Homemade children's educational toys. Tractor from a reel on a rubber motor (toy) How to make a toy tree tractor

Rainy day at the cottage. All the toys are tired. I want something new. “Mom, make me a tractor,” the son asked. Only scissors and a box were at hand ...

How to quickly and easily make a tractor for a small child. We take a box of about 250 * 180 * 90mm. Draw a line dividing the box in half. The right side will be the cabin, the left side will be the hood.

From the middle of the upper long end "1" of the box, we make cuts along the 3rd ribs ("a", "b" and "c"). We bend a part of the butt along the “y” line and lower it down - this will be the frontal window “2”. We make a rectangular hole in it and close it with thin transparent plastic, securing it with adhesive tape - this will be glass (“3”).

Now on the front end "4" from the middle we make cuts along the side ribs "g" and "d" and bend this part of the "x" line. We are left with 2 side walls, which we bend, and by gluing them together, we form the hood "6". Having made 2 slots (“e” and “g”), we bend up the part “7” and get the hood cover.

Let's go to the cab. On the side "8" we will cut through the opening door "9" and the window "10". Now we will make headlights from the packaging of large vitamin tablets. We decorate the tractor with colored paper, and cut out and paste the wheels from black paper. From above we will attach a “flashing light”, for example, from a detail of a large mosaic.

If you make a hole in the back wall of the tractor and thread a rope, then you can also tie a trailer out of the box without a lid and transport “loads”. And if you tie a rope in front, then the tractor can be towed to the nearest gas station.

    It seems to me that, first of all, everything depends on what materials are available, what experience with wood and, of course, time, how much it can be spent on making wooden crafts.

    As a basis, you can take a rectangular board to it, fasten the wheels (large rear) with self-tapping screws, fasten the front small ones to a separate axle, and the axle with one self-tapping screw to the bottom, so I can turn the wheels. Further on, the hood is already the base and half as long. Cab racks on them roof, a rectangular driver's seat can be inserted into the cab. In front of the body there is a wire hook so that the tractor can be carried by the rope. Here is one of these tractors (with photos from all sides).

    If you like crafting from wood, then be sure to try to make such crafts as a tractor with your own hands. In my opinion, this is not the easiest craft and requires time, endurance, attention. You also need a special machine to create wood products, although with a strong desire you can do it without a machine.

    The most complex and beautiful crafts are obtained with a lot of details and spinning wheels. You can also cut a simpler tractor with your own hands.

    Tractors are very different. There are more specialized equipment, like plowing tractors or excavators, etc. It all depends on the specific model.

    I give some of the examples, perhaps one of the tractors will be of interest:

    A more technically difficult option:

    In the end, the product must be varnished, painted:

    Sun depends on:

    • abilities
    • your actual skills (experience)
    • availability of tools and equipment
    • wishes! do
    • from your specific goal - what exactly (I mean what quality of performance, so to speak) you want to do

    If there are practically no skills, experience, and desire, as well as tools. You can get a minimum of ready-made woodworkers somewhere, for example, at a sawmill. It will be a long rectangle (the base of the tractor), a cube (cabin), two rounds (wheels), a stick or 2 sticks (a pipe in front of the "nose" or behind the cab, both are possible).

    If you have at least minimal ability (skills) to work with wood and a minimal tool. You can take the same basic primitives (wooden blocks, mugs) and, based on the photos of the tractor, cut them, thereby giving a shape more similar to the tractor.

    If you want to carve a really beautiful tractor, you must have the ability (and preferably experience) for woodcarving. And the presence of appropriate cutters.

Today we will return to those times when the lack of toys in stores forced the imagination of children to work 300%!

Your attention is presented to a home-made toy - a tractor from a spool of thread.

To make a classic tractor, you needed a spool of thread, a piece of candle (used as a plain bearing), an elastic band from curlers or a piece of a bicycle tube (in today's realities, you can replace it with 5-6 pieces of elastic bands from money folded in half) and paste from a ballpoint pen.

In the photo above, you can see a classic homemade tractor made by yourself. It was with such self-propelled toys that we had fun in the 90s. It was much cooler back then than a bunch of teddy bears these days. We raced makeshift toy tractors across the rough terrain of the sandbox (that's what the big lugs were for, usually carved with kitchen knives). Competed for the speed of overcoming the track - so the gum should be quite "powerful". In the course of travel, home-made toy tractors overcame various obstacles - climbs and ditches dug in the sand, rocky terrain made of small pebbles, and so on.

Competitions could go on all day long! The rubber bands from the curlers do not hold the twist well and could easily break with excessive speed. Or start to "slip in place."

If you want to make a homemade tractor toy with your own hands, then look at the video below. There, a teenager tries to recreate the technology of an ancient toy.

As you can see, it turns out very poorly for him. Firstly, the rubber band is too weak. As we have already said - in a home-made toy tractor from a spool of thread, it is necessary to use not one, but immediately a tourniquet of rubber bands - this will increase the specific power of the rubber motor.

Secondly, the tractor uses a pencil instead of light pen paste. It is much heavier and therefore the toy tractor travels at a very slow speed.

Do the same, but use pen paste and 6 rubber bands folded in half, your tractor will just take off with a slip! If the start is made on the sand, then you will be able to observe emissions from under the wheels!

Have fun playing with a homemade toy!

Noflick comments:

Instead of a candle, you can now use a pair of PTFE washers!
It is very slippery, especially with each other and is not consumed, unlike a candle!

Today we will return to those times when the lack of toys in stores forced the imagination of children to work 300%!

Your attention is presented to a home-made toy - a tractor from a spool of thread.

To make a classic tractor, you needed a spool of thread, a piece of candle (used as a plain bearing), an elastic band from curlers or a piece of a bicycle tube (in today's realities, you can replace it with 5-6 pieces of elastic bands from money folded in half) and paste from a ballpoint pen.

In the photo above, you can see a classic homemade tractor made by yourself. It was with such self-propelled toys that we had fun in the 90s. It was much cooler back then than a bunch of teddy bears these days. We raced makeshift toy tractors across the rough terrain of the sandbox (that's what the big lugs were for, usually carved with kitchen knives). Competed for the speed of overcoming the track - so the gum should be quite "powerful". In the course of travel, home-made toy tractors overcame various obstacles - climbs and ditches dug in the sand, rocky terrain made of small pebbles, and so on.

Competitions could go on all day long! The rubber bands from the curlers do not hold the twist well and could easily break with excessive speed. Or start to "slip in place."

If you want to make a homemade tractor toy with your own hands, then look at the video below. There, a teenager tries to recreate the technology of an ancient toy.

As you can see, it turns out very poorly for him. Firstly, the rubber band is too weak. As we have already said - in a home-made toy tractor from a spool of thread, it is necessary to use not one, but immediately a tourniquet of rubber bands - this will increase the specific power of the rubber motor.

Secondly, the tractor uses a pencil instead of light pen paste. It is much heavier and therefore the toy tractor travels at a very slow speed.

Do the same, but use pen paste and 6 rubber bands folded in half, your tractor will just take off with a slip! If the start is made on the sand, then you will be able to observe emissions from under the wheels!

Have fun playing with a homemade toy!

Noflick comments:

Instead of a candle, you can now use a pair of PTFE washers!
It is very slippery, especially with each other and is not consumed, unlike a candle!

What can you do in the winter with a child on the street.

Ideas for inspiration:

Ride on sleds, ice skates, snow scooters, etc.
- sculpt fortresses, snowballs, Easter cakes, snowmen and various other figures from snow;
- wallow in the snow (but not for long and in warm clothes);
- make footprints, hands, the whole body, you can make "angels": lie on your back and wave your arms;
- draw on the snow with a stick, with your feet, draw large letters or figures in a large clearing;
- throw snow off the branches and stand under the "snowfall";
- throw snow with a shovel, rejoicing in snowfall or fireworks;
- make paths or labyrinths with your feet or with a spatula;
- look for traces of different birds and animals;
- climb up hills
- kick the ice on the path;
- play with snowballs: who will hit the target (for example, in a tree trunk), who will throw further, etc.;
- drill holes in snowdrifts with a stick or handle, dig deep holes and wells;
- you can take bottles with paint diluted in water and paint the snowdrifts in different colors, or draw patterns;
- “plant” trees: “plant” all branches that have fallen from a tree into a snowdrift;
- you can build houses for different characters, for example, for a mouse, a bear, a bunny, from snow, ice, snowballs, adding branches, bunches of dry grass;
- feed the birds;
- footprints of a snowman. From cardboard and rope, you can make paws of a snowman, then tie them to winter shoes and leave to leave traces of a snowman;
- winter picnic. Going for a walk in the winter forest, do not forget to take a thermos with hot tea and cookies. Be sure to arrange a picnic in the fresh air on a fine winter day. To do this, fashion a table out of snow and drink hot tea with cookies behind it;
- carry snow in a truck, clean the paths from snow with a toy tractor with a bucket;
- skis and skates. If the baby has grown to skis and skates, then you can have a wonderful time;
- make colored ice figurines and play with them, build something, figurines made using sorter molds are especially good for this;
- bubble. When they freeze, they become very beautiful) A soap bubble freezes at a temperature of about -7 0C. In order to freeze a soap miracle, it is enough to put a snowflake on it, and right before your eyes the bubble will turn into an ice. For this purpose, you can also carefully lower the bubble on the snow;
- make a magic snow lantern. In the evening, you can make a lantern out of snow, snowballs and put a candle inside, it's very beautiful!
- look at snowflakes with a magnifying glass;
- draw with snow on the walls of houses, fences, tree trunks.

Tags: How to make a toy tractor out of wood

How to make a tractor out of mattors

Tales for boys - about cars and other equipment) | Topic author:


In one city there lived a machine. And her name was BBC.
She lived in a big garage under a big house.
Every day she took her uncle to work, and on weekends they went on vacation together.
But the BBC really wanted to take a walk in the woods. And so, one evening, after parking in the garage after a working day, my uncle said: “Tomorrow I don’t want to go anywhere, and you are completely free. You can go wherever you want." The BBC was very happy.
The next morning, the machine woke up very early. The sun was just peeping over the horizon, and the BBC happily rode towards adventure. First, she drove through the streets of the city, past large houses, beautiful shop windows, past parks and squares. And then I left the city, on a wide highway.
The BBC was driving and singing her favorite song.
We're going, we're going, we're going
To distant lands
Cheerful neighbors
Happy friends……
The car drove farther and farther from the city. Here she drove past a large field on which the combine was working. Then past a village with small wooden houses and loudly barking dogs, and finally reached the forest….
The trees were tall, tall, and the grass next to them seemed so small, small .... And from the forest came the voices of birds ...
BBC saw the turn and turned into the woods.
How cool it was in the forest! The sun had already risen high, but it was not hot at all in the forest, the leaves of the trees cast a shadow and sheltered the car from the rays of the sun. Birds sang their songs around and the BBC quietly sang along with them ...
The car drove quite a bit and saw a lot of small red mushrooms near the stump. Chanterelles, she remembered, and began to collect them. Then she saw russula, and a little further under a birch she found a boletus, and a little further on, mushrooms grew in a clearing. And then the BBC found more aspen mushrooms, mossiness mushrooms and even a large porcini mushroom. When there were already a lot of mushrooms in the trunk, the machine decided to rest. She ate the blueberries straight from the bush and went back.
The BBC drove and drove, but she couldn't find her way home. She drove so deep into the forest that she got lost. The machine beeped once, then again and again, but no one heard it.
"What to do? ' thought BBC. "Already evening. It's getting dark soon. Apparently we will have to spend the night in the forest ... "

TRYAM! (Giana)  PART 2

The car found a small clearing nearby, saw a good place on it under the Christmas tree and began to get comfortable.
But then it seemed to her that someone was crying. BBC listened ... yes, for sure, somewhere nearby someone was crying. BBC went to look and in a nearby clearing she saw a girl who was sitting on a stump and crying.
"Hello," the machine greeted. - "What's happened? Why are you crying? »
“I was picking mushrooms and got lost…” the girl answered and started crying again.
"And I'm lost too," said the BBC. "What is your name? »
“My name is Masha,” the girl answered
“And I’m BBC .... Oh, it seems it’s starting to rain ... Let’s go to a neighboring clearing, there is a wonderful place under the Christmas tree. There we can hide from the rain and sleep, and in the morning we will definitely find our way home! »
Masha got into the car, and together they hid under the Christmas tree. Raindrops rustled on the leaves of the trees, but under the tree it was almost dry. Masha and BBC were so tired during the day that they fell asleep very quickly under the lulling sound of rain.
The next morning, they were awakened by the sound of an engine nearby.
“Hurry, hurry,” the BBC hurried. “It looks like a tractor is working somewhere nearby. He will show us the way to the highway.”
Friends went to the sound ... And sure enough, an old tractor was working very close.
"Hello," the friends greeted.
"Hello" - answered the surprised tractor
“You see, we got lost yesterday….,” the BBC began her story, “could you show us the way home? »
“Of course I will help you! First you will need to drive through this clearing. Then you will see a large oak tree, you will have to turn right near it, and then .... then always go straight and go straight to the highway .. ”the old tractor told them.
"Hooray! - Masha shouted delightedly.
"Thanks! Goodbye! ”- answered the BBC and she and Masha drove towards the house.
" Good luck! ”The old tractor shouted after them.
The car and the girl very quickly reached the highway.
BBC took Masha to her grandparents, and she also went home!
Just like yesterday, the sun was shining, snow-white clouds floated across the blue sky. The car was driving along the road and smiling .... She remembered the forest, the clearing, mushrooms, Masha, the night rain, the old tractor, and she felt very, very happy - after all, how great it is to have a day off!


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