (departments, centers, departments)

12.Collegie other divisions and students

13.Vuzova newspaper

14.Toble informal information, rumors from different sources

15. I do not receive information about the affairs of the university

16. Not interested in information about the university affairs.

17. Other (Site of the university, blogs ___________________________________)

2. How satisfied are you satisfied with the availability of information about your institute?

Sourse of information

fully satisfied.

partially satisfy.

do not satisfy.

difficult. reply



3. What form of advanced training do you consider the most acceptable at present? (Mark only one answer)

1. Zonal IPPK

2. Permanent methodical seminars

3. Internship in related uch. and scientific establishments, enterprises

4. Allocation of time for individual creative work

5. Participation in the work of the educational and methodological association

6. Scientific internship abroad

10. The ability to implement your scientific developments

11. Other __________________________

12. I find it difficult to answer

7. How satisfied are you satisfied with the working conditions in the university and the workplace equipment?

8. There are many different sides and aspects in the lives of the university, which somehow affect each teacher and employee. Rate how satisfied you are:

fully satisfied.

partially satisfy.

do not satisfy.

difficult. reply

Attitude from the leadership of the university to you

Recognition of your success and achievements

Activities of the university administration

The terms of payment of labor

Establishment and services, having. In university

Labor protection and its safety

Amendments to the Deat. university

Providing benefits:

rest, Sanat. Treats and others.

Syst. Nutrition. Medical. and other service

9. Does your university have a contract system for the conclusion of employment contracts with teachers and employees?

1. Yes 2. No 3. It is difficult. reply

10. If such a system exists, is you satisfied with the guarantee of employment in accordance with the contract?

11. As much as you are satisfied:



partially satisfy.

do not satisfy.


An attitude with the administration

Relationship with direct leadership

Relations with colleagues at the department, in the laboratory

Relations with students

12. Are you satisfied with the role of your university in society and in the appropriate professional area?

13. What problems of the educational process require, in your opinion, the priority decision?

2. Weak facilities with modern TSO

3. Auditorium deficiency

4. Lack of choice for students of educational disciplines, teachers

5. Uncomfortable Schedule

6. Lack of operational reproduction of handouts for students with students

7. Weak diagnostic system and student knowledge assessment

8. Quality of learning content

9. Insufficient accounting of consumers of graduates

10. Imperfection of the economic mechanism of stimulating the educational institutions

11. Organization of production practices

12. Low students discipline

13. Rejuvenation of teaching staff

14. Imperfection of curricula

15. Insufficient laboratory base

16. Level of scientific research

17. Other ____________________________________________

18. I find it difficult to answer

14. Your position

1. Vice-Rector

3. Director of the Department (Center), Head of Department

4. Head. Department

5. Professor

4. Senior teacher

5. Lecturer

6. Researcher

7. Laboratory Head (Cabinet)

8. Department Worker __________________

9. Department Worker

10. Library worker

11. Educational and auxiliary staff

15. Your age

1. up to 30 ;;;; 5.\u003e 60)

16. Your floor

1. Male 2. Female

17. Work experience in this university

up to 5 years; 5-10; 11-15; 16-20; \u003e 20 years old

What, in your opinion, it is necessary to do to improve the educational process and the professional activities of teachers (employees) (write) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________