The script of the ecological fairy tale in a new way "turnip". Theatrical ecological fairy tale "Grandfather's Garden" for children of the older group

Scenario of the fairy tale "Turnip in a new way" (for a puppet theater - glove puppets)

Description: this work can be useful for preschool educational institutions (for theatricalization classes; organizing children's performances in front of preschool educational institutions, parents), teachers additional education, heads of theatrical studios dealing with preschoolers. The script is intended for staging a fairy tale in a puppet theater - glove puppets. The age of the children for whom this scenario is designed is 4-5 years old (pupils of the middle group).
Theatrical activity develops the personality of the child, instills a steady interest in literature, theater, improves the artistic skills of children in terms of experiencing and embodying the image, encourages them to create new images. Preschoolers are happy to join the game: they answer the puppets' questions, fulfill their requests, give advice, transform into one image or another.
Targets and goals
to expand the knowledge of children about Russian folk tales;
to consolidate the ability to distinguish a fairy tale from others literary works;
teach children to analyze a fairy tale;
to learn to understand the emotional-figurative content of the work;
teach children the rules of puppetry;
to form the ability to convey game images in actions with a doll;
teach to understand the value of friendship, solidarity
develop interest in Russian folk tales;
to familiarize children with the origins of Russian culture;
develop thinking, imagination, visual memory, observation;
develop cognitive and speech activity of children, expand vocabulary;
develop means of expression (verbal and non-verbal) in speech, acting;
enrich children's emotions
to cultivate love for Russian folk art;
cultivate the manifestation of good feelings in relation to each other;
to form an artistic taste;
foster respect for the book.

Characters (preschoolers 4-5 years old):
Leading (adult)
There is a screen on the stage. On the screen there is a decoration - a hut, a fence, trees.

Leading: A fairy tale is the best
You, most importantly, believe
What's with the golden key
There is always a door.

Sit quietly kids
Yes, listen about the turnip
The tale may be small
Yes, about important things.
Or: Dear viewers!
Would you like to see the fairy tale?
A tale about a turnip in a new way
Everyone is happy to tell you.
The grandfather and the woman lived and were.
They lived nicely, did not grieve.
They shared a roof with them:
Cat, granddaughter,
Mouse, yes Bug.
Grandfather goes out on the porch
And such a speech starts
(Grandfather leaves the house)
Grandfather: I will plant a seed in the ground in the spring
I will fence it with a high fence
Grow, my turnip, in the garden
So that everything is all right with you.
Leading: The earth was watered together,
Fertilized, loosened.
Finally the day has come
A sprout also appeared.
(The turnip begins to gradually "grow" - to appear from behind the fence)
Growing turnip
Gentle and cherished grandfather!
Surprising everyone in size
The turnip has grown big!
(The turnip appeared completely)
In the Guinness book she
Claims without difficulty.
It rose from behind the fence,
It poured into sweet juice.

Grandfather: That's a turnip, that's such a miracle!
And you are large and beautiful!
And what a strong one!
I don’t know how I’ll pull it out!
(Pulls-pulls, cannot pull)
Grandfather: One cannot cope!
I must call my grandmother!
(Granny leaves the house)
Grandma: Wait a minute! Run Run!
And I will help you, grandfather!
Become more quickly, old man,
Together we will pull the turnip!
How to pull? Which side?
Grandfather: Grab your sides
What strength is there to pull me!
(Pull-pull, can't pull)
Leading: The result is not to be seen,
They began to call the granddaughter to help:
Grandma: The record holder is our turnip -
I sat down very firmly in the ground!
Granddaughter: Wait, grandma and grandpa.
I will help you pull the turnip.
I'm in a hurry to help you.
Where is he - the naughty vegetable?
Grandfather: Become quick, pull!
Granddaughter: No, we can't handle three of us
Maybe we'll call the Bug?
Beetle, throw a bone
Let's pull the turnip!
Bug: What is this noise and what is this fight?
I'm tired as a dog.
And now under the very nose
The turnip grew without demand.
What a riot this is, woof!
Get out, turnip, from the garden!
Granddaughter: Get behind me, pull
Come on, amicably! One two Three!
Bug: We can't do it without a cat,
Let him help us a little!
(The bug calls the cat)
Cat: From ears to tail
The cat is just beauty.
Because this coat
Not clothes, but a dream.
So as not to get your paws dirty,
I put on gloves.
Bug: You, Murka, rather run to the mistress
Leading: The five of them are already skillfully
They got down to business.
Drawn out just about
Such a stubborn root vegetable!
The mouse ran past
The cat saw the mouse:
Cat: Wait, don't run away!
Help us out, friend!
Leading: Grandfather said:
Grandfather: We took together,
We need to pull out the turnip!
Mouse: Get together in a row
Leading: So they pulled out a turnip,
That she sat firmly in the ground.
A miracle vegetable is on the table ...
The tale is over already.
The essence of this tale is simple:
Help everyone always!
Together: We worked merrily and amicably now,
friendship is arguing - there was a story about this.
Leading: We told you a fairy tale, is it good or bad,
and now we ask you to clap!
The presenter introduces the artists in turn. Children bow and leave the stage to the music.

1.Grandfather: I will plant a seed in the ground in the spring
I will fence it with a high fence
Grow, my turnip, in the garden
So that everything is all right with you
2. Grandfather: That's a turnip, that's a miracle!
And you are large and beautiful!
And what a strong one!
I don’t know how I’ll pull it out!
(Pulls - pulls, can't pull)
Grandfather: One cannot cope!
I must call my grandmother!
3.Grandfather: Grab your hips,
What strength is there to pull me!
4. Grandfather: Get up quickly, pull!
Come on, amicably: one, two, three!
5.Grandfather: We took it together,
We need to pull out the turnip! All together: We have been working merrily and amicably now,

1. Grandma: Wait! Run Run!
And I will help you, grandfather!
Become more quickly, old man,
Together we will pull the turnip!
How to pull? Which side? 2. Grandma: The record holder is our turnip -
I sat down very firmly in the ground!
friendship is arguing, there was a story about it.

Granddaughter's words
1.Granddaughter: Wait, grandmother and grandfather.
I will help you pull the turnip.
I'm in a hurry to help you.
Where is he - the naughty vegetable? 2.Granddaughter: No, three of us can't do it,
Maybe we'll call the Bug?
Beetle, throw a bone
Let's pull the turnip!
3.Granddaughter: Follow me, pull
Come on, amicably! One two Three! All together: We have been working merrily and amicably now,
for friendship, the matter is arguing, there was a story about it.

1.Bug: What is the noise and what is the fight?
I'm tired as a dog.
And now under the very nose
The turnip grew without demand.
What a riot this is, woof!
Get out, turnip, from the garden!
2.Bug: We can't do it without a cat,
Let him help us a little!
3.Bug: You, Murka, hurry to the hostess
And help pull the turnip out of the ground.
All together: We have been working merrily and amicably now,
friendship is arguing, there was a story about it.

1.Cat: From ears to tail
The cat is just beauty.
Because this coat
Not clothes, but a dream.
So as not to get your paws dirty,
I put on gloves.
And I will comb my fluffy mustache for beauty.

2. Cat: Wait, don't run away!
Help us out, friend!

All together: We have been working merrily and amicably now,
friendship is arguing, there was a story about it.

Mouse: Become together in a row
Eh, one more time, we will pull out the turnip now
All together: We have been working merrily and amicably now,
friendship is arguing, there was a story about it.

An ecological holiday based on the Russian folk tale of the same name for children of older and preparatory groups kindergarten

Work description: I bring to the attention of kindergarten workers (educators, music directors) a scenario of a thematic holiday for children of the senior and preparatory groups. This holiday is aimed at developing a respectful attitude towards nature in children, expanding their knowledge of nature and its properties; and will also continue acquaintance of children with folk art (fairy tales "Turnip", proverbs)


Continue to acquaint children with garden plants and their significance for humans;

Expand knowledge of colors;

Introduce children to folk art.


To develop the ecological culture of children; teach to recognize the factors of negative impact on nature, on the life of plants;

Develop responsiveness, sympathy for all living things.

Holiday progress:

Ved. - Good morning! The birds are singing! Good people, get out of bed!

All the darkness is hiding in the corners, the sun has risen and goes about business.

The sun appears

Veda... - The sun smiles at us! Let us and we smile back at him and

let's say hello to him.

Hello Sunshine! You have a lot to do in the morning: you need to wake everyone up - clouds and birds, fish and animals, trees and flowers and, of course, people - big and small.

Who do you think the Sun woke up first?

The Cockerel runs out

Ku-ka-re-ku! Take a look at how beautiful it has become around! The trees and meadow are already turning green. A cheerful guest came to us - Spring, and everything woke up from a winter sleep.

Round dance "Vesnyanka" (girls and spring)

The girls go away, the spring remains

Spring:- Hello, kids, girls and boys!

I bring you my warmth so that everything blooms around,

So that the leaves bloom, the birds flooded with song.

Shine brighter, rays, and warm the land,

Green, stalks, bloom all flowers.

From across the sea, quickly return the birds in a row

How to call these birds in one word? (migratory)

Spring:- Guys, let's remember the signs of spring.

Long icicles - for a long spring;

May blows warm - warms old people;

April with water - May with grass.

Spring:- Our ancestors were looking forward to spring to start spring

field work: plow, sow, plant. And how they worked together, with the whole family, and it is sung in songs and told in fairy tales. One such Russian folk tale I just know

(sits down, at this moment the Storyteller enters to the music)

Storyteller:- The fairy tale quietly enters the house, opens the door

And he quietly invites him into the room.

The curtain rises, the fairy tale begins!

Near two roads, at the crossroads, there was a white birch tree. A birch tree spread green branches over a small hut, and a large vegetable garden near the hut. Vegetables grew in this garden. And what kind of vegetables they were - guess.

  1. I grow in the ground in the garden! Red, long, sweet!
  2. As I put on a hundred shirts, it crunched on my teeth.
  3. He will make everyone around him cry, even though he is not a fighter, but….
  4. Our pigs grew up in a garden bed, sideways to the sun, crocheted tails. These little pigs are playing hide and seek with us!
  5. It is round and red, like the eye of a traffic light. There is no juicier among vegetables ...
  6. Even though I call myself sugar, I didn't get wet from the rains. Round, red, sweet in taste. Did you recognize? I AM …

Storyteller:- And in the hut lived a grandfather with his old grandmother.

Grandfather and grandmother sit in front of the hut, grandfather amuses pegs for the garden, grandmother knits

Grandfather: - I sit on a tree stump, amuse the pegs with crayons, I grow a vegetable garden, I make soot turnips.

Grandma:- I am grandmother Arina, I walked in the meadow, milked a cow. I love animals, so I feed them hearty. And also my granddaughter Alyonka, the dog Zhuchka and the cat Murlyshka help me with the housework.

Granddaughter:- I am a girl Alyonka, I sing songs loudly: la-la-la .. I collect flowers, look at the sun, and if necessary, I will always help my grandmother!

Sits down next to

Bug runs out

Bug:- Tyaf-tyaf-tyaf. I am a dog Bug. I love a warm pancake, I love a ruddy pie, two soft eggs, and a chicken honey!

Runs away

The cat comes in

Cat:- I am the cat, Murlyshka, over the mice I am the lord. I, the cat, have my own concern: I wash my ears in the morning, I want to be clean. Like this, like this (shows) it's a hunt to be clean!

Runs away

Storyteller:- And in the house under the stove lived a small gray mouse.

The mouse comes out

Mouse:- In the underground, in a closet, I live in a burrow. I have a small stature, a long gray tail, a gray fur coat, sharp teeth.

Storyteller:- An old grandmother once said to Daddy ...

Grandma:- We need, grandfather, a turnip, and for a turnip - a bed!

Storyteller:- Grandfather took a shovel, began to get along with the garden. Work is to our liking! Grandfather sings a song, Grandma helps - they get on the garden bed and sing.

sow seeds

Storyteller:- Guys, what is needed in order for a turnip to grow big, juicy, sweet? (Soil (food) - water - heat - light)

The metallophone sounds

Storyteller(hearing the sound of drops): - And now the rain has begun. Do you guys hear?

Droplet dance (turnip comes out at the end of the dance)

Droplet Poems:

We all sing and ride

We hardly ever cry

Because like tears

The raindrops themselves.

We run through the puddles

Have fun and shout:

"Always and everywhere good glory to the magic water!"

We will hasten to help

Suddenly others need it.

Everyone knows from ancient times

Without water, everyone has no life!

Storyteller:- Rain watering the turnip, watering it hard. The sun warms the garden bed, the turnip is growing! The leaves are wet, green, decorate the garden. The drunken turnip sings a song!

The turnip hums

Storyteller:- It's not raining anymore - that's the problem! What a problem! Without rain and the garden dries as always! You need to water the garden, you need to give the turnip a drink!

Grandfather watering the turnip, Grandma helps grandfather, granddaughter carries water, and the dog Bug. And behind her a bucket is carried by the babkin's cat-Murlyshka, and the little mouse-mouse is not far behind the cat!

They run one after another to the well. Tired, wiping off the sweat, stop


Grandma:- guys, tell me:

How many buckets are there?

Who has the biggest bucket?

Who has the smallest bucket? (hide the buckets behind your back)

What color is the cat's bucket? At Grandma's? At the Mouse?

Storyteller:- Who soon helped, he helped twice!

Burdock Dance (children run out in the form of a burdock, dance, leave thorns)

Grandma:- Oh oh! Look! Weeds surrounded our turnip! Help get rid of the weeds! He tries to pick it up - it pricks. Ouch! They are not simple, but magical! To drive the weeds away, you need to answer the questions correctly. Will you guys help us?


What are weeds called? (weeds, pests)

Why do you think they are called that?

Who can tell how the burdock moves from one place to another?

What pest plants grow in our gardens? (sow thistle, wheatgrass, rape, cornflower)

Which of these plants is animal food?

How do people fight weeds?

Do you help weed the weeds?

After answering the question correctly, one weed escapes

Grandfather:- But great harm to vegetable gardens is caused not only by pest plants, but also by insect pests, wild animals (leave)

Storyteller:- In the garden there lived a mole and a mole.

Moles come out

Mole 1:- Hey guys, we are moles! We know we are cool!

We go to the rich in fur coats, we only make friends with the cool ones.

Mole 2:- In the sky, butterflies fly, fish dive uselessly.

Whether we, moles, are busy with an important business.

Mole 1:- Let everyone laugh at us - they say, we count all the days.

But then we'll see who will be left with good.

Mole 2:- Here I agree with you, and all our friends.

It's time for us to get busy, it's time to have fun.

Mole 1: - Well, guys, try to solve our problems!

Mole 2:- If you cannot solve the problems correctly, I will drag you to my hole!


  1. We lived under a bush by the river May beetles: daughter, son, father and mother. Who managed to count them?
  2. The hen went for a walk, gathered her chickens. Six were running in front, three were left behind. Their mother is worried, and cannot count! Count, guys, how many chickens were there?
  3. The mother goose brought six children to the meadow for a walk. All goslings are like balls. Three sons, and how many daughters?
  4. Five crows sat on the roof, two more flew to them. Answer quickly, boldly - how many of them flew in?

Mole 2:- Look! They solved all the problems, we will not be able to drag them to our hole now, they are too smart ! Notices the turnip... What is it?

Mole 1:- Wow! Yes, it's a turnip!

Mole 2:- We must destroy the turnip!

Mole 1:- We with the little mole will dig a course under the ground. We will crawl to the turnip itself, we will gnaw through the roots! The turnip will wither and will not grow!

Storyteller:- The enemies got down to business, and the work began to boil!

Only deed, let's say boldly - this deed is an evil deed!

Here, under the bed, quickly, deftly, a terrible passage was dug to the turnip.

And the tops of the turnip dries up and yearns for water. The poor turnip will either groan or cry on the ridge.

The crying turnip

Mole 1: - How are things going?

Mole 2:- Wonderful! We did not try in vain - you see, the turnip is dead!

Bugs bark, Mole and Mole run away

Storyteller:- I ran to the Bug's garden. Sniff - there, and sniff - here.

Bug:- where is Dedka? Grandma? Granddaughter? Woof woof woof! We're in trouble! Who will water the bed, save the poor turnip? My mouth is full of my worries!

The bug runs away

Storyteller:- Grandfather comes to the garden ... how many troubles! But there is no granddaughter!

Grandfather:- Where did the granddaughter go? Maybe she went to the river for water? I'll go look.

Is leaving

Flowers run out to the music, dance, stop

At the end of the dance, the granddaughter comes out. When the dance is over, he approaches each flower and asks them.

Poems of flowers


I AM - wild flower, called Cornflower.

Cornflower blooms all summer in a bright color, blue.

Each of the guys knows: he is a brother of the river and the sky.

Besides, I am a medicinal plant,

I improve hair growth and strengthen eyesight.


I am a field chamomile, all children know about me.

We always grow in freedom, there is no more beautiful than us,

Admire us in the field, and tear us into a bouquet.

Although chamomile looks rustic, they bring a lot of benefits!

If the neck suddenly hurts or a tooth hurts, cute chamomile will come to the rescue.


I am a tulip! Spring is my time! Then I awaken from sleep.

A scarlet fire or a yellow carpet will break out, know everything - that tulips are blooming!

Lily of the valley.

I am a lily of the valley, a white flashlight with a green leg.

In the spring you can meet me on the forest path.

I am a medicinal flower, I am a difficult flower,

I will help with a runny nose and headache!


I am a noble clover, juicy, tender, fragrant!

It's not for nothing that bees come to me for nectar.

And I will also say that I can heal!

I have medicinal not only flowers, but also roots.

I fight germs successfully, and will help with a cough, of course.

Granddaughter:- Thank you, flowers, for telling about yourself. Now I know that flowers are not only beautiful, but also useful. Goodbye, flowers! It's time for me to go home, I'm bringing some water for the turnip.

Singing "la-la-la", leaves

Grandfather and Bug appear again

Grandfather:- Where is the granddaughter? Where is the granddaughter? Answer quickly, Bug!

Storyteller: - The beetle twists its tail, does not say anything. The grandfather saw: along the path, from the fishing line to the garden, the granddaughter in a pink kerchief was carrying full buckets. Grandfather shouts:

Grandfather:- Where were you? Where did you find the water?

Storyteller:- Answers loudly Alenka:

Storyteller:- Everything that sometimes dries hot, withers - from its water it blooms alive again!

Watering the turnip

Storyteller:- Glad, glad grandfather and grandmother, they water the garden with their granddaughter clean water! The tops are turning green again, the juice is poured! And grandfather stands over the turnip and says with a smile:

Grandfather:- Oh yes, a turnip on the ridge! Gold, liquid, and big-big - you can not find it anywhere else!

Storyteller:- Pulls, pulls the turnip Dedka, - the turnip is not given to Dedka! Grandpa calls grandma - the turnip won't go again! The grandmother calls Alyonka the granddaughter, the granddaughter calls the Beetle, the Beetle calls the cat Murly, the cat calls the gray Mouse. Pulling-pulling little by little - not enough strength! The grandfather grunts and calls the song for help:

Singing: pull-pull - cannot pull (several times)

Pulled out the turnip!

Storyteller:- Dedka, Grandma, granddaughter are dancing, Bug is dancing with them.

The kitten-Murly is dancing, the hole-Mouse beats the tambourine!

The turnip will be cooked for dinner, everyone will be given it to eat.

Labor always brings victory to those who love friendly work!

Proverbs about friendship and work(any to choose from)

Storyteller:- Near the roads at the crossroads, the song flows widely ...

Listening to a song for a birch tree is both pleasant and easy!

Song of the homeland (any appropriate for the age of the children)


All the heroes leave

Storyteller:- In order not to offend fairy tales, you need to see them more often,

Fairy tales will teach everyone to be angry, but they will teach to have fun ...

Be kinder and more modest, more patient and wiser!

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Currently, the problem of environmental education of preschoolers has become very acute. In the age of speed and technology, there is not enough time to stop, look around, observe the native nature. The lack of communication between children and nature later turns into callousness, immorality and a disrespectful attitude towards all living things. And the ecological fairy tale makes it possible, thanks to the well-developed imagination of children, to observe the life of wild animals with preschoolers or to go on a journey, to see the sunrise or the underwater kingdom with their own eyes.



Scenario ecological fairy tale"Turnip"

The music sounds "Oh, you, my canopy"

Leading: Grandfather planted a turnip and is waiting for it to grow big, big. And it doesn't grow. The grandfather called the grandmother.

Grandfather: Grandma, grandma, help! The turnip for some reason does not grow.

Grandma: Here, take fertilizers and sprinkle them on the turnip.

Leading: The grandfather listened to the grandmother and began to sprinkle the turnip with fertilizers every day. The turnip grows by leaps and bounds.

But here's another problem - the weeds overcame. Grandfather is calling his granddaughter.

Grandfather: Granddaughter, beauty, help weed the garden. My turnip is completely overgrown.

Granddaughter: I have no time to weed the beds. My girlfriends are calling the disco. You have a weed killer on you - it's called a herbicide.

Leading: The grandfather sprinkles the turnip with fertilizers, sprinkles with herbicides. The turnip grows by leaps and bounds. But a new misfortune happened - the garden pests prevailed. Grandfather calls the Bug and the cat for help.

Grandfather: Bug! Cat! Help! Catch all the pests!

Bug: We have no time to catch insects! We're going to the city. To the exhibition of dogs and cats.

Cat: Here, take an insecticide, it will destroy all pests. My-I-I-oo!

Leading: The grandfather sprinkles the turnip with fertilizers, sprinkles with herbicides, sprinkles with insecticides. The turnip is growing, the sides are pouring.

But then the grandfather noticed that his turnip began to rot. He calls the mouse for help.

Grandfather: Mouse! Oh, mouse! Help get rid of the rot.

Mouse: I have no time, grandfather, to bother with a turnip. I'm running to watch a series about the superhero Mickey Mouse. Here's a fungicide for you. It helps from rot.

Leading: The grandfather slept on his turnip with fertilizers for growth, sprinkled herbicides for weeds, sprayed them with insecticides against pests, watered them with fungicides against rot. So a big turnip has grown, very large, beautiful, with shiny sides.

Grandfather: Hey guys, the turnip has grown. Help pull it out. And I'll treat you to a turnip.

Leading: A grandfather for a turnip, a grandmother for a grandfather, a granddaughter for a grandmother, A bug for a granddaughter, a cat for a bug, a mouse for a cat ... .. They pulled a turnip! The grandfather cut off a piece of the turnip. I tried….

Grandfather: Ugh! It doesn't taste good! Yes, and empty inside. Thank you for your chemistry. Eat the turnip yourself if you want! I won't!

Leading: But no one began to eat the tasteless turnip. You can't eat such a turnip! So they left her alone in the garden.

The turnip lay, lay, sprinkled snow on it, poured rain on it. And it did not deteriorate, because it was treated with chemicals.

Fly past the Bitter Fly. I saw a turnip and flew inside.

Fly: Who, who lives in the little house?

Leading: But this is a completely different tale.

Scenario of the ecological fairy tale "Turnip"

Leading: Grandfather planted a turnip and is waiting for it to grow big, big. And it doesn't grow. The grandfather called the grandmother.

Grandfather: Grandma, grandma, help! The turnip for some reason does not grow.

Grandma: Here, take fertilizers and sprinkle them on the turnip.

Leading: The grandfather listened to the grandmother and began to sprinkle the turnip with fertilizers every day. The turnip grows by leaps and bounds.

But here's another problem - the weeds overcame. Grandfather is calling his granddaughter.

Grandfather: Granddaughter, beauty, help weed the garden. My turnip is completely overgrown.

Granddaughter: I have no time to weed the beds. My girlfriends are calling the disco. You have a weed killer on you - it's called a herbicide.

Leading: The grandfather sprinkles the turnip with fertilizers, sprinkles with herbicides. The turnip grows by leaps and bounds. But a new misfortune happened - the garden pests prevailed. Grandfather calls the Bug and the cat for help.

Grandfather: Bug! Cat! Help! Catch all the pests!

Bug: We have no time to catch insects! We're going to the city. To the exhibition of dogs and cats.

Cat: Here, take an insecticide, it will destroy all pests. My-I-I-oo!

Leading: The grandfather sprinkles the turnip with fertilizers, sprinkles with herbicides, sprinkles with insecticides. The turnip is growing, the sides are pouring.

But then the grandfather noticed that his turnip began to rot. He calls the mouse for help.

Grandfather: Mouse! Oh, mouse! Help get rid of the rot.

Mouse: I have no time, grandfather, to bother with a turnip. I'm running to watch a series about the superhero Mickey Mouse. Here's a fungicide for you. It helps from rot.

Leading: The grandfather slept on his turnip with fertilizers for growth, sprinkled herbicides for weeds, sprayed them with insecticides against pests, watered them with fungicides against rot. So a big turnip has grown, very large, beautiful, with shiny sides.

Grandfather: Hey guys, the turnip has grown. Help pull it out. And I'll treat you to a turnip.

Leading: A grandfather for a turnip, a grandmother for a grandfather, a granddaughter for a grandmother, A bug for a granddaughter, a cat for a bug, a mouse for a cat ... .. They pulled a turnip! The grandfather cut off a piece of the turnip. I tried….

Grandfather: Ugh! It doesn't taste good! Yes, and empty inside. Thank you for your chemistry. Eat the turnip yourself if you want! I won't!

Leading: But no one began to eat the tasteless turnip. You can't eat such a turnip! So they left her alone in the garden.

The turnip lay, lay, sprinkled snow on it, poured rain on it. And it did not deteriorate, because it was treated with chemicals.

Fly past the Bitter Fly. I saw a turnip and flew inside.

Fly: Who, who lives in the little house?

Leading: But this one is completely different.

The music sounds "Oh, you, my canopy"


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Theatricalization of the ecological fairy tale " Grandfather's garden"Based on the fairy tale" Turnip "for children senior group

Target: Development of creativity and communication skills through theatrical play

Leading : Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman,

By the river where the factory was.

Lived peacefully - did not grieve

Yes, they planted a vegetable garden.

Grandfather sits on a tree stump

And with longing in vegetable garden looks.

Grandfather : So as not to starve in winter,

Something must be done ...

I will plant - ka garden

Will grow cabbage

And carrots, garlic and onions,

It will be thick in the garden.

And then I will reap a rich harvest,

Treat my friends

They will be glad!

Leading : For a long time, Grandfather was waiting for the harvest,

I waited and did not wait.

Grandfather : My crop is not growing,

He stayed in the ground.

What to do? How to be?

I need to ask Grandma for me.

Grandma : How to do what? Your garden,

You must water

You, go grandfather for water,

Perhaps it will grow.

Leading : And Grandfather went for water

To the river that is closer.

He scooped up two buckets

And exclaimed:

Grandfather : Well, business!

Leading : Grandfather came to the garden

With dirty water

Grandma showed a bucket:

Grandma : Horror! What is it?

Leading : The water was rainbow

With the smell of gasoline.

The bottom is not visible at the bucket ...

Grandfather and grandma : And pour us garden, so necessary!

What to do? How are we to be?

We need to ask our Granddaughter.

Leading : The granddaughter came running.

That's what im said:

Granddaughter : If the water is dirty,

That, of course, is the trouble for everyone.

We will filter the water

Garden to water.

I'll take dirty water,

Pour through the filter.

Dance with buckets danced

Granddaughter: You can filter the water,

But it's better to type a clean one.

Where did you get water-

The plant stood by the river.

He threw it into the water

Dirty waste.

Grandfather, you better go to the forest,

Find a spring behind the hill.

Water always flows in it

She is crystal clear.

Leading : Grandfather came with water again.

He began to water the earth.

The crop still does not grow ...

He will not understand anything.

Grandfather, Grandmother, Granddaughter : What to do? How to be?

We need to ask the Bug.

Leading : The bug came running.

That's what im said:

Bug : To grow a vegetable garden

We need to loosen up the earth.

Leading : The bug took a rake,

She began to loosen.

And weeded and loosened,

Only one garbage dug.

Bug : Oh, I can't do it on my own

I'll call the Cat.

Leading : Cat and Mouse came running.

They began to cleanse the earth.

Get jars, bottles.

And collect papers.

Cat with Mouse : How much garbage has accumulated!

Help, kids!

Leading : The guys came running to them,

They were so happy about them!

They all collected the trash together,

Everyone was waiting for the harvest.

Leading : How much time has passed,

Somehow the sun came up.

After all the friendly work.

Grandfathers grew up garden.

Harvested together

Grandfather : We need to treat our friends!

Leading : And the guys hurried

They brought the signs to the river.

"Do not litter!" ,

“To love nature! Protect her with care! "

Everything : So that we always have clean water everywhere!