Great quotes. Long quotes

Elvira, I understand that I am terribly guilty, but listen to me, please.
- No, Zimovsky, today you will listen to me. I used to think that you were cunning and arrogant. Where it is profitable, there you graze, for the sake of attendants, for the sake of sex.
- Elvira ...
- Shut up please. And yesterday I realized that you are just rot. You are an arrogant complete cynic, for whom everything is just like that, husk. And I was a fool, my God, what a fool I was. But you know, Zimovsky, I am glad, I am glad, because now there is at least one woman on Earth who will never, never say "YES" to you again!

For some reason, we are often looking for our ideal man on the cover of a glossy magazine and do not understand that a photographer, make-up artist, and stylist made him ideal. In fact, the perfect man may not know at all that he is perfect. He never even thinks about it, he just lives. He lives according to the laws that his mind, conscience and soul dictate to him. If he invites you for a cup of coffee, then he really wants to treat you to coffee, and when he helps in difficult situation, believe me, your thanks to him is quite enough. The ideal man does not know how to speculate. The ideal man shows his feelings without fear, without looking back, without adjusting to public opinion, because he is real. You ask ... where to get it, such an ideal one? ... I'll answer you ... I don't know, but one thing is indisputable - since I am writing about it, it means that it exists!

How do people get lonely? After all, life is boiling around, full of friends, work colleagues, and you are all alone. Strange, isn't it? Although, this oddity has a clear explanation - you are lonely, then, when you were abandoned, when he left you, or she. Well, and immediately there is a feeling that everyone has abandoned you. This is a very scary feeling. Your space asks only one question "WHY?" Why did the beloved person, who was next to you yesterday, whom you heard, saw, looked into his eyes, suddenly moved away? And the worst thing is that not a single answer will suit you. But now he is doing something somewhere, eating, drinking, watching TV, maybe even having fun with someone ... It would seem much worse, but it turns out that there are things that are even worse: it’s scary to feel abandoned by everything. while still with the person you love.
Do not hesitate to tell your loved ones that they are irreplaceable, do not consider it a sign of weakness - it is a sign of strength. Life is very short, so don't waste your time. Talk to your loved ones, because they deserve it. Everything in our life would be different if we learned to listen not only to ourselves ...

Usually people with a lack of imagination get married. Look - 2 people meet, something flares up, they start walking in parks, restaurants, movies, they walk for a long time ... And then that's it, the fantasy ends. And then they think - Evpatiy-Kolovraty, we haven't been to the registry office yet!

Have you ever wondered how a woman feels in this demanding world of males? This is a giant slalom. A woman must be extremely flexible and at the same time remain tough. She must be gentle and strong at the same time. Agree, is this not a super task for those whom we call the "weaker sex"? According to the position in which tolerance applies only to men, the whole world boils down to the following: if a man is said to be ambitious, then a woman under the same circumstances is aggressive. If a man is agitated, then a woman is hysterical. And when a man is unleashed and sociable, a woman is a prostitute, not otherwise ... The standard of a modern woman is contradictory. At work, she must behave like a man, and when she returns home, she must put on an apron and pretend to be the keeper of the hearth.

I could dream of anything. I could swim with the dolphins or eat a whole pie with no repercussions, and instead, I'm here with you two. It must mean something!
- I'm even afraid to ask what ...
- I think ... I think I love you both.
- You can’t, you’re not like that!
- Just because I've always been a good shy little girl who was so afraid to think out of the box, especially when it came to love and sex. But now I am leaving this little girl in the past.
- What exactly do you suggest?
- I can love both of you. I don't have to be yours or yours - I suggest you two be mine.

Ladies and gentlemen, I've been a vampire for nearly three thousand years, and now the American Vampire League assures you that we are just like you. And, probably, to an insignificant degree, this is so. We are narcissistic, we only care about our needs, no matter what it costs, just like you. Global warming, endless war, toxic waste, corpses of children, genocide. These are all minor expenses in pursuit of your sporty cars, huge TVs, blood diamonds, designer jeans, ridiculous gaudy villas. Empty stability readings soothe your quivering, limp souls. But no, after all, we are not at all like you. We are immortal because we drink real blood, life-giving, nourishing blood of people. And the league of vampires would like to hide this truth from you, because, to be honest, drinking human blood is expensive today, so they pretended to be nice to push through their amendment on the rights of vampires, but rest assured, all vampires are exactly the same. as I. Why should we strive for equality? You are no match for us. We will suck all your blood after we drink to the bottom of your children. And now about the weather. Tiffany?

Quentin Fields was a basketball player, he was also a son, a brother, someone's teammate, someone else's friend. I didn't know Quentin Fields. And now I will never know.
Have you ever wondered what would have happened if you weren't there anymore? If you suddenly disappeared?
How would the world react?
No matter what you imagined, it’s not like that. There is nothing romantic about death. Sadness is like the ocean. She is deep and dark and more than any of us. And pain is like a thief in the night ... Quiet, unreachable, unfair ... weakening thanks to time, faith and love.
I didn't know Quentin Fields, but I envy him because I see how his absence affects not the people who knew him. Since I can see that he meant something to them. And I know that he was loved.
People say that Quentin Fields was a great basketball player, graceful, agile, inspiring. They say that in some games it looked like he could fly. And now he really can ...

We are all fighting. This is part of life, part of survival. Do you have someone who can support you as you fight?
- No. And this is the worst thing. Loneliness is an overwhelming feeling, because of which I feel like there is no magic left in the world ...
- I know that the future is frightening and the world can present troubles, but you should know that when it seems to you that you are in despair, someone will come to you. Help is somewhere nearby and remember, you are not alone.

Julian: Brooke, before I met you, I believed that I had everything in my life so that I could be happy. I just had nothing to compare with. Then you appeared in my life! And everything changed - I realized how empty it was before you. And my old life would no longer be able to make me happy if it were not for you. Brooke, I love you absolutely for everything: I love you because you are as demanding of me as no one has ever; I love you because you look at me like no one has ever; I love you because you love me like no one ever! I can't imagine my life without you. And if after a couple of minutes you tell me: “I agree”, then I won't have to imagine. And by the way, you look amazing!

Brook: Julian, before I met you, my life revolved around one thing - around me. And I liked it in my own way, but then I met you and you were able to see behind all this - me. You taught me to trust, you taught me how to open up to people and what it is like to truly fall in love! It is impossible to convey in words how much I love you, so I will tell you why I love you: you see this world like no one else and you appreciate everything, including me. There are no others like you in the world, and if in a couple of minutes you say to me: “I agree”, the rest of my life I will spend trying to see the world through your eyes and I will appreciate everything, including you - the most extraordinary, amazing and insane handsome man whom I met.

Internet communication is convenient and accessible, therefore this way communication is in demand and popular. When we visit the page of the person we are interested in, we always read the text located under the user's nickname. It has been noticed that business people most often publish long, meaningful statuses when they need to quickly draw the attention of a wide range of people to any specific situation... For example, to announce an upcoming social project, gathering, seminar, conference. It also happens that a long, romantic and touching status in contact is addressed to a single, dearly beloved person. Memorable, piercing, beautiful lines that thoroughly convey the state of mind are not easy to write on your own. If by the nature of your activity you are not a writer, we invite you to our site. Here is a rich collection of “ catch phrases», famous quotes, popular inferences. Here you will find statements of philosophers the ancient world, wonderful phrases about love, jealousy, separation, sadness, as they say, just "in the bull's eye".

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Love is .... many people very often wonder what love is ?? !! And it is not uncommon that they cannot find the answer, everyone understands this word and feeling in their own way ... Love is when, at the sight of him, your heart squeezes and pounds, and when you pass by you think that he hears your heartbeat, love is when he will look at you and you walk around happy all day, love is when he is in front of your eyes all day and night, even when you close your eyes, he still appears, love is when you are like a fool all morning and day you think what to wear and at that moment when he calls and says that it will be in an hour, you rush through the apartment and cannot concentrate, shouting: Mom, where is my black blouse, and when he goes out to him he tells you that you look great, love is when you are so afraid to go out unpainted to him, thinking that he will be scared, although everything is fine for him, because he loves you the way you are, love is when you sit like a fool from the very morning waiting for him to call you or write to you, and yet you can't stand it and you call you first, but he is busy because he calls you, love is when from his smiles you can't help but smile, love is when he just kisses you on the cheek and you shine with happiness, because for you his touch is a sign that he is near, love is when you so want to hug him so tightly that would he feel how you love him, love is wonderful feeling I think each of us will understand this for himself when that moment comes ... just smile when it comes and you will feel that life is beautiful from what you love and love!)))

PAINFUL is when a child who has a few days left to live draws a life that he will not see ... STRENGTH is when a disabled person in a wheelchair smiles in the eyes of those who despise and hate him ... SCARY - when the baby is expecting a mother, and mothers not anymore. We stopped appreciating feelings, crying over trifles.

We say, "Thank you for being there," when we cannot say, "I love you." We say: "I have no need to live anymore" when we want to be dissuaded from this. We say, "It's cold in here," when we need someone to touch. We say, “I don’t need anything from you anymore,” when we cannot get what we want. We say, “I didn't pick up the phone because I was busy,” when we are ashamed to admit that hearing this voice no longer gives us joy. We say, "Nobody needs me," when only one person really doesn't need us. We say "I can handle it" when we are embarrassed to ask for help. We say, "You are a good friend," when we forget to add "... but you cannot be big for me." We say, “This is not the main thing,” when we know that we have no other choice but to reconcile. We say "I trust you" when we are afraid that we have become a toy. We say "Forever" when we don't feel like looking at the clock. We say: "I was there" when we cannot find an excuse for ourselves. We say so many things that when the last three unspent words remain on the tongue, we purse our lips, look at the floor and be silent ...

11 May 2011

You will forget him ... Exactly. Once it happens to you, you may not even be ready ... But someday it will happen ... You will forget him, when you no longer care where he is and with whom, you will simply not be interested. You will forget him when, just at the mention of his name, your heart will not squeeze ... You will forget him when you remember the past with a smile, already without sadness. Only because you will be grateful to him that it was with you. You will forget it when the "that" song is playing, and you will no longer have tears in your eyes ... Just a beautiful song. You will forget him when, looking through the photos, you accidentally stumble upon "your" joint photo ... And smile ... And wish him only all the best ... You will forget him when you stop asking questions: “Why? Who is guilty? Why did it happen? " You will have one answer ready for everything: “So it should have been. Thank you for being with us ... "You will forget him when you stop looking for your acquaintance in the crowd.

I will live my life with someone who, even in the biggest quarrel, will say "I need you" ... who will fight with me for our love ... who will not let me be afraid of anything, even that I might lose him. ..c those who, having heard from me "I do not love you", will hug and say "have to love" .. with those who, even when busy, can find time, call and ask "how are you, darling?"

In life you need to have one important principle- always pick up the phone if it calls you close person... Even if you are offended at him, even if you don’t want to talk, and even more so if you just want to teach a lesson. You must definitely pick up the phone and listen to what he wants to tell you. Perhaps it will be something really important. And life is too unpredictable, and who knows if you will ever see this person alive.

As a child, we cried when my mother left us for a short time ..
And now we are driving her ourselves ...
We were so naive ...
We believed in fairy tales ...
We imagined ourselves as princesses and sewed various dresses for dolls ...
And now we ourselves have become dolls, dressed in the same popular brands ...
We played with the boys and told them so easily that we liked them ...
And now we are running from them and cannot say anything ...
We ate cotton candy and sweets and did not think about their figure at all ...
And now we are swallowing packets of antidepressants and diet pills ...
We played in the sandboxes and shared molds and a scoop with our friends ...
And now we can't even listen to them. What is really there! We just don't have them!

Three stages of a woman's intoxication: 1. Oh, how drunk I am ... 2. Who is drunk? Am I drunk ??? 3. To the taxi driver's question "Where are we going?" crack him on the head with a handbag and say: "It's none of your business !!! :))

September 2, 2011

When bad things happen, you drink in an effort to forget; when good happens, you drink to celebrate; when nothing happens, you drink to make something happen.

  • Self-doubt, like self-confidence, is from biorhythms. Some blame themselves for the "minus" for half their lives, considering the "plus" the norm, others boast of the "plus", comparing it with the "minus" of others. Who pokes at himself only with a weakened intellect is prettier, isn't it? Elena Ermolova
  • Such a medical practice cannot be considered reasonable, in which the patient's life is endangered during a procedure that is probably ineffective in order to prevent an illness that will probably never happen .... Elena Ermolova
  • If you live a full life and give to people what you own, then what you have given will surely return to you, and will return twice as much, so you will always have more strength and energy than you spend, but you must definitely spend it. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross
  • Look at every morning dawn as at the beginning of your life, and at every sunset as at the end of it. Let each of these short lives will be marked by some good deed, some victory over oneself, or acquired knowledge. John Ruskin
  • Life always teaches much more than the best of best books... The book is only a tool and a tool. It is not life that needs to be tested with books, that is, theories, but just the opposite. The advice “read more” is not suitable for all people. Nikolay Rubakin
  • Hypocrisy is a little pink box of makeup. Each of us has it. The only difference is that someone has a full life, and someone lacks it even for one day, and then you will learn a lot of interesting things about yourself. Agaeva Nastya
  • They say when they want to praise: The writer knows life. Lord, who doesn't know her! Everyone knows her. Everyone knows, and that's why they distinguish between good and bad writers. But only because: talented and less talented. Or even a mediocrity. And not because he does not know life. Everybody knows. V. Shukshin
  • Everyone should leave something behind: a son, a book or a picture, a house you built, or at least a brick wall, or a pair of shoes you sewn, or a garden planted with your hands. Something that your fingers touched during life, in which your soul will find refuge after death. Ray Bradbury
  • They dedicated their lives to suppress him, He tries to please them all, He is so pitiful, His whole life is a constant battle that he cannot win, The tired man they see is already indifferent The old man prepares To die in remorse, And this old man - I am. Metallica
  • Tomorrow, we think, something will happen that has never happened, well, at least neither the day before yesterday, nor yesterday, nor today certainly did not happen! And when we get tired of waiting, we bow to literature - and in it we live those very lives that we did not know and do not recognize in reality. Evgeny Klyuev
  • If man is a thinking reed, as Pascal remarked, then humanity is an agitated field. The winds bending her in different sides, are similar to the laws, well, and the harvester is death, mercilessly cutting off the cornfield so that new ears will get life afterwards. Pavlenko Valery Yurievich
  • Consider in the depths of your soul: if you can hardly do something worthy, work for you will quickly end, and the good you have done remains with you for the rest of your life; but if for the sake of pleasure you do something bad, pleasure will quickly leave you, and the bad deed will always remain with you.
  • A five-year-old child prodigy was caught by his parents watching an erotic film. Anticipating the indignation of adults, the child hastily replied: "A person is formed mainly by the age of three years of his life, and finally - by the age of five. This is what Leo Tolstoy said." Anisimova Svetlana
  • Once Aristippus was sailing on a ship; captured by the storm, he was greatly frightened. One of the companions asked him: "And you, Aristippus, are you a coward like everyone else?" And he: "And with every right: this danger makes you worry about your miserable life, and me - for my blessed one."
  • In life - with age - you begin to understand the power of a person who constantly thinks. This is a tremendous power to conquer. Everything perishes: youth, charm, passion - everything grows old and collapses. Thought does not perish and the person who carries it through life is wonderful. V. Shukshin
  • He who values ​​the life of thought knows very well that real education is only self-education and that it begins only from the moment when a person, having said goodbye to all schools forever, becomes a complete master of his time and his occupations. Dmitry Ivanovich Pisarev
  • When something ends in life, be it good or bad, emptiness remains. But the emptiness left after the bad is filled by itself. The void after something good can be filled only by finding something better. A holiday that is always with you
  • Il n'y a que deux facons de vivre votre vie. Le premier - comme s'il n'existait pas des miracles ne se produisent pas. Deuxieme - comme si tout est un miracle. - There are only two ways to live your life. The first is as if there were no miracles. The second is as if everything in the world is a miracle.
  • Imperious, endowed with a choleric temperament, impulsive, prone to extremes in everything, with an insanely rich imagination, such as there is no equal in life - here I am in a nutshell. And I will add: you must either kill me, or accept me as I am, for I will not change. Alphonse de Sade
  • Previously, they valued the face and hid the body, now they value the body and are indifferent to the face. Previously, instinct, like a slave, was rude and rebellious, but it was also scourged, now it has emancipated and is respected as the natural sovereign of life. Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky

The greatest happiness in life is the confidence that we are loved, loved because we are who we are, or despite the fact that we are who we are.

You are my beloved life, forgive me for those words. I offended, not realizing how much I love you!

I will forget you. I promise.

For him, you paint your lips, but he doesn't love you at all ...

Without you, my life is a waiting room.

Life gets its wealth from the world; love gives her the price.

I dedicate this status to every girl who is now reading it and is sad, do not be sad, bunny !!! Everything will be great! :)

It doesn't matter who you sleep with. It is important who you think of when you close your eyes.

To die of love is to live by it

Love makes life so difficult. Someone else's love bothers, his own feeling makes you vulnerable.

Life, driven not by love and generosity, but by hatred and envy, is not real life.

Happened in life, so it will be, because for this we were born, whom we love, we do not love, who loves us we do not love.

Climbing the tree of life, go around the bitches and do not listen to woodpeckers

Hiding a tear under a smile, I dream of you in a dream. I love, I scream, I cry ... what do I mean in your life ???

- Dear, what happens if I get pregnant? - Well, what ... I will raise two children ...

... Each of us in life is waiting for a small miracle ...

I would give everything in a minute in his gentle hands ...

Thank you all, everyone is free - the guy of my dreams has been found.

Only loving and loyal girls will wait for their guys from the army !!!

To get married, or what ... Where is this unfortunate hiding?

Do you go crazy when he grabs you and you sleep like that?))

When I saw you I fell in love. And you smiled because you knew.

Your beloved guy is the one who saw you drunk, naked, without makeup, roaring, talking all sorts of garbage, and, strangely enough, is still with you)))

You are my little lump. How long have I been waiting for you ... I walked for nine months, And took care of my tummy. Every day you give happiness, The meaning of life, joy, laughter! I love you my bunny! Every day and more than anyone else!

Do you have this? You cry, but you don't know why exactly ... I just got sick of everything.

Love is when you have your period, but he still came bored and happy ...

Once, a very wise man told me: love can only be mutual. Everything that happens on only one side is the disease.

A loved one is not the one you were looking for and found, but the one with whom you fall in love, completely unexpectedly ...

Let everyone who reads this status be a little happier) Love and be loved, this is the greatest happiness.

Cheated .... I am changing .... And I will Change ....... My Life .. for the Better Side !!

Love me when I least deserve it, because that's when I need it most ...

They say to me: I have changed, gained weight. But I do not care about this nonsense! After all, I achieved the main title: LOVED WIFE AND EVEN MOTHER !!!

It's always easy to hurt a mother. She will not notice the offense. And only he can tell you - "Do not catch a cold, today the wind." Love people of mothers, they need little in this life. Love and devotion of children for them exceeding the reward !!!

Have sunk. 21 century. Girls want boys, but they still break down, mischievous ..

If a guy loves two ... he is not a guy, he is a BOBBIN ...

Smile when you feel good, smile when you are happy, smile when you feel bad and your beloved left forever without even saying goodbye, smile and then your smile will surely be noticed by the one who will be with you all your life.

I burst lollipops, drink it with whipped cream, sit in a bra and sweatpants, face smeared with cream, the room is full of chaos, a pile of tea cups around. The table is full of rubbish. The cat is not fed .. And people like me, too, it turns out , love

Everyone said that we were not a couple. And I took her hand and said: "We are not a couple. We are one."

We lay at night, he was asleep, but I somehow felt uncomfortable, I went to another room. In the morning I wake up again in our room. I looked - he hugs me from behind, smiles and says: if you do it again, you will get it.

Trust is when they say to you: - "You know, and he walks with you." And you answer: Let him walk ... He is warmly dressed ..

Many of us dream of getting a "piece" of happiness that will warm both soul and heart throughout small area life. Some, in search of their happiness, are ready for anything, they are even ready to move mountains, because for the sake of happiness it is worth trying.

They say that lies kill love. But frankness kills her faster.

You have 2 options: either I marry you, or you marry me! Take your pick!

The article includes long quotes about a life for reflection and personal growth. And here is the first saying: Life is arranged so devilishly skillfully that, not knowing how to hate, it is impossible to sincerely love. M. Gorky

You need not only fearlessness to meet face to face with your feelings, but also ... submissive tenderness. M. Ray.

Life itself means nothing; its price depends on its use. J. J. Rousseau

If you are afraid of misfortune, then there will be no happiness. Peter the Great

Nothing can be returned. Nothing can be fixed. Otherwise, we would all be saints. Life did not mean to make us perfect. For the one who is perfect, a place in the museum.

At the end of love, as at the end of life, they still live for suffering, but not for pleasure. The one who has fallen out of love is usually his own fault that he did not notice it in time. F. La Rochefoucauld.

Not all wheels are invented yet: the world is too amazing to sit back. Richard Branson

Life is short. And you have to be able to. You have to be able to leave a bad film. Throwing a bad book. Walk away from bad person... A lot of them. M. Zhvanetsky

If you have never disliked, then get ready love is coming to you!

There can be nothing great without an idea! There can be nothing beautiful without greatness. Gustave Flaubert

Looking into the past - take off your hat, looking into the future - roll up your sleeves !.

It is impossible to get enough of love for one's neighbor in God! On the contrary, you can soon complete the path, you can soon be satiated and satiated with love for your neighbor, when the object of love is only a person. The fire of love requires a lot of food in order to be constant and multiply. When God feeds him, he is incessantly strengthened, there is no limit to him; but when it is left to nourish it to man by himself, food for the fire will soon become scarce, the fire will dim, go out.

I remember your hands, your lips, and with a shudder I dream of feeling them again!

Summer is the time of the year when it is very hot, so it was very cold to do things that we do in winter. Mark Twain

To be able to enjoy a life you have lived means to live twice. - Martial.

Indecision is worse than a failed attempt; water spoils less when it flows than when it is standing. - Fernando Rojas.

If you want a change in the future, become this change in the present.

What difference does it make who is stronger, who is smarter, who is prettier, who is richer? After all, in the end, it only matters whether you are a happy person or not. Osho.

Love between friends is destroyed if you envy or become the object of envy, if you cause or suffer damage, if you dishonor or endure dishonor, and, finally, if you feed and hold thoughts suspicious of your brother. Venerable Maximus the Confessor

We don't get a short life, but we make it that way; we are not poor in life, but we use it wastefully. Life is long if you use it skillfully. Seneca the Younger

I love the saying every person who comes and comes back has a chance to be better today than they were yesterday. Evgeny Chervonenko

The scope of decency has expanded to a disgrace. Tamara Kleiman

Books are notes, and conversation is singing. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

Do not believe your eyes! They only see obstacles.

It's easy to play with a girl's heart when she loves, but this is the meanest meanness.

I consider it a specifically human manifestation not only to raise the question of the meaning of life, but also to question the existence of this meaning. Frankl W.

He who wants to embark on the path of love, let him take care of himself in relation to all people, whether they are good or bad. Reverend Isaiah

To live is to act with energy; life is a struggle in which one must fight bravely and honestly. N. Shelgunov

If God postpones, this does not mean that he refuses.

Act and move as if you are calm, strong, cheerful, etc., it all depends on your specific goal, and you will become calm, strong, cheerful. The more you practice and develop this skill, the stronger it becomes. Tove Jansson, All about the Moomins.

To love is to see a miracle invisible to others. F. Moriak.

Of all that wisdom brings you for the happiness of your whole life, the most important thing is the possession of friendship. Epicurus

Do not bring up children, they will still be like you. Educate yourself

Man is 80% water. If a person does not have a dream or goal in life, then he is just a puddle.

Genuine happiness is inexpensive: if you have to pay a high price for it, then it is a fake. Coco Chanel

Do not be afraid of big expenses, be afraid of small incomes. John Rockefeller

Strive to become market leaders. Appropriate and control essential technologies in everything you do. Steve Jobs

beautiful quotes about life with meaning are obtained by those people who have lived life and understood its meaning!

The world is too small to have the luxury of making enemies.

If you want to be successful, you have to look like you have it. Thomas More

He who does not love anyone, it seems to me, is also not loved by anyone. Democritus

Love is the delusion that one woman is different from another. G. Menken.

If you have kept it long enough, you can throw it away. As soon as you throw something away, you need it. Richard's rule of interdependence

Kissing Marilyn was like kissing Hitler. Tony Curtis

The main life task of a person is to give life to himself, to become what he is potentially. The most important fruit of his efforts is his own personality. Fromm E.

Do deeds of love - and for deeds of love the Lord will always give you what you need.

Rich people who lack conviction are more dangerous in modern society than poor women who lack morality. Bernard Show

Better to be the enemy good man than a bad friend.

Women have their whole heart, even their head. Jean Paul

If you want to collect honey, don't ruin the hive. Psychologist and educator Dale Carnegie