The main idea of ​​the story is a big wash of panteleys. Mother's Day Leisure "The Big Laundry" (based on the story by L

Alexey Ivanovich Panteleev


Stories about Squirrel and Tamarochka

spanish hats

big washing

One mother had two girls.

One girl was small and the other was bigger. The little one was white, and the bigger one was black. The little white one was named Squirrel, and the little black one was Tamarochka.

These girls were very naughty.

In the summer they lived in the country.

Here they come and say:

Mom, and mom, can we go to the sea - swim?

And my mother answers them:

With whom will you go, daughters? I can't go. I'm busy. I need to cook dinner.

And we, they say, will go alone.

How is it alone?

Yes so. Let's join hands and let's go.

Don't you get lost?

No, no, don't get lost, don't be afraid. We know all the streets.

Okay, go ahead, Mom says. - But just look, I forbid you to swim. You can walk barefoot on the water. Please play it in the sand. And swimming - no, no.

The girls promised her that they would not swim.

They took with them a spatula, molds and a small lace umbrella and went to the sea.

And they had very elegant dresses. Squirrel had a pink dress with a blue bow, and Tamarochka, on the contrary, had a blue dress and a pink bow. But on the other hand, they both had exactly the same little blue Spanish hats with red tassels (376).

As they walked down the street, everyone stopped and said:

You look what beautiful young ladies are walking!

And the girls enjoy it. They also opened an umbrella over their heads: to make it even more beautiful.

Here they come to the sea. First they started playing in the sand. They began to dig wells, cook sand cakes, build sand houses, sculpt sand men ...

They played and played - and it became very hot for them.

Tamara says:

You know what, White? Let's go shopping!

And Belochka says:

Well, what are you! After all, my mother wouldn't let us.

Nothing, says Tamarochka. - We are slowly. Mom doesn't even know.

The girls were very naughty.

So they quickly undressed, folded their clothes under a tree and ran into the water.

And while they were swimming there, a thief came and stole all their clothes. And he stole dresses, and stole panties, and shirts, and sandals, and even stole Spanish hats with red tassels. He left only a small lace umbrella and molds. He does not need an umbrella - he is a thief, not a young lady, and he simply did not notice the molds. They lay aside - under a tree.

The girls didn't see anything.

They swam there - ran, splashed, swam, dived ...

And the thief at this time was dragging their linen.

Here the girls jumped out of the water and run to get dressed. They come running and see nothing: no dresses, no pants, no shirts. Even the Spanish hats with red tassels are gone.

Girls think:

"Maybe we came to the wrong place? Maybe we undressed under another tree?"

But no. They see - and the umbrella is here, and the molds are here.

So they undressed here, under this tree.

And then they realized that their clothes had been stolen.

They sat down on the sand under a tree and began to sob loudly.

Belochka says:

Tamarochka! Darling! Why didn't we listen to our mother? Why did we go swimming? How are we going to get home now?

But Tamarochka herself does not know. They didn't even have panties left. Do they have to go home naked?

And it was already evening. It's gotten cold. The wind began to blow.

The girls see - there is nothing to do, we must go. The girls were chilled, turned blue, trembling.

They thought, sat, cried and went home.

And their home was far away. We had to go through three streets.

People see: two girls are walking down the street. One girl is small and the other is bigger. The little girl is white, and the bigger one is black. The white one carries an umbrella, and the black one has a net with molds in her hands.

And both girls go completely naked.

And everyone looks at them, everyone is surprised, they point with their fingers.

Look, they say, what funny girls are coming!

And girls are uncomfortable. Isn't it nice when everyone points fingers at you?!

Suddenly they see a policeman standing on the corner. His cap is white, his shirt is white, and even the gloves on his hands are also white.

He sees - there is a crowd.

He takes out his whistle and whistles. Then everyone stops. And the girls stop. And the policeman asks:

What happened, comrades?

And they answer him:

Do you know what happened? Naked girls walk the streets.

He says:

Et what is it? A?! Who allowed you, citizens, to run naked through the streets?

And the girls were so frightened that they could not say anything. They stand and sniff as if they have a runny nose.

Policeman says:

Don't you know that you can't run naked through the streets? A?! Do you want me to take you to the police for this now? A?

And the girls were even more frightened and said:

No, we don't. Do not do it, Please. We are not to blame. We've been robbed.

Who robbed you?

Girls say:

We do not know. We were swimming in the sea, and he came and stole all our clothes.

Ah, that's how it is! - said the policeman.

Then he thought, hid the whistle back and said:

Where do you live girls?

They say:

We are around that corner - in a green cottage we live.

Well, that's it, - said the policeman. - Then run quickly to your green little cottage. Put on something warm. And never run naked through the streets again...

The girls were so happy that they said nothing and ran home.

Meanwhile, their mother was setting the table in the garden.

And suddenly she sees - her girls are running: Belochka and Tamarochka. And both of them are completely naked.

Mom was so frightened that she even dropped a deep plate.

Mom says:

Girls! What is it with you? Why are you naked?

And Belochka shouts to her:

Mommy! You know - we were robbed!!!

How did you get robbed? Who sectioned you?

We separated ourselves.

Why were you undressing? Mom asks.

And the girls can't say anything. They stand and sniff.

What are you? - says mom. - Did you swim?

Yes, the girls say. - Swim a little.

Mom got angry and said:

Oh, you rascals! Oh you naughty girls! What am I going to dress you in now? After all, I have all the dresses in the wash ...

Then he says:

Well, OK! As a punishment, you will now walk like this for the rest of your life.

The girls got scared and said:

What if it rains?

Nothing, - says mom, - you have an umbrella.

And in winter?

And go like this in the winter.

The squirrel cried and said:

Mommy! Where am I going to put my handkerchief? I don't have a single pocket left.

Suddenly the gate opens and a policeman enters. And he carries some white bundle.

He says:

This is where the girls live, who run naked through the streets?

Mom says:

Yes, yes, comrade policeman. Here they are, these naughty girls.

Policeman says:

Then here's what. Then get your things soon. I caught the thief.

The policeman untied the knot, and there - what do you think? All their things are there: a blue dress with a pink bow, and a pink dress with a blue bow, and sandals, and stockings, and panties. And even handkerchiefs are in pockets.

Where are the spanish hats? - asks Belochka.

And I won’t give you Spanish hats, - the policeman says.

And why?

And because, - says the policeman, - only very good children can wear such hats ... And you, as I see, are not very good ...

Once my mother went to the market for meat. And the girls were left alone at home. When leaving, mother told them to behave well, not to touch anything, not to play with matches, not to climb on the windowsills, not to go out on the stairs, not to torture the kitten. And she promised them to bring each an orange.

The girls closed the door behind their mother with a chain and think: “What should we do?” They think: "The best thing is to sit down and draw." They took out their notebooks and colored pencils, sat down at the table and drew. And more and more oranges are painted. After all, you know, it’s very easy to draw them: I smeared some potatoes, painted them with a red pencil and - the thing is ready - an orange.

Then Tamarochka got tired of drawing, she says:

You know, let's write better. Do you want me to write the word "orange"?

Write, - says Belochka.

Tamarochka thought, tilted her head a little, drooled on the pencil and the job was done - she wrote:

And Squirrel also scribbled two or three letters that she could.

Then Tamarochka says:

And I can not only write with a pencil, I can also write with ink. Do not believe? Do you want me to write?

Belochka says:

Where do you get ink?

And dad has as much as you want on the table. Whole bank.

Yes, - says Squirrel, - but my mother did not allow us to touch on the table.

Tamara says:

Think! She didn't say anything about ink. It's not ink matches.

And Tamarochka ran to her father's room and brought in ink and a pen. And she began to write. And although she knew how to write, she was not very good at writing. She began to dip the pen into the bottle and knocked over the bottle. And all the ink spilled onto the tablecloth. And the tablecloth was clean, white, freshly spread.

The girls gasped.

The squirrel didn't even fall off the chair on the floor.

Oh, - he says, - oh ... oh ... what a spot! ..

And the spot is getting bigger and bigger, growing and growing. They almost put a blot on half the tablecloth.

The squirrel turned pale and said:

Oh, Tamarochka, how will it hit us!

And Tamarochka herself knows what will hit. She is also standing - almost crying. Then she thought, scratched her nose and said:

You know, let's say that it was the cat that knocked over the ink!

Belochka says:

Yes, but it's not good to lie, Tamarochka.

I myself know that it is not good. What are we to do then?

Belochka says:

You know? Let's wash the tablecloth!

Tamara even liked it. She says:

Let's. But what to wash it in?

Belochka says:

Come on, you know, in the doll's bath.

Stupid. Can a tablecloth fit into a doll's bath? Well, drag the trough here!

The present?..

Well, of course it's real.

The squirrel was scared. Is talking:

Tamarochka, after all, my mother did not allow us ...

Tamara says:

She didn't say anything about the trough. A trough is not a match. Come on, come on quickly...

The girls ran to the kitchen, removed the trough from the nail, poured water into it from the tap and dragged it into the room. They brought a stool. They put the trough on a stool.

The squirrel is tired - barely breathing.

But Tamarochka won't let her rest.

Well, - he says, - bring soap soon!

Belochka ran. Brings soap.

Blue is still needed. And well - drag the blue!

Squirrel ran to look for blue. Can't find anywhere.


No blue.

And Tamarochka has already removed the tablecloth from the table and lowers it into the water. It is terrible to lower - a dry tablecloth into wet water. Dropped it anyway. Then he says:

No blue needed.

Squirrel looked, and the water in the trough was blue-blue.

Tamara says:

You see, it's even good that they put a stain. Can be washed without blue.

Then he says:

Oh, Belochka!

What? Belochka says.

The water is cold.

So what?

Clothes are not washed in cold water. In the cold, only rinse.

Belochka says:

Well, nothing, let's rinse then.

Squirrel was frightened: suddenly Tamarochka would also make her boil water.

Tamarochka began to lather the tablecloth with soap. Then she began to squeeze her, as expected. And the water is getting darker and darker.

Belochka says:

Well, you can probably already squeeze it out.

Well, let's see, - says Tamarochka.

The girls pulled the tablecloth out of the trough. And there are only two small white spots on the tablecloth. And the whole tablecloth is blue.

Oh, - says Tamarochka. - We need to change the water. Bring clean water as soon as possible.

Belochka says:

No, now you drag. I also want to wash.

Tamara says:

What else! I put a stain, I'll wash it.

Belochka says:

No, now I will.

No, you won't!

No, I will!

Squirrel began to cry and grabbed the trough with both hands. And Tamarochka grabbed the other end. And their trough swayed like a cradle or a swing.

You'd better go, - shouted Tamarochka. - Get out. honestly, otherwise I'll splash water on you now.

The squirrel was probably frightened that she really would splash, jumped back, let go of the trough, and Tamarochka would pull it at that moment - it was somersault, off the stool - and onto the floor. And, of course, water from it, too, on the floor. And flowed in all directions.

This is where the girls got really scared.

The squirrel stopped crying from fear.

And the water is already all over the room - and under the table, and under the closet, and under the piano, and under the chairs, and under the sofa, and under the bookcase, and wherever it can flow. Even small streams ran into the next room.

The girls came to their senses, ran, fussed:

Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!..

And in the next room at that time the kitten Fluffy was sleeping on the floor. As soon as he saw that water was flowing under him, he would jump up, how he would meow and let's run like crazy all over the apartment:

Meow! Meow! Meow!

The girls run and the kitten runs. The girls are screaming and the kitten is screaming. The girls don't know what to do and the kitten doesn't know what to do either.

Tamarochka climbed on a stool and shouted:

Squirrel! Get on the chair! Quicker! You will get wet.

But Squirrel was so frightened that she couldn’t even climb a chair. She stands like a chicken, cringed and just shakes her head:

Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!

And suddenly they hear the girls - a call.

Tamarochka turned pale and said:

Mom is coming.

And Belochka herself hears. She cringed even more, looked at Tamarochka and said:

Well, now we will ...

And in the hallway again:

Once again:

"Ding! Ding!"

Tamara says:

Squirrel, dear, open, please.

Yes, thank you, says Belochka. - Why should I?

Well, Squirrel, well, dear, well, you are still standing closer. I'm on a stool, but you're still on the floor.

Belochka says:

I can also sit on a chair.

Then Tamarochka sees that she still needs to go and open it, jumped off the stool and said:

You know? Let's say that this cat knocked over the trough!

Belochka says:

No, better, you know, let's wipe the floor as soon as possible!

Tamara thought and said:

Well... Let's try. Maybe mom won't even notice...

And then the girls came running again. Tamarochka grabbed the wet tablecloth and let it crawl across the floor. And Squirrel behind her, like a tail, rushes about, fusses, and just know for yourself:

Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!

Tamara tells her:

You better not oyka, but rather drag the trough to the kitchen as soon as possible.

Squirrel, poor, dragged a trough. And Tamarochka to her:

And take soap at the same time.

Where is the soap?

What don't you see? There it is floating under the piano.

And the call again:

"Dz-z-zin! .."

Well, - says Tamarochka. - We should probably go. I'll go and open it, and you, Squirrel, quickly wipe the floor. See to it that not a single speck is left.

Belochka says:

Tamara, where is the tablecloth then? On the table?

Stupid. Why is it on the table? Push it - you know where? Push her away under the sofa. When it dries, we iron it and lay it down.

And so Tamarochka went to open it. She doesn't want to go. Her legs are trembling, her hands are trembling. She stopped at the door, stood a moment, listened, sighed, and in a thin voice asked:

Mommy, is that you?

Mom comes in and says:

Lord, what happened?

Tamara says:

Nothing happened.

So why are you taking so long? .. I probably call and knock for twenty minutes.

But I didn’t hear, - says Tamarochka.

Mom says:

God knows what I was thinking ... I thought - the thieves climbed in or the wolves ate you.

No, - says Tamarochka, - no one ate us.

Mom took the net with meat into the kitchen, then comes back and asks:

And where is Belochka?

Tamara says:

Squirrel? And Squirrel… I don’t know, somewhere there, it seems… in big room… doing something there, I don’t know…

Mom looked at Tamarochka with surprise and said:

Listen, Tamarochka, why are your hands so dirty? And some spots on the face!

Tamarochka touched her nose and said:

And this is what we drew.

What did you draw with coal or mud?

No, - says Tamarochka, - we drew with pencils.

And mom has already undressed and goes to big room. He enters and sees: all the furniture in the room is shifted, turned over, you won’t understand where the table is, where the chair is, where the sofa is, where the whatnot ... And under the piano, Squirrel is crawling on his haunches and doing something there and crying at the top of his voice.

Mom stopped at the door and said:

Squirrel! Daughter! What are you doing there?

The squirrel leaned out from under the piano and said:

And she herself is dirty, dirty, and her face is dirty, and even there are spots on her nose.

Tamarochka did not give her an answer. Is talking:

And this is what we wanted, mommy, to help you - to wash the floor.

Mom was happy and said:

Well, thank you!..

Then she came up to Belochka, leaned over and asked:

And what is it, I wonder, my daughter washes the floor?

She looked up and shook her head.

Oh my God! - is talking. - Just look! After all, she washes the floor with a handkerchief!

Tamara says:

Fu, what a stupid!

And mom says:

Yes perishing, this indeed is called - help me.

And Squirrel cried even louder under her piano and said:

Not true, mom. We don't help you at all. We overturned the trough.

Mom sat on a stool and said:

This was still missing. What trough?

Belochka says:

The real one… Iron.

But how, I wonder, did it get here - a trough?

Belochka says:

We washed the tablecloth.

What tablecloth? Where is she? Why did you erase it? After all, she was clean, only yesterday she was posted.

And we accidentally spilled ink on it.

It's still not easier. What kind of ink? Where did you get them?

The squirrel looked at Tamarochka and said:

We brought it from dad's room.

And who allowed you?

The girls looked at each other and were silent.

Mom sat, thought, frowned and said:

Well, what am I to do with you now?

The girls both cried and said:

Punish us.

Mom says:

Do you really want me to punish you?

Girls say:

Not, no so much.

Why do you think I should punish you?

And for the fact that, probably, we washed the floor.

No, - says my mother, - I will not punish you for this.

Well, then, for the fact that the linen was washed.

No, Mom says. And I won't punish you for that either. And for spilling the ink, I won't either. And for writing in ink, I won’t either. But for taking an inkwell from your father's room without asking, you really should be punished for this. After all, if you were obedient girls and didn’t climb into your father’s room, you wouldn’t have to wash the floor, wash the linen, or overturn the trough. And at the same time, you wouldn't have to lie. After all, in fact, Tamarochka, don't you know why your nose is dirty?

Tamara says:

I know of course.

So why didn't you just say so?

Tamara says:

I was afraid.

And this is bad, - says my mother. - Managed to mess up - manage and answer for your sins. I made a mistake - do not run away with your tail between your legs, but correct it.

We wanted to fix it, - says Tamarochka.

They wanted to, but they couldn’t, says my mother.

Then she looked up and said:

Where, I don't see, is the tablecloth?

Belochka says:

She is under the sofa.

And what is she doing there - under the sofa?

She dries there with us.

Mom pulled the tablecloth out from under the sofa and sat down on the stool again.

God! - is talking. - My God! Such a cute little tablecloth! And look what she has become. After all, this is not a tablecloth, but some kind of floor rag.

The girls cried even louder, and the mother says:

Yes, my dear daughters, you have done me trouble. I was tired, I was thinking of resting, - I was only going to do a big laundry next Saturday, but, apparently, I have to do this business now. Come on, loser washerwomen, take off your dresses!

The girls were scared. They say:

What for? And then, that in clean dresses, linen is not washed, the floors are not washed, and they do not work at all. Put on your bathrobes and - quickly follow me to the kitchen ...

While the girls were changing clothes, my mother managed to turn on the gas in the kitchen and put three large pots on the stove: in one - water to wash the floor, in the second to boil the laundry, and in the third, separately, - the tablecloth.

Girls say:

Why did you separate it? It's not her fault she messed up.

Mom says:

Yes, she, of course, is not to blame, but still you have to wash it alone. And then all our underwear will turn blue. And in general, I think that you can’t wash this tablecloth anymore. I'll probably have to paint it blue.

Girls say:

Oh how beautiful it will be!

No, - says my mother, - I think that it will not be very beautiful. If it were really beautiful, then, probably, people would put blots on the tablecloth every day.

Then he says:

Well, stop talking, take a rag each and go wash the floor.

Girls say:

For real?

Mom says:

What did you think? You have already washed up like a toy, now let's get real.

And now the girls began to really wash the floor.

Mom gave them each a corner and said:

Watch how I wash, and you wash like that too. Where you have washed it, do not walk in a clean place ... Do not leave puddles on the floor, but wipe it dry. Well, one or two started! ..

Mom rolled up her sleeves, tucked up the hem and went to plow with a wet rag. Yes, so cleverly, so quickly that the girls barely keep up with her. And of course, they do not work out as well as their mother. But still they try. The squirrel even got on her knees to make it more comfortable.

Mom says to her:

Squirrel, you should lie on your stomach. If you get so dirty, then we will have to wash you in the trough later.

Then he says:

Well, please run to the kitchen, see if the water is boiling in the laundry tub.

Belochka says:

But how do you know if it boils or not boils?

Mom says:

If it gurgles, it means it is boiling; if it doesn’t gurgle, it means it hasn’t boiled yet.

The squirrel ran to the kitchen, runs:

Mommy, bubbling, bubbling!

Mom says:

It’s not mommy gurgling, but the water, probably gurgling?

Then my mother came out of the room for something, Squirrel to Tamarochka and says:

You know? And I saw oranges!

Tamara says:

In a net in which the meat hangs. Do you know how much? As many as three.

Tamara says:

Yes. We'll have oranges now. Wait.

Then my mother comes and says:

And well, scrubbers, take buckets and rags - we go to the kitchen to wash clothes.

Girls say:

For real?

Mom says:

Now you will do everything for real.

And the girls, together with their mother, really washed clothes. Then they really rinsed it. Really squeezed out. And they really hung it in the attic on ropes to dry.

And when they finished working and returned home, my mother fed them lunch. And never before in their lives did they eat with such pleasure as on this day. And they ate soup, and porridge, and black bread sprinkled with salt.

And when they dined, my mother brought a net from the kitchen and said:

Well, now you can probably get an orange each.

Girls say:

And who is the third?

Mom says:

Ah, how is it? Do you already know that there is a third?

Girls say:

And the third, mommy, you know who? The third - the biggest - to you.

No, daughters, - said the mother. - Thank you. I have enough, perhaps, and the smallest. After all, today you worked twice as much as I did. Is not it? And the floor was washed twice. And the tablecloth was washed twice ...

Belochka says:

But the ink was only spilled once.

Mom says:

Well, you know, if you spilled ink twice, I would punish you like that ...

Belochka says:

Yes, but you did not punish all the same?

Mom says:

Wait, maybe I'll punish you all the same.

But the girls see: no, now they won’t punish them if they haven’t punished them before.

They hugged their mother, kissed her hard, and then thought and chose her - though not the biggest, but still the best orange.

And they did it right.

The story Big wash - L Panteleev
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Panteleev "Big wash"
The book tells about two sisters Belochka and Tamarochka.
One day, my mother was going to the store and told the girls to behave, and for this she would bring them oranges and left.
The girls decided to draw, but they quickly got bored. They took ink from dad and spilled it on the tablecloth. They decided to wash the tablecloth. They brought a chair and a trough into the room, lowered the tablecloth into the water. from ink. We decided to change the water, they began to argue who would change the water. They argued and argued and overturned the trough with water. Water poured in all directions. the bell rang. Mom came! They ran in, began to hide the tablecloth, trough, wipe the floor.
Mom thought that something had happened to the girls. But when mom saw what the girls had done, she decided to punish them for taking ink without asking. After all, if they hadn’t taken ink, then all this would not have happened.
Mom, Belochka and Tamarochka began to really mop the floor, really wash, really rinse, really wring out and really hang clothes in the attic.
When they finished cleaning, they received the promised oranges. They kissed their mother and gave her the best orange. Because she still did not punish them. And mother told them that if they spilled ink a second time, they would definitely punish them.
Listen to more children's stories

The main characters of Leonid Panteleev's story "The Big Wash" are the sisters Tamarochka and Belochka. The girls' mother once went to the market and asked the girls to be nice at home and not to touch things meant for adults. The girls obeyed their mother and sat down to draw.

They drew oranges, and then Tamarochka wrote the word "Opelsin" with a pencil. Then she declared that she could write not only with a pencil, but also with ink. When Belochka asked where her sister would get the ink, she said that dad had a whole jar on the table.

Squirrel reminded Tamarochka that her mother did not allow her to touch anything, but Tamarochka waved her off and ran for ink. But when she began to write, she knocked over the bottle, and the ink spilled on the new white tablecloth.

The girls were frightened, and Tamara first offered to tell her mother that the cat knocked over the ink. But then Belochka had an idea to wash the tablecloth, and the sisters removed the trough from the wall and filled it with water. They lathered the tablecloth and rinsed it, but after washing the tablecloth was all blue, and the water was also blue.

Tamarochka told Belochka that the water needed to be changed. But she refused to change the water, and an argument broke out between the sisters. They began to pull the trough in different sides and it overturned. The water spread throughout the apartment and the sisters were frightened.

At that moment, my mother came and rang the doorbell. The girls did not open it for a long time, trying to wipe the water from the floor. They hid the wet tablecloth under the sofa to dry there.

When my mother entered the apartment, she was surprised at the mess that reigned in it. At first, the sisters told their mother that they decided to wash the floor, but then they told all about the ink, the tablecloth, and the overturned trough.

They asked their mother if she would scold them? Mom said that she would not scold the girls for the trough, tablecloth and overturned ink, but she would punish them for taking ink from the table without asking.

Then my mother told the sisters to change clothes and said that now they would really mop the floor and wash the tablecloth. She showed Tamara and Belochka how to wash the floor properly, and set to work with them. Then they all washed the tablecloth together. And when all the work was done, my mother fed the girls dinner, and they ate with great appetite. After dinner, mother brought three large oranges, and the sister gave the best orange to mother.

Takovo summary story.

The main idea of ​​Panteleev's story "The Big Wash" is that parents should always be obeyed in order to avoid trouble. The girls did not listen to their mother and took ink from their father's table. As a result, they had to wash the room and wash the tablecloth.

Panteleev's story "Big Wash" teaches to be obedient and exemplary, to help mom in everything.

In the story, I liked the mother of Tamarochka and Belochka, who did not scold the girls, but attracted them to cleaning the apartment and washing the tablecloth so that they would fix what they had done with their own hands. The best education is education by work. Tamarochka is completely wrong in taking her father's inkwell without asking. If someone took and spoiled Tamarochka's thing, then she would obviously not like it.

What proverbs are suitable for Panteleev's story "The Big Wash"?

Managed to mischief - be able to answer for your sins.
Do not grab someone else's, do not leave your own!
Seven troubles - one answer.
Mother will not advise bad.

They wanted to return, but they thought: “No, it’s better to go home as soon as possible. And then we'll get lost again."

They go and think

“If only mommy was at home. What if mom isn't there? What are we going to do then?"

And my mother walked, walked through the forest, screamed, screamed at the girls, did not finish screaming and went home.

Came, sits on the porch and cries.

The hostess comes and asks:

What's the matter with you, Marya Petrovna?

And she says:

My girls are lost.

As soon as she said this, she suddenly sees: her girls are coming. The squirrel is in front, Tamarochka is behind. And both girls are dirty, dirty, wet, wet.

Mom says:

Girls! What are you doing to me? Where have you been? Is it possible so?

And Belochka screams:

Mommy! Ay! Lunch is ready?

Mom scolded the girls properly, then fed them, changed clothes and asked:

Well, how scary was it in the forest?

Tamara says:

I don't care so much.

And Belochka says:

And I'm so small.

Then he says:

Well, nothing ... But look, mommy, how many mushrooms Tamara and I collected.

The girls dragged their full baskets, put them on the table ...

In! - they say.

Mom began to disassemble the mushrooms and gasped.

Girls! - is talking. - Cute ones! So you got some grebes!

How's the toadstool?

Well, of course, bastard. And this is a toadstool, and this is a toadstool, and this, and this, and this ...

Girls say:

And we wanted to eat them.

Mom says:

What do you?! Girls! Is it possible to? Those are rotten mushrooms. They make your stomach hurt, you can die from them. All of them, all of them, must be thrown into the garbage pit.

The girls felt sorry for the mushrooms. They are offended and say:

Why throw away? You don't have to throw it away. We'd rather give them to our dolls. Our dolls are good, not capricious, they eat everything ...

Belochka says:

They even eat sand.

Tamara says:

They even eat grass.

Belochka says:

Even buttons are eaten.

Mom says:

Well, that's good. Arrange a holiday for your dolls and treat them with toadstools.

The girls did just that.

They cooked dinner out of toadstools. For the first soup from toadstools, for the second cutlets from toadstools, and even for sweets - compote from toadstools was cooked.

And their dolls ate it all - and soup, and cutlets, and compote - and nothing, they did not complain, they were not capricious. Or maybe they had tummy ache - who knows. They are not talkative people.

big washing

Once my mother went to the market for meat. And the girls were left alone at home. When leaving, mother told them to behave well, not to touch anything, not to play with matches, not to climb on the windowsills, not to go out on the stairs, not to torture the kitten. And she promised them to bring each an orange.

The girls closed the door behind their mother with a chain and think: “What should we do?” They think: "The best thing is to sit down and draw." They took out their notebooks and colored pencils, sat down at the table and drew. And more and more oranges are painted. After all, you know, it’s very easy to draw them: I smeared some potatoes, painted them with a red pencil and - the thing is ready - an orange.

Then Tamarochka got tired of drawing, she says:

You know, let's write better. Do you want me to write the word "orange"?

Write, - says Belochka.

Tamarochka thought, tilted her head a little, drooled on her pencil, and - done - she wrote:

And Squirrel also scribbled two or three letters that she could.

Then Tamarochka says:

And I can not only write with a pencil, I can also write with ink. Do not believe? Do you want me to write?

Belochka says:

Where do you get ink?

And dad has as much as you want on the table. Whole bank.

Yes, - says Squirrel, - but my mother did not allow us to touch on the table.

Tamara says:

Think! She didn't say anything about ink. It's not matches, it's ink.

And Tamarochka ran to her father's room and brought in ink and a pen. And she began to write. And although she knew how to write, she was not very good at writing. She began to dip the pen into the bottle and knocked over the bottle. And all the ink spilled onto the tablecloth. And the tablecloth was clean, white, freshly spread.

The girls gasped.

The squirrel didn't even fall off the chair on the floor.

Oh, - he says, - oh ... oh ... what a spot! ..

And the spot is getting bigger and bigger, growing and growing. They almost put a blot on half the tablecloth.

The squirrel turned pale and said:

Oh, Tamarochka, how will it hit us!

And Tamarochka herself knows what will hit. She is also standing - almost crying. Then she thought, scratched her nose and said:

You know, let's say that it was the cat that knocked over the ink!

Belochka says:

Yes, but it's not good to lie, Tamarochka.

I myself know that it is not good. What are we to do then?

Belochka says:

You know? Let's wash the tablecloth!

Tamara even liked it. She says:

Let's. But what to wash it in?

Belochka says:

Come on, you know, in the doll's bath.

Stupid. Can a tablecloth fit into a doll's bath? Well, drag the trough here!

The present?..

Well, of course it's real.

The squirrel was scared. Is talking:

Tamarochka, after all, my mother did not allow us ...

Tamara says:

She didn't say anything about the trough. A trough is not a match. Come on, come on quickly...

The girls ran to the kitchen, removed the trough from the nail, poured water into it from the tap and dragged it into the room. They brought a stool. They put the trough on a stool.

The squirrel is tired - barely breathing.

But Tamarochka won't let her rest.

Well, - he says, - bring soap soon!

Belochka ran. Brings soap.

Blue is still needed. And well - drag the blue!

Squirrel ran to look for blue. Can't find anywhere.


No blue.

And Tamarochka has already removed the tablecloth from the table and lowers it into the water. It is terrible to lower - a dry tablecloth into wet water. Dropped it anyway. Then he says:

No blue needed.

Squirrel looked, and the water in the trough was blue-blue.

Tamara says:

You see, it's even good that they put a stain. Can be washed without blue.

Then he says:

Oh, Belochka!

What? Belochka says.

The water is cold.

So what?

Clothes are not washed in cold water. In the cold, only rinse.

Belochka says:

Well, nothing, let's rinse then.

Squirrel was frightened: suddenly Tamarochka would also make her boil water.

Tamarochka began to lather the tablecloth with soap. Then she began to squeeze her, as expected. And the water is getting darker and darker.

Belochka says:

Well, you can probably already squeeze it out.

Well, let's see, - says Tamarochka.

The girls pulled the tablecloth out of the trough. And there are only two small white spots on the tablecloth. And the whole tablecloth is blue.

Oh, - says Tamarochka. - We need to change the water. Bring clean water as soon as possible.

Belochka says:

No, now you drag. I also want to wash.

Tamara says:

What else! I put a stain, I'll wash it.

Belochka says:

No, now I will.

No, you won't!

No, I will!

Squirrel began to cry and grabbed the trough with both hands. And Tamarochka grabbed the other end. And their trough swayed like a cradle or a swing.

You'd better go, - shouted Tamarochka. - Go away, honestly, otherwise I'll splash water on you now.

The squirrel was probably frightened that she really would splash, - she jumped back, let go of the trough, and Tamarochka would pull it at that time - it was somersault, from the stool - and onto the floor. And, of course, water from it, too, on the floor. And flowed in all directions.

This is where the girls got really scared.

The squirrel stopped crying from fear.

And the water is already all over the room - and under the table, and under the closet, and under the piano, and under the chairs, and under the sofa, and under the bookcase, and wherever it can flow. Even small streams ran into the next room.