Curtains of Visulki on the doorway. How to make decorative curtains on the doorway do it yourself

The curtains of the Vesulki on the doorway have long been popular. They perfectly replace boring curtains that you have often to wash.

In addition, if your house is wide doorways, then the bangs are an excellent choice. In today's article, you will learn how to make bangs on the doors from the remedies.

If there is no need for noise insulation, try instead of the door to use interdobral hanging. Hanging curtains - universal decor. They will not only decorate interroom openings, such as arch, but also windows, if you replace with tulle. Even the ceiling can be decorated with such bubbles, of which you can make the original lampshade. And the Visulki themselves can be made with their own hands from anything.

The curtains-hanging should do with their own hands, but you can not always hang them on the doorway. This design is a lot of fishing (or threads), which hold a varied decorative material. For example, large beads, miniature wooden barrels, shells, plastic bottles and so on.

Of course, the name "Visulek" came up with the people, in order not to complicate the speaking speech. But in fact, such a design is called suspended curtains, or the curtains on the door. Best of all, such curtains can be hung in the apartment or in a small cafe, as well as in many other establishments with large doorways. Doodles do it yourself from girlfriend materials have several advantageswhich you now learn about.

Suspended curtains are capable of:

  • Zonate the room. Despite the fact that such a composition will be transparent, creating comfort curtains will be able without any difficulties.
  • Create barriers between rooms. You can use bobbers for combining rooms that are not separated by the door.
  • Become a more original decorative element. If you decide to hang homemade curtains of Tsülyulki, it will be more original and unique than the store curtains.

The main advantage of the Visency is to make them a simple creation, since they do not need much expenses and efforts. You can make curtains from any submitted means, which, at first glance, turned out to be unnecessary. In addition, it is easier to care for them simple - the curtains of the Visulki do not require frequent wash (if they are not created from threads and fabrics) and rubbing dust. In order to clear from dust curtain, it is enough just to dip it into the water, diluted with soap and dry.

Gallery: Hangulki in the doorway (25 photos)

To hang the curtains of Visulki indoors and at the same time create comfort and harmony, you need to comply with several recommendations:

How to make curtains hanging yourself

For this do not need special knowledge and effortSince all that is required is a fantasy and skillful hands. In addition, you need to prepare the eaves and the material for hanging the curtains in the doorway. You can choose anything: starting from ordinary flatbed branches, to beads of different sizes. Basically, tissue are used, or as otherwise they are called, rope hanging, as well as vegetable (made of wood), plastic and synthetic curtain materials. But before to ride on the thread or the line of the Visulki, you need to choose the style of the curtain in advance and combine it with the interior of the room.

In addition to the listed, the choice of material depends not only on the interior of the room, as well as the capabilities of the needlework. For example, many craftswomen choose exclusively natural fabrics. And also, you should not be afraid of mixing materials, because different compositions can only decorate the curtain. As for the frame for the suspension curtain, in this case you can use several options. Most often prefer wooden planks, but some use a metal profile and so on.

Do not despair if you lack any respective materials. After all, the frame can be reroyed and thereby hide the inconsistency of the components. To install on the door Curtain cornice, it is necessary to have brackets in arsenal, and metal clips or plastic hooks are needed to attach the curtains. Most often in the form of decorative biscuits you can see seashells, beads of different sizes, beads, artificial pebbles, bamboo dies and even coins. And also besides this, some needleworks use curtains from plastic bottles.

Create home interior with your own hands is always interesting and exciting, especially since this occupation is not only interesting and creative, but also saves the family budget. Made with love interior items with their own hands will bring their unique unique atmosphere and comfort to the house. Many design decisions may be original and unexpected, but at the same time practical and harmoniously fit into the interior.

You can also create curtains or curtains instead of the door to make the doorway. At first glance, the failure of the door canvase is somewhat unusual, but the curtains as a decor on the doorways solve several tasks and have some benefits compared to the door.

What pluses have a curtain instead of doors for the doorway

  • Saving funds. Install the door leaf in the doorway is much more expensive than hanging curtains or curtains. You can purchase ready-made fabric, wooden, plastic or bamboo curtains on the doorway, depending on the interior, but saving the curtains for doors with your own hands.
  • If the door is unusual form, to which it is problematic to choose and make the door leaf - door curtains or bubbles on the doorway will be excellent out of position.
  • The lack of the door leaf visually increases the space, and the presence of the door in the doorway will make the design of the room in an interesting and unusual.

It is necessary to add that in addition to its advantages, the most important disadvantages of such curtains on the doorway are the lack of sound and thermal insulation, plus and odors of the informed of the kitchen can be freely walking around the room. In some cases, the design of the doorway is resorted to simultaneous installation and door canvases, and curtains-bangles - this is how the owners of the houses that want to combine and practicality and beauty will want to combine and practicality.

What material to choose for curtains in the doorway

What curtains are better for doors - plastic, wooden or thread and fabric? It all depends on the style of the interior and the personal tastes and preferences. Natural wooden curtains are environmentally friendly, stylish and cozy. Plastic curtains are a wide selection of any color gamut for the design of the doorway, durable and easy to care. For the door curtains from the fabric, materials such as satin, satin, flax, silk, and others are used. For convenience, it is necessary to make special pickups.

A very interesting solution - a filament or rope curtains that shade the entrance to the room and do not interfere with the circulation of air flow, unlike solid fabric curtains. For the manufacture of curtains, with their own hands, various blanks can be approached - it can be beautiful plastic figures, and wooden tubes or rings, beads or natural beautiful pebbles of small size. It can even be used as materials for Visitolets natural feathers - curtains in the doorway are obtained light and air.

Effect of the type of door curtains on visual perception

In the manufacture of curtains in the doorway, you need to consider the following points:

  • In order to visually pull out the room space, you need to pick up curtains with contrasting vertical stripes.
  • Curtains with horizontal stripes visually make the wall wider.
  • If the ceilings in the room are too high and there are some spatial imbalances, then door curtains attached to ceiling eaves help.
  • To give the space of depth, it prefers to cold colors: purple tones, blue, purple.
  • To increase the visual area of \u200b\u200bthe room, warm tones are used: yellow shades, green, pink, orange.

The sequence of manufacturing steps for curtains in the doorway do it yourself

  • The first step to install the curtain with your own hands is to measure the width of the door and decide on the length of future shutters. In accordance with the width, pick up the cornice with rings.
  • As the basis for rolling the elements to take a fishing line or a solid caprony thread.
  • The next step is to ride selected decorative plastic or wooden elements in the desired order by fixing them using cristes or nodules from two sides.
  • Hang the stray threads to the cornice rings and secure the cornice.

How to make a filament curtains do it yourself

  • It is necessary to choose a rack, in width equal to the doorway plus add minor gaps for the edges. If the doorway is a complex geometric shape, then as a rail, it is recommended to use a plastic corner, which can be bent along the contour of the opening.
  • We are determined with the height of future curtains.
  • We take yarn from the viscose of the desired shade and cut the billets, along the length of the double height of the curtain with an additional additive on the loop 8-10 cm. On the standard doorway, such blanks may need about 500 pieces.
  • The ends of the threads tightly binds to the nodule or weigh fire.
  • The prepared segment is folded in half and fix on the rail with a loop.
  • So that the threads have not moved along the racks, they are fixed with the help of a thermal system.
  • For an additional decorative effect, the threads are decorated with beads, rhinestones, sparkles, other decorative elements.

Door opening without a door need to decorate something. If you make the curtains with your own hands, they will turn out more original than purchased. As materials you can use fabric, wood, beads, etc. How exactly do decorative curtains for the doorway do it yourself? What preferred, bamboo, threads or other materials? For you an interesting master class, examples in the photo and useful video.

Types of decorative curtains

Door openings without doors - not a temporary solution until the next salary. Most often it is aware of the interior design with the aim of expanding the room or create a fuzzy, conditional visual border. In this case, the curtains are needed to give the completion of the interior of the room or expand the emphasis.

Curtains can separate:

  • corridor from the kitchen;
  • kitchen from the hallway;
  • living room from the kitchen;
  • living room from the corridor;
  • zones of one room.

  • bamboo. Light and durable, do not burn out and static electricity will not accumulate. Environmentally friendly version of soft natural colors for country and oriental style;
  • threads. Threaded curtains can be combined with beads, seashells, glass, feathers. Look original, but not durable;
  • decorative elements. The view of the threaded curtains, in the manufacture of which shallow decorative elements are used: beads, woods, beads.
  • the cloth. All sorts of options are suitable for different styles.
  • classic. Fabric, falling down on top;
  • french. Assembled folds in length are dense;
  • japanese. Curtains are similar to the screen, the frame can be subtracted by material or cloth;
  • bishop sleeve. Pulled in the middle, below look like a wide sleeve with a big nasha;
  • hourglass. Light fabric is collected by folds in the middle;
  • lambrequins. Various configurations with folds and bypass.

Curtains from threads do it yourself

Curtains made of dense threads can be without anything or decorated with beads or other decorative elements. To create a curtain, the following materials and tools will be needed:

  • various filaments of silk, twine, polyester, viscose;
  • decorative elements at will;
  • scissors, roulette, pencil.

Attention! Fit the thread can be set in many ways. For example, the threads can be overwhelmed between themselves, and it is over the bead over each node.

  1. Measure the height and width of the doorway so that the curtain takes to the floors and went outside the doorway to the left and right.
  2. Calculate how many threads are needed, given the distance from one thread to another and the allowance for nodes to the top.
  3. Drill in the bar the desired number of holes;
  4. Turn the thread into the holes, tie them with nodes.
  5. Strengthen decorative elements on them with nodules or special mounts.
  6. Even if there is no bead on the entire length of the threads, it is advisable to make them at the very bottom. Weighting will help threads hanging vertically.
  7. Hang a bar above the doorway.

If you do not want to drill holes, you can glue the thread to the thermopystole bar.

How to make curtains with hanging

Color pebbles, beads, beads, seashells, glass, decorative knitted, glass or crystal elements are suitable for the original ornament. Colors can be used neutral, or, on the contradiction, contrasting, depending on the style of the interior. In addition, it is necessary to prepare:

  • beautiful and durable threads;
  • braid;
  • wooden bar or double-sided scotch;
  • needle for putting on beads.

For a standard doorway, there are about 500 yarns on average.

Guide to action:

  1. Cut the threads in the height of the doorway. You can use the idea with threads of different lengths.
  2. Cut the tape in width, slightly exceeding the doorway.
  3. Gently glue the threads across the entire width of the two-way tape.
  4. Turn the scotch twice so that the threads remain inside.
  5. On the resulting strip, glue a braid in the color of the threads or wall decoration.
  6. Attach over the doorway.
  7. On each thread using a needle to ride beads. It can be fixed in different ways: crepes, pliers, nodules, or thread, which has been told twice in different directions.

This beauty that transfuses in the rays of the Sun can be weave with children. In order to cope with work, enough 2x-3x days.

Creating a bamboo curtain

Bamboo curtains - decoration of ethnic interior. They used to be sold in a finished form, with a pattern. Today it is more difficult to buy such curtains, but they can be created independently. Manufacturing technology will resemble the installation of wooden curtains.

  • wood chopsticks or bamboo;
  • fishing line;
  • crimpa - clamps for decor;
  • eaves with rings.
  1. Talk the height of the doorway.
  2. Cut the fishing line of the desired length with a small allowance.
  3. Han a bamboo on the fishing line, fixing each element of crimpaces from above and below.
  4. As they are ready to hang the fishing line on the cornice rings.
  5. Attach cornice.

Bamboo or wooden curtain will be more dense and durable than ordinary native.

Tailoring of an elegant tissue curtain

The fabric is the most familiar way of registration of the doorway. So that it becomes more unusual, it is better not to acquire the standard options, but to do everything yourself. Before work, you need to draw a sketch and take into account the number of ruffles and lambrequins. Based on this, calculate the necessary member of the fabric. For example, drapery increases the metrar of twice.

Attention! The width of the curtains are calculated by the formula: the width of the carnis, multiplied by the assembly coefficient (from 1.8 to 3x, depending on the type of fabric), plus allowances on the seams.

  • the cloth;
  • threads, needle;
  • sewing machine;
  • threads in tone material, braid.

  1. Prepare fabric: Wash and dry.
  2. Process or remove edge.
  3. Cut according to the sketch.
  4. Sew the curtain on the sewing machine on the pattern.
  5. Send and sew at the top of the loops.
  6. Wear on the rings of the cornice.

In order for the curtain to not overlap the entrance to the room, you can install pickups, and use them to hold the opened curtains.

The product from threads, bamboo or fabric will delight the family and will surprise friends, and it can serve it over 5 years.

Curtains on the doorway do it yourself - video

Visulki on doors do it yourself: master classes for the manufacture of paper decoration element, plastic bottles and beads

Often during the repair or permutation of furniture housing owners, it is decided to abandon the door canvase. Of course, you can leave the opening in this form in which it is, but still the best way out of the situation will attach such things on the door. With their own hands, beautiful ornamental chains on the door can be made from the girlfriend, without putting money. About the methods of making such a decor element just will be discussed in this article.

MK on the manufacture of hanging on the door with your own hands: Thread curtains from beads

The easiest performed and the least costly way to create an ornament for the doorway.

1) beads of different types and size;

2) fat thread or fishing line;

6) bilateral scotch;

7) Wooden plank.

1) We prepare the fastening for the future nozzle. To do this, take a small wooden bar and drill holes in it equal to the diameter of the selected thread. Fix the necessary mounts, with which then the product will be kept on the doorway.

2) Then we cut the tight threads in the height of the doorway. And begin to plant prepared beads in chaotic order. Or by the pre-selected pattern.

3) Close the bottom of the hilloles with the help of a node or special rivets so that the beads do not slide and the decoration did not blush. The upper part to the holes drilled in a wooden bar, also securely fixing.

It remains only to attach a filament screen to the doorway and admire the updated view of the room.

An unexpected way to recycled plastic bottles found a designer Michel Brand, for which he was in one time awarded a huge number of awards from environmental communities. Who would have thought that from the usual tanks that are usually thrown away, you can make a stylish and original decor element.

The methods of manufacturing biscuits from plastic bottles there are two. The first implies the use of bottoms, the second is the main part of the tanks. Consider both.

1) small plastic bottles;

5) Durable fishing line or thick thread.

Method first. Step-by-step instruction:

1) From all bottles cut off the bottom part with a knife. The edges hang up with scissors, forming the outlines of the flower.

2) Then heating the sand in a pan. And immerse a couple of seconds a blank in the heated mixture. This is necessary so that the sharp cropped edges of the peduncle are slightly fastened. Similarly, we make the necessary number of plastic billets.

3) Now we proceed to the creation of the bite. Here are several options. You can simplify the task, traveled to the fishing line through the middle of each detail, thereby having selected decorated threads. The second way is to create a solid canvase, which is obtained thanks to the filament of threads through several holes in each of the flowers. The locations of the parts of the parts can also be additionally decorated with beads or beads.

Here is such beauty as a result!

The method of the second. Step-by-step instruction:

1) The main parts of the bottles are cut into the rings, the edges of which are then slightly melted with the help of a sand preheated in the pan.

2) Then the elements are cut and connected to each other, intertwined by analogy with paper garlands, which each of us did in childhood. The sections of the cuts are bonded again using a stapler or scotch.

As a result, the garlands are obtained, as in the photo.

Master class for making paper biscuits quickly and just

Another interesting way, how to make boulders on the door. It will look like a similar decor will be like threads with beads that have already been discussed above. However, in this case, elements will be made of paper, and better - from old glossy magazines.

1) glossy magazines;

1) From the journal, we pull the double page located in the middle. We deploy, put on a flat surface and cut out the necessary details from it, pre-applying markup.

2) With the help of a ruler on one side of the log page, we lay the segments equal to 3 - 4 cm. From the opposite end, we make a markup of 1, 5 - 2 cm (half the length of the future beads). Connect the lines the obtained points.

3) cut the part to give long pointed triangles.

4) Now proceed to the manufacture of beads. To do this, we start tightly fold the workpiece starting from the base. Inside the resulting tube should remain a small hole through which the needle will be freely. The sharp tip is glued to the details so that the bead is not spinning. Similarly, form the required number of items.

5) We decorate the hanging. We stand in turn of beads on a needle with a thread or fishing line, which can also be alternating with multi-colored beads so that the finished product looks even brighter.

6) To impart brilliance, the obtained boulders can be covered with colorless varnish. It remains only to attach the threads to the wooden bar and hang over the doorway.

Video on the subject of the article

Curtains in the doorway do it yourself

Interior discovery, especially if there is no door in it, it needs decorating, like everything else in the interior. Many use tissue curtains for this purpose, but they are not always appropriate in terms of stylistics, and they are dirty for obvious reasons faster than on the windows.

An excellent solution for this situation is decorative curtains - or, as many of them are called, hanging in the doorway, which you can buy ready-made, and make it yourself. That's what we are talking about this publication.

Door curtain functionality

A decorative curtain consisting of hanging from the cornice stripes, threads, chains, or ropes, you can rather call the screen. With it, it is not only drawn up by the disc. - It is often used instead of partition for zoning the room.

  • That this is the most positive, so this is what at a high level of aesthetics of such an interior decor, it has a relatively low price. Inexpensive costs both the curtain itself and the cornice - if they are made at home.
  • An expensive version of the eaves is not required here, sometimes the usual round rod is suitable for hanging, which we still say more.
  • Another advantage of the door curtain is that it does not occupy a place that, for example, it is required for a swing door - because of it next to the opening it is impossible to put furniture.
  • In Khrushchev, for example, two doors can be located nearby, which are elementary uncomfortable at the same time open. And if it came to that, some doors - in the hall, in the kitchen, almost never close at all.

Note: In small-sized apartments, door canvases, by and large, simply interfere with movement. So why not remove the canvas, and not resolve the issue of decorating a loyalty with the help of decorative curtains? In addition, they will help hide some flaws of the day, and if necessary, and the adjacent segment of the wall.

We note the same way that you can decorate the curtain with the bobbers and the opening with the door canvas that you see on the photo presented above.

Materials for making decorative curtains

No matter how much decorative curtains you choose, you can be sure that your interior will acquire individuality and your style. It remains only to figure out which materials are generally used for their manufacture.

Beads and other piece fittings

Number one option can be considered beads that can be made of crystal, glass, plastic, wood and even metal. Metal also make chains, rings that can be combined with the same beads, or wood squares.

Yes, what to say - it is better to just see:

  • Curtains from Beads can be given the most different shape: half and half a quarter, a rectangle with a panel or any other complex shape. Material beads should be selected based on the stylistics of the room.
  • If it is a country or biotek, then the tree will be more appropriate. For eclectic, fusion or pop art is suitable multicolored glass fiber.
  • The maiden beads will be appropriate in the maiden room, in a teenage room, decorated in the marine style - shells and pebbles. The color gamut must be selected on the basis of illumination and decoration of the room.

Tip: But in any case, the discovery should not be merged with the walls - it is better to highlight it contrast. For not enough illuminated room, golden and silvery, white pearl and transparent beads are perfectly suitable.

Creative process

Unlike other types of decorative curtains, which are characterized by a greater complexity of manufacture, make bousing from beads alone, and even attract a child to this process.

Prepare the creative process three preparatory nuances:

  1. Measurement of the width of the width or section of the wall to close the curtain;
  2. Creating a sketch will help determine the size, amount and color of beads;
  3. The choice of material to which beads will be vanished.

The base of decorative curtains use:

The variant of the basement of the curtain is chosen on the basis of the size of beads and holes in them, and the appearance of the future curtain.

Nuances fastening beads

The fishing line is the most commonly used supplies of BUC supplies.

To secure beads on it in three ways:

  1. With the help of clamping beads (cristers). They are installed after one or more beads, and clasped the passage.
  1. Noduleswho fit on every side of the beads;
  1. Petlewhich is formed when double-to-sell fishing line into the hole of the beads.

The first two ways are more reliable in terms of fastening the elements on the fishing line, but when using them, it is impossible to change the position of the already fixed bead.

How to fix beads in the open

For fastening already ready strands from beads in the opening, there are also several ways.

This can be done using:

  1. Ordinary curtain rings, suitable on a round rod;
  2. Rake with holes through which the fishing line is passed;
  3. Small carnations, driven on top in the door frame.

If the curtain is long, and the garlands with beads in it there is a lot, most convenient is the first option, since the curtain can be moved away. If the beads are hung at a considerable distance from each other, as shown in the photo, or they will decorate only the upper part of the goat, then you can also use two other options.

When all the preparatory work is over, including the basis of the base on which the curtain will be attached can be taken for its direct manufacture.

  • Prepare cuts of fishing line, equal lengths strands with a reserve of 60 cm;
  • On the selected scheme collect beads;
  • Fasten threads in the opening.

Note: If the filament of the beads will be carried out on the curved cloves or hooks, then for hanging on the ends, it is necessary to wear such a stopper as in the picture.

Curtains and fixation on it Curtains

Now, as promised, we will pay attention to the eternity, which is not at all necessary for the door decorative curtains to buy specifically.

  • You can cut on the desired length of the metal or wooden bar of the old window eaves or wardrobe, or order a round crossbar from the bar to order.
  • Its length should be wider than 10 cm - 5 cm on each side. Only two bracket holders need to fasten the cornice in the opening - their choice depends on the type and diameter of the rod.
  • If you rewar an old window cornice, you may be suitable and those holders that went to the kit to it. By the way, it can be updated using an appropriate paint or varnish material.
  • Threads from beads with stoppers at the end very comfortably hang on the hooks, and not on the clothespins, like a tissue curtain. If you know how to knit with crochet or own McReme technique, it is planned to attach the curtains that are knitted loops, which are simply rolled out on the crossbar.

As you can see, a variety of decorative curtains just amazes. It is especially pleased that many options, subject to the presence of the required material, can be made independently.

In addition to beads, glass and beads, you can buy already ready-made strands from Crystal or Swarovski crystals. True, such boulders on the doorway will cost about 1300-1700 rubles per garland. Considerably, of course, but this option may not be everyday, but festive - in case of wedding or other family holidays.

Hanging on doors do it yourself

In this article, we will look at what you can make boulders on the doors do it yourself, without having specialized equipment and a complex expensive tool.
Almost all the options presented can be easily made at home or in a small workshop.

What is Vickyulki?

Visillas or door curtains are used in doorways instead of interroom doors.
They are designed to zoning the interior indoors, where the installation of a conventional wooden door is not entirely comfortable.

The main task of Visency is closed with a doorway, but at the same time do not make it difficult to pass through it adults, children and domestic animals.

Is it worth making curtains on doors with your own hands?

Visulki on the doors are sold in many stores that implement interior items.
Basically, wood products are presented on sale - they are beautiful, comfortable and have quite affordable cost.

Therefore, it is worth making the hangup with your own hands if you just love to make or want something original, different from the shop analogues.

Methods of manufacturing biscuits do it yourself

1. From the plugs from the wine.

In traffic holes the holes are made or drilled, after which a thick reinforced thread is done through them.
To stop the plugs to each other closely, you can make nodules on the thread.
You can also put beads between traffic jams.

The problem of this method is that it is quite difficult to find such a large quantum.
And buying them expensive even in China (approximately $ 15-17 per 100 pieces).

But if you still have access to wine traffic jams, then dare.
You can also see other crafts from wine plugs that can be made with their own hands.

2. From optical disks (CD, DVD).

Of the optical disks (many of them are called CDs, but it is not entirely true, since this term is suitable only for CD) It turns out cool curtains for doors with their own hands.
They look cool and quite simply manufactured.

It is not a problem to find the right amount of disks, since now there are many of each computer owner, and they are no longer used, since they are morally outdated, giving way to flash drives (buy cool handmade flash drives on our site - see the work of the masters).

For the manufacture of biscuits on the door, you need to drill discs from two sides and skip through the holes of the thread.
Before drilling, you need to read the line, which passes through the very center of the disk and measure the same distance from the edge.
If you start drilling to the eye, you will not achieve symmetry and get very ugly.

Connect discs can also be conventional stationery clips.
This option is easier, but with Kapron thread it turns out more carefully and prettier.

3. From stationery clips.

One of the easiest ways to make boulders on the door do it yourself.
It is only necessary to connect the clips to each other to make a lot of long strips.
You can attach strips directly to the door frame, but it is better to be better to a separate bar, which is already installed in the upper part of the doorway.

If you put out colored Cambricks or pieces of thick paper on the clips, then it turns out even more interesting.
How to do it look in the video below.

4. From buttons.

For the manufacture of curtains on the door, you can use various buttons in size and color.
They wear on a thick fishing line or a thin but durable thread.

This option looks original, but strongly on an amateur.
But it is very simply manufactured and the cost is low (buttons are inexpensive, the fishing line too).

5. From seashells.

For Visency, they are suitable for both large and small shells.
And those and others can be gained in large quantities on the beaches remote from civilization, especially in the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov.
But buying shells is no longer quite profitable, since their price is usually highly high.

You can fix shells, both on the fishing line and on the thick reinforced thread.

Combining the size and shape of shells, as well as their number, you can achieve absolutely different appearance of the curtain.
In our opinion, products from a large number of small shells are most effectively watching.

6. From cocktail tubes.

Cocktail tubes are made of edible plastic and are cheap, so you can safely use for door engines.
Make the blinds of them well, it is very simple, even explaining does not make sense.

However, only the tubules look bored, so it is better to add beads of various sizes and color to them.

7. From Beads.

The most obvious way to manufacture curtains for doors (and not only) is the use of plastic and glass beads.
They dress on a fishing line, which is fixed on top of a bilateral scotch or otherwise.
How to properly traveled the fishing line shown in the figure below.

That is, it is necessary to start from the bottom edge.
Moreover, the lower pair of beads should be heavy so that the curtain is always straightened to the floor.

You can make a curtain even more beautiful, placing color beads in this order so that they make together the drawing.
Calculate the location is better in advance or find ready-made schemes on the Internet.

For clarity, give a scheme of a pretty parrot.

Special programs for beading will help you to make a scheme for your drawing.
They are called scheme generators.
There are many programs different enough, you need those that allow you to work with the canvas (Portable Mosaic and the like).

Very often, when interior decoration, the apartment has to remove the door canvases to release additional areas. Door opening without flaps looks dick and uncomfortable. To finish the doorway without a door, you can make decorative curtains from threads, beads, wood or other material. Perfect curtains from a natural bamboo. How to create beautiful items for the scenery of the doorway will tell this article. To help - detailed master class, video and photo.

Doorway - decorate with your own hands

It is no secret that sometimes you have to remove the door cloth in the room to save space and greater convenience when placing furniture. In this case, the door frame is not dismantled from the doorway.
Free aisles can separate various shopping premises: kitchen, corridors, living room, hallway, etc.

Separate rooms have a complete view if there is a door. But when the door leaf is removed, the general space appears, the parts of which are decorated in different styles and color gamns, which affects the aesthetic perception of the interior of the room.

Conditionally divided the space, and the interior can be harmonized using curtains on the doorway. This detail of the interior can be brought to the furnishings of the facilities and completeness.

Types of curtains on doorways

To date, manufacturers offer a wide range of products for decorating door and arched openings. Some of the most popular options are the following types of curtains:

  • From natural bamboo - These curtains from natural natural material are environmental safety, durability and durability. Perfect to any interior due to the soft and warm range of colors. Curtains are not fused under the influence of sun rays, static electricity does not accumulate, easily wash and clean. Bamboo curtains are suitable for rooms weatheted in classic or, as well as in.

  • - sufficiently spectacular and inexpensive products that are produced in a wide range of colors are suitable almost to any interior. Curtains from plastic slats, which can be selected both in horizontal and vertical direction, are distinguished by low weight and variety of decor. They are easy to care for them. The disadvantage of plastic curtains is fading and fragility under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, low strength and short-life.

  • - These products can be absolutely unique thanks to the glass, beads, bee, feathers and other decorative elements that are hung on vertical thread bases. Coloring can be a wide range, you can always pick up the perfect option for the interior of the room. The curtains of the thread are easily erased, but it is worth noting their short life.

  • Curtains made of small bangles (variety of filament curtains) - The design of vertical threads, which alternately stick out pebbles, colored, shells, beads, segments of wood and other finishing elements. Such curtains are easy to make with their own hands, making original and unique elements to the interior decoration. Especially often in the manufacture of curtains from biscuits use hanging beads, appliques, short wooden tubes.

  • - A whole mechanism consisting of curtains itself, casing and control mechanism. The most modern view of the curtains on the door canvas. Perfectly fit into any interior, the curtains are reliable and durable.

Master class on the manufacture of curtains from threads do it yourself

For the manufacture of curtains from threads on doorways, a filament of silk, viscose, polyester or twine, different thicknesses, painting and weaving are required. In addition to the bases, it is possible to use decorative elements: beads or glass. The choice of material depends on the interior of the room and the aesthetic preferences of the owner of the apartment.

To begin, it is necessary to calculate the needs of the material (threads), for which the dimensions are measured.

Important! When performing the industrial, it is necessary to consider that the curtains must go on the walls.

After determining the dimensions of the doorway, it is necessary to identify the distance between the individual threads. The length of one thread should be calculated taking into account the allowance for tie nodes on the upper bar. Planck for hanging threads can be made of different materials: metal, wood, plastic, bamboo. Sometimes the holes are drilled in the bar for stretching the filaments of the base, sometimes the threads are tied, directly stripped the node on the bar.

In the upper part of the thread curtains, you can weave to increase decorative qualities, without forgetting to provide an additional length of the thread. In the nodes of weave threads, it is possible to place decorative beads of wood, glass or plastic you want to cook in advance. Beads can coincide with the main thread threads, and may be highlighted in color, creating additional bright accents.

Secure beads using nodules or additional accessories. At the bottom edge of the filament curtains, it is best to make a finish from a row of beads - this will allow the threads hanging strictly vertically. Threaded curtains are perfectly harmonized with any interior. Made with their own hands from decorative threads of various weaving, the curtains help to create a unique comfort and decorate the distinctive interior.

Curtains - Tubes for the doorway

In the nearby Soviet past, when the country experienced trade hunger, such curtains were practically in every home. They were made by their own hands from cropping bamboo, polyethylene tubes, color cards and paper clips. The curtains-hanging are characterized by ease and air industry, perfectly paste air and light, making room unique and fresh.

Currently, materials for the manufacture of such curtains have become much larger than in Soviet times.
For lovers of crafts from natural material, curtains made of spikes of natural wood. To do this, it is worth picking wood with a beautiful texture: cherry, apple tree, oak, birch. Choose a sufficient amount of branches of the same diameter, which then cut together with the bark on flat dies. In a wooden weakly make holes on both sides, in which rings from durable plastic or metal insert. Wooden circles alternately ride on chains, threads or cords.

Important! Wood can be covered with colorless wood varnish, which will save the beauty of the texture.

Colorful feathers of decorative birds are perfectly suitable for curtains: such a curtain adorns any interior, giving him a fabulous charm.

Creating decorative curtains: video

Decorative curtains on the doorway: photo

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Currently it is difficult to present a house in which the curtains would not be used. However, in most cases, this element is located in window openings. But despite such trends, the curtains on the doors are increasingly added to the interior as a decorative element and to perform some protective functions.

Curtains can very effectively be used both for zoning the space and creating a special style of the room, as well as a barrier from drafts and small insects.

Types of door curtains

Like products used for windows, the door curtains can have a fairly large assortment of shapes, colors, design styles. Any of them look very profitable both in the photo and in reality. Materials for manufacture can serve:

  • Plastic;
  • Glass;
  • The cloth;
  • Wood;
  • Bamboo;
  • Sequins and beads;
  • Shells;
  • Rope-type threads;
  • Metal.

The style used in the door curtains can be absolutely any: from strict classic to bright pop art and fashionable high-tech. However, the following directions are used most often when decorating doors and openings:

  • The classic style, is represented by heavy or light fabrics, smoothly decaying to the bottom;
  • French, in which the material is collected transversely arranged folds throughout its height;
  • Roman curtains are presented with dense materials for high-quality protection against direct sunlight. Such curtains are placed on the door with glass inserts and harmonize up;
  • Japanese style, presented in the form of widmost curtains fixed in a hard frame.

In addition to such styles, in the designs of the curtains on the door there are certain forms of curtains. These include lambrequins, hourglass and bishop sleeves. Lambrequins are considered multi-level products with a fairly difficult configuration in the form of multidirectional horizontal and vertical lines.

Small curtains placed on the canvas itself and fixed in the middle of the edge of the doors and fastened in the womb. Most often, such design is used in the door design with the glass insert from the top of the canvas.

The "bishop sleeves" are curtains in the form of straight webs, collected slightly below the middle and distinguished by a massive intricacy resembling a sleeve form.

Use as decor

Decorative curtains located on the entrance door either doors bring some kind of shares and originality to any room. In the photo, such rooms look very memorable. When choosing fabric and style style, there are practically no restrictions. It is important only to take into account the overall design of the room and the desired end effect.

An excellent version of the classic style supplement will serve products made of textiles with decorative elements. You can use fringe, tassels, and creating folds in the form of waves and weaves. It is better if the fabrics used for the curtains on the windows and doors will be identical or combined with each other in a color solution.

Extremely beneficial for such a style looks asymmetric design. The main thing is that the hanging curtains placed in the aisles or directly on the door, in no way interfered with freedom of movement. Otherwise, such a beauty after a short period of time will only bring the feeling of constant irritation.

A similar decor element will be an excellent design option for oriental style adherents and wildlife lovers. By installing bamboo curtains on the door made up of many small bamboo sticks connected to each other threads, you can easily give the room a special atmosphere of comfort. In addition, such a material will not be a barrier when moving and at the same time will be a fairly effective heat protection agent.

In addition to using chopsticks, their combination is possible with color elements, as well as an addition in the form of beads and feathers. Such a curtain will be very effectively disperse with minor gusts of the wind.

Selection of material

The choice of material for the manufacture of curtains on the door depends on the overall interior of the room, the degree of its loading of various parts, as well as the appointment of the curtain itself. As a curtain that prevents the penetration into the house of various insects through the balcony door, light mesh fabrics with seamless magnetic ribbons or whole magnets are quite often used. In addition to the location on the opening of the balcony door, such decorative curtains hang in summer kitchens and summer houses.

If the goal of placing the curtains on the door is precisely protection against insects and fluff - it is advisable to use light mesh tissues. To decorate the interior and giving the room of visual lightness, light transparent fabrics, chains and garlands are used. It is fairly effective to achieve such effects and products from bamboo, small plates of metallic color, beads of various sizes and shapes.

For effective protection against scoring sunlight, medium density tissues are used, allowing enough to effectively pass into the room fresh air. The use of dense heavy tissues is appropriate only to maintain the classic room style. However, even with this interior, it is recommended to choose a different fabric option. The reason for this is the property of dense tissue to delay the heat inside the room, without passing the fresh air. Thus, the room and in the winter, and in the summer will have heavy dry air. Also such products will be in large quantities of dust.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any other decor elements, the curtains on the door have their pros and cons. The positive aspects of use include:

  • Aesthetic originality of the design of the room;
  • Curtains on the door allow you to visually expand the rooms due to the absence of a clear separation of space and look very effectively both in reality and in the photo;
  • The budget value of the decision. In addition, this method of distinguishing door openings does not require significant costs in comparison with the installation of the door canvase;
  • Allow without special spending to radically change the interior of the room.

The main disadvantage of such products is the fact of the lack of distinction of rooms. Curtains though look fresh and original, but do not provide proper sound insulation. The full thermal insulation is also not carried out.

Making a curtain with your own hands

The principle of creating such an element of the decor as a curtain on the door is quite simple and in fact no different from the manufacture of window curtains. This design can easily be done with your own hands. To work requires the following set of tools:
Fabric, or any other material suitable for plan;

  • Chalk to apply markup;
  • Sewing set in the form of thread, needles and scissors;
  • Sewing machine;
  • Suitable in size cornice.

A number of measurements are carried out as preparatory work. For sewing, you need to know the width of the doorway, the length of the planned product, the location of the cornice. In the case of the manufacture of curtains from the fabric, after the selection of the necessary material and measurements, it is necessary to carry out surcharges on the seams. From each side you need to add 30 mm. For the top of the web, for fastening the cornice, you should add from 50 to 100 mm.

Before you start sewing curtains on the door, the fabric must be wrapped, after drying, the material is stroked the iron. Only after that the cutting is made, based on the measurements obtained. Such an order of action is due to the possible properties of certain types of tissues to the shrinkage or stretching.

At the request of the edge of the segment, the fabric can be covered with additional decor elements. Lastly, the premises of the canvas and drapery on the already fixed above the doorway or on the door of the cornice itself.

When using other types of materials, the technology of manufacturing curtains on the door with their own hands may differ slightly. In the case of the manufacture of a filament, a decorative curtain with beads, drapery is not required. The base is used as a material of the base. The fastening of the elements occurs by installing on the thread of the line under the beads of small rivets-stops, or by imposing nodes. According to this principle, the creation of curtains from bamboo sticks.