How Stalin dealt with the Chechens. Deportation

On the night of February 24, 1944, Operation "Lentil" began - the mass expulsion of Chechens and Ingush from North Caucasus, which became one of the heaviest crimes of the Stalinist regime.


Until 1938, Chechens were not systematically drafted into the army; the annual draft was no more than 300-400 people. Since 1938, the conscription has been significantly increased. In 1940-41, it was held in full accordance with the law "On universal military duty", but the results were disappointing. During the additional mobilization in October 1941 of those born in 1922 out of 4,733 conscripts, 362 people avoided appearing at the recruiting stations. By decision of the GKO, in the period from December 1941 to January 1942, the 114th national division was formed from the indigenous population in the CHI ASSR. As of the end of March 1942, 850 people managed to desert from it. The second mass mobilization in Checheno-Ingushetia began on March 17, 1942, and was supposed to end on the 25th. The number of persons subject to mobilization was 14577 people. However, only 4887 were mobilized by the appointed time, of which only 4395 were sent to military units, that is, 30% of the order. In this regard, the mobilization period was extended until April 5, but the number of mobilized increased only to 5543 people.


The policy of the Soviet government, primarily collectivization Agriculture, caused mass discontent in the North Caucasus, which repeatedly resulted in armed uprisings.

Since the establishment of Soviet power in the North Caucasus and until the beginning of the Great patriotic war only on the territory of Checheno-Ingushetia there were 12 major anti-Soviet armed uprisings, in which from 500 to 5000 people participated.

But to speak, as has been done for many years in Party and KGB documents, of the "almost unanimous participation" of Chechens and Ingush in anti-Soviet gangs, of course, is absolutely groundless.


In January 1942, the "Special Party of Caucasian Brothers" (OPKB) was created, uniting representatives of 11 peoples of the Caucasus (but operating mainly in Checheno-Ingushetia).

In the program documents of the OPKB, the goal was to fight "against Bolshevik barbarism and Russian despotism." The coat of arms of the party depicted fighters for the liberation of the Caucasus, one of whom struck a poisonous snake, and the other cut the throat of a pig with a saber.

Israilov later renamed his organization the National Socialist Party of Caucasian Brothers (NSPKB).

According to the NKVD, the number of this organization reached five thousand people. Another large anti-Soviet grouping on the territory of Checheno-Ingushetia was the Chechen-Mountain National Socialist Underground Organization (CHGNSPO) created in November 1941 under the leadership of Mairbek Sheripov. Before the war, Sheripov was the chairman of the Forestry Council of the CHI ASSR, in the fall of 1941 he opposed Soviet power and managed to unite under his command the detachments operating on the territory of the Shatoevsky, Cheberloevsky and part of the Itum-Kalinsky districts.

In the first half of 1942, Sheripov wrote the program of the ChGNSPO, in which he outlined his ideological platform, goals and objectives. Mayrbek Sheripov, like Israilov, proclaimed himself an ideological fighter against Soviet power and Russian despotism. But in the circle of his relatives, he did not hide the fact that he was driven by a pragmatic calculation, and the ideals of the struggle for the freedom of the Caucasus were only declarative. Before leaving for the mountains, Sharipov frankly told his supporters: "My brother, Aslanbek Sheripov, foresaw the overthrow of the tsar in 1917, so he began to fight on the side of the Bolsheviks. I also know that the end of Soviet power has come, so I want to go towards Germany."


On the night of February 24, 1944, the NKVD troops surrounded the settlements with tanks and trucks, blocking all exits. Beria reported to Stalin on the start of Operation Lentil.

The migration began at dawn on 23 February. By lunchtime, more than 90,000 people were loaded into freight cars. As Beria reported, there was almost no resistance, and if it did arise, the instigators were shot on the spot.

On February 25, Beria sent a new report: "The deportation is proceeding normally." 352,647 people boarded 86 trains and were sent to their destination. Chechens who fled to the forest or mountains were caught by the NKVD troops and were shot. Horrible scenes took place during this operation. The Chekists herded the inhabitants of the village of Khaibakh into a stable and set them on fire. More than 700 people were burned alive. The migrants were allowed to take with them 500 kilograms of cargo per family.

The special settlers had to hand over their livestock and grain - in exchange they received livestock and grain from the local authorities at their new place of residence. There were 45 people in each car (for comparison, the Germans were allowed to take a ton of property during deportation, and there were 40 people in the car without personal belongings). The party nomenklatura and the Muslim elite traveled in the last echelon, which consisted of normal wagons.


The obvious excess of Stalin's measures is obvious today. Thousands of Chechens and Ingush gave their lives at the front, were awarded orders and medals for military exploits. Machine gunner Khanpasha Nuradilov was posthumously awarded the title of Hero Soviet Union. The Chechen-Ingush cavalry regiment under the command of Major Visaitov reached the Elbe. The title of Hero, to which he was presented, was awarded to him only in 1989.

Sniper Abukhadzhi Idrisov destroyed 349 fascistsSergeant Idrisov was awarded the Order of the Red Banner and the Red Star, he was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.

Chechen sniper Akhmat Magomadov became famous in the battles near Leningrad, where he was called "the fighter of the German invaders." He has more than 90 Germans on his account.

Khanpasha Nuradilov destroyed 920 fascists on the fronts, captured 7 enemy machine guns and personally captured 12 fascists. For military exploits, Nuradilov was awarded the Orders of the Red Star and the Red Banner. In April 1943 he was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. During the war years, 10 Vainakhs became Heroes of the Soviet Union. 2,300 Chechens and Ingush died in the war. It should be noted that military personnel - Chechens and Ingush, representatives of other peoples repressed in 1944 - were recalled from the front to the labor armies, and at the end of the war they, the "victorious soldiers", were sent into exile.

In a new place

The attitude towards special settlers in 1944-1945 in places of settlement and at work was not easy and was characterized by injustice and numerous violations of their rights by local authorities. These violations were expressed in relation to the accrual wages, in the refusal to issue bonuses for work. Work to improve the economic structure was hampered by bureaucratic delays. According to the North-Kazakhstan regional department of economic organization, as of January 1, 1946, there were special settlers from the North Caucasus in the region: “the families of Chechens were 3637, or 14766 people, the families of the Ingush were 1234, or 5366 people, there were 4871 families of special settlers in the region, or 20132 people.


In 1957, the peoples of the North Caucasus were able to return to their homeland. The return took place in difficult conditions, not everyone wanted to give houses and households to the "old-timers". Every now and then there were armed clashes. The forced resettlement of Chechens and Ingush caused them not only huge human losses and material damage, but also had negative consequences on the national consciousness of these peoples. We can say that the deportation of 1944 was one of the causes of the Chechen wars.

I have long wanted to write my vision of such an event as the forced eviction (deportation) of some peoples of the North Caucasus. Moreover, tomorrow will be just another 72nd anniversary of the deportation of the Chechen people.

Almost everyone knows about the fact of the resettlement of Chechens, Crimean Tatars, Kalmyks, Karachays and Ingush, but the real reason for this deportation is practically unknown. But everyone has seen similar pictures ...

So, why in 1943-44. Chechens, Ingush, Balkars, Karachays, Crimean Tatars and Kalmyks were deported and taken out of their homes. And why didn't this affect the Ossetians and the peoples of Dagestan?

Why Stalin evicted the Chechens

It is strange, but often there is an opinion that the bloodthirsty tyrant Stalin decided to take revenge on the highlanders, for their hospitable welcome to the Germans, and after the liberation of the Caucasus from the Nazi troops, he gave the order to forcibly evict the Caucasians and Kalmyks.

Oral stories circulate stubbornly about how Chechen elders allegedly gave Hitler a handsome white stallion. As a child, I myself heard a lot of stories about how the Chechens rejoiced at the arrival of the Germans, for which they paid with eviction.

Like, the bloodthirsty despot Stalin ordered his no less bloodthirsty assistant Larentiy Beria to drive everyone into cattle cars and take them to Siberia and Kazakhstan.

And these mythical justifications are quite suitable for contemporaries who did not live in that era and do not understand the situation, as well as people with a broken causal part.

Those who have not forgotten how to think with their own heads and know at least a little the history and situation of those years will not argue that Stalin was a very practical statesman.

And he wanted to end the war as quickly as possible, not only because she was tired, but because. that the balance of power could change at any moment, he knew 100% that the Germans were one step (!!) from creating atomic bomb(as well as the Americans), in Germany already then began the production of jet fighters ...

In 1943 - 1944 there were stubborn bloody battles on the territory of Ukraine and Belarus .. every soldier was on the account! Each wagon that brought replenishment and ammunition to the front, so really, out of personal revenge, Stalin pulled an army of 100,000 people from the fronts, including 19,000 SMERshevites, put them in wagons and sent them to the North Caucasus to amuse his pride and "revenge" the Chechens and Karachays?!

This can only come up with the children and grandchildren of the Trotskyists, whom Stalin mercilessly destroyed in the 30s and who still take revenge on him dead and compose fables about his illiteracy and incompetence!

By the way, can you imagine how many wagons it took for so many soldiers with all the weapons?! And then it took about two hundred trains with deported citizens who were taken not 100 kilometers, but thousands of kilometers to Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Komi!!

And it's just for revenge? Bullshit!

And this nonsense was believed by fooled citizens who were subjected to mass processing by liberal writers and historians, those who, since the time of the scoundrel Khrushchev, destroyed and forged documents in the archives in order to accuse Stalin of all mortal sins.

Yes. He was not an angel. But he really wanted to win that terrible war as soon as possible, so sending 100,000 soldiers and officers to the Caucasus should be considered solely from this logic.

Deportation of the Chechen people

So why did it have to rip off the army, and not only with rifles and machine guns, but also with machine guns and cannons .. was there a logical basis for such a special operation called "Lentils"?

Yes. Unfortunately there were good reasons for such forced migration of peoples. Not even just weighty, but reinforced concrete!

After all, an operation was planned in the rear to destroy the Grozny oil fields, and if you were lucky, the Baku ones, as a result of which the army would completely lose fuel, which means that the tanks with the planes would be immobilized! There was nowhere to take gasoline and diesel fuel from!

And how, for their part, our English "allies" deprived us of the oil fields of Romania by bombing Ploiesti as soon as the Red Army approached it, so this is generally a classic of cynicism and betrayal.

How the operation of the anti-Soviet uprising and the destruction of oil production was being prepared, as well as about German saboteurs and gangs in Chechnya here
How Chechen gangs collaborated with the Nazis

On the night of February 24, 1944, Operation Lentil began - the mass expulsion of Chechens and Ingush from the North Caucasus, which became one of the most serious crimes of the Stalinist regime.


Until 1938, Chechens were not systematically drafted into the army; the annual draft was no more than 300-400 people. Since 1938, the conscription has been significantly increased. In 1940-41, it was held in full accordance with the law "On universal military duty", but the results were disappointing. During the additional mobilization in October 1941 of those born in 1922 out of 4,733 conscripts, 362 people avoided appearing at the recruiting stations. By decision of the GKO, in the period from December 1941 to January 1942, the 114th national division was formed from the indigenous population in the CHI ASSR. As of the end of March 1942, 850 people managed to desert from it. The second mass mobilization in Checheno-Ingushetia began on March 17, 1942, and was supposed to end on the 25th. The number of persons subject to mobilization was 14577 people. However, only 4887 were mobilized by the appointed time, of which only 4395 were sent to military units, that is, 30% of the order. In this regard, the mobilization period was extended until April 5, but the number of mobilized increased only to 5543 people.


The policy of the Soviet government, primarily the collectivization of agriculture, caused mass discontent in the North Caucasus, which repeatedly resulted in armed uprisings.

From the moment Soviet power was established in the North Caucasus until the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, 12 major anti-Soviet armed uprisings took place on the territory of Checheno-Ingushetia alone, in which from 500 to 5000 people participated.

But to speak, as has been done for many years in Party and KGB documents, of the "almost unanimous participation" of Chechens and Ingush in anti-Soviet gangs, of course, is absolutely groundless.


In January 1942, the "Special Party of Caucasian Brothers" (OPKB) was created, uniting representatives of 11 peoples of the Caucasus (but operating mainly in Checheno-Ingushetia).

In the program documents of the OPKB, the goal was to fight "against Bolshevik barbarism and Russian despotism." The coat of arms of the party depicted fighters for the liberation of the Caucasus, one of whom struck a poisonous snake, and the other cut the throat of a pig with a saber.

Israilov later renamed his organization the National Socialist Party of Caucasian Brothers (NSPKB).

According to the NKVD, the number of this organization reached five thousand people. Another large anti-Soviet grouping on the territory of Checheno-Ingushetia was the Chechen-Mountain National Socialist Underground Organization (CHGNSPO) created in November 1941 under the leadership of Mairbek Sheripov. Before the war, Sheripov was the chairman of the Forestry Council of the CHI ASSR, in the fall of 1941 he opposed Soviet power and managed to unite under his command the detachments operating on the territory of the Shatoevsky, Cheberloevsky and part of the Itum-Kalinsky districts.

In the first half of 1942, Sheripov wrote the program of the ChGNSPO, in which he outlined his ideological platform, goals and objectives. Mayrbek Sheripov, like Israilov, proclaimed himself an ideological fighter against Soviet power and Russian despotism. But in the circle of his relatives, he did not hide the fact that he was driven by a pragmatic calculation, and the ideals of the struggle for the freedom of the Caucasus were only declarative. Before leaving for the mountains, Sharipov frankly told his supporters: "My brother, Aslanbek Sheripov, foresaw the overthrow of the tsar in 1917, so he began to fight on the side of the Bolsheviks. I also know that the end of Soviet power has come, so I want to go towards Germany."


On the night of February 24, 1944, the NKVD troops surrounded the settlements with tanks and trucks, blocking all exits. Beria reported to Stalin on the start of Operation Lentil.

The migration began at dawn on 23 February. By lunchtime, more than 90,000 people were loaded into freight cars. As Beria reported, there was almost no resistance, and if it did arise, the instigators were shot on the spot.

On February 25, Beria sent a new report: "The deportation is proceeding normally." 352,647 people boarded 86 trains and were sent to their destination. Chechens who fled to the forest or mountains were caught by the NKVD troops and were shot. Horrible scenes took place during this operation. The Chekists herded the inhabitants of the village of Khaibakh into a stable and set them on fire. More than 700 people were burned alive. The migrants were allowed to take with them 500 kilograms of cargo per family.

The special settlers had to hand over their livestock and grain - in exchange they received livestock and grain from the local authorities at their new place of residence. There were 45 people in each car (for comparison, the Germans were allowed to take a ton of property during deportation, and there were 40 people in the car without personal belongings). The party nomenklatura and the Muslim elite traveled in the last echelon, which consisted of normal wagons.


The obvious excess of Stalin's measures is obvious today. Thousands of Chechens and Ingush gave their lives at the front, were awarded orders and medals for military exploits. Machine gunner Khanpasha Nuradilov was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. The Chechen-Ingush cavalry regiment under the command of Major Visaitov reached the Elbe. The title of Hero, to which he was presented, was awarded to him only in 1989.

Sniper Abukhadzhi Idrisov destroyed 349 fascists, Sergeant Idrisov was awarded the Order of the Red Banner and the Red Star, he was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.

Chechen sniper Akhmat Magomadov became famous in the battles near Leningrad, where he was called "the fighter of the German invaders." He has more than 90 Germans on his account.

Khanpasha Nuradilov destroyed 920 fascists on the fronts, captured 7 enemy machine guns and personally captured 12 fascists. For military exploits, Nuradilov was awarded the Orders of the Red Star and the Red Banner. In April 1943 he was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. During the war years, 10 Vainakhs became Heroes of the Soviet Union. 2,300 Chechens and Ingush died in the war. It should be noted that military personnel - Chechens and Ingush, representatives of other peoples repressed in 1944 - were recalled from the front to the labor armies, and at the end of the war they, the "victorious soldiers", were sent into exile.

In a new place

The attitude towards special settlers in 1944-1945 in places of settlement and at work was not easy and was characterized by injustice and numerous violations of their rights by local authorities. These violations were expressed in relation to the calculation of wages, in the refusal to issue bonuses for work. Work to improve the economic structure was hampered by bureaucratic delays. According to the North-Kazakhstan regional department of economic organization, as of January 1, 1946, there were special settlers from the North Caucasus in the region: “the families of Chechens 3637, or 14766 people, the families of the Ingush 1234, or 5366 people, the total families of special settlers in the region were 4871, or 20132 people


In 1957, the peoples of the North Caucasus were able to return to their homeland. The return took place in difficult conditions, not everyone wanted to give houses and households to the "old-timers". Every now and then there were armed clashes. The forced resettlement of Chechens and Ingush caused them not only huge human losses and material damage, but also had negative consequences on the national consciousness of these peoples. We can say that the deportation of 1944 was one of the causes of the Chechen wars.

After the devastating winter of 1941-1942. The German leadership decided to bet on a number of non-Russian peoples, opposing them to the Russians, playing them off and trying to create something similar to a civil (interethnic) war. Now these peoples are demanding an official apology from Russia (more precisely, from the Russian people) for deportation, recognition of the genocide, and payment of monetary compensation.

But let's try to figure out why, not a Russian person himself, a Caucasian, Stalin in 1944 deported Chechens, Ingush (“the population bordering on Chechen-Ingushetia reacted favorably to the eviction of Chechens and Ingush”, Dagestanis and Ossetians were attracted to help in the eviction) and Crimean Tatars ( “It is characteristic that the Crimean Slavs accepted this fact with understanding and approval”)? Why did more than 100 nations and nationalities live in the USSR, and only these were deported en masse?
In this regard, today a widely spread myth launched back in the time of Khrushchev and happily picked up by today's liberals, there were no objective reasons for eviction at all. Chechens, Yingushs and Kr.Tatars fought bravely at the front and worked hard in the rear, but as a result they became innocent victims of Stalin's arbitrariness: "Stalin expected to pull up small peoples in order to finally break their desire for independence and strengthen their empire"

For some reason, all these liberals are silent about such a fact as, for example, the deportation of the Japanese to the United States - the forcible transfer of about 120 thousand people to special camps. (of which 62% held American citizenship) from the US West Coast during World War II. About 10 thousand were able to move to other parts of the country, the remaining 110 thousand were imprisoned in camps, officially called "military relocation centers". In many publications, these camps are called concentration camps.

A few words should be said about the Chechens and Ingush evicted by the Soviet authorities in 1944. The highlanders greeted the German troops with joy, presented Hitler with a golden harness - "Allah is above us - Hitler is with us."
When the Germans approached the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, these peoples began to behave openly treacherously - mass desertion from the Red Army began, draft evasion - In total, during the three years of the war, 49,362 Chechens and Ingush deserted from the ranks of the Red Army, another 13,389 brave sons of the mountains evaded from conscription, which in total is 62,751 people.

And how many Chechens and Ingush fought at the front? Defenders of the "repressed peoples" compose various fables on this score. For example, Doctor of Historical Sciences Khadzhi-Murata Ibrahimbeyli states: “More than 30,000 Chechens and Ingush fought at the fronts. In the first weeks of the war, more than 12 thousand communists and Komsomol members - Chechens and Ingush, left for the army, most of whom died in battle.

The reality looks much more modest. While in the ranks of the Red Army, 2.3 thousand Chechens and Ingush died or went missing. Is it a lot or a little? The Buryat people, twice as small in number, which was not threatened by the German occupation, lost 13 thousand people at the front, one and a half times inferior to the Chechens and Ingush Ossetians - 10.7 thousand

In addition, the mentality of these highlanders manifested itself - deserters created gangs engaged in outright robbery, and local uprisings began, with traces of obvious German influence. Starting from July 1941 to 1944, only in the territory of the Chi ASSR, which was later transformed into the Grozny region, 197 gangs were destroyed by state security agencies. At the same time, the total irretrievable losses of the bandits amounted to 4532 people: 657 were killed, 2762 were captured, 1113 turned themselves in. Thus, in the ranks of the gangs that fought against the Red Army, almost twice as many Chechens and Ingush died and were captured than at the front. And this is not counting the losses of the Vainakhs who fought on the side of the Wehrmacht in the so-called "Eastern battalions"! And since banditry is impossible without the complicity of the local population in these conditions, many "peaceful Chechens" can also, with a clear conscience, be attributed to traitors.

By that time, the old "cadres" of abreks and local religious authorities, through the efforts of the OGPU, and then the NKVD, were basically knocked out. They were replaced by a young gangster growth - Komsomol members and communists, brought up by the Soviet government, who studied in Soviet universities, clearly showed the validity of the proverb "No matter how much you feed the wolf, he always looks into the forest"

The most unfavorable moment for the Soviet power was the period of the Battle for the Caucasus in 1942. The performances of the Chechen-Ingush in the region intensified due to the advance of the Germans. The highlanders even created the Chechen-Mountain National Socialist Party! During the year, 43 special operations were carried out by parts of the internal troops (excluding the operations of the Red Army), 2342 bandits were eliminated. One of the largest groups numbered about 600 rebels.
These losses in killed and captured against the Soviet regime were greater than the losses suffered by the Chechens and Ingush in the ranks of the Red Army against the Germans! 2300 people died fighting on the side of the Red Army, there were also 5 Heroes of the Soviet Union, for the sake of justice, here are their names: Khanpasha Nuradilov, Khansultan Dachiev, Abuhazhi Idrisov, Irbaikhan Beibulatov, Mavlid Visaitov.

Chechens and Ingush were especially warm towards German saboteurs. Captured with his group, the commander of the saboteurs, an emigrant Avar by nationality Osman (Saidnurov) Gube, during interrogation, said:
“Among the Chechens and Ingush, I easily found the right people ready to betray, go over to the side of the Germans and serve them. I was surprised: why are these people unhappy? Chechens and Ingush under Soviet rule lived prosperously, in abundance, much better than in pre-revolutionary times, which I personally became convinced of after four months more than being on the territory of Checheno-Ingushetia ... I did not find any other explanation, except that these people from Chechens and Ingush, with traitorous moods towards their homeland, were guided by selfish considerations, a desire under the Germans to preserve at least the remnants of their well-being, to provide a service, in compensation for which the occupiers left them at least part of the available livestock and food, land and dwellings.

Fortunately, the Germans did not occupy the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Otherwise, many anti-Soviet units could be created from Chechens and Ingush, who are brightly anti-Soviet and anti-Russian. Their small number in the "eastern" battalions is explained by the fact that they simply deserted from the Red Army to their native places and were waiting for the Germans. The Soviet troops had to repel the attacks of the Germans in the Caucasus and still understand in their rear against these mountaineers. The leadership of the country perceived such an attitude of the highlanders to the war as an unequivocal betrayal, a consumerist attitude towards the rest of the peoples of the USSR, and therefore the decision was made to deport. The eviction was forced and justified.

On February 23, the resettlement of the Caucasian peoples began. Operation "Lentil" was well prepared and was a success. By its beginning, the motives for the eviction were brought to the attention of the entire population - betrayal. Leading officials, religious figures of Chechnya, Ingushetia and other nationalities took a personal part in explaining the reasons for the resettlement. The campaign achieved its goal. Of the 873,000 people evicted, only 842 people resisted and were arrested, and only 50 people were killed while resisting or trying to escape.
The "militant highlanders" did not show any real resistance. As soon as Moscow demonstrated its strength and firmness, the highlanders obediently went to the assembly points, they knew their guilt.

They really served the enemy faithfully.
On the territory of the occupied multinational Crimea, the German leadership decided to rely on the Crimean Tatars, who were anti-Bolshevik and historically anti-Russian. Crimean Tatars, with the rapid approach of the front, began to desert en masse from the Red Army and partisan detachments, expressing anti-Russian sentiments. “... All those drafted into the Red Army amounted to 90 thousand people, including 20 thousand Crimean Tatars ... 20 thousand Crimean Tatars deserted in 1941 from the 51st Army during its retreat from the Crimea ...” Thus, the desertion of the Crimean Tatars from the Red Army was almost universal.

The Tatars sought to curry favor with the occupiers, show their loyalty, and quickly take money places in the new occupied Crimea. The Russians (49.6% of the population of Crimea) became the most disenfranchised on the peninsula, and the Crimean Tatars (19.8%) became the masters. The last to give best houses, collective farm plots and inventory, special shops were opened for them, religious life was established, some self-government was allowed. It was constantly emphasized that they were the chosen ones. True, after the war, the Crimea was to be completely Germanized (the Fuhrer announced this already on July 16, 1941), but the Tatars were not informed about this.
But while the Crimea remained as a close rear area of ​​the army, and after the war zone, the Germans temporarily needed order in this territory and reliance on part of the local population. With the resettlement decided to wait.

The Crimean Tatars easily made contact with the Germans, and already in October-November 1941, the Germans formed the first detachments of collaborators from the Crimean Tatars. And these were not only Tatars - Khivs from prisoners of war in the army, of which there were 9 thousand people. These were self-defense police units to protect villages from partisans, carry out German policy and maintain order in the field. Such detachments numbered 50-170 fighters and were led by German officers. The personnel were from Tatar deserters from the Red Army and from peasants. The fact that the Tatars enjoyed a special location is evidenced by the fact that 1/3 of the self-defense police wore German military uniform(albeit without insignia) and even helmets. At the same time, the Belarusian self-defense police units (the status of the Slavs was the lowest) wore rags - civilian clothes of various colors or Soviet uniforms that had passed through the camps.
Crimean Tatars took an active part in the anti-Soviet struggle. According to German data, from 15 to 20 thousand Crimean Tatars served in the German armed forces and police, which is about 6-9% of the total number of Crimean Tatars (in 1939). At the same time, in the Red Army in 1941 there were only 10 thousand Tatars, many of whom deserted and later served the Germans. Also, about 1.2 thousand Crimean Tatars were red partisans and underground fighters (177 deserted from partisan detachments)

The zeal of the Tatars to serve the new masters was noted by the Fuhrer himself. The Tatars were provided with small pleasant services - free meals in special canteens for families, monthly or one-time allowances, etc. It must be said that active national anti-Russian propaganda was carried out in the Tatar police units.
The Crimean Tatars, accomplices of the Germans, not only fought and served the Germans - for some reason they were especially cruel to their opponents. Maybe, bad attitude to the enemy of the majority of the Tatars and extreme cruelty.
So, in the Sudak region in 1942, the Tatars destroyed the reconnaissance landing of the Red Army. They captured twelve of our paratroopers and burned them alive.
On February 4, 1943, Tatar volunteers from the villages of Beshui and Koush captured four partisans. All of them were brutally killed: stabbed with bayonets, and then, still alive, laid on fires and burned. Particularly disfigured was the corpse of the partisan Khasan Kiyamov, a Kazan Tatar, whom the punishers apparently mistook for their fellow countryman.
No less brutal was the attitude towards the civilian population. Throughout the occupation on the territory of the state farm Red, where the Crimean Tatars lived, acted concentration camp death, in which at least eight thousand citizens of Crimea were brutally tortured and killed, suspected of sympathy for the partisans. The camp was guarded by Tatars from the 152nd Auxiliary Police Battalion. According to eyewitnesses, the head of the camp, SS Oberscharführer Shpekman, attracted guards to do the dirtiest work.
It got to the point that, fleeing the Tatar massacre, the local Russian and Ukrainian population was forced to seek protection ... from the German authorities! And often German soldiers and officers, shocked by the actions of their "allies", provided such assistance to the Russians ...

The pro-German leaders of the Bakhchisaray and Alushta Muslim committees, drunk with power (the creation of such bodies is another German indulgence), as a personal initiative, suggested that the Germans simply destroy all Russians in Crimea (before the war, Russians were 49.6% of all inhabitants of Crimea). Such ethnic cleansing was carried out in two villages in the Bakhchisaray region by the Tatar self-defense forces. However, the Germans did not support the initiative - the war was not over yet, and there were too many Russians.

Because of their attitude to the Soviet regime, the Crimean Tatars were evicted from the Crimea. Of course, today it is easy to condemn Stalin, who, in a military way, radically resolved the issue with the Crimean Tatar traitors. But let's look at this story not from positions today but from the point of view of that time.
Many punishers did not have time to leave with the Nazis, hiding with numerous relatives who were not going to betray their relatives-executioners. In addition, it turned out that the “Muslim committees” created by the Germans in the Tatar villages did not disappear anywhere, but went underground.
In addition, the Tatar population had a lot of weapons in their hands. Only on May 7, 1944, as a result of a special raid by the NKVD troops, 5395 rifles, 337 machine guns, 250 machine guns, 31 mortars, a huge number of grenades and cartridges were seized.
The country's leadership realized that in the face of the Crimean Tatars they were faced with a "fifth column", welded together by strong family ties... and very dangerous for the rear of the Red Army.

You can find many stories about how front-line soldiers - Crimean Tatars and Caucasians, who have many Soviet awards, were repressed along with everyone else. Such was the retribution for some for the betrayal of others.

These peoples fully deserved the eviction. Nevertheless, despite the facts, the current guardians of the “repressed peoples” continue to repeat how inhuman it was to punish the entire nation for the crimes of its “individual representatives”. One of the favorite arguments of this public is the reference to the illegality of such collective punishment.

Strictly speaking, this is true: no Soviet laws provided for the mass eviction of Chechens, Ingush and Tatars. However, let's see what would happen if the authorities decided to act according to the law in 1944.

As we have already found out, the majority of Chechens, Ingush and kr. Tatars of military age evaded military service or deserted. What is due in wartime for desertion? Execution or penal company. Were these measures applied to deserters of other nationalities? Yes, they have been applied. Banditry, organization of uprisings, cooperation with the enemy during the war were also punished to the fullest extent. As well as less serious crimes, such as membership in an anti-Soviet underground organization or possession of weapons. Aiding in the commission of crimes, harboring criminals, and finally, failure to report, were also punished by the Criminal Code. And almost all adult Chechens, Ingush and Kr.Tatars were involved in this.

It turns out that the accusers of Stalin's arbitrariness, in fact, regret that several tens of thousands of men were not legally put up against the wall! However, most likely, they simply believe that the law is written only for Russians and other citizens of the “lower class”, and it does not apply to the proud inhabitants of the Caucasus and Crimea. Judging by the current amnesties for Chechen fighters, this is how it is.

So, from the point of view of formal legality, the punishment that befell the Chechens, Ingush and Crimean Tatars in 1944 was much softer than that which was due to them according to the Criminal Code. Since in this case, almost the entire adult population should have been shot or sent to camps.

Maybe it was worth "forgiving" the traitor peoples? But what would the millions of families of the dead soldiers think at the same time, looking at those who had sat out in the rear?

Almost everyone knows about the fact of the deportation of Chechens and Ingush, but few know the true reason for this resettlement.

Almost everyone knows about the fact of the deportation of Chechens and Ingush, but few know the true reason for this resettlement.

The fact is that since January 1940, an underground organization has been operating in the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic Hasana Israilova, which set as its goal the exclusion of the North Caucasus from the USSR and the creation on its territory of a federation of the state of all the mountain peoples of the Caucasus, except for the Ossetians. The latter, as well as the Russians living in the region, according to Israilov and his associates, should have been completely destroyed. Khasan Israilov himself was a member of the CPSU (b) and at one time graduated from the Communist University of the Workers of the East named after I. V. Stalin.

My political activity Israilov began in 1937 with a denunciation of the leadership of the Chechen-Ingush Republic. Initially, Israilov and eight of his associates themselves went to prison for slander, but soon the local leadership of the NKVD changed, Israilov, Avtorkhanov, Mamakaev and his other associates were released, and those on whom they wrote the denunciation were put in their place.

However, Israilov did not calm down on this. During the period when the British were preparing an attack on the USSR, he created an underground organization with the aim of raising an uprising against Soviet power at the moment when the British landed in Baku, Derbent, Poti and Sukhum. However, British agents demanded that Israilov begin independent actions even before the British attack on the USSR. On assignment from London, Israilov and his gang were to attack the Grozny oil fields and disable them in order to create a shortage of fuel in the Red Army units fighting in Finland. The operation was scheduled for January 28, 1940. Now in Chechen mythology, this bandit raid has been elevated to the rank of a national uprising. In fact, there was only an attempt to set fire to the oil storage, repulsed by the guards of the facility. Israilov, with the remnants of his gang, went into an illegal position - holed up in the mountain villages, the bandits attacked food stores from time to time for the purpose of self-supply.

However, with the outbreak of the war, Israilov's foreign policy orientation changed dramatically - now he began to hope for the help of the Germans. Representatives of Israilov crossed the front line and handed a letter from their leader to a representative of German intelligence. WITH German side Israilov began to oversee military intelligence. The curator was Colonel Osman Gube.

This man, an Avar by nationality, was born in the Buynaksky district of Dagestan, served in the Dagestan regiment of the Caucasian native division. In 1919 he joined the army of General Denikin, in 1921 he emigrated from Georgia to Trebizond, and then to Istanbul. In 1938, Gube joined the Abwehr, and with the outbreak of war he was promised the position of head of the "political police" of the North Caucasus.

German paratroopers were sent to Chechnya, including Gube himself, and a German radio transmitter began to operate in the forests of the Shali region, which communicated the Germans with the rebels. The first event of the rebels was an attempt to disrupt the mobilization in Checheno-Ingushetia. For the second half of 1941, the number of deserters amounted to 12 thousand 365 people who evaded the draft - 1093. During the first mobilization of the Chechens and Ingush in the Red Army in 1941, it was planned to form a cavalry division from their composition, but when it was recruited, only 50% (4247 people) from the existing draft contingent, and 850 of those already recruited upon arrival at the front immediately went over to the enemy. In total, during the three years of the war, 49,362 Chechens and Ingush deserted from the ranks of the Red Army, another 13,389 evaded the draft, which in total is 62,751 people. Died on the fronts and went missing (and the latter include those who went over to the enemy) only 2,300 people. The Buryat people, twice as small in number, which was not threatened by the German occupation, lost 13 thousand people at the front, and the Ossetians, one and a half times inferior to the Chechens and Ingush, lost almost 11 thousand. At the same moment when the decree on resettlement was published, there were only 8894 Chechens, Ingush and Balkars in the army. That is, deserted ten times more than fought.

Two years after his first raid, on January 28, 1942, Israilov organizes the OPKB - the "Special Party of Caucasian Brothers", which aims to "create in the Caucasus a free fraternal Federal Republic of the states of the fraternal peoples of the Caucasus under the mandate of the German Empire." Later, he renamed this party the National Socialist Party of the Caucasian Brothers. In February 1942, when the Nazis occupied Taganrog, an associate of Israilov, the former chairman of the Forestry Council of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Mairbek Sheripov, raised an uprising in the villages of Shatoy and Itum-Kale. The villages were soon liberated, but some of the rebels went to the mountains, from where partisan attacks were carried out. So, on June 6, 1942, at about 5 p.m. in the Shatoisky district, a group of armed bandits fired at a truck with Red Army soldiers on their way to the mountains. Of the 14 people traveling in the car, three were killed and two were wounded. The bandits hid in the mountains. On August 17, the gang of Mairbek Sheripov actually defeated the regional center of the Sharoevsky district.

In order to prevent the capture of oil production and oil refining facilities by bandits, one division of the NKVD had to be brought into the republic, and also in the most difficult period The battles for the Caucasus to remove the military units of the Red Army from the front.

However, it was not possible to catch and neutralize the gangs for a long time - the bandits, warned by someone, avoided ambushes and removed their units from the blows. Conversely, targets that were attacked were often left unguarded. So, before the very attack on the regional center of the Sharoevsky district, the operational group and the military unit of the NKVD, which were intended to protect the regional center, were withdrawn from the regional center. Subsequently, it turned out that the bandits were patronized by the head of the department for combating banditry of the CHI ASSR, Lieutenant Colonel GB Aliev. And later, among the belongings of the murdered Israilov, a letter from the People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the Chechen-Ingushetia, Sultan Albogachiev, was also found. It was then that it became clear that all Chechens and Ingush (and Albogachiev was an Ingush), regardless of their position, are asleep and see how to harm the Russians, and they did harm very actively.

Nevertheless, on November 7, 1942, on the 504th day of the war, when the Nazi troops in Stalingrad tried to break through our defenses in the Glubokaya Balka area between the Krasny Oktyabr and Barrikady factories, in Checheno-Ingushetia by the forces of the NKVD troops with the support separate parts The 4th Kuban Cavalry Corps carried out a special operation to eliminate bandit formations. Mayrbek Sheripov was killed in the battle, and Gube was caught on the night of January 12, 1943 near the village of Akki-Yurt.

However, the bandits continued. They continued thanks to the support of the bandits by the local population and local authorities. Despite the fact that from June 22, 1941 to February 23, 1944, 3078 members of gangs were killed in Checheno-Ingushtia and 1715 people were taken prisoner, it was clear that as long as someone gives food and shelter to the bandits, it would be impossible to defeat banditry. That is why on January 31, 1944, the USSR GKO decree No. 5073 was adopted on the abolition of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic and the deportation of its population to Central Asia and Kazakhstan.

On February 23, 1944, Operation "Lentil" began, during which 180 echelons of 65 wagons each were sent from Checheno-Ingush with a total of 493,269 people to be resettled. 20,072 firearms were seized. When resisting, 780 Chechens and Ingush were killed, and in 2016 they were arrested for possession of weapons and anti-Soviet literature.

6544 people managed to hide in the mountains. But many of them soon descended from the mountains and surrendered. Israilov himself was mortally wounded in battle on December 15, 1944.