Lavrov Minister of Foreign Affairs age. Sergey Lavrov

Childhood and education

Lavrov's father is an Armenian from Tbilisi. The nationality of the politician has been discussed more than once. The diplomat himself spoke about his nationality back in 2005 at a meeting with students of the Russian-Armenian University (Yerevan): “I have Tbilisi roots, because my father is from there, I have Armenian blood and no other. This blood does not bother me in any way. "

The politician's mother, Kaleria Borisovna Lavrova, whose surname Sergei Viktorovich took, was born in Noginsk near Moscow, worked at the USSR Ministry of Foreign Trade.

Sergei Lavrov studied at one of the schools near Moscow, where the main emphasis was on learning foreign languages... The boy's parents were very busy with work and were constantly on the road, therefore, the grandparents were involved in the upbringing at the initial stage. Later, the parents took the boy to the capital, where he continued to study English in depth at school No. 607. In one of his interviews, the politician said that he is now trying to help his school, which he graduated from more than 50 years ago.

After graduating from an educational institution with a silver medal, Lavrov planned to enter the university. His choice fell on several metropolitan universities: MGIMO and the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute. To choose future profession influenced not only the professional activities of the parents, but also the entrance examinations at MGIMO, which began a month earlier. And in 1967 Lavrov became a student of the Oriental Faculty of the Institute of International Relations.

V student years Lavrov was the life of the party. Not a single meeting of students was complete without his participation. Every summer, together with a group of Lavrov, he went to student construction brigades. By the way, Lavrov is the author of the MGIMO anthem, which is still valid today. During his studies, the student not only improved his knowledge of English, but also mastered the French and Sinhalese languages.

At the age of 22, Lavrov graduated from the institute and received a diploma from the most prestigious higher educational institution that time.

Political career

Sergei Lavrov is called a "career diplomat", as he has managed to go through all the steps of the career ladder: from the secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Almost immediately, the young specialist was sent for an internship at the USSR Embassy in Colombo, in the Republic of Sri Lanka as an assistant secretary. The Minister of Foreign Affairs recalls with trepidation those 4 years spent in a warm country: “the first business trip is always new world, discovering new friends for yourself. "

Upon his return from a business trip, Lavrov took the post of the third and then the second secretary of the department of international economic organizations of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In 1981 he was posted to the diplomatic service in the United States. There he worked for 7 years and served as First Secretary, Counselor, and then Senior Counselor to the Permanent Mission of the USSR to the United Nations in New York.

In 1988 Lavrov was transferred to the capital. From that moment on, the politician began to reach the first significant heights in the diplomatic service. In the period from 1988 to 1992, Sergei Viktorovich worked as deputy, first deputy head of the so-called Department of International Economic Organizations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and then he himself began to lead this structural unit.

In 1992 he was appointed to the post of Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia. Thus, at the age of 42, he came as close as possible to the echelons of the highest power. In this position, he oversaw the activities of the Department of International Organizations and International Economic Cooperation, the Office for Human Rights and International Cultural Cooperation, and the Department for CIS States. He held this post until January 1994.

In parallel, Lavrov worked as deputy chairman of the Interdepartmental Commission responsible for the participation of the Russian Federation in the organizations of the UN system, and was also co-chairman of the commission for coordinating the country's peacekeeping activities. For 10 years, the diplomat served as Russia's Permanent Representative to the United Nations. During this time, he acquired a reputation as a decisive and principled person who strictly defended the position of Russia.

In 2004, S. Lavrov's career began new stage: he was appointed by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin to the post of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia. This ministry is headed by Lavrov to this day.

During his entire political career, Lavrov managed to gain prestige in the international arena and is rightfully one of the most powerful diplomats in the world. Lavrov's track record is huge. He was repeatedly awarded with gratitude from the top officials of the country and was awarded with certificates of honor of the President of the Russian Federation. The entire list of awards will fit in 38 honorary titles, confessional, regional and foreign awards. And for his love of poetry, Lavrov received the prize of the Writers' Union of Russia.

Personal life

Sergei Lavrov got married while still a third-year student at the Institute of International Relations. His wife, Maria Alexandrovna, has a philological education.

The couple have a daughter, Ekaterina, who was born during Lavrov's work in New York. Ekaterina Sergeevna grew up in the United States, graduated from the Manhattan School and entered the prestigious Columbia University, where she studied political science.

After successfully graduating from university, the girl went to get a master's degree in London, where she met her future husband, Alexander Vinokurov, who is the son of the largest pharmaceutical tycoon. Lush wedding celebration took place in 2008. Catherine gave birth to her husband two children.

Sergey Lavrov is fond of sports and in his free time he goes skiing, plays football and has been rafting since his student days. In addition, the minister plays the guitar and, as mentioned above, is fond of poetry - he reads and writes poetry himself a lot.

Sergey Viktorovich Lavrov has been the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation since 2004.

Lavrov graduated with a silver medal from Moscow school number 607 with in-depth study in English... Then he entered the Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where he studied at the Eastern Department. Friends called him the soul of the company. Every summer he went to student construction brigades (Khakassia, Tuva, Far East, Yakutia). He wrote poetry and sang with a guitar. At MGIMO he became famous as the author of the anthem of the institute:

"To study is so avid, and to drink is so to the end,
Do not fall and go stubbornly towards the goal.
Hot hearts are scattered all over the world,
Reliable both in business and in fun ... "

Immediately after graduating from the institute in 1972, Sergei Viktorovich began diplomatic activities at the USSR embassy in Sri Lanka: first as an intern, and then as an embassy attaché. In 1976, after four years of work in Sri Lanka, Lavrov returned to Moscow. In the period from 1976 to 1981 he worked in the Department of International Organizations of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs as an attaché, third, and second secretary.

In 1981, he was sent to the Permanent Mission of the USSR to the UN in New York as first secretary, and then as an adviser and senior adviser.

From 1988 to 1990 he worked as deputy, and then first deputy head of the Department of International Economic Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia.

In 1990-1992. - Director of the Department of International Organizations and global problems Russian Foreign Ministry. In April 1992, Lavrov became Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. In 1994 he was appointed Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the UN and the representative of the Russian Federation to the UN Security Council.

On March 9, 2004, by decree of President Vladimir Putin, he was appointed to the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation in the government of Mikhail Fradkov. In this position, he replaced Igor Ivanov, who held the ministerial chair for 6 years.

Sergey Lavrov has the rank of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation.

In May 2006, Lavrov became a member of the federal operational headquarters of the National Anti-Terrorist Committee of Russia and for six months became chairman of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe.

Lavrov is married and has a daughter, Ekaterina, a graduate of Columbia University in New York.

The minister speaks English, French and Sinhalese (one of the languages ​​of Sri Lanka).

Heavy smoker. Actively opposed the UN building ban on smoking general secretary Kofi Annan. Demonstratively walked around the UN building with a portable ashtray and a cigarette.

He collects anecdotes that he himself knows a lot.

He is fond of rafting, he is the president of the Russian Rowing Slalom Federation. They say that it was Lavrov who in 1985 became one of the founders of expeditions along Siberian rivers, which are now periodically organized by MGIMO graduates.

I went on hikes, in particular, with Yuri Kobaladze, also a MGIMO graduate (now managing director for corporate relations at X5 Retail Group (Pyaterochka and Perekrestok chains). Kobaladze talked about Lavrov: taiga, rain is pouring on you, you do not know where to go, and you have only one match left, and then a man, who, as it turns out later, has a broken toe, takes this match and uses it to light a fire, saving all of us. " (Profile, June 28, 2004).

Sergei Lavrov, 64, Russia's foreign minister is one of the country's most popular ministers. How does the personal life of Sergei Lavrov develop, what is known about his wife and daughter?

Sergey Lavrov was born on March 21, 1950. It is known that Sergei Lavrov's father was an Armenian from Tbilisi. According to some sources, he bore the surname Kalantarov.

Sergei Lavrov's mother worked at the USSR Ministry of Foreign Trade. Sergey Lavrov's height is 185 cm, weight - 80 kg.

Sergey Viktorovich studied at the V. Korolenko school in the city of Noginsk, Moscow region. And he graduated from a Moscow school with a silver medal, where he studied English in depth.

In 1972, Sergei Lavrov graduated from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (this is MGIMO) of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Lavrov speaks three languages: French, English and Sinhalese.

The personal life of Sergei Lavrov is stable and has not changed for 40 years. Sergei Lavrov married in his third year, linking his life with the future teacher of Russian language and literature Maria.

“I noticed Seryozha at once: handsome, tall, strong-built,” recalls Maria Aleksandrovna. “And when at parties he picked up a guitar and wheezed“ under Vysotsky, ”the girls went crazy."

Maria Lavrova accompanied her husband on all his trips, starting with the very first - a four-year business trip to Sri Lanka. Subsequently, while Lavrov worked as the Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the UN, she headed the mission's library.

Their only daughter, Katya Lavrova, was born in New York, when Sergei Viktorovich worked in the Soviet Permanent Mission to the UN. Graduated from high school in Manhattan and Columbia University.

After graduation, the girl went to London for an internship. There, Catherine met the son of a pharmaceutical magnate, a Cambridge graduate, Alexander Vinokurov.

In 2008 they got married, and in 2010 Katya gave birth to a son. The couple later had a daughter.

Now the minister's son-in-law is the president of the Summa Group holding and is a member of the board of directors of Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port OJSC.

Sergey Viktorovich is a heavy smoker. Defending his rights, he even went into conflict with UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, who banned smoking at the headquarters of the Organization. Lavrov objected that the order was illegal because Annan was not the owner of the building.

The Russian Foreign Minister loves writing poetry and singing with a guitar. Sergey Lavrov is fond of rafting. He is the President of the country's Rowing Slalom Federation.

Sergey Viktorovich Lavrov loves to play football. He is a fan of the Moscow team "Spartak".


The personal life of heads of state, famous politicians and "party caesars" at all times has been reliably hidden from prying eyes. The "powerful of this world", for obvious reasons, never spoke about their loved ones, did not give any explanations or comments. Their children and grandchildren have always been behind the screen of social upheavals.

Yekaterina Lavrova, daughter of a prominent Russian diplomat, Russian Foreign Minister, is perhaps the exception in this political galaxy of secrets. For the first time she spoke about what kind of person her father is - Sergey Viktorovich Lavrov.

Autobiographical notes

Ekaterina Lavrova was born in the United States of America, and spent her childhood and adolescence there. This is due to the fact that her father in 1982 was appointed the plenipotentiary representative of the USSR to the United Nations, so he was forced to go to New York for permanent place residence.

Catherine's mother, Maria Alexandrovna, a philologist by training, all her life tried to attract her daughter's love for art. Catherine received a brilliant upbringing; studied in a choreographic studio, attended exhibitions, museums, opera and ballet.


Ekaterina Sergeevna studied at the Manhattan School, after which she entered Columbia University. Sergei Viktorovich himself, as his daughter notes, has always been very responsible about the education of his daughter.
“Even though I was the only child in the family, I had to achieve everything myself, so as not to depend on my parents, I was taught that way,” says Ekaterina, “that's why I studied hard.”


After graduating from Columbia University, Catherine went to England, deciding to become a master. In London, she meets Alexander Vinokurov, her future husband. Alexander himself is from a very influential family of media moguls in the pharmaceutical industry. Today, the husband of Ekaterina Lavrova is a co-owner of the Marathon Group company.

Surname of Catherine in marriage - Vinokurova

Having gathered to legalize their relationship, Catherine and Alexander went to Russia to celebrate their marriage.

The celebration took place in the Reception House under the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation.

The newlyweds were in for a surprise: a romantic video about their acquaintance.

The wedding was attended by such eminent guests as: singer Valery Leontiev, art critic Maria Baybakova, and others.

Activities of Ekaterina Sergeevna

Today Ekaterina is a citizen of the Russian Federation, permanently lives and works in Moscow. Despite her privileged social position, Catherine tries never to use it, prefers not to resort to the help of her father or husband.

For ten years Lavrova worked for a large world company "Cristies", which is engaged in public trading; in it, she was able to achieve the post of director, but soon left this position when the opportunity arose to open her own business in the field of promoting and developing art. Ekaterina's firm is engaged in intermediary activities between artists and collectors.

Business and family life

Catherine always wanted her to have a big family. In 2010, her long-awaited first-born son Leonid was born. Now, to the delight of happy parents, the couple has a daughter.
Alexander and Ekaterina are of the same age, therefore they have a lot of common interests. Catherine says that she feels protected and loved, that her husband supports her in all endeavors.
The Vinokurov family leads healthy image life: Ekaterina and her husband regularly visit the pool and gym, are fond of triathlon, love to travel in the mountains.

Lavrova admitted that she would never have been able to marry a foreigner, because she does not like their worldview; therefore, she calls her meeting with Alexander Vinokurov her destiny.
In general, Ekaterina Sergeevna is grateful to her father for the fact that from an early age he was able to instill in her self-confidence and the ability to cultivate willpower.

One of the most recognizable politicians and most authoritative ministers of Russia, Sergei Lavrov, has long been associated with the country's successful foreign policy. Witty answers at numerous press conferences, rather strong expressions and comments positively complement the image of an impressive official. The biography of Sergei Lavrov shows an excellent example of a diplomat who went from being an intern at the embassy to a minister.

early years

There is little information about Sergei Lavrov's childhood. He was born in Moscow (according to other sources in Tbilisi) on March 21, 1950. His father, Viktor Kalantarov, is an Armenian from Tbilisi. The Kalantarovs were very rich before the revolution; their grandfather was a member of the Duma in Tbilisi. All that is known about mother Kaleria Borisovna Lavrov is that she was born in the city of Noginsk near Moscow and worked in the USSR Ministry of Foreign Trade. There are a lot of speculations about his nationality. In the biography, the nationality of Sergey Viktorovich Lavrov is indicated as Russian. However, during a speech at the Yerevan Slavic University in 2005, Lavrov stated that he was a purebred Armenian.

I have Tbilisi roots, because my father is from there, Armenian blood flows in me and no other. This blood does not bother me in any way. Sergey Lavrov

According to some sources, he spent his early childhood in Tbilisi, his family was Russian-speaking and did not know the Armenian language, like Lavrov himself. He took his last name from his stepfather, who adopted him (according to another version, his mother's), so the whole world knows him as Sergey Viktorovich Lavrov. In his biography, his nationality is Russian.


The future politician began to study at one of the schools near Moscow, specializing in the study of the English language. As indicated in the biography of Sergei Lavrov, his grandmother and grandfather were engaged in his upbringing in the family. Parents were very busy with work, they often had to go on long business trips. The politician in one of the interviews said that they kept him strict, they could be kind, or they could punish him.

Sergey Lavrov continued his secondary education already in Moscow, in specialized school No. 607, where his parents transferred him. Studying was easy for him, his favorite subject was physics. He graduated from school with a silver medal. In the biography of Sergei Lavrov, this was the first, but far from the last award. Now, as far as possible, he tries to support his native school. Having never made a choice between physics and an international career, Lavrov applied to both MGIMO and the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute.

Student years

He became a diplomat because the entrance exams at MGIMO began a month earlier. Lavrov not only studied well, but also actively participated in public life. Every summer he worked in student construction teams. Even before the start of his studies, he managed to work on the construction of the Ostankino tower, later, together with fellow students, he participated in stands in Tuva, Khakassia, Yakutia and in the Far East. At the institute, as his wife Maria Alexandrovna recalls, he was known for performing Vysotsky's songs with a guitar.

Maria is a teacher of Russian language and literature by profession. They got married when her betrothed was in his third year. So in Sergei Lavrov's biography, the family took its rightful place. In addition to English, he studied French, which (by his own admission) he does not know very well. Since Sergei studied at the eastern branch, he had to study one of the eastern languages. He inherited Sinhalese - the main language of the island of Ceylon, akin to the Maldivian language of Dhivehi. In 1972, Lavrov received a diploma from one of the most prestigious institutions in the country.

Carier start

The working biography of Sergey Viktorovich Lavrov began in 1972 with an internship at the Embassy Soviet Union in Colombo, the capital of Sri Lanka. In total, he spent four years in this tropical country. Having successfully completed an internship, he was promoted to attaché. Later, he warmly recalled the beginning of his diplomatic work, as the discovery of a new world and new friends. Lavrov was engaged in the analysis of the current state of affairs in the republic, was a translator and assistant to Ambassador Rafik Nishanov.

After completing a foreign business trip (since 1976), he began work in the Office of International Organizations in the central office of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He continued to work as an attaché, then became the third, and later the second secretary. Lavrov was engaged in analytical work, participated in the work of many delegations, was engaged in organizing cooperation with international institutions, including the UN. The embassy was also responsible for cooperation with the Maldives. Since both countries were on friendly terms at that time, the volume of economic cooperation was large. Accordingly, Lavrov also had a lot of work.

This period can be noted as the time of a successful start in the biography of Sergei Lavrov. This imposing young man confidently climbed the career ladder. However, he was not involved in political intrigues and scandals.

First American business trip

In 1981, the first American period of his life began in the biography of Sergei Viktorovich Lavrov. He began work at the Permanent Mission of the USSR to the UN in New York as First Secretary. Together with him, as on the first business trip to Sri Lanka, his wife went. Their daughter Katya was born here, and she can obtain American citizenship by birthright. As noted in the biography of Sergei Lavrov, his family, children (more precisely, his only daughter) helped him work successfully away from his native country.

For the Lavrovs, these were good years... Sergei Viktorovich held a prestigious position in an international organization, Maria, figuratively speaking, became a safe harbor for their family ship. She devoted herself to her husband and daughter. While working in the United States, Lavrov continued his successful career, becoming first an advisor and then a senior advisor. Some of his working moments can be seen in the photos presented in the article. In the biography of Sergei Lavrov, the family, children (daughter and son-in-law), as well as grandchildren occupy a very important place, despite the fact that he devoted his entire life to a political career.

Perestroika years

Lavrov returned to Moscow in 1988. He began work at the Foreign Ministry in the Department of Foreign Economic Relations. At first he held the position of deputy head of this organization, then became first deputy, and after a while he took the chair of the head. As befits a Soviet official, before the collapse of the Union, Lavrov was a communist.

During these years, the country was undergoing restructuring. It brought not only extraordinary economic hardships, but also some positive changes. Thus, during this controversial period, a warming began in international relations with the West, and cooperation with international organizations strengthened. National republics began to struggle to increase their powers, including international ones. Everyone sought the right to independently decide their own destiny and outline the path of development.

In October 1990, Andrei Kozyrev was appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs of the RSFSR (such a republic still existed at that time). With the weakening of the center's influence, a redistribution of responsibilities began between the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the corresponding republican ministries, which had previously been in secondary roles. With the end of the existence of the Soviet Union, the RSFSR became The Russian Federation.

Career start in Russia

In 1992, Lavrov became Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. He was assigned to oversee the activities of the Department of International Organizations and Global Problems of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the RSFSR. So in the biography of Sergei Lavrov began a new important stage his international activities.

At the same time, he began to supervise the work of the Human Rights Department at the Russian Foreign Ministry and the Department for Affairs, created on the basis of the CIS Union.

At 42, Lavrov approached the upper echelons as close as possible Russian authorities... Sergey Viktorovich was in charge of international cultural relations, as well as cooperation with the CIS countries and international organizations, international economic cooperation. His responsibilities included ensuring normal relationships with organizations within the UN system. During this period of the formation of the CIS, Lavrov was involved in coordinating cooperation with the former Soviet republics and coordinating documents. He represented the ministry in the commission responsible for regulating the country's peacekeeping operations, where he was involved in activities to end armed conflicts in Ossetia, Karabakh and Transnistria. Lavrov also participated in the first negotiations on a ceasefire in the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict.

Second American business trip

In 1994, the Lavrov family again went to New York, since Sergei Viktorovich was appointed head of the Russian Delegation to the UN. It is believed that in the Russian Permanent Mission to the UN Lavrov worked quite independently, took the initiative, without waiting for instructions from Moscow. He had to deal with a wide variety of issues. Lavrov was able to study in detail many international problems, including the conflicts in Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, the Arab countries of the Middle East, the fight against terrorism and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. For this, the Russian Mission to the UN was called "a small Foreign Ministry." His wife Maria worked at the UN library at that time.

Below is a photo of Sergey Lavrov's family. In the biography of the children, this person no longer increased. He still raised his only daughter, Catherine. The girl grew up and studied in America. Therefore, the transfer of my father here was perceived as a gift of fate.

Lavrov ran the representative office for nine and a half years. During this time, he received wide recognition in Russia and the world. The conflict with Kofi Annan brought him some scandalous notoriety, when Lavrov refused to carry out his order to introduce a ban on smoking in the UN premises. Sergei Lavrov said that Annan is just a hired manager, so he has no right to give orders to diplomats. After that, our politician continued to defiantly smoke in specially designated UN premises. His behavior can be explained by the fact that Lavrov has long been a heavy smoker. Earlier they tried to bring him to justice for this (they wanted to fine him in a restaurant in Dublin), but Sergey Viktorovich staunchly stands his ground.

At the pinnacle of power

The biography of Sergei Lavrov is very successful. He became the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation in 2004. By this time, he was already one of the most venerable Russian diplomats. President Putin spotted him back in 2000 during the UN Millennium Summit. In connection with his appointment as minister, Lavrov wrote an article for the world press in which he outlined his vision of Russian foreign policy.

Then the United States was our closest allies in the fight against global terrorism. However, Lavrov noted that it is necessary to cooperate with Muslim countries. He believed that the country should not take sides in the conflict between the West and the Muslim East. The new minister believed that foreign policy should promote the development of cooperation between Russia and Asian countries. In 2004, Russia used its veto power for the first time in voting in the UN Security Council. The merit of Sergei Viktorovich in this is also there.

Under the leadership of Lavrov, the issues of delimiting territories with the former Soviet republics were resolved, the border dispute with China, which had been going on since the 19th century, was resolved. As part of the work of the Big Eight, G-8 Lavrov took part in preparations for a discussion of energy security, education development and other humanitarian issues. The issues discussed within the G-8 were widely known, on which the positions of Russia and the West were sharply at odds. This concerned the independence of Kosovo, the American missile defense system in Europe.

During this period, another warming of relations between Russia and the United States was observed. Lavrov participated in the development common solutions on countering al-Qaeda and other extremist organizations, discussed the adoption of regulations on nuclear safety. After the Georgian-South Ossetian conflict, Lavrov was preparing a package of agreements with Abkhazia and South Ossetia on the establishment of diplomatic relations and cooperation.

An important area of ​​his work is the diplomatic support of strategic cooperation with China. Lavrov among the achievements in foreign policy always noted the success in integration in the post-Soviet space, especially the results in the formation of the Eurasian Economic Union, achieved by 2016. As you can see, the biography of Minister Sergei Lavrov is also rich in important political events, in the development of which he was directly involved.

A little about personal life

Sergey Lavrov became interested in rafting during his student years. He remains faithful to this occupation now. Together with his student friends, Sergey Viktorovich is rafting on rubber rafts along the mountain rivers of Altai. In these trips, the group has long established a distribution of responsibilities. So, they have Lavrov - a bonfire. He is responsible for finding firewood at the halts and kindling a fire. Sergei Viktorovich still loves to participate in the "skits" of MGIMO graduates, he even performed with an amateur performance at the ASEAN forum.

In Sergei Lavrov's biography, family, children and career are harmoniously connected. Daughter Catherine graduated from the prestigious Columbia University in the United States, then studied economics and political science in London. There she met her future husband, Alexander Vinokurov, the son of a pharmaceutical magnate. Now Ekaterina works in the international company Christies, where she is engaged in auctions of art objects. She has a son and a daughter.

With his wife Maria, Sergei Viktorovich has been happily living for more than forty years. He still sings in his home circle with a guitar, and still plays football with friends. His life is surprisingly respectable. Lavrov still avoids getting involved in any conflicts. He can only be reproached for his wit, which sometimes breaks through during an interview.

Some are haunted by the nationality of Sergei Lavrov. The biography of this man states that he is Russian. That should be enough for anyone interested in it. In 2017, Lavrov indicated the amount of 8.39 million rubles in his income statement. Owned by Sergei Viktorovich land plot about 3 hectares, apartment, house, three garages and a car.