How to hack an old castle. How to open a door lock without a key: what to do if the door slammed or the key was lost

There are many necessary launders for locks, with which it is possible to open doors without damageFrequently, parents set slamming locks to eliminate the child's access to a certain room, but the opposite effect is not excluded. In other words, security properties work quite properly, but they can close at the moment when the child is in the room, access to which is limited and the door opening as quickly as possible. How to hack yourself interroom door And not refer to specialists in such activities? To do this, pay attention to the following recommendations.

Slammed the door to the room or the owner lost the keys? The child was able to slam the door and stayed in the bathroom or toilet and can't get out? What to do, and how exactly pull out the baby from the room quickly and without harm to the keyhole? It is worth using yourself traditional way - Layout that is suitable for mortise locks. Locks can be revealed to the bedroom well, but where to take it?

Depending on the mechanism of the lock, the locks also have their own specification.

They are sold in stores, but to accelerate the process, it is possible to do it at home:

  1. You need to take 2 clips of the stationery.
  2. The long end is extensible in the same clip.
  3. In the second paper clip, the long tip must be accelerated at an angle of 90ᵒ. This will be a homemade tensioner, through which the lock will turn.

The tensioner is inserted into the larva of the keyhole, pressed or, in other words, the tension is created, the pressure is fixed and the turn is carried out. Through another clips, it is worth finding the pin. As a rule, there are 5 pieces in the castle. For proper location Clips, you can open.

Press the pins should be carried out from the furthest, and as soon as the clip will put it in the desired position, then there will be a click.

After 5 clicks are heard, the tensioner turns and the lock opens. So you can hack the doors in the toilet and other rooms, but this method is not universal.

Instruction: How to open a Suwald Castle

Open the English Suwald door lock is not easy, but maybe. It consists of a variety of grooves, recesses. To locate or block the door with such a lock, a butterfly key will need. He got the name precisely because of his original viewHowever, if it is missing, and it is required to unlock the door closed outside, then you have to try a lot.

With an independent opening, there is a chance of damage to the internal or external parts of the mechanism. Therefore, if you do not have sufficient skills in this matter, then use the services of professional people

Castle S. high class Blossom resistance is installed mainly on expensive metal doors.

As a rule, on the degree of protection, which is equipped with a lock, it depends on how many plates are installed. In addition to standard protection, they have an extra, and it can be a magnetic element in the form of a damper. Not a professional to open this door is not recommended, since the horse is a particularly complex mechanism. It is permissible to use a special coach.

For this:

  • The tip of the thin screwdriver bends, which will become a kind of coalchers;
  • The knit on the tip is bent in the form of a hook, which will be the launder;
  • The cozzle is inserted in parallel to the larch in the larch of the keyhole.

The coatchash need to push until it stops, turn it and fix it. Next, the gradual movement of the hook and the displacement of each plate is carried out, and the gradual turning of the coat is required. If the latch managed to open, then the plates succumbed to, but it may still testify that the castle was not high-quality, and the discovery can hold not only the owner of the house at an emergency, but also any attacker.

Learn how to open a door lock without a key

Have you ever seen the slapping door in front of me? The reasons why this can happen is a huge set. Whether it is a draft, a child, an animal or just the door sipped from the wall with its strong opening. If a we are talking About the child, then leave it in the room one is categorically not desirable, it can lead to even more serious consequences.

Some locks seem reliable, and in fact they can be discovered in a few minutes with the help of girlfriend

In order to open the Chinese or any other door if the castle has jammed the core, it will take:

  • Inspection of the keyhole;
  • Selection of the necessary device;
  • Accurate autopsy so as not to disturb the integrity of the keyhole.

If the locking well is round, it opens through the needles, a large dismantled clip, sewn or toothpicks. You need to insert a thin fixture in the opening, press and turn, and not the tool, but the handle. The door will be unlocked literally for a couple of movements, and subsequently it will be possible to close it again, since the castle will remain unharmed.

If the keyackeeper flat viewThis requires the use of scissors, a knife, on which a narrow blade, nail files, handles, teaspoons. The principle of action is the same.

We define how to open the door with a cylinder lock

The cylinder lock is installed mainly on the wicket or entrance doorAnd that is why it should be maximally durable, with antivisoma and non-submitable means for opening.

The castle with a cylinder secret is different from all other locking devices by the fact that it is driven by a small larva, in the center of which the locking well is located

Cylinder Castle Open:

  • Complicated;
  • It is almost impossible to specialist;
  • It will not work with a knife, with the help of a handle, a pin or using a wooden wand.

For a targeted hacking of such a tool will require a set special tools, a certain screwdriver, as well as a careful holding of each latter. The intelligent autopsy of such locks is required, and to be more accurate, then high-quality manipulation at once with several subjects. Through a specially made pin, the secret is closed and turn into the correct position.

Doors can slam down because of a broken handle. How, in this case, open the room? You will have to spend a complete parsing of the handle, and for this, the screwdriver, handle or nail file suitable. You can use a knife. Screws are unscrewed, the mechanism is groped and rotated. Attention should be reversed that the cause of this situation becomes a blow of the wall door, which automatically breaks the handle and blocks the lock.

Sometimes you need to know how to hack the door

Broken rack castle? It can be noted that you are simply unrealistic lucky. Such locks are unique in that they are anti-vandal, since they are not scary of gross effect, but if you apply intelligent manipulations, then open the door will work for the minimum amount of time. First, you need to prepare the mechanism of opening the door without a key by lubricating the well oil.

If the neighbors are poured on top, a fire began in the apartment or urgently need to assist a fixed patient, for this you need to know how to open locks

  1. Key-wedge can be used.
  2. You can open the lock by pressing the door.

How to find a key-wedge? It is enough to simply pick up the most real wooden peg, only suitable in size under the opening of a keyhole. It is best to choose the soft breed of wood. The peg literally clogged into the castle and pulls out.

A knife will remain on the peg, as a real key, which means that the wedge can be used as a normal standard laundering key.

The castle of the roll type is set in such a way that you can turn around the door due to strong pressed. Between the jambs and the door should be inserted and the fombus should be inserted and push up at that moment.

How to open the interroom door without a key

It is unlikely, using the screwdhrum, you can become a professional cracker of doors, however, if you explore in advance various options Opening of key wells, you can significantly simplify your life if the door flashes and it will have to turn it out without a key and in emergency mode.

There are several simple ways to open the interroom door without resorting to a complete dismantling.


  1. Interior doors without a key can be opened with a long line or knife. For this, the selected item is taken, it is encountered in the gap over the place where the Rigel is located and moves from side to side. The method is fast and trouble-free.
  2. Few people can believe, but plastic credit card It can be the very helper in the opening door. The method is not too effective and even possible extreme, but has a lot of positive feedback. For hacking it is worth spending a card along the keyhole, but only if the tongue simple design. In complex key wells, this option will not be appropriate.
  3. There are locks on the doors that are installed in the handle and have a special button. It can be blocked by means of a strong door jerk, again, from hitting the wall when opening or simply due to the malfunction of the mechanism. In order to challenge the castle, the use of carnation, knitting needles, or studs. They are inserted into the hole of the keyhole, due to which the key is pushed out, and the door is converted.

If all of the above methods are not effective or not suitable, that is, another radical option. It consists in using the chisel, which is clogged in the opening between the door and door box. It is driven as deeper with the help of a hammer and a number of attempts are carried out for pressing the castle tongue. In this case, you can damage the door, but it turns out to open the lock, but it will have to be repaired.

How to open a lock without key (video)

Such knowledge can be particularly useful to those who have small children at home, since there are no such locking mechanisms that can be moderately for a long time, and that sometimes they are quickly opened, you need to resort to non-hard methods using sweater.

Frequently, parents set slamming locks to eliminate the child's access to a certain room, but the opposite effect is not excluded. In other words, security properties work quite properly, but they can close at the moment when the child is in the room, access to which is limited and the door opening as quickly as possible. How to yourself hack the interroom door and not refer to experts on such activities? To do this, pay attention to the following recommendations.

Slammed the door to the room or the owner lost the keys? The child was able to slam the door and stayed in the bathroom or toilet and can't get out? What to do, and how exactly pull out the baby from the room quickly and without harm to the keyhole? It is worth using the most traditional method - a hone that is suitable for mortise locks. Locks can be revealed to the bedroom well, but where to take it?

They are sold in stores, but to accelerate the process, it is possible to do it at home:

  1. You need to take 2 clips of the stationery.
  2. The long end is extensible in the same clip.
  3. In the second paper clip, the long tip must be accelerated at an angle of 90ᵒ. This will be a homemade tensioner, through which the lock will turn.

The tensioner is inserted into the larva of the keyhole, pressed or, in other words, the tension is created, the pressure is fixed and the turn is carried out. Through another clips, it is worth finding the pin. As a rule, there are 5 pieces in the castle. With the correct layout of the clips, they can be opened.

Press the pins should be carried out from the furthest, and as soon as the clip will put it in the desired position, then there will be a click.

After 5 clicks are heard, the tensioner turns and the lock opens. So you can hack the doors in the toilet and other rooms, but this method is not universal.

Instruction: How to open a Suwald Castle

Open the English Suwald door lock is not easy, but maybe. It consists of a variety of grooves, recesses. To locate or block the door with such a lock, a butterfly key will need. He got the name precisely because of his original type, but if it is missing, and it is necessary to unlock the door closed outside, then you have to try a lot.

The castle with a high class burglar resistance is installed mainly on expensive metal doors.

As a rule, on the degree of protection, which is equipped with a lock, it depends on how many plates are installed. In addition to standard protection, they have an extra, and it can be a magnetic element in the form of a damper. Not a professional to open this door is not recommended, since the horse is a particularly complex mechanism. It is permissible to use a special coach.

For this:

  • The tip of the thin screwdriver bends, which will become a kind of coalchers;
  • The knit on the tip is bent in the form of a hook, which will be the launder;
  • The cozzle is inserted in parallel to the larch in the larch of the keyhole.

The coatchash need to push until it stops, turn it and fix it. Next, the gradual movement of the hook and the displacement of each plate is carried out, and the gradual turning of the coat is required. If the latch managed to open, then the plates succumbed to, but it may still testify that the castle was not high-quality, and the discovery can hold not only the owner of the house at an emergency, but also any attacker.

Learn how to open a door lock without a key

Have you ever seen the slapping door in front of me? The reasons why this can happen is a huge set. Whether it is a draft, a child, an animal or just the door sipped from the wall with its strong opening. If we are talking about a child, then keep it in the room one is categorically not desirable, it can lead to even more serious consequences.

In order to open the Chinese or any other door if the castle has jammed the core, it will take:

  • Inspection of the keyhole;
  • Selection of the necessary device;
  • Accurate autopsy so as not to disturb the integrity of the keyhole.

If the locking well is round, it opens through the needles, a large dismantled clip, sewn or toothpicks. You need to insert a thin fixture in the opening, press and turn, and not the tool, but the handle. The door will be unlocked literally for a couple of movements, and subsequently it will be possible to close it again, since the castle will remain unharmed.

If the keyboard is a flat view, then the use of scissors, a knife, on which a narrow blade, nail files, handles, teaspoons are required. The principle of action is the same.

We define how to open the door with a cylinder lock

The cylinder lock is installed mainly on the wicket or the front door, and that is why it must be most durable, with antivogo and non-remedy for opening.

Cylinder Castle Open:

  • Complicated;
  • It is almost impossible to specialist;
  • It will not work with a knife, with the help of a handle, a pin or using a wooden wand.

For a targeted hacking of such a tool, a set of special tools, a certain screwdriver, as well as a thorough hold of each latter stage. The intelligent autopsy of such locks is required, and to be more accurate, then high-quality manipulation at once with several subjects. Through a specially made pin, the secret is closed and turn into the correct position.

Doors can slam down because of a broken handle. How, in this case, open the room? You will have to spend a complete parsing of the handle, and for this, the screwdriver, handle or nail file suitable. You can use a knife. Screws are unscrewed, the mechanism is groped and rotated. Attention should be reversed that the cause of this situation becomes a blow of the wall door, which automatically breaks the handle and blocks the lock.

Sometimes you need to know how to hack the door

Prayed the castle? It can be noted that you are simply unrealistic lucky. Such locks are unique in that they are anti-vandal, since they are not scary of gross effect, but if you apply intelligent manipulations, then open the door will work for the minimum amount of time. First, you need to prepare the mechanism of opening the door without a key by lubricating the well oil.

  1. Key-wedge can be used.
  2. You can open the lock by pressing the door.

How to find a key-wedge? It is enough to simply pick up the most real wooden peg, only suitable in size under the opening of a keyhole. It is best to choose the soft breed of wood. The peg literally clogged into the castle and pulls out.

A knife will remain on the peg, as a real key, which means that the wedge can be used as a normal standard laundering key.

The castle of the roll type is set in such a way that you can turn around the door due to strong pressed. Between the jambs and the door should be inserted and the fombus should be inserted and push up at that moment.

How to open the interroom door without a key

It is unlikely, using a screwdriver means, you can become a professional cracker of doors, however, if you investigate various options for opening the lock well in advance, you can significantly simplify your life if the door shuts and it will have to turn it off without a key and in emergency mode.


  1. Interior doors without a key can be opened with a long line or knife. For this, the selected item is taken, it is encountered in the gap over the place where the Rigel is located and moves from side to side. The method is fast and trouble-free.
  2. Few people can believe, but it is a plastic credit card that can actually be an assistant in opening the door. The method is not too effective and even possible extreme, but has a lot of positive feedback. For hacking it is worth conducting a card along the keyhole, but only if the tongue has a simple design. In complex key wells, this option will not be appropriate.
  3. There are locks on the doors that are installed in the handle and have a special button. It can be blocked by means of a strong door jerk, again, from hitting the wall when opening or simply due to the malfunction of the mechanism. In order to challenge the castle, the use of carnation, knitting needles, or studs. They are inserted into the hole of the keyhole, due to which the key is pushed out, and the door is converted.

If all of the above methods are not effective or not suitable, that is, another radical option. It consists in using the chisel, which is clogged in the opening between the door and the door frame. It is driven as deeper with the help of a hammer and a number of attempts are carried out for pressing the castle tongue. In this case, you can damage the door, but it turns out to open the lock, but it will have to be repaired.

How to open a lock without key (video)

Such knowledge can be particularly useful to those who have small children at home, since there are no such locking mechanisms that can be moderately for a long time, and that sometimes they are quickly opened, you need to resort to non-hard methods using sweater.

Surely it happened that you forget the keys at home. This "pleasant surprise" can happen at the most inopportune moment and is pretty to pour your life. And what should you do if the key broke or did you accidentally lose it on the way home? Of course, in this case, each key has a duplicate, but it is far from always available. Therefore, we will talk about a fundamentally different solution, namely: try to make the key under all the locks and open the door with your own hands. But, if you do not have time to search for and applying impellers for opening, we recommend contacting the specialized organization

The mechanism of operation of the pith cylinder

So how do we open a lock without a key? Good questionBut at first let's understand how exactly the castle works and how is it arranged? Most castles in the CIS countries are based on either pins, or on a perforated cylinder. These two cylinders have significant differences, but in general their principle of operation is similar and based on spring-pin mechanism.

Simply put, pins are small oblong rods, refoiled by the spring. Their principle of operation is to build a specific combination, which opens the lock.

When you insert the key into such a cylinder, all the rods become in place, forming a given structural pattern. That is this element of the secrecy of the core to us and to be imitate, producing an opening of the ill-fated castle that stands on your way.

Mistakes do it yourself

To carry out an opening of an ordinary English lock without a key, we will need two bars. One of the bastards will keep the lock in tension, like a lever, gradually turning the cylinder of the larvae, and the other will press on the pins, exposing them in a certain sequence.

The material of the manufacture of elementary bars can serve as a lot of things, ranging from the most ordinary clips or studs, which will not last long, but they will have time to fulfill their role, and ending with more wear-resistant materials.

For example, a sequence clamping of the pins can be added from hiscellular cloth. It will be strong enough, but elastic. This factor is important, since the launder can easily break right in the door lock, and get it without special tools will be extremely problematic. Such a tool should have at the end a small deepening, the so-called "hook", which will be conveniently pressing enough to press the rods and open the door opening.

The lock, turning the lock, must be more solid, be a M-shaped "handle" with a longitudinal protrusion at the end. This protrusion needs to make a rectangular shape so that it can easily be in the bottom of the castle. Such a plumbing tool can be done, for example, from a common hexagon key of a small diameter, and it will last you long enough.

Breaking into

The process of opening the lock should not take more than 2-5 minutes ideally, but at first you may need much more time. Therefore, be patient and practice on your castle. Do it slowly, sthamanently, remembering every detail of the process as carefully as possible. In the future, having honed your skills to perfection, you will open such castles without much difficulty.

On how to open the castle with a pin, look in the following plot:

Consider the steps of opening the castle in more detail.

  • We insert a M-shaped launder into the groove of the core and turn it clockwise, while carrying out a small constant pressure. It is necessary that when pressed on the rods, the following were not returned to its original position.

  • The hook launder is inserted into the wellborn of the core and alternately press each pin, which in modern castles can be on average from 5 to 8 pieces depending on the company and the manufacturer. You need to accompany the pins methodically and consistently, otherwise you will not succeed.

If you cannot open the lock from the first time - repeat the steps. How to find out if the castle opened, because you did not use the key? Everything is very simple. At the end of this process, the cylinder should succumb to the rotation of the lever brace. In this case, you can consider all stages of opening the castle with successful and mentally congratulate yourself.

The mechanism of the perforated cylinder

The castle with a perforated cylinder is built on a similar principle of operation, but has a number of significant differences. One of the most important - core pins here have a two-component structure, and to open the lock it is required to accurate rods into perforation on the key plate.

Perforation is small round recesses on the key surface, which create a combination of the secret mechanism. The core of such a lock is a holistic bilateral system.

Thus, to perform an opening of the door with a perforated core, you must be able to mimic the code of the secret two-sided castle pins. This is enough difficult task For an inexperienced hacker, who simply does not know how to open such a door, so similar castles in our time are rapidly gaining popularity. Now almost all entrance doors are equipped with such protective mechanisms, so that the safety of the property can be calm.

Must warn you that this method of opening the castle was described exclusively for use on its property, as a plumbing trick, but in no case in order not to hack other protective mechanisms. The opening of foreign castles is a crime and entails criminal liability in accordance with applicable law.

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In the life of each person there are problems, the solution of which requires a non-standard approach. Situations of this kind refers loss or damage to the key, unlocking the entrance door and, as a result, the lack of opportunity to get into the private type or apartment.

Faced with such a problem, you do not need to give in to a panic and try to penetrate the room by any paths. To begin with, you should familiarize yourself with several ways, with which you can.

Types of castles

There are several types of locks, each of which can be unlocked in one way or another and open the door, while spending the minimum of forces, time and not applying the damage.

  • Hinged. Locks of this type are used when installing rooms: a barn or garage, and not as constipation for the front door of the house. They are characterized by simplicity and conciseness.
  • Overhead. Locking systems of this type are installed on the outer inlet door if there is also an internal one. They do not guarantee reliable protection, easy to use, have a non-primable appearance.
  • Curling. Such locks are convenient during operation, ensure reliable safety of the property and do not spoil the aesthetic external view entrance door. The only minus is that when installing, the integrity of the canvas is disturbed, which subsequently leads to the appearance of cracks and other flaws.
  • Contributions. Systems of this kind are reliable and guaranteed high level protection against hacking. They are installed in the canvas of the door directly at the factory, which provides quality and presentable appearance.

Tools required when opening the door without a key

The choice of the tool, the use of which is necessary in order to open the door, directly depends on which side the canvas is molded: inside or out. In addition, some of the tools are interchangeable if there is no one, another is used. A number of the following devices must be present in the set of novice "meblers":

  • Pliers.
  • Hairpin (truly universal toolwhich appears in the moving door scenes).
  • The so-called Bulgarian.
  • Drill.
  • Pillet from jigsaw.
  • Set of screwdrivers, or one flat.
  • Universal door lock, to purchase which is currently possible in any shop of economic type.

How to open the door at the wrench

In case of loss of the key, you can hand over the inlet door when using the following methods:

  1. For the hairpin. For this decorative element Female hairstyles should be carefully broken down into two equal parts, which are used independently from each other. One of the halves is used as a lever for turning the mechanism, and the second part of the stud at the same time recesses the pins. For such an operation, certain skills are required and a sufficient amount of time. The main plus of such a method is the lack of damage to the shut-off mechanism and the door canvas.
  2. The method mentioned above can also be applied using one or two. stationery clips. Open the lock with a clip - simple task. One clip, or a separate part should be used as rotary mechanism, second - like lever. In this case, the same manipulations are carried out that need to open the lock to the stud.
  3. If it stands on the door with a cylinder mechanism, you can open it in the following way: in the cylinder, drill a hole using a thin drill and, inserting a suitable wire to it, turn it into the cylinder turn.
  4. If you need to open the lock, equipped with the tongue, you should use a knife or a screwdriver of a small thickness. The selected tool must be carefully turned into a slot between the web and a jamb and hooking the tongue, open the door.
  5. Type can be used when applying a similar method. To do this, pull the door as far as possible and, picing the Suwald to the instrument suitable for this purpose, move away.
  6. If the door canvas is old or in case of long exploitation door Castle, you can simply hack the castle, completely destroying it. To do this, apply several blows with a hammer or a small sledge hammer directly in the center of the structure.

How to open the lock if the key is broken

If exploited for a long period of time, the latter can break when turning in a keyhole. This is because over time, the metal, from which the detail is made, wears, is covered with scratches and cracks, which violate the integrity of the key.

To, or if the key does not rotate in the lock, you need to carry out the following steps in a specific sequence:

  1. First you need to remove the wreck of the key, trying to open the front door at the same time. If the chip acts on the keyboard, you should try to pull the key with the help of ordinary pliers, while when turning to open the mechanism. If success, you can not only pull the broken key, but also open the lock without damage.
  2. If it is not possible to pick up the debris, it is not possible to use a thin pink of the jigsaw for this purpose. This tool must be turned into the lower or top of the castle, turning the teeth in such a way that they are directed directly to the key. Next, it should be carefully hooking a debris and stretch out.
  3. If, after removing the debris, the lock remains without a key. You can apply the openings methods described above. It is also possible that with a breakdown of this element of the locking system, a mechanical damage to the lock occurred. In this case, remove the mechanism of constipation.
  4. To remove the lock, you should neatly unscrew the plate closing the mechanism, then remove the constipation elements with wire or clips. This method is applicable only if the castle refers to the type of English.
  5. In case of damage to the locks of any other type, only one way of how to open a lock lock is damage to the device by using the hammer or sledge hammer.

How to open a mounted lock without a key

The mounted castle is a mansion in a number of other shut-off systems. Despite the simplicity of design, it provides a high level of protection against hacking and subsequent penetration into the room.

If you lose the key of this mechanism, open the padlock Without a key, you can apply the following ways:

  • The basis of the shut-off system of the attachment is the spring. First you need to try to insert a solid wire into the well, pressing directly on the castle spring. Further, in the center of this spring, you need to place the second wire or paper clips and, acting in the type of key type, unlock the mechanism. It is also permissible to open the castle with a stiletto.
  • If the method specified above has not occurred and the lock does not open, you can get rid of it with a hammer, sledgehammer or fombus. Applying these simple devices should be confused by opening access to the locked room.

How to protect yourself from loss or key breakdown

No one is insured against the problems of such a kind. Therefore, attention should be paid to some aspects that will help to avoid the situation when access to the room is limited due to the loss of the key from the lock of the inlet door, or its breakdown.

  • The life of the shut-off mechanisms has a certain time frame, after which the design is subject to replacement. Determine the degree of wear of the device using a visual assessment. If the housing of the lock and the key itself is covered with scratches, cracks, and the teeth are erased, it should be replaced immediately, in order to avoid failure of shut-off mechanisms.
  • You can also install a locking lock, designed relatively recently. The mechanism of this kind does not need the presence of keys and is not equipped with a keyhole.

You can also prepare yourself in advance to the fact that one day the key unlocking the entrance door will be lost or broken. To do this, it is necessary to prepare a set of tools necessary to open the lockable mechanism that will help the right moment Treat the door and store outside the house, in the garage, the utility room of the entrance or car.

In the presence of such a "recruitment of a meager" time spent on the search necessary devices It will be much easier to fall into the apartment.

If such a situation arose, it is possible to enter as follows:

  • To avoid damage to the lockable mechanism and door canvas, You should call a locksmith that can open the lock quickly and gently using the lays and other necessary tools.
  • In the event that time is limited and does not tolerate the tracking of a locksmith, you can use the services of firms specializing directly at the autopsy of any type of locks. The master will quickly and carefully solve the emergence of an unexpected problem. Services of this type have a high cost.

Summarizing the foregoing should also be noted that in the desire to get into the locked apartment should not be used by ways that may cause damage to health. These include attempts to penetrate the room through the neighbors balcony, through the window, or with the help of a fire staircase. An acceptable option in this case will be the time loss spent on the search. required tools and opening of the shut-off mechanism.

Aluminum jar

To open the castle in this way you will need an empty bank from under beer or cola. It is easy to cut out of it and form a special shape of a triller, the middle tongue of which is the opening of the castle. BUT here Another demonstration of this method.

Locks from paper clips and hairpins

This is the most famous and, you can say classic method hacking castle. We have seen many times in the movies, as an attacker gets a clip and begins to diligently poking in a keyhole. On this video, it can be seen how it really is done. And here's another option This method, which uses the clip from the cap for the handle and hairpin.

Lock from a knife

Third video demonstrates a completely simple way to open small locks using a knife. Obviously, such a method does not always work, but it's still worth trying. Especially when it comes to Chinese products used on bags and suitcases.