Which of the poets loved autumn more. Books of Russian poets about autumn

The colder and more hopeless the darkness outside, the more comfortable the warm soft light in the apartment seems. And if summer is the time to run away from home to meet unrealizable dreams, then autumn is the time to return. © Al Quotion

Autumn is the most philosophical time of the year. Looking at how the world outside the window turns into a colorful and bright for a short period, and then into a deep gray, one involuntarily thinks about the eternal. This is the time when we begin to appreciate every sunny day and try to absorb as much light and colors from nature as possible, because there is a long and cold winter ahead.

Almost every Russian poet has a poem about autumn, in which they sang the beauty of golden foliage, the romance of rainy weather and the invigorating power of coolness. Poems about autumn “circle” with words-winds, “drizzle” with stanzas-rains, “dazzle” with epithets-leaves ... We chose 5 best poems about autumn, in which you can feel the breath of autumn and remember your school years:

1. Fedor Tyutchev

Is in the autumn of the original
short but marvelous time -
The whole day stands as if crystal,
And radiant evenings ...
The air is empty, the birds are no longer heard,
But far from the first winter storms
And pure and warm azure pours
On the resting field…

2. Alexander Pushkin

Sad time! Oh charm!
Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me -
I love the magnificent nature of wilting,
Forests clad in crimson and gold,
In their canopy of the wind noise and fresh breath,
And the heavens are covered with mist,
And a rare ray of sun, and the first frosts,
And distant gray winter threats.

And every autumn I bloom again;
The Russian cold is good for my health;
I again feel love for the habits of being:
Sleep flies in succession, hunger finds in succession;
Easily and joyfully plays in the heart of blood,
Desires boil - I'm happy again, young,
I am full of life again - this is my body
(Allow me to forgive unnecessary prosaism).

3. Nikolai Nekrasov

Glorious autumn! Healthy, vigorous
The air invigorates tired forces;
The ice is fragile on the icy river
As if melting sugar lies;

Near the forest, as in a soft bed,
You can sleep - peace and space!
The leaves have not faded yet,
Yellow and fresh lie like a carpet.

Glorious autumn! frosty nights,
Clear, quiet days...
There is no ugliness in nature! And kochi
And moss swamps, and stumps -

All is well under the moonlight
Everywhere I recognize my dear Russia ...
I quickly fly along cast-iron rails,
I think my mind...

4. Ivan Bunin

Forest, like a painted tower,
Purple, gold, crimson,
Cheerful, colorful wall
It stands over a bright meadow.

Birches with yellow carving
Shine in blue azure,
Like towers, Christmas trees darken,
And between the maples they turn blue
Here and there in the foliage through
Clearances in the sky, that windows.
The forest smells of oak and pine,
During the summer it dried up from the sun,
And Autumn is a quiet widow
He enters his motley tower ...

5. Fedor Tyutchev

Is in the lordship of autumn evenings
A touching, mysterious charm:
The ominous brilliance and variegation of trees,
Crimson leaves languid, light rustle,
Foggy and quiet azure
Over the sad orphan land,
And, like a premonition of descending storms,
A gusty, cold wind at times,
Damage, exhaustion - and on everything
That gentle smile of fading,
What in a rational being do we call
Divine bashfulness of suffering.

Text essay:

When a person goes into adulthood from school, he takes with him on a long voyage of life the verses learned by heart, excerpts of prose from the great works of Russian classics. The famous saying of K.G. Paustovsky about the attitude of Russian poets to autumn is not taught by heart at school. But everyone who is able to perceive the beauty and philosophical depth of nature knows this statement: “The softest and most touching poems, books and paintings were written by Russian poets, writers and artists about autumn.”

So why is autumn the favorite time of the year for many gifted people? How do they perceive unity? natural phenomena and movements human soul? The text of K.G. makes us think about these questions. Paustovsky.

There is no doubt that the author draws a parallel between autumn with its lonely golden birches, a sky that looks like thin ice, and the state of mind of a mature person, philosophically calmly and seriously discussing alone with himself about the frailty of life and the short duration of all living things. No wonder the writer mentions Pushkin and Tyutchev, who tenderly and touchingly loved autumn. It is well known that these word artists were great philosophers of life, seeking to understand its innermost essence. Probably, it is autumn with its rains and quiet sadness that, like no other season, contributes to a person’s thoughts about the main issues of life.

The writer draws another parallel between man and autumn: in autumn, the splendor of spring and summer colors is replaced by severity and nobility. Likewise, among the great masters of literature, the “elegance of the language” gives way to the depth and simplicity of thought. Therefore, according to the author, autumn is usually loved by people who are able to comprehend their life path.

The author comes to the conclusion: in autumn, nature and man are equally quiet, tuned in to philosophical reflections about the eternal and enduring, that all living things tend to grow old and die. But it is precisely in this pattern that the secret of the revival of life in the spring lies.

I fully share the author’s position: autumn is the most philosophical time of the year when you don’t want to rush anywhere, there is a desire to quit your usual way of life, leave worries and anxieties for later and completely immerse yourself in the quiet and bright sadness of “autumn” thoughts. It seems to me that the famous Pushkin lines come to mind by themselves:
Sad time! Oh charm! Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me -
I love the magnificent withering of nature, In crimson and gold-clad forests..

How much solemnity and at the same time meekness in the picture drawn by A.S. Pushkin's picture of nature. The poet even has a magnificent, unhurried and solemn wilting. This is an occasion for each of us to think about our departure, which should be accepted, thoughtful and philosophically calm. Another example of the unity of man and autumn is found in the work of F.I. Tyutchev. Of course, the lines will remain in memory for life:

There is in the original autumn A short but marvelous time - The whole day stands as if crystal, And the evenings are radiant ...

Peace, tranquility in nature, which F.I. Tyutchev. Is it possible at this time of the year to think about the momentary, temporary, brief and unimportant? The poet is sure that autumn is a special time of the year, which gives a person a rare opportunity to slowly, seriously and deeply think about himself and his place in the world.

Thus, we can conclude: Russian poets, writers, artists philosophically perceived autumn as a unique, expensive and fleeting time of the year, when a person, merging with dormant nature, thinks about the main thing, comprehending the world and himself in it.

Text by Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky:

(1) The closer to old age, the more often Levitan's thought stopped in the fall. (2) True, Levitan wrote some excellent spring things, but it was almost always spring, similar to autumn. (3) In " big water» flooded grove exposed as late autumn, and was not even covered with a greenish smoke of the first foliage. (4) In "Early Spring" a black deep river stands dead among the ravines still covered with loose snow, and only in the painting "March" is the real spring brightness of the sky above the melting snowdrifts, yellow sunlight and the glassy sheen of melt water dripping from the porch of the boardwalk Houses.
(5) The softest and most touching poems, books and paintings are written by Russian poets, writers and artists about autumn.
(6) Levitan, just like Pushkin and Tyutchev and many others, was waiting for autumn, as the most precious and fleeting time of the year.
(7) Autumn removed from the forests, from the fields, from all nature, dense colors, washed away the greens with rain. (8) Groves were made through. (9) The dark colors of summer were replaced by timid gold, purple and silver. (Yu) Not only the color of the earth changed, but also the air itself. (11) 0n was cleaner, colder, and the distances were much deeper than in summer.
(12) Thus, among the great masters of literature and painting, youthful splendor of colors and elegance of language is replaced by adulthood rigor and nobility. (13) The autumn in Levitan's paintings is very diverse. (14) It is impossible to list all the autumn days he painted on the canvas. (15) Levitan left about a hundred "autumn" paintings, not counting sketches.
(16) 0 gave us the beauty of the autumn landscape. (17) They depicted things familiar from childhood: haystacks, blackened from dampness; small rivers circling the fallen leaves in slow whirlpools; lonely golden birch trees, not yet upholstered in the wind; a sky like thin ice; shaggy rains over forest clearings.
(17) But in all these landscapes, no matter what they depict, the sadness of farewell days, falling leaves, rotting grasses, the quiet hum of bees before the cold weather and the pre-winter sun, barely noticeably warming the earth, are best conveyed ...

(18) Almost all of us have remembered since childhood forest glades covered with foliage, lush and sad corners of the homeland that shine under the cool sun in the blue, in the silence of windless waters, in the cries of nomadic birds.

(19) In adulthood, these memories arise with amazing force for the most insignificant reason - even from a fleeting landscape that flashed past the windows of the car - and cause a feeling of excitement and happiness that we ourselves do not understand, a desire to leave everything - cities, worries, the usual circle people, and go into this wilderness, to the shores of unknown lakes, to forest roads, where every sound is heard so clearly and for a long time, as on mountain peaks, whether it be the whistle of a steam locomotive or the whistle of a bird fluttering in the bushes of mountain ash.

(20) Such a feeling of long-seen sweet places remains from Levitan's "autumn" paintings.

(According to K. Paustovsky)

One of the most mentioned themes in the works of Russian poets is the theme of nature. It is she who is very closely connected with the boundless love for the Motherland and the beloved Russian expanses. The heart of every creator is simply overflowing with tender feelings and reverent awe of the beauties of the Russian land. And the books of Russian poets about autumn are always full of delightful colors and emotional experiences. There is no person living in Russia who could not be imbued with its delightful landscapes. And those who once became her guest will never be able to forget the boundless expanses, the greenery of forests and the mirror-like surface of numerous rivers and lakes.

Unforgettable beauties of Russian nature, or Autumn in the work of Russian poets

Of course, it is impossible to be devoted to your Motherland if you do not love its nature, are indifferent and do not live in harmony with it. Each creator has a time of year to which he prefers. But it is autumn that inspires them to create great and immortal masterpieces. In the poetry of Russian poets, it is an inexhaustible source of impressions and deep feelings.

Different poets of all ages felt and described this time in their own way. To some of them, it sometimes seems to fade, and someone, on the contrary, cannot stop admiring the last one circling in the blue sky or slightly covered with hoarfrost, withering flowers and grass seized by the first frost. Even the clouds hanging over the withering expanses are admired, and the usual rain seems like parting tears of autumn on the passing warm summer days.

And, perhaps, there is no such Russian writer who would not mention this delightful time in his great works. Any books of Russian poets about autumn contain a lot of wonderful epithets and catchy phrases that are often used in quotations or aphorisms.

Great Pushkin and his favorite season

For example, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin in his work described all the seasons, but in many of his lines one can understand that he preferred autumn the most: "Now it's my time: I don't like spring ...".

Pushkin never chose any special themes for writing his unforgettable works. The source of his inspiration was life itself with all its manifestations. Alexander Sergeevich was worried about absolutely everything that was connected with his beloved Motherland. He infinitely adored and understood nature. Her sounds, abundance of colors, wonderful aromas. And in absolutely every season of the year, the great Russian poet finds a special charm.

But he gave great preference to autumn and devoted a large number of his inimitable lines to this wonderful time. It is to her that we owe numerous works of Alexander Sergeevich, which have replenished our treasury of literature.

Feelings and emotions diligently conveyed by the greatest creator

Pushkin's poems about autumn reflect its rather contradictory qualities. This is clearly seen in the lines: "A dull time! Eyes of charm!". These poetic lines are so familiar to us and seem understandable that we do not even think about how incompatible the words used in poetry are.

"A sad time" and "eyes charm". After all, dull means boring with monotonous rains and a low gray sky, unsightly and dreary with penetrating dampness and cold wind. And charm is beauty alluring and bewitching. Of course, this combination is surprising. But it was it that became the leitmotif of the Russian lyrics of poets who dedicated themselves to

No other time of the year can compare with the rich solemn radiance of the charming golden season: "I love the lush nature of wilting ...".

A special period in creativity

In the next creation, called "Autumn", created in Boldino in one thousand eight hundred and thirty-three, in that very period in the poet's work, which scientists will later call Boldinskaya autumn, Alexander Sergeevich explains why he loves this particular time of year and experiences these days the longest moments of inspiration: "... And every autumn I bloom again...".

Pushkin was creatively happy in autumn. But few, seeing the gray landscapes, bare bushes, the heavy sky, feeling the cold breath of this period and the ever more frequent gusts of wind that are about to bring the first snow, can discern a special beauty in this time. And especially to accept with reverence and gratitude what nature has given us. And all Pushkin's poems about autumn are always filled with special love and quivering tenderness for her gifts.

Twentieth century poet Ivan Alekseevich

Another wonderful and no less famous writer and Ivan Alekseevich Bunin wrote poems about autumn. In the poem "Evening" he shares his talent, even in small and gray, to find something especially kind and bright: "We always only remember about happiness. And happiness is everywhere. Maybe it is this autumn garden ...".

And, for example, leaf fall in the forest and a mingling feeling of joy and delight from indescribable beauty, he perfectly described in the poem "Leaves rustled, flying around ..." and no less beautiful and exciting work "Falling Leaves": "Forest, like a painted tower ...". Reading these lines, as if you yourself are transported into this delightful fairy tale of the autumn forest, filled with a special atmosphere of magic and tenderness.

A special combination of feelings of the author

And such a combination as sadness and joy, beauty and modesty of the landscape - it is quite easily explained, because in general the concept of "Russian landscape" implies a national landscape, which means it reflects the mental warehouse of a Russian person. His spiritual worldview, that is, the Orthodox worldview of nature.

These feelings are filled not only with all the books of Russian poets about autumn, but also with many paintings by famous Russian artists. They all tried to convey her special charm in the same way. And therefore, in order to get the most complete picture of the colors of this season, one can, while reading the lines of poets, look at the great masterpieces of Russian landscape painters.

Short autumn poems for little ones

Poems about autumn are short, but unusually figurative, found in Nikolai Alekseevich Zabolotsky. One of them is called "In the rain": "My umbrella is torn like a bird ...". And another poem by the same author is called where autumn itself is a whole wonderful world with all its inhabitants.

The nature of the native country is an inexhaustible source of inspiration. Every poet who wrote about her felt like a part of her. It was the works of Russian creativity that were able to penetrate the soul of nature, to hear and understand its language. And it is very important in childhood begin to lay a sense of harmony with the environment around us. With every birch, blade of grass and even an ordinary drop of rain.

Of course, any large work for children's perception will be quite difficult, and poems about autumn are short, but filled with no less delightful lines, will be the most convenient for memorization and further discussion.

It's time to take stock of Sergei Yesenin

Autumn is not only a season, it is also a time human life, minutes of peace and quiet, reflection and summing up the life lived. It is in this combination that the Russian poet Sergei Yesenin sees himself. He writes: "Oh, the age of autumn! It is dearer to me than youth and summer."

And he, with his characteristic aching sadness and at the same time some inescapable feeling of love for the Motherland, for his land, for its nature, writes in another poem: "The fields are compressed, the groves are bare. Fog and dampness from the water." Transference of the author's state of mind lyrical hero on inanimate objects - this is another feature of Yesenin's poetry.

A distinctive feature of the entire galaxy of Russian poets is precisely this correlation and comparison, the parallel between the natural world and the state of the human soul of the lyrical hero.

The nature of autumn in the work of Fet

The works of Athanasius Fet are the most wonderful poems about autumn for children. Despite the fact that they are quite informative and filled deep meaning, nevertheless remain very simple and understandable for young children.

Each poet sees himself in his own way in the images of autumn. And, for example, Fet represents it as a time of sadness and longing, which can soon change into a joyful and pleasant time. For example, in the poem "Hound Hunting" this time is expressed in exactly this way: "The last sheaf was brought from the bare fields ...". It is here that this very consolation is clearly present, for example, in hunting.

The golden time of the most beautiful time of the year

And how good autumn is at its very beginning! Golden, as many call it. The extraordinary blue of the skies, the luxurious lush decoration of the forests and the unusual, only in autumn, fresh wind. Many books of Russian poets describe precisely this state of falling asleep nature. When she's just starting to take a break from summer heat, annoying mosquitoes and as yet there is no hint of the presence of winter.

Another author who wrote wonderful poems about autumn for children is Fedor Tyutchev. "There is in the autumn of the original ...". How colorfully and accurately the author was able to convey What a huge number of tones he saw in the withering nature. And even the sadness present in the poem is somehow light and bright, like this wonderful time itself.

Creations of the majestic Prince Konstantin Konstantinovich

It is difficult to single out the name of at least one author or one work among such lyrics. Poems about the autumn of Russian poets are real masterpieces, pearls of our poetry. But a special place in the landscape lyrics is occupied by the work of the majestic Prince Konstantin Romanov, who has a whole cycle of poems called "The Seasons".

In this collection, everything is quite clear and simple. Spring is the time of youth and love, the beauty of renewed nature, summer is the festival of flowers, but autumn is characterized by special smells and sounds, captivating silence. And for this author, the fading time is full of charm. How much charm he sees in sad lifeless days: "How captivatingly quiet in the faded fields! Our autumn is full of charm ...".

The works of the prince are filled not only with poetry, but also with the Christian worldview. Humility, patience, obedience are directly felt when immersed in his poems.

Contemporary creativity

Times change, but the view of the Russian poet on nature, on the world around him does not change. The modern, now deceased, poet Rubtsov very accurately mentioned this in his work: "I will not rewrite ...".

And I must say that the poems of Nikolai Mikhailovich, of course, are a continuation of our Russian lyrics. All the works of this poet, especially poems about autumn, are distinguished by extraordinary imagery, as well as simplicity and sincerity that warms the soul. In his works, our modern time is immediately felt. But they inherently present a certain note of the works of Tyutchev and Fet, which is quite clearly expressed in the poem "At a rotten forest hut."

The lyrics of Nikolai Rubtsov, if we take poems about autumn, are even somewhat similar to Yesenin's masterpieces, they are also piercing, bright, and a special reverence, reverence and love for their Russian landscape is very strongly felt in it.

Features of autumn lyrics, or quotes about the autumn of Russian poets

It is in the autumn lyrics that it is very interesting to observe how the poet creates an image. After all, he will never say directly that it is raining outside and the leaves are falling from the trees. All poems about autumn by Russian poets are filled with figurative pictures, various methods of personification, that is, when an artist ascribes the properties of a living being to some inanimate object.

But it is no less interesting to turn to other poetic means that create the unique imagery of a poem. For example, to comparison or metaphor. And in the work of each poet you can find many such poems.

Many works of Russian poets about autumn formed the basis of popular songs, others quite often quote the characters of any films, something is forever deposited in a person’s memory from the school bench. And some especially exciting lines are turned into quotes and used in Everyday life, sometimes even without mentioning the author of the creation.

And if on some autumn day your soul becomes especially sad, you must definitely go into the forest to listen to the birds singing, watch the squirrel jump, watch the falling leaves and remember the books of Russian poets about autumn. And then the heart will immediately be cleansed of longing, and the most wonderful feelings that only this golden time can awaken.

1. Do all birds fly south in autumn?

2. Is there really less germs in the air after rain?

3. How does the decrease in daylight hours affect wildlife?

4. What forest berry bushes do not shed their leaves for the winter?

5. Continue: "Cold September, but...".

6. Are there more drizzling or thunderstorms in autumn?

7. What do they mean when they say, "It's raining gold"?

8. In what month is the equinox day?

9. What remains on a branch from a leaf after it has fallen off?

10. Which bird has the highest flight speed: a crow, a stork or a swift?

11. What kind of food should be prepared for bullfinches?

12. The longest autumn month.

13. Are fallen leaves dangerous for drivers and pedestrians?

14. Who are the "falling leaves"?

15. Which of the poets loved autumn more?

Answers: 1. Not all. 2. Yes. 3. Leaf fall, flight of birds, hibernation. 4. Cranberries and lingonberries. 5. Full. 6. Drizzling. 7. Leaf fall. 8. In September. 9. Kidney. 10. At the swift. 11. Rowan berries.12. October. 13. Yes. 14. Bunnies. 15. Pushkin A. S.

Developing tasks on the topic "Autumn"

1. What happens in autumn?

a) Growing seedlings.

b) Decorate the Christmas tree.

c) The leaves turn yellow.

d) The day is getting shorter.

e) The rooks are coming.

e) There are frequent cold rains.

g) Tree trunks are whitewashed.

h) Potato harvesting.

i) Buds swell.

j) Sow winter crops.

l) Strawberries ripen.

2. How do we know about the arrival of autumn? (choose the correct statements)

a) September is on the calendar.

b) The children go to school.

c) A lot of cobwebs.

d) The day is much longer than the night.

d) You can skate.

e) Many cloudy days.

g) Fields and gardens are emptying.

h) People hide warm clothes.

i) Bullfinches appeared.

j) There are bright red fruits on the mountain ash.

Beauty Autumn came to us in a golden crimson dress. She surprises us with many colors, a palette of various shades. What do we know about autumn? By answering the quiz questions, we will find out.

Quiz "Autumn" about one of the best seasons contains 17 questions. All questions have been answered.

1. Why do we say this: “Feed me in the spring, and in the fall I will be full myself”?
Answer: harvest in autumn, no harvest in spring

2. What proverbs about autumn do you know?
Answer: Autumn sows bad weather.
In the spring the rain soars, and in the autumn it is silent.
Birds in the nest until autumn, children in the family until the age.
Autumn will order, spring will say its own.

3. Which tree leaves are among the first to turn yellow?
Answer: birch leaves

4. Which day is longer: summer or autumn?
Answer: summer

5. Who is the author of these lines?
"Glorious autumn! Healthy, vigorous
The air invigorates tired forces;
The ice is fragile on the icy river
As if melting sugar lies ... "
Answer: Nikolay Alekseevich Nekrasov

6. Do you think the main harvest takes place in summer or autumn?
Answer: autumn

7. What is harvested in autumn?
Answer: vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, berries (cranberries, cranberries). Grain crops are harvested: wheat, rye, barley. Gather medicinal plants and beautiful autumn leaves

8. What is autumn like?
Answer: golden, rainy, dull, fruitful, warm, sunny

9. What fairy tales about vegetables and fruits do you know?
Answer: Russian folk tale"Turnip", fairy tale by Gianni Rodari "Cipollino"

10. Which Russian poet loved autumn more than other seasons?
Answer: Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

11. Why do you think?
Answer can be found in the poem "Autumn". Pushkin wrote:
“Now is my time: I do not like spring;
The thaw is boring to me; stench, dirt - in the spring I'm sick ... "

12. Do you think migratory birds fly away to warmer climes simultaneously, or gradually?
Answer: gradually

13. Continue the proverb:
Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.
Autumn - on the day of weather ... eight.
In the autumn and at the sparrow - ... feasts.
Spring is red, but hungry, autumn is rainy, yes ... satisfying.
In autumn, the crow has a shock, not only the black grouse.

14. Do you think spring or winter wheat is sown in autumn?
Answer: sow winter crops

15. Is autumn associated with sadness or joy in poetry?
Answer: with sadness

16. Why does Boris Pasternak in his poem call autumn a “fairytale palace”?
"Autumn. Fairy tale,
All open for review.
clearings of forest roads,
Looking into the lakes."
Answer: a hall is a magnificent, luxurious building, a palace. Autumn makes everything around magical, magnificent, like a fairy-tale palace.

17. At what time does freeze-up begin (the process of establishing a continuous ice cover on watercourses and reservoirs)?
Answer: in the pre-winter, this is the first half of November