The role of the Cossacks in the Civil War. Cossacks in the Civil War

The reasons why the Cossacks of all the Cossack regions in the bulk of their mass rejected the destructive ideas of Bolshevism and joined them into the open struggle, and completely in unequal conditions, they still are not quite clear and constitute a riddle for many historians. After all, the Cossacks in everyday life were the same farmers, like 75% of the Russian population, carried the same state burials, if not more, and were under the same administrative control of the state. With the beginning of the revolution, the coming after the renunciation of the sovereign, the Cossacks within the regions and in front parts were experiencing various psychological stages. During the February rebellious movement in Petrograd, the Cossacks occupied a neutral position and remained with third-party audience of the exhausted events. Cossacks saw that in the presence of significant armed forces in Petrograd, the government not only does not use them, but also strictly prohibits the use of them against rebels. During the previous insurgency in 1905-1906, the Cossack troops were the main armed force that restored order in the country, as a result, in public opinion they deserve the contemptant title of "Nagains" and "Tsarist Satrapov and Ochrichnikov". Therefore, the Cossacks of the Cossacks rising in the capital of Russia were inert and provided to the government to address the question of guiding about the forces of other troops. After rendered the sovereign and entry into the Office of the Term Government, the Cossacks considered the continuity of the rule of law and were ready to support the new government. But gradually, the attitude was changed, and, observing the complete intoleration of power and even the encouragement of different revolutionary excesses, the Cossacks began to gradually move away from the destructive power, and the authoritatives became the instructions of the Council of the Cossack Troops, which operated in Petrograd, chaired by the Ataman of the Orenburg Troow Dutov.

Inside the Cossack regions, the Cossacks were also not inxicane from revolutionary freedoms and, producing some local changes, continued to live in an old, without producing any economic and even more social upheavals. At the front in the military units, the order of the army, which absolutely changing the foundations of the military order, the Cossacks were adopted with bewilderment and continued to maintain order and discipline in parts, most often electing their former commanders and bosses. There were no refusals in the execution of orders and the minimized personal accounts with the team also did not occur. But the voltage gradually increased. The population of the Cossack regions and Cossack parts at the front were actively revolutionary propaganda, which involuntarily had to be reflected in their psychology and made it carefully listen to the invokes and requirements of revolutionary leaders. In the area of \u200b\u200bDonskoy's troops, one of the important revolutionary acts was the displacement of the apparent Ataman Graph Grabbe, replacing his elected Ataman of Cossack origin by General Kaltedin and the restoration of the convening of public representatives on the military circle, according to the custom, existing with antiquity, to the reign of Emperor Peter I. After that, their lives continued to go without much shocks. The question of relations with the population of non-price, which, psychologically passed the same revolutionary paths as the population of the rest of Russia. At the front among the Cossack military units, there was a powerful propaganda, accused of Ataman Kaltedina in counter-revolutionism and had a well-known success among the Cossacks. The seizure of power by the Bolsheviks in Petrograd was accompanied by a decree addressed to the Cossacks, in which only geographical names changed, and it was promised that the Cossacks will be released from the nest of the generals and severity of military service and equality and democratic freedoms will be established in all. Cossacks against this did not have anything.

Fig. 1 area of \u200b\u200bDon Troops

The Bolsheviks came to power under anti-war slogans and soon began to fulfill their promises. In November 1917, Sovnarkk suggested all warring countries to begin peaceful negotiations, but the countries of the Entente refused. Then Ulyanov sent a delegation to the Brest Litovsk occupied by the Germans, for separate peace negotiations with delegates of Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey and Bulgaria. The ultimate demands of Germany plunged delegates in shock and caused oscillations even from Bolsheviks who did not differ in particular patriotism, but these conditions accepted Ulyanov. The "Pokhab Brest World" was concluded, according to which Russia lost about 1 million km² of territory, it was obliged to demobilize the army and the fleet, transfer the ships and infrastructure of the Black Sea Fleet to Germany, to pay an end to 6 billion brands, recognize the independence of Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Finland. The hands of Germanians to continue the war in the West were unleashed. In early March, the German army on the entire front began to advance for the occupation of the territories given by the Bolsheviks in a peace treaty. And Germany in addition to the contract announced Ulyanov that Ukraine should be considered the province of Germany, to which Ulyanov also agreed. In this case there is a fact that is not widely known. The diplomatic defeat of Russia in Brest-Litovsk was caused not only to the sale, inconsistency and adventure of petrograd negotiators. The key role here played "Joker". In the group of Contracting Parties, a new partner suddenly appeared - the Ukrainian Central Rada, who, with all the sharpness of its position, after the delegation of Petrograd on February 9 (January 27), he signed a separate peace treaty with Germany in Brest-Litovsk. The next day, the Soviet delegation with the slogan "war is stopped, but we do not sign the world" interrupted negotiations. In response, on February 18, German troops began offensive throughout the front line. At the same time, the German-Austrian side tightened the conditions of the world. Due to the complete inability of the Sovietized Old Army and the advent of the Red Army, to withstand even the limited offensive of the German troops and the need for a respite to strengthen the Bolshevik regime on March 3, Russia also signed the Brest peace treaty. After that, the Germans "independent" Ukraine took the Germans and as closestly poured the petlura "from the throne", settled on him the puppet hetman of the Scorde. Thus, shortly before you can go in the fly, the second Reich under the leadership of Kaizer Wilhelm II seized Ukraine and Crimea.

After concluding the Bolsheviks of the Brest World, part of the territory of the Russian Empire turned into the zones of the occupation of central countries. Austro-German troops occupied Finland, Baltic States, Belarus, Ukraine and eliminated tips there. The Allies vigorously followed what was happening in Russia and also tried to ensure their interests connecting them with the former Russia. In addition, in Russia there were up to two million prisoners who could be, with the consent of the Bolsheviks, sent to their countries, and for holding the Entente, it was important to prevent the return of prisoners of war to Germany and Austria-Hungary. To communicate Russia with an ally, ports served in the north of Murmansk and Arkhangelsk, in the Far East of Vladivostok. In these ports, large warehouses of property and military equipment delivered by the orders of the Russian government foreigners were concentrated. The accumulated cargo was over a million tons worth up to 2 and a half billion rubles. Loads diligently clenched, including local Revenues. To ensure the safety of goods, these ports allies have been gradually occupied. Since orders imported from England, France and Italy, they were sent through the northern ports, they were engaged in parts of the British in 12 LLC and allies in 11 people. Import from the USA and Japan went through Vladivostok. On July 6, 1918, Anntan declared Vladivostok by the international zone, and the city was busy with the parts of Japan in 57,000 and parts of other allies at 13,000 people. But they did not overthrow the Bolshevik power. Only on July 29, the power of Bolsheviks in Vladivostok was overthrown by white led by Russian General M. K. Dietershs.

In the internal policy, the Bolsheviks were issued decrees, destroyed by all public structures: banks, national industry, private property, land ownership, and under the guise of nationalization, simple robbery was often made without any state leadership. In the country, the inevitable devastation began in which the Bolsheviks vinyl bourgeoisie and "rotten intellectuals", and these classes were the most severe terror that bordered with the destruction. Until now, it is impossible to understand that this whole destructive force came to power in Russia, if we consider that the government was seized in the country with a thousand-year history and culture. After all, the same measures, international devastating forces hoped to produce an internal explosion and in france concerning France, translating for this purpose to French banks up to 10 million francs. But France, by the beginning of the twentieth century, has already exhausted its limit on the revolution and are tired of them. Unfortunately of the Delta Revolution, there were forces in the country, who managed to solve insidious and far-reaching plans of the leaders of the proletariat and resist them. About this in a military review, it was written in more detail in the article "How America saved Western Europe from the Ghost of the World Revolution."

One of the main reasons to make the Bolsheviks to make a coup, and then pretty quickly seize power in many areas and cities of the Russian Empire, was supported by numerous replacement and training battalions, who did not want to go to the front. It was the promise of Lenin's immediate termination of the war with Germany who predetermined the transition of the Russian Army to the side of the Bolsheviks during the Kerenischina, which provided them with victory. In most areas of the country, the establishment of the Bolshevik authorities has passed quickly and peacefully: out of 84 provincial and other major cities only in fifteen Soviet power established as a result of the armed struggle. Having adopted on the second day of staying "Decree of the world" of the Bolsheviks provided the "triumphal procession of Soviet power" in Russia from October 1917 to February 1918.

The relations of the Cossacks and rulers of the Bolsheviks were determined by the decrees of the Union of Cossack troops and the Soviet government. On November 22, 1917, the Union of Cossack troops presented a decree in which the Soviet government informed that:
- Cossacks are not looking for anything and does not require anything outside of their areas. But, guided by the democratic principles of self-determination of nations, it will not tolerate in its territories of other power, except for the People, formed by the free agreement of local nationalities without any external and extraneous influence.
- The package of punitive detachments against the Cossack regions, in particular against Don, will bring a civil war on the outskirts, where there is an energetic work on the watervation of public order. This will cause a traffic disorder, will be an obstacle to the delivery of goods, coal, oil and steel to the cities of Russia and worsen the food case, leading to the disorder of the resident of Russia.
- Cossacks oppose any introduction of foreign troops in the Cossack region without the consent of the military and regional Cossack governments.
In response to the peaceful declaration of the Union of Cossack troops, the Bolsheviks were issued decree to open hostilities against the south, who said:
- Based on the Black Sea Fleet, to conduct weapons and the organization of the Red Guard to occupy Donetsko to the coal region.
- From the north of the head of the Commander-in-Chief to move the prefabricated detachments to the south to the source points: Gomel, Bryansk, Kharkov, Voronezh.
- The most active part move from the Zhmerinka area to the east for the occupation of the Donbass.

This decret was created by the germ of the fratricidal civil war of Soviet government against the Cossack regions. For the existence, the Bolsheviks are acutely necessary for Caucasian oil, Donetsk coal and bread of southern colors. The resulting mass hunger pushed Soviet Russia towards the rich south. At the disposal of the Don and Kuban governments, there was no sufficient for the protection of areas of well-organized and sufficient forces. People who returned from the front did not want to fight, sought to dispay along the villages, and the young Cossacks-Frontoviki entered the open struggle with the old men. In many villages, this struggle acquired a fierce character, there were violent reprisals on both sides. But there were a lot from the front of the Cossacks, they were well armed and the gorlasts, had a combat experience, and in most villages the victory remained behind the front young people, strongly infected by Bolshevism. Already soon it turned out that in the Cossack regions, durable parts can be created only on the basis of volunteering. To maintain order on Don and Kuban, their governments were used by the detachments consisting of volunteers: students, cadets, junkers and junior. To form such voluntary (the Cossacks are called partisan) parts, many Cossack officers volunteered, but in the headquarters this business was badly established. Permission to form such detachments was given almost to everyone asking. There were many adventurers, even the robbers, which, with the purpose of profit, simply robbed the population. However, the main threat to the Cossack regions turned out to be the shelves returned from the front, since many of those who returned were inert to Bolshevism. The formation of volunteer red Cossack parts also began immediately after coming to power of the Bolsheviks. At the end of November 1917, at a meeting of representatives of the Cossack parts of the Petrograd Military District, it was decided to create revolutionary detachments from the Cossacks of the 5th Cossack Division, 1, 4 and the 14th Don Regiments and send them to Don, Kuban and Terek to defeat the counterrevolution and establishing the Soviet authorities. In January 1918, the Congress of Front Cossacks was gathered in Stanitsa, with the participation of delegates from 46 Cossack regiments. The congress acknowledged Soviet power and created Donvoenrevsky, who declared the war Ataman of the troops of the Don General A.M. Kaluedin, speaking against the Bolsheviks. Among the team composition of the Don Cossacks, two headquarters, military elders of Golubov and Mironov were supporters of Bolshevik ideas, and Golubov's nearest employee was subhovels. In January 1918, the 32nd Don Cossack Regiment returned to the Don from the Romanian Front. Choosing its commander of the military elder F.K. Mironova, the regiment supported the establishment of Soviet power, and decided not to disperse at home until the counter-revolution was defeated led by Ataman Kaluedin. But the most tragic role in Donu played by Golubov, who took Novocherkassk in two regiments of the Cossacks in February, dismissed the meeting of the military circle, arrested after the death of General Kaltedina as an Ataman of the army of General Nazarov and shot it. Cepping a short time this "hero" of the revolution was targeted by the Cossacks directly at the rally, and the subwers, who had large sums of money, was captured by the Cossacks and he had been suspended. The fate of Mironov was also tragic. He managed to captivate a significant number of Cossacks, with whom they fought on the side of the Red, but, not satisfied with the orders of them, decided to move to the Cossacks to the side of the battle don. Mironov was red arrested, sent to Moscow, where he was shot. But it will be later. In the meantime, the Great Non-Checker was on Don. If the Cossack population also hesitated, and only in part of the villages, the prudent voice of old people took the advantage, then the whole elogeneral population fell on the side of the Bolsheviks. The non-resident population in the Cossack regions has always jealously envied the Cossacks that own a large number of land. Being for the side of the Bolsheviks, the nonresident hoped to take part in the share of officers, landlords of the Cossack lands.

Other armed forces in the south were the detachments of the formable voluntary army located in Rostov. On November 2, 1917, General Alekseev arrived at Don, he filed in connection with Ataman Kaluedin and asked him permission to form volunteers' detachments on Don. The purpose of General Alekseeva was to take advantage of the southeastern base of the Armed Forces to collect the remaining persistent officers, junkers, old soldiers and organize the army of them necessary for the watervation of order in Russia. Despite the complete lack of funds, Alekseyev is hotly for business. On the baroque street, the premises of one of the lazarets was turned into an officer hostel, which became the cradle of volunteering. Soon the first donation was obtained, 400 rubles. This all that in November was allocated Russian society to his defenders. But people went just to Don, having no idea that they would be expected to feel, in darkness, through the solid Bolshevik Sea. They walked there, where the age-old traditions of Cossack Wolitsa and the names of the leaders, whom People's Solva tied with Don. Exhausted, hungry, torn off, but not fallen by the Spirit. December 6 (19), disguised as a peasant, with a sublayed passport arrived by the railway to Don General Kornilov. He wanted to go to the Volga, and from there to Siberia. He considered it more correct that General Alexeyev remained in the south of Russia, and he would have given the opportunity to work in Siberia. He argued that in this case they would not interfere with each other and he would be able to organize a big deal in Siberia. He rushed to the square. But representatives of the National Center representatives who came to Novocherkassk from Moscow insisted that Kornilov remained in the south of Russia and worked together with Caledin and Alekseev. Agreement was concluded between which General Alekseev was concluded with all financial and political issues, General Kornilov assumed the organization and command of the Volunteer Army, General Kalden continued the formation of the Don Army and the management of Donors' troops. Kornilov believed little in the success of work in the south of Russia, where they will have to create a white case in the territories of the Cossack troops and depend on the military atamans. He spoke like this: "Siberia I know, I believe in Siberia, you can put it wide there. Here one Alekseev will easily cope with the case. " The rootilov on the whole soul and heart rushed into Siberia, wanted to be released and the work on the formation of the volunteer army treated without much interest. The fears of Cornilov that he will have friction and misunderstandings with Alekseev, and were justified from the first days of their collaboration. Forced leaving Kornilov in the south of Russia was a big political mistake of the National Center. But they believed that if Kornilov would leave, then many volunteers will go behind him and the case started in Novocherkassk may fall apart. The formation of Dobrommy advanced slowly, on average, 75-80 volunteers were recorded a day. The soldier was not enough, the officers, junckers, students, cadets and high school gymnasists were recorded mainly. Weapons in the Don warehouses were not enough, it was necessary to select him from soldiers traveling around the houses, who were held through Rostov and Novocherkassk military echelons, or buy through the buyers in the same echelons. The lack of funds is extremely difficult. The formation of the Don Parts has moved even worse. The generals of Alekseev and Kornilov understood that the Cossacks do not want to go for the order of order in Russia, but they were confident that the Cossacks would protect their lands. However, the situation in the Cossack regions of the south-east turned out to be much more complicated. The shelves returned from the front in the events occurring were completely neutral, even showed a tendency to Bolshevism, stating that the Bolsheviks did not do anything bad.

In addition, inside the Cossack regions, a heavy struggle against the non-resident population was carried out, and in Kuban and Terek also against the mountaineers. At the disposal of military officers, there was an opportunity to use well-trained teams of young Cossacks who were preparing to be sent to the front, and arrange the call of regular ages of young people. General Kalin could have supported in this from the old men and front-line who said: "We have served our own, now others should call." The formation of Cossack Youth Cossacks could give up to 2-3 divisions, which in those days it was enough to maintain order on Don, but it was not done. At the end of December, representatives of the British and French Military Missions arrived in Novocherkassk. They asked what was done that it was planned to be done, after which they stated that they could help, but so far only money, in the amount of 100 million rubles, tranche 10 million per month. The first pay was expected in January, but it was not obtained, and then the situation completely changed. The initial funds for the formation of Dobromately were made of donations, but they were meager, mainly due to the unimaginable for these circumstances of greed and stomping of the Russian bourgeoisie and other developers. It should be said that the appeal and the firmware of the Russian bourgeoisie is simply legendary. Back in 1909, during the discussion in the State Duma on the issue of Kulacia, P.A. Stolypin uttered prophetic words. He said: "... no more greedy and unscrupulous fist and bourgeois than in Russia. Not by chance in Russian in the course of the phrase "Kulak-Mirohed and Bourgeoi-Mirohed". If they do not change the type of their social behavior, we are waiting for big shocks ... ". He looked like in the water. Social behavior they have not changed. Almost all white motion organizers indicate the low utility of their appeals for material assistance to property classes. Nevertheless, by mid-January, it turned out a small (about 5 thousand people), but a very combat and strong volunteer army in morally. Sovnarkom demanded issuance or overclocking volunteers. Kalled and the circle answered: "There is no don issue!" The Bolsheviks, to eliminate counter-revolutionaries, began to turn into the area of \u200b\u200bDon faithful parts from the Western and Caucasian fronts. They began to threaten Don from the Donbass, Voronezh, Trade and Tikhoretsky. In addition, the Bolsheviks strengthened control on railways and the influx of volunteers sharply decreased. At the end of January, the Bolsheviks occupied Bataysk and Taganrog, on January 29, the equestrian parts moved from Donbass to Novocherkassk. Don was defenseless before red. Ataman Kalidin was confused, did not want bloodshed and decided to transfer his authority to the city Duma and democratic organizations, and then committed life to the heart. It was a sad, but a regular one of its activities. The first Don Circle gave Pernast to the electoral Ataman, but did not give him power.

The head of the region was delivered to the military government from 14 seniors chosen from each district. Their meetings wore the nature of the provincial Duma and did not leave any trace in the history of the Don. On November 20, the Government appealed to the population with a very liberal declaration, convening on December 29, the Cossack and Peasant Passenger Congress for the Arrangement of the Don Region. In early January, a coalition government was created on a parity basis, 7 seats were provided to the Cossacks, 7 non-resident. Attracting the government of the demarines-intellectuals and revolutionary democracy finally led to paralysis of power. Ataman Kaltedina ruined his confidence in the Don Peasants and Nonorod, his famous "parity". He failed to glue the heterogeneous pieces of the population of the Don region. Don, with him, split into two camps, Cossacks and the Don Peasants, together with nonresident workers and artisans. The last minor exceptions were with the Bolsheviks. Don Peasantry, which made up 48% of the population of the region, carried away by the broad widescams of the Bolsheviks, was not satisfied with the activities of the Don authority: the introduction of zemstvo in the peasant districts, the involvement of peasants to participate in the Stanic self-government, their wide acceptance of them in the Cossack estate and endowed with three million ten citizens of landlord land. Under the influence of the progress of the socialist element, the Don Peasantry required the general section of the entire Cossack land. Numerically, the smallest working medium (10-11%) was concentrated in the most important centers, was the most restless and did not hide their sympathies to the Soviet power. The revolutionary-democratic intelligentsia did not resulted in its former psychology and with an amazing blinding continued the devastating policy, which led to the death of democracy in a long-term scale. The Menshevik and Social University Block reigned in all peasant, non-resident congresses, all sorts of thought, councils, trade unions and inter-party meetings. There was not a single meeting, where resolutions would have been submitted to the distrust of Ataman, the government and the circle, protests against the adoption of measures against anarchy, criminal and banditry.

They preached neutrality and reconciliation with the force that openly announced: "Who is not with us, the one against us." In cities, workers' villas and peasant closures of the uprising against the Cossacks did not subside. Attempts to put the divisions of workers and peasants in the Cossack shelves ended with a disaster. They changed the Cossacks, went to the Bolsheviks and took the Cossack officers on flour and death with them. The war acquired the character of class struggle. Cossacks defended their Cossack rights from Don workers and peasants. The death of Ataman Kaltedin and the occupation by the Bolsheviks of Novocherkassk ends in the south of the Great War period and the transition to civil war.

Fig. 2 Ataman Kalten

On February 12, the Bolshevik detachments occupied Novocherkassk and the military foreman of Golubov in "Gratitude" for the fact that General Nazarov once saved him from prison, shot a new Ataman. Having lost all hope to keep Rostov, on the night of 9 (22) of February, Dobromia from 2500 fighters left the city on Aksai, and then moved to Kuban. After the establishment of the Bolshevik authorities in Novocherkassk began the terror. Cossack parts were prudently scattered throughout the city by small groups, the domination in the city turned out to be in the hands of non-resident and Bolsheviks. On suspicion of connections with Dobromoye, merciless executions of officers were made. The robbery and the bulges of the Bolsheviks forced the Cossacks to alert, even the Cossacks of Golubovsky regiments took the expectant position. In the villages where the power was captured by the nonresident and the Don Peasants, the executive committees began to section of the Cossack lands. These existences soon called the uprising of the Cossacks in the villages adjacent to Novocherkassk. The head of the red on Don of the heights and the head of the punitive detachment of Antonov fled to Rostov, then were caught and executed. The occupation of Belocazaki in April Novocherkasska coincided with the occupation of the Germans Rostov, and the return of the Volunteer Army to the Don Region. But from 252 villages of Donskoy donors only 10 were released from the Bolsheviks. The Germans firmly occupied Rostov and Taganrog and the whole western part of the Donetsk district. Bavarian cavalry's advanced ones stood in 12 versts from Novocherkasska. Under these conditions, four main tasks stood before Don:
- Immediately convene a new circle, in which only delegates of liberated villages were able to take part
- establish relations with the German authorities, find out their intentions and agree with them
- recreate the Don Army
- establish relationships with a volunteer army.

On April 28, the general meeting of the Don Government and delegates from the villages and military units participated in the exile of the Soviet troops from the Don Region. The composition of this circle could not have a claim to solve issues for the whole army, why and limited himself to the work of the organization of the struggle for the liberation of Don. The meeting decided to declare himself with a circle of don's salvation. It was 130 people. Even at the Democratic Don it was the most popular assembly. The circle was called gray, because it did not have intelligentsia. The cowardic intelligentsia was sitting at this time in the cellars and basements, shaking his life or had done to the commissars, recording on the service on the tips or trying to get into innocent institutions for education, food and finance. She was not before the elections in this troubled time, when voters and deputies risked their heads. The circle was chosen without a party struggle, it was not before. The circle was chosen and were elected exclusively to the Cossacks, who passionately wanted to save their native don and were ready for this and life to give. And it was not empty words, because after the election, sending their delegates, the electors themselves disassembled weapons and went to save Don. This circle did not have a political physiognomy and had one goal - to save the Don from the Bolsheviks, by all means and at any cost. He was truly folk, meek, wise and business. And this gray, from shine and cloth cloth, that is, a truly democratic, the circle saved the people's mind of Don. Already by the time of the convening of a full military circle on August 15, 1918, the Don land was cleared of the Bolsheviks.

The second urgent task for Don was to resolve relations with the Germans, occupied by Ukraine and the western part of the Don Troops. Ukraine also claimed the Donbass, Taganrog and Rostov occupied by Germans. Attitude towards the Germans and to Ukraine were the most acute issue, and on April 29, the circle decided to send to the Germans to Kiev the plenipotentiary embassy in order to clarify the reasons for their appearance on the territory of Don. Negotiations were held in calm conditions. The Germans stated that they were not going to occupy the area and promised to clear the busy stages, which was soon fulfilled. On the same day, the circle decided about the organization of this army, not from partisans, volunteers or warriors, and obeying laws and discipline. That, around and about what was trampled almost a year Ataman Kalin with his government and the circle, consisting of tallery-intellectuals, the gray circle of rescue Don shaved at two meetings. Another Don Army was only in the project, and the command of the Volunteer Army had already wanted to dive to themselves. But the circle clearly and specifically answered: "The Supreme Command by all without exception by military forces, operating on the territory of the Don Troops, should belong to the military ataman ...". Such an answer did not satisfy Denikin, he wanted in the face of Don Cossacks to have great replenishment by people and material part, and not to have a "allied" army. The circle worked intensively, the meetings went in the morning and in the evening. He was in a hurry to restore order and was not afraid of reproaches in the desire to return to the old regime. On May 1, the circle decided: "Unlike Bolshevik gangs, which no external signs of differences are worn, all parts involved in the protection of don, immediately take their military species and dining straps and other signs of differences." On May 3, as a result of a closed vote with 107 votes (13 against, 10 abstained), the Major General P.N. was elected military ataman. Krasnov. General Krasnov did not accept this election before the circle accepts the laws that he considers it necessary to introduce a Donskoy in the troops to be able to fulfill the tasks supplied by him around. Krasnov said in a circle: "Creativity has never been the lot of the team. Madonna Rafael created Raphael, and not the artist committee ... You are the owners of the land of the Don, I am your manager. The whole thing in trust. If you trust me, you accept the laws offered by me, if you do not accept them, then you do not trust me, you are afraid that I use power, you are given to the harm. Then we are not talking about. Without your complete trust, I can not rule the army. " To the question of one of the members of the circle, whether he cannot suggest something to change or remake in the laws offered by Ataman, Krasnov replied: "You can. Articles 48,49.50. You can offer any flag except red, any emblem except the Jewish five-pointed star, any hymn except internationally ... ". Already the next day, the circle examined all the laws proposed by Ataman, and accepted them. The circle restored the ancient Dopeprovsky title "Verevilika Donskoy Donskoye". The laws were almost a complete copy of the basic laws of the Russian Empire, with the difference that the rights and prerogatives of the emperor moved to ... Ataman. And then it was not for sublimation.

Before the eyes of the circle of rescue, Done were bloody ghosts shot by Ataman Kaltedin and shot ataman Nazarova. Don lay in the wreckage, he was not only destroyed, but fucked by the Bolsheviks, and the German horses drank the water of a quiet Don, sacred for the Cossacks of the River. This was the work of previous circles, with the decrees of which Kalden and Nazarov fought, but could not win, because they had no power. But these laws created ataman many enemies. As soon as the Bolsheviks were expelled, the intelligentsia hiding in the cellars and the codings came out and arranged a liberal howl. These laws and Denikin did not satisfy, who saw in them the desire for self-sufficiency. On May 5, the circle was ruined, and Ataman remained alone to rule the army. In the same evening, his adjutant Esaul Holgavov went to Kiev with his own letters to the hetman Scopadian and Emperor Wilhelm. The result of the letter was that on May 8, a German delegation appeared to Ataman, with a statement that the Germans in relation to the Don, no conquering goals persecute and leave Rostov and Taganrog, as soon as they see that in the Don region a full order was restored in the Don region. On May 9, Krasnov met with the Kuban Ataman Filimonov and the delegation of Georgia, and on May 15 in the village of Manic with Alexeyev and Denikin. The meeting revealed deep discrepancies of Don Ataman and the command of Dobramia, both in tactics and in the strategy of combating Bolsheviks. The goal of the Cossacks of the Cossacks was exemption from the Bolsheviks of the Land of the Don Troops. They did not have any intentions to lead the war outside of their territory.

Fig. 3 Ataman Krasnov P.N.

By the time of the occupation of Novocherkassk and the election of the Ataman around the rescue of Don, all the armed forces consisted of six hiking and two horse shelves of different numbers. The younger officers were from the villages and were good, but in the hundredth and regimental commanders felt a flaw. Having survived during the revolution a lot of insults and humiliation, many senior chiefs first had distrust of the Cossack movement. The Cossacks are dressed in their half-day dress, lack boots. Up to 30% were dressed in fusions and lapties. Most wore straps, on caps and dads all worn white stripes to distinguish from the Red Guard. The discipline was fraternal, officers ate with the Cossacks from one boiler, because they most often had relatives. Headquarters were small, for economic purposes in the shelves there were several public figures from the villages who solved all the rear questions. The battle was played. Tops and fortifications did not build. The Shant tool was not enough, and the Natural Lena was abused by the Cossacks. Tactic was simple. At dawn, the onset of liquid chains began. At this time, the intricate route was moving by a coating column to the flank and rear to the enemy. If the enemy was ten more, it was considered normal for the offensive. As soon as a bypass column appeared, the Reds began to retreat and then the Cossacks of Cornia rushed to them with a wild, gingerbread soul, overthrowed and captured. Sometimes the battle began with the fictional retreat of the wool for twenty (this is an old Cossack Ventern). Red rushed to persecute, and at this time, bypass columns were closed behind them and the enemy turned out to be in a fire bag. Tactic Colonel Piecers with shelves in 2-3 thousand people threw and took captivity of the Red Guard's whole divisions of 10-15 thousand people with interspersions and artillery. Cossack custom demanded that officers go ahead, therefore their losses were very high. For example, putting General Mamantov was three times wounded and everything in chains. In the attack of the Cossacks were merciless, they were also merciless to the prisoners of the Red Guards. Particularly harsh were to the prisoners of the Cossacks, who were considered to be denitimized Don. Thedy's father, it happened, sentenced his son to death and did not want to say goodbye to him. It happened and vice versa. At this time, the echelons of the Red Forces who fled to the east continued to move along the territory of Don. But in June, the railway line was cleared of red, and in July, after the expulsion of the Bolsheviks from the Hawa District, the entire territory of Don was released from the Red Cossacks themselves.

In other Cossack areas, the situation was not easier than on Don. A particularly difficult position was among the Caucasian tribes, where the Russian population was scattered. North Caucasus raged. The fall in the central authorities caused a more serious shock here than anywhere. Related tsarist power, but not an invented age-old retail and not forgetting old disorded, the heated population was waging. The Russian element united his element, about 40% of the population consisted of two equal groups, TERSK Cossacks and nonresident. But these groups were separated by social conditions, reduced their land accounts and could not oppose the Bolshevik danger of unity and strength. As far as Ataman Karaulov was alive, several terrestrial regiments were preserved and some ghost of power. On December 13, at the station of the cool crowd of soldiers-Bolsheviks on the orders of the Vladikavkazovsky Council, Ataman carved, drove into a distant deadlock and opened fire on the carriage. Karaulov was killed. In fact, the power passed to local advice and gangs of the Caucasian Front Soldiers, which flowed from the Transcaucasus continuous flow and, without being able to penetrate further, in native places, in view of the complete blockage of the Caucasian highways, settled as a locust in the Terek-Dagestan region. They terrorized the population, put new advice or hired to serve to existing, bringing fear everywhere, blood and destruction. This stream served as the most powerful conductor of Bolshevism, who had embraced the non-resident of the Russian population (because of the thirst for the Earth), which hurt the Cossack intelligentsia (due to the thirst for power) and embarrassed strongly terrestrial Cossacks (because of the fear of "go against the people"). As for the mountaineers, they were extremely conservative in their own way of life, in which social and land inequality was very poorly reflected. Faithfully faithfully and traditions, they were managed by their national advice and were alien to the ideas of Bolshevism. But the mountaineers quickly and willingly perceived the applied side of the central skills and intensified violence and robbery. By disarmament of the passing military echelons, they had a lot of weapons and ammunition. On the basis of the Caucasus Native Corps, they formed national military formations.

Fig. 4 Cossacks of Russia

After the death of Ataman Karaulova, the unbearable struggle with the filling areas of the Bolsheviks and exacerbation of controversial issues with neighbors - Kabardians, Chechens, Ossetians, Ingush - the Teress army was turned into a republic, which was part of the RSFSR. Quantitatively, the terrestrial Cossacks in the Teresk region were 20% of the population, nonresident - 20%, Ossetians - 17%, Chechens - 16%, Kabardians - 12% and Ingush - 4%. The most active among other peoples were the most small - Ingush, putting a strong and excellent armed detachment. They robbed everyone and kept Vladikavkaz in constant fear, which in January captured and plundered. When, on March 9, 1918, the Soviet government was established in Dagestan, as well as Terek, the Soviet authority was established to break the Teress Cossacks, destroying its special advantages. In the village, the armed expeditions of the horses were sent, robbery, violence and murders were made, the lands took place and passed the Ingusham and Chechens. In this complex setting, the Teress Cossacks fell in spirit. While the mountain peoples created their armed forces by improvisation, the natural Cossack army, which had 12 well-organized regiments, was deployed, diverged and disarmed at the request of the Bolsheviks. However, the revenues of the red led to the fact that on June 18, 1918, the uprising of the Terech Cossacks under the leadership of Bherchekov. Cossacks are defeated by the red troops and block their remnants in Grozny and Kizlyar. On July 20, the Cossacks were convened in Mozdok, which decided to armed speaking against Soviet power. The ternts were established with the command of the Volunteer Army, the TERS Cossacks created a combat detachment to 12,000 people at 40 guns and resolutely began to fight the Bolsheviks.

Orenburg army under the authorities of Ataman Dutova, the first declared independence from the authorities of the Soviets, the first and exposed to the invasion of the units of workers and red soldiers who began robbery and repression. Veteran Combating Councils Orenburg Cossack General I.G. Akulinin recalled: "The stupid and tough policy of the Bolsheviks, they are nothing covered with hatred of the Cossacks, abuse of the Cossack shrines and, especially, bloody violence, details, contribution and robbery in the village - all this has discovered the eyes to the essence of Soviet power and made the weapon . The Cossacks of the Bolsheviks could not devour anything. Earth Cossacks had, and will - in the form of the widest self-government - they returned to themselves in the first days of the February Revolution. " In the mood of the ordinary and front-line Cossacks gradually occurred a fracture, it continued to actively oppose violence and arbitrariness of the new government. If in January 1918, Ataman Dutin, under the pressure of the Soviet troops, Orenburg left, and he had a barely three hundred active fighters, then on the night of April 4, there was already more than 1,000 Cossacks for sleeping Orenburg, and on July 3 in Orenburg, power again Moved in the hands of Ataman.

Fig.5 Ataman Dutov

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe Ural Cossacks, resistance went more successfully, despite the small number of troops. Uralsk Bolshevik was not busy. The Ural Cossacks since the beginning of the origin of Bolshevism did not accept his ideology and even in March, the local Bolshevik Reviva was disappeared. The main reasons were that among the Urals there were no nonresident, there were a lot of land, and the Cossacks were Old Believers, more strictly kept their religious and moral principles. Cossacks of Asian Russia generally occupied a special position. All of them were few in composition, most of them were historically developed in special conditions by state measures, for the purpose of state necessity, and their historical existence was determined by insignificant deadlines. Despite the fact that these troops did not have firmly established Cossack traditions, lows and skills to the forms of statehood, all of them were hostile to the above-mentioned Bolshevism. In mid-April 1918, from Manchuria in Transbaikal, about 1000 bayonets and a saber against 5.5 thousand in red were switched to the offensive of the troops of Ataman Semenov. At the same time, the uprising of the Trans-Baikal Cossacks began. Semenova's troops came to Chita, but they could not take it right away. Fights between the Cossacks Semenov and the red detachments that consisted mainly of the former political prisoners and prisoners of Hungarians, in Transbaikali walked with varying success. However, at the end of July, the Cossacks defeated with the Red Forces and took the cheat on August 28. Soon the Amur Cossacks knocked the Bolsheviks from their capital Blagoveshchensk, and the Ussuri Cossacks took Khabarovsk. Thus, under the authorities of their Atamans: Zabaikalsky - Semenova, Ussuriysky - Kalmykova, Semirechensky - Annenkova, Uralsky - Tolstov, Siberian - Ivanov, Orenburg - Dutova, Astrakhansky - Prince Tuntyov, they entered into a decisive battle. In the fight against the Bolsheviks, the Cossack region was the struggle exclusively for their lands and law and order, and their actions, according to the definition of historians, wore the character of the war partisan.

Fig. 6 Belocazaki

A huge role on all over the Siberian railway track was played by the troops of Czechoslovak Legions, formed by the Russian government from prisoners of war and Slovaks, a number of up to 45 LLC. By the beginning of the revolution, the Czech corps stood in the rear of the South-Western Front in Ukraine. In the eyes of Austro-German Legionnaires, as former prisoners of war, were traitors. At the occurrence of Germanians to Ukraine in March 1918, the Czechs had strong resistance to them, but most Chekhov had seen their place in Soviet Russia and wanted return to the European front. According to the Treaty with the Bolsheviks, Echelons of Chekhov were sent towards Siberia to land on the court in Vladivostok and sending them to Europe. In addition to Czechoslovakov, there were many prisoners in Russia, which mostly sympathized in red. With the Hungarian, Czechoslovakov had a centuries-old and tall hostility and a host (as in this regard, not to recall the immortal works of Ya. Gashek). Due to the concerns of the attacks in the path of the Hungarian red parts, the Czechs decisively refused to submit to the order of the Bolsheviks to pass all the weapons why it was decided to dispersed Czech legions. They were divided into four groups with a distance between groups of echelons in 1000 kilometers, so that the echelons with Czechs stretched to the entire Siberia from the Volga to Transbaikalia. Czech legions played a colossal role in the Russian Civil War, since after their insurrection, the fight against the councils was sharply activated.

Fig. 7 Czech Legion in the transmission path

Despite the agreements, there were considerable misunderstandings in the relationships of Chekhov, Hungarians and local Revenues. As a result, on May 25, 1918, 4.5 thousand Chekhov rebelled in Mariinsk, on May 26, Hungarians provoked an uprising of 8.8 thousand Chekhov in Chelyabinsk. Then, with the support of Czechoslovak forces, the power of the Bolsheviks was overthrown on May 26 in Novonikolaevsk, on May 29 in Penza, on May 30 in Syzran, on May 31 in Tomsk and Kurgan, June 7 in Omsk, June 8 in Samara and June 18 in Krasnoyarsk. The formation of Russian combat units began in liberated areas. On July 5, Russian and Czech squads occupy Ufa, and on July 25, Yekaterinburg takes. Czechoslovak legionnaires themselves at the end of 1918 begin gradual waste to the Far East. But, participating in the battles in the army of Kolchak, finally finished the departure and go from Vladivostok to France only in early 1920. In such conditions, the Russian White Movement began in the Volga region and Siberia, not counting the independent acts of the Ural and Orenburg Cossack troops, which began struggle with the Bolsheviks immediately after the arrival of them to power. On June 8, the Committee of the Constituent Assembly (Commuche) was created in the Red Samara liberated. He declared himself a temporary revolutionary authority, which was supposed to spread over the entire territory of Russia, to convey the management of the country legally elected to the founding assembly. The rising population of the Volga region began a successful struggle against the Bolsheviks, but in liberated places the management turned out to be in the hands of the conversion executives of the temporary government. These heirs and participants in destructive activities, forming the government, conducted the same tweaking work. At the same time, Commury created his own armed forces - the People's Army. June 9 in Samara a detachment of 350 people began to command Lieutenant Colonel Kappel. The replenished squad in mid-June takes Syzran, Stavropol Volzhsky (now Togliatti), and also causes a heavy defeat in red near Meleks. On July 21, Cappel takes Simbirsk, defeating the superior forces of the defendant city of the Soviet commander Gaya. As a result, by the beginning of August 1918, the territory of the Constituent Assembly extends from the west to the East to 750 Worst from Syzran to Zlatoust, from the north to South by 500 Worst from Simbirsk to Volsk. On August 7, Cappel's troops, pre-defeating the red river flotilla in the mouth of the Kama, take Kazan. There, they capture part of the golden stock of the Russian Empire (650 million gold rubles in coins, 100 million rubles by credit signs, gold bars, platinum and other values), as well as huge warehouses with weapons, ammunition, medicines, ammunition. This gave the Samara government a solid financial and material base. With the Take of Kazan, the Academy of General Staff led by General A. I. Andogsky is in full force in the Anti-Bolshevik camp.

Fig. 8 Hero Commus Lieutenant Colonel Kappel A.V.

The Government of Industrialists was formed in Yekaterinburg, in Omsk - the Siberian government, in Chita the government of Ataman Semenov, who headed the Trans-Baikal army. Allies dominated Vladivostok. Then, General Croat arrived from Harbin, and the three authorities were already formed: from the allies, General Croat and the Railway Board. Such a fragmentation of the anti-Bolshevik front in the east demanded an association, and a meeting was convened in Ufa to choose a single authoritative state power. The position in parts of the anti-Bolshevik forces was unfavorable. Czechs did not want to fight in Russia and demanded sending them to European fronts against the Germans. There was no confidence in the Siberian government and the people of Komuk in the troops and the people. In addition, the representative of England General NOKS said that the solid government will not be created, shipping from the British will be stopped. Under these conditions, Admiral Kolchak entered the government and he made a coup and was proclaimed the head of the government and the Supreme Commander with the transfer of all the completeness of power.

In the south of Russia, events developed as follows. After the class of red in early 1918, Novocherkasska, the Volunteer Army retreated to Kuban. During the campaign to Ekaterinodar, the army, carried out all the difficulties of the winter campaign, which was subsequently "Ice campaign", continuously led battles. After the death of General Kornilov, killed under the Ekaterinodar on March 31 (April 13), the army made his way with a large number of prisoners to the territory of Don, where by that time the Cossacks rebels against the Bolsheviks began to clean their territory. The army only went to May to the conditions that allowed her to relax and replenished for the further fight against the Bolsheviks. Although the relationship of the command of the Volunteer Army to the German army was irreconcilable, it, without having a means of weapons, whorely praying Ataman Krasnova to send weapons, shells and cartridges obtained by him from the German army. Ataman Krasnov, on his colorful expression, receiving military equipment from hostile Germans, washed them into the pure water of Don and passed a part of the voluntary army. Kuban was still busy by the Bolsheviks. In the Kuban, the gap with the center, which in the Don took place due to the crash of the temporary government, occurred earlier and sharper. On October 5, with a decisive protest of the temporary government, the regional Cossack Rada adopted a decree on the selection of the edge into an independent Kuban Republic. At the same time, the right to choose in the authority was granted only to the Cossack, the mountain population and older peasants, that is, almost half of the population of the region was deprived of electoral rights. At the head of the government from the Socialists, the military officer Colonel Filimonov was delivered. Returns between the Cossack and non-resident population took increasingly sharp forms. Against the Rada and Government, not only the non-resident population, but also the front-line Cossacks. Bolshevism came to this mass. The Kuban parts returned from the front did not go war against the government, did not want to fight with the Bolsheviks and did not fulfill the orders of their election power. An attempt to create a government based on "parity" ended with the same paralysis of power. Everywhere, in every village, the village was gathered by the Red Guard from nonresident, the part of the front-line Cossacks was adjacent to them, poorly submitted to the center, but following his politics. These undisciplined, but well-armed and brown gangs have begun to plant the Soviet power, land redistribution, withdrawal of bread surplus and socialization, and simply to the robbery of prosperous Cossacks and the beads of the Cossacks - the persecution of officers, the low-tech intelligentsia, priests, authoritative old people. And above all to disarmament. Decently surprise, with what complete absence of the Cossack Stitsa, shelves and batteries gave their rifles, machine guns, guns. When the village of Yeisk Department was rebelled at the end of April, it was a completely unarmed militia. Cossacks had no more than 10 hundred rifles, the rest were armed with something. Some attached to the long sticks of the daggers or braids, others took the forks, the third ostrich, and others just shovels and axes. Against defenseless stans made punitive detachments with ... Cossack weapons. By early April, all the villages of non-residents and 85 of 87 villages were Bolshevik. But the Bolshevism of the villages was purely external. Often, only the names were changed: Ataman became a commissioner, a stronal approach - the Council, the Stannel Board - the proc.

Where the executive committees were captured by nonresident, there was a sabotage of their solutions, re-selecting every week. There was a stubborn, but passive, without inspiration and lifting, the struggle of the age-old way of the Cossack democracy and life with a new government. There was a desire to preserve the Cossack democracy, but there was no donzer. All this, in addition, was densely involved in the Prokrain separatism of the part of the Cossacks who had Dnipro roots. Standing at the head of Rada, the Prokrainsky leader of Luca Bull said: "Help the volunteer army means to prepare the absorption of Kuban Russia." Under these conditions, Ataman Shkuro gathered the first partisan detachment, located in the Stavropol district, where the Council fastened, activated the struggle and presented to the Council an ultimatum. The uprising of the Kuban Cossacks quickly gained strength. In June 8, the thousandth volunteer army began its second campaign on the Cuban Stolly Restores against the Bolsheviks. This time, the White accompanied luck. General Denikin consistently broke under the white clay and Tikhoretskaya 30 thousandth Army of Kalnin, then in a fierce battle under Ekaterinodar 30 thousandths of Sorokina. On July 21, white occupy Stavropol, and on August 17, Ekaterinodar. Blocked on the Taman Peninsula, 30 thousandth group of red under the command of the Kovtyuha, the so-called "Taman Army", along the coast of the Black Sea, breaks through the Kuban River, where the remains of the broken armies of Kulnin and Sorokina were fled. By the end of August, the territory of the Kuban troops is completely cleaned from the Bolsheviks, and the number of the White Army reaches 40 thousand bayonets and a saber. However, enhancing the territory of Kuban, Denikin issued a decree on the name of the Kuban Ataman and the Government, demanding:
- Complete voltage from the Kuban for the speedy release from the Bolsheviks
- All the primary parts of the Military Force Kuban must continue to the Volunteer Army to fulfill national tasks
- In the future, on the part of the liberated Kuban Cossacks, no separatism should be shown.

Such a rough intervention of the command of the Volunteer Army in the internal cases of Cossacks Kuban has affected negatively. General Denikin headed the army, which did not have a certain territory, subject to the people to him and, even worse, political ideology. The commander of the Don Army, General Denisov, even called Volunteers with "Stray Musicians". The ideas of General Denikin were focused on armed struggle. Without sufficient funds for this, General Denikin for the struggle demanded subordination to him by the Cossack regions of Don and Kuban. Don was in better conditions and was not completely connected by the instructions of Denikin. The German army was perceived on Don as a real force that promoted the deliverance from the Bolshevik domination and terror. The Government of Don joined the German command and set up fruitful cooperation. Relations with the Germans poured into a purely business form. A course of the German brand was installed in 75 kopecks of the Don currency, there was a racination of the Russian rifle with 30 cartridges in one of the wheat or rye, other supply agreements were concluded. From the German army through Kiev in the first year and a half was the Don Army: 11,651 rifles, 88 machine guns, 46 different times, 109 thousand artillery shells, 11.5 million rifle cartridges, of which 35 thousand artillery shells were transferred to the Volunteer Army and 3 million rifle cartridges. At the same time, the whole shame of peaceful intercourse with an irreconcilable opponent was located exclusively at Ataman Krasnova. As for the Supreme Command, it could only belong to the Troops Ataman, and before its election - the campaign ataman. This discrepancy led to the fact that Don demanded the return of all the Donations from the Predaroral Army. Relations between Don and Dobramia have become not allied, but relationships of travelers.

In addition to tactics there were great discrepancies in white movement in the strategy, policies and goals of the war. The goal of the Cossack mass was to free his land from the invasion of the Bolsheviks, establish an order in its field and provide the opportunity to the Russian people to arrange their fate at their own request. Meanwhile, the molding of civil war and the organization of the armed forces returned military art in the era of the XIX century. The successes of troops then depended solely on the qualities of the head, who directly managed the troops. The main forces were not scattered by good commander of the XIX century, but were sent to one main goal: to seize the political center of the enemy. With the capture of the center, paralysis of the country's management and war management is complicated. Sovvrkom, who was sitting in Moscow, was in exceptionally difficult conditions that resembled the position of the Moscow Russia XIV-XV centuries, limited to the Oki and Volga rivers. Moscow was cut off from all types of supply, and the objectives of the Soviet rulers were reduced to mining elementary nutrition and a piece of bread. In pathetic calls, the leaders no longer had inventive high motives emanating from the ideas of Marx, they sounded cynically, figuratively and simply, as they sounded once in the speeches of the People's Chief of Pugacheva: "Go, take everything and destroy everyone who gets on your way" . Drug addicts Bronstein (Trotsky) in his speech on June 9, 1918 indicated the goals simple and clear: "Comrades! Among all questions that exciting our hearts, there is one simple question - the question of the bread. Over all the thoughts, one concern is over all the ideals now, one anxiety: how to survive tomorrow. Everyone involuntarily thinks about himself, about his family ... My task is not at all to lead among you only one agitation. We need to seriously talk about the food state of the country. According to our statistics, in 17th, an excess of bread in those places that are producing and exporting bread, there were 882 Puddle LLC. On the other hand, there are areas in the country where their bread is missing. If you calculate, it turns out that they lack 322 ooo poods. Therefore, in one part of the country, there are 882 ooo ooo ooo ooo in, and in the other 322 LLC, LLC Pudov lacks ...

In one North Caucasus, there are now bread surplus, no less than 140,000,000 puddles: it is also necessary to quench the hunger, you need 15,000 poods per month to the whole country. So count: 140,000,000 poods of surplus, located only in the North Caucasus, may be enough, it became for ten months for the whole country. ... Let each of you now promise to provide an immediate practical assistance to ensuring that we have to establish a hike for bread. " In fact, it was a direct call for robbery. Due to the complete absence of publicity, paralysis of public life and the total fragmentation of the country, the Bolsheviks put forward to the leadership posts of people for whom there is one place in normal conditions - prison. In such conditions, the task of the White Command in the fight against the Bolsheviks should have to have the shortest purpose of the seizure of Moscow, without distracting any other secondary tasks. And to perform this main task it was necessary to attract the widest layers of the people, primarily the peasants. In reality, everything was the opposite. The volunteer army instead of a campaign to Moscow firmly bonded in the North Caucasus, the White Ural-Siberian troops could not move to the Volga. All revolutionary changes, favorable peasants and people, economic and political, were not recognized as white. The first step of their civil representatives on the liberated territory was the decree, which had canceled all the orders, published by the Provisional Government and the Council, including concerning property relations. General Denikin, without having absolutely no plan for establishing a new order capable of satisfying the population, consciously or unconsciously, wanted to return Rus to its initial pre-revolutionary position, and the peasants were obliged to pay for their previous owners for the captured lands. After that, could white count on the support of their activities with peasants? Of course not. Cossacks refused to go beyond the troops of the Donsky. And they were right. Voronezh, Saratov and other peasants not only did not fight with the Bolsheviks, but also walked against the Cossacks. Cossacks could not easily cope with their Donate peasants and nonresident, but they could not defeat all the peasant Central Russia and understood it perfectly.

As the Russian and non-Russian history shows us, when cardinal changes and decisions are required, not just people are needed, but the extraordinary individuals who are not unfortunately during the Russian timelessness. In the country, it was necessary to have the power capable of not only to issue decrees, but also to have an ultimate authority, so that these decrees by the people were carried out, it is advisable to voluntarily. Such power does not depend on government forms, but is based, as a rule, exclusively on the abilities and the authority of the leader. Bonaparte, approved the power, did not search for any forms, but managed to force him to obey his will. He forced to serve France as representatives of the Koro-Levian nobility and immigrants from Santellotov. In the white and red movement of such consolidating personalities did not turn out and this led to an incredible split and fierce in the coming civil war. But this is a completely different story.

Materials used:
Gordeev A.A. - History of Cossacks
Mamonov V.F. and others - the history of the Cossacks of the Urals. Orenburg Chelyabinsk 1992
Shibanov N.S. - Orenburg Cossacks of the XX century
Ryzhkov N.V. - Don Cossacks in the wars of the beginning of the twentieth century 2008
Brusilov A.A. My memories. Militant. M.1983.
Krasnov P.N. Verevilkoyar Don. "Patriot" M.1990
Lukomsky A.S. The origin of the volunteer army. M. 1926.
Denikin A.I. How did the struggle with the Bolsheviks in the south of Russia: M. 1926

In December 1918, at the meeting of the party asset in Kursk L.D. Trotsky - Chairman of the Revoensiveovets of the Republic and the People's Commissar on Naval Affairs, analyzing the results of the year of the Civil War, instructed: "Each of you should be clear that the old ruling classes are their art, their skills managed to manage in heritage from their grandfathers and great-grandfathers. What can we oppose this we? How do we compensate for your inexperience? Remember, comrades, - only terror. Terror consistent and merciless! Plugacy, softness story will never forgive us. If hundreds and thousands have been destroyed by us so far, now it's time to create an organization whose device, if necessary, can destroy tens of thousands. We have no time, there is no possibility to seek valid, active our enemies. We are forced to stand on the path of destruction. "

In confirmation and development of these words on January 29, 1919, Ya. M. Sverdlov on behalf of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) a circular letter was directed, known as "Directive on scratching to all responsible comrades working in Cossack areas." The directive read:

"Recent events on various fronts and Cossack areas, our promotion in the Cossack settlements and decomposition among the Cossack troops make us give guidance to party workers about the nature of their work in these areas. It is necessary, given the experience of the civil war with the Cossacks, to recognize the only right of the most merciless struggle with all the tops of the Cossacks, through the magnitude of their extermination.

1. Conduct a massive terror against the rich Cossacks, destroying them around; To hold a merciless terror in relation to all the Cossacks who have made any direct or indirect participation in the fight against Soviet power. It is necessary to take all those measures that give a guarantee from any attempts from his part to new speeches against Soviet power to the Middle Casual.

2. Confiscate bread and force to clarify all surplus to these items, this applies to both bread and all agricultural products.

3. Take all measures to assist the rehabilitation of the poor, organizing a resettlement, where possible.

4. Ensure the cameral nonresident with the Cossacks in the land and in all other respects.

5. To carry out a complete disarmament, to shoot everyone, who will have a weapon after the deadline.

6. Disturb weapons only with reliable elements from nonresident.

7. Armed detachments to leave in Cossack Stitzi to the establishment of full order.

8. All Commissars appointed to those or other Cossack settlements are invited to show maximum hardness and steadily conducting these instructions.

The Central Committee decides through the relevant Soviet institutions an obligation to the Narkomaz to develop actual measures on the massive resettlement of the poor on the Cossack land. Central Committee RCP (b).

It is believed that the authorship of the telling directive belongs to one man - Ya. M. Sverdlov, and the Central Committee of the RCP (b), nor the Council of State in the adoption of this document did not participate. However, by analyzing the entire course of the seizure of the Bolsheviks of the Government in the period 1917-1918, it becomes an obvious fact of the regularity of the construction of violence and lawlessness in the rank of state policy. The desire for an infinite dictatorship provoked a cynical substantiation of the inevitability of terror.

Under these conditions, terror unleashed against Cossacks in busy villages acquired such scales that, on March 16, 1919, the Plenum of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) was forced to recognize the January Manager of the erroneous directive. But the flywheel of the extermination car was launched, and it was already impossible to stop it.

The beginning of the State Genocide on the part of the Bolsheviks and the mistrust of yesterday's neighbors, fear of them, pushed part of the Cossacks again on the path to fighting the Soviet power, but now as part of the Volunteer Army of General Denikin.

The beginning of the naked genocide of the Cossacks began to give Don to a catastrophe, but in the North Caucasus it ended for the Bolsheviks with a complete defeat. The 150-thousand XI Army, which, after the death of Sorokin, headed Fedko, the bulkly unfolded for a decisive strike. From the flank she was covered by the XII army occupying a plot from Vladikavkaz to the Terrible. Of these two armies, the Caspian-Caucasian Front was created. In the rear of the red was restless. Stavropol peasants were increasingly leaning towards white after the invasion of the pros. Mounts were turned away from Bolsheviks, even those who supported them in the period of general anarchy. So, inside Chechens, Kabardians and Ossetians walked his civil war: Some wanted to go with red, others with white, and the third is to build an Islamic state. Frankly hated the Bolsheviks of Kalmyk after the disgraces committed on them. Boldly after the bloody suppression of the Bootherovsky rebellion, the Teress Cossacks.

On January 4, 1919, the Volunteer Army inflicted a crushing blow to the XI Red Army in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Nevinnomyssky village and, breaking through the front, began to pursue the enemy in two directions - on the Holy Cross and mineral waters. The gigantic XI-I army began to fall apart. Ordzhonikidze insisted to go to Vladikavkaz. Most commanders were against, believing that the army pressed against the mountains would fall into the trap. Already on January 19, Pyhorsk was taken by white, on January 20, the St. George group was defeated.

For reversing with white troops and for leading all military operations in the region, the Defense Council of the North Caucasus, headed by G. K. Ordzhonikidze, was established at the end of December 1918. At the direction of the Council of People's Comisurov RSFSR to the North Caucasus to help the XI Army, weapons were sent and ammunition.

But, despite all the measures taken, parts of the Red Army could not resist the onslaught of the volunteer army. Emergency Commissioner of the South of Russia G. K. Ordzhonikidze in a telegram in the name of V. I. Lenin dated January 24, 1919 informed about the state of affairs: "There is no army. She finally decomposed. The enemy is occupied by the city and the village almost without resistance. At night, the question was standing off the whole of theory area and go to Astrakhan. "

On January 25, 1919, during the general offensive of the Volunteer Army in the North Caucasus, the Kabardian equestrian brigade as part of two regiments under the command of Rothmistra Zaurbek Dutokova-Serebryakov with a battle occupies Nalchik and Baksan. And on January 26, the detachments of A. G. Shkuro occupy Kotlyarevskaya and Cool railway stations. At the same time, the White Guard Circassian Division and the two Cossack Plastunsk battalion, turning the right from the village of Novoosetinskaya, came to Terek near the Kabardian village Abaevo and connecting the Kotlyarevskaya station with the troops of the shelter along the railway line moved to Vladikavkaz. By the beginning of February, white parts of the generals of Schuro, Pokrovsky and leaning blocked the administrative center of the Teresk region on three sides - the city of Vladikavkaz. February 10, 1919, Vladikavkaz was taken. Denikinsky command forced the XI-Yu Red Army to retreat on the hungry steppes to Astrakhan. The remains of the XII-th Red Army crumbled. Emergency Commissioner of the South of Russia G. K. Ordzhonikidze ran with a small detachment to Ingushetia, some parts under the command of N. Gikalo went to Dagestan, and the majority, representing already random crowds of refugees, poured into Georgia through winter passes, freezing in the mountains, Daddy from avalanche and snowfalls, exterminated by yesterday's allies - mountaineers. Georgian government, fearing the typhus, refused to let them. Red tried to storm to break through from Darialya gorge, but were met by machine-gun fire. Many died. The remains surrendered to the Georgians and were interned as prisoners of war.

By the time of occupation of the volunteer army of the Northern Caucasus from the independent terrestrial parts, survived after the rebellion of the uprising, only a detachment of the Terek Cossacks in Petrovsk was preserved, headed by the commander of the Troops of the Terek Territory, Major General I. N. Knikov. It consisted of the Grebenskaya and the Gorsko-Mozdok horse shelves, the equestrian hundred Kopai Cossacks, the 1st Mozdok and the 2nd Grebenskoye Plastan battalions, walking a hundred of the Copai Cossacks, the 1st and 2nd Artillery Divisions. By February 14, 1919, the detachment numbered 2,088 people.

One of the first parts of the terrestes who joined the Volunteer Army was the TERSK Officer Regiment, formed on November 1, 1918 from the officer of Colonel B. N. Litvinova, who arrived in the army after the defeat of the Terek Uprising (disbanded in March 1919), as well as colonel numbers V. K. Agueva, Z. Dutokova-Serebryakova and G. A. Kibirova.

On November 8, 1918, the 1st Terch Cossack Regiment was formed as part of the Volunteer Army (later consistent with the 1st TERSK Cossack Division). The wide formation of the terrestrial parts began with the approval of the Volunteer Army in the North Caucasus. The basis of the terrestrial formations to the civil war was 1, 2, 3 and 4th TERS Cossacks of Divisia and 1, 2, 3 and 4th Teregovsky brigades, as well as the Tereg Cossack equestrian-artillery divisions and individual batteries that were part of the troops The Terco-Dagestan Territory and the Volunteer and Caucasian Volunteer Army. Starting from February 1919, the thermal formations have already conducted independent combat operations against the Red Army. It was especially significant for the White Forces in the south, due to the transfer of the Caucasian volunteer army to the Northern Front.

The Terka Plastunsk Separate Brigade was formed as part of the Volunteer Army on December 9, 1918 from the newly formed 1st and 2nd Terey Plastunsky battalions and the TERSK Cossack artillery division, which included the 1st Terek Cossack and the 2nd Terke Plastuna Battery.

With the end of the North Caucasian operation of the Volunteer Army, the Armed Forces in the south of Russia established control over most of the territory of the North Caucasus. On January 10, 1919, A. I. Denikin appointed the main and commander of the Commander of the III Army Corps of General V. P. Lyakhova created by the main and commander of the Commander of the III-Army Corps of General V. P. Lyakhov. The newly appointed commander, in order to recreate the Terek Cossack troops, was ordered to collect the Cossack circle for the choice of military ataman. The TERSKY BIG MODE began its work on February 22, 1919. More than twenty questions were made to the agenda, but in its importance in the first row there was a question about the adoption of the new Constitution of the region, which was then adopted on February 27. The day after the adoption of the Constitution, elections of the military ataman took place. They became Major General G. A. Vdovenko - the Cossack Stanitsa State. A large circle showed support for the volunteer army, elected a small circle (commission of legislative regulations). At the same time, the military circle decided to temporarily place the military authorities and the residence of the military ataman in Pyatigorsk.

The territories liberated from the Soviet power returned to a row of peaceful life. The former Terra region itself was transformed into the Terek-Dagestan region with a center in Pyatigorsk. The Cossacks exiled in 1918 of the Tsunasnye villages were returned back.

The British tried to limit the promotion of White Guards, while maintaining the oil fields of Grozny and Dagestan for small "sovereign" education, such as the Government of the Centralocaspian and the Government of the Dagestan government. Outcomes of the British, even landing in Petrovsk, began movement to Grozny. The ahead of the British White Guard parts on February 8 entered the Terrible and moved on, occupying the Caspian coast to Derbent.

In the mountains, to which the White Guard troops, confused confusion. Each people existed their government, or even several. Thus, Chechens formed two national governments, which were among themselves bloody wars for several weeks. Killed were considered hundreds. Almost every valley went their money, often homemade, and generally recognized "convertible" currency were rifle cartridges. Georgia, and Azerbaijan, and even the United Kingdom, tried to speak "Gorish autonomy". But the commander-in-chief of the volunteer army A. I. Denikin (whom Soviet propaganda loved so much to portray the marionette of the Entente) resolutely demanded the abolition of all these "autonomy." Puting in the national regions of the governors from the White Officers of these Nationalities. For example, on January 19, 1919, the commander-in-chief of the Terek-Dagestan region, Lieutenant General V. P. Lyakhov issued an order, according to which the ruler of the Kabarda was appointed Colonel, afterwards Major General, Tombot Zhankotovich Bekovich-Cherkasi. His assistants: Rotmist Zaurbek Duutokov-Serebryakov was appointed by the military unit, according to civilian administration, Colonel Sultanbek Kasaevich Klishevich.

Based on the support of the local nobility, General Denikin convened in March 1919. Gorish congresses in Kabarda, Ossetia, Ingushetia, Chechnya and Dagestan. These congresses elected rulers and advice with them, possessed extensive judicial and administrative powers. The right of Sharia in criminal and family matters remained.

At the beginning of 1919, a system of self-government was developed in the Terco-Dagestan region: Cossack and voluntary (both were in Pyatigorsk). As noted by A.I. Denikin, the unresolved of a number of issues, which took place to the pre-revolutionary time, non-evidence in relationships, the influence on the ternts of the Kuban Selfies could not make the friction between the two authorities. Only due to the awareness of the deadly hazard in the event of a gap, the absence of self-sufficient trends in the mass of the Terksky Cossacks, the personal relationship between the representatives of both branches of government, the state mechanism in the North Caucasus worked for 1919 without significant interruptions. To the end of the White Authority, the region continued to be in double subordination: a representative of the Volunteer Power (General Lyakhova 16 (29), April 16, 1919, replaced the general from Cavalry I. G. Erdeli) was guided by the "main provisions" about the Terek-Dagestan region, the compilation of which was completed by special Meeting in May 1919; Forces Ataman rules on the basis of the Terra Constitution.

Political disagreements and misunderstandings between representatives of the two authorities, as a rule, ended with the adoption of a compromise decision. The friction between the two centers of power over 1919 created mainly small, but the influential part of the radical self-sufficiency of the intelligentsia in the government and the circle. The most illustrative illustration can serve as the position of the Terch Fraction of the Supreme Cossack Circle, which gathered in Ekaterinodar 5 (18) of January 1920 as the supreme power of Don, Kuban and Terek. The terra faction has retained a loyal attitude to the government of the South of Russia, based on the position of unacceptability for the separatism troops and the fatefulness of the mountainous issue. The resolution on the breaking of relations with Denikin was adopted by the supreme circle of Don, Kuban and Terek with a minor number of votes of the TERSKY faction, most of which went home.

On the territory liberated from the Bolsheviks, the work of transport was established, paralyzed enterprises were opened, trade was revived. In May 1919, the South-East Russian Church Cathedral was held in Stavropol. The Cathedral participated bishops, clerics and laity chosen from the Stavropol, Don, Kuban, Vladikavkaz and Sukhumko-Black Sea Diocese, as well as members of the All-Russian Local Cathedral, which were in the south of the country. The Cathedral discussed the issues of the spiritual and social structure of this extensive territory, and the highest temporary church management was formed. His chairman became Archbishop Don Mitrofan (Simashkevich), members - Archbishop Tavrichesky Dimitri (Abashidze), Bishop Taganrog Arseny (Smolenets), Protopress Virgin G. I. Schavelsky, Professor A. P. Christmas, Count V. Musin-Pushkin and Professor P. Verkhovsky.

Thus, with the arrival of white troops in the TERSKA region, the Cossack military government led by Ataman Major General G. A. Vdovenko was restored. The "Southeast Union of Cossack troops, Highlanders of the Caucasus and Free Peoples", the basis of which was the idea of \u200b\u200bthe fate of the North Caucasus, as well as the Astrakhan, Urals region, as well as the Astrakhan, Ural and Orenburg troops, was the basis. The political goal of the Union was to join him as an independent state association to the future of the Russian Federation.

A. I. Denikin, in turn, ratified for "the preservation of the unity of the Russian power, subject to the provision of autonomy to individual peoples and distinctive formations (Cossacks), as well as the broad decentralization of the entire state administration ... The basis of the decentralization of the Office was the division of the territory involved in the region."

Recognizing the Cossack troops, the principal right of autonomy, Denikin did a reservation against the Teregu troops, which, "in view of the extreme sevisor and the need to reconcile the interests of the Cossacks and Horstsevs," should be in the rights of autonomy to enter the North Caucasian region. It was planned to include representatives of the Cossacks and Mountain Peoples in new structures of the regional authorities. Gorso peoples were provided with broad self-government within ethnic borders, with election administration, non-interference from the state into issues of religion and public education, but without financing these programs from the state budget.

Unlike Don and Kuban, the "Communication with communional statehood" was not weakened on Terek. Estimated by the military Ataman Gerasim Andreevich Vdovenko on June 21, 1919 in the Park Theater of the city of Essentuki opened the next large circle of the Terk Cossack troops. The commander-in-chief of the voluntary army A. I. Denikin was also present in the circle. The program of theory government said that "Only a decisive victory over the Bolshevism and the revival of Russia will create the possibility of restoring the power and native troops, bloodless and weakened by civil struggle."

In view of the incessant war, the ternts were interested in increasing their number by attracting their neighboring-allies to the anti-Bolshevik struggle. Thus, the people of kapranoites were included in the Teresk army, and in a large circle, the Cossacks expressed fundamental consent to the accession to the troop "on equal rights" of Ossetians and Kabardians. It was more difficult about the case with the non-resident population. Encouraging the entry of individual representatives of indigenous peasants in the Cossack estate, the ternts with great prejudice treated the requirement of non-residents to solve land, introduce them to the work of the circle, as well as in the authorities of the Central and Local Control.

Full mobilization was held in liberated from the Bolsheviks. In addition to the Cossack regiments, on the front were sent and parts formed from the mountaineers. Wanting to confirm the loyalty to Denikin, even yesterday's enemies of the Terkents - Chechens and Ingush responded to the call of the Commander-in-Chief of the Volunteer Army and replenished the White Guard Rates with their volunteers.

Already in May 1919, in the Tsaritsinsky front, in addition to the Kuban construction parts, the Circassian equestrian division and Karachai Equestrian Brigade were acted. The 2nd Terek Cossack Division, the 1st Terek Plastunsk Brigade, Kabardian Equestrian Division, Ingush Equestrian Brigade, Dagestan Sunnaya Brigade and Ossetian Equestrian Grand Region were shown here. In Ukraine, the 1st Tern Cossack Division and the Chechen Equestrian Division were involved against Makhno.

The situation in the North Caucasus remained extremely difficult. In June, the uprising of Ingushetia raised, but after a week it was suppressed. Kabarda and Ossetia were disturbed by the Balkarians and Kermenisti (representatives of the Ossetian revolutionary-democratic organization). In the mountainous part of Dagestan, the uprising of Ali Haji raised, and in August this "relay" adopted the Chechen Sheikh Uzun-Hadji, which settled in it. All nationalist and religious performances in the North Caucasus were not only supported, but also provoked by anti-Russian circles in Turkey and Georgia. Permanent military danger forced Denikin to keep up to 15,000 fighters under the command of General I. G. Erdeld, including the two terrays of the North Caucasian group - the 3rd and 4th, and another plastic brigade.

Meanwhile, the situation at the front was still paying. So, by December 1919, the Volunteer Army of General Denikin under pressure three of the superior enemy forces lost 50% of their personnel. Alone was wounded on December 1, it was listed in the military-medicinal institutions of the south of Russia 42,733 people. A large-scale retreat of the Armed Forces of the South of Russia began. On November 19, parts of the Red Army broke into Kursk, on December 10, Kharkov was left, December 28 - Tsaritsyn, and already on January 9, 1920, Soviet troops entered Rostov-on-Don.

On January 8, 1920, the Terke Cossacks suffered irreplaceable losses, part of the first equestrian army of Budenny almost completely destroyed the Terk Plastuna Brigade. At the same time, the Commander of the Horse Corps General K. K. Mammoths, despite the order to attack the enemy, took his body through Aksai to the left bank of Don.

In January 1920, the armed forces of the South of Russia had 81,506 people, of which: Volunteer parts - 30 802, Don Troops - 37,762, Kuban troops - 8,317, TERSKY Troops - 3 115, Astrakhan troops - 468, Gorske pieces - 1042. These forces were clearly not enough to contain the offensive of the red, but the separatist games of the Cossack leaders continued in this critical moment for all the anti-Bolshevik forces.

In Ekaterinodar, on January 18, 1920, a Cossack Supreme Circle was gathered, which began to create an independent union state and declared himself the supreme power on Done, Kuban and Terek. Part of the Don delegates and almost all the ternts called for continuing the struggle in unity with the General Command. Most of the Kubans, some of the Donations and several ternts demanded a complete break with Denikin. Some of the Kubans and Donets were inclined to stop the struggle.

According to A. I. Denikin, "Only the Terches - Ataman, the Government and the Circle faction - almost in full presence of a single front." The Kubans were reproached to leaving the Kuban parts of the front, proposals were made to allocate Eastern departments from this troops ("Linets") and attach them to Terek. TERSKY ATAMAN G. A. Vdovenko made such words: "The course of the ternts one. We are written with gold letters "United and indivisible Russia".

At the end of January 1920, a compromise position was developed, adopted by all parties:

1. South Russian power is established on the basis of an agreement between the main command of the armed forces in the south of Russia and the Supreme Circle of Don, Kuban and Terek, to continue to convene the All-Russian Constituent Assembly.

2. The first chapter of South Russian power ... Lieutenant General A. I. Denikin is recognized.

3. The law on the succession of the authorities of the head of state is developed by the legislative chamber on the basis of the general basis.

4. Legislative power in the south of Russia is carried out by the Legislative Chamber.

5. Functions of the executive power, except for the emergence of South Russian power, determines the Council of Ministers ...

6. The Chairman of the Council of Ministers is appointed by a person heading South Russian power.

7. The person who heads the South Russian authority belongs to the right of dissolution of the Legislative Chamber and the right of the relative "veto" ...

In coordination with the three fractions of the Supreme Circle, the Cabinet of Ministers was formed, but "the emergence of a new government did not make any changes during the events."

The military and political crisis of the Belog Guard south increased. Government reform has no longer saved the position - the front collapsed. On February 29, 1920, Stavropol was taken by the parts of the Red Army, on March 17, Ekaterinodar and Stanitsa Nevinnomyssky, March 22 - Vladikavkaz, March 23 - Kizlyar, March 24 - Grozny, March 27 - Novorossiysk, March 30 - Port-Petrovsk and April 7 - Tuapse . Almost throughout the North Caucasus, Soviet power was restored, which was confirmed by a decree of March 25, 1920.

Part of the army of the Armed Forces of the South of Russia (about 30 thousand people) was evacuated from Novorossiysk to the Crimea. The Terek Cossacks who left Vladikavkaz (just with the refugees about 12 thousand people), left the Military Georgian Road to Georgia, where they were interned in the camps nearby, in a swampy malarious area. Demoralized Cossack parts, clamped on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, for the most part surrendered to the red parts.

On April 4, 1920, A. I. Denikin gave an order to appoint his receiver to the position of Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the South of Russia Lieutenant Baron P. N. Vrangel.

After the evacuation of the Armed Forces of the South of Russia in the Crimea, in April 1920, a separate Terek-Astrakhan Cossack Brigade was formed in April 1920, which, from April 28, as the Terek-Astrakhan brigade was part of the 3rd equestrian division of the consolidated corps. July 7, after re-formation, the brigade again became separate. In the summer of 1920, she was part of a special purpose troops group participating in the Kuban Desantte. From September 4, the brigade acted separately as part of the Russian army and included the 1st Thair, the 1st and 2nd Astrakhan shelves and the Terek-Astrakhan Cossack ConnO-Artillery Division and a separate Torrent Spare Cossack.

The ratio of the Cossacks to the Baron Wrangel was dual. On the one hand, he promoted overclocking in 1919 by the Kuban Regional Rada, on the other hand, his rigidity and commitment to the order impressed the Cossacks. The attitude towards him of the Cossacks did not spoil him, and the fact that Wrangel was given under the court of Don General Sidorin for the fact that he had telegraphed by the military Ataman Bogaevsky about his decision to "bring the Don Army from the limits of the Crimea and the subordination in which she is now."

The case was more difficult with the Kuban Cossacks. Troops Ataman Breopov was an opponent of evacuation in the Crimea shed on the Black Sea coast of Cossack parts. Wrangel was not immediately able to send Ataman to the Caucasus for organizing evacuation, and the remains of those who did not surrender red (about 17 thousand people), only on May 4 were able to plunge on the ships. Burents handed over the Ataman authority to the Chairman of the Kuban Government Ivanis and together with the "samostica" - the deputies of Rada, who capturing with him the part of the military treasury, fled to Georgia. The Kuban Rada gathered in Feodosia recognized Kuretov and Ivanis by traitors, and elected the military attack of the combat general leaning, but he refused from power.

A few terrain group led by Ataman Vdovenko was traditionally hostile to separatist movements and, therefore, nothing to do with ambitious Cossack leaders.

The absence of unity in the political Cossack camp and the uncompromising relationship of Wrangel to "Selfiests" allowed the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Army to conclude with the military atamans that he considered it necessary for the State Device of Russia. Having gathered together to Giant, Ivanis, Vdovenko and Lyakhov, Wrangel gave them 24 hours to thinking, and thus "July 22 a solemn signing of an agreement was held ... with Atamans and Governments of Don, Kuban, Terek and Astrakhan ... in the development of an agreement from 2 (15 ) April this year ...

1. State formations of Don, Kuban, Terek and Astrakhan are provided with complete independence in their internal device and control.

2. The Council of Heads of Offices under the Government and Commander-in-Chief is involved, with the right of decisive voices on all issues, chairmen of the governments of the state formations of Don, Kuban, Terek and Astrakhan or replacing their members of their governments.

3. The commander-in-chief assigned the entire fullness of the authorities over all the armed forces of state entities ... both in operational and on the principal issues of the organization of the army.

4. All necessary for supply ... Food and other means are provided ... on special scratch.

5. The management of railway tracks and trunk telegraph lines is provided by the authorities of the Commander-in-chief.

6. Agreement and negotiations with foreign governments, both in the field of political and in the field of trading policies, are carried out by the ruler and commander-in-chief. If these negotiations relate to the interests of one of the state entities ..., the ruler and the commander-in-chief is pre-enforced by the Agreement with the subject to Ataman.

7. A common customs feature is established and a single indirect attachment ...

8. A single monetary system is established on the territory of the Contracting Parties ...

9. For the release of the territory of state formations ... This Agreement has to be submitted for the approval of large military circles and edges are glad, but accepting power immediately on its signing.

10. This Agreement establishes the full end of the civil war. "

The unsuccessful landing of the Kuban landing led by the general leaving in the Kuban in August 1920, and the churred September offensive on the Kakhovskoye Bridgehead forced Baron Wrangel to climb within the Crimean Peninsula and begin preparation for defense and evacuation.

By the beginning of the offensive, on November 7, 1920, the Red Army consisted of 133 thousand bayonets and checkers, there were 37 thousand bayonets and checkers in the Russian army. The superior forces of the Soviet troops broke the defense, and already on November 12, Baron Wrangel issued an order to leave the Crimea. The evacuation organized by the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Army was completed on November 16, 1920 and allowed to save about 150 thousand military and civilians, of which about 30 thousand Cossacks.

The territory of Russia left the remnants of the last temporary national government and the latest legitimate governments of the Cossack troops of the Russian Empire, including the TERS.

After the evacuation of the Russian army from the Crimea, the Terek-Astrakhan regiment was formed in the Caltalja as part of the Don Corps. After the conversion of the army into the Russian general military union (RIS), the regiment was represented by the executed part. So by the fall of 1925, 427 people numbered in the shelf, including 211 officers.

Discussions between modern "red" and "white" seem endless. There is a permanent account, on whom more blood. At the same time, the main principle of the Civil War is forgotten - violence generates response violence, to stop which it seems impossible.


One hundred years ago, South Ural became one of the Civil War Centers - in the spring of 1918. The powerful uprising of the Orenburg Cossacks against the Reds was broken here. On the night of April 4, the Cossacks committed a raid on Orenburg, destroying many Soviet workers. Even women and children became victims of the raid. The reds were able to repel the attack, after which they answered with cruel measures, characteristic of the fight against the partisan movement at all times: began to burn the Cossack Stitsa and exterminate the rebel leaders - officers. The Orenburg Military Revolutionary Headquarter nominated the ultimatum to all Cossack villages and villages: "On white terror of traitors of officers, junkers and adjacent the Cossacks, attackers on revolutionary workers and peasants, cutting their families with young children, will reply with a merciless red terror, artillery fire force and the power of the working and peasant revolutionary masses. Let all stages and towns remember that if any of them do at least the most insignificant performance against the revolutionary workers and peasants, it will be without any analysis of the guilty and innocent shifting from the face of the earth by the power of weapons of revolutionary troops " one .

It was then that this occurred that shook many even at that severe time of the tragedy. On April 9, 1918, the Cossacks of the Dubininovka of the Orsk Railway were issued to the Cossacks Red and the two Cossack officers - Native Brothers, Podalsules Vasily and Mikhail Mikhailovy. Vasily was not fulfilled and twenty-six, Michael was thirty years old. Despite the young age, both have already managed to play the first world and earn military awards.

The village of Upperoznaya on the right bank of the Urals, where Mikhailov, was in the sphere of the Cossack Anti-Bolshevik uprising. Mikhailovy as officers headed two hundreds of local Cossacks who gathered to join the rebels and participate in the raid on Orenburg. It was believed that the idea of \u200b\u200bproviding red armed resistance belonged to their Father - General Mikhailov. However, he subsequently argued that this decision belonged to the Stannikov himself.

However, the Cossacks did not reach Orenburg - the raid was removed, and hundreds returned to their village. Then they came to the news of the massive struts over the suspect in the raid. Fearing the punishment, the Upperozninsky Cossacks had a gathering and sent a delegation to Red to Kondurovsky's travel at 14 versts from the village.

Upon return, the delegates were collected by the villagers and announced the requirements of the Reds: to restore Soviet power in the village, to issue officers as resistance instigators, including the family of Mikhailov, and pay half a million in conference. Cossacks agreed with the requirements of the Cossacks, however, from the whole family, Mikhailov managed to grab only two brothers, and their father, General, managed to run to his brother in the village of Giryali. The property of Mikhailov, during their absence in the village, distributed to the poor (later seized returned).

General Mikhailov recalled the death of sons: "When the sons returned, the first, Mikhail, and Vasily was still in Giryaryal 2, I wrote a note by Vasily and sent with a carriage, so that Vasily came to discuss three things, what to do next, and between the population is already some kind There was anxiety, braveing. I and Mikhail gathered to leave, but I was still waiting for the son of Vasily, suddenly I ran Mikhail and said: "Dad, Bolsheviks". I rushed to run in the direction of Giryalia and began to hide, and I went to go home, and I came home, and In the evening he was taken away when he reached the house, the Bolsheviks "3. Considered himself a general for a note that led to the death of his son? Sperance. But he said about it.

Reconstruct the circumstances of the execution allowed evidence from both sides. The brothers understood that their fate was unlosable, and asked to call the priest to come. According to the witness of the eyewitness, in the native village "the brothers ... insisted that they were planted in some Sani. We took. We have a lot of people. Women, crying and retired, accompanied the outskirts of the village.

Bringing to the station, I again landed and told you to move from the web steps to 15. The brothers got on his knees, prayed to God, crossed each other and, firmly embraced, they kissed, then both shouted: "Long live the Cossacks, die for the Cossacks!" 4 However, the Cossack newspaper, published in 1919 such a note, perhaps distorted the last words shot to not promote monarchical moods.

Complements the picture of the performance evidence of the organizer of the execution. In 1934, at a meeting of the Orenburg region, the civil war veterans from the Reds were shared by their memories and revelations. Former commander of one of the first red squads Pavel Selivorsovich Kurach (one of the streets of Orenburg was named his name: "I met such officers under Orsk. When I went with a detachment, I caught two Mikhailov brothers. They had passports, as if they were From the Penza lips [Erenia] of the teacher, and the front-line people say that this is the brothers Mikhailov.

When they began to interrogate, they do not want to say, look with contempt. When I was leaving Orenburg, we created the investigative commission. There was a blicker and another anarchist, I do not remember the surname, but in general there were 4 people. Decision of this commission I as the head of this detachment claimed. When in the morning they called to the Commission, I did not say anything, but the Commission decided to shoot, and the sentence was approved. When they were set to execution, they shouted: "Long live Nikolai II and Cossacks" 5.

According to the note from the Cossack newspaper, the team "Pl!" Cried out one of the brothers, Vasily. If you believe this testimony, brothers after execution finished bayonets - on the body of Vasily counted 13 bayonet wounds.

The executed buried in their native village. White print used a loud penalty to discharge anti-Bolshevik moods.


The senior sons of Major General Fedor Nikolayevich Mikhailov - a veteran of Pamir's campaigns, the Russian-Japanese and First World War. The general had five more sons and two daughters. From the sons, Alexander and Nikolai were also officers, in civilians with the father and most of the Cossack officers went for Ataman A.I. Dutov. Alexander later left the Cossacks to China, the fate of Nikolai is still unknown.

General Mikhailov had long been retired 6 and was engaged in the economy (he considered his own property position, he owned ten cows and six horses, lit up 10-12 tits of Earth 7). The order for the formation of hundreds, according to the general, was obtained from Orenburg back at the end of 1917. His initiative in this matter, Mikhailov did not show it. However, during the retreat from Orenburg, at the beginning of 1918, Ataman Dutov stayed for several days precisely in the house of Mikhailov, and the son of Mikhail 8 came to his father with Ataman, one of the few remaining true Dutov's subordinates then. Dutov went further to Verkhneuralsk, and Mikhail remained at the Father, which cost him his life.

After the flight from the native village, General Mikhailov, until June 1918, was hiding at his brother, not knowing about the Dutov, nor the sons left with him. In the summer of 1918, red under the blows of Cossacks and Czechoslovakov left Cossack lands. He left the underground and began to serve as white general Mikhailov. White he didn't do a big career: in the summer of 1918, he chaired the commission on the reorganization and elimination of military institutions that had lost its importance, the autumn was led by the training of mobilized Cossacks who were not called up to the system parts, and in early 1919, was expelled from this post with leaving resignation.


While winning white victory began to finish the court and massacre over the adherents of the red. At the meeting of General Mikhailov with Ataman Dutov, a luckless father, naturally, asked to bring to the responsibility of those who gave it to their favorite sons to violence. Dutch answered this: "Apply" 9.

Subsequently, General Mikhailov testified at the court: "I believed my Cossacks and when I learned that they shot my sons, I was disappointed in them. I lived with them in good relationship, if they excluded me 10, then it was a bunch of 3-4 people - Gorlopanov ... "11.

The executives of the execution were known white. In the newspaper "Orenburg Cossack Bulletin" it was noted that the execution was organized by the "punitive detachment under the head of Kurach and Nazarenko" 12. However, Kurach fought in the ranks of the Red Army, and the White Justice could not get to him. It was possible to punish only the issuing Mikhail Stannikists who stayed at home.

General Mikhailov, trying to justify before the Soviet court, recalled his doubts: "I thought for a long time, how to proceed, on the one hand, I had to forgive the Christian, but, on the other hand, it was a pity that the sons were sorry that the young people were killed. And that they were shot their same Cossacks who sent them to fight. And in the end I decided to apply for 13. "I had a desire to not leave the Cossack act without punishment, that they were shot by the innocent of my children" 14, "added Mikhailov.

On July 29, 1918, Mikhailov spoke out of turn at the emergency congress of the 1st Military District of the Orenburg Cossack troops and asked to attract those responsible for the issuance of children to the court and compensate losses. The congress suggested transferring the case to the military investigation commission, and for compensation for damages to contact the victim's assistance commission 15.

Investigation commission arrived in the village. The "well-wishers" compiled a list of output participants, which was essentially shot. Later in this suspected Assistant Assistant Ataman Horugego Dmitry Elizarovich Gorbunov, who came to the Soviet justice for it. However, General Mikhailov as compilers of the list called other persons who died by the time of the Soviet investigation. Mikhailov himself participated in the investigation, and also acted in pressing this topic. When issuing sons, Mikhailov was not present and, according to later, he knew only five delegates who rushed to red, and otherwise she configured the list.

In August 1918, 18 people were arrested in Stanic 16. One of the arrested, Cossack Vasily Nosharareva, was shot without trial and investigations on the road, another, accidentally arrested, at the request of General were released. On September 22, General Mikhailov spoke to the deputies of the 3rd emergency military circle of the Orenburg Cossack troops, told about the circumstances of the issuance of sons on the massacre. After that, he asked to deprive the Cossack title and evict the guilty from the village, whose names listed. Share their general, judging by the dry line of the minutes of the meeting, did not call.

The discussion was attended by the deputy of the Upper-Sex Stagnaya village of Feldsher Alexander Sergeevich Beninov, who, on behalf of the voter, expressed the sympathy of Mikhailov's sympathy, reported on the execution of one of the defendants and legend the court of the rest. In the spirit of idealism of the then democratic intelligentsia, Beleninov added that "one caraves cannot be limited to. In order for such phenomena in the future, it is necessary to increase the cultural level of the population and to restore the connection with them with the history of the Cossacks, and for this you need to learn, learn and study "17. The circle decided to adopt a general note report.

In front of the military-field court in Orenburg in September 1918, sixteen appeared: eleven of them were shot, the fives referred to Eastern Siberia to the catguard. Gave testimony and Mikhailov. The public at the meeting room was not allowed. Ataman Dutov allegedly approved the sentence against its Cossacks not immediately, but only after the whole day of oscillations and the transfer of the unpopular decision at the discretion of the military circle 18.


General Mikhailov retreated with white to Siberia and settled in Omsk, where he served in military economic society. Then he moved to Novo-Nikolaevsk. When the red came there, settled with the Red Army shops. In the midst of NEPA organized a trading company with several partners, which burned. Then sprouted the property and went to Semipalatinsk and in Omsk. There, his general past was revealed. Mikhailov first fired from a new place of service, and then arrested.

In the 1920s. Burnt processes began over former white. In the spring of 1926, a citizen of PA was applied to the Orenburg provincial prosecutor. Kosarev, in which it was reported that the fault of General Mikhailov in October 1918 was shot by the Cossacks of the Upperozern Stanny. For half a year, the general was on freedom for sure, but then was concluded in the Orenburg provincial correctional labor house (a disabled wife and the daughter learned at this time at this time).

The investigation was carried out carefully. Numerous witnesses were interviewed. The testimony gave the surviving figure of the case of I.N. Petrov, who fell in 1918 by the youngster at Katorga, 19 and other faces. Mikhailov himself denied involvement in the formation of Cossack hundred against the red. He considered the charge "completely ridiculous" 20. Another defendant of the case, Gorbunov, tried to disappear from the compilation of a shot list, finding a witness that the list was compiled by the Cossack of Kuzmin 21. This was also testified by Mikhailov, but the court did not listen to these arguments.

On November 29, 1927, Mikhailov appeared before the exit session of the provincial court, together with the compiler of a shot list, Gorbunov at the site of events in the village of Upperozernoy, where the main mass of witnesses lived. Then, in connection with the amnesty to the 10th anniversary of the October Revolution, the defenders were released from a correctional labor house under a subscription of the unseason.

From February 24 to February 27, 1928, new court meetings were held. A former deputy of the War Skov Circle of Benenins was caused, decorned from the disease on illness 22. There were many witnesses, lawyers participated at court sessions. Mikhailov and Gorbunov guilty did not recognize themselves. Mikhailov denied his leadership to the formation of the Cossack strength against the red. On the reasons for the fact that the sons went against the Bolsheviks, he said: "My sons like officers are raised in this spirit, and their honor made to go to fight" 23. The former general made a bold statement that he considered the Cossacks involved in the death of the sons of the Cossacks, but did not consider himself guilty of this: "I, of course, was well understood that I knew the" red "and" white ", and knew that slaves rebelled against Lord, but I did not want to participate in the suppression of these slaves, because I was absolutely apolitical "24. In the last word, 69-year-old Mikhailov appealed to his old age and asked the court to allow him to die 25. Following the meeting, Mikhailov and Gorbunov again took into custody.

The court under Article 58-11 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR sentenced the former General Mikhailov to the shooting with a replacement in connection with the amnesty to ten years of imprisonment with strict isolation and with defeat in all political rights for five years. A half-year preliminary conclusion from November 1926 to March 1927 and from September to November 1927 was taken into account. Gorbunov was sentenced to three years in prison with strict isolation and with defeat in rights for two years. His half-year stay in custody was also taken into account 26. The Orenburg newspaper "Bow" responded on the process with a hostile title "Palach" 27.

Mikhailov tried to challenge a harsh sentence, his spouse turned to the Supreme Court of the RSFSR and to the Society of Assistance Political Princels to E.P. Pesko, but nothing came out of this. In a letter to Pesko, there were such lines: "It is possible that from the point of view of moral ethics, his act was and immoral, but it is necessary to understand that it is impossible to demand complete dedication from the native father. Such heroic, I would say, not resistance to evil is not all The person is capable. If take into account the whole situation at which all these events took place, then the mental and moral state of my husband was quite loyal at that moment. The society itself chose my sons commanders of detachments against Soviet power, but then itself For his personal interests, he decided to recoup on their young lives. I did not have time to cool them to cool, as political events changed, and here, under the fresh impression of all this, the father decided to complain about his fate.

After 10 years at the dawn of the second decade of the existence of the Soviet government, the court of proletarian found the action of my husband terroristically directed against Soviet power.

It can be judged in this case only for the fact that he could not overcome parental feelings and brought a complaint, but with politics and counter-revolution did not have anything in total "28.

Gorbunov in 1930 was released. Mikhailov, according to some reports, lived over 90 years. In 1993, both were rehabilitated as political reasons.

Bloody cheese did not spare anyone in that story. Today, not to disassemble who launched this flywheel - red or white. In 1918, the Cossacks involved in the issuance of his children were shot, not without the help of General Mikhailov. Those events later broke their lives and the general itself. In 1937, in the "enemies of the people" on charges of involvement in the "anti-Soviet Cossack Rebel Terrorist Organization" (almost what the brothers Mikhailov were accused) recorded the organizer of their execution P.S. Kurat. His dust rests on the landfill in the "communation". Soviet power reached the brother of the shot Alexander, who settled in Chinese Harbin. After the Second World War, he was arrested, exported to the USSR and got into the camp. Freeding, settled in Chelyabinsk next to Leonid's living brother.

1. News of the Orenburg provincial executive committee of the Councils of workers, peasant and Cossack deputies. 1918. N 49. 11.04. P. 1.
2. Girlian village.
3. State Archive of the Orenburg Region (GOO). F. R-636. Op. 2. D. 62. L. 124-124.
4. Cossack martyrs // Orenburg Cossack Bulletin. 1919. N 63. 10.04. P. 2.
5. Orenburg State Archive of Social and Political History. F. 7924. OP. 1. D. 221b. L. 154.
6. RGVIA. F. 409. OP. 2. D. 30139. P / s 331-780; Ganin AV, Semenov V.G. Officer corps of the Orenburg Cossack troops 1891-1945. Biographical reference. M., 2007. P. 371-372.
7. GOO. F. R-636. Op. 2. D. 62. L. 123.
8. ibid. L. 124.
9. Ibid. L. 125.
10. From the Cossacks.
11. GOO. F. R-636. Op. 2. D. 62. L. 124B.
12. Martyrs of the Cossacks. P. 2.
13. GOO. F. R-636. Op. 2. D. 62. L. 125.
14. Ibid. L. 125B.
15. Protocol N 6 meetings of the emergency congress of the 1st District of the Orenburg Cossack troops dated 29.07.1918.
16. GOO. F. R-636. Op. 2. D. 62. L. 1OB.
17. Protocols of the 3rd emergency military circle of the Orenburg Cossack troops. Orenburg, 1918. P. 60.
18. GOO. F. R-636. Op. 2. D. 62. L. 125, 140.
19. Ibid. L. 22-22B.
20. Ibid. L. 28.
21. Ibid. L. 108.
22. Ibid. L. 116.
23. Ibid. L. 124.
24. Ibid. L. 126.
25. Ibid. L. 138.
26. Ibid. L. 141-141B.
27. Bow. 1928. N 53 (858). 02.03. P. 7.
28. GA RF. ] F. P-8409. Op. 1 d. 247. L. 155B ..

I am grateful to the director of the state archive of the Orenburg region I.A. Jim, head of the reading room of the archive B.A. Melkonan and K.I.N. V.G. Semenov for assistance in the preparation of the article.

* The study was implemented with the financial support of the Russian Foundation for Fundamental Research under the project N 17-81-01022 A (C) "The history of the civil war in Russia 1917-1922 in the documents of the Russian army officers."

In January, it is a hundred years since the adoption by the organizational bureau (Organizing Bureau) of the RCP (b) of the so-called "Circular Letter of the Central Committee on Cossacks" ("To all responsible comrades working in Cossack region").

The document was adopted on January 24, 1919. This ambiguous document acted less than two months, until March 16, 1919, when his action was suspended. In modern bourgeois propaganda, this "Circular Letter" is widely used to injected anti-Soviet moods in historical areas of the Cossacks, first of all, on Don. Therefore, it is important to know why this document was adopted, as he was expressed, and why his action was canceled.

The bourgeois anti-communist propaganda in every way is sophisticated, trying to portray the "circular letter" as a certain directive, the leading course "Cossack genocide" on the ethnic principle. In publications on this topic, propagandists compete in Solzhenitsyn style - who will call a greater number of Cossacks, "shot by the Bolsheviks". True, it is not clear - if the Bolsheviks carried out the "genocide" of the Cossacks, then where did people call themselves with the Cossacks? And why, if there was a "genocide", then the Bolsheviks who won in the Civil War did not shoot the ancestors of these people?

The appeal "To all responsible comrades ..." was adopted by the Organization, led by J. Sverdlov, which gives a reason to some publicists to argue that he was the author of the document. However, Sverdlov by 1919 held a number of posts and signed a lot of documents. The topic of treatment of the Cossacks has never been his topic. In fact, the authors of the "Circular Letter" remained unknown. The versions are expressed that the text of the document could be developed in the Commissariat of Military and Maritime Affairs. However, most historians are inclined that it was prepared in the Donburo bureau (b) (b) and adopted in the Organizing Department of Donets. The Orgburo itself consisted of three people - Sverdlov, M. Vladimir and N. Krestinsky.

In modern publications, they love to quote the first point of the letter: "Conduct a mass terror against the rich Cossacks, having destroyed them; To hold a merciless mass terror in relation to all the Cossacks who have taken any direct or indirect participation in the fight against the Soviet government. To the Middle Costaxia, it is necessary to apply all those measures that are guaranteed from any attempts on his part to new performances against Soviet power. "

Thus, in the document, we are talking about the fight against rich and fought against the councils of the Cossacks. Quoting this item, the anti-Sovers' propagandists immediately begin with foam at the mouth to say: here you see, here you see, this is the order to kill the Cossacks ... that the document speaks to the destruction of "rich Cossacks", and not medium or poor, try not to pay Attention, whining the essence.

The document said that the Middle Casual "It is necessary to apply all those measures that are guaranteed from any attempts on his part to new performances." Measures are not specified, and it is obvious that the measures were assumed to be different. But modern liars do not notice this, repeating: "... terror, terror ...". Some pisaki understand that the arguments are not enough and falsify the document by adding a particle "same" into the text. It turns out: "To the Middle Casual, it is necessary to apply all the same measures ...". So trying to convince that the Soviet government did not make the difference between the rich and medium Cossacks. But fortunately, there are in the open access of the photocopy of the "circular letters", which expose the flag.

The existence of the poor Cossacks who supported the Soviet power and themselves fought for her with weapons in their hands, and, accordingly, did not relate to enemies - rich Cossacks, nor the fluctuating Middle Cossacks, modern Writes do not remember at all. A strange some picture of "Genocide" is obtained ...

But everything becomes in place, if you remember who today, at the beginning of the XXI century, calls themselves "Cossacks" and draws an informational picture in this topic.

Take for example, a person who occupies the position of the "Ataman of the Military Cossack Society" Verevilkomy Donskoy "" - Viktor Goncharov. ... and find that he is alonging the deputy governor of the Rostov region.

Or take the "Ataman of the Kuban Cossack troops" - Nikolai Did. And immediately find out that he is at the same time the deputy governor of the Krasnodar Territory. And so - throughout the power vertical in modern "Cossacks". His leaders are at the same time - officials, major businessmen, deputies from United Russia ...

Now it is clear why they are the Directive of 1919 on the extermination of the rich Cossacks - the enemies of Soviet power - perceived as a call for "the destruction of the Cossacks". Because they themselves - "Rich Cossacks". Few cat, whose meat ate. It is a pity that in the anti-Soviet Vakhanalia, they are trying to draw the ordinary members of the Cossack societies, which "rich Cossacks" are not.

Let us turn to what were the consequences and the results of the action of the "Circular Letter" and why it was due to cancellation. At the beginning of 1919, only the northern part of the Don Region was occupied by the Red Army (Upper Don). The rest of the Don continued to remain in the hands of white (already therefore the Bolsheviks could not arrange a "genocide" of the Cossacks, even if they had such an intention). How many Cossacks were shot as a result of terror? A member of the Don commit RCP (b) S. Riesztsov (the future "right-wing defendant", he himself was shot in 1937) reported: "In the area there were mass executions. There is no accurate digit (over 300). The mood of the Cossack population from the very beginning was suppressed, but the opposition. The outlined plot was revealed, the participants are shot. The terror hurts the opposition of the 8th Army. "

Thus, the number of executable amounted to about 300 people. The "genocide" clearly does not pull. The fact that the January Directive of the Organization, who made a bid on terror, actually gave the course of the fields in the field. The northern part of the Don region was occupied by the Red Army parts, which consisted mainly from the Red Army peasants who did not feel friendliness to the Cossacks. In memory there were still events of 1905, when the Cossack parts, faithful king, mercilessly suppressed the peasant uprisings. Seen the Red Army and the cruelty of the Belocazakov in relation to the peasant population on the Don during the civil war. The retaliatory hatred of peasants to the Cossacks gave the soil for abuse and led to unnecessary repression to the Cossack population. But, as we see from the report of Syrzov, then the leadership of the 8th Army prevented the conduct of unnecessary terror measures. The item of the Directive on Terror "In relation to all the Cossacks who took ... participation in the fight against Soviet power" was generally absurd and impartially, because in 1918, a significant number of Cossacks were transferred to the Red Army, who had previously fought on the white side - sometimes passed with whole shelves .

Nevertheless, the gentlemen in the field, together with the White Guard agitation, who ruined the Cossacks by the coming "horrors of Bolshevism," led to the fact that on March 11, 1919, the anti-Soviet rebellion broke out in the north of Don.

The situation was analyzed in Moscow, the Soviet government. On March 16, the Plenum of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) with the participation of V.I. Lenina and I.V. Stalin. The plenum decided that the Organization Resolution was "impossible for the Don Cossacks" and suspended the "application of measures against the Cossacks", actually canceled the action of the "Circular Letter". The inflection was liquidated.

Today, bourgeois propaganda in every way exaggerates the consequences of the "circular letter" (operating less than two months), attributing the "cruelty" to the Bolsheviks, but does not want to notice the real whitings of White Guards, the reaction to which was, including the Directive. Meanwhile, it is the actions of whites - both towards the Cossacks who supported the Soviet power and in relation to the peasant people ("non-resident") are subject to the definitions of genocide.

In 1918, during the Board of the White General Krasnova, the real policy of "scattering" was held on Don, when the Cossacks accused of sympathies for the Soviets were excluded from the Cossack class. Exception meant exile from the territory of the Cossack region. According to the calculations of historians, such an exile, according to "Stanny sentences," over 30 thousand Cossacks were subjected.

Exile is subject to the peasant population not conquered white. Let's turn to the documents themselves of the White Guards. On August 29, 1918, General Krasnov wrote an order about the situation in the White "1st Don Plastunsk Division", recruited from the peasants. In the division, revolutionary campaign was discovered. In response to this, the White General ordered "the families of all listed perpetrators to immediately send beyond the limits of the Verevikov Donskoy, and the property of the last confiscate." "In the event of repeating these sad phenomena, I disband the parts of the peasants with all further consequences for them, that is, the eviction of families from the troops," the general threatened.

Such threats about the expulsion of the non-price population of Krasnov repeated November 6, 1918 against the residents of the Taganrog district, which rushing mobilization into the White Army. "I warn the inhabitants of the Taganrog district that if they do not recover from Bolshevism to the future set and they will not give the army of the healthy and honest contingent of recruits, then all those families in which the rags are soldiers or who are evade the supply of recruits, will be deprived of land rights: The Earth and property will be selected in the army, land and property will be transferred to Don Defenders, and they themselves will be sent out of the troops of the troops. Let those who are not bothering these unsuitable sons of our homeland me requests for mercy towards their elderly parents, wives and small children. Plelevam should not be the place among the rich Niva Donskoy ... "," said the Belogvardeysky leader.

Why is the modern bourgeois propaganda in this case not writes about "genocide"?

In the case where the folk masses rose to open resistance, the White Guards took place with fire and sword. Residents of the village of Stepanovka raised the uprising, shining one Cossack and taking a white officer captured. "For the dead Cossack I order Stepanovka in the village of Stepanovka to hang 10 inhabitants ... for the captivity of the officer to burn the whole village," the head of the headquarters of the White Army, General Denisov, wrote the order on November 10 (October 28, according to the old style).

"Workers are arrested forbidden, but I order to shoot or hang", "I order all the arrested workers to hang on the main street and not to shoot three days," General Denisov, General Denisov from November 23 (November 10, on Stand).

Falling from the plasday of the White Guards, tens of thousands of people have fled along with the retreating red detachments in the summer of 1918. "With the 1st Don Rifle Division, thousands of refugees moved to Tsaritsyn. With the liberation of the Martino-Orlovsky squad, the number of refugees increased to eighty thousand. This huge mass of people moved on foot, on the baudes, in railway echelons. People were brought with her scarce property, cattle chas. He stood the heat, preserved vegetation, over the roads hung clouds with dust with dust. In the area between the wintering and Kotelnikovsky there is no good fresh water, lakes and rivers here, with rare exceptions, bitter-salty. People and animals suffered from painful heat and thirst, chuckled from dust, they were exhausted from hunger. The weak could not stand out, fell and dying either from hunger and thirst, or from widely spread infectious diseases. It was terrible to look at how exhausted people, together with the animals, fell to the dirty, sising every little gnube puddles, near which they were dying ... to stay on the spot meant to die from hunger, nozzle, heat and diseases or being exterminated White Guards, "the red commander wrote in his memoirs , a leaving from the Don Peasants, Semyon Budne.

Is this not a real genocide? ..

The Board of the White Guards on Don and Kuban, in the Urals and in Siberia in 1918 - 1919, demonstrated who is who in the Civil War: convincingly showed that white, the owners of capitalists and landowners, - the enemies of the work person, be it a Cossack or a peasant.

On February 29, 1920, the first All-Russian Congress of Labor Cossacks opened in Moscow. The congress adopted a resolution in which he emphasized the need to strengthen the unity of workers, peasants and labor Cossacks. Thus, the Cossacks who, for coercion, or in the dark were fought on the side of the White, was offered an amnesty in the case of passing. Lenin appeared at the congress, who said that the difficulties of the civil war "were rallied by workers and forced the peasants and labor Cossacks" to go for the "truth Bolsheviks".

In 1920, the White Generals were finally crushed. The completion of the Civil War opened the people's masses in the south of Russia, including the Cossack population, the road to the construction of a new society.

· Cossacks in civil war. Part I.

· 1918. The birth of a white movement.·

The reasons why the Cossacks of all the Cossack regions in the bulk rejected the ideas of Bolshevism and joined them into the open struggle, and completely in unequal conditions, not quite clear and constitute a riddle for many historians. After all, the Cossacks in everyday life were the same farmers, like 75% of the Russian population, carried the same state burials, if not more, and were under the same administrative control of the state. With the beginning of the revolution, the coming after the renunciation of the sovereign, the Cossacks within the regions and in front parts were experiencing various psychological stages. During the February rebellious movement in Petrograd, the Cossacks occupied a neutral position and remained with third-party audience of the exhausted events. Cossacks saw that in the presence of significant armed forces in Petrograd, the government not only does not use them, but also strictly prohibits the use of them against rebels. During the previous insurgency in 1905-1906, the Cossack troops were the main armed force that restored order in the country, as a result, in public opinion they deserve the contemptant title of "Nagains" and "Tsarist Satrapov and Ochrichnikov".

Therefore, the Cossacks of the Cossacks rising in the capital of Russia were inert and provided to the government to address the question of guiding about the forces of other troops. After rendered the sovereign and entry into the Office of the Term Government, the Cossacks considered the continuity of the rule of law and were ready to support the new government. But gradually, the attitude was changed, and, observing the complete intoleration of power and even the encouragement of different revolutionary excesses, the Cossacks began to gradually move away from the destructive power, and the authoritatives became the instructions of the Council of the Cossack Troops, which operated in Petrograd, chaired by the Ataman of the Orenburg Troow Dutov.

Alexander Ilyich Dutov

Inside the Cossack regions, the Cossacks were also not inxicane from revolutionary freedoms and, producing some local changes, continued to live in an old, without producing any economic and even more social upheavals. At the front in the military units, the order of the army, which absolutely changing the foundations of the military order, the Cossacks were adopted with bewilderment and continued to maintain order and discipline in parts, most often electing their former commanders and bosses. There were no refusals in the execution of orders and the minimized personal accounts with the team also did not occur. But the voltage gradually increased. The population of the Cossack regions and Cossack parts at the front were actively revolutionary propaganda, which involuntarily had to be reflected in their psychology and made it carefully listen to the invokes and requirements of revolutionary leaders. In the area of \u200b\u200bDonskoy's troops, one of the important revolutionary acts was the displacement of the apparent Ataman Graph Grabbe, replacing his elected Ataman of Cossack origin by General Kaltedin and the restoration of the convening of public representatives on the military circle, according to the custom, existing with antiquity, to the reign of Emperor Peter I. After that, their lives continued to go without much shocks. The question of relations with the population of non-price, which, psychologically passed the same revolutionary paths as the population of the rest of Russia. At the front among the Cossack military units, there was a powerful propaganda, accused of Ataman Kaltedina in counter-revolutionism and had a well-known success among the Cossacks. The seizure of power by the Bolsheviks in Petrograd was accompanied by a decree addressed to the Cossacks, in which only geographical names changed, and it was promised that the Cossacks will be released from the nest of the generals and severity of military service and equality and democratic freedoms will be established in all. Cossacks against this did not have anything.

The Bolsheviks came to power under anti-war slogans and soon began to fulfill their promises. In November 1917, Sovnarkk suggested all warring countries to begin peaceful negotiations, but the countries of the Entente refused. Then Ulyanov sent a delegation to the Brest Litovsk occupied by the Germans, for separate peace negotiations with delegates of Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey and Bulgaria. The ultimate demands of Germany plunged delegates in shock and caused oscillations even from Bolsheviks who did not differ in particular patriotism, but these conditions accepted Ulyanov. The "Pokhab Brest World" was concluded, according to which Russia lost about 1 million km² of territory, it was obliged to demobilize the army and the fleet, transfer the ships and infrastructure of the Black Sea Fleet to Germany, to pay an end to 6 billion brands, recognize the independence of Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Finland. The hands of Germanians to continue the war in the West were unleashed. In early March, the German army on the entire front began to advance for the occupation of the territories given by the Bolsheviks in a peace treaty. And Germany in addition to the contract announced Ulyanov that Ukraine should be considered the province of Germany, to which Ulyanov also agreed. In this case there is a fact that is not widely known. The diplomatic defeat of Russia in Brest-Litovsk was caused not only to the sale, inconsistency and adventure of petrograd negotiators. The key role here played "Joker". In the group of Contracting Parties, a new partner suddenly appeared - the Ukrainian Central Rada, who, with all the sharpness of its position, after the delegation of Petrograd on February 9 (January 27), he signed a separate peace treaty with Germany in Brest-Litovsk. The next day, the Soviet delegation with the slogan "war is stopped, but we do not sign the world" interrupted negotiations. In response, on February 18, German troops began offensive throughout the front line. At the same time, the German-Austrian side tightened the conditions of the world. Due to the complete inability of the Sovietized Old Army and the advent of the Red Army, to withstand even the limited offensive of the German troops and the need for a respite to strengthen the Bolshevik regime on March 3, Russia also signed the Brest peace treaty. After that, the Germans "independent" Ukraine took the Germans and as closestly poured the petlura "from the throne", settled on him the puppet hetman of the Scorde.

Kaiser Wilhelm II takes a report to P.P. Skopadsky

Thus, shortly before you can go in the fly, the second Reich under the leadership of Kaizer Wilhelm II seized Ukraine and Crimea.

After concluding the Bolsheviks of the Brest World, part of the territory of the Russian Empire turned into the zones of the occupation of central countries. Austro-German troops occupied Finland, Baltic States, Belarus, Ukraine and eliminated tips there. The Allies vigorously followed what was happening in Russia and also tried to ensure their interests connecting them with the former Russia. In addition, in Russia there were up to two million prisoners who could be, with the consent of the Bolsheviks, sent to their countries, and for holding the Entente, it was important to prevent the return of prisoners of war to Germany and Austria-Hungary. To communicate Russia with allies, ports served in the north of Murmansk and Arkhangelsk, in the Far East of Vladivostok. In these ports, large warehouses of property and military equipment delivered by the orders of the Russian government foreigners were concentrated. The accumulated cargo was over a million tons worth up to 2 and a half billion rubles. Loads diligently clenched, including local Revenues. To ensure the safety of goods, these ports allies have been gradually occupied. Since orders imported from England, France and Italy, they were sent through the northern ports, they were engaged in parts of the British in 12 LLC and allies in 11 people. Import from the USA and Japan went through Vladivostok. On July 6, 1918, Anntan declared Vladivostok by the international zone, and the city was busy with the parts of Japan in 57,000 and parts of other allies at 13,000 people. But they did not overthrow the Bolshevik power. Only on July 29, the power of Bolsheviks in Vladivostok was overthrown by white led by Russian General M. K. Dietershs.

Mikhail Konstantinovich Dietershs.

In the internal policy, the Bolsheviks were issued decrees, destroyed by all public structures: banks, national industry, private property, land ownership, and under the guise of nationalization, simple robbery was often made without any state leadership. In the country, the inevitable devastation began in which the Bolsheviks vinyl bourgeoisie and "rotten intellectuals", and these classes were the most severe terror that bordered with the destruction. Until now, it is impossible to understand that this whole destructive force came to power in Russia, if we consider that the government was seized in the country with a thousand-year history and culture. After all, the same measures, international devastating forces hoped to produce an internal explosion and in france concerning France, translating for this purpose to French banks up to 10 million francs. But France, by the beginning of the twentieth century, has already exhausted its limit on the revolution and are tired of them. Unfortunately of the Delta Revolution, there were forces in the country, who managed to solve insidious and far-reaching plans of the leaders of the proletariat and resist them.

One of the main reasons to make the Bolsheviks to make a coup, and then pretty quickly seize power in many areas and cities of the Russian Empire, was supported by numerous replacement and training battalions, who did not want to go to the front. It was the promise of Lenin's immediate termination of the war with Germany who predetermined the transition of the Russian Army to the side of the Bolsheviks during the Kerenischina, which provided them with victory. In most areas of the country, the establishment of the Bolshevik authorities has passed quickly and peacefully: out of 84 provincial and other major cities only in fifteen Soviet power established as a result of the armed struggle. Having adopted on the second day of staying "Decree of the world" of the Bolsheviks provided the "triumphal procession of Soviet power" in Russia from October 1917 to February 1918.

"Decree about the world" in the trenches

The relations of the Cossacks and rulers of the Bolsheviks were determined by the decrees of the Union of Cossack troops and the Soviet government. On November 22, 1917, the Union of Cossack troops presented a decree in which the Soviet government informed that:

Cossacks are not looking for anything and does not require anything outside the limits of their areas. But, guided by the democratic principles of self-determination of nations, it will not tolerate in its territories of other power, except for the People, formed by the free agreement of local nationalities without any external and extraneous influence.

The sending of punitive detachments against the Cossack regions, in particular against Don, will bring a civil war on the outskirts, where there is an energetic work on the waters of public order. This will cause a traffic disorder, will be an obstacle to the delivery of goods, coal, oil and steel to the cities of Russia and worsen the food case, leading to the disorder of the resident of Russia.

Cossacks oppose any introduction of foreign troops in the Cossack region without the consent of the military and regional Cossack governments.

In response to the peaceful declaration of the Union of Cossack troops, the Bolsheviks were issued decree to open hostilities against the south, who said:

Based on the Black Sea Fleet, to conduct weapons and the organization of the Red Guard to occupy a Donetsk coal region.
- From the north of the head of the commander-in-chief to move the prefabricated detachments to the south to the original items: Gomel, Bryansk, Kharkov, Voronezh.
The most active part move from the Zhmerinka area to the East for the occupation of the Donbass. This decret was created by the germ of the fratricidal civil war of Soviet government against the Cossack regions. For the existence, the Bolsheviks are acutely necessary for Caucasian oil, Donetsk coal and bread of southern colors.

The resulting mass hunger pushed Soviet Russia towards the rich south. At the disposal of the Don and Kuban governments, there was no sufficient for the protection of areas of well-organized and sufficient forces. People who returned from the front did not want to fight, sought to dispay along the villages, and the young Cossacks-Frontoviki entered the open struggle with the old men. In many villages, this struggle acquired a fierce character, there were violent reprisals on both sides. But there were a lot from the front of the Cossacks, they were well armed and the gorlasts, had a combat experience, and in most villages the victory remained behind the front young people, strongly infected by Bolshevism. Already soon it turned out that in the Cossack regions, durable parts can be created only on the basis of volunteering. To maintain order on Don and Kuban, their governments were used by the detachments consisting of volunteers: students, cadets, junkers and junior. To form such voluntary (the Cossacks are called partisan) parts, many Cossack officers volunteered, but in the headquarters this business was badly established. Permission to form such detachments was given almost to everyone asking. There were many adventurers, even the robbers, which for the purpose of profit simply robbed the population

However, the main threat to the Cossack regions were the shelves returned from the front, since many of the returned were infected with Bolshevism. The formation of volunteer red Cossack parts also began immediately after coming to power of the Bolsheviks. At the end of November 1917, at a meeting of representatives of the Cossack parts of the Petrograd Military District, it was decided to create revolutionary detachments from the Cossacks of the 5th Cossack Division, 1, 4 and the 14th Don Regiments and send them to Don, Kuban and Terek to defeat the counterrevolution and establishing the Soviet authorities. In January 1918, the Congress of Front Cossacks was gathered in Stanitsa, with the participation of delegates from 46 Cossack regiments. The congress acknowledged Soviet power and created Donvoenrevsky, who declared the war Ataman of the troops of the Don General A.M. Kaluedin, speaking against the Bolsheviks. Among the team composition of the Don Cossacks, two headquarters, military elders of Golubov and Mironov were supporters of Bolshevik ideas, and Golubov's nearest employee was subhovels. In January 1918, the 32nd Don Cossack Regiment returned to the Don from the Romanian Front. Choosing its commander of the military elder F.K. Mironova, the regiment supported the establishment of Soviet power, and decided not to disperse at home until the counter-revolution was defeated led by Ataman Kaluedin. But the most tragic role in Donu played by Golubov, who took Novocherkassk in two regiments of the Cossacks in February, dismissed the meeting of the military circle, arrested after the death of General Kaltedina as an Ataman of the army of General Nazarov and shot it. After a short time, this "hero" of the revolution was targeted by the Cossacks directly at the rally, and the subwers, who had a large amount of money, was captured by the Cossacks and he had been suspended. The fate of Mironov was also tragic. He managed to captivate a significant number of Cossacks, with whom they fought on the side of the Red, but, not satisfied with the orders of them, decided to move to the Cossacks to the side of the battle don. Mironov was red arrested, sent to Moscow, where he was shot. But it will be later. In the meantime, the Great Non-Checker was on Don. If the Cossack population also hesitated, and only in part of the villages, the prudent voice of old people took the advantage, then the whole elogeneral population fell on the side of the Bolsheviks. The non-resident population in the Cossack regions has always jealously envied the Cossacks that own a large number of land. Being for the side of the Bolsheviks, the nonresident hoped to take part in the share of officers, landlords of the Cossack lands.

Other armed forces in the south were the detachments of the formable voluntary army located in Rostov. On November 2, 1917, General Alekseev arrived at Don, he filed in connection with Ataman Kaluedin and asked him permission to form volunteers' detachments on Don. The purpose of General Alekseeva was to take advantage of the southeastern base of the Armed Forces to collect the remaining persistent officers, junkers, old soldiers and organize the army of them necessary for the watervation of order in Russia. Despite the complete lack of funds, Alekseyev is hotly for business. On the baroque street, the premises of one of the lazarets was turned into an officer hostel, which became the cradle of volunteering.

Soon the first donation was obtained, 400 rubles. This all that in November was allocated Russian society to his defenders. But people went just to Don, having no idea that they would be expected to feel, in darkness, through the solid Bolshevik Sea. They walked there, where the age-old traditions of Cossack Wolitsa and the names of the leaders, whom People's Solva tied with Don. Exhausted, hungry, torn off, but not fallen by the Spirit. December 6 (19), disguised as a peasant, with a sublayed passport arrived by the railway to Don General Kornilov. He wanted to go to the Volga, and from there to Siberia. He considered it more correct that General Alexeyev remained in the south of Russia, and he would have given the opportunity to work in Siberia. He argued that in this case they would not interfere with each other and he would be able to organize a big deal in Siberia. He rushed to the square. But representatives of the National Center representatives who came to Novocherkassk from Moscow insisted that Kornilov remained in the south of Russia and worked together with Caledin and Alekseev. Agreement was concluded between which General Alekseev was concluded with all financial and political issues, General Kornilov assumed the organization and command of the Volunteer Army, General Kalden continued the formation of the Don Army and the management of Donors' troops. Kornilov believed little in the success of work in the south of Russia, where they will have to create a white case in the territories of the Cossack troops and depend on the military atamans. He spoke like this: "Siberia I know, I believe in Siberia, you can put it wide there. Here one Alekseev will easily cope with the case. " The rootilov on the whole soul and heart rushed into Siberia, wanted to be released and the work on the formation of the volunteer army treated without much interest. The fears of Cornilov that he will have friction and misunderstandings with Alekseev, and were justified from the first days of their collaboration. Forced leaving Kornilov in the south of Russia was a big political mistake of the National Center. But they believed that if Kornilov would leave, then many volunteers will go behind him and the case started in Novocherkassk may fall apart. The formation of Dobrommy advanced slowly, on average, 75-80 volunteers were recorded a day. The soldier was not enough, the officers, junckers, students, cadets and high school gymnasists were recorded mainly. Weapons in the Don warehouses were not enough, it was necessary to select him from soldiers traveling around the houses, who were held through Rostov and Novocherkassk military echelons, or buy through the buyers in the same echelons. The lack of funds is extremely difficult. The formation of the Don Parts has moved even worse.

The generals of Alekseev and Kornilov understood that the Cossacks do not want to go for the order of order in Russia, but they were confident that the Cossacks would protect their lands. However, the situation in the Cossack regions of the south-east turned out to be much more complicated. The shelves returned from the front in the events occurring were completely neutral, even showed a tendency to Bolshevism, stating that the Bolsheviks did not do anything bad.

In addition, inside the Cossack regions, a heavy struggle against the non-resident population was carried out, and in Kuban and Terek also against the mountaineers. At the disposal of military officers, there was an opportunity to use well-trained teams of young Cossacks who were preparing to be sent to the front, and arrange the call of regular ages of young people. General Kalin could have supported in this from the old men and front-line who said: "We have served our own, now others should call." The formation of Cossack Youth Cossacks could give up to 2-3 divisions, which in those days it was enough to maintain order on Don, but it was not done. At the end of December, representatives of the British and French Military Missions arrived in Novocherkassk.

They asked what was done that it was planned to be done, after which they stated that they could help, but so far only money, in the amount of 100 million rubles, tranche 10 million per month. The first pay was expected in January, but it was not obtained, and then the situation completely changed. The initial funds for the formation of Dobromately were made of donations, but they were meager, mainly due to the unimaginable for these circumstances of greed and stomping of the Russian bourgeoisie and other developers. It should be said that the appeal and the firmware of the Russian bourgeoisie is simply legendary. Back in 1909, during the discussion in the State Duma on the issue of Kulacia, P.A. Stolypin uttered prophetic words. He said: "... no more greedy and unscrupulous fist and bourgeois than in Russia. Not by chance in Russian in the course of the phrase "Kulak-Mirohed and Bourgeoi-Mirohed". If they do not change the type of their social behavior, we are waiting for big shocks ... ". He looked like in the water. Social behavior they have not changed. Almost all white motion organizers indicate the low utility of their appeals for material assistance to property classes. Nevertheless, by mid-January, it turned out a small (about 5 thousand people), but a very combat and strong volunteer army in morally. Sovnarkom demanded issuance or overclocking volunteers. Kalled and the circle answered: "There is no don issue!" The Bolsheviks, to eliminate counter-revolutionaries, began to turn into the area of \u200b\u200bDon faithful parts from the Western and Caucasian fronts. They began to threaten Don from the Donbass, Voronezh, Trade and Tikhoretsky. In addition, the Bolsheviks strengthened control on railways and the influx of volunteers sharply decreased. At the end of January, the Bolsheviks occupied Bataysk and Taganrog, on January 29, the equestrian parts moved from Donbass to Novocherkassk. Don was defenseless before red. Ataman Kalidin was confused, did not want bloodshed and decided to transfer his authority to the city Duma and democratic organizations, and then committed life to the heart. It was a sad, but a regular one of its activities. The first Don Circle gave Pernast to the electoral Ataman, but did not give him power.

The head of the region was delivered to the military government from 14 seniors chosen from each district. Their meetings wore the nature of the provincial Duma and did not leave any trace in the history of the Don. On November 20, the Government appealed to the population with a very liberal declaration, convening on December 29, the Cossack and Peasant Passenger Congress for the Arrangement of the Don Region. In early January, a coalition government was created on a parity basis, 7 seats were provided to the Cossacks, 7 non-resident. Attracting the government of the demarines-intellectuals and revolutionary democracy finally led to paralysis of power. Ataman Kaltedina ruined his confidence in the Don Peasants and Nonorod, his famous "parity". He failed to glue the heterogeneous pieces of the population of the Don region. Don, with him, split into two camps, Cossacks and the Don Peasants, together with nonresident workers and artisans. The last minor exceptions were with the Bolsheviks. Don Peasantry, which made up 48% of the population of the region, carried away by the broad widescams of the Bolsheviks, was not satisfied with the activities of the Don authority: the introduction of zemstvo in the peasant districts, the involvement of peasants to participate in the Stanic self-government, their wide acceptance of them in the Cossack estate and endowed with three million ten citizens of landlord land. Under the influence of the progress of the socialist element, the Don Peasantry required the general section of the entire Cossack land. Numerically, the smallest working medium (10-11%) was concentrated in the most important centers, was the most restless and did not hide their sympathies to the Soviet power. The revolutionary-democratic intelligentsia did not resulted in its former psychology and with an amazing blinding continued the devastating policy, which led to the death of democracy in a long-term scale. The Menshevik and Social University Block reigned in all peasant, non-resident congresses, all sorts of thought, councils, trade unions and inter-party meetings. There was not a single meeting, where resolutions would have been submitted to the distrust of Ataman, the government and the circle, protests against the adoption of measures against anarchy, criminal and banditry.

They preached neutrality and reconciliation with the force that openly announced: "Who is not with us, the one against us." In cities, workers' villas and peasant closures of the uprising against the Cossacks did not subside. Attempts to put the divisions of workers and peasants in the Cossack shelves ended with a disaster. They changed the Cossacks, went to the Bolsheviks and took the Cossack officers on flour and death with them. The war acquired the character of class struggle. Cossacks defended their Cossack rights from Don workers and peasants. The death of Ataman Kaltedin and the occupation by the Bolsheviks of Novocherkassk ends in the south of the Great War period and the transition to civil war.

Alexey Maksimovich Kalten

On February 12, the Bolshevik detachments occupied Novocherkassk and the military foreman of Golubov in "Gratitude" for the fact that General Nazarov once saved him from prison, shot a new Ataman. Having lost all hope to keep Rostov, on the night of 9 (22) of February, Dobromia from 2500 fighters left the city on Aksai, and then moved to Kuban. After the establishment of the Bolshevik authorities in Novocherkassk began the terror. Cossack parts were prudently scattered throughout the city by small groups, the domination in the city turned out to be in the hands of non-resident and Bolsheviks. On suspicion of connections with Dobromoye, merciless executions of officers were made. The robbery and the bulges of the Bolsheviks forced the Cossacks to alert, even the Cossacks of Golubovsky regiments took the expectant position.

In the villages where the power was captured by the nonresident and the Don Peasants, the executive committees began to section of the Cossack lands. These existences soon called the uprising of the Cossacks in the villages adjacent to Novocherkassk. The head of the red on Don of the heights and the head of the punitive detachment of Antonov fled to Rostov, then were caught and executed. The occupation of Belocazaki in April Novocherkasska coincided with the occupation of the Germans Rostov, and the return of the Volunteer Army to the Don Region. But from 252 villages of Donskoy donors only 10 were released from the Bolsheviks. The Germans firmly occupied Rostov and Taganrog and the whole western part of the Donetsk district. Bavarian cavalry's advanced ones stood in 12 versts from Novocherkasska. Under these conditions, four main tasks stood before Don:

Immediately convene a new circle, in which only delegates of liberated villages were able to take part

Establish relations with the German authorities, find out their intentions and agree with them to recreate the Don Army

Establish relationships with a volunteer army.

On April 28, the general meeting of the Don Government and delegates from the villages and military units participated in the exile of the Soviet troops from the Don Region. The composition of this circle could not have a claim to solve issues for the whole army, why and limited himself to the work of the organization of the struggle for the liberation of Don. The meeting decided to declare himself with a circle of don's salvation. It was 130 people. Even at the Democratic Don it was the most popular assembly. The circle was called gray, because it did not have intelligentsia. The cowardic intelligentsia was sitting at this time in the cellars and basements, shaking his life or had done to the commissars, recording on the service on the tips or trying to get into innocent institutions for education, food and finance. She was not before the elections in this troubled time, when voters and deputies risked their heads. The circle was chosen without a party struggle, it was not before. The circle was chosen and were elected exclusively to the Cossacks, who passionately wanted to save their native don and were ready for this and life to give. And it was not empty words, because after the election, sending their delegates, the electors themselves disassembled weapons and went to save Don. This circle did not have a political physiognomy and had one goal - to save the Don from the Bolsheviks, by all means and at any cost. He was truly folk, meek, wise and business. And this gray, from shine and cloth cloth, that is, a truly democratic, the circle saved the people's mind of Don. Already by the time of the convening of a full military circle on August 15, 1918, the Don land was cleared of the Bolsheviks.

The second urgent task for Don was to resolve relations with the Germans, occupied by Ukraine and the western part of the Don Troops. Ukraine also claimed the Donbass, Taganrog and Rostov occupied by Germans. Attitude towards the Germans and to Ukraine were the most acute issue, and on April 29, the circle decided to send to the Germans to Kiev the plenipotentiary embassy in order to clarify the reasons for their appearance on the territory of Don. Negotiations were held in calm conditions. The Germans stated that they were not going to occupy the area and promised to clear the busy stages, which was soon fulfilled. On the same day, the circle decided about the organization of this army, not from partisans, volunteers or warriors, and obeying laws and discipline. That, around and about what was trampled almost a year Ataman Kalin with his government and the circle, consisting of tallery-intellectuals, the gray circle of rescue Don shaved at two meetings. Another Don Army was only in the project, and the command of the Volunteer Army had already wanted to dive to themselves. But the circle clearly and specifically answered: "The Supreme Command by all without exception by military forces, operating on the territory of the Don Troops, should belong to the military ataman ...". Such an answer did not satisfy Denikin, he wanted in the face of Don Cossacks to have great replenishment by people and material part, and not to have a "allied" army. The circle worked intensively, the meetings went in the morning and in the evening. He was in a hurry to restore order and was not afraid of reproaches in the desire to return to the old regime. On May 1, the circle decided: "Unlike Bolshevik gangs, which no external signs of differences are worn, all parts involved in the protection of don, immediately take their military species and dining straps and other signs of differences." On May 3, as a result of a closed vote with 107 votes (13 against, 10 abstained), the Major General P.N. was elected military ataman. Krasnov. General Krasnov did not accept this election before the circle accepts the laws that he considers it necessary to introduce a Donskoy in the troops to be able to fulfill the tasks supplied by him around. Krasnov said in a circle: "Creativity has never been the lot of the team. Madonna Rafael created Raphael, and not the artist committee ... You are the owners of the land of the Don, I am your manager. The whole thing in trust. If you trust me, you accept the laws offered by me, if you do not accept them, then you do not trust me, you are afraid that I use power, you are given to the harm. Then we are not talking about. Without your complete trust, I can not rule the army. " To the question of one of the members of the circle, whether he cannot suggest something to change or remake in the laws offered by Ataman, Krasnov replied: "You can. Articles 48,49.50. You can offer any flag except red, any emblem except the Jewish five-pointed star, any hymn except internationally ... ". Already the next day, the circle examined all the laws proposed by Ataman, and accepted them. The circle restored the ancient Dopeprovsky title "Verevilika Donskoy Donskoye". The laws were almost a complete copy of the basic laws of the Russian Empire, with the difference that the rights and prerogatives of the emperor moved to ... Ataman. And then it was not for sublimation.

Before the eyes of the circle of rescue, Done were bloody ghosts shot by Ataman Kaltedin and shot ataman Nazarova.

Anatoly Mikhailovich Nazarov

Don lay in the wreckage, he was not only destroyed, but fucked by the Bolsheviks, and the German horses drank the water of a quiet Don, sacred for the Cossacks of the River. This was the work of previous circles, with the decrees of which Kalden and Nazarov fought, but could not win, because they had no power. But these laws created ataman many enemies. As soon as the Bolsheviks were expelled, the intelligentsia hiding in the cellars and the codings came out and arranged a liberal howl. These laws and Denikin did not satisfy, who saw in them the desire for self-sufficiency. On May 5, the circle was ruined, and Ataman remained alone to rule the army. In the same evening, his adjutant Esaul Holgavov went to Kiev with his own letters to the hetman Scopadian and Emperor Wilhelm. The result of the letter was that on May 8, a German delegation appeared to Ataman, with a statement that the Germans in relation to the Don, no conquering goals persecute and leave Rostov and Taganrog, as soon as they see that in the Don region a full order was restored in the Don region. On May 9, Krasnov met with the Kuban Ataman Filimonov and the delegation of Georgia, and on May 15 in the village of Manic with Alexeyev and Denikin. The meeting revealed deep discrepancies of Don Ataman and the command of Dobramia, both in tactics and in the strategy of combating Bolsheviks. The goal of the Cossacks of the Cossacks was exemption from the Bolsheviks of the Land of the Don Troops. They did not have any intentions to lead the war outside of their territory.

Ataman Krasnov Peter Nikolaevich

By the time of the occupation of Novocherkassk and the election of the Ataman around the rescue of Don, all the armed forces consisted of six hiking and two horse shelves of different numbers. The younger officers were from the villages and were good, but in the hundredth and regimental commanders felt a flaw. Having survived during the revolution a lot of insults and humiliation, many senior chiefs first had distrust of the Cossack movement. The Cossacks are dressed in their half-day dress, lack boots. Up to 30% were dressed in fusions and lapties. Most wore straps, on caps and dads all worn white stripes to distinguish from the Red Guard. The discipline was fraternal, officers ate with the Cossacks from one boiler, because they most often had relatives. Headquarters were small, for economic purposes in the shelves there were several public figures from the villages who solved all the rear questions. The battle was played. Tops and fortifications did not build. The Shant tool was not enough, and the Natural Lena was abused by the Cossacks. Tactic was simple. At dawn, the onset of liquid chains began. At this time, the intricate route was moving by a coating column to the flank and rear to the enemy. If the enemy was ten more, it was considered normal for the offensive. As soon as a bypass column appeared, the Reds began to retreat and then the Cossacks of Cornia rushed to them with a wild, gingerbread soul, overthrowed and captured. Sometimes the battle began with the fictional retreat of the wool for twenty (this is an old Cossack Ventern).

Red rushed to persecute, and at this time, bypass columns were closed behind them and the enemy turned out to be in a fire bag. Tactic Colonel Piecers with shelves in 2-3 thousand people threw and took captivity of the Red Guard's whole divisions of 10-15 thousand people with interspersions and artillery. Cossack custom demanded that officers go ahead, therefore their losses were very high. For example, putting General Mamantov was three times wounded and everything in chains.

In the attack of the Cossacks were merciless, they were also merciless to the prisoners of the Red Guards. Particularly harsh were to the prisoners of the Cossacks, who were considered to be denitimized Don. Thedy's father, it happened, sentenced his son to death and did not want to say goodbye to him. It happened and vice versa. At this time, the echelons of the Red Forces who fled to the east continued to move along the territory of Don. But in June, the railway line was cleared of red, and in July, after the expulsion of the Bolsheviks from the Hawa District, the entire territory of Don was released from the Red Cossacks themselves.

In other Cossack areas, the situation was not easier than on Don. A particularly difficult position was among the Caucasian tribes, where the Russian population was scattered. North Caucasus raged. The fall in the central authorities caused a more serious shock here than anywhere. Related tsarist power, but not an invented age-old retail and not forgetting old disorded, the heated population was waging. The Russian element united his element, about 40% of the population consisted of two equal groups, TERSK Cossacks and nonresident. But these groups were separated by social conditions, reduced their land accounts and could not oppose the Bolshevik danger of unity and strength. As far as Ataman Karaulov was alive, several terrestrial regiments were preserved and some ghost of power. On December 13, at the station of the cool crowd of soldiers-Bolsheviks on the orders of the Vladikavkazovsky Council, Ataman carved, drove into a distant deadlock and opened fire on the carriage. Karaulov was killed. In fact, the power passed to local advice and gangs of the Caucasian Front Soldiers, which flowed from the Transcaucasus continuous flow and, without being able to penetrate further, in native places, in view of the complete blockage of the Caucasian highways, settled as a locust in the Terek-Dagestan region. They terrorized the population, put new advice or hired to serve to existing, bringing fear everywhere, blood and destruction. This stream served as the most powerful conductor of Bolshevism, who had embraced the non-resident of the Russian population (because of the thirst for the Earth), which hurt the Cossack intelligentsia (due to the thirst for power) and embarrassed strongly terrestrial Cossacks (because of the fear of "go against the people"). As for the mountaineers, they were extremely conservative in their own way of life, in which social and land inequality was very poorly reflected. Faithfully faithfully and traditions, they were managed by their national advice and were alien to the ideas of Bolshevism. But the mountaineers quickly and willingly perceived the applied side of the central skills and intensified violence and robbery. By disarmament of the passing military echelons, they had a lot of weapons and ammunition. On the basis of the Caucasus Native Corps, they formed national military formations.

Cossacks of Russia

After the death of Ataman Karaulova, the unbearable struggle with the filling areas of the Bolsheviks and exacerbation of controversial issues with neighbors - Kabardians, Chechens, Ossetians, Ingush - the Teress army was turned into a republic, which was part of the RSFSR. Quantitatively, the terrestrial Cossacks in the Teresk region were 20% of the population, nonresident - 20%, Ossetians - 17%, Chechens - 16%, Kabardians - 12% and Ingush - 4%. The most active among other peoples were the most small - Ingush, putting a strong and excellent armed detachment. They robbed everyone and kept Vladikavkaz in constant fear, which in January captured and plundered. When, on March 9, 1918, the Soviet government was established in Dagestan, as well as Terek, the Soviet authority was established to break the Teress Cossacks, destroying its special advantages. In the village, the armed expeditions of the horses were sent, robbery, violence and murders were made, the lands took place and passed the Ingusham and Chechens. In this complex setting, the Teress Cossacks fell in spirit. While the mountain peoples created their armed forces by improvisation, the natural Cossack army, which had 12 well-organized regiments, was deployed, diverged and disarmed at the request of the Bolsheviks. However, the revenues of the red led to the fact that on June 18, 1918, the uprising of the Terech Cossacks under the leadership of Bherchekov. Cossacks are defeated by the red troops and block their remnants in Grozny and Kizlyar. On July 20, the Cossacks were convened in Mozdok, which decided to armed speaking against Soviet power. The ternts were established with the command of the Volunteer Army, the TERS Cossacks created a combat detachment to 12,000 people at 40 guns and resolutely began to fight the Bolsheviks.

Orenburg army under the authorities of Ataman Dutova, the first declared independence from the authorities of the Soviets, the first and exposed to the invasion of the units of workers and red soldiers who began robbery and repression. Veteran Combating Councils Orenburg Cossack General I.G. Akulinin recalled: "The stupid and tough policy of the Bolsheviks, they are nothing covered with hatred of the Cossacks, abuse of the Cossack shrines and, especially, bloody violence, details, contribution and robbery in the village - all this has discovered the eyes to the essence of Soviet power and made the weapon . The Cossacks of the Bolsheviks could not devour anything. Earth Cossacks had, and will - in the form of the widest self-government - they returned to themselves in the first days of the February Revolution. " In the mood of the ordinary and front-line Cossacks gradually occurred a fracture, it continued to actively oppose violence and arbitrariness of the new government. If in January 1918, Ataman Dutin, under the pressure of the Soviet troops, Orenburg left, and he had a barely three hundred active fighters, then on the night of April 4, there was already more than 1,000 Cossacks for sleeping Orenburg, and on July 3 in Orenburg, power again Moved in the hands of Ataman.

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe Ural Cossacks, resistance went more successfully, despite the small number of troops. Uralsk Bolshevik was not busy. The Ural Cossacks since the beginning of the origin of Bolshevism did not accept his ideology and even in March, the local Bolshevik Reviva was disappeared. The main reasons were that among the Urals there were no nonresident, there were a lot of land, and the Cossacks were Old Believers, more strictly kept their religious and moral principles. Cossacks of Asian Russia generally occupied a special position. All of them were few in composition, most of them were historically developed in special conditions by state measures, for the purpose of state necessity, and their historical existence was determined by insignificant deadlines. Despite the fact that these troops did not have firmly established Cossack traditions, lows and skills to the forms of statehood, all of them were hostile to the above-mentioned Bolshevism. In mid-April 1918, from Manchuria in Transbaikal, about 1000 bayonets and a saber against 5.5 thousand in red were switched to the offensive of the troops of Ataman Semenov. At the same time, the uprising of the Trans-Baikal Cossacks began. Semenova's troops came to Chita, but they could not take it right away. Fights between the Cossacks Semenov and the red detachments that consisted mainly of the former political prisoners and prisoners of Hungarians, in Transbaikali walked with varying success. However, at the end of July, the Cossacks defeated with the Red Forces and took the cheat on August 28. Soon the Amur Cossacks knocked the Bolsheviks from their capital Blagoveshchensk, and the Ussuri Cossacks took Khabarovsk. Thus, under the authorities of their Atamans: Zabaikalsky - Semenova, Ussuriysky - Kalmykova, Semirechensky - Annenkova, Uralsky - Tolstov, Siberian - Ivanov, Orenburg - Dutova, Astrakhansky - Prince Tuntyov, they entered into a decisive battle. In the fight against the Bolsheviks, the Cossack region was the struggle exclusively for their lands and law and order, and their actions, according to the definition of historians, wore the character of the war partisan.


A huge role on all over the Siberian railway track was played by the troops of Czechoslovak Legions, formed by the Russian government from prisoners of war and Slovaks, a number of up to 45 LLC. By the beginning of the revolution, the Czech corps stood in the rear of the South-Western Front in Ukraine. In the eyes of Austro-German Legionnaires, as former prisoners of war, were traitors. At the occurrence of Germanians to Ukraine in March 1918, the Czechs had strong resistance to them, but most Chekhov had seen their place in Soviet Russia and wanted return to the European front. According to the Treaty with the Bolsheviks, Echelons of Chekhov were sent towards Siberia to land on the court in Vladivostok and sending them to Europe. In addition to Czechoslovakov, there were many prisoners in Russia, which mostly sympathized in red. With the Hungarian, Czechoslovakov had a centuries-old and tall hostility and a host (as in this regard, not to recall the immortal works of Ya. Gashek). Due to the concerns of the attacks in the path of the Hungarian red parts, the Czechs decisively refused to submit to the order of the Bolsheviks to pass all the weapons why it was decided to dispersed Czech legions. They were divided into four groups with a distance between groups of echelons in 1000 kilometers, so that the echelons with Czechs stretched to the entire Siberia from the Volga to Transbaikalia. Czech legions played a colossal role in the Russian Civil War, since after their insurrection, the fight against the councils was sharply activated.

Czech Legion in the transmission path

Despite the agreements, there were considerable misunderstandings in the relationships of Chekhov, Hungarians and local Revenues. As a result, on May 25, 1918, 4.5 thousand Chekhov rebelled in Mariinsk, on May 26, Hungarians provoked an uprising of 8.8 thousand Chekhov in Chelyabinsk. Then, with the support of Czechoslovak forces, the power of the Bolsheviks was overthrown on May 26 in Novonikolaevsk, on May 29 in Penza, on May 30 in Syzran, on May 31 in Tomsk and Kurgan, June 7 in Omsk, June 8 in Samara and June 18 in Krasnoyarsk. The formation of Russian combat units began in liberated areas. On July 5, Russian and Czech squads occupy Ufa, and on July 25, Yekaterinburg takes. Czechoslovak legionnaires themselves at the end of 1918 begin gradual waste to the Far East. But, participating in the battles in the army of Kolchak, finally finished the departure and go from Vladivostok to France only in early 1920.

Belochoe armored train "Orlik"

In such conditions, the Russian White Movement began in the Volga region and Siberia, not believing the independent actions of the Ural and Orenburg Cossack troops, which began struggle with the Bolsheviks immediately after the arrival of them to power. On June 8, the Committee of the Constituent Assembly (Commuche) was created in the Red Samara liberated. He declared himself a temporary revolutionary authority, which was supposed to spread over the entire territory of Russia, to convey the management of the country legally elected to the founding assembly. The rising population of the Volga region began a successful struggle against the Bolsheviks, but in liberated places the management turned out to be in the hands of the conversion executives of the temporary government. These heirs and participants in destructive activities, forming the government, conducted the same tweaking work. At the same time, Commury created his own armed forces - the People's Army. June 9 in Samara a detachment of 350 people began to command Lieutenant Colonel Kappel. The replenished squad in mid-June takes Syzran, Stavropol Volzhsky (now Togliatti), and also causes a heavy defeat in red near Meleks. On July 21, Cappel takes Simbirsk, defeating the superior forces of the defendant city of the Soviet commander Gaya. As a result, by the beginning of August 1918, the territory of the Constituent Assembly extends from the west to the East to 750 Worst from Syzran to Zlatoust, from the north to South by 500 Worst from Simbirsk to Volsk. On August 7, Cappel's troops, pre-defeating the red river flotilla in the mouth of the Kama, take Kazan. There, they capture part of the golden stock of the Russian Empire (650 million gold rubles in coins, 100 million rubles by credit signs, gold bars, platinum and other values), as well as huge warehouses with weapons, ammunition, medicines, ammunition.

This gave the Samara government a solid financial and material base. With the Take of Kazan, the Academy of General Staff led by General A. I. Andogsky is in full force in the Anti-Bolshevik camp.

Vladimir Oskarovich Kappel

The Government of Industrialists was formed in Yekaterinburg, in Omsk - the Siberian government, in Chita the government of Ataman Semenov, who headed the Trans-Baikal army. Allies dominated Vladivostok. Then, General Croat arrived from Harbin, and the three authorities were already formed: from the allies, General Croat and the Railway Board. Such a fragmentation of the anti-Bolshevik front in the east demanded an association, and a meeting was convened in Ufa to choose a single authoritative state power. The position in parts of the anti-Bolshevik forces was unfavorable. Czechs did not want to fight in Russia and demanded sending them to European fronts against the Germans. There was no confidence in the Siberian government and the people of Komuk in the troops and the people. In addition, the representative of England General NOKS said that the solid government will not be created, shipping from the British will be stopped.

Alfred William Knox

Under these conditions, Admiral Kolchak entered the government and he made a coup and was proclaimed the head of the government and the Supreme Commander with the transfer of all the completeness of power.

In the south of Russia, events developed as follows. After the class of red in early 1918, Novocherkasska, the Volunteer Army retreated to Kuban. During the campaign to Ekaterinodar, the army, carried out all the difficulties of the winter campaign, which was subsequently "Ice campaign", continuously led battles.

Lavr Georgievich Kornilov

After the death of General Kornilov, killed under the Ekaterinodar on March 31 (April 13), the army made his way with a large number of prisoners to the territory of Don, where by that time the Cossacks rebels against the Bolsheviks began to clean their territory. The army only went to May to the conditions that allowed her to relax and replenished for the further fight against the Bolsheviks. Although the relationship of the command of the Volunteer Army to the German army was irreconcilable, it, without having a means of weapons, whorely praying Ataman Krasnova to send weapons, shells and cartridges obtained by him from the German army. Ataman Krasnov, on his colorful expression, receiving military equipment from hostile Germans, washed them into the pure water of Don and passed a part of the voluntary army. Kuban was still busy by the Bolsheviks. In the Kuban, the gap with the center, which in the Don took place due to the crash of the temporary government, occurred earlier and sharper. On October 5, with a decisive protest of the temporary government, the regional Cossack Rada adopted a decree on the selection of the edge into an independent Kuban Republic. At the same time, the right to choose in the authority was granted only to the Cossack, the mountain population and older peasants, that is, almost half of the population of the region was deprived of electoral rights. At the head of the government from the Socialists, the military officer Colonel Filimonov was delivered. Returns between the Cossack and non-resident population took increasingly sharp forms. Against the Rada and Government, not only the non-resident population, but also the front-line Cossacks. Bolshevism came to this mass. The Kuban parts returned from the front did not go war against the government, did not want to fight with the Bolsheviks and did not fulfill the orders of their election power. An attempt to create a government based on "parity" ended with the same paralysis of power. Everywhere, in every village, the village was gathered by the Red Guard from nonresident, the part of the front-line Cossacks was adjacent to them, poorly submitted to the center, but following his politics. These undisciplined, but well-armed and brown gangs have begun to plant the Soviet power, land redistribution, withdrawal of bread surplus and socialization, and simply to the robbery of prosperous Cossacks and the beads of the Cossacks - the persecution of officers, the low-tech intelligentsia, priests, authoritative old people. And above all to disarmament. Decently surprise, with what complete absence of the Cossack Stitsa, shelves and batteries gave their rifles, machine guns, guns. When the village of Yeisk Department was rebelled at the end of April, it was a completely unarmed militia. Cossacks had no more than 10 hundred rifles, the rest were armed with something. Some attached to the long sticks of the daggers or braids, others took the forks, the third ostrich, and others just shovels and axes. Against defenseless stans made punitive detachments with ... Cossack weapons. By early April, all the villages of non-residents and 85 of 87 villages were Bolshevik. But the Bolshevism of the villages was purely external. Often, only the names were changed: Ataman became a commissioner, a stronal approach - the Council, the Stannel Board - the proc.

Where the executive committees were captured by nonresident, there was a sabotage of their solutions, re-selecting every week. There was a stubborn, but passive, without inspiration and lifting, the struggle of the age-old way of the Cossack democracy and life with a new government. There was a desire to preserve the Cossack democracy, but there was no donzer. All this, in addition, was densely involved in the Prokrain separatism of the part of the Cossacks who had Dnipro roots. Standing at the head of Rada, the Prokrainsky leader of Luca Bull said: "Help the volunteer army means to prepare the absorption of Kuban Russia." Under these conditions, Ataman Shkuro gathered the first partisan detachment, located in the Stavropol district, where the Council fastened, activated the struggle and presented to the Council an ultimatum. The uprising of the Kuban Cossacks quickly gained strength. In June 8, the thousandth volunteer army began its second campaign on the Cuban Stolly Restores against the Bolsheviks. This time, the White accompanied luck. General Denikin consistently broke under the white clay and Tikhoretskaya 30 thousandth Army of Kalnin, then in a fierce battle under Ekaterinodar 30 thousandths of Sorokina. On July 21, white occupy Stavropol, and on August 17, Ekaterinodar. Blocked on the Taman Peninsula, 30 thousandth group of red under the command of the Kovtyuha, the so-called "Taman Army", along the coast of the Black Sea, breaks through the Kuban River, where the remains of the broken armies of Kulnin and Sorokina were fled.

Epifan Iovich Kovtyuh

By the end of August, the territory of the Kuban troops is completely cleaned from the Bolsheviks, and the number of the White Army reaches 40 thousand bayonets and a saber. However, enhancing the territory of Kuban, Denikin issued a decree on the name of the Kuban Ataman and the Government, demanding:

Full tension from the Kuban for the speedy release from the Bolsheviks
- All the primary parts of the Military Force Kuban must continue to the Volunteer Army to fulfill national tasks
- In the future, on the part of the liberated Kuban Cossacks, no separatism should be shown.

Such a rough intervention of the command of the Volunteer Army in the internal cases of Cossacks Kuban has affected negatively. General Denikin headed the army, which did not have a certain territory, subject to the people to him and, even worse, political ideology. The commander of the Don Army, General Denisov, even called Volunteers with "Stray Musicians". The ideas of General Denikin were focused on armed struggle. Without sufficient funds for this, General Denikin for the struggle demanded subordination to him by the Cossack regions of Don and Kuban. Don was in better conditions and was not completely connected by the instructions of Denikin.

Anton Ivanovich Denikin

The German army was perceived on Don as a real force that promoted the deliverance from the Bolshevik domination and terror. The Government of Don joined the German command and set up fruitful cooperation. Relations with the Germans poured into a purely business form. A course of the German brand was installed in 75 kopecks of the Don currency, there was a racination of the Russian rifle with 30 cartridges in one of the wheat or rye, other supply agreements were concluded. From the German army through Kiev in the first year and a half was the Don Army: 11,651 rifles, 88 machine guns, 46 different times, 109 thousand artillery shells, 11.5 million rifle cartridges, of which 35 thousand artillery shells were transferred to the Volunteer Army and 3 million rifle cartridges. At the same time, the whole shame of peaceful intercourse with an irreconcilable opponent was located exclusively at Ataman Krasnova. As for the Supreme Command, it could only belong to the Troops Ataman, and before its election - the campaign ataman. This discrepancy led to the fact that Don demanded the return of all the Donations from the Predaroral Army. Relations between Don and Dobramia have become not allied, but relationships of travelers.

In addition to tactics there were great discrepancies in white movement in the strategy, policies and goals of the war. The goal of the Cossack mass was to free his land from the invasion of the Bolsheviks, establish an order in its field and provide the opportunity to the Russian people to arrange their fate at their own request. Meanwhile, the molding of civil war and the organization of the armed forces returned military art in the era of the XIX century. The successes of troops then depended solely on the qualities of the head, who directly managed the troops. The main forces were not scattered by good commander of the XIX century, but were sent to one main goal: to seize the political center of the enemy. With the capture of the center, paralysis of the country's management and war management is complicated. Sovvrkom, who was sitting in Moscow, was in exceptionally difficult conditions that resembled the position of the Moscow Russia XIV-XV centuries, limited to the Oki and Volga rivers. Moscow was cut off from all types of supply, and the objectives of the Soviet rulers were reduced to mining elementary nutrition and a piece of bread. In pathetic calls, the leaders no longer had inventive high motives emanating from the ideas of Marx, they sounded cynically, figuratively and simply, as they sounded once in the speeches of the People's Chief of Pugacheva: "Go, take everything and destroy everyone who gets on your way" . Drug addicts Bronstein (Trotsky) in his speech on June 9, 1918 indicated the goals simple and clear: "Comrades! Among all questions that exciting our hearts, there is one simple question - the question of the bread. Over all the thoughts, one concern is over all the ideals now, one anxiety: how to survive tomorrow. Everyone involuntarily thinks about himself, about his family ... My task is not at all to lead among you only one agitation. We need to seriously talk about the food state of the country. According to our statistics, in 17th, an excess of bread in those places that are producing and exporting bread, there were 882 Puddle LLC. On the other hand, there are areas in the country where their bread is missing.

In one North Caucasus, there are now bread surplus, no less than 140,000,000 puddles: it is also necessary to quench the hunger, you need 15,000 poods per month to the whole country. So count: 140,000,000 poods of surplus, located only in the North Caucasus, may be enough, it became for ten months for the whole country. ... Let each of you now promise to provide an immediate practical assistance to ensuring that we have to establish a hike for bread. " In fact, it was a direct call for robbery. Due to the complete absence of publicity, paralysis of public life and the total fragmentation of the country, the Bolsheviks put forward to the leadership posts of people for whom there is one place in normal conditions - prison. In such conditions, the task of the White Command in the fight against the Bolsheviks should have to have the shortest purpose of the seizure of Moscow, without distracting any other secondary tasks. And to perform this main task it was necessary to attract the widest layers of the people, primarily the peasants. In reality, everything was the opposite. The volunteer army instead of a campaign to Moscow firmly bonded in the North Caucasus, the White Ural-Siberian troops could not move to the Volga. All revolutionary changes, favorable peasants and people, economic and political, were not recognized as white. The first step of their civil representatives on the liberated territory was the decree, which had canceled all the orders, published by the Provisional Government and the Council, including concerning property relations. General Denikin, without having absolutely no plan for establishing a new order capable of satisfying the population, consciously or unconsciously, wanted to return Rus to its initial pre-revolutionary position, and the peasants were obliged to pay for their previous owners for the captured lands. After that, could white count on the support of their activities with peasants? Of course not. Cossacks refused to go beyond the troops of the Donsky. And they were right. Voronezh, Saratov and other peasants not only did not fight with the Bolsheviks, but also walked against the Cossacks. Cossacks could not easily cope with their Donate peasants and nonresident, but they could not defeat all the peasant Central Russia and understood it perfectly.

As the Russian and non-Russian history shows us, when cardinal changes and decisions are required, not just people are needed, but the extraordinary individuals who are not unfortunately during the Russian timelessness. In the country, it was necessary to have the power capable of not only to issue decrees, but also to have an ultimate authority, so that these decrees by the people were carried out, it is advisable to voluntarily. Such power does not depend on government forms, but is based, as a rule, exclusively on the abilities and the authority of the leader. Bonaparte, approved the power, did not search for any forms, but managed to force him to obey his will. He forced to serve France as representatives of royal nobility and immigrants from Sanunotov. In the white and red movement of such consolidating personalities did not turn out and this led to an incredible split and fierce in the coming civil war. But this is a completely different story.