Handmade wooden box with a hinged lid. How to make a wooden box with your own hands

The main advantage of a wooden flower box is the variability of solutions: you can do it yourself from the remnants of building materials, moreover, the dimensions and shape will be determined only by specific needs. Such compositions are extremely cheap, and with a skillful approach, they are in no way inferior to others. decorative elements landscape design.

The key advantage of the solution is the extremely low cost, and the possibility of creating a unique composition that fully matches the interior or landscape design. The special structure of wood helps to maintain an optimal microclimate for plants; with a skillful approach, you can use natural beauty and fibrous material.

All the shortcomings of such boxes are due to the susceptibility of wood to decay and biological damage. If you want to plant plants directly in a container, you need to take care of protecting the boards from contact with moisture and soil substrate. When used outdoors, wood is relatively short-lived, so it needs protective impregnations and paintwork.

What materials and tools will be needed for manufacturing?

To make a wooden flower box with your own hands, you need to prepare the following basic tools:

  • electric jigsaw or saw;
  • grinder;
  • forceps;
  • roulette with a square;
  • plane;
  • screwdriver;
  • a hammer.

The design of the future box is selected in accordance with the equipment present: if all manipulations are to be performed manually, it is better to give preference to the simplest form. The presence of power tools allows, in turn, to realize any design ideas.

As base materials you can use:

  • slats and boards with a thickness of at least 1 cm;
  • cutting OSB;
  • plywood sheets, including those having reuse.

Subsequent surface treatment will be carried out with the help of an antiseptic, a variety of paints and varnishes, stains. Nails, waterproof glue, self-tapping screws are suitable for connecting parts.

Manufacturing technology of a simple street model

In its most primitive form, the work is carried out in the following steps:

  1. Boards, the width of which varies between 15-20 cm, are cut into blanks. Three long pieces will be needed to complete the bottom and sides, the ends will be decorated with two short ones (here, allowances equal to the thickness should be left on three sides).
  2. The boards are planed with a planer, they can be sanded with coarse-grained sandpaper, the sections must be carefully processed.
  3. Thin holes are made along the edges of the blanks: in the side parts - 3 each, in the end parts - 4 each.
  4. With the help of screws, the sides and the bottom are first fixed, then the end blanks are attached.
  5. The assembled structure is polished with fine emery.

All surfaces must be thoroughly impregnated with an antiseptic, varnish, stain or enamel can be applied on the outside.

Used cargo pallets are often used as the base material, this is a very cheap raw material that is easy to process. Assembly instructions street box for flowers:

  • the pallet must be disassembled with a nail puller; tongs will be needed to remove the fasteners;
  • rotten and damaged boards are rejected;
  • an approximate sketch of the box is drawn up indicating the planned dimensions;
  • in accordance with the notes, wood is sawn, cleaned using sandpaper;
  • assembly begins with fixing the lower base and upper frame;
  • side faces are attached to two parts of the container with nails;
  • joints are masked by narrow decorative strips.

Here also the final stage is the application of protective and paint compositions.

If necessary, legs made of beams can be nailed to the container, with their help, full ventilation of the lower edge is ensured. Flowers can be placed inside in pots or planted directly in a container. In the second case, it is necessary to cover the box with foil and equip it with drainage holes.

Decoration options

Miniature wooden flower boxes are in great demand, in which vegetation is directly used as a decor: hanging stems and long leaves form a single composition in which greenery predominates.

Craftsmen decorate wood boxes with saw cuts (that is, with what remains after work), thin boards in the manner of a picket fence and figured thick trimmings of branches, peeled and varnished.

Those who have the skills of figured woodcarving will not find it difficult to make beautiful containers for flowers that imitate toolboxes, baskets, ships, and interior items in shape. There are no restrictions here - you can draw inspiration from the surrounding landscape design.

If you plan to use decorative boxes indoors, to create a single stylistic composition, you should pay attention to the possibilities of decoupage. Paints, brushes, glue and special napkins will help you easily transform any container, create a design element of the interior on its basis.

For those who do not like to overload the perception, we can recommend the monochrome design of the tree - for example, paint it in a bleached gray, lilac, blue or light green shade. Such pastel notes look juicy, but at the same time restrained.

Products can be floor and suspended. Wide use received variations mounted on high legs: they allow you to care for plants without squatting, which greatly simplifies all manipulations. For Assembly wall models special holders will be needed: when choosing them, it is necessary to take into account the potential weight of the structure filled with soil and flowers.

Boxes hung out the window are in fashion - they are fixed on outside window sill with the help of special strong loop-shaped fasteners. Figured products, polished or stained, look especially impressive.

Very often when I pass fruit markets after a trading day, I see many discarded crates made from beech slats. There are so many of them, and the tree is valuable and decorative, and I have a question: what is so interesting and useful that you can make from these slats with your own hands. And you can make, for example, such a box for linen, which, in addition to its functionality, is an interior decoration. Several drawers, as if casually placed on top of each other with beautiful little things inside, will create a unique style and comfort in your bedroom.

The box itself is assembled quite simply from wooden slats and bars:

The walls of the box are made like this: slats are nailed onto two bars. The edges are aligned so that not a single rail extends beyond the bar:

Thus, we knock together two platform walls. We connect them with planks:

We do not make the corner into the overlay, but leave a small gap and slightly round the ends so as not to hit the sharp corners:

Thin plywood will go to the bottom. We either nail it or glue it with PVA glue (you can do both).

When the box is ready, we drill holes for ventilation, since such boxes are stacked on top of each other:

To decorate our laundry box, you can use different variants impregnation and toning to your taste:

Handles can be made from ordinary rope, it is very decorative:

Here is another piece of handmade furniture that decorates your bedroom.

By the same principle, by the way, you can make boxes for toys in the children's room.

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Do-it-yourself plywood box is easy enough to make, if any essential tool. This craft can be very useful at home for different areas activities. The production procedure is very simple and the main design features will be presented below. Work brings not only benefits, but also relaxation, distraction from daily affairs.

Plywood box versatility

A variety of products are sold in hardware stores, they can be used to store vegetables, transport tools and other things. Of course, you can buy them, but it is much more pleasant to do the work yourself. The main thing is to initially decide on the type and design of such a container.

Plywood is often used as a material because it is aesthetic, strong and easy to process. A plywood structure can withstand the heaviest loads, and if you need to carry or store really heavy things, then you can use a plywood sheet that will have a large thickness. Products from such raw materials can be used in various fields.

Tools and materials you will need

If all the tools and materials are prepared, then even an inexperienced person will be able to make a plywood box with his own hands. To get started, you need to prepare the following tools:

  • Drill.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Jigsaw.
  • Furniture stapler.
  • Roulette.

Having prepared the tools, you still need to stock up on materials. The plywood sheet can be different thickness It all depends on the intended use of the product. It is worth noting that the bottom should be thicker than the walls and lid. Manufacturing materials include:

  • Plywood that will serve as the bottom and walls.
  • Wooden blocks (as decoration).
  • Nails.
  • Wood glue.
  • Wheels if the box will move.
  • Putty.

In addition to the material and tools, you will need to prepare a drawing of a plywood box as a whole and a diagram of each part separately. If you follow the dimensions according to the drawings, then the design will turn out correct form and suitable for every need.

Product types

Plywood box today can be made different forms, types and for different purposes.

The main types include:

  • Mailbox.
  • Product for collecting children's toys.
  • Design for sending fragile and valuable parcels.
  • Toolbox.
  • For storage and transportation of vegetables, fruits and other products.

In addition to the main types, you can make gift packaging from raw materials, as well as niches as a cabinet and other things.

Required thickness

The thickness of the material should be selected depending on the goals pursued. For example, to store children's toy it will be sufficient to use a material thickness of 4 to 6 mm. Similar parameters are suitable for food storage. If the product will stand on the street, then the thickness should be from 8 mm. For heavy things or for tools, it is also better to use thick material.

Plywood - perfect solution for storage and transportation of various things. Such products retain their naturalness, and are also not inferior massive boards. Plywood - safe material for human body, unlike plastic, which is used to make many products that are sold in stores.

Step by step ordinary box

Before you make a box out of plywood, you should decide on the requirements for it and the further purpose of use. For this:

  • A drawing is drawn on a sheet.
  • Measurements and calculations are carried out.
  • All dimensions are transferred to the prepared tree.
  • A pattern is made on the surface of the material.
  • Parts of the structure are cut with a jigsaw.
  • The edges of the parts need to be smoothed with sandpaper or file.
  • If the joints are grooved, then lines are drawn on the inner walls of the parts.
  • Further, the box is assembled into a single structure. To ensure reliability, all elements are glued with glue, and then knocked down with nails or fastened with self-tapping screws.
  • For carrying, handles are used that need to be fixed, or holes for hands are cut out.
  • Partitions can be installed inside by dividing the area into cells.

If you have experience with wood and tools, then the work will be done quickly and without much difficulty. If the product involves a lid, then you need to install strips inside the box and cut out the lid from the sheets, on which the handle is mounted. Additionally, hinges can be installed.

Step-by-step instructions for making a tool box

A plywood tool box can be made in a wide variety of shapes. Below is step by step creation an ordinary simple box, medium in size and with handles for easy carrying:

  • A drawing of the product is made, and the necessary raw materials are prepared.
  • The drawing of all elements is transferred to plywood sheets with a pencil and a ruler.
  • Elements are cut out of the sheets, they should turn out 5 pieces, since the cover is not supposed in this case.
  • The corners of the elements are cleaned with sandpaper, and then everything is connected. First, glue for wood must be applied to the elements and fastened with nails or self-tapping screws.
  • Next, the handles are attached to the product. They can be made from wooden blocks that are simply screwed on both sides.
  • If you need to store different little things or certain types tool, then walls are installed in the middle that will divide the internal area.

As you can see, making a simple do-it-yourself plywood box for a tool is quite simple. Of course, if it is structurally more functional, then the creation process will become a little more complicated.

Step by step instructions for making a mailbox

From sheets of plywood with a thickness of 4-5 mm, you can make a mailbox that will decorate any home. The job is easy and doesn't take much time. For a detailed consideration of the manufacture, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with step by step instructions creation shown below. This is how you can do mailbox from plywood with their own hands:

  • The basis of the product is made from wooden bars. The length of the rails should be 30 cm, and one rail should be 2 cm wide. In this case, plywood will be used for sheathing. It is recommended to use moisture resistant material. The product will require two sheets of each type: 30 x 25 cm for the front and back, 30 x 6 cm for the side and 25 x 6 cm for the top and bottom.
  • After cutting out all the parts, the wood needs to be processed protective equipment which will protect the material from moisture and insects.
  • Next, 4 bars are connected with self-tapping screws, which play the role of a frame.
  • Now cut a long hole in the plywood sheet that will be used for the top for letters and newspapers.
  • The side walls, bottom and top, as well as the back are screwed to the frame. The front wall will serve as a door with a lock for picking up correspondence. Therefore, small loops are attached to the frame. Next, the front part of the plywood is put on the hinges, and one loop for the lock is also installed on it. The second loop is mounted on the side of the plywood. Thus, it will be possible to install a padlock.
  • A small metal visor should be installed in the upper part to protect the mail. This will prevent sediment from entering the box.

This completes the process of creating a container for letters and newspapers, and it can be installed on a fence or in another place.

Finishing work

The finished plywood box must be able to finishing. You can cover it with varnish, and if there are gaps, then they are pre-sealed with putty. As a decor, you can glue the lining on the product. They can be cut with a jigsaw from plywood sheets, thanks to which general form will not be lost.

For better preservation of the material, it is imperative to treat the inner walls with varnish. If the box is part of the decor in the room, then outer sides can be dyed in a specific color with regular paint. If putty is used, then before applying varnish or paint, the surface must be sanded with sandpaper, and the product itself must be smooth to the touch, without roughness.


Making your own functional is easy, but if you own good tool and have at least basic skills in working with wood, then you can earn good money by creating various plywood products. All wooden structures, which are made by hand, are much more expensive than machine-made. They are in demand by many people, as they are exclusive and are performed in a single copy. Therefore, the usual passion and hobby can grow into a small business.

Hello everybody!

A toolbox today is a very indispensable thing for every owner. Most of us have a lot of different tools that we may not use very often, but nevertheless, we keep them, since not one repair can do without them. In order for the tool to be in one place, and it was convenient to transport it, we use special boxes. Often we just buy them in the nearest store, the range and variety allows us to do this. But why not make it yourself? The manufacturing process is not too complicated, anyone should be able to handle it, especially with a thing made do it yourself, much more pleasant to use than the purchased option. This article will describe 4 different ways production of boxes, a photo report is attached.

Let's start making!

Manufacturing Method No. 1

We will need:


- pine board;
- nails;
- wood glue.


- drill;
- a hammer;
- chisel;
- manual frezer;
- ruler;
- pencil;
- roulette.

First of all, you need to find necessary material, plywood or trimming boards are suitable for this. Further, according to the presented drawing, it is necessary to mark up, then cut out all the details of the case. It is necessary to make special grooves into which the partition will be placed, for this we use a manual milling cutter, or another available tool.

The diagram shows the following body parts:

1 - wall (2 pcs.);
2 - sidewall (2 pcs.);
3 - bottom;
4 - groove along the thickness of the partition and a depth of 1/2–1/3 of the thickness of the material

When everything is ready, all elements of the box body should be sanded. Next, we assemble the body together, fix the parts with wood glue, and then additionally fasten with small nails.

Now we make a partition for the box, cut out a special handle, for this we use a jigsaw.

When the partition is ready, grease the grooves with wood glue and install it in its place.

Next, from the planks we make overhead handles, with the help of a planer we round the corners. Then we make tool holders from the rails, use a jigsaw, and a drill. The holes will serve for screwdrivers, and pliers, etc. will be installed in square cutouts. tool.

So that the box does not get dirty, and there is protection from environment, varnish the surface. As a result of the work done, we get such a homemade box.

Manufacturing method No. 2



Plywood or OSB;
- wooden beam;
- self-tapping screws;
- wood glue.


Available cutting tool;
- screwdriver;
- ruler;
- pencil;
- roulette.

We take an existing sheet of plywood, make markings on it, and, according to the dimensions presented, cut out the lid (Fig. 1), then the longitudinal drawers (Fig. 2) and sidewalls (Fig. 3).

Next, we take a wooden beam with a section of 40x50 mm, cut out a handle, and 4 legs with bevels at the ends at an angle of 15 °.

Next, we assemble the structure together, using self-tapping screws as fixing elements.

Parts layout:

1 - cover;
2 - tsarga;
3 - handle;
4 - leg;
5 - sidewall.

When everything is ready, using sandpaper or grinder round sharp corners and clean the surface. Next, you can apply a protective coating.

The end result should be such an unusual tool box, which, if necessary, can be transformed into an ordinary stool, for this it is enough to turn it over and put it on legs, with it it will be convenient to reach the place we need, at a time when growth does not allow do it.

Manufacturing method no. 3.

Box for the young master.

Does your child love to craft? We offer to make a small box with him, where he will store his favorite tool.

To make a box with our own hands, we need the following


16 mm boards;
- round wooden beam;
- self-tapping screws;
- wood glue.


Available cutting tool;
- screwdriver;
- ruler;
- pencil;
- roulette;
- clamps.

First you need to take the existing boards with a cross section of 16 mm, then we make the markup, according to the dimensions provided, after which we cut the wood into the component parts we need.

The drawing shows the following details:

1 - sidewall;
2 - bottom;
3 - handle;
4 - handle stand;
5 - holder.

Using sandpaper, we grind the surface and remove sharp corners. When everything is ready, we begin to connect all the parts together, first you need to connect the bottom and sidewalls, then along the marked lines we put vertical racks and at the same time put the horizontal handle.

We fix everything with glue and screws. Then we install special holders for screwdrivers.

Now you can paint, choose the color and coating at your discretion.

The toolbox is ready.

Manufacturing Method No. 4

The next version of the tool box is well suited for carrying various and necessary equipment for us, it appearance will differ in solidity and reliability.

To make a box with our own hands, we need the following


The board is not thicker than 12 mm;
- self-tapping screws;
- joiner's glue;
- a pen;
- corners 8 pcs.;
- latch 2 pcs.;
- loop 2 pcs.


Available cutting tool;
- screwdriver;
- ruler;
- pencil;
- roulette;
- clamps.

For the manufacture of the box we use such wood as: pine, linden or poplar. Most optimum thickness boards will be 12 mm thick.

Next, we make the markup, according to the indicated dimensions in the drawings, after which we cut it into its component parts, as shown in the photo.

Full list of required parts.

In order to make sure that the wood was cut correctly, you need to put all the parts in a single box.

First we collect lower part and the lid of the box, for convenience we use clamps and corner clamps. We fix the parts together with carpentry glue.

Then, using a drill, we drill a hole for the self-tapping screws, we drill the holes.