Do not judge strictly if I repeat something from the above.

They don't treat in the army, they don't allow to die in the army ...
Everything in the army is ugly, but monotonous!
In the army there is no "cp * zdili". There is only "pro * ball"
The soldier sleeps - the service goes on, the soldier goes - the service goes on, the soldier runs, but the service goes on anyway ...
It is in the military registration and enlistment office you need to be sick, but it is better to go to the army healthy
Everything is possible in the army, if without pale

Two drunken spirits of the Railroad Forces are stronger than the Airborne Forces company.
In the army, they don't use foul language, they speak it.
The soldier is not cold, the soldier is fresh.
The brake is in the company - the company is in a sweat.
We are * but, but we laugh - we will all the same demobilize.
Two soldiers from the construction battalion are replacing the excavator. ZHDV only one spirit replaces these two.
Best pill Is a stool.
The sergeant's goal is to fuck, the soldier's goal is to fuck.
Those who do not smoke or drink, do not use foul language, they will not get into the railway station, even if they do not try.
The soldier has three holidays: lunch, lights out and demobilization.
Initiative * initiator's beta.
Conscience is a luxury, and soldiers are poor people
A woman gives birth to a child, and a soldier is anything!
Piss the girls on my chest, I want to give up in the Airborne Forces! The girls pissed, the girls shit ... anyway they took them to the railway ...
By the will of God and heaven, the guys serve in the Air Force. By the will of the demon rail and sleepers, I ended up in the railway service
The army is dull, like in a tank, but we need it to appreciate the whole buzz of "civilian"
If the spirit sits like a mouse, do not be alarmed - this is a trick
The less the copter knows, the better the foreman sleeps
A stool in a soldier's hand hits like a machine gun
If you retreat at a speed greater than the speed of the enemy's advance, then you can catch up with him from the rear - the Earth is round.
The army is a club of the cheerful and resourceful. Cheerful on the lip, resourceful on vacation
Dembel is not a girl, she will not pass by
Here they can call us a dog and do not give a damn about our honor, but in our hearts we will send them "f * ck!" and, as always, we will answer "yes!"
Only one who has learned three truths can become a soldier: sleeping in any position, fierce hatred of work, animal appetite
For a soldier, a holiday is like a wedding for a mare. Head in flowers and neck in soap
Not every man is a soldier, not every soldier is a man ...
Whoever was a student saw youth. Whoever was a soldier saw life ...
Do not laugh at those who are in gray overcoats, but laugh at those who did not wear them.
Once in my childhood I dreamed of wearing an overcoat and a helmet. Now I am in the army ... * ball I am in the mouth of such a fairy tale ...
Army - a dream, God forbid, still dream ...
The whole life of a soldier is a struggle. Before lunch - with hunger, after dinner - with sleep.
The soldier loves work so much that he can stare at it for hours!
It's hot in the south, ice in the north, and we are in the Railroad, we all do n * zdy!
It happens that you wake up like a bird - like a winged spring on a platoon and you want to live and work! But by breakfast it passes ...
Everyone is afraid of the Russian army, especially all the guys under 27!
I believe, brother, demobilization will come, there will be no stripes and shoulder straps, and we will whip moonshine on the hut together!
Do not argue with the foreman that the Earth is round. For * you try to align!
Colonels do not run, as in Peaceful time it causes laughter, and in the military - panic.
The day-carer should not go beyond the radius of the square of his bedside table.
Two pairs of boots, two pairs of HB and you can write DMB on the wall
Who works at night? Thieves, bl * di and those who are dressed
Ears freeze, nose freezes, after supper diarrhea, the army is a big madhouse, we live happily in it!
He does not know that love and affection, who was not in boots and a helmet
Thanks to the native army, for youth with a bald head
Wherever I was, wherever I drank, I won't forget the lads with whom I served!
Serve as a soldier, and do not be afraid that someone suddenly forgot you, friends do not forget a friend, and whoever forgot, he was not
Smoke break, lights out, lunch - better than words not in the world