What is cotton: all about cotton fiber. Growing and collecting cotton

Now in Uzbekistan in full swing cleaning cotton. From what city you left, pass a few kilometers and see the fields of dry shrubs covered with cotton wool. I left Tashkent in the direction of Samarkand in order to picked up the cleaning process. Little general Information For those who, like me, before traveling to Uzbekistan, never seen cotton grows. Cotton grows on the fields on small bushes height about the belt.
If you say easily, then it's just pieces of wool on branches.
Before harvesting, the fields cease to serve water. Therefore, cotton dries. The "WATT" itself matures in the so-called box. In this photo, the box fumbled and revealed (perhaps in the reverse order).
But this box I was chosen personally. She was green and completely closed.
That day it did not cost without adventure. I left Tashkent and approximately 10 km from the town stayed near a large cotton field, which worked just a bunch of people. I went to the field and only managed to ask a couple of questions to the guys who worked there, and make a few frames as a man approached me and said that it was forbidden to remove cotton cleaning. Asked who I am and what I do. I said everything as is - they say, tourist, photograph. A minute later, another man came up and called the owner of the field, said it was impossible for private ownership, it is impossible to photograph and he calls the police. I called the mobile, two more came - one in civil, the second in shape. The one in the form showed the certificate and called the district. Began to ask if I have permission, why I photograph and so on. They even said that now they will be taken to the prosecutor's office :) But I know that I didn't do anything particularly criminal and I have nothing to be afraid. They stood, talked, they talked between themselves for a long time in Uzbek, the regional for a long time called to a mobile one. As a result, they asked to remove those four frames that I did. And they said that without official permission could not allow me to photograph. What permission needs to be obtained in the Khakimat of the Tashkent region (such as a mayor's office or management in Russian) from some Rustama-aka there. Moreover, the man who advised me, asked not to speak in Khakimat, that he sent me. Why it is forbidden to remove cotton cleaning, he did not know. All this lasted no more than half an hour, and it ended with the fact that one of them let me down to parking a taxi that I could leave to Tashkent. But I went not to Tashkent, but the next field, where no one forbidden to remove. The problem is that in Uzbekistan in some fields, schoolchildren are cleaned. Approximately 2 weeks a year every day they do not go to school, but on the field. It would seem that in this one - well, they will work the kids with their hands, will come to fresh air - healthier will be. In the end, we, Russian schoolchildren, also sent a carrot in school at school and I remember this fun time only with good feelings, and curriculum can redistribute. But all sorts of human rights defenders are used as an opportunity to reproach Uzbekistan to use child labor. Therefore, the organizers of cleaning are not very fond of people with cameras. Whatever it was, no one forbade me to take pictures on the next field. Field size - 2.5 hectares. Those who clean the cotton, I counted a man 30 - of which no more than 3 men, about 8 kids, the rest are women.
Women wrapped her face with scarves. First, defending from the Sun, and secondly, to breathe smaller dust with a dry ground.

The collected cotton is folded into such a node, which is tied to the belt. When it is enough to be filled, it is convenient to sit on it. This woman in the previous day collected 118 kilograms of cotton. For 1 kilogram, the collectors pay 130 soums. That is, last day, the woman earned about 15 thousand soums, which is about 6 dollars at the current rate. I absorbed one bush and scored so much. Leaves and box dry and spiny, so you need to work in gloves.
From this field plan to collect 120 tons of cotton. As long as 20 collected 20.
As I said, children help their parents and do not look tortured and oppressed.
Mother with daughter. With her daughter and son. Record the address where to send photos. I often do this - I print a photo, and then send them to ordinary mail. Sometimes this is the only way to persuade a person to take pictures. Funny thing - how children change in his face when they take pictures. I did this snapshot unexpectedly for the boy.
And for the next, he has already managed to prepare - it got up at the rack, Himirno, and took a serious expression. By the way, not only children do, but many adults.

The cotton harvested to the trailer.

So much collected for today.
Weighed. And write down the results in the notebook.

"White Gold", "Wood wool" - more than a century, cotton was the main wealth and the main curse of Central Asia, the procedure for the changed her face. Journey to the Fergana Valley, about the device and flavor, I was specially attached to the season of cotton cleaning, although this theme itself is wider than the valley and even the whole Uzbekistan.

In the treatises of scientists of medieval Europe, the mysterious creature "Barana", he also "Lamb Scythian" or "Aries Tatar" is perhaps the most well-known example of mythical zoophice, that is, semi-semi-sustain. Baranets represented a tree or bush, the fruits of which were small sheep, fed by its foliage, and on a more "easy" version - just a tree coated with a rune skin. After all, the Europeans knew that from the east they brought white wool, and that this wool grows on the trees:

In fact, cotton (Russian name to "cotton w. "The attitude does not have and borrowed from the West Slavic languages, where it means" Klok ") was indeed not known to the Greeks right up to the Macedonian hikes, Europeans - to wars with Arabs, and in Europe itself it was simply nowhere. But in Asia and South America He is already cultivated for about 7,000 years, and independently of each other "Barana" was tamed by people in several places, the first of which was the Indus valley. The purpose of cotton did not change - the fabric was made from it, and the "wood wool" turned into the "white gold" the most English cloth. After all, it is not a secret that capitalist industrialization always begins with the textile industry, even now in the countries of the type Bangladesh, at least in the very not good old England, where already by the 16th century on the pastures of Milgorods "sheep ate people." Wood wool turned out to be a decent replacement for a sheep rune, and the search for cotton plantations was not the last cause of British colonial expansion. In the 18th century, two main cotton areas of the planet - Southeast of North America and India were formed. The first eventually got the United States, significantly succeeded in cotton, thanks to the wonder-car Cotton Jean. And when in the 19th century, the textile industry began to gain momentum in Russia, all these grew up like mushrooms from Bryansk to Kostroma Manufactures Yes Factories strict Kupchin from yesterday's peasants were enough and American cotton. In Turkestan, then cotton did not grow, but Russian geographers and researchers brought to Petersburg to lead that there is this culture as a place.

However, all the same Cotton Jean played a role in the Industrialization of the Nordic States and in the preservation of slavery in the southern states, but in the same 1861, when Alexander II in Russia canceled the serfdom, overseas the contradictions of slave owners and capitalists broke out civil War. Russia at this time slowly pushed to the South Kokand Khanate, luring on the Kazakhs and Kyrgyz to his side, in itself the Central Asia, bonding in the virgin medieval, seemed very easy prey, from the south, from India, the British, and humiliated Crimean war Russian officers so wanted to dare with them ... The American crisis, as it was called in the then press, threatened to leave Russia without the main supply of cotton, and thus gave the invasion of Turkestan that there is no economic feasibility. And although the conquest of Turkestan was the case of not one day and not one year, and by the time the white-blue-red flags crowded over Khivi and Kokand, America had a safely dealt with his crisis and again began to export the "white gold" again, yet the formation In Russian Turkestan, a new cotton resident has become a matter of time.

First, however, it was necessary to pave railway, Only in 1899 by the Fergana Valley with the Caspian port of Krasnovodsky, and at the beginning of the twentieth century and directly with Russia through the Kazakh steppe, but simply bother in someone else's edge. But from the beginning of the twentieth century, cotton flow in Central Asia has developed mad pace, one-sown area in 1890-1915 increased 7 times, and this was a purely capitalist project, where the state created in the extreme case the favored regime. By the beginning of the First World Country provided himself with cotton for more than half of the needs, and more than 60% of Russian cotton production accounted for the Fergana Valley.

Interestingly, 60% of cotton production did not keep toltopuise Russian capitalists and even do not breathe in cigar foreign investors, which seemed to be at all, and local merchants from Armenians and Bukhara Jews, such as Vadyaev or Dlaper. The cotton capital of Turkestan, and the next and its banking center was made by Kokand, in which, to the exit from the valley, there were white threads from Namangan, Andijan, Margilan or Osh. The main street of Kokanda, shaped cotton boom - perhaps the best ensemble of Russian Turkestan architecture. For example, on the right of Vadiaeva House, the left is Russian-Asian bank:

But the largest cotton wheel in Turkestan vad, as well as in Kokanda somewhere. In total, by 1915, 235 cotton cars operated in Turkestan, which were usually associated with oil refrigerations - speech, of course, about cotton oil with its characteristic meat taste, without which the pilaf is unthinkable. In 1916, the on the eve of falling into the abyss, there was a very significant one (if everything developed as before) an event - Turkestan Wadyaev bought a large manufactory in Ivanovo-Voznesensk.

Russian Capital, of course, in Turkestan was also very noticeable. For example, in Bukhara, and the caravan Sarayev - Savva Morozova's trading house (1912), owner - Factory:

Cotton boom brought even treads from hibernation - Bukhara Emirates and Khiva Khanate. This is, for example, over the roofs and walls of the gloomy old chiva, the pipes of a cotton-cleaning plant, founded in 1907 by the local Vizier Europeanizer Islam-Haja. Highly tsarist Russia There are on the "letters about Tashkent."

However, even before the revolution, cotton crops were expanded to the detriment of sowing bread, and interruptions with the supply of grain, caused by the First World War, were not the last cause of the Great Turkestan uprising. The same mistake, in general, repeated the advice, but they approached the cotton project with an order of magnitude with a large scale, deploying in the 1930s and 1930s a grandiose program of the amelioration of Central Asia, penetrating its desert thousands of channels, the total length of which no one probably knows .

The usual part of the Central Asian landscape is lonely excavators in the steppe, in the channels invisible from roads:

And the most famous fee for this is the death of the Aral Sea ... Although everything, of course, with him, of course, is not so unambiguous:

Where other events are known - mass relocation of peoples, places similar to deportation. Yes I. crimean Tatars, Meskhetians or Kurds did not accidentally throw from native places not to the desert, but in oases - the area of \u200b\u200bcotton plantations grew faster than the number of their finished handle. And for example, an abandoned mountain village (Tajikistan) - here lived here the last Sogdians, the most unique of the small peoples of Central Asia, and now they, forgetting the language, live in the Zafarabad district, and only a few hundred Yagnobi returned here:

But the pairs are essentially the Mid-Asian Indians who came here as Gypsies, but those who were settled in the mountains as farmers, apparently and went to the fly - nor in Denau, nor in, between whom they lived, no one knows about them. But we drove to Aksakala Tajikov-Humpari - Highlanders, resettled in the cotton state farm Yang Het (" New life"). Highlanders from and Uzbeks from the northern regions of Tajikistan graded the appearance and, that is, their relocation was one of the prerequisites of the Tajik civil war.

But cotton, like bread, was here, there was a "everything head" here, and the famous word "Pakhtakor" means nothing more than "cotcopod". On - the grave of the famous football team "Pakhtakor", in 1979 he died in a plane crash:

And the "cotton case" was a sign event of the late USSR, a peculiar forerunner of restructuring, and cost the life of Sharaf Rashidov, to the then leader of the UzSSR, whether the deceased from the heart attack, whether he had committed with him. The frame below is his office-museum. Whether Rashid was really to blame - it's not for me (in modern Uzbekistan, a cotton case is considered almost Andropov's repressions), but there are no corruption in the cotton industry of Central Asia.

In the current Uzbekistan, cotton production is reduced from year to year - and not so much due to economic problems, as due to the redistribution of the Earth for bread and other conductive cultures. Yes, and the basis of the Uzbek economy has long been not agriculture, and non-ferrous metallurgy, first of all gold and uranium. The USSR for the production of cotton was in the three leaders, squeezing a maximum of not suitable for this Central Asian Earth; Uzbekistan, which gave 60% of the cotton industry of the Union, at the time of independence, occupied the 4th place in the world after such giants as India, the USA and China. Since then, he has shifted to the sixth place, giving way to Pakistan and Brazil, but still ranks second (after the United States) the export place is about 10% of the world market. And on the autumn, its landscape is impossible to imagine without white sparks of cotton in brown-green fields:

Local authorities do not like someone when someone walks and photographs these fields, and twice the drivers of collective taxis with a completely sincere fear refused to stop at the field so that I could take a picture of it. But under Andijan, our fellow travelers had an old Medic woman, to a retirement worked in the departmental clinic of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and therefore familiar with all the policemen in the area. Under such guardianship, the driver was a wide gesture suggested that we stroll into a cotton field, take a look at the national heritage of Uzbekistan:

Cotton is not grass, but a bush, and earlier he grew much higher. Cotton chasing, that is, the removal of his upper escape, from which he began to grow wars, and much thicker, invented by the way the very trophim Lysenko, three times the entire post-Soviet science for the defeat of genetics. Cotton seeds grow in characteristic boxes, in a half-closed state, this fell on the title frame, shot in the same field. The grains in the box surrounds the dense white wool, at some point he cutting it out. And at this moment, cotton begins to collect:

And Central Asia, especially Uzbekistan, do not understand without the spectacle of cotton fields in the Strada season, or rather - without its subtext.
Although there are cotton harvesters in theory, here "wood wool" on 9/10 are collected by hand, and people bending back in the endless fields - in the autumn an \u200b\u200bintegral part of the landscape at least in the valley, even in Khorezm, at least under Samarkand:

This is Hashhar - so in Central Asia, the time of centuries was called the mobilization of the people to some social and useful case, whether it is a recovery of the home to the neighbor-chaser or the construction of the fortress walls and the dig of the canals. Or, for example, the large-scale reconstruction of the city center, which two years ago I watched in. According to the method of Khashara and cleaned cotton in Uzbekistan, and most people in these photographs are not the peasants from the surrounding villages at all:

In fact, this is forced labor, to which minors a few years ago were attracted - one of the most inconvenient topics of the post-Soviet Uzbekistan, so the undesirability of a person with a camera on these fields is quite natural. Wrestlers with cotton hashars, trying to tell about what is happening to the whole world - a special kind of Uzbekistan dissidents, bringing local officials to white crown. For example, two material from tape.ru, or more sharp from Fergana.ru. I did not want to risk, and did not come to the field - so all the frames with the hashars were removed from the window of a collective taxi or train:

The main contingent of Haasharov is state employees and students who send here from organizations, as a rule for a weekend. Also in here the declacial elements are working - someone in the framework of "15 days", someone under the threat to remember old things. Other, who are cooler, are quite legally bought off, honeying instead of MARDICOR (employee of the pivotchik) - but there are few people in Central Asia, and whether it will be respected not so rich colleagues?. In the current Uzbekistan, about 5 million people pass through cotton hashars, that is, 1/6 part of the country's population, and considering that average age Pakhtakor 23 years old, at least once in life, almost everyone cleaned cotton here

The daily rate is 50-60 kilograms per person, and a formally relying for this work, a small salary actually goes for overnight and nutrition at a fixed rate. If the employee does not fulfill the norm, then at all in the account of the fines, so it remains to eat and sleep at his own expense. Someone brought into the fields for 2 weeks, someone - for the weekend; Working day from 9 to 18 with a break for lunch, not counting the road, and the road in both directions can take a few more hours.

So, and even worse, it was soviet time: I heard (but I don't count for accuracy), it reached the fact that the police stopped the flight buses and sent them passengers on the hour Hashar. Here are the memories from the comments for this post:
Itself was on cotton many times - both at school (starting from grade 7), and at the university, and after it worked. This natural disaster is actually. Slavery clean water, without any human rights. Work day from dark to dark, without weekends, in any weather, except for the rain and snow. When there was a bad weather for a long time, fed only once a day. And all this from the beginning of the Strand to the "Plan" - to the notorious 6 million tons (rarely were less than a month, more often 1.5, sometimes even 2 months). I counted what he spent on a cotton (count in slavery) about the year. Just terrible numbers. Antisanitarian terrible. Medicine no. The dean of our faculty died on cotton from banal appendicitis, because He could not immediately make a diagnosis in the local hospital. People traveled by defoliates - the mutability, which sprinkled the fields for the fallout of the leaves. People gathered cotton on the field, and neighboring fields or even the edge of the same process. And the wind can suddenly look towards the builders. Corruption and other affairs did not even hide from us, students. For example, the teacher sent part of the students for the collection of pure cotton, while the rest were collected by the so-called. "Selection" - cotton with bushes with the boxes and from the ground with the leaves and branches - and said: "We will backed patties." The cakes were called the trolleys for cotton, in which the earth was poured, in the middle of the selection, and with the edges poured clean cotton and handed over to Hirman as clean.
Or now:
The fact that there are school autumn holidays I learned only in Leningrad. Spring holidays - a couple of days. All the rest of the time on the weeding. But there at least without night, after lunch.

Cotton express in Kokand, and on the roads along the autumn there is no uncommon column of minibuses with the word "Pakhta" under the glass:

Street this word and on the signs that meet closed doors other state institutions. We, for example, did not get into museums so twice, all the workers of which at that time were back in the fields:

And the collected cotton raw slightly looks like a picture of Vasily Vereshchagin "Apotheosis of War":

In the fall in Uzbekistan, the fuel crisis with long queues at filling stations was determined in Uzbekistan - the state monopoly on the gasoline trade was turned around by the fact that all fuel went to the technique worked in cotton fields. The most colorful representative of this technique, of course its diesel segment - characteristic three-wheeled tractors with high landing, modifications of Belarusian and Vladimir tractors, produced by the Tashkent Tractor Plant:

The machine from the frame is tightly photographed in the spring, that is, apparently cultivated the field. They work in principle not only on cotton:

And on cotton not all tractor three-wheeled:

And yet an antediluvian tharanching tractor with an empty engine and a trailer with white wool whites for the feed - on the autumn the same non-refinery king of the Central Asian roads, as a forestry in the Russian north:

As I understand it, the lumens between the average wheels and each of the two rear are made specifically in width of the aisle on the cotton field:

They carry cotton-raw, how he was assembled from the fields - with mud, straw and remains of the boxes:

It is brought to cotton-cleaning plants - an integral element of the Central Asian landscape. In the spring, they, in fact, simply the grounds for the fences, as if invisses, but in the fall, natural churrtorosis grows on them:

The following few frames were shot on in Tajikistan, where cotton is collected at the end of August. Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and especially Turkmenistan grown their cotton regularly, but not as dramatic as Uzbekistan.

To be inside the cotton and see near the process of cleaning cotton I did not have the opportunity, although in Tajikistan or Kyrgyzstan maybe it was possible to ascend. .

In textile production, there is only cotton with a length of threads from 20 cm - the so-called cotton fiber, and this is about half of the cotton-raw cotton. Another half goes either on cotton, or in pyrotechnic - cotton was an important element Many species of smokeless powder.

Floraflone \u200b\u200bin Uzbekistan. Stacks - "piles" folded strictly in a certain way, and small passages are left inside them, so that the cotton dried up with the internal circulation of air. What transport it takes it from here - I do not know exactly:

The by-product of cotton is a gozypay, that is, a brushwood, walking on firewood in Mahalla and Kislak:

It burns perfectly, and besides from it, like from a tree, it is possible to produce paper, which planned to develop the Uzbek authorities in the first years of independence (apparently, not very successful).

Finally - cotton in different typesNot exported:

In the next part, about a much more benevolent heritage of the Fergana Valley: about Flush.

, as well as .

Cotton is one of the best organic Materials at all times human historyused in different industries. The main consumer of the fiber is the textile industry, which is impossible to imagine without cotton. Fabrics from this material are characterized by excellent characteristics.

Cotton over time remains in demand, like many centuries ago.


Cotton is a fiber of vegetable origin, enveloping plant-cotton plant seeds. It is one of the most important and common cultures around the world. It occupies a leading position as a basis for the production of tissues. There are dozens of species of this plant.

By external characteristics Cotton grows as a shrub. The similarity is caused by the presence of branches and leaves. Visual example serves the next photo of cotton.

In fact, cotton, depending on the type, is wood or herbate plant. It takes peace only in hot countries, it needs a warm and wet climate. Its height ranges from the meter to one and a half meters. It also differs in varietal characteristics, can be polluted independently. The fruit is a cotton box, in which seeds and fibers ripen.


In order to learn how cotton grows, it is useful to read a small historical help.

The cultivation of cotton culture has a centuries-old history. This is confirmed by the excavation of ancient settlements. The country that began to master the cotton is considered to be India. It was there that the ancient samples of the material and tools were found for its processing. Next, cotton fiber was distributed in Greece and Arab countries. Also, the cultivation of cotton in a few millennia BC is spoken by excavations in China, Persia, Mexico, Peru.

From countries growing culture, cotton products are distributed in Asia and America. Self-cultivation of cotton by these countries began significantly later.

Before the creation of cultivation in Europe, a lot of legends went about how cotton grows. To this day, several names of the names are preserved in different cultures, as well as images on people's ideas.

Cotton cultivation

The period of maturation of the cotton fiber varies depending on the variety: from 100 to 200 days.

For growing cotton fiber, a well-prepared porous soil is necessary. Availability in Ne. nutrients It is of great importance for the full growth of the plant. Therefore, the land is enriched with various fertilizers before sowing.

Warm climatic conditions also play a huge role. Seeds can germinate at a temperature not lower than 15 degrees. For development and further flowering, the temperature should reach 30 degrees. Cotton is needed open access of sunlight. In the shadow, the plant may die.

Cotton consumes a lot of water. Providing plants moisture should occur abundantly and constantly. At the same time, cotton can be transferred drought thanks to a well-developed root system. But under such conditions, the amount of harvest is reduced.

The ripening of cotton on the plant occurs unevenly, therefore the harvest fee passes in several stages. Often, the leaves can be removed before harvesting from it, which can interfere with the cleaning process.

After ripening the box with a fiber, it is revealed. A cotton harvest begins, which passes mechanically or manually. Powdered fiber boxes together with seeds tear off the plants. The raw material is cleaned from seeds, dust and debris, and is transported for its intended purpose.


Cotton fiber has a number of positive properties:

  • perfectly absorbs moisture;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • heats, keeps heat;
  • it has high air permeability;
  • does not need complex care;
  • has a low cost;
  • it is comfortable when sewing various clothes.

Cotton also has several negative properties:

  • without adding fright, stretching and thinned;
  • quickly loses color with large sunlight access;
  • loses properties with a long contact with water.


Cotton fiber is used in various spheres of human life.

First of all, cotton is used in the tissue industry. It produces various tissue characteristics and color. For example, satin, flannel, sitheria and many others. Cotton fiber is used in the manufacture of threads, yarn, wool, paper and even explosives.

Cotton seeds are also used in industry. Some of them are preparing for further landing. From the rest of the seeds, oil is squeezed, which is used in food. Low quality oil is used in technical needs. The raw materials remaining after the oil squeeze is rich in protein, so animal feed is made of it.

Of the tens of cotton varieties for the manufacturing industry, several species are used.

Information about how cotton grows, its use in industry is interesting and important. This plant plays a big role in the history of mankind over the centuries.

Now in Uzbekistan, cotton cleaning is in full swing. From what city you left, just a few kilometers you will see the fields of dry shrubs covered with cotton swabs. Last Saturday, I left Tashkent in the direction of Samarkand in order to ponify the process of cleaning.

A little general information for those who, like me, before a trip to Uzbekistan, never seen how cotton grows.

Cotton grows on the fields on small bushes height about the belt.

If you say easily, then it's just pieces of wool on branches.

Before harvesting, the fields cease to serve water. Therefore, cotton dries. The "WATT" itself matures in the so-called box. In this photo, the box fumbled and revealed (perhaps in the reverse order).

But this box I was chosen personally. She was green and completely closed.

That day it did not cost without adventure.

I left Tashkent and approximately 10 km from the town stayed near a large cotton field, which worked just a bunch of people. I went to the field and only managed to ask a couple of questions to the guys who worked there, and make a few frames as a man approached me and said that it was forbidden to remove cotton cleaning. Asked who I am and what I do. I said everything as is - they say the tourist, photograph. A minute later, another man came up and called the owner of the field, said that this private property was impossible to photograph and he causes the police. I called the mobile, two more came - one in civil, the second in shape. The one in the form showed the certificate and called the district. Began to ask if I have permission, why I photograph and so on. They even said that now they will be taken to the prosecutor's office :) But I know that I didn't do anything particularly criminal and I have nothing to be afraid. They stood, talked, they talked between themselves for a long time in Uzbek, the regional for a long time called to a mobile one. As a result, they asked to remove those four frames that I did. And they said that without official permission could not allow me to take pictures. What permission needs to be obtained in the Khokimiyat of the Tashkent region (such as a mayor's office or management in Russian) from some Rustama-aka there. Moreover, the man who advised me, asked not to speak in Khakimat, that he sent me. Why it is forbidden to remove cotton cleaning, he did not know. All this lasted no more than half an hour, and it ended with the fact that one of them let me down to parking a taxi that I could leave to Tashkent. But I went not to Tashkent, but the next field, where no one forbidden to remove.

The problem is that in Uzbekistan in some fields, schoolchildren are cleaned.

Approximately 2 weeks a year every day they do not go to school on the field. It would seem that it would be like that - well, they will work kids with their hands, they will win in the fresh air - they will be healthier. In the end, we, Russian schoolchildren, also sent a carrot on summer practices at school and I remember this fun time only with good feelings, and curriculum can redistribute. But all sorts of human rights defenders are used as an opportunity to reproach Uzbekistan to the use of child labor. Therefore, the organizers of cleaning are not very fond of people with cameras. Be that as it may, no one forbade me to take pictures on the next field.

Field size - 2.5 hectares. Those who clean the cotton, I counted a man of 30 of them no more than 3 men, Oklo 8 kids, the rest are women.

Women wrapped her face with scarves. First, defending from the Sun, and secondly, to breathe smaller dust with a dry ground.

The collected cotton is folded into such a node, which is tied to the belt.

When it is enough to be filled, it is convenient to sit on it.

This woman in the previous day collected 118 kilograms of cotton. For 1 kilogram, the collectors pay 130 soums. That is, last day the woman earned about 15 thousand soums, which is about $ 6 to the current course.

I absorbed one bush and scored so much. Leaves and box dry and spiny, so you need to work in gloves.

From this field plan to collect 120 tons of cotton. As long as 20 collected 20.

As I said, children help their parents and do not look tortured and oppressed.

Mother with daughter.

With her daughter and son.

Squeeze the address where to send photos. I often do that - I print photos, and then I will send them on ordinary mail. Sometimes this is the only way to persuade a person to take pictures.

Funny thing - how children change in his face when they take pictures. I did this snapshot unexpectedly for the boy.

And for the next, he has already managed to prepare - it got up at the rack, Himirno, and took a serious expression. By the way, not only children do, but many adults.

The cotton harvested to the trailer.

So much collected for today.


And write down the results in the notebook.