Suteev letter to Santa Claus. "Yolka" V.Suteev

The guys looked at the calendar this morning, and there the last sheet was left.
Tomorrow New Year! Christmas tree tomorrow! The toys will be ready, but the tree is gone. The guys decided to write a letter to Santa Claus so that he would send a Christmas tree from the dense forest - the fluffiest, most beautiful one.
The guys wrote - here is such a letter and quickly ran into the yard - to sculpt a Snowman.
Everyone worked together: some shook snow, some rolled balls ...
They put an old bucket on the Snowman's head, made his eyes out of coals, and stuck a carrot instead of a nose. It turned out to be a good Snowman-mailer!
The guys gave him their letter and said:
Snowman, Snowman,
Brave snow mailer
V dark forest you will go
And you will carry the letter.
Santa Claus will receive a letter -
Finds a Christmas tree in the forest
Fluffier, better
In green needles.
This tree soon
Bring for all the kids!
Evening came, the guys went home, and the Snowman said:
- They asked me a task! Where do I go now?
- Take me with you! - the puppy Bo-bik suddenly said. - I'll help you find your way.
-That's right, it's more fun together! - the Snowman was delighted. - You will guard me with a letter, remember the way.
Snowman and Bobik walked for a long time and finally came to a huge, dense forest ...
The Hare ran out to meet them.
- Where does Santa Claus live here? The Snowman asked him.
And the Hare has no time to answer: the Fox is chasing him.
And Bobby: "Tyaf, tyaf!" - and also in pursuit of the Hare.
The Snowman was saddened:
- Apparently, I will have to go further alone.
Just then a blizzard arose; howled, whirled a snowstorm ...
The Snowman trembled and ... crumbled. Only a bucket, a letter and a carrot remained in the snow.
The Fox ran back, angry: - Where is the one who prevented me from catching up with the Hare? He looks: there is no one, only lies in the snow. She grabbed the letter and ran away.
Bobik returned:
- Where is Snowman? No Snowman.
At this time, the Wolf was driving the Fox.
- What are you talking about, godfather? The Wolf growled. - Let's share!
“I don’t want to share, it’ll come in handy,” said Lisa and ran.
The wolf follows her.
And the curious Magpie flew after them.
Bobik cries, and the hares tell him:
- Serves you right: don't chase us, don't scare us! ..
“I won’t scare, I won’t drive,” Bobby said, and he cried even louder.
“Don’t cry, we will help you,” said the hares.
- And we will help the hares, - said the squirrels.
The hares began to sculpt the Snowman, and the squirrels - to help them: they pat their paws, fan them with their tails.
They put a bucket on his head again, made eyes out of coals, and stuck a carrot instead of a nose.
- Thank you, - said the Snowman, - that you blinded me again. Now help me find Santa Claus.
They took him to the Bear. The bear was asleep in the den - they barely woke him up.
Snowman told him about how the guys sent him with a letter to Santa Claus.
- Letter? - the Bear roared. - Where is it?
Suffice it - but the letters are not!
“Santa Claus won't give you a tree without a letter,” said the Bear. - Better go back home, and I will escort you out of the forest.
Suddenly, out of nowhere, a Magpie flew in, cracking:
- Here is the letter! Here is the letter!
And Soroka told how she had found the letter.
And it was all like this:
Send all with a letter to Santa Claus.
The snowman is in a hurry, worried: it will roll down the hill, then it will fall into the hole, then it will catch on the stump.
Well, the Bear rescued him, otherwise the Snowman would have crumbled again.
Finally they came to Santa Claus. Santa Claus read the letter and said:
- Why is it so late? You will not have time, Snowman, to bring the children a Christmas tree for the New Year.
Then everyone began to intercede for Snowman, told what happened to him. Santa Claus gave him his sleigh, and the Snowman rushed with a Christmas tree to the guys.
The bear went to his home - to sleep until spring.
And in the morning the Snowman stood in the same place, only he had a Christmas tree in his hands instead of a letter.

The guys looked at the calendar this morning, and there the last sheet was left.

Tomorrow is New Year! Christmas tree tomorrow! The toys will be ready, but the tree is gone. The guys decided to write a letter to Santa Claus so that he would send a Christmas tree from the dense forest - the fluffiest, most beautiful one.

The guys wrote such a letter and quickly ran into the yard - to sculpt a Snowman.

Everyone worked together: some shook snow, some rolled balls ...

They put an old bucket on the Snowman's head, made eyes out of coals, and stuck a carrot instead of a nose.

It turned out to be a good Snowman-mailer!

The guys gave him their letter and said:

Snowman, Snowman,

Brave snow mailer

You will go to the dark forest

And you will carry the letter.

Santa Claus will receive a letter -

Find a Christmas tree in the forest

Fluffier, better

In green needles.

This tree soon

Bring for all the kids!

Evening came, the guys went home, and the Snowman said:

They asked me a task! Where do I go now?

Take me with you! - suddenly said the puppy Bobik. - I'll help you find your way.

That's right, it's more fun together! - the Snowman was delighted. - You will guard me with a letter, remember the way.

Snowman and Bobik walked for a long time and finally came to a huge, dense forest ...

The Hare ran out to meet them.

Where does Santa Claus live here? the Snowman asked him.

And the Hare has no time to answer: the Fox is chasing him.

And Bobik: "Tyaf, tyaf" - and also chasing the Hare.

The Snowman was saddened:

Just then a blizzard arose; howled, whirled a snowstorm ...

The Snowman trembled and ... crumbled. Only a bucket, a letter and a carrot remained in the snow.

Fox ran back, angry:

Where is the one who prevented me from catching up with the Hare?

He looks: there is no one, only a letter lies in the snow. She grabbed the letter and ran away.

Bobik returned:

Where is Snowman?

No Snowman.

At this time, the Wolf caught up with the Fox.

What are you talking about, godfather? the Wolf growled. - Let's share!

I don’t want to share, it’ll come in handy, ”Lisa said and ran.

The wolf follows her.

And the curious Magpie flew after them.

Bobik cries, and the hares tell him:

Serve you right: don't chase us, don't scare us!

I will not scare, I will not drive, - said Bobby, and he himself cried even louder.

Don't cry, we will help you, - said the hares.

And we will help the hares, - said the squirrels.

The hares began to sculpt the Snowman, and the squirrels - to help them: they pat their paws, fan them with their tails.

They put a bucket on his head again, made eyes out of coals, and stuck a carrot instead of a nose.

Thank you, - said the Snowman, - that you blinded me again. Now help me find Santa Claus.

They took him to the Bear. The bear was asleep in the den - they barely woke him up.

Snowman told him about how the guys sent him with a letter to Santa Claus.

Letter? - the Bear roared. - Where is it?

Suffice it - but the letters are not!

Santa Claus will not give you a tree without a letter, - said the Bear. - Better go back home, and I will escort you out of the forest.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a Magpie flew in, cracking:

Here is the letter! Here is the letter!

And Soroka told how she had found the letter.

And everything was like that.

Send all with a letter to Santa Claus.

The snowman is in a hurry, worried: it will roll down the hill, then it will fall into the hole, then it will catch on the stump.

Well, the Bear rescued him, otherwise the Snowman would have crumbled again.

Finally they came to Santa Claus.

Santa Claus read the letter and said:

Why is it so late? You will not have time, Snowman, to bring the children a Christmas tree for the New Year.

Then everyone began to intercede for Snowman, told what happened to him. Santa Claus gave him his sleigh, and the Snowman rushed with a Christmas tree to the guys.

The bear went to his home - to sleep until spring.

And in the morning the Snowman stood in the same place, only he had a Christmas tree in his hands instead of a letter.

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Christmas tree (fairy tale)

There was a pretty little Christmas tree growing in the forest. She stood in a lovely place. Many companions grew around her: small spruces and pines. The sun warmed her, there was plenty of air. Looking at the big ones, she really would like to grow up to catch up with them.
She listened with tenderness to the chatter of the peasant children who were gathering strawberries and blueberries. It happened more than once that they, having collected a full basket of blueberries and strawberries, sat down at a small Christmas tree to rest and put the berries on straws.
Once somehow, whirling around her, they noticed her: - "Oh, what a pretty little Christmas tree!" - cried the children. The tree almost cried resinous tears from the word "small": she wanted to be big.
The next year the tree grew by one knee; there after a year, for one more; - by the number of knees, you can always find out how old a tree is.
“Oh, Creator, if I were as big a tree as the others! - thought the tree, sighing, I would stretch my branches far around me, and look out at the top into a wide light. Birds would build nests on my branches, and from the wind I would nod my head just as importantly as those tall spruces! "
So the tree complained. Neither sunlight, nor birds, nor pink clouds, which stretched across the sky in the morning and in the evening, pleased her. Winter has come. All around, as far as she could see, everything was covered in sparkling, white snow. Sometimes a bunny ran and each time, as if on purpose, jumped over a small tree. Oh, how annoyed she was that such a cowardly animal jumped over her! But two winters have passed; in the third, the tree became so large that the bunny had to go around.
- “Ah! how to grow up as quickly as possible, thought the tree, and become a big tree; there is nothing better than this in the world. " In the winter woodcutters would come and cut down some of the big trees. They came every year, and a young tree, which had already grown so much that it understood the misfortune, every time shuddered at the sight of how large, beautiful trees fell to the ground with a noise and crash; people cut off their branches, and the straight trees lay naked in their entire length, so that they could not be recognized. Then they were put on the rifts and the horses carried them out of the forest. In early spring, when the storks and swallows arrived, the tree asked them if they knew where they had taken these trees? .. what would happen to them? tree: “Yes, I know. I met many ships when I flew here from Egypt; on these ships were long majestic masts; judging by the smell, they were pine trees. "

- “Oh, how I wish to be big! I would also travel across the sea. Tell me, please, what is this sea, and what does it look like? "
“It's too long to talk about this,” said the stork, and flew away.
- "Rejoice at your youth, freshness and growth!" - the sun's rays told her, and the wind kissed the tree; tears of dew quietly dripped on her, but she did not understand it.
Before the holiday of Christmas, people came and cut down many young trees that were younger or of the same height as our tree; she knew neither peace nor rest, but only thought about how she could get out of the forest. But this time the prettiest trees were cut down. They did not touch the branches, but carefully laid them on the wagons and took them out of the forest.

- "Oh, where did they take them?" - asked the tree. - After all, they are not bigger than me; one was even incomparably younger? And why weren't the branches chopped off?

- "We know where, we know!" - chvirk, chvirk! - the sparrows chirped: “They were taken to the city, they will be there such splendor that it is difficult to tell. We saw through the windows: they stood in warm rooms, hung with apples, gingerbread, toys, golden nuts and hundreds of lighted candles! "

- "Well, and then?" - asked the tree and fluttered with all the branches, - and then what did they do to them?
- "Then, then ... we didn't see anything, but it was great!"
- “Ah, if only Christmas would come sooner! maybe I would have suffered the same brilliant fate, - the tree babbled. “It would be better than traveling the seas. Now I am as big and straight as those trees that were taken out of the forest last year. Oh, how I would like to be on the cart and go to the city: there they would also put me in a warm room in all its splendor and splendor! And then? .. Then, surely it will be even better - otherwise why would people decorate me like that? And there is probably something even much better ahead! What a torment to stand here! .. there is no end to the longing! .. I don’t know myself what is happening to me? ”
- “Enjoy us! - the air and sunlight told her; - rejoice in your fresh youth and freedom! " But the tree was not happy, it grew and grew; winter and summer she stood green: those who saw her admired her, and said: “A beautiful tree! Will anyone get it for Christmas? "
Finally, the fateful Christmas for the tree has come. Her first was cut down. The ax cut deeply into the very core. With a groan, the tree fell to the ground, for the first time she felt such terrible pain and powerlessness that she was unable to think about the happiness that awaited her; she was sad to part with her homeland, with the place where she grew up; she knew that she would never again see either her comrades, or the small bushes and flowers that grew around her, not even the bunny that jumped so merrily over her, or the small birds that often sat on her branches.
But the tree came to its senses again when it was brought with other trees to a large yard, where she heard the person who saw it, said: “Here is a Christmas tree, so there is a Christmas tree! a wonderful, excellent tree came across, we need this! " He hastily seized her from the cart and carried her into a large, beautiful room, on the walls of which were expensive paintings; artificial palms towered in large Chinese vases near the blazing fireplace; there were also swinging chairs, silk upholstered sofas, large tables with many toys and picture books worth hundreds or hundreds of thalers — so, at least, the children said.
The Christmas tree was placed in a box filled with sand, but no one would have known what it was; the box was upholstered with green cloth and placed on a large, colorful carpet. The tree trembled with joy! "Something will happen!" she thought. Meanwhile, people began to decorate it. On some branches they hung nets with candies cut out of multi-colored paper, and gilded nuts and apples seemed to have grown on it. More than a hundred red, white and blue candles were stuck on the branches. Dolls, extremely human-like — the kind the Christmas tree had never seen — stood on the branches. High, at the very top, a foil star was attached. All this was extraordinarily beautiful.
- “Tonight - said the cheerful mistress of the house - you will shine, green Christmas tree! What a joy it will be for children! "

- “Oh, if it had already been evening! - thought the tree; hurry up to light the candles! Will there be something? ... Will the trees come from the forest to look at me? Sparrows will probably fly to the windows. Perhaps I will grow here and will stand decorated in winter and summer. Oh! it would not be bad, but my bark ached a lot from languor, and this pain for a tree is just as excruciating as for a person headache.

Evening came: candles were lit. What a splendor! and the tree lit up the whole room with its splendor, and with joy fluttered all the branches so much that one candle fell on the carpet and scorched it decently.
- “Lord, have mercy and save us! Water! screamed; nanny, but the hostess put out the fire in cold blood.
From fear, the tree did not dare and could not move: she was so afraid of losing something of her ornaments. All this glitter dazzled her.
But then the doors opened wide, and a crowd of children burst into the hall; - it seemed that they would overturn the tree. The elders, smiling importantly, followed them. The children first stopped in front of a tree and were numb with surprise, but it was only for a minute, and then they rustled again, so that their ears crackled. They began to dance around the Christmas trees, and one gift after another tore off her.
- "My God! what are they doing! “- thought the tree. "What else will happen?"
The candles, meanwhile, burned out to the very branches, after which they were extinguished, and the children were allowed to rob the Christmas tree. Then they rushed to the tree like fierce beasts! With fear, the tree shook and cracked like a fever. If it had not been attached to the top of the ceiling, it would certainly have been knocked over.
Children with their magnificent toys were jumping, making noise and no longer paying attention to the tree; Although the good nanny glanced between the branches - but only to see if there was still a forgotten candy, berry or apple left there.

The tale of G.H. Andersen

There was such a nice little Christmas tree in the forest; The place by the tree was good: there was plenty of air, and the sun warmed her up, and around her grew older comrades, spruce and pine. Only the tree itself could not wait to become an adult: she did not think about the warm sun, or about fresh air; I did not even notice the talkative village children when they came to the forest to pick raspberries or strawberries. They will pick up a full mug, otherwise they will string the berries on straws, they will sit down by the Christmas tree and say:
- What a glorious Christmas tree!
And the Christmas tree, at least not to listen to such speeches at all.
A year later, the tree grew by one shoot, a year later it stretched out a little more; so, by the number of shoots, you can always find out how many years the tree has grown.
- Ah, if only I could be as big as the others! Sighed the tree. - Oh, how would I spread my branches wide and look out with the top of my head into the free light! Birds in my branches would nest, and when the wind blows, I would nod with dignity, no worse than others!
And neither the birds, nor the sun, nor the scarlet clouds that sailed over her in the morning and in the evening were her joy.
When it was winter and snow lay around with a sparkling white veil, a hare often jumped up and jumped right over the Christmas tree - such an insult! But two winters passed, and in the third winter the tree grew so much that the hare had to run around it already.
"Oh! Grow up, grow up, become old and big - there is nothing better in the world! " - thought the tree.
In the fall, woodcutters came to the forest and fell some of the largest trees. This happened every year, and now a completely grown-up tree fluttered every time - with such a ringing and groaning beautiful large trees fell to the ground. Branches were cut off from them, and they were so long, naked, narrow - you just do not recognize. But then they were put on carts, and the horses carried them away from the forest. Where to? What awaited them there?
In the spring, when the swallows and storks arrived, the tree asked them:
- Do you know where they were taken? Didn't you come across them?
The swallows did not know, but the stork became thoughtful, then nodded his head and said:
- Perhaps I know. When I flew from Egypt, I came across many new ships with magnificent masts. They smelled of spruce, I think they were. I greeted them many times, and they held their heads high, very high.
- Oh, if only I were an adult and could swim across the sea! And what is it like, is it the sea? What does it look like?
- Well, it's a long story, - answered the stork and flew away.
- Rejoice better than your youth! - the sun's rays said to the tree. - Rejoice at your young life, which plays in you, your healthy growth!
And the wind caressed the tree, and the dew shed tears over it, but she did not understand this.
As the New Year and Christmas approached, very young Christmas trees were cut down in the forest, some of them were even shorter and younger than ours, which did not know rest at all and was always torn from the forest. These trees were the most beautiful, and they always kept their branches, they were immediately laid on carts, and the horses carried them away from the forest.
- Where are they being taken? - asked the tree. “They’re no bigger than me, and one is even smaller. Why did they keep all their branches? Where are they going?
- We know! We know! The sparrows chirped. - We have been in the city and looked into the windows! We know where they are going! Such glory and brilliance awaits them that it could not be better! We looked through the windows, we saw! They are planted in pots in the middle of a warm room and decorated with wonderful things - honey cakes, gilded apples, toys and hundreds of candles!
- And then? - asked the tree, trembling branches. - And then? What then?
- We did not see anything else! It was awesome!
- Or maybe I am destined to go this shining path! - the tree rejoiced. - It's even better than sailing on the sea. Oh, how longing I am! If only Christmas again soon! Now I am as tall and as big as those who were taken away last year. Oh, if only I could get on the cart! If only to get into warm room with all this glory and splendor! And then? .. Well, and then there will be something even more beautiful, even better, but why else should I dress me up like that? Of course, then there will be something even more magnificent, even more majestic! But what? Oh, how I yearn, how I yearn! I myself don't know what is happening to me!
- Rejoice to me! - said the air and sunlight. - Rejoice at your youthful freshness here, in freedom!
But the tree was not in the least bit happy; it grew and grew, summer and winter it stood green; and everyone who saw her said: "What a glorious tree!" - and the first one was cut down at Christmas. Deeply, in the very middle of it, an ax entered, the tree fell to the ground with a sigh, and it felt sick, it hurt, and the tree could not think of any happiness, and it was sad for her to be parted from her homeland, from the piece of land on which she grew up: she knew that she would never again see her lovely old comrades, flowers and bushes that grew around, and maybe even birds. The departure was not at all merry.
The tree woke up only when it was unloaded in the yard along with the others, and a voice said:
- This one is simply gorgeous! Only this one!
Two servants came in full dress and carried the tree into the beautiful large hall... Portraits hung everywhere on the walls, Chinese vases with lions on the lids stood on a large tiled stove; there were rocking chairs, silk sofas and large tables, and on the tables there were toys and picture books. The Christmas tree was placed in a large barrel of sand, but no one would have thought that it was a barrel, because it was wrapped in green cloth, and stood on a large colorful carpet. Oh, how the tree trembled! What will happen now? Servants and girls began to dress her up. On the branches of the tree hung small handbags cut out of colored paper, and each handbag was filled with sweets; walnuts and gilded apples seemed to have grown on the tree themselves, and more than a hundred small candles, red, blue, and white, were stuck in the branches, and pupae swayed on the branches among the greenery, just like living little people - the tree had never seen such people - swayed among greenery, and at the top, on the very top of her head, they put a star covered in gold sparkles. It was great, just absolutely incomparable ...

“Tonight,” they all said, “tonight it will shine! "Oh! - thought the tree. - Hurry up the evening! Hurry to light the candles! And what will happen then? Will the trees come to look at me from the forest? Will sparrows flock to the windows? Will I not take root here, will I not stand there torn apart summer and winter? "
Yes, she was pretty well versed in everything and languished to the point that her bark really chilled, and for a tree it is like a headache for our brother.
And then the candles were lit. What splendor, what brilliance! The Christmas tree quivered with all its branches, so that one of the candles began to fire on its green needles; it was terribly hot.
- Lord have mercy! - the girls shouted and rushed to extinguish the fire. Now the tree did not even dare to tremble. Oh, how scared she was! How she was afraid to lose at least something of her decoration, how she was stunned by all this brilliance ... And then the doors flew open, and children rushed into the hall in a crowd, and it was as if they were about to knock down the Christmas tree. The adults followed them sedately. The kids froze in place, but only for a moment, and then there was such fun that only their ears rang. The children started dancing around the tree and, one by one, tore off gifts from it.
"What are they doing? - thought the tree. - What will be next?"
And right down to the branches, the candles burned out, and when they burned out, they were extinguished, and the children were allowed to rob the tree. Oh, how they pounced on her! Only the branches crackled. If she had not been tied to the ceiling with the crown of her head with a golden star, she would have certainly been knocked over.
The children danced in a round dance with their magnificent toys, and no one looked at the tree any more, only the old nanny looked out among the branches for a forgotten date or an apple.
- A fairy tale! A fairy tale! - the children shouted and dragged a little fat man to the tree, and he sat down right under it.
“So we’ll be just like in the forest, and it doesn’t interfere with listening to the tree,” he said, “but I’ll tell just one fairy tale. Which one do you want: about Klumpe-Dumpe or about Ivede-Aveda, who fell down the stairs, but still got in honor and took the princess for himself?
- About Klump-Dumpe! - shouted some.
- About Ivede-Aveda! - shouted others.
And there was noise and hubbub, only the tree was silent and thought: "But what am I, I'm not with them anymore, won't I do anything else?" She played her own, she did what she was supposed to.
And the fat man told the tale about Klump-Dumpe, who fell down the stairs, but still got in honor, and took the princess for himself. The children clapped their hands, shouted: "More, tell me more!" The tree stood completely quiet, thoughtful, the birds in the forest did not tell anything like that. “Klumpe-Dumpe fell down the stairs, and yet he took the princess for himself! Here, now, it happens in the world! " - the tree thought and believed that all this was true, because such a glorious person was telling. “Here, here, how to know? Maybe I'll fall down the stairs and marry the prince. " And the tree was glad that the next day it would be decorated again with toys and candles, fruit and gold. “Tomorrow I won't shake like that! She thought. - Tomorrow I will amuse myself with my triumph. Again I will hear a fairy tale about Klumpe-Dumpe, and maybe about Ivede-Aveda. " So, brooding and quiet, the tree stood all night.
In the morning a servant came with a maid.
"Now they will start dressing me up again!" - thought the tree. But, on the contrary, they dragged her out of the room, then up the stairs, then into the attic, and there they shoved her into the darkest corner where daylight did not penetrate.
“What does that mean? - thought the tree. - What can I hear here? What should I do here? " And she leaned against the wall and stood like that, thinking and thinking. She had enough time. Many days and nights have passed; and no one came to the attic. And when at last someone came, then only to put a few large boxes in a corner. Now the tree was completely hidden in a corner, as if it had been completely forgotten.
“It's winter outside! She thought. - The earth has already hardened and covered with snow, people cannot transplant me, so I must be here under the roof idle until spring. How cleverly thought up! What kind people they are all the same! .. If only it was not so dark here, so terribly lonely ... At least one hare! It was nice, after all, in the forest, when there was snow all around, and even a hare would slip through, even if it jumped over you, although at that time I could not stand it. It's terribly lonely up here! "
- Pip! - suddenly said the little mouse and jumped out of the hole, followed by another baby. They sniffed the tree and began to scamper along its branches.
- It's terribly cold here! - said the mice. - Otherwise it would be just grace! Is it really an old tree?
- I'm not old at all! - answered the tree. - There are many trees much older than me!
- Where are you from? - asked the mouse. They were terribly curious. - And what do you know? Tell us about the most wonderful place in the world! Have you been there? Have you ever been in the closet, where cheeses are on the shelves, and hams hang from the ceiling, where you can dance over greasy candles, where you go in skinny, and come out where greasy?
“I don’t know such a place,” said the tree, “but I know a forest where birds sing and the sun shines!
And the tree told them everything about her youth, but the mice had never heard anything like that, and after listening to the tree, they said to her:
- Oh, how much you have seen! Oh, how happy you were!
- Happy? - asked the tree and pondered over her own words. - Yes, perhaps, the days were funny!
And then she told about Christmas Eve, about how she was taken apart with candles and gingerbread.
- O! - said the mice. - What a happy old tree you were!
- I'm not old at all! - said the tree. - I came from the forest only this winter! I just got into growth! I’m at the right time!
- How nice you tell! - said the mice, and the next night they brought four more mice with them to listen to the Christmas tree, and the more she told, the clearer she remembered everything and thought: “But the days were really fun! But they will come back, come back Klumpe-Dumpe fell down the stairs, but all the same he took the princess for himself, so maybe I will marry the prince! " And the tree remembered a kind of pretty young oak tree that grew in the forest, and for the tree he was a real handsome prince.
- And who is this Klumpe-Dumpe? The mice asked her.
And the tree told them the whole story, because she remembered it word for word. And the mice jumped for joy almost to the very top.
The next night, even more mice came, and on Sunday even two rats showed up. But the rats said that the fairy tale was not so good at all, and the mice were very upset, because now they also began to like the fairy tale less.
- You only know this one story? The rats asked.
- Only one! - answered the tree. - I heard it on the happiest evening of my whole life, but then I didn't even think how happy I was.
- An extremely wretched story! And you do not know any other - with bacon, with tallow candles? Pantry stories?
- No, - answered the tree.
- So very grateful! - said the rats and got away. In the end, the mice also scattered, and then the tree said, sighing: - But everything was fine when they were sitting around, these playful mice, and listened to what I was telling them! Now this is over too. But now I will not miss the opportunity to rejoice as soon as they take me out into the world again! But when it happened ... Yes, it was in the morning, people came and were noisily shuffling around in the attic. The boxes were moved, the tree was pulled out of the corner; True, she was thrown painfully on the floor, but the servant immediately dragged her to the stairs, where daylight dawned.
"Well, this is the beginning of a new life!" - thought the tree. She felt the fresh air, the first ray of the sun, and now she is in the yard. It all happened so quickly; the tree even forgot to look at itself, there was so much around that was worth seeing. The courtyard adjoined the garden, and everything bloomed in the garden. Fresh, fragrant roses hung over the hedge, stood in linden blossom, swallows flew. "Vit-vit! My little wife is back! " - they chirped, but it was not said about the tree.
“Now I’ll live,” the tree rejoiced, spreading its branches. And the branches were all withered and yellowed, and she lay in the corner of the yard in the nettles and weeds. But at the top of it still sat a star of gilded paper and sparkled in the sun.
In the courtyard, children were playing merrily - the very ones who danced around the Christmas tree on Christmas Eve and were so happy about it. The youngest jumped to the tree and tore off the star.
- Look what else is left on this ugly old tree! - he said and began to trample her branches, so that they crunched under his boots.
And the tree looked at the garden in a fresh decoration of flowers, looked at itself and regretted not staying in its dark corner in the attic; I remembered my fresh youth in the forest, and a merry Christmas Eve, and little mice who listened with such pleasure to the tale of Klump-Dumpe.
- The end, the end! - said the poor tree. - At least I would be happy while there was time. The end, the end!
A servant came and cut the tree into splinters - a whole bunch came out; they blazed hotly under a large brewing kettle; and the tree sighed so deeply that every breath was like a small shot; the children playing in the yard ran to the fire, sat down in front of it and, looking into the fire, shouted:
- Bang Bang!
And the tree, with every shot, which was her deep sigh, recalled that sunny summer day, then a starry winter night in the forest, recalled Christmas Eve and the fairy tale about Klump-Dumpe - the only one that she heard and knew how to tell ... So she burned out.
The boys played in the courtyard, and the youngest had a star on his chest, which the tree carried on the happiest evening of his life; he passed, and everything is over with the tree, and with this story too. It's over, it's over, and that's the way it is with all stories.

There was such a nice little Christmas tree in the forest; She had a good place: the sun warmed her up, and there was plenty of air, and around her older comrades grew, spruce and pine. Only the Christmas tree was impatient to become an adult itself: she did not think about the warm sun or the fresh air; I did not even notice the talkative village children when they came to the forest to pick strawberries or raspberries. They will pick up a full mug, otherwise they will string the berries on straws, sit by the Christmas tree and say:

What a glorious Christmas tree!

And at least she shouldn't listen to such speeches at all.

A year later, the Christmas tree grew by one shoot, after a year it stretched out a little more; so, by the number of shoots, you can always find out how many years the tree has grown.

Oh, if I could be as big as the others! sighed the tree. - Already, as it were, I spread my branches wide and looked out with the top of my head into the free light! Birds would build their nests in my branches, and when the wind blows, I would nod with dignity, no worse than others!

And neither the sun, nor the birds, nor the scarlet clouds that sailed over her in the morning and in the evening were her joy.

When it was winter and the snow lay around in a sparkling white veil, a hare often jumped up and jumped right over the Christmas tree - such an insult! But two winters passed, and on the third, the tree grew so much that the hare had to run around it around.

"Oh! Grow up, grow up, become big and old - there is nothing better in the world! " - thought the tree.

In the fall, woodcutters came to the forest and fell some of the largest trees. This happened every year, and the tree, now quite adult, trembled every time - with such a groan and clink, large beautiful trees fell to the ground. Branches were cut off from them, and they were so naked, long, narrow - it was simply unrecognizable. But then they were put on carts, and the horses carried them away from the forest. Where to? What awaited them?

In the spring, when the swallows and storks arrived, the tree asked them:

Do you know where they were taken? Didn't you come across them?

The swallows did not know, but the stork became thoughtful, nodded his head and said:

Perhaps I know. When I flew from Egypt, I came across many new ships with magnificent masts. In my opinion, they were, they smelled of spruce. I greeted them many times, and they held their heads high, very high.

Oh, if only I were an adult and could swim across the sea! And what is it like, is it the sea? What does it look like?

Well, it's a long story, - answered the stork and flew away.

Rejoice at your youth! - said the sun's rays. - Rejoice at your healthy growth, young life that plays in you!

And the wind caressed the tree, and the dew shed tears over it, but she did not understand this.

As Christmas approached, very young Christmas trees were cut down in the forest, some of them were even younger and shorter than ours, which did not know rest and was always torn from the forest. These trees, and by the way, they were the most beautiful, always kept their branches, they were immediately laid on carts, and the horses took them away from the forest.

Where are they? - asked the tree. “They’re not bigger than me, and one is even smaller. Why did they keep all their branches? Where are they going?

We know! We know! the sparrows chirped. - We have been in the city and looked into the windows! We know where they are going! Such brilliance and glory awaits them that you cannot imagine! We looked into the windows, we saw! They are planted in the middle of a warm room and decorated with wonderful things - gilded apples, honey cakes, toys and hundreds of candles!

And then? - asked the tree, trembling branches. - And then? Then what?

We saw nothing else! It was awesome!

Or maybe I am destined to go this shining path! - the tree rejoiced. “It's even better than sailing on the sea. Oh, how longing I am! If only Christmas again soon! Now I am as big and tall as those who were taken away last year. Oh, if only I could get on the cart! If only to get into a warm room with all this glory and splendor! And then? .. Well, and then there will be something even better, even more beautiful, but why else should I dress me up like that? Of course, then there will be something even more majestic, even more magnificent! But what? Oh, how I yearn, how I yearn! I myself don't know what is happening to me!

Rejoice to me! - said the air and sunlight. - Rejoice at your youthful freshness here, in freedom!

But she was not in the least bit happy; it grew and grew, winter and summer it stood green; she stood in dark green, and everyone who saw her said: "What a glorious tree!" - and at Christmas they cut down her first. Deeply, an ax entered her very insides, the tree fell to the ground with a sigh, and it hurt, it felt bad, and she could not think of any happiness, and the longing was to be separated from her homeland, from the piece of land on which she grew up: she knew she, that she will never again see her lovely old comrades, bushes and flowers that grew around, and maybe even birds. The departure was not at all merry.

She woke up only when she was unloaded in the yard along with the others, and a voice said:

This one is just gorgeous! Only this one!

Two servants came in full dress and carried the tree into a large beautiful hall... Portraits hung everywhere on the walls, Chinese vases with lions on the lids stood on a large tiled stove; there were rocking chairs, silk sofas and large tables, and on the tables there were picture books and toys, on which they probably spent a hundred times a hundred Riksdaler - at least the children said so. The Christmas tree was placed in a large barrel of sand, but no one would have thought that it was a barrel, because it was wrapped in green cloth, and stood on a large colorful carpet. Oh, how the tree trembled! What will happen now? Girls and servants began to dress her up. Hanging from the branches were small handbags cut out of colored paper, each filled with sweets; gilded apples and walnuts seemed to have grown on the tree by themselves, and more than a hundred small candles, red, white and blue, stuck it in the branches, and dolls swayed on the branches among the greenery, just like living people - the tree had never seen such, - swayed among the greenery, and above, on the very top of her head, a star covered with gold sequins was planted. It was great, absolutely incomparable ...

Tonight, everyone said, tonight it will shine! "Oh! - thought the tree. - Hurry up the evening! Hurry to light the candles! And what will happen then? Will the trees come from the forest to see me? Will the sparrows flock to the windows? Will I not take root here, will I not stand there torn apart winter and summer? "