Why eclipses of the moon and the sun. Why do solar and lunar eclipses happen?

Solar eclipse- an astronomical phenomenon, which consists in the fact that the Moon closes (eclipses) the Sun in whole or in part from an observer on Earth. A solar eclipse is possible only on new moons, when the side of the Moon facing the Earth is not illuminated, and the Moon itself is not visible. Eclipses are possible only if the new moon occurs near one of the two lunar nodes (the point of intersection of the visible orbits of the Moon and the Sun), no more than about 12 degrees from one of them. The moon's shadow on the earth's surface does not exceed 270 km in diameter, so a solar eclipse is observed only in a narrow band along the path of the shadow. Since the Moon revolves in an elliptical orbit, the distance between the Earth and the Moon at the time of an eclipse can be different, respectively, the diameter of the lunar shadow spot on the Earth's surface can vary widely from maximum to zero (when the top of the cone of the lunar shadow does not reach the Earth's surface). If the observer is in the shadow band, he sees a total solar eclipse in which the Moon completely hides the Sun, the sky darkens, and planets and bright stars can appear on it.

Around the solar disk hidden by the Moon, one can observe the solar corona, which is not visible under the usual bright light of the Sun. When the eclipse is observed by a stationary ground observer, the total phase lasts no more than a few minutes. The minimum speed of the lunar shadow on the earth's surface is just over 1 km/s. During the full solar eclipse astronauts in orbit can observe the moving shadow of the moon on the surface of the earth.

Observers close to the total eclipse may see it as a partial solar eclipse. During a partial eclipse, the Moon passes across the disk of the Sun not exactly in the center, hiding only part of it. In this case, the sky darkens much weaker than during a total eclipse, the stars do not appear. A partial eclipse can be observed at a distance of about two thousand kilometers from the zone of total eclipse.

The totality of a solar eclipse is also expressed by the phase Ф. The maximum phase of a partial eclipse is usually expressed in hundredths of unity, where 1 is the total phase of the eclipse. The total phase can be greater than unity, for example 1.01, if the diameter of the visible lunar disk is greater than the diameter of the visible solar disk. Partial phases have a value less than 1. At the edge of the lunar penumbra, the phase is 0.

The moment when the leading / trailing edge of the Moon's disk touches the edge of the Sun is called touchdown. The first contact is the moment when the Moon enters the disk of the Sun (the beginning of the eclipse, its partial phase). The last touch (the fourth in the case of a total eclipse) is the last moment of the eclipse, when the moon leaves the disk of the Sun. In the event of a total eclipse, the second touch is the moment when the front of the Moon, having passed all over the Sun, begins to exit the disk. A total solar eclipse occurs between the second and third touches.

According to astronomical classification, if an eclipse at least somewhere on the surface of the Earth can be observed as total, it is called total. If the eclipse can only be observed as a partial eclipse (this happens when the cone of the moon's shadow passes near the earth's surface, but does not touch it), the eclipse is classified as partial. When an observer is in the shadow of the moon, he observes a total solar eclipse. When he is in the penumbra, he can observe a partial solar eclipse. In addition to total and partial solar eclipses, there are annular eclipses. An annular eclipse occurs when, at the time of the eclipse, the Moon is at a greater distance from the Earth than during a total eclipse, and the shadow cone passes over the earth's surface without reaching it. Visually, during an annular eclipse, the Moon passes over the disk of the Sun, but it turns out to be smaller than the Sun in diameter, and cannot completely hide it. In the maximum phase of the eclipse, the Sun is covered by the Moon, but a bright ring of the uncovered part of the solar disk is visible around the Moon. The sky during an annular eclipse remains bright, stars do not appear, it is impossible to observe the corona of the Sun. The same eclipse can be seen in different parts eclipse bands as total or annular. Such an eclipse is sometimes called a total annular (or hybrid) eclipse.

From 2 to 5 solar eclipses can occur on Earth per year, of which no more than two are total or annular. On average, 237 solar eclipses occur in a hundred years, of which 160 are partial, 63 are total, and 14 are annular. At a certain point on the earth's surface, eclipses in the major phase occur quite rarely, and total solar eclipses are even more rare.

Moon eclipse

Moon eclipse An eclipse occurs when the Moon enters the cone of shadow cast by the Earth. The diameter of the spot of the Earth's shadow at a distance of 363,000 km (the minimum distance of the Moon from the Earth) is about 2.5 times the diameter of the Moon, so the entire Moon can be obscured. At each moment of the eclipse, the degree of coverage of the Moon's disk by the Earth's shadow is expressed by the phase of the eclipse F. The magnitude of the phase is determined by the distance 0 from the center of the Moon to the center of the shadow. In astronomical calendars, the values ​​\u200b\u200bof and 0 are given for different moments of the eclipse.

When the Moon during an eclipse completely enters the shadow of the Earth, they speak of a total lunar eclipse, when partially - a partial eclipse. A lunar eclipse can be observed on half of the Earth's territory (where the Moon is above the horizon at the time of the eclipse). The view of the shadowed Moon from any point of observation is negligibly little different from another point, and is the same. The maximum theoretically possible duration of the total phase of a lunar eclipse is 108 minutes; such were, for example, the lunar eclipses of August 13, 1859, July 16, 2000.

During an eclipse (even a total one), the Moon does not disappear completely, but becomes dark red. This fact is explained by the fact that the Moon, even in the phase of a total eclipse, continues to be illuminated. The sun's rays passing tangentially to the earth's surface are scattered in the earth's atmosphere and due to this scattering partially reach the moon. Since the earth's atmosphere is most transparent to the rays of the red-orange part of the spectrum, it is these rays that reach the surface of the moon during an eclipse to a greater extent, which explains the color of the lunar disk. In fact, this is the same effect as the orange-red glow of the sky near the horizon (dawn) before sunrise or just after sunset. The Danjon scale is used to estimate the brightness of an eclipse.

Phases of a lunar eclipse

An observer on the Moon, at the time of a total (or partial, if he is on the shaded part of the Moon) lunar eclipse, sees a total solar eclipse (an eclipse of the Sun by the Earth).

If the Moon only partially falls into the total shadow of the Earth, a partial eclipse is observed. With it, part of the Moon is dark, and part, even in the maximum phase, remains in partial shade and is illuminated by the sun's rays.

Views of the Moon during a lunar eclipse

Around the cone of the Earth's shadow there is a penumbra - a region of space in which the Earth obscures the Sun only partially. If the Moon passes through the penumbra but does not enter the shadow, a penumbral eclipse occurs. With it, the brightness of the Moon decreases, but only slightly: such a decrease is almost imperceptible to the naked eye and is recorded only by instruments. Only when the Moon in a penumbral eclipse passes near the cone of total shadow, in a clear sky, one can notice a slight darkening from one edge of the lunar disk.

Every year there are at least two lunar eclipses, however, due to the mismatch of the planes of the lunar and earth orbits, their phases differ. Eclipses are repeated in the same order every 6585 days (or 18 years 11 days and 8 hours - a period called saros); knowing where and when the complete moon eclipse, you can accurately determine the time of subsequent and previous eclipses that are clearly visible in this area. This cyclicity often helps to accurately date the events described in the historical annals.

Astronomical knowledge is an interesting part of the general knowledge necessary for a person to understand what is happening in environment. We direct our eyes to the sky whenever dreams take possession of the mind. Sometimes some phenomena strike a person to the core. We will talk about such in our article, namely, what a lunar and solar eclipse is.

Although today the disappearance or partial concealment of the luminaries from our eyes does not cause such superstitious fear as among our ancestors, a special halo of mystery of these processes remains. Nowadays, science has facts that can be used to explain this or that phenomenon simply and easily. We will try to do this in today's article.

and how does it happen?

A solar eclipse is one that occurs as a result of the fact that the Earth's satellite eclipses the entire solar surface or part of it facing observers located on the ground. At the same time, it is possible to see it only during the new moon period, when the part of the Moon turned to the planet is not completely illuminated, that is, it becomes invisible to the naked eye. We understood what an eclipse is, and now we will find out how it happens.

An eclipse occurs when the Moon is not illuminated by the Sun from the side visible on Earth. This is possible only in the growing phase, when it is near one of the two lunar nodes (by the way, the lunar node is the point of intersecting lines of two orbits, solar and lunar). At the same time, the lunar shadow on the planet has a diameter of no more than 270 kilometers. Therefore, the eclipse can be observed only in the place of the shadow band. In turn, the Moon, rotating in its orbit, maintains a certain distance between it and the Earth, which at the time of the eclipse can be completely different.

When do we observe a total solar eclipse?

You have probably heard about the concept of a total eclipse. Here we once again clearly define what a total solar eclipse is and what conditions are needed for it.

The shadow of the Moon falling on the Earth is a kind of spot of a certain diameter with a possible change in size. As we have already said, the diameter of the shadow does not exceed 270 kilometers, while the minimum figure approaches zero. If at this moment the observer of the eclipse finds himself in a dark band, he has a unique opportunity to become a witness to the complete disappearance of the Sun. At the same time, the sky becomes dark, with the outlines of stars and even planets. And around the previously hidden solar disk, the outline of the crown appears, which is impossible to see at normal times. A total eclipse lasts no more than a few minutes.

They will help to see and realize what a solar eclipse is, photos of this unique phenomenon presented in the article. If you decide to observe this phenomenon live, you must observe safety measures regarding vision.

With that, we finished the information block, in which we learned what a solar eclipse is and what conditions are necessary to see it. Next, we have to get acquainted with the lunar eclipse, or, as it sounds in English, lunar eclipse.

What is a lunar eclipse and how does it happen?

A lunar eclipse is a cosmic phenomenon that occurs when the Moon falls into the shadow of the Earth. In this case, as with the Sun, events can have several options for the development.

Depending on several factors, a lunar eclipse can be total or partial. Logically, we can well assume what this or that term characterizing a particular eclipse means. Let's find out what a total lunar eclipse is.

How and when does a planetary satellite become invisible?

Such an eclipse of the Moon is usually visible where at the appropriate moment it is located above the horizon. The satellite is in the shadow of the Earth, but the total eclipse is not able to completely hide the Moon. In this case, it is only slightly shaded, acquiring a dark, reddish tint. This is because, even being completely in the shade, the lunar disk does not cease to be illuminated by the sun's rays passing through the earth's atmosphere.

Our knowledge has expanded with facts about the eclipse of the moon. However, that's not all possible options eclipse of the satellite by the earth's shadow. The rest will be discussed later.

Partial lunar eclipse

As with the Sun, the obscuration of the visible surface of the Moon is often incomplete. We can observe a partial eclipse when some part of the Moon is in the Earth's shadow. This means that when part of the satellite is eclipsed, that is, it is obscured by our planet, then its second part continues to be illuminated by the Sun and remains well viewed by us.

A penumbral eclipse, which differs from other astronomical processes, will seem much more interesting and unusual. About what is a penumbral eclipse of the Moon, we will talk further.

Unique penumbral lunar eclipse

This type of eclipse of the Earth's satellite occurs a little differently than partial. From open sources or already from our own experience, it is easy to learn that there are areas on the surface of the Earth where the sun's rays are not completely obscured, which means they cannot be a shadow. But there is no direct sunlight here either. This is the penumbra area. And when the Moon, which has fallen into this very place, is in the penumbra of the Earth, we can observe a penumbral eclipse.

When entering the penumbral region, the lunar disk changes its brightness, becoming a little darker. True, such a phenomenon is almost impossible to notice and recognize with the naked eye. This will require special devices. It is also interesting that the dimming can be more noticeable from one edge of the Moon's disk.

So we have finished the second main block of our article. Now we can easily explain ourselves what a lunar eclipse is and how it happens. But Interesting Facts about solar and lunar eclipses do not end there. Let's continue the topic by answering some questions related to these amazing phenomena.

What are the most common eclipses?

After all that we have learned from the previous parts of the article, the question naturally arises: which of the eclipses are we more likely to see in our lives? We will also say a few words about this.

Unbelievable, but true: the number of eclipses of the Sun is greater, even though the Moon is smaller in size than After all, knowing what an eclipse is and why it occurs, one might think that the shadow from a larger object is more likely to block a smaller one than vice versa. Based on this logic, the size of the Earth allows you to hide the lunar disk in no time.
Nevertheless, it is the eclipses of the Sun on the planet that happen more. According to the statistics of astronomers and observers, for seven eclipses there are only three lunar, solar, respectively, four.

The Reason for the Amazing Statistics

The disks of the celestial bodies closest to us, the Sun and the Moon, are practically the same in diameter in the sky. This is the reason why solar eclipses can occur.

Usually, eclipses of the Sun fall on the period of the new moon, that is, when the Moon approaches its orbital nodes. And since it is not perfectly round, and the nodes of the orbit move along the ecliptic, during favorable periods, the disk of the Moon on celestial sphere can be either larger or smaller, or even equal to the solar disk.

In this case, the first case contributes to a total eclipse. The decisive factor is the angular. At the maximum size, the eclipse can last up to seven and a half minutes. The second case implies complete shading for only seconds. In the third case, when the disk of the Moon is smaller than the solar one, a very beautiful eclipse occurs - annular. Around the dark disk of the Moon we see a shining ring - the edges of the solar disk. This eclipse lasts 12 minutes.

Thus, we have supplemented our knowledge of what a solar eclipse is and how it occurs with new details worthy of amateur researchers.

The eclipse factor: the location of the luminaries

An equally important reason for an eclipse is the uniform arrangement of the heavenly bodies. The Moon's shadow may or may not hit the Earth. And sometimes it happens that only a penumbra from an eclipse falls on the Earth. In this case, one can observe a partial, that is, an incomplete eclipse of the Sun, which we have already talked about, even when we talked about what an eclipse of the Sun is.

If a lunar eclipse can be observed from the entire night surface of the planet, from which the circumference of the lunar disk is visible, then a solar eclipse can be observed only when you are in a narrow band 40-100 kilometers wide on average.

How often can you see eclipses?

Now that we know what an eclipse is and why there are more of them than others, one more exciting question remains: how often can these amazing phenomena be observed? After all, in our lives, each of us heard only one news about the eclipse, a maximum of two, someone - not a single one ...

Despite the fact that a solar eclipse occurs more often than a lunar eclipse, it can still be seen in the same area (remember the strip with an average width of 40-100 kilometers) only once every 300 years. But a total lunar eclipse, a person can observe several times in his life, but only if the observer has not changed his place of residence throughout his life. Although today, knowing about the blackout, you can get anywhere and by any means of transport. Those who know what a lunar eclipse is will certainly not stop in front of a hundred or two kilometers of travel for an incredible spectacle. Today there are no problems with this. And if suddenly you received information about the next eclipse in some place, do not be lazy and spare no expense to get to the place of maximum visibility at the moment when you can observe the ongoing eclipse. Believe me, no distance can compare with the impressions received.

Upcoming visible eclipses

You can learn about the frequency and schedule of the occurrence of eclipses from the astronomical calendar. In addition, significant events such as a total eclipse will certainly be talked about in the media. The calendar says that the next solar eclipse visible in the capital of Russia will take place on October 16, 2126. Recall also that the last eclipse in this area could be observed more than a hundred years ago - in 1887. So the inhabitants of Moscow will not have to observe a solar eclipse for many more years. The only opportunity to see an amazing phenomenon is to go to Siberia, to the Far East. There you can observe a change in the brightness of the Sun: it will only darken a little.


In our astronomical article, we tried to explain clearly and briefly what an eclipse of the Sun and Moon is, how these phenomena occur, how often they can be seen. The conclusion of our research in this area: the eclipse of various celestial bodies occur according to different principles and have their own characteristics. But understanding some of the details necessary for the average person's full knowledge of the environment is very important.

In our time, thanks to advanced science and technology, the luminary that went out for a while no longer frightens at all, but remains just as enticingly mysterious. Today we know what a lunar and solar eclipse is and what they bring us. Let now interest in them be purely cognitive as a rare outlandish phenomenon. Also, in the end, we wish you to see at least one eclipse with your own eyes!

Such celestial phenomena as eclipses of the Moon and the Sun have always been the subject of inexhaustible attention for humanity. In ancient times, they were credited with a harbinger of wars, cataclysms and all kinds of disasters. Not knowing the true nature of eclipses, the ancestors considered them not only mystical, but also fatal events.

In our civilized time, the level of knowledge allows us to understand cosmic processes much better and modern man treats eclipses more calmly. And representatives of the esoteric sciences even advise using the opportunity presented at the time of eclipses to influence fate.

And yet it is a mistake to believe that the ideas of our ancestors about the fatal power of eclipses are an exceptional fiction. Astrology has been studying the influence of eclipses on the fate of a person and entire countries for centuries. Numerous observations of astrologers of all times indicate that cardinal events in human life still occur near the dates of eclipses. However, they concern only those people whose horoscopes fall under their strongest influence.

Most often this happens when important points of the horoscope are in the degree of the eclipse. In such cases, eclipses become a catalyst for the most important events in life, which, depending on the overall picture of the horoscope, are favorable or unfavorable.
Each of us has our own natal (given from birth) horoscope, according to which you can learn a lot about a person’s character and his fate, guided by the date, time and place of birth.

What are lunar and solar eclipses

There are two types of eclipses: solar and lunar. occurs only during the conjunction of the day and night luminaries - at the time of the new moon. At the same time, the lunar disk seems to “layer” on the Sun, covering it with itself. (photo on the left)

Moon eclipse happens only on a full moon, when the Earth is between both luminaries and the shadow of the Earth is reflected on the lunar disk. (photo below)

The principal factor that distinguishes monthly new moons and full moons from eclipses is their proximity to the lunar nodes, which are considered karmic points. When both luminaries approach the conjunction with the nodes of the Moon, then the usual new moons and full moons turn into eclipses. Thus, full moons and new moons become eclipses only twice a year.
We can say that with this phenomenon there is a kind of “crawling” of the shadow of one planet onto another. V solar eclipse The Moon projects its disk on the Sun, covering the sunlight with it, and in a lunar eclipse, three planets Earth, the Sun and the Moon line up in one row, and the Earth is located between both luminaries, plunging the Moon into its shadow.

Lunar eclipses are divided into:

  1. Full, in which the Moon hides in the shadow of the Earth;
  2. Partial, when only some part of the luminous lunar disk is hidden by the earth's shadow;
  3. Penumbral, when the Moon only touches the shadow of the Earth.

You can see lunar eclipses at those points on the planet where the lunar body is located above the horizon. The time interval of this phenomenon can be different: from half an hour to several hours. If the Earth's satellite revolved around it along the ecliptic, then eclipse phenomena would occur on every full moon. But this does not happen because the moon's orbit has a 5-degree inclination to the plane of the earth's ecliptic.
In astrology, eclipses are associated not only with fatal events, but also with the opportunity to move on to a completely new life stage. The esoteric practices associated with eclipses allow their power to bring about dramatic change. Thanks to them, you can influence your personal life, business, place of residence and other circumstances. In the positive version, the time of the eclipse can become either the starting point of a new life, or getting rid of something unnecessary and oppressive.

Astrological nature of solar and lunar eclipses

Solar eclipse. The sun in astrology is a symbol of human consciousness, while the moon is associated with subconscious processes. At the time of a solar eclipse, when the lunar disk covers the Sun, subconscious processes are intensified, allowing each person to realize their own true desires and their motives, their fears and phobias, to hear the voice of intuition and take advantage of its prompts. At this time, you can radically change your worldview, get rid of negative habits and thoughts, take the path of spirituality, change your character.

Lunar eclipse. During a lunar eclipse, when the Moon becomes invisible and hidden by the Earth from the sun's rays, we have less control over our emotional reactions, poorly understand their causes and nature. At such times, by making a choice in favor of consciousness, a person can influence his the world. You can give up something in life and vice versa to attract what you want. The world of esotericism recommends, however, not to get carried away with celestial processes and resort to their help only at critical moments. It is important to remember that first of all, you should influence yourself, and only then try to change your environment.

Energy of solar and lunar eclipses

During eclipses, both solar and lunar, unique cosmic energy is released. She has magical power, but chaotic. However, when a specific person addresses it with a clearly expressed request, the structure of energy is transformed into the desire itself. In other words, a “dream program” is being created. At the end of the celestial phenomenon, this algorithm begins to work. The result may not come immediately, but do not despair, it will definitely come.
A solar eclipse carries the predominant energy of the Sun. What does she give? The sun is the source of all life. So, at this time it is desirable to start new stage in life, plan, create large-scale projects, find a life partner, conceive replenishment in the family, and the like.

In lunar eclipses, processes are performed that help to complete something. For example, a loan taken long ago should be paid back, tired of old work- you need to pay off and look for more suitable option. Perhaps the time has come to stop non-committal relationships, get rid of illnesses or lingering problems, both material and spiritual. As you know, without an end there will never be a beginning. I must say that the lunar eclipse, which is the opposition of two luminaries, often poses questions of relationships with an edge. There may be scandals or, conversely, you can make peace with an old friend.

How to use eclipse energy

After a lunar eclipse, a person feels like at the beginning of something new, like a white blank sheet. It is at this moment that you can begin to create a new, desired reality. Not a drop of negativity, only gratitude and positive. Yes, you should always give thanks for all the good things that happen in life. Believe that the gratitude program created by man does not disappear anywhere, it is transformed into good deeds and deeds. This is where the "law of the boomerang" comes into play. Yes, the “law of infinity” still operates in the Universe, this manifests itself in our spiritual life, and, as you know, it is immortal. The more heat we give from our inner fire, the more the Universe will thank us.

What could it be? Everything is very simple, do not be afraid to say words of gratitude even for a small service or deed. Help the old woman cross the road by carrying her bags. Transfer at least a small amount of money for the treatment of a seriously ill child. Just smile at a passerby, every good deed is always positive energy. Gratitude can come in any form, it can be winning the lottery, a good place work, success in business and so on.

No wonder our ancestors attributed special changes to the coming eclipses. They could be wars, epidemics, devastation. Or vice versa, eclipses foreshadowed a bountiful harvest, prosperity and wealth. If you look at the ancient manuscripts, you can see that it was the days of eclipses that were chosen for the rituals. The choice depended on the strength of desire, on situations and circumstances.

How do eclipses affect a person?

Eclipses have a very strong effect on humanity. Based on what the person himself is, what his inner world, he will perceive cosmic energy individually and act accordingly. It is important to understand, however, that if the influence of the eclipse caused a correction in fate, then the consequences promise to last as long as 18 years. It is not difficult to understand how important it is at such a moment not to complicate your life with rash acts.

The nature of the events caused by an eclipse will depend on which astrological house and sign it occurs in, in what aspects with the planets. For example, a tense eclipse in Aquarius can cause such natural phenomena as a hurricane or a tornado. In a harmonious version, we can witness the launch of the newest satellite, new discoveries and inventions.

Eclipses in Pisces will bring spiritual harmony, humanity, hope for peace, higher energy. It is desirable for a person to observe what is happening with a sober mind, with pure thoughts, to be calm and observe everything with wide eyes. In a negative manifestation, one can become a victim of addictions such as alcohol or drugs, be a victim of deception, or become involved in theft and fraud operations oneself.

If the eclipse occurs in Aries/Libra, then the change may be legal. Everything related to making deals, signing important agreements, establishing international relations will come to the fore and bring long-awaited results.

And if a person was born on the day of the eclipse?

What qualities will be endowed with a person born in an eclipse? It is reasonable to believe that the "program" of the phenomenon itself makes an imprint on a person. Also, if other people during periods of eclipses can make a correction of fate (events), then such a person does not exist. He carries his own special mission, endowed with a gift, intuition, sees what many simply do not notice.

People born on a solar eclipse have a task - to give rise to new projects in all spheres of human activity. Those years in which the eclipse falls will become key in the life of such people.

How to behave during eclipses

Eclipse days are vibratory days in their structure. An unknowing person mishandling their energy can attract not only something good, but also a lot of negativity. It is advisable, on such days, not to start something grandiose, not to plan important and responsible affairs, to refuse to move, not to make long trips, and the like.

It can be said that celestial processes help to change the point of view, set priorities, grab luck by the tail, and so on. In one word, it can be summed up as an opportunity.
A week before the eclipse and another week later, there may be vibrational fluctuations and the aggravation of relationships associated with them, scandals are brewing, and rash actions can be carried out. It is best at such moments to turn to the world of spirituality, meditate, lead a measured lifestyle, exclude physical exercise and overeating.

Thinking about changing the events of life, it is necessary to analyze whether it is so fatal? After all, each of us has our own path on this Earth, it must be passed with dignity. Everything in the world is subject to a general harmonious balance, the slightest failure in this program can lead to unpredictable consequences. Is it worth interfering with the plans of fate? After all, everything always has its price, sooner or later you will have to pay for changes.

If, after all, a person has prepared himself for cardinal changes, then you need to carefully consider each item of the conditions. Visualization works well, that is, to represent exactly what you want as much as possible. You can write everything in words or draw, the meaning will be the same.

If a person is subject to doubt, then you can turn to a knowledgeable astrologer. He will be able to accurately draw up a personal horoscope and suggest whether something needs to be changed during eclipses or not. Often, only drawing up a horoscope is enough to understand that events in the future will turn out in the best possible way. By correctly interpreting the aspects of eclipses in the horoscope, one can foresee upcoming events or get an answer to a question of interest. But it is important to remember the main rule: "we create our own destiny and have the right to change it." Perhaps moments of eclipses exist for this?

Many people from school know what a lunar and solar eclipse is. Someone happened to observe these astronomical phenomena with their own eyes. Lately even a trend has arisen and to stare at an eclipse, especially a solar eclipse, people rush to the geographical zone of visual observation as if to a free attraction. But is this spectacle really harmless for its direct viewers and for all people in general? Only a few people know about the impact that a lunar or solar eclipse has on life. There is a lot of information in astrology about these phenomena and their impact on a person, some of which is presented in this article.

Solar and lunar eclipses

Every year the Sun and Moon are eclipsed up to seven times. Alternating in pairs, these phenomena occur during full moons and new moons.

During periods of influence of eclipses of the Sun or Moon (at least a week before and after the phenomenon), the number of people seeking astrological consultation increases dramatically. This is due to significant changes and fateful events that are happening at this time in the lives of many people, and important role solar and lunar eclipses play in this.

According to astrology, a solar and lunar eclipse has a significant, often adverse effect on the fate and health of all people. Eclipses have a particularly strong effect on the weak physically or mentally and those who were born during such a phenomenon or who have an eclipse in their personal horoscope that aspects the planets and other important points. So, if the degree of the current eclipse coincides with the planet of the natal chart, then it is possible with 100% certainty to predict the implementation of some important events in the life of the owner of the horoscope. If you analyze the personal birth horoscope more deeply, you can find out more specifically the most probable events.

However, it is a mistake to think of eclipses only as harmful phenomena playing a purely sinister role. Astrologers believe that eclipses, as a catalyst, launch the process of implementing a karmic program, not only individual, but also collective. Like a heavenly scalpel, they open the formed abscess of karmic problems and allow them to be realized in the shortest possible time. Therefore, if some bad event happens to a person during an eclipse, in fact it is not so bad. As in the expression: "Whatever is done, everything is for the best." This means that a person has paid his debts and freed himself from part of his karmic burden. That is, the main function of eclipses is our purification and liberation. Although for many this "medical" procedure turns out to be very painful, because it passes abruptly and without any "anesthesia".

There is some difference between the effects of a solar and lunar eclipse on a person. To understand what it is, you need to separately understand the essence of the influence of each phenomenon.

Solar eclipse

The sun is the source solar energy("life-giving prana") necessary for the life of all living things. In astrology, the Sun is identified with male energy. It symbolizes vitality, creativity, spirit and consciousness of a person, his ego or "I". However, the events triggered by solar eclipses are not always caused by us and are often associated with external factors, with our surroundings and environment, but they are necessarily reflected in us. For example, if something happens to a person close to you or on a global level - in your country of residence, then it will naturally affect you as well.

A solar eclipse occurs on a new moon. During a solar eclipse, the "vital prana" is interrupted or reduced, which negatively affects all living beings. Once in the darkness of the eclipse, the consciousness seems to be darkened, the will weakens, the human mind is worse oriented in situations, thoughts are confused, the percentage of erroneous and inadequate actions increases. It is believed that men and women have the hardest time during a solar eclipse. creative people both sexes.

In conditions of a solar eclipse, the well-being of many people worsens. It is especially difficult for the main organ of the body - the heart. Already an hour after the Sun begins to close the Moon, the power of the heart to release blood into the circulatory system increases, blood pressure rises, there is a failure in the system of regulation and blood supply to all organs of the body. The number of strokes, heart attacks and other health problems associated with a malfunction of the heart is on the rise.

On a global scale, a solar eclipse adversely affects the entire society. The negative effect that the eclipse produces in individually accumulates in society and increases tension in it, contributes to destructive tendencies, which leads to mass unrest, a tense political situation and military conflicts, outbreaks of epidemics. The number of accidents, catastrophes and accidents is increasing, especially due to human fault. In this "dark" time, the ego of politicians goes off scale and in order to satisfy it, they lose control over themselves, make harmful and erroneous moves that can lead to various adverse consequences for entire countries.

Moon eclipse

Lunar eclipses coincide with the full moon and occur at least twice a year. Since the Moon in individual astrology symbolizes the soul of a person, his subconscious and controls unconscious processes, the emotional sphere, the result of the impact of a lunar eclipse is mental imbalance and increased emotionality.

During the period of influence of the eclipse of the moon, the mind is wounded and suppressed by emotions rushing outward, often negative. "Subconscious demons", which until that time dozed, waiting for their "finest hour", awaken and break free. The lunar eclipse is this very hour when the number of conflicts and related situations increases in society. Emotionally excitable people, especially women and children, begin to hysteria, be capricious, cry, and make scandals on every occasion. But for people striving for the Light and set to do Good, an eclipse can cause spontaneous impulses of the soul, inspire heroic deeds and doing good deeds.

The lunar eclipse is like a surgeon, they open us up and take out our internal problems and desires, what is hidden inside our soul, in the subconscious. Everything that a person accumulated in himself, consciously restrained, suddenly spills out and often leads to events. That is, during a lunar eclipse, the life situation is formed under the influence of our feelings, thoughts, internal problems, and everything that happens is inextricably linked with them. This is the difference between a lunar eclipse and a solar eclipse.

During the active phase of the impact of eclipses (one month before and the same after the eclipse), many people awaken the desire to do something important or new, but astrologers urge to refrain from such actions, since a person at this time is less objective in his views. The negative impact of a solar eclipse can last for several months, but the consequences of events and important things started in the active phase can last for years.

Following the recommendations of astrologers and certain rules outlined in a separate article on this topic, you will learn what to do to avoid the negative effects of eclipses and how to use the time when lunar or solar eclipses occur in the sky.