How to deal with dust in the apartment: tips. How to deal with dust in the apartment with folk remedies? How to deal with dust in the house

house dust- the enemy of most modern housewives. It seems that she just finished cleaning, and then, lo and behold, this hated dust is right there again. Is this picture familiar to you? Do you know that the main source of dust is ourselves, our hair, keratinized skin particles, as well as animal hair, indoor plant pollen, the materials from which furniture, walls and much more are made.

Today you will learn how to quickly and effectively fight dust how to minimize it. After all, dust not only looks unattractive, but also harms our health, it is one of the strongest allergens and the cause of respiratory problems. You will learn some tips and rules on how to deal with house dust. And if you follow these rules regularly, if you turn them into your habit, then it will take much less time than a regular dust fight. And as a result, you will have a clean and, most importantly, hypoallergenic apartment.

So. List of rules for dealing with house dust:

1 . Use your vacuum cleaner correctly. Do not save on bags, change them regularly in the vacuum cleaner. And it is best to purchase a vacuum cleaner with an aquafilter. (How to choose a vacuum cleaner)

2 . Don't forget about wet cleaning. Clean floors as often as possible, paying attention to areas under the sofa, bed, cabinets and other furniture. Use a damp or dry cloth to wipe the surface of shelves, chests of drawers, nightstands, household and digital appliances, especially screens and monitors.

3 . Comb your hair only in the bathroom. After all, scattered hair throughout the apartment is an excellent dust collector. And if you sweep them off the floor in the bathroom in time, then you will eliminate the extra dust collector.

4 . Special attention devote to the fight against dust in the kitchen. Here it accumulates in huge quantities. Store crumbly foods in tightly sealed containers. Change the exhaust filter regularly. Try to take out the garbage every day, even if there is not much accumulated.

5 . Give preference to leather furniture, of course, at a cost it is expensive, but it can not only decorate your interior, but also attract less dust and, moreover, it is much easier to clean.

6 . Don't forget to change your bedding often as well. And remember that colored laundry gets dirty just like whites.

7 . At least once a month, shake out the blankets and air out the pillows in the sun.

8 . As far as possible, get rid of carpets, as they are the biggest dust collectors in the house. And if you can’t imagine your home without carpets, replace them with small rugs that can be easily washed in water.

9. Get rid of all unnecessary things in the house. Surely, you have things that are just in case, waiting in the wings. Most of the time it never comes. But you should be able to regularly wipe the dust off them. And with so many unnecessary things, it will become simply impossible.

10 . Several times a year, use the services of companies that clean carpets, rugs and upholstered furniture with their equipment.

11 . Plant live plants, they will keep the air clean in the house. Give them a useful shower. You should not decorate a house or apartment with artificial flowers, they are also excellent dust collectors.

12 . Keep an eye on your pets, wash the dirt from their paws at the entrance in time, brush them and comb them out.

13 . We all know that rooms need to be ventilated, but few people know that together with the air through open windows we let dust into the house. But don't worry, there is a way out - ventilate only when it's not outside strong wind or, even better, right after the rain.

14 . Don't smoke in your home, and don't let anyone else do it, as tobacco smoke particles create toxic dust. By the way, such miracle devices as air purifiers and humidifiers will effectively help fight dust in your home.

15 . If you have a fireplace in your house or apartment, if you love candles and incense, then remember that this contributes to the formation of soot.

16 . Instead of blinds, use better curtains. They are always easier to wash than to rub off every plank on the blinds.

17 . Choose furniture so that it is at least 30 cm below the ceiling. This will make it much easier for you to dust the top of cabinets and shelves.

18. And finally. Try to make dust fighting a regular activity. Spend five minutes every morning dusting and dedicate at least once a month to general cleaning.

As you understand, it is possible to learn how to deal with dust, but it is simply unrealistic to completely get rid of it. However, if you constantly maintain order in a house or apartment, it will really become much smaller.

And how do you, our readers, get rid of dust and keep your house clean?

Dust in the house is the worst enemy of any owner. Although it is almost impossible to completely get rid of it, there are several ways to stop its spread and reduce the number.

What is dust and why is it dangerous?

House dust, according to microbiologist Karen Hall, is a collection various materials: fibers, dust mites and bacteria, mold and fungus spores, pollen, dead skin particles of dogs and cats, other animals and other small microbes.

We hear about dust mites all the time, but since they are invisible to humans, they are very easy to ignore.

Perhaps the information that dust mites belong to the arachnid family and inhabit home mattresses in such numbers that they make things heavier will make someone take cleaning more seriously.

If this still does not stimulate regular cleaning, then Dr. Karen advises to remember that the cause of dust allergy is not the mites themselves, but their droppings, which provoke asthma attacks and an allergic reaction.

Allergist James Sublett claims that the greatest concentrations of mites and their excrement are in bedrooms and in particular in beds, as well as in furniture with heavy covers. All this dust from beds and furniture instantly gets into the air at the slightest movement.

How to deal with dust?

Of course, the best weapon in the fight against dust is regular cleaning and getting rid of unnecessary things. However, do not lose sight of other ways that may come in handy.

Simplify your interior

Modern style in the interior is a great advantage in the fight against dust. Flat, solid surfaces, especially floors, as well as smooth leather furniture minimize the amount of dust in the house - such coatings just need to be wiped regularly.

If you are not a fan modern style, allergist James Sableet advises to at least give up carpeting in the bedroom.

Lay a rug in the hallway and in front of the door

In order for street dust to at least partially remain outside the threshold, there should be rugs in front of the door and in the hallway. Antibacterial carpets will trap some of the germs that enter the house with outdoor shoes.

It’s even better to take off your shoes before entering the house, but this can only be done in the country.

Freeze small items

Children's toys or other small dust bins can be placed in a plastic bag and left in the refrigerator for about two days. Then let them melt naturally.

Dr. Karen Hall assures that such a procedure will kill all dust mites.

Keep pets out of the bedroom

Unfortunately, dogs and cats are excellent carriers of dirt and dust in the home. Therefore, it is advisable not to let them into the bedroom, and especially on the bed.

You can also consider buying a special vacuum cleaner attachment or pet brush that minimizes the amount of hair and does not harm the pet.

Wash your pillows

We often wash pillowcases and covers, but what about the pillows themselves? If you notice that over time the pillow has become heavier - congratulations, a whole colony of dust mites has settled in it. To avoid such neighbors, you need to clean the pillows or change them at least once every six months.

Don't make the bed

Quite a drastic measure, but Dr. Hall assures that a heavy blanket will not allow the mattress to cool, and the cold temperature is necessary to slow down the reproduction of dust mites.

Protect your mattress

The mattress should be vacuumed regularly to remove dust and other dirt from it. It makes sense to think about buying quality fabric covers with zippers for the mattress and pillows.

Change bed linen once a week

This is an obvious rule, but some people forget about it. The washing temperature does not have to be high - even a wash cycle in warm water take care of adult mites.

Close the doors

Dust loves to travel, so it's best not to let it get into your closet or kitchen drawers.

Dust and clean once or twice a week

Dr. Karen Hall says it's impossible to completely get rid of dust, but cleaning once or twice a week will minimize the amount of dirt in the house.

It is advisable to wear a respirator when cleaning so as not to inhale all the dust that you have raised. (Dust will settle in 2 hours).

Don't skip hard to reach places

Monsters under the bed - not a children's fairy tale, but a reality. It is there that ticks live, and if they are not disturbed by a vacuum cleaner, then they will continue to breed. Don't forget to vacuum high shelves, crevices between cabinets, and other hard-to-reach places.

Make sure your vacuum cleaner has enough attachments. When buying a vacuum cleaner, be sure to check if it is equipped with a HEPA filter.

Control the humidity

Dampness and high humidity create excellent conditions for the development of mold and dust mites. Therefore, these parameters must be kept under control.

If your apartment is too damp, you should consider buying a dehumidifier.

Purify the air

Air purifiers also help to reduce the amount of dust in the room.

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House dust is the scourge of modern housewives. As soon as you finish cleaning, lo and behold, the hated dust has already lurked again in the corner of the room. The fact is that it is completely impossible to get rid of it - after all, the main source of dust is the person himself (keratinized skin particles, hair), pets (wool), indoor plants (pollen) and household equipment (pillows, blankets, upholstered furniture, books and etc.). However, it is possible and necessary to fight dust, reducing its amount to a minimum. After all, dust not only looks unattractive, but also harms health, being one of the strongest allergens, the cause of problems with the respiratory system. How to deal with dust?

One of the main tools in the fight against various types dust is wet cleaning. It should be carried out as often as possible: it is possible to wash the floors every day - wash them every day! Do not forget to pay special attention to places hidden from the human eye - floors under cabinets, sofas, beds and other furniture. Walk with a cloth (wet or dry - depending on the type of surface) and on bedside tables, chests of drawers, shelves, household and digital technology(especially a lot of dust is always on the TV screen and computer monitor).

Advanced technology also seeks to help housewives who are puzzling over how to deal with dust. Wet wipes with an antibacterial effect specially designed by chemists are good for wet cleaning. They perfectly clean surfaces, disinfecting them, polishing them, giving them shine. Another way to replace an ordinary rag with something more effective when cleaning dust is to use a microfiber cloth. Wet wipes for cleaning and microfiber cloths can be purchased at any household store.

It is worth refraining from sweeping with a broom, because in this case the dust rises into the air, remaining on other surfaces, and also getting into the respiratory tract. A vacuum cleaner (if it is not washing), by the way, is also not a panacea for dust, leaving up to 30% of this substance in the air. So cleaning with a vacuum cleaner must be completed by wiping the floors with a damp cloth.

Change bed linen once a week. In this case, the blankets need to be shaken out, and the pillows exposed to the sun - in this way, you eliminate linen mites, one of the most allergenic components. house dust.

Outerwear should be periodically taken out to the balcony in winter - also in order to combat ticks and other microorganisms living in wool and down. With the help of frosty air or bright sun, you need to fight ticks in soft toys, especially if there is an allergic child in the house.

Choose one place in the apartment for combing (it is better if it is a bathroom), and after combing, immediately remove the fallen hair. Regularly carefully brush your pets (cats, dogs), collect their hair, when cleaning, use a special vacuum cleaner nozzle to remove animal hair.

Get a few indoor plants - they will help you in the fight against dust, absorbing some of it. When caring for indoor plants, do not forget to carefully (without knocking out the soil from the pot) water them, spray or wipe the leaves with a cotton swab dipped in water.

Try to exclude to the maximum the presence of all kinds of "dust collectors" in the territory of your apartment. Newspapers scattered here and there, unglazed bookshelves, TV turned on around the clock, carpets with high natural pile, clothes hanging on chairs, unwashed shoes, too many curtains and curtains - all this is a tasty place for the localization of harmful dust.

Particular attention should be paid to cleaning dust in the kitchen - here it accumulates in large quantities. Loose products (flour, cereals) should be stored in well-closed containers. Change the hood filter regularly. Take out the trash every day, even if there is not much accumulated in a day.

All kinds of air purifiers and humidifiers are a salvation for people suffering from dust. These miracle devices will effectively purify the air from the smallest particles of dust, cigarette smoke, harmful microorganisms and various impurities. Air purifiers and humidifiers are simply indispensable for families with small children and allergy sufferers. And it will obviously become easier for all other family members to breathe the air in the apartment. We advise you not to spare money for the purchase of such a tool. By the way, our website can also help.

Unfortunately, there is no way to do away with dust once and for all, and there cannot be, because dust is a natural component of life on Earth. Regular dust control, keeping the house clean and tidy - that's what will help to significantly reduce the amount of dust in the apartment. Do not be lazy to fight dust - and let your health and the health of your family members not be affected by its harmful effects.

The eternal enemy of health and cleanliness in the house is dust. Even after general cleaning, after a few hours it can be seen on smooth surfaces. It not only spoils the appearance of the room, but is also very dangerous for health. What is the best way to remove dust in the apartment and how to prevent its occurrence?

Harm of house dust

The concept of "dust" is quite extensive and includes a large number of components. So, particles of dirt, animal hair, various allergens and so on fly in the air. Of particular danger is the dust mite, which can provoke an asthmatic attack or lead to the development of allergies.

In addition, other pathological microorganisms are carried with dust particles and harmful substances. First of all, these are carcinogens that result from the operation of household appliances, toxins from cigarette smoke, fungal spores and bacteria. Once in the body, they provoke the development of diseases, so the fight against dust is very important for maintaining health.

Elimination of dust collectors

To reduce the amount of dust in the room, remove all decor and interior items that contribute to its accumulation. To do this, follow these simple guidelines:

  • If possible, remove carpets from walls and floors. This is where it concentrates maximum amount dust, even with daily vacuuming.
  • Throw out from the closets things that you have not used for more than six months (the exception is seasonal clothes).
  • Limit the presence of decorative elements in the room. For the most part, this applies to napkins, artificial flowers, figurines and books that stand on open shelves. If you do not want to part with your favorite items, store them behind glass.
  • If possible, replace curtains and tulle with roller blinds or blinds. Due to their smaller area, they accumulate less dust and are easier to care for.

Dust removal methods

Regular cleaning will help to get rid of dust in the room. Be sure to walk around all the corners of the rooms and wipe or wash even the most secret places where dirt can accumulate. To effectively and permanently get rid of contaminants, use simple recommendations for dust control.

Remove dirt not only from open surfaces, but also from furniture, including upholstered furniture. To do this, cover the sofa with a damp sheet and knock out the dust. A wet cloth will absorb all the dirt and prevent it from spreading in the air and settling on other objects. You can also vacuum the surface using a special furniture brush.

For cleaning dust in the apartment, a washing vacuum cleaner with an aqua filter is perfect.

Steaming will help to quickly remove dust from curtains. This method will not only remove dirt, but also kill bacteria, and also smooth the fabric. If you want to keep your home clean on a regular basis, get a floor standing steamer with a large water tank.

Remove house dust and all indoor plants. Wipe the leaves with a damp cloth, sprinkle with water from a spray bottle. Also wipe down the windowsill or shelf where the plants are placed. Don't forget to take care of your pets. Brush your coat regularly and wash your paws after a walk.

Dust all surfaces, including closet, cornices, paintings, and baseboards. Don't miss out on home appliances. Especially often dust accumulates on the computer monitor and TV screen.

To clean floors, first vacuum the surface well and then mop it. The best option– use of a washing vacuum cleaner equipped with an aquafilter. Such household appliance not only effectively clean the floor from dust, but also destroy particles of dirt.

If there is no washing vacuum cleaner, use a mop and a rag. Dry all exposed surfaces well, especially under the table, under the sofa and bed.

Ventilate the room regularly, especially when cleaning. To prevent street dust from entering the room, install on the windows mosquito net or cover openings with a damp cloth.

What is the best way to deal with dust?

To facilitate the fight against dust will help the use of special means and appliances.

Humidifier. With sufficient humidity, dust does not fly in the air, but settles on the surface, where it is easier to notice and eliminate.

Hygrometer is a device that controls the level of humidity. Modern humidifiers are equipped with this function, so you do not have to purchase it separately. A hygrometer will help you determine when the humidity is too high and threatens mold growth.

membranes for windows. Such devices protect against the penetration of street dust into the room. Another advantage of membranes is that they do not allow allergens (plant pollen, poplar fluff, etc.) to enter the house.

Helps reduce the amount of dust in the air indoor plantchlorophytum. Place it in the place of maximum accumulation of dirt (on the windowsill, desktop or bedside table).

Dust not only spoils aesthetic appearance at home, but also causes a deterioration in the well-being of residents. The problem is that it is impossible to get rid of dust in the apartment for a long time. Even the person himself is the cause of the appearance of these microscopic particles, not to mention other factors. You will have to constantly spend time and effort, but the cleaning process can be simplified by following a few recommendations.

Several. Even if you do not open the windows so that dust from the street does not enter the apartment, this will not help in the long run, since microscopic particles of the skin, human and animal hair, pile of carpets and upholstered furniture, pieces of paint and whitewash, and dirt on shoes are also sources Problems. For a year in an apartment of 65 square meters, an average of 40 kg of dust accumulates.

The dust itself is not too dangerous for humans, but it spreads bacteria and viruses that cause allergies, asthma and other health problems.

Dust mites are a powerful allergen

Methods to remove dust in the apartment

1. Wet cleaning. For thousands of years of existence, mankind has not come up with more effective way dust control. Wiping the surfaces with a damp cloth and thoroughly washing the floors at least once every 3-4 days will keep the amount of dust in the room to a minimum.

Special dust-repellent agents can be added to the water or to the wiping cloth, which will prevent the particles from settling on the surface for several days.

The frequency of cleaning depends on several factors: the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, its technical condition, the degree of air pollution, the number of residents and animals. When the dust becomes visible to the naked eye, you need to start wet cleaning. General cleaning should be carried out at least once a month.

Wipe thoroughly decorative elements upholstered furniture (buttons, hanging pieces of fabric), on which a dust mite usually lives - a saprophyte.

2. Elimination of dust collectors. Many household items accumulate dust, although they do not bring tangible benefits, simply being an interior decoration.

  • give up carpets on the walls if you are not ready to vacuum or beat them at least once every 7 days;
  • put things in the closet that you don’t use daily, such as old bags;
  • hide books and soft toys in a sideboard behind glass, they will collect less dust, but the comfort in the house will remain;
  • artificial flowers and figurines also accumulate a lot of dust on the surface, do not forget to wipe them during cleaning;
  • instead of massive curtains, screens, a canopy, use light curtains or blinds;
  • coverlets, pillows and carpets made of natural fabrics (especially silk) should be replaced with synthetic counterparts that crumble less;
  • wash all fabrics that are not stored in closed cabinets more often;
  • do not forget to periodically wash the windows and wipe the blinds;
  • timely remove the old rotten foam rubber from upholstered furniture and close the gaps in the baseboards;
  • remove dust under radiators;
  • comb your hair only in the bathroom, long curls scattered around the apartment collect even more dust;
  • wash your pets paws after walking.

3. Vacuuming. At correct use a vacuum cleaner - the best remedy for cleaning, but during operation a lot of dust is thrown into the air, at this moment there should be no children and people allergic to dust in the room. After turning on the device, open the doors and windows for draft.

Even the most modern device not able to pick up all the dust from the surface in one pass. For each square meter area spend 1.5-2 minutes. Handle the corners of the apartment and the baseboard with particular care. Vacuum the walls if possible. Use the special nozzle to clean open shelves. After vacuuming, do a wet cleaning.

4. Care of household appliances. Clean the filters of air conditioners and air humidifiers in a timely manner, change the bags in the vacuum cleaner at the frequency recommended by the manufacturer. Wipe the screens of TVs and monitors with special wipes. Clean out computers and laptops whose static electricity attracts a lot of dust.

Algorithm for cleaning an apartment from dust

  1. Put all unnecessary things in closed cabinets or under glass.
  2. Vacuum upholstered furniture or cover it with a thin, slightly damp cloth, then beat out the dust.
  3. Wipe, steam or wash curtains.
  4. Spray indoor plants with a spray bottle and wipe with a soft cloth. Brush your pets, especially those with long coats.
  5. Beat or vacuum carpets.
  6. Wash floors.
  7. Dust all surfaces: furniture, cabinets, cornices, household appliances, walls, batteries.

Means from dust in the apartment

Window membranes (nets) - not only protect against insects, but also prevent dust from entering from the street even with open windows, this cheap tool should be in every home.

Humidifier - when high humidity dust settles on the surface faster and becomes noticeable. But the air must not be waterlogged, otherwise mold may appear, which is even more dangerous than dust.

Chlorophytum is a non-capricious and easy-to-care plant that reduces the amount of dust in its habitat.

Chlorophytum - a plant that traps dust

Air purifiers are devices that pass air through special filters. Recommended for installation in new and recently renovated premises where there is a lot of dust. Can have ionization function and ultraviolet lamp to destroy pathogenic microorganisms.

Vacuum cleaner with aquafilter - unlike the usual one, it cleans not only the treated surface, but also the air, it is recommended for people with respiratory diseases.

Dust-repellent agents (polishes, aerosols, oils) do not eliminate dust, but only protect even surfaces due to the antistatic effect, preventing dust from settling for some time, but particles still accumulate elsewhere.